Northern Valley Regional High School

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Northern Valley Regional High School



MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING: Monday June 24, 2013 at 6:30 p.m.

LOCATION: Demarest High School Academic Theater


The meeting is opened by the Board President.

Pledge of Allegiance

ROLL CALL: Mr. John Schettino, President Mr. Louis DeLisio, Vice President Absent Mr. Leonard Albanese Absent Mrs. Marilyn Coats-Thomas Mrs. Alice Comer Mrs. Kathy Fable Mrs. Maria Kim Mr. John Passalacqua Mr. Ronald Schwartzman Absent

ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Christopher Nagy, Superintendent of Schools Joanette Femia, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary





At 6:40 p.m. on motion by Mrs. Comer, seconded by Mrs. Coats-Thomas and approved by the Board the Board recessed to Executive Session to finalize merit pay and review the Superintendent’s Contract.

The Board discussed possible litigation in regard to Random Drug Testing.

The meeting was Open at 7:35 p.m. There were approximately 195 public members, 12 staff and News media - channel 4 as well as local newspaper reporters.

Mrs. Coats-Thomas led the flag salute.

Mr. Schettino congratulated the students who graduated last week and noted that there were several presentations this evening: 1:1 consultant evaluation AP Policy Random Drug testing - no vote tonight on this issue as 3 Board members were not present.

Due to the large crowd, the public was limited to 5 minutes to speak.

Mr. Schettino read a letter of thanks from a student for the inclusion of all activities with a Varsity Letter.

Dr. Nagy thanked the Public for their attendance.

Mr. Spatz presented on the NJ DOE School Self-Assessment for Harassment Intimidation and Bullying as well as the District’s grading. He stated that the District felt that they met all requirements and exceeded requirements in some areas.

Gestalt presented the results of their evaluation of the Districts 1:1 program and closed the presentation with 4 thoughts: 1. Be wary the rocky road – they have seen schools move forward with much less planning than NV has done. 2. Past performance doesn’t guarantee success. 3. Don’t get caught up kicking tires when you don't know what you are trying to accomplish. 4. Do it yourself IT doesn't scale.

IT should be managing. Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,019

Mr. Passalaqua asked if they had any sense of the ongoing cost would be absent devices. Their response was that there may be additional cost in additional staff.

Mr. Schettino thanked the Consultants, the Tech Team, Curriculum & Instruction Department and Kathy Fable for her hard work on this project.

Mr. Schettino recommended that the Board get a Consultant who had implemented a 1:1plan to assist the District in implementing the plan, and to oversee and develop a plan.

Mrs. Kim suggested that the Board should see what the educational value and goals are before we decide to hire someone.

Mr. Passalaqua stated that there needs to be a clear project manager.

Mr. Schettino asked for a consensus on having the District’s Goals & Adjectives by Dr. Price.

Mrs. Fable made a motion that the technology take an inventory on all the technology that we are not using - Mrs. Kim seconded.

Dr. Nagy gave a presentation on AP courses and testing.

Dr. Nagy stated that there was 1 HIB.

At 9:05 p.m. on motion by Mrs. Comer, seconded by Mrs. Coats-Thomas and approved by the Board the meeting was Open to the Public on agenda items.

Donna Weintraub of Haworth thanked the Board for hiring the consultants. She asked how the 1:1 will change achievement in the classroom. Mr. Schettino responded that based on the Consultants finding there needs to be more detail in the 1:1 Plan.

Eric Todd of Old Tappan, noted that it would be important to let the public know what has been spent on technology that has gone nowhere. If you look at what you have spent and gotten zero the public might feel more positive about spending 3 million and getting more for the dollars.

Mark Fable of Old Tappan, commended the Board for providing the consultants and appreciated the openness of the Board. He asked if 1:1 could be rolled in stages as opposed to all or nothing.

At 9:14 p.m. on motion by Mrs. Comer, seconded by Mr. Passalacqua and approved by the Board the meeting was Closed to the Public. Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,020

The following resolutions were approved as follows and the May 2013 was accepted by the Board.

On motion by Mrs. Fable, seconded by Mrs. Comer and approved by the Board resolutions F1-F10 was unanimously approved.

FINANCE Ron Schwartzman, Chairperson Maria Kim John Passalacqua

F1. District Monthly Reports/Bills That the Board of Education approves the bills of the Northern Valley Regional High School District for the period of May 1, 2013 to May 31, 2013 for General, Debt Service, Special Revenue, Enterprise Fund and NV Technical Services which had previously been approved by the various committees be approved and payment made through Columbia or Valley National Bank from funds in the appropriate accounts as follows: Payroll $ 4,027,612.46 Fund (10, 13, 20, 40, 50, 53, 54, 58) $ 4,502,441.85 Fund (30) $ 0 Fund (59) $ 1,531,104.17 Fund (51) $ 0 Total $10,061,158.48

That the Board of Education approves the report of the following funds and accounts as of May 31, 2013 be approved and detailed reports are available in the Business Office:

Petty Cash (Demarest) $ 0 Petty Cash (Old Tappan) $ 21.00

May Student Activity Fund (Demarest) $ 387,710.57 May Student Activity Fund (Old Tappan) $ 346,684.91

Scholarship Fund $ 26,026.51 Note: Student Fund Reports are available in the Business Office.

F2. Investment of Funds/District That the Board of Education approves in accordance with previously adopted directives and agreements with the below institution, the following investments made by the Secretary during May 2013 be approved: Beginning Balance Net Changes Current Balance MBIA $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- Bank of America $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- *Valley National Bank .36% and Columbia .25% general checking accounts. Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,021

F3. Regional Programs Reports/Bills That the Board of Education approves the bills of the Regional Programs administered by Northern Valley Regional High School District for the period of May 1, 2013 to May 31, 2013 for General, Debt Service, Special Revenue, and Enterprise Fund, which had previously been approved by the various committees, be approved and payment made through Colombia Bank from funds in the appropriate accounts as follows:

Payroll $ 869,490.26 Funds (55, 56, 57) $ 494,183.04 Total $1,363,673.30

F4. Investment of Funds/Regional Programs That the Board of Education approves in accordance with previously adopted directives and agreements with the below institution, the following Regional Programs investments made by the Secretary during May 2013, be approved: 5/31/13 Balance $0 **Columbia checking interest rate is .25% and Valley National Bank .36%

F5. Transfer of Funds That the Board of Education approves the Board Secretary be authorized to make transfers in the 2012-2013 Budget of the NVRHSD.

F6. Secretary/Treasurer Reports That the Northern Valley Regional High School District Board of Education acknowledges receipt of the Report of the Treasurer and Report of the Secretary for the month ending May 31, 2013; and Further, that in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(c)4, the Northern Valley Regional High School District Board of Education certifies that no major account or fund has been over- expended and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year; and Further, that the reports listed be approved.

F7. Donation – Old Tappan That the Board of Education accepts a donation in the amount of $611.44 from the Golden Knights Athletic Association for the purchase of a Championship Banner for the NVOT Cheering Squad.

F8. Capital Reserve That the Board of Education approves contribution to the Capital Reserve Account as discussed in the budget process as coordinated by the auditor to transfer over 2% to the Capital Reserve Account. Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,022

F9. IDEA Special Grant That the Board approves changes to the $100,000 IDEA special grant budget line items as submitted to the State.

F10. Grant for Japanese Language Courses That the Board of Education accepts a “Salary Assistance Grant for Japanese Language Courses” in the amount of $30,000 for the 2013-2014 School Year from the Japan Foundation, Los Angeles, California.

On motion by Mrs. Comer, seconded by Mrs. Kim and approved by the Board Resolutions C1-C4 were unanimously approved by the Board.

CURRICULUM Maria Kim, Chairperson Marilyn Coats-Thomas Kathy Fable Ron Schwartzman

C1. Report of Classification and Student Assignment That the Board of Education ratify and approves the May, 2013 Confidential List of Classification of Students and Student Assignments including Satellite and Bergen County Schools as authorized by the Superintendent. The lists will be placed in the Confidential Minutes File.

C2. Fall Athletic Schedule That the Board of Education approves the Interscholastic Athletic Schedule for the Fall 2013 Season for the Northern Valley Regional High School District.

C3. Regional Programs That the Board of Education approves the following Regional Programs for 2013-2014 School Year: 51-991 – LITTLE TOTS $ 215,000.00 55-220 – REGION III Special Education 175,629.00 55-403 – Curriculum & Instruction 328,336.47 55-405 – Psychiatrist 16,400.00(estimated) 55-407 – CRT 13,200.00

55-408 – Staff Development 417,198.00 55-409 – VIA 6,000.00 56-221 – Special Ed Transportation 2,500,000.00 56-350 – Public Transportation 115,000.00 56-504 – Non-Public/Subsidy Transportation 580,000.00 57-214 – Valley Program 11,797,989.00 Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,023

57-217 – * Basic Grant Region III Consortium TBD 306,854.00(estimated) 57-416 – Occupational Therapist/Physical Therapist 850,352.00 TIP Budget 1,100,956.00 * Allocations from the State are not yet available for the Basic Grant Figures.

C4. New/Revised Course of Study That the Board of Education approves the following new/revised course of study:

Digital Citizenship (Online “Mini Course”)

On motion by Mrs. Comer, seconded by Mr. Passalacqua and approved by the Board Resolutions B1-B4 was unanimously approved.

BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS Len Albanese, Chairperson Alice Comer Louis DeLisio

B1. Vandalism That the Board of Education accepts the Report of the Principals on Vandalism for the month of May 2013, and direct same to be filed. (Addenda “A”)

B2. Use of Facilities That the Board of Education approves the following Use of Facilities request:

NVOT PTSO 9/28 & 29/13 SAT Test Prep Bootcamp Old Tappan

B3. Our Lady of Victories That the Board of Education approves Toilet Room Facilities for Early Intervention, Pre- Kindergarten and Kindergarten Classrooms for the 2013-2014 School Year. (Addenda “B”)

B4, Old Tappan Library Discard That the Board of Education approves disposal of the attached books from the NVOT Library. (Addenda “C”)

Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,024

On motion by Mrs. Comer, seconded by Mr. Passalacqua and approved by the Board Resolutions A1-A8, A10 and A11 was approved. Resolution A9 was tabled. On motion by Mrs. Fable, seconded by Mrs. Kim and approved by the Board Resolution A12 was added to the agenda.

ADMINISTRATION Alice Comer, Chairperson Len Albanese Kathy Fable

A1. Fire Drills/Disciplinary Cases That the Board of Education approves and file in the Minutes and place in the appropriate file, the Principal’s Report on Fire Drills and Discipline for the month of May, 2013. (Addenda “D”)

A2. HIB/Disciplinary Report That the Board of Education approve and file in the Minutes and place in the appropriate file, the Principal’s Report on HIB/Disciplinary Report for the month of May, 2013.

A3. Travel WHEREAS, in order to be in compliance with the State of New Jersey’s adoption of P.O. 2007,c.53, An Act Concerning School District Accountability, also known as Assembly Bill 5 (A5), and the NJDOE enactment of N.J.A.C. 6A:23B-1; and WHEREAS, those on the attached list are attending the administratively approved conferences, conventions, staff training sessions, seminars, or workshops; and WHEREAS, the total expected cost of such conferences, conventions, staff training sessions, seminars or workshops; and WHEREAS, the attendance at the stated function was previously approved by the Superintendent of Schools through the appropriate administrator(s) as work related and within the scope of the work responsibilities of the attendee; and WHEREAS, the attendance at the function(s) was approved as promoting delivery of instruction or furthering efficient operation of the school district, and fiscally prudent; and WHEREAS, the travel and related expenses particular to attendance at the function(s) may exceed the state travel guidelines established by the Department of Treasury in NJOMB circular letter; BE IT RESOLVED, that the Northern Valley Regional Board of Education approves attendance at the administratively approved function(s) as necessary, and LET IT FURTHER RESOLVED that those expenses that appear on the attached form titled “TRAVEL AND WORK-RELATED EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENTS” for lodging, meals and gratuities are within the limits of the State travel reimbursement guidelines and are justified and reimbursable upon submission of the required receipts up to the current established limits as specified in the General Services Administration website, with any additional costs for lodging, meals and gratuities expenses above those established limits to be personally borne by the attendee(s). (No travel to report) Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,025

A4. Health Services That the Board of Education approves the 2013-2014 Agreements between the Northern Valley Regional High School District at Demarest/Old Tappan and the Northern Valley Region III Program use the services of the Bergen County Department of Health Services for Hepatitis B Bloodborne Pathogen Training and Hepatitis B Vaccinations for the 2013-2014 School Year. (Addenda “E”)

A5. Food Service Contract That the Board of Education approves the contract for food service management with Pomptonian Food Service for the 2013-2014 School Year. (Addenda “F”)

A6. Student Information System That the Board of Education approves the Student Information System Services Agreement between Realtime Information Technology, Inc. and the Northern Valley Regional High School District. (Addenda “G”)

A7. Policy Second Reading and Adoption That the Board of Education approves second reading and adoption of the following policy:

Awards Policy #6145.6 (Addenda “H”)

A8. Shared Service Contracts That the Board of Education approves the following Shared Services Contracts for the 2013- 2014 School Year:

District Service Norwood Business Administrator/Board Secretary Payroll Support Staff Services Haworth Business Administrator

Demarest Tech Support and Buildings and Grounds Oversight Harrington Park Tech Support Haworth Tech Support Northvale Tech Support Oradell Tech Support Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,026

The following Resolution was Tabled: A9. Cell Signal Enhancement That the Board of Education accepts the bid from Cell Signal Solutions in the amount of $117,877 for the Northern Valley Regional High School District’s Cellular Signal Enhancement Project.

A10. Services for Student That the Board of Education approves a contract with BCSS/Educational Enterprises to provide 5 hours of services (if needed) at $185 per hour (not to exceed 5 hours for the school year/$925). In addition to the BCSS contract Jane Ledingham, Teacher of the Deaf will provide services to the student twice a week for 38 weeks at the rate of $12,090 and twice a week for speech at the rate of $6,194.

A11. Self-Assessment That the Board of Education approves the School Self-Assessment for Determining Grades under the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act prior to submission to the New Jersey Department of Education.

The following Resolution was added: A12. Technology That the Technology Department provides an inventory of all the technology that is not being used and that it be donated or dispensed as determined.

On motion by Mrs. Coats-Thomas, seconded by Mrs. Comer and approved by the Board Resolution T1 was unanimously approved.


T1. Change in Student Assignment/Special Education That the changes in student assignments for Special Education, Region III Transportation for May, 2013 be approved and placed in the Confidential Minutes file.

PERSONNEL John Passalacqua, Chairperson Len Albanese Ronald Schwartzman

In accordance with the 2012-2013 salary schedule between the Northern Valley Regional High School District Board of Education and the Northern Valley Education Association, until such time as a successor agreement is reached. *Action was taken at the Committee of the Whole Meeting on 06/10/13. Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,027

On motion by Mrs. Comer, seconded by Mr. Passalacqua and approved by the Board Resolutions P1-P52 and RP1-RP34 were unanimously approved by the Board.


P1. Substitute Employee List That the Board of Education approves the Substitute Teachers, Clerks, Nurses, Tutors and Janitorial Additions and Deletions; and that individuals be notified that their employment during the School Year be contingent with this District’s requirements. (No attachment due to no additions/deletions to substitutes for month of June).

P2. Student Teacher/Practicum Placement Requests That the Board of Education approves the attached Student Teacher/Practicum Placement Requests for 2013-2014. (Attachment A)

P3. Reappointment and establishment of Annual Salary Rates for Non-Bargaining Unit, Non-Certificated Staff, Certificated Staff – 2013-2014 School Year That the reappointment non-bargaining unit, non-certificated and certificated staff for the 2013- 2014 school year be approved, and annual salary rates established, effective July 1, 2013, as outlined on the attached. In accordance with the 2012-2013 salary schedule, until such time as successor agreements are reached. (Attachment B)

P4. Non-renewals for Non-Certificated Staff – 2013-2014 School Year That the non-renewal for non-tenured non-certificated staff based on Administrative recommendations for the 2013-2014 school year be approved. (Attachment C)

P5. Sick Day/Vacation Day Payments That the Board of Education approves the following preliminary sick day and/or vacation day payments in accordance with employee/bargaining unit respective contract agreements as per attached. (Attachment D)

*P6. 2013-2014 Appointment That the Board of Education approves the following appointment:

Joan Lovitch District Substitute Caller Effective: September 1, 2013-June 30, 2014 Salary: $4,500.00 Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,028

REVISED P7. 2013-2014 Appointments That the Board of Education approves the following appointments based on IEP compliance:

Dr. Carole Fiorile ABA Home Coordinator Effective: July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014 (MC)/Home Programming Rate: $80.00/hour

Greg Parker ABA Home Therapist (MC)/Home Effective: July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014 Programming Rate: $40.00/hour Michelle Gerety ABA Home Therapist (JE) Effective: July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014 Rate: $35.00/hour Nicky Schneider ABA Home Coordinator (JE) Effective: July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014 Rate: $50.00/hour Meghan Luterzo ABA Home Therapist (JE) Effective: July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014 Rate: $35.00/hour Kerry Kennelly-Brown ABA Home Therapist (JE) Effective: July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014 Rate: $35.00/hour Joseph Palmaccio ABA Home Therapist (JE) Effective: July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014 Rate: $35.00/hour Joan Stein ABA Home Therapist (JW) Effective: July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014 Rate: $35.00/hour Denise Reeves ABA Home Therapist (JT) Effective: July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014 Rate: $35.00/hour Samantha Praysner ABA Home Therapist (JT) Effective: July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014 Rate: $35.00/hour Kristen Capotorto ABA Home Therapist (JF) Effective: July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014 Rate: $35.00/hour Nicole Cowley ABA Home Therapist (TD) Effective: July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014 Rate: $35.00/hour Jerzy Okol ABA Home Therapist (SM) Effective: July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014 Rate: $35.00/hour Kaerston Levi ABA Home Therapist (SM) Effective: July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014 Rate: $35.00/hour Lisa Ucci ABA Home Therapist (SM) Effective: July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014 Rate: $35.00/hour Wendy Bauer ABA Home Therapist (JE/MC) Effective: July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014 Rate: $35.00/hour Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,029

P8. 2013-2014 Technology Appointments That the Board of Education approves the following appointments:

Christina Summer Hourly Technology Effective: July 1-Sept. 7, 2013 (pending CHR) Eichler Worker Rate: = $18.00/hour Sean Fallon Hourly Technology Worker Effective: July 1-Oct 31, 2013 (pending CHR) Rate: = $20.00/hour Neil Valere Hourly Technology Worker Effective: July 1-Oct 31, 2013 (pending CHR) Rate: = $20.00/hour Christopher Hourly Technology Worker Effective: July 1-Oct 31, 2013 (pending CHR) George Rate: = $20.00/hour Chris Conte Hourly Technology Worker Effective: July 1-Oct 31, 2013 (pending CHR) Rate: = $20.00/hour

P9. 2013-2014 Summer Custodian Appointments That the Board of Education approves the following appointments:

Michael Patrick Summer Hourly Custodian Worker Effective: June 25, 2013-August Henry 31, 2013 (pending CHR) Rate: = $15.00/hour Jonathan Daniel Scott Summer Hourly Custodian Worker Effective: June 25, 2013-August 31, 2013 (pending CHR) Rate: = $15.00/hour Nicholas James Summer Hourly Custodian Worker Effective: June 25, 2013-August Bazela 31, 2013 (pending CHR) Rate: = $15.00/hour Craig Cerrato Summer Hourly Custodian Worker Effective: June 25, 2013-August 31, 2013 (pending CHR) Rate: = $15.00/hour Joshua Wilson Summer Hourly Custodian Worker Effective: June 25, 2013-August 31, 2013 (pending CHR) Rate: = $15.00/hour

P10. CST per Diem Summer Appointments That the Board of Education approves the following per diem payments for mandated summer 2013 meetings:

Gerry Beatty LDTC/CST Chairperson Per diem rate of pay during summer 2013, (5) days end of school term, (5) days in August to prepare for new school term – not to exceed 10 days. Rate: Salary / 200 days

Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,030

Steve Kuwent School Psychologist/CST Per diem rate of pay during summer Chairperson 2013, (5) days end of school term, (5) days in August to prepare for new school term – not to exceed 10 days. Rate: Salary / 200 days Jonathan Hallerman School Psychologist Per diem rate of pay during summer 2013, not to exceed (3) days Arjan Graybill School Psychologist Per diem rate of pay during summer 2013, not to exceed (3) days Laura Robinson School Social Worker Per diem rate of pay during summer 2013, not to exceed (3) days Keri Nick School Social Worker Per diem rate of pay during summer 2013, not to exceed (3) days Susan Butler LDTC Per diem rate of pay during summer 2013, not to exceed (3) days Courtney Van Slooten School Psychologist Per diem rate of pay during summer 2013, not to exceed (3) days

P11. Independent Consultants-Reappointment List 2013-2014 That the Board of Education approves the following independent consultant re-appointments for the 2013-2014 school year:

Dr. Leslie Nagy Psychiatrist $600.00 per evaluation / $300.00 for no shows or cancellations w/o 24 hour prior notice Comprehensive Educational Psychiatrist $600.00 includes 90 min consult Services, LLC Dr. Charles Wuhl Psychiatrist $350.00 per evaluation/Psychiatrist Luderer, William West Bergen Mental Health Care Center for Children and LCSW Youth LPC $175 Evaluation Psychologist APN- Nurse Dr. Charles Wuhl Psychiatrist $600.00 Includes 90 min consult

Juhi Chawla, MD Psychiatrist $550.00 per evaluation

Gerald Meyerhoff, MD Psychiatrist $450.00 per evaluation/District types reports Dr. Justin Paltrowitz Psychiatrist $550.00

High Focus Psychiatrist No Evaluations / $150.00 per session Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,031

Dr. Christopher Trigani Psychologist Specialist Blind $300.00 per hour or Visually Dr. Donald D. Oh, MD Neuropsychiatry Bilingual $300.00 per evaluation

Neurology Group of Bergen Neurologist $450.00 County Dr. Peter Heilbroner

Dr. Dongsoo Kim Neuropsychology – Clinical $450.00 - $1200.00 Psychology Korean: Psycho- Educational Assessment Korean St. Joseph’s Healthcare Systems Neuro-Developmental $400.00 per evaluation Evaluations – Neurological Evaluations Yang, Ja Kim, Ph.D Psychologist-Bilingual: $750 @ Korean ED & Psych Evaluation Psychological-Educational- $600.00 Social Evaluation Social Evaluations


P12. Athletic Appointments Fall 2013-2014 That the Board of Education approves following athletic appointments. In accordance with the 2011-2012 salary schedule between the Northern Valley Regional High School District Board of Education and the Northern Valley Education Association, until such time as a successor agreement is reached. (Attachment E)

P13. Ancillary Athletic Appointments 2013-2014 That the Board of Education approves the ancillary athletic appointment as per the attached. (Attachment F)

*P14. 2013-2014 Appointment Modification That the Board of Education approves the following appointment modification:

Danielle Nix From: Math Teacher @ .8 FTE Effective: September 1, To: Full Time FTE 2013-June 30, 2014 From: MA + 30 Step 7 = $65,601.60 @ .8 FTE To: MA + 30 Step 7 = $82,002.00 full time (Benefit eligible) Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,032

*P15. 2013-2014 Appointments That the Board of Education approves the following appointments:

Timothy Gouraige Assistant Principal @ Demarest Effective: July 1, 2013-June (replacing James Santana) 30, 2014 Salary: $139,000.00 (Benefit eligible) Jennifer Cho Biology Teacher Effective: September 1, (Replacing Richard Lewis) 2013-June 30, 2014 Scale MA: Step A (Benefit eligible)

P16. 2013-2014 Teacher/Coach Appointments That the Board of Education approves the following appointments:

Danielle Nix Teacher Coach @ DM Rate: 5 Days Summer Work, 2013 = per diem @ salary/200 Jeannie Ryan Teacher Coach @ DM Rate: 5 Days Summer Work, 2013 = per diem @ salary/200

P17. Employee Resignation That the Board of Education accepts the following employee resignation:

Victoria Dunn Teacher Assistant (Part Time) Effective: 06/30/13

P18. FMLA/FLA/FLIA Maternity Leave Request That the Board of Education approves the following leave request:

Jill Dunleavy Physical Education/Health FMLA/FLA/FLIA Maternity Teacher Leave Request FMLA Leave: Paid using 20 Sick Days Leave Effective: 09/17/13 not to exceed 12 weeks with benefits in accordance with Family Leave guidelines. Anticipated return date: 09/01/14

P19. FMLA/FLA/FLIA Maternity Leave Modification Request That the Board of Education approves the following leave request modification

Meghan Fetterly Mathematics Teacher FMLA/FLA/FLIA Maternity Leave Request Modification Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,033

From: FMLA Leave Paid using 28 Sick Days Leave Effective: 04/15/13 not to exceed 12 weeks with benefits in accordance with Family Leave guidelines. Anticipated return date: 09/01/13

To: FMLA Leave Paid using 32 Sick Days Leave Effective: 04/05/13 not to exceed 12 weeks with benefits in accordance with Family Leave guidelines. Anticipated return date: 09/01/13

P20. Medical Leave Of Absence Request That the Board of Education approves the following leave request:

Donald Brown Custodian Medical Leave Of Absence Request Medical Leave Of Absence: Paid Using Sick Days Effective: 06/04/13-10/17/13 Anticipated return date: 10/18/13 Note: Employee has previously exhausted Family Leave period

P21. 2012-2013 Crossing Guard Assignments That the Board of Education approves the following assignments:

Crossing Guards Crossing Guards Effective: 09/01/12-06/30/13 (Valerie DeLascio, Diane Marello, Employees of Borough of Joseph Bonino, Joanne Martin ) Demarest


P22. 2013-2014 Teacher/Coach Appointments That the Board of Education approves the following appointments:

Stacie Collins Teacher Coach @ OT Rate: 5 Days Summer Work, 2013 = per diem @ salary/200 Arpi Lajinian Teacher Coach @ OT Rate: 5 Days Summer Work, 2013 = per diem @ salary/200

P23. Athletic Appointments Fall 2013-2014 That the Board of Education approves the attached athletic appointments *in accordance with the 2011-2012 salary schedule between the Northern Valley Regional High School District Board of Education and the Northern Valley Education Association, until such time as a successor agreement is reached. (Attachment G) Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,034

P24. Ancillary Athletic Appointments 2013-2014 That the Board of Education approves an ancillary athletic appointment as per the attached. (Attachment H)

*P25. 2013-2014Appointments That the Board of Education approves the following appointments:

Carrie Quinn Maternity Leave Effective: September 1, 2013-November 18, Replacement Math Substitute 2013 (Jennifer Samuel) Rate: = $300.00/diem (Not benefit eligible) Christopher Business Education Teacher Effective: September 1, 2013-June 30, 2014 Della Fave (replacing Anita Parcipasepe) Salary: Scale BA, Step B (Benefit eligible)

P26. Employee Resignation That the Board of Education accepts the following employee resignation:

Anthony Bonafede Custodian Effective: August 2, 2013

P27. FMLA/FLA/FLIA Maternity Leave Request That the Board of Education approves the following leave request:

Giovanna Williams Mathematics Teacher FMLA/FLA/FLIA Maternity Leave Request FMLA Leave: Paid using 31 Sick Days Leave Effective: 09/18/13 not to exceed 12 weeks with benefits in accordance with Family Leave guidelines. Anticipated return date: 09/01/14

P28. FMLA/FLA/FLIA Maternity Leave Request Modification That the Board of Education approves the following leave request modification:

Megan Langan Mathematics Teacher FMLA/FLA/FLIA Maternity Leave Request From: FMLA Leave: Paid using 32 Sick Days Leave Effective: 06/17/13 not to exceed 12 weeks with benefits in accordance with Family Leave guidelines. Anticipated return date: 12/16/13

To: FMLA Leave: Paid using 35 Sick Days Leave Effective: 06/08/13 not to exceed 12 weeks with benefits in accordance with Family Leave guidelines. Anticipated return date: 12/16/13 Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,035


*P29. 2013-2014Appointment That the Board of Education approves the following appointment:

Meghan Eno 12 mos. Secretary B – full Effective: July 8, 2013-June 30, 2014 time Salary: Scale B, Step 0, plus Bach. Degree (replacing Eleanor Kelly) stipend (Benefit eligible) Melissa Xepolitos Special Education Teacher Effective: September 1, 2013-June 30, 2014 (replacing Therese Smith) Salary: Scale MA, Step A (Benefit eligible) Katelyn Gallagher Special Education Teacher Effective: September 1, 2013-June 30, 2014 (new position) Salary: Scale MA, Step A (Benefit eligible) ShingMei Lio Biology Teacher Effective: September 1, 2013-June 30, 2014 (Joan Lovitch position) Salary: Scale BA+15, Step 1 (Benefit eligible)


P30. 2012-2015 NVEA/NVRHSD Memorandum of Agreement That the Board of Education approves the 2012-2015 Memorandum of Agreement between the Northern Valley Education Association (NVEA) and the Northern Valley Regional High School District (NVRHS).

P31. 2013-2014 Summer Custodian Appointments That the Board of Education approves the following appointments:

John Falduti Summer Substitute Hourly Effective: June 25, 2013- Custodian August 31, 2013 Rate: = $15.00/hour

P32. 2013-2014 Technology Appointment That the Board of Education approves the following appointments:

Daniel Heyman Summer Hourly Technology Effective: July 1-August Worker (NVDM Student) 31, 2013 Rate: = $13.00/hour Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,036

P33. 2013-2014 Summer Appointment That the Board of Education approves the following appointments:

Brandon Giulini Summer Hourly Office Effective: July 1-August Worker (NVDM Student) 31, 2013 Rate: = $7.25/hour

P34. 2012-2013 Appointment That the Board of Education approves the following appointment based on IEP compliance:

Serafino DeSalvo 1:1 Teacher Aide for after Effective: June 24-28, school Co-Curricular/Athletic 2013 (3 pm-6 pm) Activities (TD) Rate: $35.00/hour

P35. 2013-2014 Appointment That the Board of Education approves the following appointment based on IEP compliance:

Serafino DeSalvo 1:1 Teacher Aide for after Effective: August 14- school Co-Curricular/Athletic November 30, 2013 (3 Activities (TD) days per week); not to exceed 3-5 hours/day Rate: $35.00/hour

P36. AT Services Consultant That the Board of Education approves the following AT Services consultant:

Adam Krass Assistive Technology Effective: September 1, Training/Support Consultant 2013-December 31, 2013 (NL & ML) On site = $125.00/hour Preparation = $50.00/hour Total not to exceed $2,000.00


P37. Confirmation of Employee Appointment That the Board of Education confirms the following employee appointment:

Anne Holuba Secretary D – Effective: July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014 Secretary to Salary: Secretary D, Step 1 = $54,756.00 plus Principal (12 mos). Bachelor’s Degree $1,600.00 (Benefit Eligible) Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,037

P38. Employee Appointment That the Board of Education approves the following employee appointment:

Samantha Maternity Leave Replacement Effective: September 1, 2013- Puso Physical Education Teacher June 30, 2014 (replacing Jill Dunleavy) Salary: BA, Step 0 = $49,399.00 (Benefit Eligible)


P39. Employee Appointment That the Board of Education approves the following employee appointment:

Barbara Solazzo Secretary B – (10 mos. + Effective: September 1, 10 days) 2013-June 30, 2014 + 10 (replacing Carol days (summer 2013) Sonneberg) Salary: Secretary B, Step 1 = $49,187.00 (prorated) + Bachelor’s Degree $1,600.00 (prorated) = $43,038.62 + 1,400.00 (Benefit Eligible) Geena Cockcroft Maternity Leave Effective: September 1, Replacement Math 2013-June 30, 2014 Teacher (replacing Salary: BA, Step 0 = Giovanna Williams) $49,399.00 (Benefit Eligible) Consuela Ruiz Maternity Leave Effective: September 1, Replacement Spanish 2013-January 27, 2014 Teacher (replacing Salary: MA + 30, Step 1 = Jennifer Mezzina) $62,716.00 (prorated) (Benefit Eligible)

P40. Employee Resignation That the Board of Education accepts the following employee resignation:

Heather McConnell English Teacher Effective: June 30, 2013


P41. Summer School Appointments 2013 That the Board of Education approves the following employee appointments contingent upon enrollment and course offerings in accordance with the 2011- Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,038

2012 salary schedule between the Northern Valley Regional High School District Board of Education and the Northern Valley Education Association, until such time as a successor agreement is reached.

Parnes, Samantha Geometry 1.0 FTE Step/Salary TBD Ziamba, John Geometry 1.0 FTE Step/Salary TBD Math: D’Amico, Lisa Alg 1 Review .5 FTE Step/Salary TBD D'Amico, Lisa Alg 2 Review .5 FTE Step/Salary TBD Manderano, Anthony US II 1.0 FTE Step/Salary TBD Sarajian, Ken US II 1.0 FTE Step/Salary TBD History: Stankus, James US II 1.0 FTE Step/Salary TBD Williams, Bob USII 1.0 FTE Step/Salary TBD Fernicola, Amanda US II 1.0 FTE Step/Salary TBD Huynh, Phuong English 1 .5 FTE Step/Salary TBD Review English: Huynh, Phuong English 2 .5 FTE Step/Salary TBD Review Personal Financial Koehler, Cheryl PFL .5 FTE Step/Salary TBD Literacy AP Enrichment: Scanlan, Peter AP Study Art .5 FTE Step/Salary TBD Mogelesky, Debbie .5 FTE Step/Salary TBD Nurse: Shared Ferencevych, Ginny .5 FTE Step/Salary TBD Librarian: Courtney Reinfried 1.0 FTE Step/Salary TBD Clerk: Rabelo, Rebecca $11.00/hour $11.00/hour Security: Bonsiewich, John $85.00/diem $85.00/diem Jeffs, Diane Per Diem Per Diem Witko, Tiffany Per Diem Per Diem Faivre, Vicki Per Diem Per Diem Substitutes: Pepe, James Per Diem Per Diem Res, Peter Per Diem Per Diem Kohler, Brittany Per Diem Per Diem Joe Clause Per Diem Per Diem Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,039

P42. Summer Administrative Intern Appointments That the Board of Education approves the each of the following summer Administrative Intern appointments to assist July 1-August 14, 2013 as needed.

Kristy Ianna Summer Administrative Intern Effective: July 1-August 14, 2013 Rate: $28.00/hour Jonathan Harris Summer Administrative Intern Effective: July 1-August 14, 2013 Rate: $28.00/hour

P43. 2013-2014 Technology Appointment Rescinded That the Board of Education rescinds the following appointment due to employee accepting another position.

Chris Conte Hourly Technology Worker Effective: July 1-Oct 31, 2013 (pending CHR) Rate: = $20.00/hour

P44. 2012-2013 Appointment That the Board of Education approves the following appointments based on IEP compliance:

Wendy Bauer ABA Home Instructor (MC) Effective: June 14, 2013 Rate: $40.00/hour, 2 days/week. Jackie Droescher 1:1 Teacher Aide/Nurse (MS) for Effective: June 6, 2013 after school activity Rate: $35.00/hour

P45. Additional Summer Hours That the Board of Education approves the following appointments based on Special Education Administrative Code compliance:

April Muccio Teacher Effective: Summer 2013 not to exceed one (1) day @ per diem rate Leslie Van Slooten Teacher Effective: Summer 2013 not to exceed one (1) day @ per diem rate. Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,040


P46. Co-Curricular Employee Appointments That the Board of Education approves the following co-curricular employee appointments:

Jonathan Harris Marching Band Director 2013-2014 School Year Salary: TBD in accordance with ratified agreement Laura Michelowski Assistant Band Director 2013-2014 School Year Salary: TBD in accordance with ratified agreement Jeff Staff Marching Band 2013-2014 School Year Assistant Salary: TBD in accordance with ratified agreement David Finklestein Marching Band 2013-2014 School Year Assistant Salary: TBD in accordance with ratified agreement Janet Kim Marching Band 2013-2014 School Year Assistant Salary: TBD in accordance with ratified agreement Jackie Milnes Color Guard Advisor 2013-2014 School Year Salary: TBD in accordance with ratified agreement Carol Martin Color Guard Assistant 2013-2014 School Year Salary: TBD in accordance with ratified agreement Tasha Buffington Marching Band 2013-2014 School Year Assistant Volunteer Salary: TBD in accordance with ratified agreement Jonathan Harris Jazz Band Advisor 2013-2014 School Year Salary: TBD in accordance with ratified agreement Janet Kim Jazz Band Assistant 2013-2014 School Year Salary: TBD in accordance with ratified agreement

P47. Additional Summer Hours That the Board of Education approves the following summer hours in order to comply with State mandated physical exams for sports participation. Debbie Mogelsky School Nurse 10 days during the month of August at per diem rate. Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,041


P48. Co-Curricular Employee Appointments That the Board of Education approves the following co-curricular employee appointments:

Amy Wilcox Marching Band Director 2013-2014 School Year Salary: TBD in accordance with ratified agreement Nicholas Rosolanko Marching Band Assistant 2013-2014 School Year Director Salary: TBD in accordance with ratified agreement Michael Mulligan Marching Band Assistant 2013-2014 School Year Salary: TBD in accordance with ratified agreement Lauren Arencibia Marching Band Assistant 2013-2014 School Year Salary: TBD in accordance with ratified agreement Bryan Stepneski Marching Band Assistant 2013-2014 School Year Salary: TBD in accordance with ratified agreement Patricia O’Shea Flag and Color Guard 2013-2014 School Year Advisor Salary: TBD in accordance with ratified agreement Denise Wyoke Flag and Color Guard 2013-2014 School Year Assistant Salary: TBD in accordance with ratified agreement

P49. Additional Summer Hours That the Board of Education approves the following summer hours in order to comply with State mandated physical exams for sports participation.

Ginny Ferencevych School Nurse 10 days during the month of August at per diem rate. Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,042

P50. FMLA/FLA/FLIA Maternity Leave Request That the Board of Education approves the following leave request:

Allison Beesley Teacher of English FMLA/FLA/FLIA Maternity Leave Request FMLA Leave: Paid using 39.5 Sick Days Leave Effective: 10/15/13 not to exceed 12 weeks with benefits in accordance with Family Leave guidelines. Anticipated return date: 05/19/14

P51. Employee Appointment That the Board of Education approves the following employee appointment:

Rhetta Maide Substitute Maternity Leave Rate: $300.00/diem Replacement Teacher (replacing Allison Beesley)

P52. Employee Appointment That the Board of Education approves the following employee appointment:

Joseph McCallister English Teacher (replacing Effective: September 1, Heather McConnell) 2013-June 30, 2014 Salary: Scale MA, Step 4 = $67,380.00


RP1. Leave without Pay That the Board of Education approves the following leave without pay request:

Margaret Hurley Leave Without Pay Effective: May 31, 2013 (1/2 day) Cathy McQuaid Leave Without Pay Effective: June 3-6, 2013 Justin Porter Leave Without Pay Effective: June 5-7, 2013

RP2. FMLA/FLA/FLIA Maternity Leave Request That the Board of Education approves the following leave request:

Lauren Wuensch Teacher of the Handicapped FMLA/FLA/FLIA Maternity Leave Request FMLA Leave: Paid using 22 Sick Days Leave Effective: 09/14/13 not to exceed 12 weeks with benefits in accordance with Family Leave guidelines. Anticipated return date: 02/13/14 Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,043

*RP3. Valley Program Appointment 2013-2014 That the Board of Education approves the following employee appointment:

Christine Ciccaglione TOH-Valley Program Effective: July 1, 2013 – July 31, 2013 Scale III, Step 1 $57,067.00 (based on) FTE 1.0 Effective: September 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014 Scale III, Step 1 $57,067.00 (based on) FTE 1.0

RP4. Valley Program Resignations That the Board of Education accepts the following employee resignations:

Joshua Karpoff Teacher Effective: July 31, 2013 Danielle Capozzi Teacher Assistant Effective: July 31, 2013 Leonnie Martinez Sub Per Diem Teacher Assistant Effective: May 23, 2013

RP5. Modification to Appointment-Valley Program 2013-2014 That the Board of Education approves the following change in contracts

Michelle Madden-Perez From: To: Effective: Sep 1 – Nov 1, Behaviorist .6 Behaviorist .8 2013 From: FTE @ .6 $59,766.60 To: FTE @ .8 $79,688.80 Ellen Eddy From: To: Effective: Sep 1 – Nov 1, Behaviorist .6 Behaviorist .8 2013 From: FTE @ .6 $66,721.80 plus $2,100.00 longevity To: FTE @ .8 $88,926.40 plus $2,800.00 longevity Pam Giacchi From: To: Effective: July 2-31, 2013 Behaviorist .6 Behaviorist .8 From: Scale 4, Step OG FTE @ .6 ($6,564.48) To: FTE @ .8 ($8,682.64) Ruth Horning From: Speech- To: Speech- Effective: July 2-31, 2013 Language .6 Language 1.0 From: Scale 3, OG FTE @ .6 ($6,405.60) To: Scale 3, OG FTE @ 1.0 ($10,676.00) Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,044

RP6. Change in Appointment-Valley Program 2013-2014 That the Board of Education approves the following change in contracts:

Laura Blunt From: Sub Per To: Teacher Effective: September 1, 2013 Diem Assistant FTE 1.0 NC, $21,397.00 (benefits eligible) Stephanie Budinich From: Sub Per To: Teacher Effective: September 1, 2013 Diem Assistant FTE 1.0 NC, $21,397.00 (benefits eligible) Caitlyn Byrne From: Sub Per To: Teacher Effective: September 1, 2013 Diem Assistant FTE 1.0 NC, $21,397.00 (benefits eligible) Michelle Cuadrado From: Sub Per To: Teacher Effective: September 1, 2013 Diem Assistant FTE 1.0 NC, $21,397.00 (benefits eligible) Devin DeMarco From: Sub Per To: Teacher Effective: September 1, 2013 Diem Assistant FTE 1.0 NC, $21,397.00 (benefits eligible) Susan “Megan” Dippolito From: Sub Per To: Teacher Effective: September 1, 2013 Diem Assistant FTE 1.0 NC, $21,397.00 (benefits eligible) Kathleen Feeney From: Sub Per To: Teacher Effective: September 1, 2013 Diem Assistant FTE 1.0 NC, $21,397.00 (benefits eligible) Erin Gallagher From: Sub Per To: Teacher Effective: September 1, 2013 Diem Assistant FTE 1.0 NC, $21,397.00 (benefits eligible) Julie McAuley From: Sub Per To: Teacher Effective: September 1, 2013 Diem Assistant FTE 1.0 NC, $21,397.00 (benefits eligible) Dayna Melicz From: Sub Per To: Teacher Effective: September 1, 2013 Diem Assistant FTE 1.0 NC, $21,397.00 (benefits eligible) Alasandra Russo Martino From: Sub Per To: Teacher Effective: September 1, 2013 Diem Assistant FTE 1.0 NC, $21,397.00 (benefits eligible) Aaron Savage From: Sub Per To: Teacher Effective: September 1, 2013 Diem Assistant FTE 1.0 NC, $21,397.00 (benefits eligible) Susan Schwenker From: Sub Per To: Teacher Effective: September 1, 2013 Diem Assistant FTE 1.0 NC, $21,397.00 (benefits eligible) Penelope Tenbekjian From: Sub Per To: Teacher Effective: September 1, 2013 Diem Assistant FTE 1.0 NC, $21,397.00 (benefits eligible)

Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,045

RP7. Change in Contracts-Valley Program 2013-2014 That the Board of Education approves the following change in contracts:

Jackie Wagner From: Teacher – To: Teacher Effective: July 2-31, 2013 TIP -Valley Scale 3, Step 4 (based on $66,836.00) FTE 1.0

RP8. Valley Home Consultants July 2013 – June 2014 That the Board of Education approves the following home consultants:

Amy Ashley Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Barbo Patrice Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Brand David Substitute $35.00 per hour Caffrey-Nemetz Michele Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Cassetta Kelli Teacher $35.00 per hour Castellanos Juan Carlos Substitute $35.00 per hour Castillo Cindy Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Christiansen Elaine Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Cinotti Noreen Substitute $35.00 per hour Clarke, Angela Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Cooper Claudia Substitute $35.00 per hour Cortazzo Marissa Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Cowley Nicole Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Demarest Cherlyn Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour DiDio Michelle Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Doyle Jeanine Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Edwards Aimee Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Gadaleta Margaret Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Gadaleta Stepahnie Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Gallagher Kaitlin Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Gottlieb Kimberly Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Houlis Lisa Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Hurley Margaret Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Jabel Susan Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Janson Jesse Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Jones Robert Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Kanze Deneen Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Kehoe Ivana Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,046

Kushnir Judith A. Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour LaBarr Sarah Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Ladines Warren Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Levi Kaersten Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour McKenna Linda Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour McKenzie Sonia Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour McLaughlin Mary Clare Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Milmore Laura Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Mistretta Michele Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Mouzone Marque Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Napolitano Britany Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Pegram, Leah Substitute $35.00 per hour Pena Lacey DeLorenzo Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Provost Victoria Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Reeves Denise Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Rinaldi Lauren Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Robles Linda Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Schiffer Morgan Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Schweizer Danielle Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Smith Nora Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Stein Joan Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Stine Denise Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Torre Lisa Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour Wagner Jacqueline Teacher $35.00 per hour Woelk Kristine Steidl Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour

RP9. Valley Outreach Certified Teacher of the Handicapped Parent Trainers July 2013 – June 2014 That the Board of Education approves the following consultants:

Amanda Canfora Home Coordinator $50.00 per hour Kelli Cassetta Home Coordinator $50.00 per hour Christine Esola Home Coordinator $50.00 per hour Kate Dougherty Home Coordinator $50.00 per hour Beth Gatanas Home Coordinator $50.00 per hour Lisa Ficucello Home Cooordinator $50.00 per hour Elizabeth Saxon Home Coordinator $50.00 per hour Justin Saxon Home Coordinator $50.00 per hour Lauren Wuensch Home Coordinator $50.00 per hour Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,047

RP10. Valley Outreach Certified BCBA Home Consultant July 2013 – June 2014 That the Board of Education approves the position of Valley Certified Home Consultant and approve the following consultant:

Rebecca Brenkert Behaviorist, BCBA $75.00 per hour Kelli Cassetta TOH, BCBA $75.00 per hour Karen Dinnell Behaviorist, BCBA $75.00 per hour Candice Cinotti-Rohr Behaviorist, Supervisor, BCBA $75.00 per hour Kim Faustini Psychologist, BCBA $75.00 per hour Pam Giacchi Behaviorist, BCBA $75.00 per hour Pam King TOH, BCBA $75.00 per hour Mark Lampert Behaviorist, BCBA $75.00 per hour Michele Madden-Perez Behaviorist, BCBA $75.00 per hour Kathryn Welte BCBA Certified Behaviorist $75.00 per hour Lauren Wuensch TOH $75.00 per hour

RP11. Valley Sibling Support July 2013-June 2014 That the Board of Education approves the following sibling support:

Kim Faustini Behaviorist $35.00 per hour Mark Lampert Behaviorist $35.00 per hour

RP12. Valley Terminations That the Board of Education approves the following:

Marcella Abramovich Teacher Assistant Effective: June 30, 2013

RP13. Valley/TIP/SLICE/Little Tots Substitutes Additions 2012-2013 That the Board of Education approves the following:

Leanne Klarer Sub Per Diem TA May 20, 2013 (retro to) $100.00 per diem Shannen Kandel Sub Per Diem TA May 20, 2013 (retro to) $100.00 per diem Jessica Barbo Sub Per Diem TA May 20, 2013 (retro to) $100.00 per diem Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,048

RP14. Valley/TIP/SLICE/Little Tots Substitutes Additions 2013-2014 That the Board of Education approves the following:

Marissa Arakelian 1:1 Sub Per Diem TA (AF-HP) July 1, 2013 $100.00 per diem Daniel Drew Sub Per Diem TA July 1, 2013 $100.00 per diem Anthony Randon Sub Per Diem TA July 1, 2013 $100.00 per diem Leah Pegram Substitute July 1, 2013 $90.00 per diem David DeKruif Sub Per Diem TA July 1, 2013 $100.00 per diem

RP15. T.I.P. (Therapeutic Intervention Program) Change in Appointment 2013-2014 That the Board of Education approves the following appointments:

Caitlin Musso From: Sub Teacher September 1, 2013 Per Diem Assistant FTE 1.0 NC, $21,397.00 (benefits eligible) Josephine Sarra From: Sub Teacher September 1, 2013 Per Diem Assistant FTE 1.0 CC, $21,397.00 plus $1,500.00 stipend (benefits eligible) Justin Saxon From: Teacher July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014 Teacher FTE 1.0 Assistant From: TA, NC (based on $22,261.44) To: Scale I, Step 1 (based on $51,412.00) Michelle Teacher Teacher September 1, 2013-June 30, 2014 Mistretta Assistant FTE 1.0 From: TA, CC (based on $23,354.94) To: Scale III, Step 1 (based on $57,067.00)

RP16. Region III Independent Consultant-Reappointment List 2013-2014 That the Board of Education approves the following independent consultant re-appointment for the 2013-2014 school year

Dimitriadis, Judith LDT-C $400.00 per case Comprehensive Educational LDT-C $400.00 per case Services, LLC Luderer, William LDT-C $400.00 per case Muhlberg, Ellen LDT-C $400.00 per case Olsen, Kathleen LDT-C $400.00 per case Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,049

Recchione, Rocco LDT-C $400.00 per case

Sreepada, Catherine LDT-C $400.00 per case Swanson, Judith LDT-C $400.00 per case Myriam Skydell & Associates Occupational Therapy $85.00 per hour Services Cafaro, Joseph Psychologist $400.00 per case Korner, Steven Psychologist $400.00 per case McNulty, Andrew Psychologist $400.00 per case Melin, Karen Psychologist $400.00 per case Sapio, Melissa Psychologist $400.00 per case Duell Cynthia James Speech-Language Therapist $400.00 per case On Site Consultations Limited Speech-Language Therapist $400.00 per case Liability Rothschild, Linda R Speech-Language Therapist $400.00 per case Talk Time Speech & Language Speech-Language Therapist $400.00 per case Services Dr. Gerald Meyerhoff Consulting Psychiatrist $200.00 per hour KDH Enterprises, LLC Valley/TIP Program $150.00 per hour Consultant – Anne Holmes Dr. Gerald Meyerhoff Psychiatrist $200.00 per hour Dr. Justin Paltrowitz Psychiatrist $550.00 per case

RP17. Region III Reappointments 2013-2014 That the Board of Education approves the following reappointments:

Gerry Beatty After School Social Skills $35.00 per hour X 20 hours = $700.00 Program, Hand in Hand Susan Butler After School Social Skills $35.00 per hour X 20 hours = $700.00 Program, Hand in Hand Courtney Van After School Social Skills $35.00 per hour X 20 hours = $700.00 Slooten Program, Hand in Hand Laura Robinson After School Social Skills $35.00 per hour X 20 hours = $700.00 Program, Hand in Hand Nicole Cowley After School Social Skills $35.00 per hour X 20 hours = $700.00 Program, Hand in Hand

RP18. Region III Resignation Summer 2013 That the Board of Education approves the following resignations:

Marianne Agner Orton-Gillingham Teacher May 21, 2013

Julie Roessler Orton-Gillingham Teacher June 3, 2013 Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,050

RP19. Region III Appointments OT/PT Summer 2013 That the Board of Education approves the following reappointments:

Josephine Bokara Occupational Therapist July 2-31, 2013 $70.00 per hour Not to exceed 100 hours

RP20. Region III Summer Programs 2013 – July 2-31, 2013 That the Board of Education approves the following appointments:

Mary Pat Weir Orton-Gillingham Teacher $35.00 per hour

Mary Briskin Teacher Assistant – Little 4 hours/day X 16.00 X 20 days = 1280.00 Tots/Preschool Tara Henrici Teacher Assistant, Little 4 hours/day X 16.00 X 20 days = 1280.00 Tots/Valley Inclusion Summer Kerri-Ann Norcia Speech-Language Therapist July 2-31, 2013 (nee Fusco) $70.00 per hour Not to exceed 100 hours

RP21. Appointment Region III Program Summer 2013 That the Board of Education approves the following appointment:

Nancy Saccoccio Occupational Therapist July 2-31, 2013 Rate: $70.00 per hour Not to exceed 50 hours

RP22. Region III Bus Drivers September 1, 2013-June 2014 That the Board of Education approves the following bus drivers:

Kaersten Levi, Valley TA School Bus Driver $25.00 per diem Kathy Welte, Behaviorist School Bus Driver $25.00 per diem Jerzy Okol, Valley TA School Bus Driver $25.00 per diem Adriana Munoz, Valley TA School Bus Driver $25.00 per diem

RP23. Region III Practicum Brittany Hogh, a student at Rowan University requests for 100 hours of observation at the Valley Program for her major in Health Promotion and Fitness Management from July 2-31, 2013. Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,051


RP24. Employee Appointment That the Board of Education approves the following employee appointment:

Justin Saxon Special Education Teacher Effective: July 2, 2013- (New TIP class 6-8 grade) July 31, 2013 Salary: BA + 15, Step 0 = (based on $50,955.00) Justin Saxon Special Education Teacher Effective: September 1, (New TIP class 6-8 grade) 2013-June 30, 2014 Salary: BA + 15, Step 0 = $50,955.00 (Benefit Eligible) Michelle Mistretta Special Education Teacher Effective: July 2, 2013- (Jackie Wagner replacement) July 31, 2013 Salary: MA, Step 0 = (based on $55,100) Michelle Mistretta Special Education Teacher Effective: September Jackie Wagner replacement) 1,2013-June 30, 2014 Salary: MA, Step 0 = $55,100.00) (Benefit Eligible)

RP25. Modification to Appointment-Valley Program 2012-2013 That the Board of Education approves the following change in contracts

Michele Harvey From: To: Speech Effective: May 13 – June Speech .6 .8 30, 2013 (for IEP From: compliance) Scale 4, Step 11 FTE .6 ($55,679.40) To: Scale 4, Step 11 FTE .8 ($74,239.20) prorated

RP26. Modification to Appointment-Valley Program 2013-2014 That the Board of Education approves the following change in contracts

Karen From: To: Effective: July 2-October 31, 2013 Dinnel Behaviorist Behaviorist (Maternity Leave Replacement l Supervisor Supervisor for Candice Cinotti Rohr) $1,750.00

Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,052

RP27. Change in Appointment-Valley Program 2013-2014 That the Board of Education approves the following change in contracts:

Devin DeMarzo From: To: Effective: September 1, 2013 Riordan (name Sub Per Teacher FTE 1.0 correction) Diem Assistant NC, $21,397.00 (Benefits eligible)

RP28. Valley Home Consultants July 2013 – June 2014 That the Board of Education approves the following home consultant:

Devin DeMarzo Riordan Teacher Assistant $35.00 per hour

RP29. Valley/TIP/SLICE/Little Tots Re-Appointment Substitutes Additions 2013-2014 That the Board of Education approves the following change in contracts:

Laura Blunt Sub Per Diem July 1-31, 2013 $100.00 per diem Stephanie Budinich Sub Per Diem July 1-31, 2013 $100.00 per diem Caitlyn Byrne Sub Per Diem July 1-31, 2013 $100.00 per diem Michelle Cuadrado Sub Per Diem July 1-31, 2013 $100.00 per diem Devin DeMarzo Sub Per Diem July 1-31, 2013 Riordan $100.00 per diem Kathleen Feeney Sub Per Diem July 1-31, 2013 $100.00 per diem Erin Gallagher Sub Per Diem July 1-31, 2013 $100.00 per diem Dayna Melicz Sub Per Diem July 1-31, 2013 $100.00 per diem Alasandra Russo Sub Per Diem July 1-31, 2013 Martino $100.00 per diem Aaron Savage Sub Per Diem July 1-31, 2013 $100.00 per diem Penelope Tenbekjian Sub Per Diem July 1-31, 2013 $100.00 per diem Caitlin Musso Sub Per Diem July 1-31, 2013 $100.00 per diem Josephine Sarra Sub Per Diem July 1-31, 2013 $100.00 per diem Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,053

RP30. Valley/TIP/SLICE/Little Tots Substitutes Additions 2013-2014That the Board of Education approves the following:

Timothy Smith Sub Per Diem TA July 1, 2013 $100.00 per diem JoAnn Hayden Sub Per Diem TA July 1, 2013 $100.00 per diem Daniel LaBarr Sub Per Diem TA July 1, 2013 $100.00 per diem

RP31. Valley Program Appointment Summer 2013

That the Board of Education approves the following appointments:

Jackie Conte School Health Aide 2 hours/day X 30.00 X 20 Valley Program days = $1,200.00

RP32. Leave without Pay That the Board of Education approves the following leave without pay request:

Margaret Hurley Leave Without Pay Effective: June 18, 2013 (1/2 day), June 23, 2013 (1/2 day)


RP33. Employee Appointment That the Board of Education approves the following employee appointment:

Robyn Ivey Teacher of the Handicapped Effective: September 1, (replacing Josh Karpoff) 2013-June 30, 2014 Salary: Scale MA + 15, Step 3 = $66,602.00

RP34. Valley/TIP/SLICE/Little Tots Re-Appointment Substitutes Addition 2013- 2014 That the Board of Education approves the following addition:

JoAnn Hayden Sub Per Diem July 1-31, 2013 $100.00 per diem Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,054

Dr. Nagy gave a presentation regarding Random Drug Testing. He addressed questions that were posed by community members through the survey and discussed the current policies and how they would change with RDT.

At 10:12 p.m. on motion by Mrs. Coats-Thomas, seconded by Mrs. Comer and approved by the Board the meeting was Open to the Public.

Dr. Alice Weiner a Norwood resident is a strong advocate for reducing drug abuse; she was part of the task force on the most recent ad hoc committee. She noted that the proposed RDT is disruptive to the school day. It is legal in the State of NJ to allow your child to drink in your own home. It has been suggested that Dr. Nagy is receiving financial incentives. Come up with a plan that is not disruptive to the education process.

Attorney Bruce Rosen who represents at least 5 families who have children in the school advised that his clients feel that the Board has made their decision. There needs to be documentation of a need. He recommended that they have a consensus.

Ms. Elner has been in the field for 24 years, sees no indication that this is effective. She is certified in drug prevention - why is she as a parent not considered competent to deal with this issue with her own child. Does not see why the school is putting itself between her and her child. Feels that this is invasive, we may be running interference between her and her children. Drug tests can be purchased at CVS by the parents. Test the students for whom there are signs and symptoms.

Jody Brenner of Demarest sent a letter to the Board with some concerns and she did not get a reply. Why would you not speak to the press? They have hired an attorney. How do you have a policy without a vote? What is the Board evaluating? The foundation necessary to move forward has not been met. This violates the due process rights of our students. Will the Board and Dr. Nagy submit to the same test they suggest?

Cherly Phillip of Closter is not happy with the way the Board is handling the very serious matter. The District has not done all the research that Hunterdon County School District did before they implemented RDT.

Larrry Buchbamb stated this was distrust and intimidation. The message the District will give our children is that we do not trust them. Assuming guilt before innocence is not how he wants his son raised.

Karen Buchsbamb attended the presentation on RDT. She feels that her child’s right to privacy is going to be violated. Many students require medication for their personal ailments. This program could affect the student’s eligibility for Senior Service. Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,055

Bernie Latter a Closter resident appreciates the Boards intentions and the focus on the issue. Speaking as a parent, he feels that he has been left out of the process. If you are going to adopt the Hunterdon model, you should adopt their process. Students do have a privacy right. There should be a documented need. If you go forward without the proper documentation, you will have a lawsuit. He would like to see the opinion of our attorney.

Dr. Debra Rudin, does anyone know what the turnaround time of the urine test? You may create anxiety for the student who has not done anything wrong.

Connor Wilson a sophomore of NVD represents the students and has heard both sides of the story. He is for it as a deterrent. Others are for it as a deterrent, he has nothing to hide, and he is doing well. Those student for it are proud of who they are. Those who are against, are scared of the process, and feel untrusted. There is a lot of lack of knowledge. The Student Senate took a vote and 3 for, 3 unsure, 11 against it. As a Student Senate they are against it.

Bill Hawl of OT noted that there is a mandatory pre-prom meeting; he wanted to know if there could be a mandatory meeting for incoming 9th graders. Worries about the nanny state becoming the police state.

Susan Feffer has students at Demarest and feels that even though we say this is non-punitive, it is punitive. There is a cost of self-esteem. She suggests that we solicit help from members of the community who are involved with this issue professionally.

Kyle Dennerlin stated if you have a quorum to vote on some issues, why you don’t you have a quorum to vote on this issue. He has not heard anyone this evening that is for this. He suggested education, such as the pre-prom requirement. Education in the school might be the answer.

Teddy Lorabis of Demarest has a child who will be in 9th grade. She agrees with many statements made this evening. She does not feel that the information provided provides proof of a problem. Feels that this is an invasion of the student’s life, and has concerns about the policy. Who chooses the MRO?

Jamie Kopf of Closter noted that based on Dr. Nagy's slide that the number of students found with substance has decreased. If that is the case and what we are doing is working why are we looking at this policy? It causes an issue with respect, trust.

Mark Unger of Old Tappan disagrees with what is being said this evening. He is an EMT in town. He sees a lot of OD's. His involvement starts when all else has failed. He appreciates what the Board is doing to give us another tool to address the problem. He thinks this is a good way for the Board to start. Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,056

Mark Fable of Old Tappan, father of 3 children is happy to see all the parents here today because this is the process. He was against the policy when this started and now is strongly for the policy. Anything we can do to help the 2500 children in the school have a drug free environment is a good thing.

Student Ms. Annuccio stated you cannot stop children from doing what they do. It is not any of your business what students do on the weekend. She knows students who do recreational drugs and drink on the weekend and it does not affect their performance in sports or educationally. The Board should mind their own business. She stated you will lose all the trust and respect of your students.

Donna Weintraub of Haworth is a BOE member at Haworth Grammar School. She has heard the Board discuss many policies. She has never heard the Board discuss the RDT the way they discussed other issues (1:1, cell tower). She hopes you do what New Jersey School Board says you should do to implement a program like this.

Ann Barret of Harrington Park stated why shouldn't the parents be getting information on a regular basis. They don't want to feel that they are not included in the process. Why rush to RDT without evaluating the current programs and if they work.

Robert Ammonica stated his son was falsely accused of drinking alcohol. He went through the drug test, and was very upsetting. It was a very long 72 hours, of distress for his son. It’s not the Boards responsibility to police his children; it is his job to police his child. Educate the parents, and the students.

Bill Barret of Harrington Park, wants arecording of actual events. It is hard to record and/or find out exactly what is really going on. Would like the meetings to be videoed and put on free utube. There is a four to five week lag time from when meetings notes are posted.

Demetry Normas has a student attending next year. Is not convinced there is a problem at NV. Nothing is being resolved this evening. Should we advocate RDT at colleges as well? What is the next step? When would the Board vote on the policy?

John Passalaqua asked that the Board consider documentation of need, even if it delays the process.

Kathy Fable noted that she received about 25 letters for RDT and a similar number against. Meeting of June 24, 2013 86,057

At 11:51 p.m. on motion by Mrs. Fable, seconded by Mrs. Comer and approved by the Board the meeting was Closed to Public comment.

At 11:53 p.m. on motion by Mrs. Coats-Thomas, seconded by Mrs. Fable and approved by the Board the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Joanette Femia School Business Administrator/ Board Secretary

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