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Name of the College : EGS PILLAY ENGINEERING COLLEGE Name of the Department : COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Name of the faculty member : K. BALASUBRAMANIAN Present Designation : ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Residential Address : 34, NEELA WEST STREET, NAGAPATTINAM Contact Nos. : Landline : Mobile: 9942666526 Email :[email protected] Gender : Male Community : BC PAN Number : AWPPB9243H Passport Number: Date of Birth : 02/11/1983
Particulars of Educational Qualification: (only completed)
% of Marks / Name of Year of Name of the Name of the Class Category Specialization Grades the Degree Passing College University obtained obtained EGS Pillay Anna Engineering Anna UG B.Tech.,(IT) University 2005 66 I College, University Chennai Nagapattinam Jayaram Anna Anna College of university of University PG M.E.,(CSE) 2010 Engineering 7.625(CGPA) I Technology, of and Trichy Technology Technology
Academic Experience
Sl.No. Position & Organization Nature of Job Period Experience 1 Lecturer Teaching 04/08/2005 To 1 Valivalam Desikar 30/07/2007 Polytechnic College
2 Assistant Professor Teaching 31/07/2006 To 9.10 EGS Pilay Engineering Till Date College List of Publications :
National Publication:
1. Balasubramanian, K “Detecting and isolating malicious pocket loss” National Conference on information and communication technology at Periyar Maniammai university- Tanjore on March 2nd -2013.
2. K.Balasubramanian,“Snavi: Smart Navigation System Based On Traffic Intelligence” International Journal of Advanced Research in Management , Architecture, Technology and Engineering (IJARMATE), Vol 2, Spl.Issue 2, March 2016, ISSN:2454-9762.
3. Balasubramanian. K, “QR Code Detection and Recognition using Total Variations and LDA approach”, International Conference on Innovation in Computing and Communication Technology, March 15,2016 at Kondunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy
International Publications:
1. Balasubramanian, K.,” Weakness recognition in network using ACO and mobile agents”, Published in IEEE International Conference on Advances in Engineering, Science and Management(ICAESM), Year: 30-31 March 2012 , Page(s): 459 – 462 ISBN: 978-1-4673-0213-5
2. Balasubramanian, K.,” Data hiding in audio signal, video signal text and JPEG images” Published in IEEE International Conference on Advances in Engineering, Science and Management(ICAESM), Year: 30-31 March 2012 , Page(s): 741 – 746 ISBN: 978-1-4673-0213-5
3. Balasubramanian. K. “An Efficient group key management system in wireless ADHOC Network”, International Journal of Enhanced research in Science, Technology and Engineering (IJERSTE), Vol.3 Issue: 5, May 2014, PP: (176- 180),ISSN 2319-7463.
4. K. Balasubramanian, “Fast Algorithm based Feature Subset Selection in High Dimensional Data”, International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology(IJISET), Vol.1 Issue 6, Aug 2014, ISSN 2348 - 7968
5. Balasubramanian. K. “Image retrieval from video using color based image retrieval algorithm ”, International Journal for scientific research and development (IJSRD) , Vol.3 Issue: 2, April 2015, ISSN 2321-0613. 6. Balasubramanian, K “Improving source location privacy and network life in energy efficient manner” International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT),Vol 3, Issue 12, 18 March, 2015, ISSN: 2278-0181 pages 299-302
7. Balasubramanian, K “Biometric based secure authentication system for fingerprint by using Delaunay Triangulation” International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Engineering(IJMSE), March, 2016, ISSN: 2278- 1447 pages 95-100
8. K.Balasubramanian,“Snavi: Smart Navigation System Based On Traffic Intelligence” International Journal of Advanced Research in Management , Architecture, Technology and Engineering (IJARMATE), Vol 2, Spl.Issue 2, March 2016, ISSN:2454-9762.
9. K. Balasubramanian, “Synchronized Air Pollution Monitoring System using Wireless Sensor Devices”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJIRCCE), Vol.4, Issue 3, March 2016, ISSN: 2320- 9798
10. K.Balasubramanian, “Automatic VM Analytics Using Hybrid SPRNT Approach in Real Time Cloud Environment”, ELIXIR International Publication Journal”, ISSN: 2279-712X, Pages 40322-40325
International Conference
1. Balasubramanian, K “Dynamic Resource Allocation using Gossip Protocol for capacious Cloud Environments”, IEEE International Conference on Research and Development Prospects on Engineering and Technology 2013.
2. Balasubramanian, K, “An efficient key management scheme for fast & Secure transmission in MANET”, International Conference on Advances in engineering & Technology, 28 Mar 2014 at NPR college of engineering & Technology, Natham. 3. Balasubramanian, K, “Four Dimensional Security Systems” , IEEE International Conference on advances in engineering and Technology(ICAET) at E. G. S. Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam,May 2014
4. Balasubramanian, K, “An enhanced secure group key management system in wireless Ad hoc network”, IEEE International Conference on advances in engineering and Technology 2014.
5. Balasubramanian, K, “Uplink soft frequency rescue in cognitive radio for enhancing data transmission” International Conference on Research & development in Information & Communication Technology – 2015 associated with ICTACT at E. G. S. Pillay Engineering College - Nagapattinam on May 8, 9-2015.
6. Balasubramanian, K, “obtaining image using retrieval algorithm” International Conference on Research & development in Information & Communication Technology – 2015 associated with ICTACT at E. G. S. Pillay Engineering College - Nagapattinam on May 8, 9-2015.
7. Balasubramanian, K, “Improving source privacy & network lifetime in energy efficient manner ” International Conference on Research & development in Information & Communication Technology – 2015 associated with ICTACT at E. G. S. Pillay Engineering College - Nagapattinam on May 8, 9-2015.
8. Balasubramanian, K, “Image retrieval from video using color based image retrieval algorithm ” International Conference on Research & development in Information & Communication Technology – 2015 associated with ICTACT at E. G. S. Pillay Engineering College - Nagapattinam on May 8, 9-2015.
9. Balasubramanian, K, “Fake WIFI Access Point Detector for Android Smart Phones ” International Conference on Research & development in Information & Communication Technology – 2015 associated with ICTACT at E. G. S. Pillay Engineering College - Nagapattinam on May 8, 9-2015.
FDTP/Workshops /Seminar Attended
1. AICTE Sponsored “Induction Training Programme for Engineering College Teachers” Conducted by National Institute of Technical Training & Research from 5th to 17th February 2007
2. Attended one day Faculty Development Programme on “Cloud Computing & It’s Applications” at E. G. S. Pillay Engineering College - Nagapattinam on Apr 9th,2012. 3. Attended ISTE Sponsored Short term training programme on “Applications of Datamining in software fault prediction” from 6th to 11th May 2013 at Jayaram College of Engineering &Technology. 4. Attended One Week Anna University sponsored Faculty Development Training Programme on “Data ware House and Data Mining” at E. G. S. Pillay Engineering College - Nagapattinam on 2nd to 8th Dec 2013. 5. Attended three days Faculty Development Programme on “Fortification of Communicative Proficicency” at E. G. S. Pillay Engineering College - Nagapattinam from 12th to 14th May 2014. 6. Attended One Week Anna University sponsored Faculty Development Training Programme on “Mobile & Pervasive computing” at E. G. S. Pillay Engineering College - Nagapattinam from 11.05.2015 to 17.05.2015. 7. Attended One week Faculty Development and Training Programme on “Compiler Design” at EGS Pillay Engineering College from 30/11/2015 to 06/12/2015 II. Workshop
1. Attended two days Workshop on “Advanced .Net Technologies” at Bharathiyar College of Engineering & Technology- Karaikal on Mar 16th & 17th,2012. 2. Attended four days Workshop on “Open Source- Cloud Applicaitons” at AVC College of Engineering from jul 22nd to 25th,2012. 3. Attended one day Workshop on”Research issues in Wireless Networks- RESI-1 at Annamalai University Chidambaram on 21st Sep 2013. 4. Attended Two day workshop on “Advanced Technologies in Java using Eclipse” held from 26th to 27th July 2014 at EGS Pillay Engineering College, Nagpattinam. 5. Attended two days Workshop on “Advanced Java Concepts” at A. V. C College of Engineering - Mayiladuthurai on 12th & 13th Dec 2014. 6. Attended one day workshop on “RUSA sponsored one day workshop on accreditation, standards and management in higher education” at PKIET, Karaikal on October 17, 2015 7. Attended one day Technical workshop on “Application Development using .NET with SQL ” at Bharathiyar College of Engineering and Technology, Karaikal on 5th Feb,2016.
Resource Person:
1. Acted as resource person and delivered a Lecture on Cloud Infrastructure and Services from 8/6/2015 to 9/6/2015 held at EGS Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam.
List of Workshop/seminar Organized:
1. One day Seminar on “Mobile and Pervasive Computing ” at E. G. S. Pillay Engineering College - Nagapattinam on 2nd Aug 2014. Non Academic/ Extra Curricular Activities: 1. NBA Department Coordinator 2. Students Counselor
3. Class Coordinator
4. Alumni Convenor
Achievements/Awards: S.No Subject Result Percentage Month/Year 1 Component Based Technology 100% May 2007 2 Computer Networks 93% Dec 2010 3 Network Protocols(A) 94% Apr 2011 4 Network Protocols(B) 95% Apr 2011 5 Network Protocols 94% Apr 2012 6 Network Protocols 97% Apr 2013 5 Data Base Management System 90% Jan 2015
Member in Professional Society:
Life Member in ISTE – Membership No: LM78595
Extra Curricular Activities:
Involved in various management level work.