Focus Area 5A4 Australia in Its Regional and Global Contexts Geography Stage 5

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Focus Area 5A4 Australia in Its Regional and Global Contexts Geography Stage 5

Focus Area 5A4 Australia in its Regional and Global Contexts Geography Stage 5

Focus Rationale  Australia in its Regional and Global contexts and the roles of This unit of work is differentiated by challenge level, complexity and outcome individuals and groups in planning for a better future Italics indicates ‘below’ level Inquiry Question Highlighted indicates ‘on’ level  “Are we doing a good job?” Underlined indicates ‘qbove’ level Suggested time allocation  6 weeks (15% of course time) See A-E chart for differentiation as indicated by the BOS Performance Bands This unit includes ICT skills, Literacy and numeracy skills and the possibility of cross-curricula integration with E10-3 Working for Justice and Caring About our World (Religious Education To Know, Worship and Love Year 10) Targeted Outcomes: Geographical tools used in this focus area: A student  Political maps, thematic maps, flow maps 5.2 organises, analyses and synthesises geographical information  Describe and explain relationships on a map 5.3 selects and uses appropriate written, oral and graphic forms to  Measure distances using a scale communicate geographical information  Locate features on a map using latitude and longitude 5.7 analyses the impacts of different perspectives on geographical  Determine direction using compass points and bearings issues at local, national and global scales  Construct and interpret bar, column, line and proportional graphs 5.9 explains Australia’s links with other countries and its role in the  Recognise and account for change using statistical data global Community  Collect and use digital images 5.10 applies geographical knowledge, understanding and skills with Fieldwork knowledge of civics to demonstrate informed and active  Develop a research action plan citizenship  Design and conduct interviews

Sense of Sacred Numeracy Focus/Literacy Focus Skills  Justice – social equity between developed and  Interpretation of  Organisational skills (Focus question) developing countries. Provision of Aid statistical data  Research skills  Aboriginal/non Aboriginal identity, Issues of  reconciliation, globalization, use and sharing of Migrant numbers and - Identify Aim resources. change over time - Design Focus Questions  Truth – the encouragement of research skills that  AusAID budgets - Collect data – primary and secondary look at a variety of perspectives and aim at  - Process and analyse data personal decision making and personal Comparing Australian development Aid/ migration data with - Present data – written and oral  A commitment to community – Australian identity, the situation in other - Strategies and recommendations changing communities, active citizenship at the countries personal and local levels, rights and responsibilities of individuals and groups as  Bar graphs, proportional This skills format is revision and consolidation of the steps followed to complete the detailed in the civics and citizenship strand of the graphs Research Action Plan course. Research Action Plan on a current issue relating to Aid/Migration  Scale, direction, bearings  Compassion – multicultural population, refugees,  Latitude and longitude Aid programs to our Asia-Pacific neighbours. Intragenerational equity within Australia and with neighbours.  Responsibility – Global citizenship ICT integrated into this unit Mandatory assessment task Key terms and concepts relevant to this unit:  Develop and refine search techniques Scenario: Asia-Pacific region Geopolitics using the internet Developed and developing countries Human Development Index (HDI) The United Nations is organising  Access, collect and interpret electronic Human Rights Globalisation information a Global Links Conference (GLC). Gross National Income (GNI) per capita UN Declaration of Human Rights  Create a formatted, multi-paged report You have been selected to attend UN Millennium Development Goals Social Justice and Equity as an Australian participant as Non-Government Organisation (NGO) Treaty either a representative of the Convention Life expectancy Australian Government or a Non- Global citizenship Sustainability International/Foreign Aid International Migration Government Organisation. The conference will require Bilateral Aid Immigrants Immigration participants to present a report Multilateral aid Emigrants Emigration and evaluate their country’s Tied aid Skilled migrants Untied aid Family Stream performance in relation to either Humanitarian Aid Asylum seekers Aid or Migration. Emergency Aid Refugees Technical assistance Assimilation The theme of the Conference is AusAID Integration ‘Are we doing a good job?’ Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Multiculturalism (DFAT) Cultural diversity Microcredit Detention Centre United Nations Development Program People Smugglers (UNDP) Visas Temporary Protection Visa Infrastructure Deportation Net migration Intergovernmental Agencies / Multilateral Diaspora Ageing Population Organisations Population debate Baby Boomers Governance Trans-Tasman migration Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) Ecological footprint Reconciliation

General performance descriptors source: Board of Studies Criteria Descriptors – to be used in conjunction with marking The general performance descriptors describe performance at each of rubric five grade levels:

Above level performance A The student has an extensive knowledge and understanding of the Report is effectively organised and communicates extensive knowledge and content and can readily apply this knowledge. In addition, the student has understanding achieved a very high level of competence in the processes and skills The presentation to the UN Conference will allow students to apply their knowledge and can apply these skills to new situations. and skills in a new situation On level performance B The student has a thorough knowledge and understanding of the Report is effectively organised and communicates thorough knowledge and content and a high level of competence in the processes and skills. In understanding and high level of competence in the processes and skills addition, the student is able to apply this knowledge and these skills to

most situations. Report is organised and communicates sound knowledge and understanding and an C The student has a sound knowledge and understanding of the main adequate level of competence in the processes and skills areas of content and has achieved an adequate level of competence in the processes and skills. A basic report communicates some knowledge and understanding and a limited D The student has a basic knowledge and understanding of the content level of competence in the processes and skills and has achieved a limited level of competence in the processes and skills. Below level performance E The student has an elementary knowledge and understanding in few The report indicate elementary knowledge and understanding and limited areas of the content and has achieved very limited competence in some competency in processes and skills of the processes and skills.

Outcome Students Students learn Integrated teaching, learning and Evidence of learning/feedback Evalua Completion date learn to assessment tion about 5.2 The Place Locate Australia Pre-test- Map of Asia Pacific to identify Map completed and checked Organises, analyses of in the Asia- countries, latitude longitude. Revise and synthesises Australia Pacific region concepts of hemispheres, developed geographical in the and the World and developing countries, Completed chart with analysis of data information World archipelagos, distance and direction. Australia’s Compare Introduce the concept of a Region location in Australia’s size relation to and population its near with Collect data (CIA World Factbook) to neighbours neighbouring compare Australia’s population, and their countries growth rates, age structure and spatial territorial distribution (rate of urbanisation), GNI boundaries with Indonesia, NZ and PNG Australia’s population Above level : Remembers the names and locations of many Asia Pacific countries. Classifies countries according to development. Able to identify population trends On level: Able to locate countries with the aid of an atlas. Neeeded assistance with mapwork skills and understanding of concepts such as GNI, region. Below level: Knowing the location of some countries with which Australia has links. Able to complete a chart with basic information about Australia’s neighbours 5.9 Australia’s Identify and Map exercise incorporating distance, Improvement from pre-test Explains Australia’s Regional locate nations direction, bearings links with other and Global with which countries and its role links Australia has Discussion and brainstorming on the Depth of completion of graphic in the global The ways regional and meaning of Regional and Global links organiser community Australia global links and Complete a graphic organiser Lotus interacts describe the Diagram summary of links. Use Improved relevant vocabulary with other nature of the knowledge, discussion and text book nations link Ability to apply skills to a different including Matching exercise to identify the range cartoon aid , of links. Working in pairs migration, communic Focus on Aid and Migration – introduce ation glossary. Matching exercise tourism, culture, Cartoon analysis – Teach components trade, of a cartoon and how to analyse visual defence information (context, captions, and sport caricature, symbolism, metaphor, irony, exaggeration) Above level: Able to show depth of knowledge and sound research skills to summarise Australia’s regional and global links on the graphic organiser. Familiar with glossary words and can use the metalanguage. Cartoon analysis require high order thinking skills On level:Able to identify and explain some links. Increase in understanding of relevant geographical terms. May only interpret the cartoon literally Below level: Can describe some of Australia’s global and Asia-Pacific links. Has a limited knowledge of relevant geographical terminology 5.2 In-depth Scenario: Organises, analyses study of The United Nations is organising a and synthesises ONE geographical regional Global Links Conference (GLC). You information and global have been selected to attend as an 5.3 link Australian participant as either a Selects and uses selected representative of the Australian appropriate written, from aid or Government or a Non-Government oral and graphic forms migration Organisation. You may either attend to communicate This study the workshop on international aid or geographical includes information Future international migration. 5.7 challenges Analyses the impacts for of different Australia The theme of the Conference is ‘Are perspectives on in Human Develop focus you doing a good job?’ You will discuss, geographical issues at Rights and questions to plan their research evaluate and submit a report on local, national and reconciliati Describe the link and Australia’s position on ONE of these global scales on and identify countries involved links. 5.9 Population Explain the roles and Explains Australia’s (if actions of different links with other migration levels of government Step 1 in relation to the link countries and its role is selected) Discuss the importance The aims of the conference are in the global of relevant non- to report, explain and evaluate community The nature government organisations in your country’s current position 5.10 of the link relation to the link Applies geographical Identify, describe the in relation to the international purpose and outline link knowledge, The roles the importance of a understanding and of treaty and/or to monitor Australia’s skills with knowledge governmen agreement relevant to compliance to international the link of civics to t and non- Analyse the agreements/treaties demonstrate governmen advantages and suggest strategies that can be informed and active t disadvantages of the link adopted to improve the citizenship organisatio Recognise implications ns in for social justice and situation in the future equity in relation to relation to the link the link Suggest strategies Step 2 Australia can adopt to address the challenges Generate at least 4 focus questions Treaties better in the future and/or agreement Step 3 s relevant Data needs to be collected to answer to the link the focus questions. Primary data (suggested) – Cultural, economic Interview with a refugee or and geopolitica migrant l advantages Interview with an individual and disadvanta ges connected with a NGO [this could be done on a personal or Social technological basis i.e., telephone or Justice and email] equity Secondary data – books, internet, issues in newspaper articles, DVD Australia and other countries Step 4 Process and analyse the data collected and present as report. Step 5 Recommendations for the future - evaluate your country’s current position in relation to the international link - monitor your country’s compliance or international agreements/treaties - suggest strategies that can be adopted to improve the situation in the future Step 6 Informed and Active Citizenship – Participate in the UN Conference Above level: This assessment task requires deep knowledge leading to a synthesis of data and creation of recommendations. Students are required to plan their own focus questions and develop strategies for the future( problem-solving) Students should be showing responsibility for their learning and independent research skills. Students will be able to evaluate Australia’s policies and performance against treaties, international agreements and make comparisons to practices in other countries.(Step 5) By participating in the UN Conference students will apply their deep knowledge and understanding to a new situation. On level: Students may need assistance with developing 4-6 Focus Questions. Steps 1-4 should be attempted Below level 1-4 Focus questions completed at a basis level. Steps 1-3 attempted

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