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Westerly Hills Academy OWL Daily Lesson Plan Unit: Wind and Water Week 2 Day 3 Room: 118 Date: December 12, 2011 (Circle one) M-T-W-Th-F Teacher: Spell Morning Meeting (15 minutes) Opening Activities: Pledge of Allegiance Good Morning Song/ TA song of the Day Days of the week Song Today is ______. Count boys, girls, and Friends How is the weather today? Center demonstrations/explanations: Art Table-The teacher will introduce the children to the Art Table and use an eyedropper to show them what happens when you drip water onto marker drawings in a box lid and tilt it. Then the teacher will demonstrate how to draw a picture on the paper. The teacher will tell the children that that I have drawn a picture, I will drip water on it from the eyedropper. I’m going to tilt the box, but first I want you to tell me what you think is going to happen.” Teacher Directed/Modeled Writing Activity: Letter of the Day: H Word of the Day: hedge Sentence of the Day: Have you seen a hedge? The teacher will provide students with pictures that begin with this letter. Conclusion of Centers: What did you learn today in centers? What did you see in centers? What will you play with tomorrow? Let’s Find Out About It-Let’s Talk About It-RECAP _ (20 minutes) Activity: Writer’s Workshop- write letter/word of the day hedge Materials: paper and pencil for each student Extension: Talk about slanted, curved, straight lines when forming the letters; if time to brainstorm other words that begin with /w/ and write on the board.
Story Time (20 minutes) Expectation: SW understand and use a growing vocabulary. _ x_1st ___2nd ___ 3rd ___ 4th Reading Pages ______Teacher’s Choice Title: Rabbits and Raindrops Author: Jim Arnosky Before: We are going to see if we can figure out what is going to happen in this story. Let’s take a look at the cover. I wonder what kind of animal is in the picture. Can anyone else think of a question that might help us figure out what is going to happen in this story? Prompt students as necessary to help them think of questions. Make a list of the questions that are generated by students. Read title while pointing to the words, and then count the number of words in the title. Choose two students to come up and read title while pointing to the words. Read the title with children. Point out that both Rbbits and Raindrops begin with /r/ and the same letter. During: Teacher will draw children in by using a gentle tone of voice and encouraging them to notice details in the pictures. The teacher will point to pictures ( hedge, lawn, shelter, and blossoms) and use gestures nibble, and flutter to help define vocabulary . After: revisit the list of questions made prior to reading the story. See if students are able to answer questions now that they have heard the story. Location of materials Transition Activities (3+) for the week: Morning Meeting basket in front of room 1. Letter Recognition: (Hit a Letter) On the way out the LFO/LTAI/RECAP- basket in front of room door (to breakfast, lunch, playground, buses) children will Story Time- On Teacher bookstand touch a letter that is on the wall to the left of the door SWPL- BB on bookstand, props in plastic tub labeled SWPL and tell the teacher what the letter is Small Groups- On the shelf by the butterfly table 2. Shape Song by Dr. Jean: Students will be give one of the basic shapes. The students will hold up the shapes when directed by the song. 3.Estimating: Students will drop counters in a jar while counting them. Songs, Word Play, & Letters (20 minutes) Page # 46-47(in O.W.L. manual Page #: 76-77 (in O.W.L manual) Materials: Songs: “ “BINGO” OWL CD Poems/Predictable Book: Over In The Meadow Pieces for the “Bingo” song Literacy Skills: Guess What Word I’m Saying; We Can Change Big Book of Poetry It or Rearrange It Books: Over in the Meadow Rabbits and Raindrops Differentiation: Sit ______close to the teacher during SWPL. BINGO: name each letter and invite the children to name them with you. Encourage children to identify the letter’s sound Guess What Word: Lower learners: ______repeat the onset of the word being said. Once the word is guessed, display a picture (if possible). Medium to high learners:______instead of giving just beginning sounds, sound out the first 2-3 letter sounds. Small Groups (25 minutes) Expectation: Recognize and describe common Expectation: ask questions and seek answers Expectation: Demonstrate the shapes. Identify letter names. Use Tanagrams about their environment through active ability to remain engaged in an cards to complete shapes, animals and letters. engagement with materials. experience. Teacher’s Instructional Assistant’s Group ______Independent Group Group______Activity:Which object sink or floats? Activity: Picture Card Memory Activity:Let’s make tanagram pictures Page:n/a Page: 17 Page:n/a Description of Activity: Students will work together group Description of Activity: Ask students who knows how to swim. Ask to find to picture that match. Explain to students that today we are going to questions such as: why do we learn to swim, what work with shapes. Take out shapes from the bag happens if we are at the beach and we do not Material: picture memory cards of and ask: what kind of shape is this? How many know how to swim? When our bodies stay above words from Unit 3 Story books. sides does it have? What color it is? We are the water we are floating? The same happens to going to do a different kind of puzzle today. You the object. will need to complete a puzzle that is on a card. Let’s place some objects in the water and let’s This is called a tanagram. Show the tanagram to observe what happens. If the object goes under the students and count the number of shapes the water that means that the object sank, and if that are on the card. it stays on the water that means that is floating. Materials: shapes, tanagram cards, The little red Give each child a zip lock with the object hen and & Dandelion Book. mentioned above. Let students place their object Vocabulary to clarify:Tanagrams, puzzle, in the water to determine what happens. shapes. Materials:corks, paper, boats, shells, paper clips, Differentiation:LL will work with tanagram that rocks, small cars or trucks, leaves, marbles, water has 3 or 4 pieces. table, pictures of sink and float. ML will work with tanagrams that has 5 pieces Vocabulary: cork, skink, float, sea shells. HL will work with tanagrams that has 7 pieces. Differentiation: all children will place by turns Conclusion / Wrap-up: Restatement of objects in water and then they will observe and Expectation state if it floats or sink. Go to the chart and mark Today we made tanagrams with different answers. shapes. Tell the students that the Chinese people Hl will place F or S and ML and LL will place check were the first to work with tanagrams. marks. Conclusion / Wrap-up: Restatement of Expectation
We have learned the meaning of float and sink. Who knows what float means? Who know what sinking means? Westerly Hills Academy OWL Daily Lesson Plan
Unit: Wind and Water Week 2 Day 4 Room: 118 Date: December 13, 2011 (Circle one) M-T-W-Th-F Teacher: Spell Morning Meeting (15 minutes) Opening Activities:
Good Morning Song/ TA song of the Day Days of the week Song Today is ______. Count boys, girls, and Friends How is the weather today? Center demonstrations/explanations: Art Table- Teacher will introduce the Art Table and show the students how to prepare batch of goop. Teacher will demonstrate how it gets firm when you roll it in your hand and reverts to liquid form when you stop. Teacher Directed/Modeled Writing Activity: Letter of the Day: G Word of the Day: gently Sentence of the Day: Please touch the kitten gently. Conclusion of Centers: What did you learn today in centers? What did you see in centers? What will you play with tomorrow?
Let’s Find Out About It-Let’s Talk About It-RECAP _ (20 minutes) Activity: Writer’s Workshop- drawing shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle) Materials: paper and pencil for each student Extension: Take a walking tour of the classroom to look for shapes.
Story Time (20 minutes) Expectation: SW show creativity and imagination in using materials and assuming different roles in pretend play situations. ___1st ___2nd ___ 3rd _x__ 4th Reading Pages ______Teacher’s Choice
Title: One Dark Night Author: Hazel Hutchins Procedures /Follow up Questions/ Differentiation /Activities: The children will dramatize the story by pretending to be Jonathan, the kittens, the mother cat and the grandparents.
Vocabulary to clarify: kitten, whispers, dashes, gently Location of materials Transition Activities (3+) for the week: Morning Meeting basket in front of room 1. Letter Recognition: (Hit a Letter) On the way out the door LFO/LTAI/RECAP- basket in front of room (to breakfast, lunch, playground, buses) children will touch a Story Time- On Teacher bookstand letter that is on the wall to the left of the door and tell the SWPL- BB on bookstand, props in plastic tub labeled SWPL teacher what the letter is Small Groups- On the shelf by the butterfly table 2. Shape Song by Dr. Jean: Students will be give one of the basic shape. The students will hold up the shapes when directed by the song. 3.Estimating: Students will drop counters in a jar while counting them. Songs, Word Play, & Letters (20 minutes) Page #: 80-81 (in O.W.L manual) Songs: “Come On and Join In to the Game” Materials: Poems/Predictable Book: “Clouds”; OWL CD Literacy Skills: I’m Thinking of _ Clue Game; Alphabet Clue Big Book of Poetry Game One Dark Night
Differentiation: Sit ______close to the teacher during SWPL. Have them volunteer to hold apples and bananas. Ask them to repeat words in new songs and poems. Give praise and encouragement for participating and attempts to guess objects in the clue game. Give these children two choices when guessing words if necessary. For those students ready: A, S, R, and Z, ask them to identify what letter makes the vowel sounds. Also ask them if they can describe the when the words occur in the story. Small Groups (25 minutes) Expectation: Recognize and describe common Expectation: ask questions and seek answers about Expectation: Demonstrate shapes. Identify letter names. Use Tanagrams their environment through active engagement with the ability to remain cards to complete shapes, animals and letters. materials. engaged in an experience. Teacher’s Instructional Assistant’s Group ______Independent Group Group______Activity:Which object sink or floats? Activity: Picture Card Activity:Let’s make tanagram pictures Page:n/a Memory Page:n/a Description of Activity: Page: 17 Description of Activity: Ask students who knows how to swim. Ask questions Students will work together Explain to students that today we are going to work such as: why do we learn to swim, what happens if we group to find to picture with shapes. Take out shapes from the bag and ask: are at the beach and we do not know how to swim? that match. what kind of shape is this? How many sides does it When our bodies stay above the water we are floating? have? What color it is? We are going to do a The same happens to the object. Material: picture memory different kind of puzzle today. You will need to Let’s place some objects in the water and let’s observe cards of words from Unit 3 complete a puzzle that is on a card. This is called a what happens. If the object goes under the water that Story books. tanagram. Show the tanagram to the students and means that the object sank, and if it stays on the count the number of shapes that are on the card. water that means that is floating. Give each child a zip Materials: shapes, tanagram cards, The little red lock with the object mentioned above. Let students hen and & Dandelion Book. place their object in the water to determine what Vocabulary to clarify:Tanagrams, puzzle, shapes. happens.
Differentiation:LL will work with tanagram that has Materials:corks, paper, boats, shells, paper clips, 3 or 4 pieces. rocks, small cars or trucks, leaves, marbles, water ML will work with tanagrams that has 5 pieces table, pictures of sink and float. HL will work with tanagrams that has 7 pieces. Vocabulary: cork, skink, float, sea shells. Conclusion / Wrap-up: Restatement of Differentiation: all children will place by turns objects Expectation in water and then they will observe and state if it Today we made tanagrams with different floats or sink. Go to the chart and mark answers. shapes. Tell the students that the Chinese people Hl will place F or S and ML and LL will place check were the first to work with tanagrams. marks. Conclusion / Wrap-up: Restatement of Expectation We have learned the meaning of float and sink. Who
knows what float means? Who know what sinking means? Westerly Hills Academy OWL Daily Lesson Plan Unit: Wind and Water Week 2 Day 5 Room: 118 Date: December 14,2011 (Circle one) M-T-W-Th-F Teacher: Spell Morning Meeting (15 minutes) Good Morning Song/ TA song of the Day Days of the week Song Today is ______. Count boys, girls, and Friends How is the weather today? Center demonstrations/explanations: Art Table- Teacher will introduce the Art Table and show the students how to prepare batch of goop. Teacher will demonstrate how it gets firm when you roll it in your hand and reverts to liquid form when you stop. Manips Area: Teacher will show children the pattern materials that are in the Manips. Area and demonstrate how to use the toys to create patterns. Block Center: Teacher will introduce student to the Block Center and explain to students how we have fire station in our center and show they the fire trucks, fire fighter hats, water hose, water buckets, color books, and fire fighters’ badges. Teacher Directed/Modeled Writing Activity: Letter of the Day: Ll Word of the Day: lawn Sentence of the Day: I will cut your lawn. Conclusion of Centers: What did you learn today in centers? What did you see in centers? What will you play with tomorrow? Let’s Find Out About It-Let’s Talk About It-RECAP _ (20 minutes) Activity The Effects of Too Little Rain & Waiting Pages : 88 & 102 Materials: Books-Rabbits & Raindrops & Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain Questions: Point out the pictures from the story that show the African plains without rain. Compare these to the pictures of the meadow lush and green. Talk about what makes the grass green and why rain is important. -Combine this with the lesson on waiting and discuss how the rabbits waited for the rain to stop and the people in Africa waited for the rain to start. Discuss situations where children have had to wait and how this made them feel.
Story Time (20 minutes) Expectation: : SW understand and use a growing vocabulary ___1st ___2nd ___ 3rd ___ 4th Reading Pages ______x_Teacher’s Choice Title: The Wind Blew Author: Pat Hutchins :Before: We are going to see if we can figure out what is going to happen in this story. Let’s take a look at the cover. I wonder why the people have their hands up in the picture. Can anyone else think of a question that might help us figure out what is going to happen in this story? Prompt students as necessary to help them think of questions. Make a list of the questions that are generated by students. Read title while pointing to the words, and then count the number of words in the title. Choose two students to come up and read title while pointing to the words. During: Teacher will draw children in by using a gentle tone of voice and encouraging them to notice details in the pictures. The teacher will point to pictures ( kite, balloon, umbrella, hat, shirt, wig, letter,and flag) and use gestures to help define vocabulary . After: revisit the list of questions made prior to reading the story. See if students are able to answer questions now that they have heard the story. Create an Alphabetical Order Chart – Students will name the vocabulary words pertaining to the story: kite, balloon, umbrella, hat, wig. Location of materials Transition Activities (3+) for the week: Morning Meeting basket in front of room 1. Snowball Toss Up- throw the snowballs in the air and the students will pick one up LFO/LTAI/RECAP- basket in front of room and name the letter and it sound. Story Time- On Teacher bookstand 2. Letter Hats-Students will base on what letter teacher call out. SWPL- BB on bookstand, props in plastic tub labeled SWPL 3.Shapes- The teacher will put shapes on a table. Students will pick and name the Small Groups- On the shelf by the butterfly table shape or it attributes. Songs, Word Play, & Letters (20 minutes) Pages: 110-111 Letter size CD If you have a matching letter, shout its name Upper and lower case letters Down By the Bay Down by the bay book or picture cards (add new rhyming word to mix it up.)
Differentiation: Sit ______close to teacher during SWPL. Allow these children to participate by using props while singing songs. Review vocabulary words with children such as scarf, mittens, gloves, hat, apples, and bananas. Ask children to help count apples and bananas. Give children clues and show letter cards if needed while playing Alphabet Clue Game and If Your Name Ends with (letter sound). Make list of names that end with each letter sounds. For those ready: ______to help make patterns with the apples and bananas. Also ask them to help other children identify letters and letter sounds Small Groups (25 minutes) Expectation: Students will begin to Expectation: The students will identify Expectation: Students will begin to understand and use words that identify and isolate the first sounds in words experiment with and use numbers and different positions and use words that identify counting in their play. different positions in space (ex: in, out, under, over, and etc) Teacher Group Teacher Assistant Group Independent Group Name of Activity: Positional Words (In Small Name of Activity: Beginning Sound Group Packet) Picture Sorting Description of Activities Description of Activity: Description of Activity: Begin group Number and Numeral Matching Begin group activity with book Bear Went with familiar beginning sound song (dr.jean Give each student a strip and a set of Over the Mountain. song) clothespins. Have them match the Choose at least three positional words to focus Children will be shown pictures. The number on the clothespin to the on. Model a position and say, “”The (object teacher will say the name and ask number of objects in each set and clip name) is (positional word) the (container name). students to produce the beginning sound the clothespin on the strip in the The student then copies the teacher of that picture. The children will then corresponding section movements and words. This is repeated many sort pictures that begin with the same times with each positional word. Ask student sound on table. . X Book Browsing math concept where is the ___? Model language for the Materials beginning sound pictures and books students by saying, “the ___ is (optional word) beginning sound song the (container name). Ask students to put the X Other pattern cards with objects in various places using positional words. Differentiation: Lower Level Learners: manipulatives Materials: 6-7 small containers, 6-7 small Review the names of the pictures with objects all alike students stressing the first sound in the Materials: poster board strips with Differentiation: word. Have children repeat sound with sets of pictures, markers and Lower Level learners- Use picture cues and you. clothespin, number line, pattern cards have child repeat word – under, over etc.. and with manipulative focus one position at a time Higher Level Learners will create other Higher Level Learners- Children will place 4-5 words that begin with that same sound. on table and describe their position in relation to others. Conclusion / Wrap-up: Restatement of Conclusion / Wrap-up: Restatement of Expectation: Go through and have each Expectation: As a group take turns completing student identify a picture and have them the sentence My ____ is ______the bowl. tell you the beginning sound of the word.
Westerly Hills Academy OWL Daily Lesson Plan Unit: Wind and Water Week 3 Day 1 Room: 118 Date: December 15, 2011 (Circle one) M-T-W-Th-F Teacher: Spell Morning Meeting (15 minutes) Opening Activities: Pledge of Allegiance Good Morning Song/ TA song of the Day Days of the week Song Today is ______. Count boys, girls, and Friends How is the weather today? Center demonstrations/explanations: Art Easel: The teacher will introduce the children to the Easel Area where they can use the colors from Rabbits and Raindrops to make their own paintings. The teacher will show children some of the pictures in the book to give them some ideas of what to paint. Then the teacher will describe the colors in the pictures such as brown, yellow, green, white, and blue. Finally, the teacher will ask the children what they might want to paint. Writing Center: The teacher will introduce the children to the Writing Center and model how they can use the foam letters to make a letter book. The teacher will demonstrate by gluing the letter R on the first page and then writing the word rabbit from the word cards. Then the teacher will encourage students to try and write all the word cards in their blank books. Teacher Directed/Modeled Writing Activity: Letter of the Day: Ee Word of the Day: edge Sentence of the Day: Do not sit on the edge of your chair. Conclusion of Centers: What did you learn today in centers? What did you see in centers? What will you play with tomorrow? Let’s Find Out About It-Let’s Talk About It-RECAP _ (20 minutes) Rhyming Activity Pages Materials: rhyming word cards or songs -use this time to reinforce rhyming skills, play a rhyme game with the children to help reinforce this skill. Extension: Place a rhyming words memory game in the manips. For independent exploration.
Story Time (20 minutes) Expectation: SW relate personal experiences to events described in familiar books ___1st ___2nd _x_ 3rd ___ 4th Reading ___Teacher’s Choice (attach lesson plan) Title: Raindrops and Rabbits Author: Jim Arnosky Procedures /Follow up Questions/ Differentiation /Activities: Before: Boys and Girls do you remember this book. Show pictures of objects in the story review with children. During: Talk with students about how the mother rabbit take care of children. Make refer how your teachers and parents take care of them. Identify the weather and why the rabbit are running back to their shelter. After: Give students sequence and have them put what happen in the story in order of the events. Location of materials Transition Activities (3+) for the week: Morning Meeting basket in front of room 1. Snowball Toss Up- throw the snowballs in the air and the LFO/LTAI/RECAP- basket in front of room students will pick one up and name the letter and it sound. Story Time- On Teacher bookstand 2. Letter Hats-Students will base on what letter teacher SWPL- BB on bookstand, props in plastic tub labeled SWPL call out. Small Groups- On the shelf by the butterfly table 3.Shapes- The teacher will put shapes on a table. Students will pick and name the shape or it attributes.
Songs, Word Play, & Letters (20 minutes) Pages: 110-111 Focus Skills: Rhyming Jack Hartman Rhyme and Move Jack Hartman CD Can you think of a word that rhymes with: Do you remember this story lets find words that have the same ending sound: nest – where OWL Big Book of Poetry rabbits live rhymes with best hop – is how rabbits walk, little jumps Paper and Markers for list rhymes with top, bees- that are insects rhymes with trees, sky- that turns dark when it is going to rain rhymes with dry, cold- bunnies will catch a cold rhymes with hot Differentiation: Sit ______close to teacher during SWPL. ______to repeat words in the new song and poem. Teacher will provide picture to build vocabulary. Give______three choices when guessing pictures with one rhyme. Small Groups (25 minutes) Expectation: Students will begin to Expectation: The students will identify Expectation: Students will begin to understand and use words that identify and isolate the first sounds in words experiment with and use numbers different positions and use words that and counting in their play. identify different positions in space (ex: in, out, under, over, and etc) Teacher Group Teacher Assistant Group Independent Group
Name of Activity: Positional Words (In Name of Activity: Beginning Sound Description of Activities Small Group Packet) Picture Sorting Number and Numeral Matching Description of Activity: Description of Activity: Begin group Give each student a strip and a set of Begin group activity with book Bear Went with familiar beginning sound song clothespins. Have them match the Over the Mountain. (dr.jean song) number on the clothespin to the Choose at least three positional words to Children will be shown pictures. The number of objects in each set and clip focus on. Model a position and say, “”The teacher will say the name and ask students the clothespin on the strip in the (object name) is (positional word) the to produce the beginning sound of that corresponding section (container name). The student then copies picture. The children will then sort the teacher movements and words. This is pictures that begin with the same sound on X Book Browsing math concept repeated many times with each positional table. . books word. Ask student where is the ___? Model Materials beginning sound pictures and language for the students by saying, “the ___ beginning sound song X Other pattern cards with is (optional word) the (container name). Ask Differentiation: Lower Level Learners: manipulatives students to put the objects in various places Review the names of the pictures with using positional words. students stressing the first sound in the Materials: poster board strips with Materials: 6-7 small containers, 6-7 small word. Have children repeat sound with sets of pictures, markers and objects all alike you. clothespin, number line, pattern cards Differentiation: with manipulative Lower Level learners- Use picture cues and Higher Level Learners will create other have child repeat word – under, over etc.. words that begin with that same sound. and focus one position at a time Conclusion / Wrap-up: Restatement of Higher Level Learners- Children will place Expectation: Go through and have each 4-5 on table and describe their position in student identify a picture and have them relation to others. tell you the beginning sound of the word. Conclusion / Wrap-up: Restatement of Expectation: As a group take turns completing the sentence My ____ is ______the bowl.
Westerly Hills Academy OWL Daily Lesson Plan Unit: Wind and Water Week 3 Day 2 Room: 118 Date: December 16, 2011 (Circle one) M-T-W-Th-F Teacher: Spell Morning Meeting (15 minutes) Opening Activities:
Good Morning Song *Days of the week Song *Today is ______. Count boys, girls, and Friends *How is the weather today? Center demonstrations/explanations: Computer Center: Teacher will go to you tube or discovery education to show students for wind can affect us in a negative way such as tornados, hurricanes, and wind storms. Discovery Table: Teacher will show children how to create a tornado at the Discovery Table using colorful water, two bottles, a button, and tornado gear piece. Art Table: Teacher will show children how to paint using straws, construction paper, and paint. Block Center: Teacher will show children how to create pattern using pictures of sun, raining, snow, and wind. Manipulatives: Students will put together a snowflake, rain and lightning puzzle. Teacher Directed/Modeled Writing Activity: Letter of the Day: Bb Word of the Day: Blew Sentence of the Day: The wind blew my____. Teacher will explain the difference from blue and blew. Have students think of things and have them write on the white board. Teacher will help students sound words out. Conclusion of Centers: What did you learn today in centers? What did you see in centers? What will you play with tomorrow? Let’s Find Out About It-Let’s Talk About It-RECAP _ (20 minutes) Drying Wet Mittens Pages 106 Materials: book-Rabbits and Raindrops, pair of mittens, bowl of water, tray, closed container Questions: Discuss how the rabbits got wet in the story. Ask the children to tell you how the rabbits will get dry? Explain how evaporation works and start the experiment using the wet mittens. Make a chart – which mittens will dry the ones on the clothesline or the ones in the bowl. Extension: Place experiment in the science center for the children to monitor. Story Time (20 minutes) Expectation: Students will predict possible events in the story before and during the reading. __1st ___2nd ___ 3rd ___ 4th Reading Pages: __x_Teacher’s Choice Title: The wind blew Author: Pat Hutchins Before: We are going to see if we can figure out what is going to happen in this story. Let’s take a look at the cover. I wonder why are all these things are in the air. Can anyone else think of a question that might help us figure out what is going to happen in this story? Prompt students as necessary to help them think of questions. Make a list of the questions that are generated by students. Read title while pointing to the words, and then count the number of words in the title. Choose two students to come up and read title while pointing to the words. During: How do we know that the wind is blowing? Why the umbrella is inside out? We ha read another story where it happens too? Which is the name of that story? Why people are running? Why the win was not satisfied? Listen carefully there are some rhyming words. Why these people need to follow their things/stuff, why they do not let it go? Let’s count how many thing the air has taken away. I see something red, white, and blue. What is this? Yes it flag of the United State of America. Point to the wig, What part of your body could you place a wig on? How did the people get their items back? After: We did a lot of predicting to see what would the wind blow next. I hear some rhyming word like : dry – sky, nose – rose, hat- that , round-found Lets do wind wind poem” WIND WIND BLOW SOFT WIND WI ND BLOW HARD WIND WIND BLOW CALM WIND WIND BLOW STRONG
Location of materials Transition Activities (3+) for the week: Morning Meeting basket in front of room 1. Snowball Toss Up- throw the snowballs in the air and the students will pick one up LFO/LTAI/RECAP- basket in front of room and name the letter and it sound. Story Time- On Teacher bookstand 2. Letter Hats-Students will base on what letter teacher call out. SWPL- BB on bookstand, props in plastic tub labeled SWPL 3.Shapes- The teacher will put shapes on a table. Students will pick and name the Small Groups- On the shelf by the butterfly table shape or it attributes. Songs, Word Play, Letters (20 minutes) Pages: 32-33 Students will be able to identify letters and beginning sounds in poems and songs 1. The wheel on the bus: Teacher will give some students pictures related to the song. When we star singing students will come to the flannel board and place the picture. After singing teacher will ask LL to come to the dry eraser board to write beginning letters. 2. My big balloon: teacher will point to the poem and read to the children. After we will do the poem with hand motions and students will be ask to point to some words (HL), beginning sounds (ML), and letters (LL) 3. Boom, Bang! Same as above.
Small Groups (25 minutes) Expectation: Students will begin to understand Expectation: The students will identify and Expectation: Students will begin to and use words that identify different positions and isolate the first sounds in words experiment with and use numbers use words that identify different positions in space and counting in their play. (ex: in, out, under, over, and etc) Teacher Group Teacher Assistant Group Independent Group
Name of Activity: Positional Words (In Small Name of Activity: Beginning Sound Picture Description of Activities Group Packet) Sorting Number and Numeral Matching Description of Activity: Description of Activity: Begin group with Give each student a strip and a set of Begin group activity with book Bear Went Over familiar beginning sound song (dr.jean song) clothespins. Have them match the the Mountain. Children will be shown pictures. The teacher number on the clothespin to the Choose at least three positional words to focus will say the name and ask students to produce number of objects in each set and clip on. Model a position and say, “”The (object the beginning sound of that picture. The the clothespin on the strip in the name) is (positional word) the (container name). children will then sort pictures that begin with corresponding section The student then copies the teacher movements the same sound on table. . and words. This is repeated many times with X Book Browsing math concept each positional word. Ask student where is the Materials beginning sound pictures and books ___? Model language for the students by saying, beginning sound song “the ___ is (optional word) the (container name). X Other pattern cards with Ask students to put the objects in various places manipulatives using positional words. Differentiation: Lower Level Learners: Materials: 6-7 small containers, 6-7 small objects Review the names of the pictures with students Materials: poster board strips with all alike stressing the first sound in the word. Have sets of pictures, markers and Differentiation: children repeat sound with you. clothespin, number line, pattern cards Lower Level learners- Use picture cues and have with manipulative child repeat word – under, over etc.. and focus one Higher Level Learners will create other words position at a time that begin with that same sound. Higher Level Learners- Children will place 4-5 on table and describe their position in relation to Conclusion / Wrap-up: Restatement of others. Expectation: Go through and have each Conclusion / Wrap-up: Restatement of student identify a picture and have them tell Expectation: As a group take turns completing you the beginning sound of the word. the sentence My ____ is ______the bowl.
Westerly Hills Academy OWL Daily Lesson Plan Unit: Wind & Water RETEACH DAY Room:118 Date: 1/02/2012 (Circle one) M-T-W-Th-F Teacher: Spell Morning Meeting (15 minutes) Opening Activities: Good Morning Song Day of the Week Counting Boys/Girls (Students will count the number of Boys, Girls, Friends together by clapping hands for each number of each) What the Weather (Sunny, Cloudy, Partly Cloudy, Snowy, Rainy, Windy) Center demonstrations/explanations: Library- I have some pictures of the clothing from the story we read this morning, The Jacket I Wear In The Snow. You can use them to retell the story. There is a big book and a small book that you can read. Make sure you put the pictures back in the envelope when you are done. Dramatic Play- Don’t forget about the winter clothes. You can also use them to retell the story The Jacket I Wear In The Snow. Art – Shaving Cream / glue to make snow Library – sequencing cards for book “The Jacket I wear in the snow” Teacher Directed/Modeled Writing Activity: Letter of the day: J Word: Jacket Sentence: I wear a jacket in the snow. Conclusion of Centers: What did you learn today in centers? What did you see in centers? What will you play with tomorrow? Let’s Find Out About It-Let’s Talk About It-RECAP _ (20 minutes) Activity : Weather Graph DMC page 73 Materials : poster board or butcher paper, markers Task : Have the children decide what kind of weather needs to be added to the weather graph. Then, you or a student draws a symbol or colors in a square on the graph. Over time, by observing the graph, the children will find out which kind of weather is most common. Questions: What kind of weather is right now? Is it raining, cloudy, or sunny? What weather happens most? Extension: keep up with graph and place in the science center for children to look up Story Time (20 minutes) Expectation: SW begin to understand some basic print conventions. __1st ___2nd ___ 3rd ___ 4th Reading Pages __ __x_ Teacher’s Choice (Attach lesson plan) Title: The Jacket I Wear In The Snow Author: Shirley Neitzel Before: Show front cover of the book and talk about illustration. Read the title while pointing to the words and then count the number of words in the title. Have children help you identify other parts of the book (ex; front, back, spine). Pick someone to come and point to where the teacher will start to read. Once someone has done that, check with class to see if child is right and then begin to read the story. During: As you read the story children, encourage children to chime in with the repetitive text by pointing to the type of clothing article that you are reading about. Show a zipper, mittens, scarf, socks, and long underwear to reinforce vocabulary as it appears in the text. After: Have children try to recall what the sequence of the clothing that the little boy was wearing. Ask questions such as: “Why would you need a scarf? “Why would you wear mittens?” “What is ______(name an item) keeping safe or warm?”
Location Of Materials Transition Activities (3+) for the Week: Morning Meeting and LFO/LTAI/RECAP- 1. Counting: Children will count throughout the day (ex. When lining up, the Morning Meeting Basket beside book stand friends will count off while standing in the line, during SWPL the children will Story Time- On teacher book stand count the number of the songs (Track 15, children count to 15). This will help SWPL- Big Book of Poetry on chart stand, props in the children become familiar with their number sequence. plastic tub labeled SWPL 2. Positional Words: Children will be given a positional and they must place the Small Groups- In Small Group bins on back counter object given to them above, below, in front, in back etc…. this will help the children become familiar with their positional words. 3. Alphabet Bean Bags: Children will be given alphabet bean bags that they must throw to the teacher when their letter, letter sound, or color is being called. This will help the children become familiar with the letter, letter sounds, and colors. Songs, Word Play, Letters (20 minutes) Pages: Activity: Book- What do Animals do on the weekend? (beg. sounds story) Make a word list using an animal name from the story and children give words that begin with the same sound Letters Sounds” on youtube by Dr. Jean. Differentiation: Teacher will have students wear letters vests. Encourage them to name the letter and sound as you give them the vest. After singing, have students find things in the class that begin with that letter they have on. Small Groups (25 minutes) Expectation: SW understand and use a Expectation: SW engage in activities that enhance Expectation: SW growing vocabulary eye- hand coordination recognize and name SW make some sound to letter matches some letters of the alphabet, especially those in their own name and in the names of others who are important to them.
Teacher’s Instructional Assistant’s Group Independent Group A Group B Group : Activity: Vocabulary Bingo Activity: Mitten lacing cards Activities Description of Activity: Students will be Description of Activity: We are going to lace a mitten. Put out the alphabet Bingo given a bingo card. Teacher will hold up card Each student will be given a mitten that has holes game on the table and choose and name colors and describe shapes. Each punched around the edge. Ask students to identify the one friend who is going to student will be given eight counters and beginning sound of mitten. Have students write the letter asked to count them to make sure they have m on their mitten and repeat the sound. Encourage the leader. Another child eight. Teacher will describe shapes by color students to name words that begin with /m/. Make a list of can be in charge of counting and attribute (instead of using shape name). the words. out bingo chips for each Students will use counter to cover shape if Remember we read The Jacket I Wear in the Snow this friend. They will learn and they have it on their card morning. The little boy had mittens at the end of his practice their letters. Materials: Vocabulary Bingo Game sweater. I am going to demonstrate how to lace the Vocabulary to clarify: mitten with this yarn. When you finish, this is what it should look like. (Show finished mitten.) Differentiation: Give students clues to help Materials: hole punched mittens and yarn then identify the picture for the vocabulary Vocabulary to clarify: lace, next, mitten. word. Have them repeat the name of the Differentiation/ Questions: word if they have it on their card. Once they Tape one end of the yarn to make it easier for students to have identified the word, see if they can put through the hole. Teacher will help with eye hand identify the beginning sound of the word. coordination for students who are not sure where they are to lace next. Materials: Conclusion/ Wrap-up: We played Bingo to Conclusion / Wrap-up: Review beginning sound of Bingo game help us learn new words. Look at your card mitten. Have students name a word that begins with /m/ and tell me two new words that you learned before dismissing to Quiet Time today. Names Names Names (Required on Reteach Days) (Required on Reteach Days) (Required on Reteach Days)
Westerly Hills Academy OWL Daily Lesson Plan Unit: Wind and Water Week 3 Day 3 Room: Date: January 3, 2012 (Circle one) M-T-W-Th-F Teacher: Spell Morning Meeting (15 minutes) Opening Activities:
Good Morning Song/ TA song of the Day Days of the week Song Today is ______. Count boys, girls, and Friends How is the weather today? Center demonstrations/explanations: Water Table: The teacher will introduce the children to the Water Table and explain how she made the ice blocks by placing them in the freezer to freeze in to ice. Then the teacher will explain that the children will have to use spoons, toothpicks, and other tools to extract the jewels and items out of the ice blocks. Then the teacher will ask children if there is another way they could get these items out? Lead children to answers such as allowing them to melt or putting them into warm water. Teacher Directed/Modeled Writing Activity: Letter of the Day: Ii Word of the Day: Icicles Sentence of the Day: Icieles were on the tree. Conclusion of Centers: What did you learn today in centers? What did you see in centers? What will you play with tomorrow? Let’s Find Out About It-Let’s Talk About It-RECAP _ (20 minutes) Activity: Disappointment and Understanding Skills and their Limits Page: 112 & 118 Materials: The Snowy Day Questions: Discuss student’s emotions when they have been disappointed. Remind children that Peter tried to save a snowball, but it melted. Peter was probably disappointed. Have you ever tried to save something and it didn’t work out? Tell me about it. How did you feel? Peter also decided not to play snowballs with the big boys. He found other things to do in the snow. Are there games you sometimes cannot play with a big brother or sister? Discuss how it can be disappointing when older siblings or friends do not want to play with you. Extension: Children will think of things they can do when they become disappointed and create a list. Story Time (20 minutes) Expectation: SW relate personal experiences to events described in familiar books Expectation: Students will predict possible events in the story before and during the reading. _x_1st ___2nd ___ 3rd ___ 4th Reading Pages: __x_Teacher’s Choice Title: The snow day Author: Ezra Jack Keats Before: We are going to see if we can figure out what is going to happen in this story. Let’s take a look at the cover. I wonder m what is this white stuff called. . Can anyone else think of a question that might help us figure out what is going to happen in this story? Prompt students as necessary to help them think of questions. How does snow feel? It is hard? It is cold? Can we do your daily routine when it snows? What did you those 3 days that we did not come to school because the snow? Make a list of the questions that are generated by students. Read title while pointing to the words, and then count the number of words in the title. Choose two students to come up and read title while pointing to the words During: What you think this boy is doing? Why he is looking through the window? What he is doing with his feet? How does he make these lines? What are the boys doing? Have you try to do a snowball? What happen at the end? Where is the boy? Why? Can we safe snow? After: Teacher will revisit the list of questions to see the students answers where corrected. Location of materials Transition Activities (3+) for the week: Morning Meeting basket in front of room 1. Snowball Toss Up- throw the snowballs in the air and the students will LFO/LTAI/RECAP- basket in front of room pick one up and name the letter and it sound. Story Time- On Teacher bookstand 2. Name that sound – The teacher will hold up a picture card, SWPL- BB on bookstand, props in plastic tub labeled SWPL students will say its name and name the beginning sound. Small Groups- On the shelf by the butterfly table Name that number – The teacher will hold up a number, students will name the number and count orally to the number mentioned.
Songs, Word Play, & Letters (20 minutes) Pages: 110-111
Activities: “Apples and Bananas”, “What Are Your Wearing/” Materials:OWL CD Book – Bringing the rain to Kapiti Plain Book: Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain If Your Name Ends With [name a sound], raise your hand Differentiation: Sit ______close to teacher during SWPL. Allow these children to participate by using props while singing songs. Review vocabulary words with children such as scarf, mittens, gloves, hat, apples, and bananas. Ask children to help count apples and bananas. Give children clues and show letter cards if needed while playing Alphabet Clue Game and If Your Name Ends with (letter sound). Make list of names that end with each letter sounds. For those ready: ______to help make patterns with the apples and bananas. Also ask them to help other children identify letters and letter sounds Small Groups (25 minutes) Expectation: Students will Recognize and name some Expectation: Students will experiment with and use Expectation: Students will letters of the alphabet, especially those in their own numbers and counting in their play. They will also recognize and describe name and in the names of others who are important to learn how to from and write numbers. common shapes and other them. objects that look like common shapes. Teacher’s Instructional Assistant’s Group ______Independent Group ______Activity: Roll Numbers With Me! Group ______Activity: Alphabet Go Fish and Uppercase Alphabet Page: HWT 52 Memory Description of Activity: 1) Show how to roll dough or Activity: Magazine Picture Page: 96 Wikkie Sticks (like making a rope or snake). 2) Children Shapes Description of Activity: Alphabet Go Fish- Give children imitate. 3) Teacher shows how to cut and place dough Description of Activity: As a the letter cards to mix up. Place the letter cards face down pieces or Wikkie Sticks to form a number. (Use the whole group, model how to between the children that are paired together. Explain to number cards and allow children to match up the big and look through magazines to the children that they will select 3 cards and hold them in little lines and big and little curves to the numbers.) 4) find pictures that have a their hand so that the other person does not see. Tell them Children imitate. 5) Encourage children to identify the shape. Model how to cut and to take turns asking their partner if they have a letter to numbers they are making with the roll a dough or Wikkie squeeze a small amount of match one of the letters in their hand. If the partner has the Sticks. Provide assistance as needed. glue onto the paper and place letter, he or she should give it to the other child. The other Materials: Roll-A-Dough Number Cards, Roll-A-Dough the shape onto the same child should then place the pair face up on the table. If not, Tray (If available), Wikkie Sticks or Play Dough shape on the large paper. the partner should respond with “Go Fish”. The asker Vocabulary to Clarify: roll, cut, tare, match, name, The children will look through should then draw a card from the pile. Allow them to play number or shape the magazines to find objects until one partner has matched all the cards in their hand. Differentiation: that are shaped like a Uppercase Alphabet Memory- Place the uppercase letters Lower Level- Practice rolling dough and using hands to triangle, square, circle, face down on the table. Encourage children to take turns position dough on number cards. Encourage children to rectangle, and oval. They will flipping two cards over to see if they can find a match. If stretch the Wikkie Stick or dough to cover the entire then cut out shape and glue they find a match, have children pick up the match and hold number. After they cover the number with dough, to a large paper with large on to it. If not, have children turn the cards back over on the encourage them to identify the number. The teacher will pre-drawn shapes outlined on table. provide help as needed. Other techniques for students it. Use the example and ask Materials: 7-8 pairs of matching letter cards (Go Fish), 8-10 who have difficulty with fine motor control is to allow them children, “If I see a donut, pairs of letter cards, enough for two sets of memory cards. to make small balls with the dough then they place the would I cut it out and glue it to Vocabulary to clarify: letter names, match, look the same balls on the number until the entire number is covered. a circle or a square?” Differentiation: Middle Level- Practice rolling the dough and matching up Materials: glue sticks, Lower Level- Based of Assessment, focus on 5- 6 the lines (big and little) and the curves (big and little) to scissors, magazines, large Uppercase letters. You may want to choose uppercase make the numbers on the number cards. butcher paper letters that are associated with the beginning letters of the Higher Level- Encourage children to pick a card and Conclusion / Wrap-up: children’s names. If children struggle to get it, try pairing make the number without using the card as the example, Restatement of them with a higher level child. or students think of a number (possible a number of their Expectation: Allow the group Higher Level- Try playing Go Fish and Alphabet memory age and using the dough to create it from memory. Allow to share their paper with the with lower-case letters. Encourage children to give letter children to practice writing some numbers if time permits. class and discuss some of sound of the ones that they have successfully matched. Conclusion / Wrap-up: Restatement of Expectation: the pictures and their shapes. Conclusion / Wrap-up: Restatement of Expectation: Have students take a number card and point with their Children today we matched letters. We recognized letter finger to the top, middle, and bottom of the numbers. names and even named some sounds. Have children Sing “:Where do You Start Your Numbers”. Remind select one letter and say the name and letter sound if they children that when writing and making numbers to think are ready for it. about starting at the top of the page/
Westerly Hills Academy OWL Daily Lesson Plan Unit: Wind and Water Week 3 Day 4 Room: 118 Date: Jan.4, 2011 (Circle one) M-T-W-Th-F Teacher: Spell Morning Meeting (15 minutes) Opening Activities: Good Morning Song/ TA song of the Day Days of the week Song Today is ______. Count boys, girls, and Friends How is the weather today? Center demonstrations/explanations: Art Table: Turn to the page in the story that shows Peter’s footprints. Explain to students that footprints are tracks made by feet in dirt or snow. Today we are going to make animals’ footprints in the snow using white paint, black construction paper, and animals’ footprints stencils. Writing Table: Students will use the word snowy to create words that rhyme. Teacher will assist students sounding out their new word. Teacher Directed/Modeled Writing Activity: Letter of the Day: Ff Word of the Day: Footprints Sentence of the Day: I see footprints in the snow. Conclusion of Centers: What did you learn today in centers? What did you see in centers? What will you play with tomorrow? Let’s Find Out About It-Let’s Talk About It-RECAP _ (20 minutes) Activity: Disappointment and Understanding Skills and their Limits Page: 112 & 118 Materials: The Snowy Day Questions: Discuss student’s emotions when they have been disappointed. Remind children that Peter tried to save a snowball, but it melted. Peter was probably disappointed. Have you ever tried to save something and it didn’t work out? Tell me about it. How did you feel? Peter also decided not to play snowballs with the big boys. He found other things to do in the snow. Are there games you sometimes cannot play with a big brother or sister? Discuss how it can be disappointing when older siblings or friends do not want to play with you. Extension: Children will think of things they can do when they become disappointed and create a list.
Story Time (20 minutes) Expectation: Identify the sequence of the story. __1st _x__2nd ___ 3rd ___ 4th Reading Pages: ___Teacher’s Choice Title: The Snowy Day Author: Ezra Jack Keats Before: The teacher will briefly review pointing to title, beginning of sentence, appropriate direction of reading and spaces between words. Students will recall events from the story. During: The teacher will read the story and ask several questions throughout the story. What was the first thing Peter did when he saw the snow? Why is it important to put on several layers of clothes? Look at Peter, do you think he has on several layers. Can someone show me how Peter dragged his feet? Why do you think Peter was able to make footprints in the snow? Point to the page where Peter smacks the tree with the stick. Ask “what is happening here”? What will Peter do next? After Peter climbed the hill, what does he do next? What were some of the adventures Peter had in the story? Have students turn and talk to a friend about an adventure they may have had with the snow? After: Students will use picture cards to put the story in order to check for understanding of sequence. Location of materials Transition Activities (3+) for the week: Morning Meeting basket in front of room 1. Snowball Toss Up- throw the snowballs in the air and the students will pick one up LFO/LTAI/RECAP- basket in front of room and name the letter and it sound. Story Time- On Teacher bookstand 2. Letter Hats-Students will base on what letter teacher call out. SWPL- BB on bookstand, props in plastic tub labeled SWPL 3.Shapes- The teacher will put shapes on a table. Students will pick and name the Small Groups- On the shelf by the butterfly table shape or it attributes. Songs, Word Play, Letters (20 minutes) Pages: 116-117 Students will be able to identify letters and beginning sounds in poems and songs 1. Cloud…………………teacher will read the poem pointing to the words. Then teacher and students will say the poem with body motions. Teacher will ask LL students to point to sounds. /c/,/p/,/t/,/l/,/y/ (Have ______point to and circle the letters) Teacher will ask HL students to point to words. cloud, puffy, sky, gently, float, strong (Have ______circle the words) 2. Can you think of words that begins with the same sound as: pocket /p/ pig, Parrot, pink…Make a list of words on the board. Have students say the word and then the sounds that they hear. Allow HL children to come up and write the sounds they hear at the end of the words. Allow ML students to write the beginning sounds. Have LL students to point to the letter on the letter chart. Melt /m/ monkey, mouth, milk, money, mouse. 3. Looby Loo……..track 15 Teacher and students will sing the song adding verses: left Ear, right ear and head – pause the CD throughout the song on the body parts, have students identify the beginning sound of each word. Small Groups (25 minutes) Expectation: Students will Recognize and name some Expectation: Students will experiment with and use Expectation: Students will letters of the alphabet, especially those in their own name numbers and counting in their play. They will also learn recognize and describe and in the names of others who are important to them. how to from and write numbers. common shapes and other objects that look like common shapes. Teacher’s Instructional Assistant’s Group ______Independent Group ______Activity: Roll Numbers With Me! Group ______Activity: Alphabet Go Fish and Uppercase Alphabet Memory Page: HWT 52 Page: 96 Description of Activity: 1) Show how to roll dough or Activity: Magazine Picture Description of Activity: Alphabet Go Fish- Give children the Wikkie Sticks (like making a rope or snake). 2) Children Shapes letter cards to mix up. Place the letter cards face down imitate. 3) Teacher shows how to cut and place dough Description of Activity: As a between the children that are paired together. Explain to the pieces or Wikkie Sticks to form a number. (Use the number whole group, model how to look children that they will select 3 cards and hold them in their cards and allow children to match up the big and little lines through magazines to find hand so that the other person does not see. Tell them to take and big and little curves to the numbers.) 4) Children imitate. pictures that have a shape. turns asking their partner if they have a letter to match one of 5) Encourage children to identify the numbers they are Model how to cut and squeeze a the letters in their hand. If the partner has the letter, he or she making with the roll a dough or Wikkie Sticks. Provide small amount of glue onto the should give it to the other child. The other child should then assistance as needed. paper and place the shape onto place the pair face up on the table. If not, the partner should Materials: Roll-A-Dough Number Cards, Roll-A-Dough Tray the same shape on the large respond with “Go Fish”. The asker should then draw a card (If available), Wikkie Sticks or Play Dough paper. The children will look from the pile. Allow them to play until one partner has Vocabulary to Clarify: roll, cut, tare, match, name, number through the magazines to find matched all the cards in their hand. Uppercase Alphabet or shape objects that are shaped like a Memory- Place the uppercase letters face down on the table. Differentiation: triangle, square, circle, rectangle, Encourage children to take turns flipping two cards over to see Lower Level- Practice rolling dough and using hands to and oval. They will then cut out if they can find a match. If they find a match, have children position dough on number cards. Encourage children to shape and glue to a large paper pick up the match and hold on to it. If not, have children turn stretch the Wikkie Stick or dough to cover the entire with large pre-drawn shapes the cards back over on the table. number. After they cover the number with dough, outlined on it. Use the example Materials: 7-8 pairs of matching letter cards (Go Fish), 8-10 encourage them to identify the number. The teacher will and ask children, “If I see a pairs of letter cards, enough for two sets of memory cards. provide help as needed. Other techniques for students who donut, would I cut it out and glue Vocabulary to clarify: letter names, match, look the same have difficulty with fine motor control is to allow them to it to a circle or a square?” Differentiation: make small balls with the dough then they place the balls on Materials: glue sticks, scissors, Lower Level- Based of Assessment, focus on 5- 6 Uppercase the number until the entire number is covered. magazines, large butcher paper letters. You may want to choose uppercase letters that are Middle Level- Practice rolling the dough and matching up Conclusion / Wrap-up: associated with the beginning letters of the children’s names. the lines (big and little) and the curves (big and little) to Restatement of Expectation: If children struggle to get it, try pairing them with a higher level make the numbers on the number cards. Allow the group to share their child. Higher Level- Encourage children to pick a card and make paper with the class and discuss Higher Level- Try playing Go Fish and Alphabet memory with the number without using the card as the example, or some of the pictures and their lower-case letters. Encourage children to give letter sound of students think of a number (possible a number of their age shapes. the ones that they have successfully matched. and using the dough to create it from memory. Allow Conclusion / Wrap-up: Restatement of Expectation: children to practice writing some numbers if time permits. Children today we matched letters. We recognized letter Conclusion / Wrap-up: Restatement of Expectation: names and even named some sounds. Have children select Have students take a number card and point with their finger one letter and say the name and letter sound if they are ready to the top, middle, and bottom of the numbers. Sing for it. “:Where do You Start Your Numbers”. Remind children that when writing and making numbers to think about starting at the top of the page/
Westerly Hills Academy OWL Daily Lesson Plan Unit: Wind and Water Week 3 Day 5 Room: 118 Date: Jan. 5, 2012 (Circle one) M-T-W-Th-F Teacher: Spell Morning Meeting (15 minutes) Opening Activities: Good Morning Song/ TA song of the Day Days of the week Song Today is ______. Count boys, girls, and Friends How is the weather today? Center demonstrations/explanations: Water Table-Show the block of ice that has been frozen. Have children talk about what they notice about the ice. See if they mention the items that have been frozen in the block of ice. Tell children it will be in the water table and they can use warm water to put on it to see what happens to it. Have children predict what they think might happen when they place the warm water onto the block of ice. Teacher Directed/Modeled Writing Activity: Letter of the Day: Hh Word of the Day: hose Sentence of the Day: A hose is used to water a garden. Conclusion of Centers: What did you learn today in centers? What did you see in centers? What will you play with tomorrow? Let’s Find Out About It-Let’s Talk About It-RECAP _ (20 minutes) Activity: LFO pg. 124 Thermometers Materials: Books, A Hat for Minerva Louise, The Snowy Day, thermometer, bowl of ice water, bowl of warm water Questions: What do you think it means when the red keeps going up? What do you think it means when the red keeps going down? What will happen to the red when you place it in the warm/hot water? Why? What will happen to the red when you put it in the cold/ice water? Why? Extension: Show another type of thermometer if there is time. Example: A thermometer you use to take temperatures with. Show it and how it tells if you have a fever or not. Ask children if they have seen this type of thermometer before. Have you had your temperature taken before? Story Time (20 minutes) Expectation: The children will predict possible events in texts before and during reading. __X_1st __2nd ___ 3rd 4th Reading Pages 119-121 Teacher’s Choice Title: A Hat for Minerva Louise Author: Janet Morgan Stoeke Before: Have props in bag for story time. Remember yesterday we read a story about snow. Today we are going to read another book snow. We are going to look at some of the words we will hear in the story. Hold up the voc. cards and talk about each word. Show: hose, scarecrow, flower pot, boot, hood. Have children briefly talk about each word. Mention the beginning sound in each word. Then have children predict what we might be reading about. Show the book then have the children predict what they think the title might be. Say the title, then have the children repeat it. Then go into reading the book. During: Read the book. Pause to talk about vocabulary words that pop up. Hold up the voc. card to help children link the word and picture together. Before you read where she goes out of the shed to the snow, ask the children what they think she will do in outside? Then ask, I wonder why Minerva Louise thinks all of these things are clothing items? I wonder how the mittens got in the snow? I wonder who they came from? Why do you think she is happy with her hats? After: Review voc. words found in story. Make a chart of what you can wear in the snow. Use the book as cues if needed. Planned Transitions For the Week 3+ 1. "I Built a Little Snowman" 2. Numeral Song-Dr. Jean I built a little snowman. { make circle with hands } As you sing the song, write the numbers on the board He had a carrot nose. { point to nose} have children trace the letters in the air with their finger. Along came a bunny. { hold up to bent fingers} Then call out numbers and have children find them on the carpet. And what do you suppose? That hungry little bunny, { make bunny again } Looking for his lunch, { hop bunny around } Ate the snowman's nose. { pretend bunny is eating nose } Nibble! Nibble! Crunch! { pretend to be eating a carrot } 3. That Rhymes! Give children a word then they have to come up with a rhyme. For those who aren’t really ready give them their name then have them make a rhyme with their name. Songs, Word Play, Letters (20 minutes) Pages 122-123 Activities 1. Who Let the Letters Out (Dr. Jean)-Use as transition for SWPL to start. 2. “Raindrops” Poem-Talk about title and how it is interesting because it consists of two words rain and drops. We have had other several words like sailboat, grasshopper, butterfly, and pinwheel. Read poem with children. 3. “BINGO” (We can change it and rearrange it) Sing the BINGO song then replace the B and add other letters in front of INGO. Have children tell what the new word is. Mention when it becomes a new word it rhymes with BINGO. Ex. BINGO/SINGO rhyme! BINGO/MINGO rhyme! 4. “Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes” Sing song and them mention the parts of the body that were mentioned. Have the children name rhymes with the words. Ex. Head/bed, toes/moes, knees/bees Materials Big Book of Poetry, letters for BINGO, OWL CD, Dr. Jean CD Differentiation: For we change it/rearrange it, have students give other rhymes with the new word. Ex. If you change the word to SINGO have them name more rhymes with SINGO. When reading poem, three students find the word raindrop in the poem and point to it. Then have them repeat the word. See if they can name the first letter. Small Groups (25 minutes) Expectation: Students will Recognize and name Expectation: Students will experiment with and use Expectation: Students will some letters of the alphabet, especially those in numbers and counting in their play. They will also learn recognize and describe their own name and in the names of others who how to from and write numbers. common shapes and other are important to them. objects that look like common shapes. Teacher’s Instructional Assistant’s Group ______Independent Group ______Activity: Roll Numbers With Me! Group ______Activity: Alphabet Go Fish and Uppercase Alphabet Page: HWT 52 Memory Description of Activity: 1) Show how to roll dough or Wikkie Activity: Magazine Picture Page: 96 Sticks (like making a rope or snake). 2) Children imitate. 3) Shapes Description of Activity: Alphabet Go Fish- Give Teacher shows how to cut and place dough pieces or Wikkie Description of Activity: As a children the letter cards to mix up. Place the letter Sticks to form a number. (Use the number cards and allow whole group, model how to look cards face down between the children that are children to match up the big and little lines and big and little through magazines to find paired together. Explain to the children that they curves to the numbers.) 4) Children imitate. 5) Encourage pictures that have a shape. will select 3 cards and hold them in their hand so children to identify the numbers they are making with the Model how to cut and squeeze a that the other person does not see. Tell them to roll a dough or Wikkie Sticks. Provide assistance as needed. small amount of glue onto the take turns asking their partner if they have a letter Materials: Roll-A-Dough Number Cards, Roll-A-Dough Tray paper and place the shape onto to match one of the letters in their hand. If the (If available), Wikkie Sticks or Play Dough the same shape on the large partner has the letter, he or she should give it to Vocabulary to Clarify: roll, cut, tare, match, name, number paper. The children will look the other child. The other child should then place or shape through the magazines to find the pair face up on the table. If not, the partner Differentiation: objects that are shaped like a should respond with “Go Fish”. The asker should Lower Level- Practice rolling dough and using hands to triangle, square, circle, then draw a card from the pile. Allow them to play position dough on number cards. Encourage children to rectangle, and oval. They will until one partner has matched all the cards in their stretch the Wikkie Stick or dough to cover the entire then cut out shape and glue to a hand. Uppercase Alphabet Memory- Place the number. After they cover the number with dough, encourage large paper with large pre- uppercase letters face down on the table. Encourage them to identify the number. The teacher will provide help drawn shapes outlined on it. children to take turns flipping two cards over to see as needed. Other techniques for students who have Use the example and ask if they can find a match. If they find a match, have difficulty with fine motor control is to allow them to make children, “If I see a donut, children pick up the match and hold on to it. If not, small balls with the dough then they place the balls on the would I cut it out and glue it to have children turn the cards back over on the table. number until the entire number is covered. a circle or a square?” Materials: 7-8 pairs of matching letter cards (Go Middle Level- Practice rolling the dough and matching up the Materials: glue sticks, scissors, Fish), 8-10 pairs of letter cards, enough for two sets lines (big and little) and the curves (big and little) to make magazines, large butcher paper of memory cards. the numbers on the number cards. Conclusion / Wrap-up: Vocabulary to clarify: letter names, match, look the Higher Level- Encourage children to pick a card and make Restatement of Expectation: same the number without using the card as the example, or Allow the group to share their Differentiation: students think of a number (possible a number of their age paper with the class and discuss Lower Level- Based of Assessment, focus on 5- 6 and using the dough to create it from memory. Allow some of the pictures and their Uppercase letters. You may want to choose children to practice writing some numbers if time permits. shapes. uppercase letters that are associated with the Conclusion / Wrap-up: Restatement of Expectation: Have beginning letters of the children’s names. If students take a number card and point with their finger to children struggle to get it, try pairing them with a the top, middle, and bottom of the numbers. Sing “:Where higher level child. do You Start Your Numbers”. Remind children that when Higher Level- Try playing Go Fish and Alphabet writing and making numbers to think about starting at the memory with lower-case letters. Encourage children top of the page/ to give letter sound of the ones that they have successfully matched. Conclusion / Wrap-up: Restatement of Expectation: Children today we matched letters. We recognized letter names and even named some sounds. Have children select one letter and say the name and letter sound if they are ready for it. Westerly Hills Academy OWL Daily Lesson Plan Unit: Wind and Water Week 4 Day 1 Room: 118 Date: Feb. 1, 2011 (Circle one) M-T-W-Th - F Teacher: Spell Morning Meeting (15 minutes) Opening Activities: Good Morning Song/ TA song of the Day Days of the week Song Today is ______. Count boys, girls, and Friends How is the weather today? Center demonstrations/explanations: Art table- review making snowmen using shaving cream and glue. (3D art)Show several completed pictures from last week and encourage those children who did not visit art to try this today. Connect to The Snowy Day, ask children for title of book, main characters name and author’s name. Teacher Directed/Modeled Writing Activity: Letter of the Day: Ss Word of the Day: Scarf Sentence of the Day: I wear a scarf around my neck. Conclusion of Centers: What did you learn today in centers? What did you see in centers? What will you play with tomorrow? Let’s Find Out About It-Let’s Talk About It-RECAP _ (20 minutes) LFO Activity: Friends and Insulation Hot/Cold Page: 140 & 144 Materials: Books: Minerva Louise and The Snowy Day, Thermos, Ice Chest, or small cooler Questions: Discuss going outside with your friends or by yourself and some of the things you could do out there. Discuss how there is a lot of snow on the ground in both books. Discuss what happened when Peter took the snowball inside the house in his pocket and how it melted. Explain how if Peter had put the snowball into a cooler, it might have stayed a snowball longer instead of melting. Extension: Put ice into a cooler and a plain cup and see which one melts first. Chart the progress.
Story Time (20 minutes) Expectation: Children will review predictions and vocabulary introduced during first read. They will make connections to events from personal experience.(playing in snow) ___1st _x__2nd ___ 3rd ___ 4th Reading Pages _119-121______Teacher’s Choice
Title: A Hat for Minerva Louise Author: Janet Morgan Stoeke
Before- Refer back to circle map completed during first read. Review children’s answers aloud. Remind children that this story is about a hen named Minerva Louise. Ask children if they recall the title. Affirm or reject answer, read title and point to all words. During- Read the story following the natural flow of the text. Point to and name objects in illustrations to review vocabulary for LL & ELL children. Confirm or reject children’s predictions about the plot made during the picture walk. (1st read) After- Confirm or reject children’s predictions about the plot made during the picture walk.(1st read) Discussion questions- Which things do you think were Minerva Louise’s favorite to do in the snow? Do you think Minerva Louise will play the same games that they do in the snow? Why/Why not? What things can you do in the snow? Location of materials Transition Activities (3+) for the week: Morning Meeting basket in front of room 1. Snowball Toss Up- throw the snowballs in the air and the LFO/LTAI/RECAP- basket in front of room students will pick one up and name the letter and it sound. Story Time- On Teacher bookstand 2. Letter Hats-Students will base on what letter teacher SWPL- BB on bookstand, props in plastic tub labeled SWPL call out. Small Groups- On the shelf by the butterfly table 3.Shapes- The teacher will put shapes on a table. Students will pick and name the shape or it attributes.
Songs, Word Play, Letters (20 minutes) Pages 138-139 Activity 1. Read book, The Very Noisy Night – purpose introduce new predictable book 2. Literacy activity- interesting words( the Very Noisy Night) – review words in text, Tap, Tap- Whoosh, Whee) 3. Sing “Old Macdonald Had A Farm” purpose- review animal names & sounds for LL & ELL children
Differentiation: ELL & LL- point to and name objects in illustrations for vocabulary(The Very Noisy Night) – For “Old Macdonald” –ask LL children for animal names and sounds prior to singing. Choose ML & HL children to assist with answers as needed. If time allows, ask HL children to add a verse/animal to song.
Small Groups (25 minutes) Expectation: The children will understand Expectation: the children will use one or more of Expectation: and use a growing vocabulary. The children their senses to observe and learn about their The students will recognize and will sort and classify objects by one or two environment. name some letters of the alphabet. attributes. Teacher’s Instructional Assistant’s Group ______Activity: Group ______Uppercase Alphabet Memory Activity: Exploring Thermometers Activity: The Four Seasons Remind the students of the rules Page: 133 and PD packet of Memory. Have them play Page: PD Packet together on the circle time rug. Description of Activity: The children will be Description of Activity – Open small group exploring with thermometers. Begin the small group by reading the book For Seasons (big book). using a video on Discovery Ed or You tube Materials: Discuss each of the four seasons and what describing the use of thermometers. Following the Uppercase alphabet letter cards season they think we are in now. Following video, bring the kids to the table and allow them to the story, have provide the kids with graph explore with the thermometer. Provide ice and Book Browsing- for those students paper that is divided up into the four seasons. warm water for the kids to use to make the who are having trouble playing the Hand out pictures to the kids with illustrations temperature go up and down while they are game independently with the other depicting each of the four seasons. The exploring. After they are done provide the kids in students. children will work as a large group to sort out the group a copy of the blank thermometer for them all the pictures into the appropriate season. to fill in with a red marker or crayon. Have them When this is done, provide the kids with a write the word hot or cold depending on how they blank piece of paper and writing utensils to made their thermometer. write/draw about their favorite season. Materials: computer to watch video, thermometers Materials: the book- four seasons, chart for each child in the group, cups of ice and cups of paper divided up by seasons, pictures with warm water. Blank pictures of a thermometer and illustrations representing the four seasons, writing utensils. and blank paper and markers. Vocabulary to clarify: Winter, Spring, Vocabulary – thermometer, warmer, colder Summer, Fall, Autumn, sort, illustrate Differentiation: For children having a difficult Differentiation- When working with the lower group time give them an option of two (ie winter or of kids, maybe do all the activities as a large group. summer) show them other items that fit into Model for them how to make the temperature line that season. Higher kids may make a list of go up (hot)and go down (cold). Have the higher items that are found in each season. kids create a list of things that would make the line Conclusion / Wrap-up: Today we worked move up or the line go down. on the four seasons and divided the pictures Conclusion / Wrap-up: Today we worked with a up by what season they belong to. Show the thermometer and we learned what it is used for. kids four seasons bear that is added to you will be able to use one in the science center if manipulatives. you would still like to explore with one.