School of Mines and Metallurgy
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Mines and Metallurgy Academy Meeting Minutes St Pat’s Ballroom A – Havener Center October 17, 2008 (Continental Breakfast Provided)
Attendees: Chair – Dianna Tickner, Ted Ruppert, Keith Wedge, Jerry Bersett, John Bartel, Bud Hacker, Ed Goetemann, John Remmer, Mike Party, Wayne Huebner, George Taylor, Greg Skannal, Samuel Frimpong, Bob Laudon, Chris Ramsey, Marvin Zeid, Tom O’Keefe (Jr), Patty Ingle and Judy Russell
Opening- 8:35 A.M. by Chair – Dianna Tickner. Welcome everyone – we have some house cleaning that will need to be address: 1st on the agenda – approving last meeting minutes of April…Ted 1st motion, John Bartel 2nd motion = Motion passed unanimously.
Committee Reports:
Scholarship Committee presented by Ted Ruppert: After learning from Bill Horst last meeting that there was an incorrect sum that was being reported; it was brought to our attention that there was actually another small scholarship account which was developed in 1999, (just sitting and not doing anything in “no Man’s land”). With the small account moved to the larger acct, it will now be working for us. After receiving information from the Alum office, it was noted that the scholarship account, which is housed in the Alumni office, has $106,596.We have used up the spendable for this year.. In “2009, funds will be a good 5% of the basic amount.. We have decided to state that this is a “Scholar Award” not a “Scholarship”. This past Spring Meeting with honoring 7 students that were all well deserving and outstanding students was out of the 7 disciplines. This went over very well and we will continue doing this. Currently we have the departments of the 7 disciplines making application selections of their candidate in their departments. Ted attended the Presidential Academy meeting with Chancellor earlier in the morning and it was noted; a very large group of “freshmen’s” (1000+) that shows good attitude, have greater knowledge, and they want education (school with no play). Ted stated; if he needs, he would do the watches for the upcoming year. The second acct is the “EE” operating fund which has $25,242. Reception was good from last award ceremony and now the students have something to be looking forward to – more recognition for the student.
Dianna states even though our attendance at the meeting was not large, it was acknowledged that the voluntary contributions record level was approx 75% Discussion among the group -the information of Newsletter has been a “PLUS” the academy is now aware of what is happening with the school and the reports among the disciplines. It is noted that there is approx ½ of the members who have email access which is great. (¾ have computers but there are actually ½ that actually are responding by email.) Jackling Committee presented by Chris Ramsey: Chris reports that we have a very interesting year (see attachment of the updates) New Programs keep supporting Mining & Geo Alum holds Jacking Fund-trying to change the pool (stuck in University Pool) Wayne imputed regarding issue- the way the program is set up students don’t know the schedule – needs to have engineering running the program (Kurt Elmor was running the program). Budget – for Jackling = Intro Program on the table “Chris Agrees”. David Leech is heading Administration (Ralph Flori & CO director was doing in past). Summer program should be recruiting not a moneymaker for profit. John Reemer states; what are we going to do once the data will be here to review for April. WHEN DID JACKLING START????? Jackling used to just support our own discipline. Wayne & Chris have agreed to take this on to getting the data. Chris states Summer Programs=Mr. Jackling was very specific of how the money will be used. Dean of Engineering used to run the program, Samuel states even with the Dean of Engineering in place he really did not know the facts- many of our own Alums started with Jackling.
Nomination Committee reported by Greg Skannal: Greg reports that he knows of 5 nominations= Dianna sponsoring 1, Ted sponsoring 3, and we have the candidate whom got ran over by the car which has planned to attend the April meeting. Per Dianna we really would like one from each one of the disciplines. When nominating it needs to come
Ted stated; while at Presidential meeting, Judy Cavendar stated that they would try to give all the information that is being requested for the new nominee’s We can invite Paul Becher for the upcoming meeting without having to be re-nominated. The nomination committee can assist assembly of the Nomination packets if needs to be.
We want people who will contribute not just accept and never hear or see from them again. We are seeking an individual who is involved with other committees that would be willing to be an active member.
Travel of new candidates can be challenges…videoconferences again might be an answer for meeting. Need to have info into the Nomination Committee by Nov 24.
Keith Wedge states; he would be able to through an Alumni Association, list which is very methodical - that he could check it out. Mike Party suggested that we send out packets of what are the criteria for candidates to be nominated.
Executive Committee by Dianna: (Items that were on the table from April meeting) Name Change- the Executive Committee recommends of that we drop the “School of “in front of - the Mines and Metallurgy Academy. Ted 1st motion, Greg Skannal 2nd motion = Motion passed unanimously. Academy name is now: Mines & Metallurgy Academy (M&M Academy). Faculty Recognition Award Suggestion from Samuel Frimpong which have been discussed among the chairs; there is to be 2 Faculty Recognition Awards. Junior Faculty and a Senior Faculty; the differences between the two: Jr Faculty = Promotion & Tenure, Sr Faculty = contributing towards the students welfare. Each of them would receive $1000 This is to make faculty aware of what the Academy Alum is doing & that the faculty is being noticed. (Approx 50 faculty to choose from through out all 7 disciplines) Chairs to decide the candidate as noted sometimes the Chairs would have the better knowledge for if one faculty were already submitted for another different award. Delbert as an “underpaid overworked faculty” perspective notes: that this award should not be required to be awarded every year…sometimes there are circumstance that arise that the award would not work (possibly note that this does not have to be awarded every year) & that this must be a selection from his/her peers & supervisor and should be a private vote of faculty. Bob Laudon notes that there is known clicks in the dept -3 programs which votes along there own. It is getting better but ….. Samuel & Jerry will put a proposal together to be brought to the April meeting.
How to honor Professor Tom O’Keefe
Wayne Huebner reports: Tom O’Keefe Sr has been seen on the campus since approx 1950’s - Olin Corporation giving donation of $100,000. for an O’Keefe lecture series. Plans for the lecture series to given by an Alum, Thursday before the next October meeting (2009). - Develop an Endowed professorship position (Patty has more campus material on this one. - Commission a portrait (Ted & Jerry to check in cost and artist (portrait & buss) o Artist: Jack Smart did Einstein’s o Artist: Jamie Anderson - Bronze for the governor o Jim Bogan – bust o What would be the cost - Where should this be on the campus? o Grad Center of Material Research Center o McNutt Common Area- Bust - Per Tom Jr- Dad was all about the students so maybe a Scholarship or Award - Develop a Scholarship in his name - Once it is decided what project that would be done for the recognition of Tom; place it in the newsletter - state that we are raising funds for this project and there would be no doubt large contributions-donations for what would be chosen.
Presented by Barbara Robertson – demo of the website
Barbara explains that this is a plain rough draft of the website which is not public yet. (Once ready for public: ) Web page shows that we can place the by-laws, charter laws, minutes, newsletters, photos, emails or whatever the Academy decides. We are real fortunate for having the records that Linda Guyton had kept; they can be up loaded into the website. This is done through Documentum; so it would be very easy to put together without having to go through the University and having the ability to modify the site as needed. Whether it is goals of the Academy such as raising funds for a specific project, news regarding an upcoming meeting; comments or suggestion of information would be easy to submit by just contacting Barb at: [email protected].
Per Ted: By Law & Charters definitely needs to out there on the first of the website
Greg asks if Barb had viewed the Other Academy web pages; she replied yes and some of them have not updated the UMR.
Per Dianna, this would be a sweet opportunity to announce to the Academy and to show what there contributions are going towards. Whether it is a scholarship fund or a computer lab this is a way to get the news out.
Per Samuel: Suggestions would be that all information needs to be reviewed by the Execute Committee before being placed on the website. Dianna agrees but like the “By laws”, “Charter Laws”, Minutes, Newsletter really would not have to be viewed that could automatically be uploaded onto the website.
List of academy names would be fine but not emails to the public or other personal info; this would need to approve by each individual. Barb would be the “Web Master” or moderator so if there were a question she would be able to screen the emails. Judy is the moderator for the email account of [email protected]
Presentations given: (Departmental Updates / Challenges)
Bob Laudon John Hogan Samuel Frimpong Wayne Huebner Research Updates given: Jeff King Kwame Awuah-Offei Carlos Castano
Open Discussion:
April meeting- 4 newsletters – spotlight each department in each newsletter Wayne gives goals of a summary of what ABET is all about & what needs to be done and how our Academy has come forward to assist. If the Academy had known of the need for the computer labs then the furniture would have not been bought but the academy did not know the need.
Patty Ingle shared info regarding the Development Folder that was handed out. (Departmental needs)
Place the upcoming goals on the website so that the academy can decide where they can assist. Send the money to the appropriate account that the academy member wishes for his or her money to go to.
Short bullet of what our mission is about (Strategic & Executive Committee’s) What is our Metropolitan area of our Academy members – video-com meeting??
April meeting needs to get student participation.
Dianna – We need to know the regulation of needs to be reviewed Abet issues is right upon us
Incoming reports: Summary of Abet to be email out to the committee of the out come.
Adjourned 2:55
ON Table / Agenda: Qualification for memberships Video-com meeting for those who cannot travel Faculty Recognized Awards (report from Samuel & Jerry) O’Keefe honor (report from Jerry & Ted) Update on the website Budget for Jackling how the money & discrepancies (report from Chris)