Strategic Improvement Plan

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Strategic Improvement Plan

All Saints Church of England Primary School STRATEGIC IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2016-2019 We aim “to create a happy, caring, secure and stimulating environment in which children are supported to accelerate progress and grow as individuals, and where the community enjoy our facilities to promote life-long learning.” (From school aims) Through our Strategic Improvement Plan we hope to meet these aims and move towards becoming an outstanding school and the school of choice for Wigston6 We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully. (Romans 12: 3-8) Section 1: Long term goals and priorities for development. The Context for development: narrow gaps for pupils with complex levels of both recognised disadvantage. develop outreach School profile: work, and we are At Key Stage 2, pupils make good progress, and by involved in projects We have 275 pupils on roll: 133 boys, 141 girls, and the time pupils leave All Saints at the end of Yr 5 across the school 27 in our pre-school. Our roll has increased by 55% they have closed attainment gaps with their peers and locality to in 1 year There are high levels of vulnerable children nationally. By supporting and strongly developing enhance research of pupils receive Free School meals, 35% are pupils’ resilience and focus on basic skills we are and development. children causing concern and 33% have Special working to ensure all pupils make excellent progress Needs. Mobility is slightly above average at 14% and they take on a higher challenge level of the new Our Section 48 Inspection (Diocese, April 2012) and this year there has been a continued significant curriculum and master their learning. As with all was good, and we expect to repeat this in our next improvement in attendance which is now above schools nationally we continue to develop and inspection in the Summer term 2017. We continue national expectation at 96% extend our work in assessment and tracking to to develop our identity as a Church of England ensure all children make excellent progress. The vast School with the needs of parents and families who Standards and progress: majority make above expected progress in reading attend our school in the community of Wigston. The From very low entry points (agreed by HMI), in 2014, writing and maths. Pupils in receipt of the Pupil role of Foundation Governors is central to this. Our 70% of pupils reached a ‘good level of Premium grant perform equally well and in some thriving ‘FAST’ team and Parental partnership development’ in the Foundation Stage, in line with cases produce outstanding standards. All in all there continues to improve and use of the community National Average. This demonstrates good and is a consistent picture of improving progress across centre is healthy, yet there is more work to be done outstanding progress. Pupils have made good and the school. However there remains opportunity to to improve the conditions of the environment to some outstanding progress through Key Stage 1 continue to narrow the gender gap. Girls perform inspire all learning and teaching and attainment at the end of Key Stage 1 is especially well in writing, and boys’ in maths. On consistently improving. Our 2016 standard results average SEN children make good to outstanding Our next challenge is to ensure a smooth transition were broadly in progress across the school. Our nurture provision is for leadership as we have and new Chair of line with national well established, as pupils make emotional as well Governors and deputy head. We have rapidly outcomes within as academic progress. Nurture continues to be a increasing numbers and we will maintain our strong the context of a priority as the work of the Family Link Workers focus on development of each individual child, new testing regime develops. This is especially important in emotionally especially Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural and curriculum. supporting pupils so they are ready to learn. development as well as academic outcomes. As part However there is of this we will embed provision for our Year 6 pupils more to do to Leadership and Management: from September 2016, and ensure excellent embed early In our March 2016 we were graded good by outcomes at KS2 to match those at KS1. Alongside reading and Ofsted, the Inspection report clearly states the this we will be revisiting and developing language impact of strong leadership on the school and the implications for Academy Status for pupils and development with focus of the school to develop middle leadership families at present, and develop our provision for our youngest further. We continue to work with partner schools to SEN pupils, especially ASD provision, and continue pupils to ensure build the capacity of our own staff team and to challenge and remove barriers for all children in they are well prepared for the KS2 curriculum and support other schools. Our FS and Literacy Leads are learning and development to ensure that we are ‘All Saints: all growing, all learning, . altogether’. To embed this, our goals for the next three years 2016-2019 are: Effective Learning Environment:  Maintain attendance consistently above National Expectation (95%) and in line with the National Average. The enabling environment facilitates raised attainment, accelerated progress and holistic development for each  Effective partnerships with stakeholders embedded to support effective outcomes for pupils, Effective and child. The school acts as a central learning hub for families, efficient IT network across school: ICT mark, providing safe, attractive and inspiring learning space  Embed specific provision for SEND Sensory provision, ASD provision, Dyslexia friendly school status. making All Saints the school of choice for Wigston.  Systematic redecoration programme in place to maintain and upkeep quality of the environment Governance and Leadership:  Embed good judgment by Ofsted January 2019 onwards, improving towards outstanding Academy status is established, underpinned by embedded Christian values. School is supported by active governance  Secure academy status with appropriate staffing and governance structures. and dynamic staffing structure. Yr 6 return effectively  Leadership of Business and facilities infrastructure is developed to effectively meet demands of academy status. secures improved outcomes for pupils. SIAS inspection maintains good/better judgement. Effective System  Effective Senior leadership is sustainable and robust in driving forward vision and outcomes for pupils leadership works in collaboration with partner schools,  Co-working with partnership schools is firmly embedded through EDT Peer Review programme and growing supporting All Saints as the school of choice for Wigston systems leadership support through Teaching School and Multi-Academy Trust structure. and there are increasing elements of ‘outstanding’ in Middle leadership is embedded across the school to ensure consistent improvement and growth of the school preparation for Ofsted 2019  in pursing outstanding Ofsted judgement. Improved Outcomes and Narrowed Gaps  Embed good judgment by Ofsted January 2019 onwards, improving towards outstanding Sustained improvements consistently show year on year, increase in raised attainment and accelerated progress for all  Proportion of Y6 pupils meeting national floor targets steadily increases, demonstrating closing gaps, and pupils, especially navigating the most challenging barriers Increased outstanding teaching ensures all pupil groups make sustained progress Conditions for learning and assessment processes secure  There is shared commitment and responsibility across the school to ensure pupils close gaps and are very well progress and enable achievement gaps to narrow and pupils prepared for KS3, following performance at Y6 thresholds. to master skills, securing All Saints as the school of choice for Wigston  Challenging barriers and hard to reach pupils and families are systematically met through innovative practise based on robust pedagogy Curriculum provision and development: Curriculum amplification has a sustained positive impact  Embed good judgment by Ofsted January 2019 onwards, improving towards outstanding upon outcomes through mastery and relevant learning of life skills and preparation for adult life in 21st century Britain. The curriculum promotes social cohesion and Christian values  High quality provision for Y6 ensures outcomes that are at least good and some outstanding. through purposeful experiences based in SMSC which  Highly motivating curriculum and delivery inspires, engages and motivates pupils to learn deeply, teaches and contextualises British values .  Specialist provision for SEND, especially autism and dyslexia needs  ICT effectively embedded across teaching and learning and the management of the school.

The priorities for the current academic year 2016-2017 are: Effective Learning Environment:  Establish further strategies to engage and involve hard to reach parents and families in pupil learning and school life, with direct focus on attainment bands for progress especially Y2 & Y6 To ensure the learning environment continues facilitates effective conditions for pupil’s learning that enable inspirational teaching & accelerated progress.  Develop IT capacity so that the infrastructure in the school and hardware effectively supports use of IT mobile devices to enhance teaching and learning.  Develop specific provision for SEN groups: Autism, dyslexia , ADHD sensory environment, and embed reflection spaces  Establish 4 year plan for redecoration  Review Health and Safety procedures, policy and practise. Review Mid day supervisor role and routines  Secure at least good SIAS judgment Inspection due Spring/Summer 2017. Robust Governance and Leadership:  Review implications for Academisation with partner schools and plan for development By May 2015 secure Ofsted grading of good or better, to reflect consistently  Embed new chair of governors and continue close leadership work between govs, SLT improving outcomes and an increase in above expected progress for pupils and extend to middle leaders.  Enhance senior leadership through increased systems leadership, induct new DHT, & increase leadership capacity of SLT  Introduce and engage in SPP (Schools Partnership Programme) to ensure robust secure self-evaluation and improvements  Enhance role of Middle leadership to lead research & innovation on impact of T&L on pupil outcomes,  Establish robust staff appraisal for business and facilities staff to sustain excellent front/back office functions Removing Barriers to Narrow Gaps and raise attainment: Targeted curriculum areas: Raise specific attainment: in Reading, writing and maths to embed greater consistency for all groups of pupils. Progress and Attainment: Sustain consistency in progress across all year groups and  Reading: Pupils embed comprehension and reading for pleasure, especially boys and FSM pupils  Writing: increase acceleration of attainment so that outcomes for all pupils improve and are at  CLLD: increase rate of phonic development and application for early readers, and those not at the least in line or better than national expectations. phonic standard across the school. Support parents with early reading at home. Enhance quality of All Saints library and links to Wigston Library Disadvantaged Groups: Deeply challenge barriers to learning for double  Maths: Mastery of reasoning strengthens as pupils show increased confidence and .in manipulating disadvantaged (eg Pupil Premium/FSM/SEND pupils) and close gaps for specific number bonds and X/÷ facts. Participation in Mastery Teaching Research Group. pupils within ongoing continuing gap closure. in feedback & response especially for  English Teaching, Learning and Assessment targets:  Ensure continuity & consistency of high performance in teaching across the sch, embedding & embracing new staff team  Extend introduction of mastery pedagogy, especially in maths, linking into Maths Hub research group.  Through action research further embed secure systematic and robust formative assessment procedures (Shirley Clarke) extending use of learning questions, ‘uncapped’ differentiation and impactful feedback.  Embed and strengthen questioning strategies across all staff  Review assessment tracking methodologies to better incorporate mastery v progress and utilisation of SAT standards in Y2 and Y6 and assessment continuum across SEN pupils and in to mainstream.

Focused Curriculum Development:  Introduce and embed Y6 curriculum, ensuring all staff understand challenges and content, and progression FS – Y6  Priority areas for development : Subjects RE and Computing, specific characteristic group Embed new RE syllabus and ensure at least good rating in for RE curriculum provision in SIAS inspection  Enhance computing curriculum further and embed new hardware arrangements for laptops and ipads,  Develop provision for skills progression in foundation subjects including assessment and tracking of this, and secure exit activities in IPC based topics. review rolling programme for 2017-18  Develop provision for Food for life Silver award, enhanced Healthy Schools for Anti- bullying & work towards esafety & IT marks  Embed homework support and ‘super’ curriculum activities to enhance Core subjects and attainment  Secure further parental engagement supporting basic skills?

Section 2: 2016-17 Action Plan 1.Effective Learning Environment: To ensure the learning environment continues facilitates effective conditions for pupil’s learning that enable inspirational teaching & accelerated progress.

Target Input, activities and tasks Lead Timing KW/KT/KEH/AV Sept 16 1) a) Establish introductory meetings for transition into KW each phase i. Establish further strategies to engage and By Nov 16 involve hard to reach parents and families in b) Establish Homework support for parents in especially AV Oct + pupil learning and school life, with direct focus in UKS2 JLM Aug+ on attainment bands for progress especially Y2 c) Continue family Learning support across school KT Nov+ & Y6 d) Embed use of ‘Neglect Tool Kit’ to establish benchmarks for expectations of parenting KW/AV Aug+ e) Embed anti-bullying charter with parents and continue to embed approach and strategies to ensure parents understand policy f) Embed outreach work with external; agencies supporting pupils’ needs ADHD solutions, Hype group, ADHD sibs etc. KW/AV Aug+ 1) a) Secure ASD specialist and link to SEN dev plan to embed ASD skills across WHOLE school team ii. Develop specific provision for SEN groups: DJ Oct+ Autism, dyslexia , ADHD sensory environment, b) Secure use of ‘Music Room’ to become ASD hub and and embed reflection spaces develop interior as required, including redecoration, including grants for this KW By Dec

c) Secure development of SENCo office and sensory KW/DJ By Nov room in Y6 build d) Utilise contacts with Birkett house and S.Wisgton KEH/DJ By Nov College to develop resources as necessary including redecoration KEH/DJ As needed e) Identify scope for reflection area across with support from RE co-ordinator. f) Design needs and secure funding though Alderman Newton Trust DJ By Nov 1) a) Review needs{ aesthetic/basic iii. Establish a 4 year plan for redecoration conditions/repair/rebuild b) Plan strategy to meet need internally and externally DJ By Nov 1) a) Review footfall and building use in line with growing numbers iv. Review Health and Safety procedures, policy and DJ As available practise. b) Secure training for SBM to ensure H&S continues to be Nov-Jan v. Review Mid-day supervisor role and routines systematic DJ/Govs Dec c) Embed succession planning for Governors in H&S sub- DJ Dec committee DJ Dec d) Review current systems and procedures and DJ e) Embed actions from LA H&S audit and action plan f) Root and branch review of Mid-day supervisors in line with growing numbers 2.Robust Governance and Leadership: By May 2015 secure Ofsted grading of good or better, to reflect consistently improving outcomes and an increase in above expected progress for pupils. Target Input, activities and tasks Lead Timing 2) As detailed in the Governors’ development plan JC/JLM Sept + i. Secure at least good SIAS judgment Inspection a) To sustain membership of a skilled Full due Spring/Summer 2017. Governing Body b) To ensure accountability of the school including the scrutiny of data (*quantitative & qualitative), to secure impact on pupil out comes. c) To measure and assess impact in term of the Governing Body’s contribution to school improvements d) To develop contacts with other schools and sectors of the school community. 2) a) Explore local arrangements with Diocese Multi- JLM/ Aug+ Academy and Trust and how this might be KG ii. Review implications for Academisation with realised in the light of existing good practise partnership with CofE schools in the partner schools and plan for development Wigston/Oadby area and alliances therein. JLM Aug+ b) Establish links with local potential trust partners JLM As app c) Establish action planning and to suit JLM/ KG As app d) Ensure capacity in school to meet pressures on leadership 2) a) Induct and embed new Chair and Vice Chair of JLM Sept+ Govs JLM/ KG iii. Embed new chair of governors and continue b) Build capacity to support Govs through Nov+ close leadership work between govs, SLT and i. development of size of school, Nov+ extend to middle leaders. KG/ JLM Sept+ ii. possible academisation programme JLM c) Develop Govs action plan to embed new govs’ Oct+ skills and prepare for possible academisation JLM and Nov+ d) Embed joint SLT meetings with Govs’ T&L Committee e) Introduce joint Mid LT meetings with Govs 2) a) Induct new DHT and ensure clear pathway for JLM Aug+ & KT leadership network and collaboration across iv. Enhance senior leadership through increased schools. JLM Aug+ systems leadership, induct new DHT, & b) Develop capacity of DHT in line with needs of academisation KT Oct+ increase leadership capacity of SLT KEH/AV Aug+ c) Engage with maths Mastery Project and develop KEH/AV d) Embed interior roles of Literacy SLE and SLE KW JLM/ support for F1/0 SLT Nov + e) Develop external role of SLEs to lead across JLM school networks Jan + JLM Nov+ f) Secure SLE role for SEN/Y6 leader g) Review structure of senior leadership to support JLM/ Nov+ KW school of growing size/ Academy of growing size h) Enhance accountability for strategic development Nov+ across the school i) Develop strategy of succession planning to widen leadership expertise across the school j) Utilise skills of outstanding Year 6 teacher already in school to prepare and support colleagues in partner schools. 2) a) Nominate and train Improvement Champion for JLM/ KEH Up to Aug v. Introduce and engage in SPP (Schools All Saints to contribute to Systems leadership JLM Sept Partnership Programme) to ensure robust across schools JLM/ Oct secure self-evaluation and improvements b) Secure additional training for HT in SPP process SLT On going c) Define areas of All Saints SPP in line with PIP d) Embed SPP process through co-working with Partner schools and with OLP 2) a) Develop and enhance UP3 whole school roles to JLM Aug+ (Staff App) lead and inspire colleagues in areas of expertise vi. Enhance role of Middle leadership to lead and responsibility and in line with performance management requirements research & innovation to on impact of T&L on b) Shadow leadership areas in action research in HA/AF/BM/HG Oct+ pupil outcomes, KW/KEH/AV/KT school to support the development of formative AF/HG NOV+ assessment c) Support middle leaders in developing in house Mid leader support for Teaching assistants and student Sept placements in developing and aspects of JLM OFSTED JLM/KT Develop the role of pedagogy foundation subject leaders so Termly they can be more accountable d) Training for Co-ordinator/leader training for for improving and monitoring Foundation Subject leads Nov the quality of teaching and e) Release middle leaders to carry out co-ordination learning within their subject Termly duties to monitor and develop Foundation areas. subjects especially in Y6, f) Establish Govs/Middle leadership meetings g) Establish Middle leadership team meetings to develop provision in subject areas and beyond. 2) a) Embed regular 1:1 meetings with SBM and JLM Aug+ headship team vii. Establish robust staff appraisal for business and DJ Jan + b) SBM to attend SLT meetings as necessary facilities staff to sustain excellent front/back JLM Nov office functions c) SBM standards as principles to inform staff appraisal for SBM role used to influence performance management DJ Feb+ d) Secure succession planning for roles across back office functions DJ e) Ensure capacity for additional support in Feb+ response to development in academisation. JLM Jan+ f) Secure ongoing SBM role support to strengthen delivery 3:Removing Barriers to Narrow Gaps and raise attainment: To meet the academic targets for accelerated progress and raised attainment for all pupils through enhanced teaching and timely and well-focused interventions. Target Input, activities and tasks Lead Timing 3.i) JLM On going through PIP

Attainment and progress targets a) Ensure continuity & consistency of high Aug+ performance in teaching across the sch, Progress and Attainment: Sustain consistency embedding & embracing new staff team JLM in progress across all year groups and increase Nov + acceleration of attainment so that outcomes b) Introduce additional PPA ‘token time’ to embed Jan for TRG for all pupils improve and are at least in line or SEN work and research and development KT better than national expectations.

PIP targets for attainment: Oct +

EYFS 65% GLD c) Extend introduction of mastery pedagogy, Phonics: 85% meet phonic standard especially in maths, linking into Maths Hub JLM/All Staff Y %R %W %M Comb research group. 1 68 68 80.6 61.3% Nov + (Comprehension) 2 63.3 63.8 73.2 63.3% d) Through action research further embed secure Jan+ (Mths) 3 72.7 66.6 66.6 66.6% systematic and robust formative assessment KT/KEH 4 62 56.8 62.6 56.8% procedures (Shirley Clarke) extending use of Sept + learning questions, ‘uncapped’ differentiation 5 63 54.5 54.5 54.5% and impactful feedback. 6 66 66 66 66.6%

KT/SLT e) Embed and strengthen questioning strategies across all staff

f) Review assessment tracking methodologies to better incorporate mastery v progress and utilisation of SAT standards in Y2 and Y6 and assessment continuum across SEN pupils and in to mainstream 32.ii) Disadvantaged Groups: SEN KW/AV Ongoingthrough PIP Deeply challenge barriers to learning for double Embed systematic management SEN processes and disadvantaged (eg Pupil Premium/FSM/SEND pupils) and procedures across the school. close gaps for specific pupils within ongoing continuing Oct + gap closure. KW/Av/KG Induct new SEN Governor. Aug+ KW/AV SEN Embed pedagogical approaches to ensure ‘every i) a 80% of SEN Pupils rated green on their teacher is a teacher of SEN’. Oct + individualised dashboard AV b 100% pupils make 4 steps progress, Introduce SEN Passports for all staff access to pupils, Oct + (screen-ing) c: 25% make 8 steps progress. needs AV/KW Jan + ii) Embed pedagogical approaches to ensure ‘every (Provi-sion) teacher is a teacher of SEN’. Embed Dyslexia specialist provision and expertise for iii) Establish ASD hub to support ASD provision screnning and testing. across the school. KW Sept Establish ASD hub to support ASD provision across the school KW Ensure all staff are training and have developing expertise in AET level 1 training and above PPG & HSC PPG & HSC JLM/KT/KW/ Aug + i) 90% of PPG pupils make at least 6 steps AV progress or show mastery in their band. Embed pedagogical approaches to ensure effective removal of barriers to learning ii) Embed pedagogical approaches to ensure KT effective removal of barriers to learning Join OLP Research group to further embed best Sept practise to remove barriers JLM Introduce Neglect Tool Kit for hard to reach families Aug+ JLM/KT Introduce and embed targeted work with families to AV/KW support basic skill and pupils’ homework. Jan

KT Embed PPG Health checks with staff Nov G&T In line with maths, introduce and embed mastery JLM/KT Jan + Ensure data tracking systems account for mastery in KT/JLM band, Oct + 3.iii) Curricular targets: EYFS: Aug+ AV Raise specific attainment: Establish extended provision for 2 FS classes. Oct + a)EYFS: Enhance sustained shared thinking to support higher order 65% of pupils make a Good level of development thinking and reasoning lang development (expected standard) Intensify reading support through enhanced provision for Aug+ 13.3% exceed expectation in Reading , writing and support at home, family phonic support/phonic bug. Sept+ maths (number) Review and intensify writing provision and pre-writing skills Oct + and behaviours OFSTED Provide pupils in the Reception class with more opportunities to develop their writing. Develop enhanced maths provision to support maths Jan+ mastery across the school

Strengthen links with pre-school to support development Nov + of provision for 2 years olds and basic skills for 3 years Reading KEH  Explore pedagogical mastery within reading (esp By Dec authorship and linking reading to writing) to underpin b)Reading this. By Nov

i) 90% of pupils make at least 6 steps progress or show mastery in their band.  Review library facility and quality of provision and By Feb management of use By Oct ii) Reading for pleasure is embedded across the  Build links with Wigston library school, so that July 2017 there is improvement in By Dec pupil reading behaviours, higher order reading comprehension and as a result pupil outcomes  Embed library monitoring and housekeeping, and Sept+ improve in line with targeted attainment. facilitation. Sept+

 Review key learning focus in reading to augment embedding of pedagogical mastery of comprehension. Jan Sept+  Raise status of reading for pleasure, especially for Nov+ boys.

 Repeat whole school reading challenge to motivate Feb+ and inspire readers

 Support, resource and embed specific text to drive c) Writing boys’ reading to influence their writing. (Wide ranging text and reading books) i) 90% of pupils make at least 6 steps progress or show mastery in their band.  Embed Reading partners across the school ii) “Attainment in writing in is within 3% for each cohort target Y1-Y6, and gender gap overall is  Introduce additional reading interventions reduced by 3 percentage points from Autumn 1 to summer 2.  Develop use of reading comprehension to secure and enhance inferential and deduction skills in OFSTED Improve teaching and accelerate achievement by understanding reading. ensuring more consistency in feedback to pupils on how to improve their skills in spelling, punctuation and handwriting.  Develop provision to support and explore in band mastery for exceptional readers

Writing : KEH d) CLLD/Phonics By Feb 85% meet phonic standard in Year 1  Review writing policy and explore pedagogical mastery within writing (esp authorship and linking reading to writing through Novel Study ) to underpin Nov this.  Review key learning focus in writing to augment Nov+ embedding of pedagogical mastery of composition. e)Maths  Embed talk for writing through Pie Corbett approach Sept+ to 3 (4) ‘I’s approach, and embedding pedagogical i) 90% of pupils make at least 6 steps progress or mastery through understanding authorship. show mastery in their band.  Embed spelling and grammar strategies both through By Feb discrete teaching in preparation of GPAs and Jan+ ii) Trial and explore various approaches to embed maths embedded within writing to enhance authorship. mastery so that by July 2017 there is a an increase in pupil  Ensure systematic assessment of writing, especially independence in applying reasoning in problem solving, through cross curricular transfer of skills. Feb+ and pupil outcomes improve in line with targeted attainment  Use specific texts and teaching strategies to engage boys in their writing, linking to Novel Study

 Develop provision to support and explore in band mastery for exceptional writers

KEH By Dec  Revisit and refresh CLLD audit  Work with parents to support phonics and reading at Sept/Oct home Jan  Target and track specific groups of pupils and ability groups to ensure accelerated progression and secured outcomes. Maths KT

Join Teacher Research Group to develop Mastery approach Jan to teaching mathematics (Shanghai model), Introduce development of pedagogy Oct/Nov  Review tracking materials and develop assessment in By Dec line with a mastery curriculum Sept+  Review materials and resources to support teaching

Jan and learning

Jan/Feb  Embed maths challenge to raise status of mental arithmetic.

 Revisit, embed and make consistent strategies to teach and apply number bonds and multiplication/division facts Data dive Dec/Mar

 Through coaching further embed reasoning and problem solving teaching strategies to enhance and apply maths skills and pedagogical mastery

 Extend TA skills in supporting pedagogical mastery and maths functions.

 Carefully track progress in maths to identify where gaps might be appearing (Girls/FSM&PPG/SEN) Enriched Curriculum Provision and focused Curriculum Development: To extend experiential learning through a creative curriculum delivery that is responsive to the academic, social and emotional needs of pupils at All Saints. Target Input, activities Lead Time Resource Monitoring Success criteria and tasks scale s 4 i)Introduce and a) Review age KW/ Aug + Inset day Milestones Staff Appraisal shows that JLM all staff have an awareness embed Y6 curriculum, related Aug+ Repeated St Milestones of Y6 curriculum and have ensuring all staff expectations in Mtg and participated and observed understand challenges core subjects Aug+ Training T&L in Y6 and content, and across whole sessions Learning conversations increase progression FS – Y6 school with all staff. KT/ JLM Sept- SLT time Milestones Whole school contributes Nov Accrued to supporting Y6 outcomes b) Revisit KW resources Minutes of meetings to maximise pupil expectations of Sept+ outcomes KS1 and KS2 SLT time SATs KW Attendance at mtgs and contributions Sept+ therein through mins Standardised testing shows c) Review SATs KT accumulation of progress papers with all Dec £750 Staff appraisal objectives over time – standardised to staff to SLT 100 in RWM. This provides understand Nov+ Release time a framework to target Expectations (TA Supply) outcomes better. and pressures upon pupils and School is confident in outcomes for Y6 because Y6/Y2 staff. progress and attainment is d) Review standardised and Assessment and moderated. tracking methodologies in line with Interim Assessment Frameworks across each year group in R/W/M e) Work alongside other OLP schools to moderate tracking and assessments in Y6 f) Work with development group based colleagues and LA to support return of Y6 g) Introduce standardised testing in RWM to support assessment in Y6 h) Support pedagogy in Y6 and Y2 by extending opportunity for all staff to observe and contribute to Y6 teaching and learning (Included in Staff appraisal)

4 ii)Embed new RE a) Review SEF in KEH/ Sept+ SLT release Milestones New RE syllabus ensures JLM time 2 days) the quality of teaching, syllabus and ensure at line with new learning and assessment in least good rating in for Syllabus delivery KEH Inset day QFT in RE Observations and learning RE has impacted on pupil RE curriculum and response to Aug walks outcomes and as a result provision in SIAS ‘text to KEH Inset day 90% are at least on band inspection meaning’ Sept+ Disseminated training in St Mtgs and for outcomes. 90% pupils element of Pupil survey make at least 6 steps ‘Understanding KEH Nov+ SLT time progress in RE Christianity’ Milestones Syllabus b) Introduce new Leics RE syllabus to all staff and Govs c) Additional training for TAs in new syllabus d) Attend 5 day training for DBE additional syllabus for Understanding Christianity e) Work alongside All Saints Clergy to deliver training aspects of ‘Understanding Christianity’

4 iii)Enhance a) Additional BM Sept+ £500 Learning walks, staff feedback and Evidence of coding across BM learning conversations the school in each year computing curriculum training for Nov+ Milestones group and in each class. further and embed new Computing co- BM/AV Time hardware ordinator BM Sept Impact on T&L – Lesson Obs Ipads Apps extend b) Skills of staff to Planning, weekly and mid term provision across all subject arrangements for Sept Staff meeting areas and this is evident in laptops and ipads, meet match BM/KW Mar+ Time Feedback and evaluation for next work scrutinies needs of Sept+ steps, increasing in learning computing BM conversations Training meets skill base curriculum in Jan Inset Inset day gaps of staff KS1 and KS2 day Milestones BM St meeting Milestones Increase in pupils c) Review options Mar time attainment at age expected for Large scale BM band computing in Jan + Time and Milestones towheads achieving award. EYFS. BM/ training d) Review of JLM Feb SLT time additional lap tops and ipads to supplement local use in classrooms across the school e) Enhance computing curriculum for Y6 pupils f) Review use of ‘Apps’ across all subject areas to supplement use of ipads in cross-curricular subjects g) Additional training for whole school in developing coding across the curriculum h) Review computing curriculum in whole school curriculum map. i) Review and benchmark expectations for year group age related expected assessments. j) Review and audit provision for esafety award

4 iv) Develop a) Work with Oadby JLM Sept+ OLP mtg time Tracking meetings Leaders identify aspects of skills base to develop from provision for skills learning data and monitoring progression in Partnership/other Jan + foundation subjects providers to support SLT St Mtg time St Mtg schedule. Impact on outcomes Achievement in subjects is including assessment CPD for subject detected by Leaders evidenced through a range and tracking of this, leaders in network of media and secure exit groups Leaders/JLM Mar+ MLT release Learning walks/book scrutiny indicate activities in IPC based (History,art,geograph time (TA impact and next steps for Pupil attainment at age topics. review rolling y) JLM/ Supply development related expectation KT Mar+ increases because middle programme for 2017- b) Ensure moderation MLT release Adjustments to curriculum over time leaders have specifically 18 and scrutiny of work (TA supply) lead improvement to in all areas; develop narrow gaps in provision. strategies to capture learning across the curriculum using electronic methods when best. c) Monitor progress and performance in foundation subjects through work scrutinies, ensuring marking and feedback is used effectively d) Review content of curriculum to ensure skills have ample opportunity to embed 4 v) Develop e) Handover of FFL to AV/CB Oct+ Time Mile stone Plans in place for Silver accreditation and by July provision for Food for new co-ordinator CB By Nov Action Plan 2017 50% of objectives are life Silver award, f) Review/audit met enhanced Healthy provision to date and CB/AV Oct+ Mtg with Schools for Anti- plan milestone Master Increased growing activity Esafety award 50% met by KT Nov Gardeners July 2017 bullying & work developments for towards esafety marks Refreshed Anti-bullying charter silver award. DHT time Anti- bullying Healthy g) Develop further links school award is with Wigston triangulated by continued Growing projects and high profile, low actualisation of bullying. gardening/growing elements of FFL h) Review Anti-bully procedures and effectiveness of anti- bullying charter to support new areas of work for anti-bullying award. 4 vi) Embed a) Develop homework KW/AV Nov+ Budget cost Footfall at sessions Targeted group of pupil £1k/existing increase incidence of homework support and clubs: lunchtime timetabled Increased footfall for targeted families completed homework by ‘super’ curriculum support and after SLT/all staff time 80%. activities to enhance school support – Y6 Nov+ Range of activities supports core skills Core subjects and specific and also This has an impact on attainment across the whole increased outcomes for school R/W/M b) Develop range of super curriculum activities to enhance application of key skills – e.g. enterprise/Book club/newspaper/codi ng/cookery 4 vii) Secure further a) Introduce termly SLT Sept/ St Mtg time Attendance to sessions 85% + parents involved in Jan/ additional support for their parental engagement parent information April children. supporting basic skills? sessions for each phase to make KW Jan Additional Attendance at sessions- increased for Parents of targeted clear expectations AV Jan support £500 targeted families. children increase for each age group engagement by 70%. in line with curric ’14 and new SATS for KS1 and 2. b) Embed Y6 homework support with parents c) Work with Family learning to develop partnership workshops between pupils and parents

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