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Toledo Public Schools

Toledo Public Schools Pacing Guide Grade 5 Science Quarter 1 Benchmark Big Idea Indicators Harcourt Interventions Vocabulary Give examples of SI 1: Select and safely use  Getting Ready  Appropriate several scientific the appropriate tools to collect for Science instruments tools and describe data when conducting Lessons 1,2,3  Data what type of data investigations and  Investigation they could measure communicating findings to  Investigate  Organize or analyze. others (e.g., thermometers, pp.1, 11, 19  Formulate timers, balances, spring (All parts of inferences Which tool would scales, magnifiers, Investigations  Conclusions you select to microscopes and other must be measure length, appropriate tools). completed to circumference and teach these weight of a balloon? SI 2: Evaluate observations indicators) …the distance the and measurements made by plane flew? …the other people and identify  LM pp. 1-25 distance the rocket reasons for any discrepancies. traveled?  Transparencies SI 3: Use evidence and o IS 1 Why would there be observations to explain and o RS 1 variations between communicate the results of o IS 2 different groups’ investigations. o RS 2 data /observations? SI 5: Identify potential o IS 3 Explain and provide hazards and/or precautions o RS 3 evidence of your involved in an investigation. investigation results.

List classroom safety rules.

1 Toledo Public Schools Pacing Guide Grade 5 Science Quarter 1 Benchmark Big Idea Indicators Harcourt Interventions Vocabulary Life Science What would life be LS 1: Describe the role of Chapter 3: Lesson 1 Curr. Website:  Analyze like on Earth without producers in the transfer of pp. 100-107  I Feed Myself  Structures sunlight? Could we energy entering ecosystems  LM pp. 45-47 HC  Functions survive? as sunlight to chemical energy  RS pp.17-20  p.104  Survival through photosynthesis.  Trans. IS 9 Nettrekker: LS 1  Flow of energy Describe how  Trans. RS 9  Plant  System energy from the sun LS 2: Explain how almost all  www.hspscience. photosynthesis  Develop is transferred to kinds of animals’ food can be com  Photosynthesis  Design plants /food webs. traced back to plants. th o 5 Grade: Process  Safely conduct/ Science Up  Photosynthesis Why are producers SI 4: Identify one or two communicate Close: results the beginning of all variables in a simple Photosynthesis *Lesson food chains and experiment. Modifications: webs? Investigate p.101 SI 5: Identify potential  Focus on Identify the variables hazards and/or precautions Photosynthesis: in this investigation. involved in an investigation. o Function o Process What variables could By products be changed in this o investigation? o Benefits  Then complete List potential Investigate p. 101 hazards and o BTB is a precautions you chemical should take during indicator this investigation. o BTB changes 2 Toledo Public Schools Pacing Guide Grade 5 Science Quarter 1 Benchmark Big Idea Indicators Harcourt Interventions Vocabulary color when there is carbon dioxide, CO2 o BTB is blue when there is no CO2

3 Toledo Public Schools Pacing Guide Grade 5 Science Quarter 1 Benchmark Big Idea Indicators Harcourt Interventions Vocabulary What is the source LS 2: Explain how almost all Chapter 3: Lesson 2 Curr. Website:  Analyze of all food energy on kinds of animals’ food can be pp. 108-117  Owl Prowl  Structures Earth? Explain. traced back to plants.  Investigate p.109  Transfer of  Functions  Performance Energy  Survival Explain, using LS 3: Trace the organization Assessment  Energy Source  Flow of energy examples, the of simple food chains and food p.123 Web  System difference between a webs (e.g., producers,  LM pp. 48-50 HC  Evidence food chain and a herbivores, carnivores,  RS pp. 21-22  p. 115 food web. omnivores and decomposers).  Trans. RS 10 Books to Borrow:  www.hspscience.  Food Chains and Describe an SK 4: Identify how scientists com Webs investigation of how use different kinds of ongoing th o 5 Grade:  What are Food energy flows to and investigations depending on Fun with Chains and from a bear. the questions they are trying to Food Webs Webs? answer (e.g., observations of o 4thGrade:  Tiger with Wings Why do some things or events in nature, Antarctic Nettrekker: LS 3 investigations keep data collection, controlled Ocean Food  Food Web & going for long experiments). Web Food Chains periods of time?  Producers Describe an *Lesson investigation that Modification: could be on-going.  Investigate p.109 o In step 4, replace yarn with paper arrows or draw them

4 Toledo Public Schools Pacing Guide Grade 5 Science Quarter 1 Benchmark Big Idea Indicators Harcourt Interventions Vocabulary Describe some S T 1: Investigate positive  Science Spin  impacts humans and and negative impacts of pp. 118-120 technology make on human activity and technology the environment are on the environment. positive, while others are negative. SK 6: Identify a variety of scientific and technological Describe the work that people of all ages, contributions of backgrounds and groups people/scientist of all perform. ages and their impact. How would an LS 5: Support how an Chapter 4: Lesson 1 Curr. Website:  Compare organisms’ patterns organism’s patterns of pp. 124-133  Carrying Capacity  Ecosystem of behavior change if behavior are related to the  Investigate p.127 Nettrekker: LS 5  Habitat there was a lack of nature of that organism’s  LM pp. 51-53  Pattern of  Affect food? Water? ecosystem, including the kinds  RS pp. 25-26 behavior and an Increase of another and numbers of other  Trans. RS 11 Organisms organism? organisms present, the  www.hspscience. Environment availability of food and com Books to Borrow: Why do we repeat resources, and the changing o 4th Grade:  What is a Biome? and physical characteristics of the Camouflage compare/contrast ecosystem. Field Book investigations made SK 3: Explain why an experiment rd o 3 Grade: by others? must be repeated by different people or at different times or places and Science Up yield consistent results before the Close: Pond results are accepted. Ecosystem

5 Toledo Public Schools Pacing Guide Grade 5 Science

Quarter 2 Benchmark Big Idea Indicators Harcourt Interventions Vocabulary How would LS 5: Support how an Chapter 4: Lessons 2 Nettrekker: LS 5  Compare organisms’ patterns organism’s patterns of pp. 134-141  Pattern of  Ecosystem of behavior change behavior are related to the  Investigate p.135 behavior and  Habitat if there was a lack nature of that organism’s  RS p. 28 an Organisms  Affect of food? Water? ecosystem, including the kinds  Trans. IS12 Environment  Accurate Increase of another and numbers of other  Books to organism? Change organisms present, the 5th Grade: Borrow: in climate? availability of food and o Science Up  What is a resources, and the changing Close: Biome? physical characteristics of the Groundwater ecosystem. Pollution o Waste Not o Science Up Close: Secondary Succession o SciLinks: How Does Nature Recycle Materials?

6 Toledo Public Schools Pacing Guide Grade 5 Science Quarter 2 Benchmark Big Idea Indicators Harcourt Interventions Vocabulary Describe a form of LS 6: Analyze how all Chapter 4: Lesson 3 HC  Compare technology and organisms, including humans, pp. 142-149  p.146  Ecosystem classify its impact cause changes in their  Investigate p. 143 Nettrekker: LS 6  Habitat on the environment ecosystems and how these  RS 29 and 30  Beavers  Affect as beneficial, changes can be beneficial,  LM 57-59 Nettrekker: ESS5  Survival detrimental, or neutral or detrimental (e.g.,  Trans. IS 13  Non-  Illustrate neutral. Can it be beaver ponds, earthworm renewable  Design process more than one? burrows, grasshoppers eating Resources Explain. plants, people planting and  Recycling cutting trees, and people Books to Give an example of introducing a new species). Borrow: how a solution to  Pollution one problem can ESS 5: Explain how the  The Great create a new supply of many non-renewable Trash Bash problem. resources is limited and can be  Energy on extended through reducing, Earth List the variables in reusing and recycling but  Oil: A Natural this investigation. cannot be extended Resource indefinitely. What variables could be changed ESS 6: Investigate ways in this Earth’s renewable resources investigation? (e.g., fresh water, air, wildlife and trees) can be maintained.

SI 4: Identify one or two variables in a simple experiment.

7 Toledo Public Schools Pacing Guide Grade 5 Science Quarter 2 Benchmark Big Idea Indicators Harcourt Interventions Vocabulary

ST 1: Investigate positive and negative impacts of human activity and technology on the environment.

ST 3: Explain how the solution to one problem may create other problems.

Describe the LS 6: Analyze how all  Science Spin Nettrekker: LS 6  Compare changes people organisms, including humans, pp. 150-152  Beavers  Ecosystem made to the cause changes in their  United Streaming  Habitat Everglades and ecosystems and how these o The Jeff  Affect classify its impact changes can be beneficial, Corwin  Survival on the environment neutral or detrimental (e.g., Experience: as beneficial, beaver ponds, earthworm Florida detrimental, or burrows, grasshoppers eating neutral. Can it be plants, people planting and more than one? cutting trees, and people Explain. introducing a new species).

Give an example of ST 1: Investigate positive and how a solution to negative impacts of human one problem can activity and technology on the create a new environment. problem.

8 Toledo Public Schools Pacing Guide Grade 5 Science Quarter 2 Benchmark Big Idea Indicators Harcourt Interventions Vocabulary ST 3: Explain how the solution to one problem may create other problems. Identify an LS 4: Summarize that Chapter 5: lessons 1 & 2 Curr. Website:  Compare ecosystem and organisms can survive only in pp. 156-177  Carrying  Habitat describe how it ecosystems in which their  Investigate p.159 Capacity  Affect meets the need of needs can be met (e.g., food, o Maps are found in HC  Survival various organisms. water, shelter, air, carrying the Teacher  p. 161 capacity and waste disposal). Resource Book Identify an The world has different pp. 46-47 ecosystem and an ecosystems and distinct  LM pp. 60-62 organism that can ecosystems support the lives  RS pp. 31-34 only survive in that of different types of organisms.  distinct ecosystem. 5th Grade: LS 5: Support how an o Arctic Coastal How does an organism’s patterns of Plain ecosystems’ behavior are related to the o Exploring availability of food nature of that organism’s Ecosystems and resources ecosystem, including the kinds 3rd Grade: affect an and numbers of other o Science Up organisms’ pattern organisms present, the of behavior? availability of food and Close: Pond resources , and the changing Ecosystem physical characteristics of the ecosystem.

9 Toledo Public Schools Pacing Guide Grade 5 Science Quarter 2 Benchmark Big Idea Indicators Harcourt Interventions Vocabulary

List and explain ST 1: Investigate positive and  Science Spin why some impacts negative impacts of human pp. 178-179 humans and activity and technology on the technology make environment. on the environment are positive, while others are negative. Name various SK 6: Identify a variety of  Science Spin p. 180 individuals who scientific and technological have contributed to work that people of all ages, the field of science backgrounds and groups and describe their perform. contributions. Describe the Sun’s ESS 4: Explain that stars are  Unit A Opener Curr. Website:  Characteristics size in relation to like the Sun, some being p. 27  Stars  Cycles other stars. smaller and some larger, but  Patterns so far away that they look like United  Solar System points of light. Streaming:  A Spin Around the Solar System: Look to the Stars Nettrekker: ESS4  Sun  Properties of Stars

10 Toledo Public Schools Pacing Guide Grade 5 Science Quarter 2 Benchmark Big Idea Indicators Harcourt Interventions Vocabulary How does the ESS 1: Describe how day and Chapter 1: Lesson 1 Curr. Website:  Characteristics rotation of Earth night are caused by Earth’s pp. 28-37  Earth’s  Cycles affect life on Earth? rotation.  Investigate p.31 Motion: Day or  Patterns  LM 26–28 Night (ODE)  Solar system Describe the ESS 3: Describe the  RS 3-6  Earth’s characteristics of characteristics of Earth and its  Motion: 365 Earth and its orbit about the Sun (e.g., three- 5th Grade Days atmosphere. fourths of Earth’s surface o Science Up (Revolution) covered by a layer of water Close: Moon United [some of it frozen], the entire Phases Streaming: planet surrounded by a thin  This is Our blanket of air, elliptical orbit, World: Day tilted axis, spherical planet). and Night  The Reasons for the Seasons: Planetary Rotation and Revolutions Nettrekker: ESS1  Earth’s Axis, Rotation and Tilt  Earth’s Orbit Nettrekker: ESS3  Earth

11 Toledo Public Schools Pacing Guide Grade 5 Science Quarter 2 Benchmark Big Idea Indicators Harcourt Interventions Vocabulary Books to Borrow:  Earth, Moon and Sun  Magic School Bus: Lost in the Solar system

Describe the ESS 3: Describe the Chapter 1: Lesson 2 Curr. Website:  Cycles characteristics of characteristics of Earth and its pp.38-45  Earth’s  Patterns Earth and its orbit about the Sun (e.g., three-  Investigate p.39 Motion: 365  Solar system atmosphere. fourths of Earth’s surface  LM 29-31 Days covered by a layer of water  RS 7-8 (Revolution) Describe the orbit [some of it frozen], the entire  Trans. RS 5  Earth’s Water of Earth and other planet surrounded by a thin   Only 1% planets around the blanket of air, elliptical orbit, 2nd Grade  Earth’s Thin sun. tilted axis, spherical planet). o Welcome to Blanket the Solar ESS 2: Explain that Earth is System Books to Why would there one of several planets to orbit Borrow: be variations the Sun, and that the Moon  Earth, Moon between different orbits Earth. and Sun groups’ data  Magic School /observations? SI 2: Evaluate observations Bus: Lost in and measurements made by the Solar other people and identify system reasons for any discrepancies

12 Toledo Public Schools Pacing Guide Grade 5 Science Quarter 2 Benchmark Big Idea Indicators Harcourt Interventions Vocabulary

Illustrate /explain ESS 2: Explain that Earth is Chapter 1: Lesson 3 Curr. Website:  Characteristics the orbit of the one of several planets to orbit pp. 46-57  Stars  Cycles moon, Earth and the Sun, and that the Moon  Trans. IS 6  Patterns other planets in our orbits Earth. Books to  Solar system solar system in Borrow: relation to the sun ESS 4: Explain that stars are  Earth, Moon and each other. like the Sun, some being and Sun smaller and some larger, but  Magic School What is the sun? so far away that they look like Bus: Lost in points of light. the Solar Why do some stars system appear large while others appear small? Name various SK 6: Identify a variety of  Science Spin individuals who scientific and technological p.58-60 have contributed to work that people of all ages, the field of science backgrounds and groups and describe their perform. contributions. ST 2: Revise an existing How can you take design used to solve a problem input from other based on peer review. investigators to revise your investigation?

13 Toledo Public Schools Pacing Guide Grade 5 Science

14 Toledo Public Schools Pacing Guide Grade 5 Science

Quarter 3 Benchmark Big Idea Indicators Harcourt Interventions Vocabulary How can ESS 6: Investigate ways Chapter 2: Lesson 1 Curr. Website:  Conserved renewable Earth’s renewable resources pp. 64-73  Water Pollution resources be (e.g., fresh water, air, wildlife  Investigate p.67 Solution maintained? and trees) can be maintained.  LM 35–37 HC  RS 14  p.69 Identify the SI 4: Identify one or two  Trans. IS 7 variables in this variables in a simple  Books to Borrow: investigation. experiment. 5th Grade  Pollution o Science Up  The Great Trash What variables Close: Ground Bash could be Water Pollution  Energy on Earth changed in this o Waste Not  Oil: A Natural investigation? Resource

How are ESS 5: Explain how the Chapter 2: Lesson 2 HC  Conserved recycling, supply of many non-renewable pp.74-81  p.78 reusing, and resources is limited and can  LM 38–40 Nettrekker: ESS5 reducing helpful be extended through reducing,  RS 15-16  Non-renewable in conserving reusing and recycling but  Trans. RS 8 Resources resources? cannot be extended   Recycling indefinitely. 1st Grade Books to Borrow: o Science Up  The Great Trash Close: Ways to Bash Save  Energy on Earth Resources  Oil: A Natural Resource

15 Toledo Public Schools Pacing Guide Grade 5 Science Quarter 3 Benchmark Big Idea Indicators Harcourt Interventions Vocabulary

How do scientists SK 1: Summarize how  Science Spin  Develop use new conclusions and ideas change pp. 82-83  Communicate information to as new knowledge is gained.  Results improve an existing product or idea?

Name various SK 6: Identify a variety of Science Spin p.84  Diverse individuals who scientific and technological  Participate have contributed work that people of all ages,  Cultures to the field of backgrounds and groups science and perform. describe their contributions. Physical Science Explain reasons * Ch. 6: Lesson 1 provides Chapter 6: Lesson1  Summarize for discrepancies background knowledge about pp.194-203  Transferred in measurements energy.  Investigate p.197 made by other SI 2: Evaluate observations  LM 70–72 people in this and measurements made by investigation. other people and identify reasons for any discrepancies.

16 Toledo Public Schools Pacing Guide Grade 5 Science Quarter 3 Benchmark Big Idea Indicators Harcourt Interventions Vocabulary What types of PS 3: Describe that electrical Chapter 6: Lesson 2 HC  Trace energy can be current in a circuit can produce pp. 204-213  p. 211  Properties produced by an thermal energy, light, sound  Investigate p.205 Nettrekker: PS 3 electrical current and/or magnetic forces.  LM 73–75  Electrical Circuits in a circuit?  Transparency RS 17  Electrical Current PS 6: Describe and  Nettrekker: PS 6 Compare/ summarize observations of 2nd Grade  Sound contrast the transmission , reflection , o Science Up  Sound Waves transmission, and absorption of sound. Close: Parts of reflection, and the Ear absorption of sound. Describe or PS 1: Define temperature as Chapter 6: Lesson 3 Curr. Website:  Summarize illustrate thermal the measure of thermal energy pp.214-221  What is Thermal  Transferred energy and how and describe the way it is  Investigate p.215 Energy? it is measured. measured.  LM 76–78  How Does PS 2: Trace how thermal  Transparency IS 18 Thermal Energy Define energy can transfer from one  Transparency RS 18 Move? (ODE- conduction and object to another by  Ouch, This trace thermal conduction. 5th Grade Spoon is Hot) energy from one o Melting And Nettrekker: PS1 object to another. Boiling  Heat and o Cooking for Temperature Gruncus Nettrekker: PS 2  Conduction Books to Borrow:  Sound Heat &

17 Toledo Public Schools Pacing Guide Grade 5 Science Quarter 3 Benchmark Big Idea Indicators Harcourt Interventions Vocabulary Light: Energy at Work List the variables *Ch. 6: Lesson 4 supports Chapter 6: Lesson 4 HC  Develop in this the following indicators. pp.222-229  pp.226 and 227  Design investigation.  Investigate p. 223  Conduct ESS 5: Explain how the  LM 79–81  Communicate What variables supply of many non-renewable  Transparency RS 19  Conserved could be resources is limited and can  changed in this be extended through reducing , 5th Grade investigation? reusing and recycling but o Science Up cannot be extended Close: A Hybrid Why can two indefinitely. Car investigations of the same subject ESS 6: Investigate ways matter yield Earth’s renewable resources different results? (e.g., fresh water, air, wildlife and trees) can be maintained.

SI 4: Identify one or two variables in a simple experiment.

SI 6: Explain why results of an experiment are sometimes different (e.g., because of unexpected differences in what is being investigated, unrealized differences in the

18 Toledo Public Schools Pacing Guide Grade 5 Science Quarter 3 Benchmark Big Idea Indicators Harcourt Interventions Vocabulary methods used or in the circumstances in which the investigation was carried out, and because of errors in observations).

List and explain ST 1: Investigate positive and  Science Spin why some negative impacts of human pp.230-231 impacts humans activity and technology on the and technology environment. make on the environment are positive, while others are negative. Name various SK 6: Identify a variety of  Science Spin p. 232  Diverse individuals who scientific and technologica l  Participate have contributed work that people of all ages,  Cultures to the field of backgrounds and groups science and perform. describe their contributions.

19 Toledo Public Schools Pacing Guide Grade 5 Science Quarter 3 Benchmark Big Idea Indicators Harcourt Interventions Vocabulary What types of PS 3: Describe that electrical Chapter 7: Lesson 1 Curr. Website:  Trace energy can be current in a circuit can produce pp.236-245  How Electric  Evidence produced by an thermal energy, light, sound  Investigate p. 239 Current Produces  Conclusions electrical current and/or magnetic forces.  LM 82–84 Energy (ODE) in a circuit?  RS 49-50 Nettrekker: PS 3 SK 2: Develop descriptions,  Transparency IS 20  Electrical Circuits Describe your explanations and models   Electrical Current results. using evidence to o 5th Grade defend/support findings. Science Up Close: HC Explain your An Electric Motor  p. 242 results. HC  p. 244 Create a physical Books to Borrow: model to defend  Electromagnetis your results. m

20 Toledo Public Schools Pacing Guide Grade 5 Science

Quarter 4 Benchmark Big Idea Indicators Harcourt Interventions Vocabulary *Information on these Chapter 7: Lesson 2 pages supports the pp.246-253 following indicator  Transparency RS 21

PS 4: Trace how electrical current travels by creating a simple electric circuit that will light a bulb. Illustrate/explain a PS 4: Trace how Chapter 7: Lesson 3 Curr. Website: closed/open circuit and electrical current travels pp. 254-261  Make It Light! its effects on a light bulb. by creating a simple  Investigate p.255 electric circuit that will  LM 88–90 Nettrekker: PS 4 Why would an light a bulb.  RS 53-54  Simple Electric investigator revise  Transparency IS 22 Circuits his/her conclusions of an SK 1: Summarize how  Transparency RS 22  Electrical investigation? conclusions and ideas  Current change as new 1st Grade knowledge is gained. o Electric Circuit List and explain why ST 1: Investigate  Science Spin some impacts humans positive and negative pp.262-263 and technology make on impacts of human the environment are activity and technology positive, while others are on the environment. negative.

21 Toledo Public Schools Pacing Guide Grade 5 Science Quarter 4 Benchmark Big Idea Indicators Harcourt Interventions Vocabulary Describe the design ST 2: Revise an process when existing design used to developing a new solve a problem based product. on peer review.

Name various individuals SK 6: Identify a variety  Science Spin p.264  Diverse who have contributed to of scientific and  Cultures the field of science and technological work that describe their people of all ages, contributions. backgrounds and groups perform. Compare/ contrast PS 6: Describe and Chapter 8: Lesson 1 Curr. Website:  Properties transmission, reflection, summarize pp. 268-279  What is and absorption of sound. observations of the  Investigate p. 271 Sound? Feel transmission, reflection,  LM 91–93 the Vibes How does the rate of and absorption of sound.  Transparency IS 23  What is vibration relate to the  Sound? Pitch pitch of sound? PS 7: Describe that 5th Grade It! changing the rate of o Science Up  How is Sound vibration can vary the Close: How Transmitted? pitch of a sound. Sound  Where Does Reaches You the Sound Go? What are some variables SI 4: Identify one or two (IMS)  Communicate used in this variables in a simple 2nd Grade  How is Sound investigation? experiment. o Science Up Reflected? Close: Parts of HC the Ear  p.273

22 Toledo Public Schools Pacing Guide Grade 5 Science Quarter 4 Benchmark Big Idea Indicators Harcourt Interventions Vocabulary Why can two SI 6: Explain why  p.276 investigations of the results of an experiment same subject matter are sometimes different Nettrekker: yield different results? (e.g., because of PS 6 and 7 unexpected differences  Sound in what is being  Sound Waves investigated, unrealized Books to Borrow: differences in the  Sound methods used or in the  Sound, Heat & circumstances in which Light: Energy the investigation was at Work carried out, and because of errors in observations). Compare/contrast PS 5: Explore and Chapter 8: Lesson 2 Curr. Website:  Properties transmission, refraction, summarize pp.281-289  How Does and reflection of light. observations of the  Investigation p.281 Light Travel? transmission, bending  LM 94–96  Reflection (refraction) and reflection  RS 59-60  Refraction of light.  Transmission of Light HC  P. 286  P. 287 Nettrekker: PS 5  Light  Light Reflection

23 Toledo Public Schools Pacing Guide Grade 5 Science Quarter 4 Benchmark Big Idea Indicators Harcourt Interventions Vocabulary  Light Refraction Books to Borrow:  Color and Light  Simple science Says: Take One Mirror List and explain why ST 1: Investigate  Science Spin some impacts humans positive and negative pp. 290-291 and technology make on impacts of human the environment are activity and technology positive, while others are on the environment. negative. Name various individuals SK 6: Identify a variety  Science Spin p.292  Diverse who have contributed to of scientific and  Cultures the field of science and technological work that describe their people of all ages, contributions. backgrounds and groups perform .


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