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DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGING AND DISABILITY SERVICES 3416 Goni Road, Suite D-132 Carson City, NV, 89706 Telephone (775) 687-4210 Fax (775) 687-0574
Name of Organization: Nevada Commission on Aging (Nevada Revised Statute [NRS] 427A.034)
Date and Time of Meeting: November 29, 2016 10:00 a.m.
This meeting had a video conference at the following locations:
Carson: Early Intervention Services 2667 Enterprise Road Reno, NV 89512
Las Vegas: Aging and Disability Services 1860 East Sahara Las Vegas, NV 89104
Elko: Nevada Early Intervention Services 1020 Ruby Vista Drive Suite 102 Elko, NV 8980
I. Call to Order/Roll Call Jill Berntson, Deputy Administrator
Nevada Department of Health and Human Services Helping People -- It's Who We Are And What We Do Page 2 Members Present: Eddie Ableser, Lisa Krasner, Connie McMullen, Patsy Waits, Nancy Anderson, Glenn Trowbridge, Jose Tinio, Jacob Harmon, Travis Lee
Members Absent: Joyce Woodhouse, Stravros Anthony, Joseph Romeo, Chris Guinchigliani
Guests: Jane Gruner, Jeff Klein, Sally Ramm
Staff Present: Camala Foley, Jill Berntson, Shaina Holmes-Robinson
A quorum was declared.
II. Verification of Posting
Posted November 22, 2016.
III. Approval of the Minutes from September 13, 2016 Meeting (For Possible Action)
Patsy Waits made a motion to approve the minutes with the correction of attendance for John Rice. Connie McMullen seconded the motion. The motion passed.
IV. Public Comment (No action may be taken upon a matter raised under public comment period unless the matter itself has been specifically included on an agenda as an action item. Comments will be limited to three minutes per person. Persons making comment will be asked to begin by stating their name for the record and to spell their last name and provide the secretary with written comments.)
No Public Comment
V. Administrator’s Report Eddie Ableser, Administrator
Eddie Ableser discussed the Commission meeting post session. Joseph Romeo and Chris Guinchigliani have been appointed to COA. There is one vacancy open on the Commission. The Commission discussed the Agency Request that was submitted to the Governor’s Office. The purpose for the upcoming budget is to expand Aging and Disability Services to help clear the Physical Disability Waiver as well as Frail and Elderly Waiver waitlist. The budget also included 3 Ombudsman positions that are also a part of the projected caseload growth. BDR 120/AB31 is to expand the positions of Elder Rights Chief and Advocate for Elders. The Commission discussed BDR 507 regarding recommendations to remove Ombudsman mandated report statute. Ombudsman will still have ability to report abuse but will not be mandated to do so. Eddie Ableser discussed Managed Care for Long- term Service and Reports in other states including Wisconsin. Nevada Senior Services was nationally recognized by the Rosenland Carter Leadership Caregiving Award. Jeff Klein discussed the award with the commission.
1/19/2018 06695affff64fcd9b7ee5be46bc8c695.docx Page 3 Jill Berntson discussed collaboration with the District Attorney’s Office and the Corniners Office in Clark County. The Corniners Office will contact Elder Protective Services to see if there has been any Elder Abuse report for deceased seniors.
VI. Report from the Legislative Subcommittee including Approval of Draft White Papers Jeff Klein, NV Senior Services, Subcommittee Chairperson
Event Planning Checklist Commission on Aging Subcommittee on Legislative Issues Event Planning Check List
The CoA Subcommittee on Legislative Issues has prepared this check list as a guide for your organization to host an event for legislators. Events offer the opportunity to:
Share information about your organization and the impact of services offered
Educate legislators about issues facing the older adults you serve and Nevada’s elders
Create ongoing dialogue about senior issues
Planning Your Event:
Events should take place prior to the start of the Legislative session on February 6, 2017
Identify legislators (Senate and Assembly) in your district to be invited. Link:
Select date, time and location
Create guest list:
Commission on Aging Subcommittee on Legislative Issues members
Commission on Aging members
Agency representatives including board and staff
Consumers, clients and families
Representative from aging organizations: Nevada Aging and Disability Services Division, Nevada Silver Haired Legislative Forum, AARP
1/19/2018 06695affff64fcd9b7ee5be46bc8c695.docx Page 4 Send invitation to legislators and guests (preferably 4 weeks in advance of event)
Follow-up with legislators to confirm acceptance of invitation to attend your event
Learn about the areas of interest of your legislators
Plan agenda:
Create an agenda (approximately 1 – 1 ½ hours) and assign specific tasks
Sample agenda . Welcome and introductions
. Overview of agency services and programs
. Client experiences/stories
. Conversation on elder issues in Nevada
. Plans for follow-up on specific issues
. Closing remarks
. Facility tour
Prepare handouts for day of event and take-away packet (agency materials, Elder Issues in Nevada)
Plan logistics: room arrangement, refreshments, parking, audio-visual equipment, name tags
Send reminder about event to legislators and guests (one week prior to event)
Day of Event:
Check that logistics are completed
Greet and introduce guests
Monitor schedule and time
Distribute handouts
Inquire about experience with older family members and as caregiver
1/19/2018 06695affff64fcd9b7ee5be46bc8c695.docx Page 5 In concluding the event, specify plan for follow up on issues of importance to organization, legislative bills and information requested by legislator. Determine preferred method of communication
After Event:
Send note of thanks to legislator(s)
Follow-up, as planned, on all outstanding issues including requested information
Continue dialogue by communicating with legislator(s) regarding elder issues, request for support for bills/agency budgets and other pertinent information
Send summary of visit to Commission on Aging Subcommittee on Legislative Issues
Packet Cover Letter
Today’s Date
Name Organization Address City State Zip
Dear Name:
On behalf of the Commission on Aging’s Subcommittee on Legislative Issues, thank you for your interest in inviting your legislator(s) to visit your organization. We hope that these events will educate legislators about services for older adults, increase awareness of the issues affecting the individuals you serve and create an opportunity for ongoing dialogue during the session.
To facilitate your efforts, we have prepared the attached materials:
Event planning checklist
Sample format for invitation
Subcommittee stationery for invitation to which your agency logo can be added
Elder Issues in Nevada (Subcommittee on Legislative Issues’ position paper)
The members of the COA Subcommittee on Legislative Issues are available to provide support in the planning process and on the day of the event. We request that once your date is set, you share that information so that we can schedule a Sub-Committee member and aging representative (AARP, Silver Haired Legislative Forum and ADSD) to attend.
Thank you, in advance, for your efforts to participate in this important initiative to highlight the needs of Nevada’s older adults and organizations who positively impact their lives. As you begin planning your event, please contact one of us listed below, so that we can offer our assistance.
1/19/2018 06695affff64fcd9b7ee5be46bc8c695.docx Page 6 Jeffrey Klein, Chair (702) 648-3425 [email protected]
Diane Ross, Co-Chair (775) 829-4700 [email protected]
Sally Ramm, Staff (775) 687-0835 [email protected]
VII. Update and Discussion Regarding the Bureau of Health Care Quality and Compliance and Change of Ownership of Facilities. (For Possible Action) Jose Tinio, COA Member
Dear ______: This is with regard to the reporting of “Health Facility Inspection Surveys” of various health care facilities, licensed by BHCQC, through the “Nevada Health Statistics Portal” and the DPBH “ALIS Licensee Search.” Both can be accessed through the DPBH Web portal. These are definitely valuable tools by which the consuming public can, in one way, be informed about a facility that they might consider using. They can definitely make use of these reports to compare amongst different facilities. However, the reports do not discriminate against facilities whose ownerships have changed. Sometimes, the new ownership will effect a facility name change or change of endorsement to differentiate it from the previous entity. The reports, however, continue recorded deficiencies to the “new” facility. In this instance then, the public could be misled to think that the facility is still the same. We suggest that the systems be upgraded to indicate changes in ownerships. Furthermore, is it necessary to continue inspection reports that were recorded over five years ago? Thank you.
VIII. Report on BDR’s and Guardianship Commission Sally Ramm Elder Rights Attorney, ADSD
ADSD PROGRAMS BDR 120 – Aging and Disability Services (AB 31) Revises provisions governing the duties of the Community Advocate for Elder Rights. BDR 152 – Legislative Committee on Senior Citizens, Veterans and Adults with Special Needs Home-delivered meals BDR 371 – Subcommittee to Conduct a Study of Postacute Care Expands duties of Long Term Care Ombudsman Program BDR 507 – Senator Ratti Revises provisions relating to the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman.
BEHAVIORAL AND COGNITIVE CARE BDR 63 – Senator Woodhouse 1/19/2018 06695affff64fcd9b7ee5be46bc8c695.docx Page 7 Establishes an interim study committee to research issues regarding the behavioral health and cognitive care of older persons. BDR 410 – Legislative Committee on Health Care Transfers responsibility for regulating certain mental health-related professions to the State Board of Health.
CONSUMER PROTECTION BDR 451 – Senator Farley Revises provisions relating to consumer protection.
CRIMINAL BDR 260 – Committee on Corrections, Parole and Probation (AB 76) Revises provisions relating to the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History. BDR 444 – Assembly Committee on Judiciary Enacts the Human Trafficking Prevention Act BDR 474 – Senator Harris Revises provisions relating to crimes. BDR 406 – Attorney General (SB62) Revises provisions governing the penalty for subsequent convictions of battery which constitute domestic violence. BDR 501 – Senator Harris Revises provisions relating to elder abuse.
DEVELOPMENTAL AND PHYSICAL DISABILITIES BDR 132 – Assembly Committee on Health and Human Services (AB 46) Revises provisions governing services provided to persons with mental illness and other disabilities. BDR 133 – Committee on Health and Human Services (SB 27) Revises the definition of the term “mental illness” for purposes of provisions relating to criminal procedure, mental health and intellectual disabilities. BDR 145 – Legislative Committee on Senior Citizens, Veterans and Adults with Special Needs Makes an appropriation to the Division of Aging and Disability Services to convert contracted sign language interpreter positions to state employee positions. BDR 224, 225 – Rehabilitation Division of DETR (AB 20) Revises provisions governing vocational rehabilitation. Revises provisions relating to the Bureau of Services to persons who are Blind or Visually Impaired. BDR 251 – Department of Education (AB 64) Revises provisions governing requirements for graduation and diplomas. BDR 306 – Senator Woodhouse Provides for an audit of the student assessments conducted in public schools. BDR 326 – Legislative Committee on Educations Revises provisions relating to certain education reporting requirements. BDR 327 – Legislative Committee on Educations Revises provisions relating to competency-based education. BDR 328 – Legislative Committee on Education Revises provisions relating to pupils with disabilities. BDR 363 – Legislative Committee on Health Care Revises provisions relating to autism. 1/19/2018 06695affff64fcd9b7ee5be46bc8c695.docx Page 8 BDR 405 – Washoe County School District (SB 49) Revises provisions relating to special education identification and funding. BDR 490 – Assemblyman Oscarson Revises provisions governing special education.
ELECTIONS BDR 2 – Secretary of State (AB 13) Makes various changes relating to elections. BDR 22 – Senator Ford (Joint Requester Assemblyman Araujo) Revises provisions relating to elections. BDR 88 – Assemblyman Hansen Revises provisions relating to elections. BDR 268 – Senator Hardy Revises provisions relating to elections. BDR 274 – Assemblyman Jones Revises provisions relating to elections. BDR 426 – Secretary of State (AB 45) Revises various provisions relating to elections. BDR 450 – Senate Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections Revises provisions relating to elections. BDR 452 – Senator Farley Revises provisions relating to elections. BDR 463 – Secretary of State Revises provisions relating to voter registration. BDR 491 – Senate Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections Makes various changes relating to elections.
END-OF-LIFE BDR 17 – Senator Parks (Joint Requestor Senator Kieckhefer) Revises provisions governing prescribing, dispensing and administering controlled substances designed to end the life of a patient. BDR 114 – Senator Segerblom Increases the fee for death certificates to fund grief support. BDR 143 – Senator Woodhouse Makes various changes relating to palliative care. BDR 174 – Division of Public and Behavioral Health (SB 50) Provides for advance directives for psychiatric care. BDR 365 – Legislative Committee on Health Care Revises provisions governing end-of-life care.
GUARDIANSHIP BDR 6 – Senator Harris Revises provisions relating to guardianships. BDR 87 – Senator Harris Makes various changes relating guardianships. BD 84 – Senate Committee on Judiciary Revises provisions relating to privacy. BDR 468 – Senator Harris 1/19/2018 06695affff64fcd9b7ee5be46bc8c695.docx Page 9 Revises certain provisions governing guardianships. BDR 487 – Senate Committee on Judiciary Revises provisions relating to guardianships. BDR 502 – Assemblyman Sprinkle Revises provisions governing the guardianship of minors. BDR 509 – Senator Harris Revises provisions relating to privacy.
HEALTH CARE BDR 24 – Senator Farley Revises provisions relating to health care. BDR 270 – Senator Hardy Revises provisions relating to Alzheimer’s disease BDR 271 – Senator Hardy Revises provisions regarding health care. BDR 288 – Assemblyman Ohrenschall Revises provisions regarding health care. BDR 319 – Senator Hardy Revises provisions concerning health care. BDR 350 – Senator Hardy Revises provisions relating to health care. BDR 467 – Senator Parks Revises provisions relating to health insurance coverage of certain cancer treatment drugs.
HOUSING BDR 339 – Assemblyman Elliot Anderson Revises provisions governing landlords and tenants. BDR 420 – Nevada League of Cities and Municipalities (SB 5) Revises provisions governing programs that provide affordable housing.
LICENSING PROFESSIONALS BDR 218 – Assemblyman Jones Revises provisions governing professional licensing. BDR 228 – Office of the Governor Establishes the State Board of Health as the regulatory oversight body for behavioral health occupational licensing boards. BDR 229 – Office of the Governor (SB 69) Revises general provisions governing state agencies, boards and commissions that regulate occupations and professions. BDR 391 – Attorney General (SB 55) Revises provisions relating to the invalidation of professional or occupational licenses issued by a regulatory body in error. BDR 417 – Lieutenant Governor (SB 32) Makes various changes to provisions governing investment advisers and securities. BDR 483 – Senate Committee on Commerce, Labor and Energy Revises provisions relating to professions. BDR 484 – Senate Committee on Commerce, Labor and Energy Makes certain changes relating to professions. 1/19/2018 06695affff64fcd9b7ee5be46bc8c695.docx Page 10
MEDICAID BDR 209 – Assemblyman Oscarson Provides for the periodic review of rates under the State Plan for Medicaid. BDR 368 – Subcommittee to Conduct a Study of Postacute Care Requires analysis of adequacy of rates of reimbursement paid through Medicaid waiver programs for personal care services. BDR 369 – Subcommittee to Conduct a Study of Postacute Care Requires comparative analysis of rates of reimbursement paid for personal care services and home-and community-based services furnished by certain providers. BDR 373 – Nevada Silver Haired Legislative Forum (SB 28) Requires periodic reviews of certain rates paid under the State Plan for Medicaid. BDR 379 – Attorney General (AB 53) Revises provisions relating to the investigation and prosecution of Medicaid fraud. BDR 438 - Clark County (AB 65) Revises provisions relating to the administration of Medicaid.
PROPERTY TAXES BDR 441 – Nevada Association of Counties (AB 43) Revises provisions governing the partial abatement of taxes levied on residential or other property.
RESIDENTIAL AND LONG TERM CARE FACILITIES BDR 132 – Division of Public and Behavioral Health Revises provisions governing the regulation of community based residential facilities. BDR 133 – Division of Public and Behavioral Health Revises the definition of the term “mental illness” as used in the provisions relating to mental health. BDR 370 – Subcommittee to Conduct a Study of Postacute Care Requires establishment of minimum standards of operation for provision of long-term care for certain persons. BDR 146 - Legislative Committee on Senior Citizens, Veterans and Adults with Special Needs Enacts provisions governing safety at residential facilities for groups. BDR 183 – Division of Public and Behavioral Health (SB 71) Revises provisions relating to administrative sanctions for licensed and unlicensed medical facilities and other related entities. BDR 370 – Subcommittee to Conduct a Study of Postacute Care Requires establishment of minimum standards of operation for provision of long-term care for certain persons.
TRANSPORTATION BDR 86 – Senator Parks Makes various changes relating to transportation. BDR 411 – City of Las Vegas (SB 60) Revises provisions relating to supplemental reimbursement for Medicaid ground emergency medical transportation services.
VETERANS 1/19/2018 06695affff64fcd9b7ee5be46bc8c695.docx Page 11 BDR 32 – Assemblyman Thompson Enacts provisions relating to suicide prevention for veterans. BDR 57 – Senator Spearman Revises provisions relating to veterans. BDR 64 – Senator Woodhouse Revises provisions relating to veterans. BDR 123 – Department of Veterans Services (AB 22) Makes various changes relating to the Department of Veterans services. BDR 124 – Committee on Government Affairs (SB 58) Revises various provisions relating to veterans. BDR 125 – Department of Veterans Services (AB 19) Revises the reporting requirements for data relating to veterans. BDR 147 – Legislative Committee on Senior Citizens, Veterans and Adults with Special Needs Makes an appropriation to the Department of Veterans Services to support certain dental programs for veterans. BDR 150 – Legislative Committee on Senior Citizens, Veterans and Adults with Special Needs Makes changes relating to programs for the treatment of veterans and members of the military. BDR 164 – Committee on Judiciary (SB 33) Prohibits the foreclosure of real property owned by certain military personnel or their dependents in certain circumstances. BDR 166 – Committee on Government Affairs (SB 70) Revises provisions governing the management of certain abandoned or unclaimed property by the Department of Veterans Services. BDR 169 – Committee on Government Affairs (SB 7) Revises provisions of the Nevada Code of Military Justice BDR 423 – Secretary of State (AB 44) Authorizes waiver of certain initial filing and other fees for new veteran-owned businesses. BDR 456 – Assemblyman Moore Revises provisions to provide expanded opportunities for veterans in public employment.
WELFARE AND SUPPORTIVE SERVICES BDR 38 – Assemblyman Wheeler Revises provisions governing eligibility for welfare and supportive services. BDR 77 – Senator Settlemeyer Revises provisions relating to public welfare. BDR 256 – Division of Welfare and Supportive Services Makes various changes relating to welfare and supportive services. BDR 277 – Assemblyman Silberkraus Makes various changes relating to veterans courts. BDR 408 – State Treasurer (SB 17) Requires State Treasurer to form an independent corporation for public benefit to provide access to emergency capital for Nevada’s educators, veterans and active duty military families.
IX. Report from the Strategic Planning Subcommittee Connie McMullen, Senior Spectrum, Subcommittee Chairperson
The Strategic Plan Subcommittee has been fully engaged in the update of the Olmstead Plan.
1/19/2018 06695affff64fcd9b7ee5be46bc8c695.docx Page 12 A rought draft of the Olmstead Plan should be available in January. Two new members have joined the Strategic Planning Subcommittee.
X. Discussion and Approval of Agenda Items for next meeting (For Possible Action) Eddie Ableser, Administrator
The next meeting will be scheduled for the June 19, 2017 in Las Vegas.
XI. Public Comment (No action may be taken upon a matter raised under public comment period unless the matter itself has been specifically included on an agenda as an action item.) Comments will be limited to three minutes per person. Persons making comment will be asked to begin by stating their name for the record and to spell their last name and provide the secretary with written comments.)
No Public Comment
XII. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned around 3:30pm (time not recorded)
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