Survey of Giggleswick 6000 Year Leases Bolton Abbey MS260 16Th July 1621 - Giggleswick

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Survey of Giggleswick 6000 Year Leases Bolton Abbey MS260 16Th July 1621 - Giggleswick

Survey of Giggleswick 6000 year leases Bolton Abbey MS260 16th July 1621 - Giggleswick

Christopher Shute, 1 October 2 James I 1604 One acre Stonehowse upon the hill in G with a garden belonging of the yearly rent of 8d The moiety of one messuage farm or tenement in G aforesaid of the yearly rent of 10s then or late there in the tenure or occupation of Ric. Claphamhson One parcel of meadow ground called the Holme of the rent of 18d One barn near to the barn of Robt. Claphamson And one garden at the south side thereof one parcel of ground called Ostellbank close and two other parcels of ground lying between the close and the water of Ribble. One pasture ground called the Moore Acre of the rent of 5s. One parcel of arable ground abutting upon the garden of the said Christopher Shute containing estimation half an acre of the rent of 12d with one close parcel lying in the Hollow Gate estimation 5 roods And one other little parcel of ground in the Hollow Gate aforesaid late parcel of Thomas Foster’s tenement of the rent of 2d And one parcel of waste ground called the crosse Reyne adjoining to the Freehold land of the said Christopher And one other parcel called Ostellbank Browe or Reyne lying within the grounds of the said Christopher All which were then in the occupation of the said Christopher And all and so much and such part of the stinted pasture closes and grounds called and known the several names of the Fore close Lam Moore Far Moore and the Skar to the said Christopher Shute for or reason of the ancient rent of 17s 6d payable for the premises (other than for the said Stonehowse and garden and for the little parcel of ground at Hollow Gate before mentioned being of the rent of 10d without ...) 6000 years Yielding as before, 18s 4d, And 4s 3d for his part in the Moors of G aforesaid.

John Harryson, 20 November 2 James I 1604: One messuage or tenement with the appurtenances in Giggl. aforesaid of the rent of 17s 3d (except parcels of the premises rented at 12d passed to Tho. Dockery 8d Rent laid upon Thomas Braysey) So the rent for this is but, 15s 7d, And 3s 10d for his moor rent, Thereof, Jo. Harrison 2d, Robt. Cote 12d, Wm. Batman 18d, James Dixon 2d, Cr. Braishey 12d, Jo. Foster 18d, Ric. Preston cord 12d, Cr. Preston 2s 6d, Wm. Foster sen. 6d, Tho. Walker 6d, John Armestead 6d, Rich. Preston 14d, Tho. White 4d., Rowland Falthropp 18d, & the severall persons aforesaid amongst them must pay 2s 4d., Thereof, Wm. Banckes 6d, Jo. Foster 21d, Tho. Braishey Jun. ..., Rich. Preston ..., Rich. Preston 1s ..., himself 7

Robert Fallthrop, 1 October 2 James I 1604 All that one messuage farm or tenement with the appurtenances at Roomehouses within the Lordship of G aforesaid of the ancient rent of 16s 8d per annum And also one parcel of a firehouse rented at 8d then in his occupation To hold for 6000 years, 17s 4d, 4s yearly for his moor rent, now Rowland

Hugh Stackhouse, 1 October 2 James I 1604 All that one messuage or tenement with the appurtenances in G aforesaid one lathe one stable two little gardens one cottage and one garden or little enclosure in the backside thereof Two little closes of meadow lying at the Crooked Reynes and Sowtergarth half One rood of land lying near Little Wood with the appurtenances of the ancient yearly rent of 7s 4d And certain parcels of land lately improved at Crooked Reynes and How Ridding of the yearly rent of 16d And one parcel of waste ground lately improved called Schoolehowse Trowe of the yerely rent of 2d then in the tenure or occupation of the said Hugh Stackhouse To hold for 6000 years Yielding, 8s 10½d, 3s 4¼d for his Moore rent , now paid Henry Walker,Thereof, Wm. Banckes 15d, Henry Walker 16d, Hen. Walker for R... Stackhouse

William Hyne, 8 October 2 James I 1604 One cottage one house and lathe of the annual rent of 3s then in his occupation And one Smythes shop and one parcel of ground with the said garden for the situation of a firehouse adjoining to a barne of Ric. Preston of the yearly rent of 2d To hold for 6000 years Yielding as before, 3s 2d, the Moore Rent 8¾d and ½ a ¼d .

Ric. Preston, 8 October 2 James I 1604 All that one messuage or tenement in G aforesaid then in his occupation To hold for 6000 years Yielding ,25s 6d., for Moore Rent 5s 9d , Mr Shute 18d, Mr Shute 2s 6d, Wm. Lawson 6d, Wm. Banckes 4s, Robt. Cote 8d, Ric. Preston cordw. 6d, Jo. Franckl. 2s, Wm. Foster 3s & more 1d, Robt. Banckes 5s, Cr. Preston 4s 6d, Mr Armistead 2d, The severall occupiers ... Armistead must answer amongst them 13d which makes up the tenement moore rent 5s 9d Thereof ,Mr Shute 3d, Tho. Lawson 8d, Jo. Foster 10d, Henry Walker ... ,Mr. Armitstead ..., Anne Banckes 3s

Wm. Browne, 8 October 2 James 1604 All that one messuage farm or tenement with the appurtenances in G aforesaid of the ancient yearly rent of 6s And one parcel of ground containing by estimation half an acre and half a rood lying at Crosse Reynes late improved of the rent of 16½d then in his occupation To hold for 6000 years Yielding, 7s 4½d., Moore Rent 2s 2d ., Jo. Frankland & his wife holdes this tenement, Moore Rent 2s 2d Thereof, Rowland Falthropp 8d, Jo. Franckland 18d

Laurence Lawson, 8 October 1604 All that one messuage farm or tenement with the appurtenances in G aforesaid then in the occupation of the said Lawrence of the annual rent of 24s 8d And one rood of ground at the Browne Watakers lately improved of the yearly rent of 5d To hold for 6000 years Yielding, 25s 1d., Moore Rent 5s 11½d

James Paley, 20 November 1604 All that cottage and firehouse with the appurtenances in G aforesaid of the annual rent of 2s 9d then in his occupation And also one close called Mylhill Close alias The Croft under Craven Banck lying in G aforesaid then or late before in the tenure or occupation of John Swaynson of the yearly rent of 8d To hold for 6000 years Yielding, 3s 5d

Nicholas Benson, 18 November in the year aforesaid 1604One close of meadow called the Ywges close containing estimation 3½ acres One parcel of arrable land at Bogger groves containing estimation half a rood One parcel of meadow adjoining to the land over the Banckes containing estimation 4 Falls more or less One other parcell of arable land lying at the lands over the Banckes containing estimation 26 Falls of ground And all that one other parcel of arable ground lying upon the Toft Head containing estimation 23 Falls of ground in the toune Feyldes of G aforesaid of the yearly rent of 3s 1d then in his occupation together with all and singular houses buildings woods underwoodes etc To hold For 7000 years Yielding, 3s 1d, Moor Rent 2s 2d, examined 3s 1d and for Moore Rent 2s 2d Thereof, Tho. Cockman 8½d, Tho. Lawson 18d, This is for freehold Rent though put in his lease Totals and more

Frauncys Chyppendale, 20 March 4 James etc 1606 All that messuage farm or tenement with the appurtenances in G aforesaid then in the occupation of Thomas Remington of the annual rent of 2s 6d and all commodities and hereditaments thereunto belonging etc.And also all that parcel of ground in G. aforesaid then or lately before used as the common pinfold there and called The Pinfold To hold for 6000 years Yielding, 2s 8d, rent equally that is to say for the said tenement 2s 6d and for the parcel of ground 2d., Note in LH margin: himself 15d inhabitants of 2d Ric. Preston 15d

Robert Chr. and Allan Carr, hold 17 March 3 James of England etc All that cottage with the appurtenances in G aforesaid then in the tenure of the said Robert under the yearly rent of 6d To hold for 6000 years Yielding, 6d

Thomas Banckes, 20 November 3 James of England etc 1604 All that messuage farm and tenement with the appurtenances in G aforesaid of the ancient yearly rent of 24s 3d before that in the tenure or occupation of Thomas Dockery deceased And all those parcels of land and meadow with the appurtenances lying and being in diverse several places in the fields of G aforesaid called Quarter lands Long Whatkers and Sandriges of the yearly rent of 12d which the said Thomas Dockery had in pasture for one parcel of land lying at Lymmar Thwayte which several parcels then were in the tenure of Jennett Dockery wife of the said Thomas Dockery And all those two parcels of land called Longe Watkers and one parcel of meadow called Wyther Close in the Feyldes of G aforesaid of the yearly rent of 12d which the said Thomas Dockery had assignment of Tho. Braishey of Giggleswick and were parcel of the said Thomas Braishers tenement in G aforesaid And also all those shops lying and being in Settle in the said county then in the tenure of the said Thomas Dockery All those parcels of ground in the fields of G and Settle aforesaid in several places called Sandholme Congleholme Longestreame Hippinges and Under Carnrock also in the tenure of the said Thomas Dockery assignment of Ric. Cookeson of Settle aforesaid (amongst other things) and were parcel of the said Ric. tenement in Settle aforesaid and are of the yearly rent of 6s To hold for 6000 years Yielding, 32s 3d, Moor rent 5s 11¼d , Thereof, Tho. Rem’ton 12d, Mr. Shute 2s 2d, Tho. Carre, Jo. Franckland 6d, Tho. Armitstead ... 7s, Wm. Banckes 7s 2d, Wm. Payley 7s 6d, Tho. Lawson 3s 9d, Henry Preston 3s, Peter Tenaunte 3s 10d

John Swaynson, 9 July 3 James of England etc One mansion or dwelling house and one garden with the appurtenances in G aforesaid of the annual rent of 3s then in the tenure of the said John Swaynson the assignment of Wm. Hyne former tenant of the same And also one parcel of ground lying to the barn or lathe of Chr. Preston in the Demesnes of G aforesaid. This is entered after amongst other things granted to Mr Robert Banckes in Fee Farm. A parcel of ground on the Ley Riges And one other parcel of ground lying on the feed croftes in G aforesaid which said several parcels of ground were heretofore parcels of the ancient messuage or tenement in G aforesaid then in the tenure of Ric. Preston aforesaid And the fourth part of one fulling mill in G aforesaid near above the Water corn mill there in 4 parts to be divided then also in the tenure of the said Jo. Swaynson together with the occupiers of th’other 3 parts thereof The 4th part of all grounds wastes profits and commodities and all ways paths watercourses and easements thereunto belonging All which parcels of ground and 4th part are of the yearly rent of 3s 8d Provided that one close under Craven Banck called the Crest formerly granted to Tho. Paley without rent one shop and garden formerly granted to the aforesaid Mr Hyne without common and three parcels of ground in Thackwayte formerly granted to Thomas Braishey senior with common for 8d shall not pass in this grant To hold for 6000 years Yielding, 6s 8d, rent And for Moore rent 21d, This is entered after on Mr Robert Banckes so not to be charged here, Thereof ... wood tenants [and] Mr Ferrer 3s 4d, ... Banckes & Mr Artmitsead & others ... the rest 3s 4d

Thomas Craven, 8 October 2 James of England etc One cottage one lathe one garden lying near to the schoolhouse in G with the appurtenances at 3s 1d rent Three Roods of spare land in the west side of Ribble at a place called Cryngle holme within the Lordship of Settle parcel of Christopher Lawson’s tenement which 3 roods are of the yearly rent of 12d. One parcel of coppice or wood ground parcel of a coppice called Giggleswick Spring containing estimation 1 acre 3 roods of the yearly rent of 7d all which were then in the occupation of the said Tho. Craven To hold for 6000 years without etc Yielding, 4s 8d, Thereof Richard Hall 3s 1d, Wm. Lawson 7d, Peter Tenant 12d

John Burton, 8 October 2 James of England etc 1604 One messuage or tenement with the appurtenances in G aforesaid of the annual rent of 9s 6d And also one messuage or tenement with the appurtenances lying and being at Hunthwayte within the Lordship of G aforesaid of the annual rent of 3s 11d And one cottage or firehouse with the appurtenances in the Mill Hill in G aforesaid of the yearly rent of 12d To have for 6000 years Yielding, 14s 5d, Moore Rent, 2s 10½d , Thereof Jo. Burton 9d, Henr. Wig 11½d, Tho. Braishey 10d, Tho. King 4d, ... Burton 9s 6d, ... Wigh... 3s 11d, ...mes Wildman 12d

Thomas Tailor, 8 May 4 James of England etc One messuage or tenement with the appurtenances in G aforesaid of the annual rent of 3s To hold for 6000 years Yielding, 3s, rent for Moore Rent, 12½d, Tho. King 4d, Thereof ...self 2s, ... Wilson 12d

Thomas Cockett, 8 October 2 James of England etc 1604One cottage one lathe one garden and two closes at the ... of the spring of the yearly rent of 23d lying in G aforesaid and then in his tenure To hold for 6000 years Yielding, 23d , Moore Rent 4½d

Wm. Thompson, 8 October 1604 The moiety or one half of all that one messuage or tenement with the appurtenances in G aforesaid before that in the tenure of one Henry Thompson deceased late father of the said William The same whole tenement being of the annual rent of 18s 7d Which moiety is now divided from the other half of one Richard Radcliff gent And the moiety or one half of all houses etc Except etc as in Mr Shute’s lease To hold for 6000 years Yielding, 9s 3½d, Moore Rent 2s 1½d,Thereof J Foster 12d, himself 1½d, Mr Armistead 12d, ...anckes 1d ... 9s 2½d] Ric. Jaques, 8th Oct 1604 All that one messuage or tenement with the appurtenances in Crag Norrig within the Lordship of G aforesaid then in his occupation of the ancient yearly rent of 12s To hold for 6000 years Yielding, 12s, Moore Rent 2s 10½d, Thereof Fr. Lupton 4d, Rog. Taylor 6d, Tho. Payley 8½d, ... Carre 17d,Thomas Payley 6s, ...nnett Carre 6s

John Banckes, 8 October 2 James of England etc 1604 All that one messuage one lath one garden one oxgang of land and meadow and certain parcels of the demesne lands thereunto belonging etc of the yearly rent of 28s 4d And a parcel of ground within the Spring sometime parcel of Wm. Tailor’s tenement of the ancient yearly rent of 7d And certain parcels of ground lately improved at Maynes Levarthwayte Brakenber and rkettes of the rent of 2s 5½d And one close lately Wm Hynes called Cragclose lately improved of the rent of 9d And one close in Brakenber late Thomas Braysheys of the Rent of 1d One cottage late Mathew Newhouse of the rent of 4d And certain parcels of arable ground in G aforesaid Spring lately improved for the rent of 16d All being of the yearly rent of 33s 10½d and then in the tenure of the said Jo. Banckes To hold for 6000 years Yielding as before, 33s 11½d, Moore Rent, 6s 11¾d

Thomas Stackhouse, 8 October 1604 One close one lathe one garden one croft to the said close belonging of the ancient rent of 3s 4d And the moiety of one fulling mill standing in the Tarne field of the ancient rent of 3s 4d And one croft under Craven bank of the ancient rent of 12d And one cottage and two closes in Lynethwhyte lately improved of the rent of 4s To hold for 6000 years Yielding, 11s 8½d , Moore Rent, 19½d, Thereof Wm. Batman 3d, Rog[er] Taylor 2d, Himself 9d Adam Preston ..., Wm. Bateman 12d, Himself 7s 4d, ... Carre 3s 4d

Thomas Paley, 1 October 2 James of England 1604 All that one messuage farm or tenement with the appurtenances in G aforesaid then in his tenure of the ancient yearly rent of 10s And two parcels of late improved ground lying at Lanthwayte and Brakenber being of the rent per annum of 7½d and rkettes Together also with 3 little parcels of waste ground which were lately before that time given the right honourable Earl to be from thenceforth as parcel of the said tenement one of which parcels is called Crossereynehed another is adjoining to the Holeacre and the third is a little Reyne lying on the east side of the said Holeacre And are all three lying within a close called Laverithwayte [?]near parcel and belonging to the said tenement To hold for 6000 years without etc Yielding, 10s 7½d, Moore Rent 2s 6d

Katheryne Tailor, 8 October 2 James of England 1604 All that one messuage farm or tenement with the appurtenances in G aforesaid of the yearly rent of 10s 7d late before that time in the tenure of one Hugh Tailor deceased and then in her tenure To hold for 6000 years Yielding, 10s 7d , Moore Rent 2s 5½d, Thereof Ja. Dixon 2d , Rog[er] Taylor 6d 3d ..., Cr. Wildman 6d, Roger Carre 20d, .. Taylor 4s 8d 2d, ... Batman 4s, Dickson 2d,... 6d,... Preston 9d,... Foster 2½d,... Foster 6d, Wm. Atkinson 3½d

Robert Banckes, 8 October 2 James of England 1604 All that one messuage or tenement one lathe one garden and half an oxgang of land meadow and pasture with the appurtenances lying to the said messuage containing these several parcels following viz The Neither Crofte Sandeholme close and Satrum lande the Crookes Dadall Buttes Hungromes and the Inge Closes late before that in the tenure of one Robert Crake Of the ancient annual rent of 11s And also one little close called Crofte Bancke and a little close or garden called the Hempelandes sometimes parcel of the tenement of Richard Claphamsonne and lateand late before that in the possession of the said Robert Crake of the ancient rent of 12d And also certain parcels of arable lands and meadow sometimes parcel of the tenement of William Willsonne viz The Rough Croft the Felling land Clovenstone the Saunde Rygges a Hungrom land the Inge Close the Mylne Butt two Keldes and the ground in Brakenbarr on both sides of Swabeck All which are of the ancient annual rent of 12s And also certain butts called Rilabuttes and also one parcel of coppice or woody ground parcel of Giggleswick Spring and all rocks crag and waste grounds and all fences hedges and hedgerows ways and easements lying and belonging to the said parcel of coppice and woody ground and therewith heretofore used occupied or enjoyed and then newly rented and demised for the annual rent 20d And also one parcel of meadow ground called Foster Inge newly rented and demised for the rent of six pence All which premises are situate lying and being in Giggleswick aforesaid and then were in the tenure of the said Robert Banckes and are of the annual rent of 26s 2d.To hold for 6000 years Yielding, 26s 2d, Moore Rent 5s 9d,This is entered after amongst other things granted to him in Fee Farm

John Lynsey, 8 October 2 James of England 1604 One cottage with the appurtenances at Paley Green within the Lordship of G aforesaid And one close there estimated 3 roods then in his tenure of the ancient rent of 2s To hold for 6000 years Yielding, 2s, Moore Rent 6d , now Anne Lynsey

Thomas Brayshey, 8 October in the last aforesaid year All that messuage one lathe one garden two closes of meadow called [?]Warbrigholme and Netherbrig Holme six acres of land in the field there with the appurtenances lying unto the messuage parcel of the demesne lands there then in his tenure of the rent of 21s 5½d And all houses etc as before Except etc as in the rest. Yielding, 22s 5½d, Moore Rent 5s 1d

John Foster, 8 Oct 1604All that one messuage farm or tenement with appurtenances lying at Field Yate in G aforesaid then in his tenure of the old annual rent of 15s To hold for 6000 years Yielding, 15s ,Moore Rent 3s 7¼d

Bernard Browne, the day and year last aforesaid 1604 All that one messuage farm or tenement with appurtenances lying and being at Close House within the Lordship of G aforesaid then in his tenure To hold for 6000 years without impeachment etc Yielding, 21s 1½d, Moore Rent 5s ½d , Thereof Tho Browne 2s 6¼d , … Banckes 6s 6¼d, ... Browne 10s 7¾d ,... Banckes 10s 6¼d, ... Franckeland

Thomas Brayshey, 18 November 2 James 1604 One messuage or tenement with the appurtenances lying and being in G aforesaid of the annual rent of 4s One fulling mill of the annual rent of 3s 4d One close of meadowe in Overbrig Holme of the annual rent of 20d And 2 parcels of ground in Thackthwayte of the annual rent of 12d And also three parcels of ground in Thackthwayte aforesaid containing estimation in all three roods of the annual rent of 8d late in the tenure of John Swaynson and then in the tenure of the said Thomas Brayshey And also all those 2 parcels of meadow ground in Thackwayte aforesaid within the fields of Gigg. aforesaid containing estimation one acre more or less parcels of the tenement of Thomas Brayshey deceased of the annual rent of 8d all which were then in the occupation of the said Thomas Brayshey To hold for 7000 years Yielding, 10s 4d, Moore Rent 17d,Thereof Wm Bankes 8½d, Anne Banckes 4¼d,... Tho. Preston 3¾d, ... 1d, Tho. B. Jun 20d, Henry Walker 2s 4d, George Falthropp 3s , ... 3 persons ... the fulling mill 3s 4d

Richard Brayshey the elder, 8 October 2 James 1604All that one messuage farm or tenement with the appurtenances late in the tenure of John Brayshey deceased brother of the said Richard of the ancient yearly rent of 10s And also one parcel of late improved ground at Brakenber of the rent of 6d Another parcel at Peghall at the rent of 4½d Also one fourth part of one tenement sometimes in the occupation of one Ric. Claphamson of the ancient rent of 5s and then in the occupation of the said Richard And so in all of the ancient yearly rent of 15s 10½d To hold for 6000 years Yielding, 15s 10½d, And for Moore Rent 3s 7½d, Thereof Tho. King 8d, Ric. Braishey 6½d, Ja. Foster 16d, Cr. Coleman 13d, Tho. Armitsead 2s, Eliz Falthr. 2d, Wm Batman18d, Ja. Dixon 2d, Jo. Foster 4d, Cr. Kellett 3d, Tho. Carne 2d, Ric. Barishey 11s 1½d, Henr. Mitchell 2d

Thomas Paley of Paley Green, the day and year last aforesaid All that one messuage farm or tenement with the appurtenances lying and being in G. at Paley Green aforesaid then in his tenure To hold for 6000 years Yielding, 30s 4d, Moore Rent 7s 3d, Thereof himself 6s 5d, Anne Lindsey 10d

Wm. Hookes, 1 September 4 James of England etc All that one messuage farm or tenement with the appurtenances lying and being in Armystead in G. aforesaid then in his tenure of the annual rent of 10s 5d as before To hold for 6000 years Yielding, 10s 5d, Moore Rent 2s 5¾d , James Foster hath all this

Thomas Newehowse, 8 October 2 James of England 1604 One close called the Millhill close and one little close of arable land and meadow adjoining to the said Millhill close containing in all estimation 5 acres more or less being lately rented at 16d rent per annum To hold for 6000 years Yielding, 16d, margin:Edward Catterall muste pay this 16d rent assigne of Tho: Newhouse

Thomas Car, 14 July 3 James of England etc All that one messuage farm or tenement with the appurtenances lying and being in Greynehouse in the parish of Gig. aforesaid sometimes in the tenure of one Ric. Car of the annual rent of 12s And also certain parcels of land lying dispersed in the common fields of G aforesaid of the annual rent of 4s And certain other parcels of land and ground lying at Paley Green within G. aforesaid of the yearly rent of 5s all which last mentioned parcels then were in the tenure of Adam Car To hold for 6000 years Yielding, 21s, Moore Rent 5s ½d, ThereofJo. Foster 1d, Ja. Falthrop 2d, Jo: Tho Taylor 1¾d, Adam Carre 4s 6d, Rowland Falthrop 1¾d, .. Banckes 12d, ... Carre 13s 4d, ... Wildman 6s 8d

Thomas Foster, 1 October 2 James of England etc 1604 All those two messuages or tenements with the appurtenances lying in G aforesaid then in his tenure and of one Jennett Lun widow of the ancient yearly rent of 22s. And also one parcel of ground late improved at a place called Brakenbar being of the yearly rent of 6d [Note in RH margin: 23rd May 1626 It appears at the survey then taken that a parcel of ground called Lyverthwait of 12d Rent and another parcel at Estelbanck of 2d R[ent] was excepted in this lease and Lyverthwait granted to Tho. Dockrey & Ostelbanck to Mr Chute & they ...... is but 21s 4d] To hold for 6000 years Yielding, 22s 6d, Moore Rent 5s ½d, Thereof ... Franckeland 9s 4d, ... Clapham 18d ,... Foster 10s 6d, Tho. Carre 14d, Ja. Foster 18d, Wm. Foster 16d, Ric. Browne 10d

James Dyckeson, 20 March 5 James 1607 All that one cottage or firehouse in G. aforesaid of the yearly rent of 2s with all Fountes wayes Easements and appurtenances thereunto belonging and then in the possession of Mary Sigsweeke mother of the said James. To hold for 6000 years Yielding, 2s .

Roger Tailor, 8 October 2 James 1604 All that one messuage farm or tenement with the appurtenances lying at Rowtstorth within the lordship of G. aforesaid then in his tenure To hold for 6000 years Yielding, 13s 7d, Moore Rent 3s 2½d ,Thereof himself ... 2s 2½d, Ja. Foster 8d, Rob’t Wildman 4d

James Salebanck, the last day of October 2 James of England 1604 All that one Cottage and one little garden thereunto adjoining situate in G aforesaid at the yearly rent of 6d and then in his occupation To hold for 6000 years Yielding, 6d, Ric. Wilson paies yt

Thomas Tailor of Roomehowses, 8 October 2 James of England 1604 All that one messuage farm or tenement with the appurtenances situate in G aforesaid of the ancient yearly rent of 21s And one parcel of ground lately improved containing estimation the 16th part of a rood of the yearly rent of 2d then in his tenure. Yielding , 21s 2d, Moore Rent 5s ½d

Richard Armysteed and Francys Lupton, hold 8 October 1604 All that one messuage farm or tenement with the appurtenances situate at Armisteed within the Lordship of G aforesaid of the ancient rent of 10s 1d then in the tenures of them the said Richard Armysteed and Francys Lupton and before that in the tenure or occupation of Roger Armysteed of Armysteed aforesaid To hold for 6000 years, 10s 1d , Moore Rent 2s 4¾d, Thereof Wm. Payley 3s, ... Fr. Lupton 3½d, Tho. Paley 12d, ... Anne Linsaie 3d, Richard King 4d, ... Wm. Hyne 3d, ... Wilson 2d, ... Foster 8s 10d, Roger Armetstead 13d

Robert Claphamson, the day and year last aforesaid 1604 All that one messuage or Inn commonly called the sign of the Bell with the appurtenances in Giggleswick of the ancient rent of 6s And half an oxgang of land and meadow and certain parcels of demesne land there with the appurtenances of the ancient yearly rent of 11s ½d And one close at Brodehead of the rent of 4d One other close called the spring close of the rent of 12d And one close or parcel of improved ground at or near to the field yate of the rent of 12d All which premises were then in the occupation of Jane Claphamson mother of the said Robert and are in all of rent of 19s 4½d To hold for 6000 years Yielding, 19s 4½d, And for Moore Rent 4s 1d

Wm. Wylson, the first day of September 4 King James of England etc 1606 All that one messuage farm or tenement with the appurtenances situate in Meweth in G aforesaid and then in the tenure of Wm. Wylson of the annual rent of 8s 6d To hold for 6000 years Yielding, 8s 6d, And for Moore Rent 2s ¾d, Thereof Wm. Banckes 6d, Roger Wilson 12d, Robert Payley 2d, Thomas Heatone 1d, Jo. Franckland 3d, Mr. Shute 6d, Roger Wilson 7s, Robert Payley 12d

Christopher Shute clerk, 26 September 4 King James of England etc 1606 All that parcel of waste and wood ground containing estimation 5 roods which lyeth on the east side and beneath the lowest wall or fence of one other parcel of wood ground called the Maynes hed alias Maines Head Wood and which said parcel of wood lyeth to the north side or end of the close of the said Christopher Shute called Maynes close within the mannor or lordship of G aforesaid and then in the possession of the said Christopher To hold for 6000 years Rent, 6d

Thomas Newhowse and Thomas Car, 16 July 3 King James of England All that parcel of waste ground partly enclosed commonly called Burwens containing estimation 2 acres 3 roods Two other parcels of meadow and waste ground also partly enclosed called Penderynge and Lamfells containing estimation 4 acres 1 rood. One other parcel of waste ground partly also enclosed called Berkettes close containing estimation 1 acre 2 roods And one other parcel of waste and wood ground called Brodehead containing estimation 4 acres All which parcels are lying within the fields of G aforesaid and thentofore used and accepted for as the several waste ground of the said Earl To hold to them both the said parcels of ground called Borwens Penderynge and Lamfells Berkettes close and Brodehed and the ways and paths thereof etc for 6000 years And to hold the parcel of ground called Ayshten Reynes alias Ayshten Backe and the little peece of land and meadow thereunto adjoining and the ways and paths thereof etc to the said Tho. Newhowse only The said Newhowse and Car paying for the said first parcels 2s 2d and the said Newhowse paying yearly for the other parcels 4d, 2s 6d, Thereof Tho. Carre 13d Roger Carre 3d ... Bankes 10d

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