Date: June 13, 2017 at Firestone High School Pool Office
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Date: June 13, 2017 at Firestone High School Pool Office
Attendees: Bob Nagle, Marie Brilmyer, Barb Jackson, Jen Sevald, Marissa Chapman, Tricia Saum, Cindy Virdo, Carl Shallenburger, Stacey Rogers
Absent: Donna Kittle
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Tricia Saum.
1. Swim Meets – led by Cindy
Cindy began with a discussion on FAST hosting the Spring Speedo Sectional Meet at University of Akron on March 22 – 25. Cindy indicated that the meet should be relatively easy to run with plenty of help by participating clubs. There was discussion on the income we could potentially earn, although it would be a one-time occurrence. In addition, there was discussion on joining with Hudson to host the Summer Sectional Meet July 18 – 22 at CSU. Matt Davis of Hudson believes his club would be supportive
Motion: To pursue FAST hosting the Spring Speedo Sectional Meet and exploring the partnership with Hudson to host the Summer Speedo Sectional Meet. All Members in attendance were supportive. Motion carried.
There was further discussion on FAST meets:
We would also like to look into a Summer travel meet for the age groupers, instead of the OSU Spring Into Summer Meet. That meet has gotten very large with very limited warm-up (20 minutes). CCS hosts a meet the same weekend that our team could attend.
A potential Summer travel meet is Lakeside.
It was noted that the Mid Summer Dash will be revisited in the upcoming years. With the Avon Classic the weekend before we could attend, there is still an opportunity for age groupers to swim in a later meet in the Summer, prior to Champs.
Focus on additional dual meets in the Winter; on weekends that there are “slower than” and “faster than” meets, we could offer a dual meet for those that do not qualify for the meet that weekend.
There was a suggestion to take the age groupers to separate meets on the weekends, but Carl noted that travel costs will not allow that to happen. 2. Coaches’ Update – led by Carl
Carl gave an update on the Summer Session, noting that there are approximately 25 age groupers swimming at University of Akron, and we have 2 lanes. In prior years, Hudson and FAST have had 3 lanes each, but CFYN now has additional lanes at the same time. To help with overcrowding, we now have Dane Lee, a massage / sports therapist to work with our swimmers on days when the lanes are overcrowded. Carl also noted that there are certain high schoolers that have been flipping between University of Akron and Firestone; Coaches will be more diligent about ensuring this does not happen in the future.
Carl also noted as an FYI that Coach Jenna will no longer be working with the age groupers. As such, FAST is currently looking for an age group coach.
Finally, Carl indicated that volunteer dates with the Akron Canton Regional Foodbank have been set.
3. Vice President’s Update – Barb
Barb has sent out over 100 emails and / or letters soliciting donations for FAST. She has only received 3 firm “no’s”, and those were from organizations that said they could not do anything to support us at this time; she has made a note to contact those organizations earlier next year. If there are organizations that Board members believe we should contact, please let her know. In addition, she will reach out to Team Parents and the FAST Alumni list.
Barb provided an updated on the Golf Outing on August 25. We have a caterer and a course (9 holes), and we are currently working on pricing for food only and for golf and food. We have a cap of 72 golfers and FAST will split the proceeds with FHAA. In addition, there will be an auction held.
The Swim-a-Thon was discussed and Tricia noted that it is a good platform to give back to USA Swimming. However, it does not have be done each year and / or could be done on a much smaller scale. We will reach out via Survey Monkey to gather parents’ opinion on the Swim-a-Thon and on other fundraising events. For the past 2 years, we have held the Swim- a-Thon in February to avoid the high school’s marathon that takes place in November. Some things we will consider:
Making it an off season event
Inviting everyone to the pool
Offer up entertainment
Changing the timing, including holding it on the weekend
We may be able to couple it with the new track and hold a triathalon in the future
Additional fundraising events were discussed, including the CAVS and Rubberducks. The goal is to raise $15,000 through various fundraising events this next year, as that is what has been built into our budget. 4. Treasurer’s Report – Stacey
A discussion of the finances followed, led by Stacey. Stacey noted that there are still several outstanding receivables we need to collect, including the reimbursement for the Old Trail dual meet custodial fee and money from the NEO Classic. Stacey also noted that registrations are strong, but we need to ensure that all swimmers are registered.
Stacey discussed the budget and a lengthy discussion on the Team Travel Policy ensued. Currently, we have budgeted $5,000 for reimbursement for the set listing of meets that was decided on in the past. We will revisit the listing of meets and the Travel Policy in general in the future. It was noted that we would like to continue to provide this incentive as it is benefits FAST as a whole for our swimmers to attend these meets. The discussion was tabled for further discussion.
There being no further business, Tricia adjourned the meeting at approximately 7:30 p.m.
Future Board meeting dates
*Second Tuesday of each month, at 5:30 at the Firestone pool office.*
July 11, 2017
August 8, 2017
September 12, 2017
October 10, 2017
November 14, 2017
December 12, 2017