Mr. Trzepinska Holocaust and Genocide

Ghettos Quiz Review Sheet

Origins of the Ghettos - Know where the first Jewish Ghetto in history was located - Explain why some Jews welcomed the creation of the Ghettos by the Nazis - Explain how the Nazi ghettos were different from the first ghetto - What was the Judenrat? - What did the Nazis tell the Jews who were being sent to the concentration camps? - What was the first group of people sent out of the Ghettos? Why did this raise suspicion among the Jews? - How many calories were the Jews given daily in the ghettos?

Warsaw Ghetto - Who was the leader of the Warsaw Ghetto? What happened to him? - Who was Janusz Korczak? What was his role in the ghetto? What happened to him? - What was the ZOB? Who was the leader? What was the philosophy of the ZOB? - What was the population and death rate of the Warsaw Ghetto? - Explain the events of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. How did the fighting progress? What were the results? - Who was Jurgen Stroop? - Which death camp were the Jews from Warsaw transported to?

Lodz Ghetto - Who was the leader of the Lodz Ghetto? What was his plan to keep the Jews alive? - How was the Lodz Ghetto different from the Warsaw Ghetto? - What opportunities were available to Jews in the Lodz Ghetto? - Which death camp were the Jews from Lodz transported to?

Theresienstadt Ghetto - Where was this ghetto located? - What was the massive lie told about the Theresienstadt Ghetto? - How did the Nazi make sure that lie was never disproven? - How did this ghetto differ from the other ghettos? - Explain how this ghetto became a cradle of Jewish Culture.

Short Answer

1. Do you believe that Mordechai Rumkowski was a good guy or a bad guy? Explain 3 reasons to justify your answer. 2. Select one of the three heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto. Tell me which one you pick and describe their strengths, weaknesses, and explain if they acted foolish or heroic. Support your opinion with specific examples. 3. Explain the steps that the Nazis took to make the Theresienstadt Ghetto look like a paradise. What happened to the film makers after the film was completed?