Disciple Magazine, Vol. 2, # 6, 3/22/2010 Printer-Friendly Version
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Page 1 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 2, # 6, 3/22/2010—Printer-Friendly Version Table of Contents: Living the Resurrection ------1 Church Builders ------9 Exegetically Speaking------2 Counselor’s Corner------10 Living in the Tension of Death ------4 Book Reviews------11 If I’m a Soldier, Where’s the War?—Part 4- - - - 5 News Update------12 Points to Ponder------6 Sermon Helps------13 The Story behind the Song------7 Puzzles and ‘Toons------15 Living out the Living Word------8 ______Living the Resurrection By Justin Lonas
Originally Published in Pulpit Helps, April 2009. stand out as to why the resurrection deserves paramount On the face of it, Easter seems like a attention. straightforward celebration of Christ’s sacrifice for our sins. Without doubt, the salvation of mankind was an integral 1) It Was Prophesied part of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. The Isaiah is replete with references to Messiah’s return wider view of Calvary, however, reveals Christ crucified as to reign after His suffering. In 55:11-13, he says “So will the cornerstone of God’s plan for His ultimate glory. My word which goes froth from My mouth; It will not From the very beginning, Easter was calculated for; return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, in the midst of meting out the justified curses on His and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it. handiwork after their rebellion, God promised a coming For you will go out with joy and be led forth with peace; redemption (Gen. 3:15). Later, He clarified His promises the mountains and the hills will break forth into shouts of through the prophets, most notably via a man named joy before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their “Salvation is God” (Isaiah). Isaiah begins to distinguish hands. Instead of the thorn bush the cypress will come up, between two comings of Messiah—he elaborates on the and instead of the nettle the myrtle will come up, and it will theme of the coming king who will crush Satan’s head (Is. be a memorial to the Lord, for an everlasting sign which 9:1-7), but adds to it the narrative of the “suffering servant” will not be cut off.” who would be undeservedly punished to take away the sins The “Word” spoken of here most likely refers to of mankind (Is. 53:1-12). As we see throughout Scripture, Christ. The Lord’s declaration that He would not return both appearances are crucial to a proper understanding of empty tells us that His death alone was not the sum total of Christ. Paradoxically, the Jews were so focused on the His task on earth. The work of redeeming creation second, triumphal coming that they had Jesus crucified for referenced in this passage is not yet complete, but it is blasphemy when He arrived the first time. promised; the crucified servant, therefore, had to be raised The events surrounding the crucifixion are further to return. In Matthew 20:18-19, John 2:19, and elsewhere, evidence of the cosmic significance of that day. The thorns Jesus predicted His death and resurrection, seldom woven into His crown evoke a powerful irony as a product mentioning one without the other. of the curse was used to mark the King on the day He settled the score; the story arc of fall and redemption came 2) The Resurrection defeated death and Satan full circle. Athanasius of Alexandria in his On the Christ’s atonement had a manifold purpose: to Incarnation speaks of the earthquakes, darkness, and defeat not only sin but death and Satan. Whereas His raising of deceased saints at Christ’s death as the whole of sacrificial death covered the sins of humanity, only His creation bearing witness to the fact of His Lordship and the resurrection cast aside death and dealt the crushing blow to act of redemption. Satan’s power. Paul’s polemic against disbelief in the resurrection Why Resurrection? in 1 Corinthians 15 makes clear that Christ’s return to life While Easter often draws our focus to the cross, the was the key both to eternal life and to the demise of death. resurrection is the foundational act that gives fullness of Paul proves that Christ was in fact raised (vv. 4-8), that His meaning to everything that came before. Sometimes we ongoing life is key to our salvation (vv. 16-19), that His think of it as the happy ending to the “real story” of resurrection heralds eternal life for those who follow Him atonement, but without rising from the dead, Christ’s work (vv. 20-23), and that death itself has been defeated by would not have been complete. Among others, four reasons Christ’s act (vv. 26, 54-57). “But Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who are asleep. For Page 2 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 2, # 6, 3/22/2010—Printer-Friendly Version since by a man came death, by a man also came the backbone of our faith. It is a time for us to reflect on the resurrection of the dead” (1 Cor. 15:20-21). Paul reiterated cost of our redemption, the meaning of forgiveness, and the this truth to the Thessalonians, encouraging them to grieve glory of God. More than that, however, it should stir us to with hope in the assurance of resurrection and Christ’s give flesh to the reality of Christ’s life; we are to, as Paul victory over death (1 Thess. 4:13-18). said in Phil. 2:12, “work out your salvation with fear and trembling.” The magnitude of Christ’s work on the first 3) It brought greater glory to God Easter (not just physically, but theologically [giving up His Perhaps the only thing that could show God’s nature, becoming separated from the Father, etc.]) demands holiness, power, and love more than casting His only son a response of obedience to His holiness and mercy. The away from Himself by making Him into sin itself to atone obligation is one of gratitude; the God who gave His Son for our sins (2 Cor. 5:21) was for Him to be restored to for us is not interested in forced obedience. fellowship with Jesus by raising Him from the dead. Christ Living the resurrection should encompass both the “first fruits” was welcomed back to the Father, opening submission to God’s will, and dedication to Christ’s call to the door for all those who believe in Him to be adopted into make disciples. When we do justice, love mercy, and walk the Kingdom. For the first time since the fall, the Lord was humbly with our God (Micah 6:8), our actions fly in the able to enjoy fellowship with His creation without violating face of human nature because they are flowing from the life His holiness. within us. In that way, we give evidence to Christ’s Additionally, in Luke 24:35-36, Jesus points out resurrection; only if He was raised and is alive could He that His suffering and resurrection were necessary for Him continue to work among men. to enter into His glory. His triumph over death and Satan Jesus Himself desires that we carry on His mission showed once for all His ultimate power. Because He died in the power of the resurrection. In His “High Priestly the death of a cursed criminal on the cross, His resurrection Prayer” of John 17, He pleads to the Father for His brought supreme honor and glory from the greatest disciples, saying, “Sanctify them in truth; Your word is dishonor to which man could subject Him. truth. As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world. For their sakes I sanctify Myself that they 4) The Resurrection empowered Christ’s followers themselves also may be sanctified in truth” (vv. 17-19). In Jesus’ very public death, without a public taking the Gospel to our neighbors and the nations, we are resurrection, would have easily quashed the spread of His fulfilling Christ’s call and His hope for our lives. teaching. As Jesus prophesied in Matt. 26:31-32, His death John’s gospel concludes with a musing on the scattered the disciples, but He drew them back to Himself scope of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection; “And there and commissioned them after He was raised. Athanasius are also many other things which Jesus did, which if they cites the empowerment of the disciples after the were written in detail, I suppose that even the world itself resurrection as evidence of Christ’s defeat of death. The would not contain the books that would be written” (John early Church clearly did not fear death as the culture around 21:25). There is a definite sense in which every believer them, braving persecutions and martyrdom to take the tells a unique part of that story until the whole world is Gospel to the corners of the known world within a few indeed filled with truth and majesty at the second coming. generations of Christ. The resurrection reinvigorated the The glory of the resurrection is seen each day in the fullness disciples’ commitment to Christ’s message and paved the of Christ’s living Body, the Church. Could there be a better way for the coming of the Holy Spirit. way to celebrate Easter than giving feet to that great truth— Christ the Lord is risen! Living it out Clearly, Easter should motivate us to a deeper Justin Lonas is editor of Disciple Magazine. understanding and appreciation of the truths that form the ______Exegetically Speaking—by Spiros Zodhiates
What Is Tradition? Matthew 15:1–9
From Exegetical Commentary on Matthew, 2006, [1, 2] The Greek word parádosis (3862), translated AMG Publishers. “tradition,” appears in this passage in verses 2, 3, and 6, all In this section, Jesus first addressed the scribes and in the singular number, that is, tradition, not traditions. The Pharisees (vv. 1–9), then the people in general (vv. 10–14), noun derives from the verb paradídōmi ([3860], to and finally, His disciples (vv. 15–20). voluntarily deliver; from pará [3844], a preposition that Page 3 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 2, # 6, 3/22/2010—Printer-Friendly Version denotes proximity; and dídōmi [1325], to give), a verb malignment here is not an occasional outburst but a lifestyle ending in mi which emphasizes completion, like a finished of intentional harm, thus, the use of the present—as product. Tradition, therefore, was the completed product of opposed to the aorist—participle. We may also note that the elders (presbúteroi [4245], older leaders). That tradition evil speech is not restricted to “speaking to”; it equally was the product of the elders across several generations is includes speaking “of” or “about”, that is, gossip or shown in verse 2 and also in Mark 7:3. In Mark 7:7–9, the complaints. The command blankets over direct and indirect “tradition of men” is contrasted with “the commandment discourse. (entolē [1785]) of God.” The punishment is harsh. While allowance was Here, a group of scribes and Pharisees from made in the Old Testament for stoning rebellious children Jerusalem complain that Christ’s disciples “transgress (Deut. 21:18–21), the purpose clause associated with (parabaínousi, the present indicative of parabaínō [3845], obedience to this specific command, “that thy days may be to transgress; from pará and baínō [n.f.], to go) the long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee” tradition of the elders.” By using this verb, the elders (Ex. 20:12), implies that God Himself would shorten the elevated their tradition to the level of God’s commandment. life of a child given to a lifestyle of maligning his or her According to them, neither should be transgressed or parents. violated. [5, 6] Another significant comparison follows: The particular complaint was directed at the “For God commanded [v. 4]…But ye say….” Not only are disciples eating bread without washing their hands. God and humans compared, but also the verbs “command” Washing hands before eating makes good hygienic sense, (eneteílato) and “say” (légete). but the scribes and Pharisees were not concerned with Jesus gave a specific violation that dishonors hygiene. To them, this was a moral issue: “Why do your parents, “Whoever shall say to his father or his mother, ‘It disciples contradict the tradition of the elders?” is a gift (dōron [1435], gift) [to God]’ which you would [3] Jesus answered with a counter question: “Why otherwise profit from and honors not his father or his (diá [1223] with the accusative that follows, on account of; mother, he shall be free” (a.t.). tí [5101], what; ‘for what reason’) do ye also transgress the What a shameful practice for spiritual leaders to commandment of God by your tradition?” The last phrase display to their followers! In effect, a Pharisee said to his prepared the way for Jesus to demonstrate that they were parents, “I’d like to give you this money, which admittedly being inconsistent. you need, but I have dedicated it to God.” Jesus implied [4] He then explained, “For God commanded that there is no exception to honoring parents, so this (eneteílato, the aorist tense of entéllomai [1781], to tradition of withholding something needed by parents on command), saying, ‘Honor thy father and mother:’ and, the pretense that it was dedicated to God did not constitute ‘He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.’” a valid exception but clearly transgressed the Law (v. 3). The scribes and Pharisees would agree that God had Moreover, the scribes and Pharisees had “cancelled commanded these things, for they had no contention over (ēkurōsate, the aorist tense of akuróō [208], to cancel; from Mosaic Law. Moreover, the first command pertaining to the the alpha negative a [1], against; and kuróō [2964], to family, which Jesus quoted here, was one of the Ten confirm; translated ‘made…of none effect’ in the KJV) the Commandments, the very foundation of the Israelite commandment of God with [their] tradition” (a.t.). This was community and society in general (Ex. 20:12). The second a serious accusation. Of course, the Mosaic Law holds, so command He quoted was from the same revelation to this was only a vain attempt to cancel God’s original Moses on Mount Sinai (Ex. 21:17). command for their personal profit, not a real cancellation The Greek word for “honor” is tíma (the present that God will concede to on the day of judgment. imperative of timáō [5091], to honor). Contrasting with the [7] Jesus characterized this subversion of the Law aorist, the present imperative extends through life itself, that by calling the scribes and Pharisees “hypocrites” is, for as long as parents are alive. The corresponding noun, (hupokritaí [5273]), as He frequently called them (Matt. timē (5092), presupposes value. Although timē is somewhat 22:18; 23:13-15; Mark 7:6, etc.). synonymous with axía ([n.f.], price, worth, commercial [8] Then He quoted from Isaiah, “This people (laós value), it incorporates the idea of sentiment, therefore [2992]) draweth nigh (eggízei, the present tense of eggízō sentimental value—something we would not attach to [1448], to approach) unto me with their mouth, and money, for example. honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far (pórrō In contrast to this value children should naturally [4206], an adverb meaning far away, distant) from me (see place on their parents, Jesus spoke of a great evil Isa. 29:13). recognized in the Law: “And he that curseth (kakologōn “Their heart” (hē kardía [2588] autōn) is actually [2551], the present participle of kakologéō [2551] from singular in number, signifying that while the hearts of the kakós [2556], evil; légō, to speak) his father, or his mother, people are many, their attitude and unbelief is one. The shall surely be put to death” (Sept.; Ex. 21:17). The Page 4 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 2, # 6, 3/22/2010—Printer-Friendly Version
Greek verb translated “is” here is apéchei ([566], is held plural of didaskalía [1319], teaching) commandments off; the present tense of apéchō [568], to be far away), and (entálmata, the plural of éntalma [1778], command, it is also singular. When used impersonally (as here in the precept; from the verb entéllomai [1781], to command, third person), apéchei means to restrain or hold off. The enjoin) of men” (a.t.). Old Testament picture here, then, was that of Israel full of The word “for,” which has caused some to read in idols, holding God off, restraining His approach at an the idea of substitution, is not in the Greek text—the absurdly assumed “safe” distance. Since their common commandments of men in place of (for) doctrine. The most heart was locked in to idols, the most they could offer God literal reading is “teachings (an accusative case), was their mouth and lips—external appendages like “clean” commandments of men,” thus identifying the “teachings” hands. The illustration was quite appropriate, considering with the “commandments of men.” This accords with the their complaint against the disciples. variety of human expression over and against the unity of [9] Jesus’ restatement of Isaiah’s picture continued, God’s thought. “But in vain (mátēn [3155] from mátaios [3152], vain, uselessly) they do worship (sébontai, the present tense of Dr. Spiros Zodhiates (1922-2009) served as president of sébomai [4576], to revere, adore, worship) Me, teaching AMG International in Chattanooga, Tenn. for over 30 years, (didáskontes, the present participle of didáskō [1321], to was the founding editor of Pulpit Helps Magazine, and teach) for doctrines (or teachings, from didaskalíais, the authored dozens of exegetical books. ______Living in the Tension of Death: Lessons from Three Days in the Grave By Amanda Held Opelt
Originally published in Pulpit Helps, March 2008 I often wonder why God waited those three days. Wasn’t Jesus simply aching to get out of that grave? We will never be able to experience Good Friday as Perhaps God wanted to teach the disciples something about the disciples did. We can call it “Good” Friday because we living in the tension of uncertainty. They needed to learn know the end of the story—that after three days, Jesus was trust the hard way, needed to learn how to find hope in a alive again. hopeless situation. Indeed, they were completely shocked I never realized until someone pointed it out to me by the resurrection, as shocked as I would be if my that the disciples had absolutely no hope of resurrection in grandfather came walking through the door. their minds. Because they were so dense (as dense as I am It was so unbelievable to them that Thomas even most of the time), and did not understand the teachings of insisted on touching the scars before he accepted it. I, too, Jesus concerning His death, the crucifixion seemed to be am astounded when God works miracles in my life, when the end of the story, the failure of the Messiah, of maybe He resolves difficult situations or brings me out of sadness. even God Himself. For years, they had given their lives for I get so caught up in the fear of the moment that I can’t this man and His purpose. And now it was, in their minds, even believe it when the storm clears. The thing is, He over and utterly unsuccessful. never does it on my time or in the way I would have I remember my grandfather’s funeral, the finality of expected. You see, God has a much greater purpose than it all. Nothing in me entertained the possibility of him my comfort and a much better story to tell with my life than climbing up out of that coffin. We laid flowers and drove one of ease and profit. away, never to see him again. Such is death. As you prepare to celebrate Easter, I encourage you Our inability to recognize and live in the to consider the Saturday between Crucifixion Friday and knowledge of the end of the story, failure to see the big Resurrection Sunday. Perhaps it is very familiar to you. picture—this, in my opinion, is what usually lies at the Perhaps it is much like the place you are walking through heart of our despair. The disciples were lost, caught up in right now in your life. What does God have to teach you the darkness and hopelessness of the moment. Like them, before He rolls that stone away? Most of all, remember that blind to the wonderful work God is doing in His own time, you know the end of the story. He is risen! There is victory I am a slave to the immediate. What is going on, what I am in Christ! feeling in this immediate moment, often takes on the guise of eternality. It looms and threatens with the lie that this is Amanda Held Opelt lives in Nashville, Tennessee, all there is, that my whole life will be this way. It becomes where she works in ministry to my entire story. women and families of the inner city. ______If I’m a Soldier, Where’s the War?—Part 4: The Work of Demons By Gerald Robison Page 5 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 2, # 6, 3/22/2010—Printer-Friendly Version
So far in this series, we’ve learned that Spiritual angels like Michael and Gabriel). But, if this word “demon” Warfare is a reality. It is not make-believe and it’s not made is like “satan” and “devil” (as we saw in the last issue), then up of imaginary “boogey-men”. We’ve learned that God’s the word must mean something, and it must be important as purpose is to “build a people” unto himself and Satan’s goal a description of who they are or what they do. Curiously, is to abort that plan. however, few Christians seem to even know what the word Last issue, we left off with questions like, “If Satan “demon” means, yet we speak about them often. isn’t omniscient, how does he know so much about us that “Demon” is an often-used word that means he can accuse us before God?” and, “ Who are the demons “intelligence,”, or “to know”. Some actually trace its roots and where do they come from?” Accordingly, this to a Greek term for distribution, daiō. In that sense, the installment will begin there. demons are watching us, gathering information about our weaknesses for Satan to exploit. Is it any wonder then, that The Background on Demons Satan has the means to know enough about us that he may In order to better understand how Satan works “accuse” us before God? Is it any mystery that some of through those demons who help him, we must first what astrologers, mediums, and witches say is true? understand angels, because Satan and demons are angels— fallen in sin, but angels nonetheless. Did you ever wonder Summary why God created angels in the first place? This is one of the I hope you are convinced at this point that there most remarkable questions and answers I have come across really is the possibility of a spiritual war going on. After all, in studying Scripture. the Bible plainly speaks of Lucifer being our opponent and To understand this we must turn to the book of accuser. With him, are many angels (demons) who are Hebrews, “But to which of the angels has He ever said, ‘Sit committed to his same purposes. And at the same time, at My right hand, until I make your enemies a footstool for God’s plan and purpose for us is that we will be a prepared your feet?’ Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to people for Him, who are assisted and ministered to by render service for the sake of those who will inherit created angels. salvation?” (Heb. 1:13-14). “Okay,” you say, “so there is a battle, and maybe I The conclusion we draw here is that the purpose of am a part of it, but where is the war?” It is taking place in the angels is to minister to the saints. Therefore, it would be the heavens, around the earth, in every nation, through logical to say that the purpose of “fallen” angels is to every state, within every community, church, home, and pervert that very plan. In other words, their plan is to individual! It is happening in secret and in the open; it is hamper, pester, frustrate, tempt, depress and oppress those happening in this world and in the unseen world! It is well- who are in Christ. These are two opposing forces in the planned, well-orchestrated and well-thought out by our spiritual realm—one that seeks to minister to you, and one enemies. that seeks to damn you. Here, again, is the foundation of the But some big questions still remain: “Can these spiritual warfare in which we find ourselves! things affect me, my world and my life? If so, to what It is intriguing to find that Lucifer has perverted extent? How might it be seen in the everyday circumstances many of God’s ways—in fact, that seems to be his modus of my life?” We’ll answer these questions and more in the operandi. For instance, God’s wisdom was perverted to next installment entitled, “The Battleground: Past, Present Satan’s wiles. He has turned the minds of men from the and Future.” miracles of God to the magic of sorcerers. He has persuaded men to seek knowledge, not from the revelation of God, but Gerald Robison is co-founder of UnveilinGLORY, a from mediums, astrologers and witches. He has even seminar and resource ministry dedicated to unveiling the perverted a walk of faith in relationship with God into being glory of God in all areas of life and taking it to all peoples “religious” (remember how religious Paul was before his of the world. UnveilinGLORY is best known for the book Damascus Road experience!). and seminar Cat and Dog Theology. Gerald has pastored Those angels that follow Satan are committed to churches in the US, Australia, and the Netherlands, and he this same subversion. They are best known as “demons” (I continues to lead national seminars for “Walk Thru the know of no personal names for them, as we do of some Bible” Ministries.
______Points to Ponder—by David L. Olford
Two Important Ministry Priorities Page 6 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 2, # 6, 3/22/2010—Printer-Friendly Version
Text: “You therefore, my son, be strong in the and the same is true for us today. Being strengthened grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that you by dynamic grace needs to be a priority concern for us have heard from me among many witnesses, commit as we seek to serve the Lord. these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also” (2 Timothy 2:1-2). 2) Be Focused on a Definite Goal Thought: The Apostle Paul was finishing his “And the things that you have heard from me earthly race, but Timothy needed to take the baton and among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men keep on running. He needed to faithfully fulfill his who will be able to teach others also” (v. 2). The ministry. 2 Timothy is filled with directives, definite goal focuses on the passing on of truth exhortations, instructions and words of testimony (“things that you have heard from me”). Timothy was written to encourage Timothy to run his race well. This not to keep the truth or the ministry of the truth to specific, succinct text clearly presents two priority himself. These “things,” the truths and practices that concerns of the apostle for his son in the faith, Timothy had learned from Paul, were now to be passed Timothy, and these priorities need to be priorities for on to others. These others were to be “faithful men” those involved in similar pastoral and leadership with an ability to “teach others also.” ministries today. The vision is one of truth and ministry multiplication. The call or directive is to “commit 1) Be Strengthened by Dynamic Grace these things” that Timothy has learned to faithful men. “Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus” This was not to be a casual process; this was to be a (v. 1). Timothy could not fulfill his ministry on his mandated ministry of entrusting truth purposefully and own. He needed dynamic grace. Paul’s directive to specifically. This directive stands alongside of other Timothy comes in light of his own challenges, challenges that Paul gave Timothy. Timothy needed to sufferings and experience in ministry. At the same “stir up the gift of God” that was in him (2 Tim. 1:7), time, Paul knew what Timothy was facing and what he he needed to “hold fast the pattern of sound words” would face in the hard times ahead (2 Tim. 2:3, 3:1-5, that he had received (2 Tim. 1:13), he need to “rightly 4:3-5). Grace was sufficient for Paul in the midst of divide the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15), and ultimately suffering (2 Cor. 12:1-10), and it would be needed by he needed to “preach the word” himself (2 Tim 4:2). Timothy. Within the context of his ministry, though, In short, we still desperately need this dynamic Timothy needed to give priority to the practice of grace today. The source of dynamic grace is very mentoring and training others to further the ministry of important to note; it “is in Christ Jesus.” Paul exhorted the word. We need to hear this today in the midst of Timothy not to seek artificial or alternative sources for the various activities that demand or call for attention. true strength for life and service, and we should not either. What we need is found in our Lord Himself, our Thrust: May dynamic grace empower us to fulfill the sufficiency is in Christ. Whatever practical and definite goal of multiplying ministry and furthering the personal helps we have or find, they will not substitute truth of God’s Word. for the resource of divine grace in Christ Himself. Timothy was to experience dynamic grace as David Olford teaches expository preaching at Union an act of willful dependence; he was to be University’s Stephen Olford Center in Memphis, strengthened by the Lord. This strength would be Tennessee. necessary for the tasks and trials that he was to face,
______The Story Behind the Song—by Lindsay Terry
How Could I Forget My Song? Song: “Blessed Be the Lord God Almighty” Page 7 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 2, # 6, 3/22/2010—Printer-Friendly Version
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus trouble coming up with something to sing, so I decided to Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in write some music particularly for that service. All of a heavenly places in Christ” (Eph. 1:3). sudden, ‘Blessed Be the Lord God Almighty,’ just came out During Bob Fitts’ early childhood years his father, of my heart, lyrics and melody all at once. There was really Bob, Sr., was a Southern Baptist minister in Cleburne, no work involved. Texas, near Fort Worth, who loved Southern Gospel music. “The next morning I went to the church, and as I Therefore, it was that genre of music that Bob, Jr., was stood up to present my song I realized that I had completely exposed to as a child. In later teen years, after his dad and forgotten it. I had not written it down, so I just could not his mom, Joni, moved the family to California, he was remember it. Another song that I had known for some time greatly influenced by a contemporary Christian music came into my mind, so I sang that one. That experience left group called The 2nd Chapter of Acts. me more than a little frustrated. As I was walking home Bob received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Christian from the church, my new song all came back to me, so I ran Ministry from the Melodyland School of Theology in to the house and quickly put ‘Blessed Be the Lord God Anaheim, California. During his college years he also Almighty’ on tape. Two years after I wrote it I did a singing served as Youth Minister at Trinity Christian Center in tour in which I included my new song and it was very well Riverside, California. It was also during that time, 1976, received.” that he and his wife, Kathy, were married. In 1982, Bob, Bob’s song is known in Europe as “Father in Kathy and their first child, Andy, about eighteen months Heaven,” the first three words of the verse. It is now old at the time, moved to Hawaii, where they became making its way into hymnals, thus giving it an opportunity involved with the organization, Youth with a Mission to become better known and loved by the masses. This (YWAM). In their many years in that island state, God has worship song has its lyrics based in Scripture, namely given them three other children. Revelation 4:8, “...Lord God, the Almighty, who was and During my long distance interview with Bob, he who is and who is to come,” and Ephesians 1:3, “Blessed be told me the unusual story behind his very popular praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ....” song, “Blessed Be the Lord God Almighty”: It has been included in many recorded projects. Bob “My family and I had just moved from California to has recorded it or it has been included in a total of twelve Hawaii. Although I was under the umbrella of YWAM, and albums, a recent example of which is an Integrity project, “I had agreed to teach in their Discipleship Training School, Will Bow To You,” on which five of Bob’s songs and two my initial reason for coming here was to write Christian of his son Andy’s offerings appear. songs. After a short time I found myself getting involved in Bob and Kathy continue to make their home in so many other activities that my songwriting was being Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, with their children Ryan, Garratt and pushed further and further into the background. Mikella. Andy was married in April of 2000. “I became somewhat disenchanted. The living The most wonderful aspect of Bob’s song is that it conditions our family was struggling with was adding to the is threefold in its scope, as we recognize the marvelous displeasure. The only housing available to us was an old attributes of God, extend our praise to Him, and express our run-down building, now owned by YWAM, that had intention of making His name known in all the earth. May formerly been a shelter for coffee bean pickers. It was a that be our focus in worshipping and serving Him! mess, and greatly contributed to the discouragement I was feeling at that time in my life. Lindsay Terry has been a song historian for more than 40 “One night I began to talk to the Lord about our years, and has written widely on the background of great situation. As I took my guitar down, it dawned upon me hymns and worship songs including the books I Could Sing that I was to lead worship at a church the next day. I was of Your Love Forever (2008) and The Sacrifice of Praise also committed to furnish some special music. I was having (2002).
______Living out the Living Word—by Justin Lonas
Longing for Pure Milk: Grounding Faith in God’s Word 1 Peter 1:22-2:3
Part four in an expositional series on 1 Peter. Page 8 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 2, # 6, 3/22/2010—Printer-Friendly Version
How do we as believers avoid sin? Think of the life is founded upon, “For ‘All flesh is like grass, and all its volume of Christian books, sermons, and seminars devoted glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the to answering that question. While making this our primary flower falls off, but the word of the Lord endures forever.’ concern can distort the God-centered nature of the faith, it is And this is the word which was preached to you” (vv. 24- only right for Christians to desire to shed the burden of sin 25). that keeps us from experiencing the fullness of the joy of Whenever we seek to grasp God’s Word, it is our salvation. instructive to note how Christ and the Apostles view and 1 Peter has a lot to say on that subject, framing it in handle the Scriptures. As we have noted in previous articles the context of what it means for believers to be holy, set in this series, Peter is quick to quote from the Old apart as a people for God, even (or especially) in the midst Testament throughout this book, and he consistently of persecution. grounds his appeal on Scripture and scriptural principles. Through verses 13-21 of his epistle, Peter builds on Here, he shows the Word to be the very basis of our his depiction of the wonder of God in salvation (vv. 3-12) salvation and regeneration; the living, enduring, to exhort his readers to “be holy as [God is] holy.” He imperishable truth that God has revealed through Himself. challenges them to “prepare [their] minds for action, keep It seems that he understood the relationship between God sober in spirit, and fix [their] hope completely on [God’s and His Word that John later described in his gospel, “In grace]” (1 Pet. 1:13). He wanted them to be prepared the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to live out the grace and the Word was God.…And the Word became flesh, and of salvation in the righteousness of God. That same call dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only applies to believers for all time. Verses 3-12 provide the begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:1, “why” behind this call to holiness, verses 13-21 describe 14). “what” is commanded of us, and 1:22-2:3 offers a glimpse In verse 23, Peter uses the Greek word logos of the “how” that enables our obedience. (word), which often has a much broader meaning than Verses 22-23 continue Peter’s exhortation and open simply collections of nouns and verbs. It can refer to a discourse on God’s Word that mirrors his earlier portrait thought or reason (it is the source of the English word, of salvation. “Since you have in obedience to the truth “logic”), and it is often used by John in his writings as a purified your souls for a sincere love of the brethren, synonym for Christ. He is the physical, revealed “Word” of fervently love one another from the heart, for you have God, but He is also the very intelligence of God been born again not of seed which is perishable but personified. Peter may indeed have wanted to convey to His imperishable, that is, through the living and enduring word readers that their faith was grounded firmly on the Old of God.” Testament (cf. vv. 10-11) and revealed through Christ. The NIV’s wording of verse 22 sheds a better light In verse 25, Peter uses a different term, rhēma on Peter’s meaning here: “Now that you have purified (usually referring to a specific word or concept), “this is the yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have a sincere word which was preached to you.” That is, the message (or love for your brothers, love one another deeply from the “word”) of the Apostles was the message of God’s eternal heart.” In other words, if we are obeying the commands of and incarnate Word and His power for salvation. In sum, the previous section (i.e., living in holiness), then we should this “imperishable seed” is both a compelling reason to be also be growing into a love for our fellow blood-washed obedient to God’s call to be holy (“you’ve been given sinners. He then reiterates that statement as a command, something enduring and alive, don’t trade it for the ‘futile giving further weight to the importance of unity within the way of life inherited from your forefathers’” (v. 18), and the Body of Christ. While Peter does not spend a lot of space power that enables our obedience. on this concept, other New Testament writers do (see 1 At the beginning of chapter 2, we come to another John 3-4, 1 Cor. 13, etc.). The message is clear that this is “therefore”, but this is more of a restatement of the imperative, and that our obedience to it is an indicator of previous 13 verses than a new train of thought. Peter writes, our faith. “Therefore, putting aside all malice and all deceit and Peter says that this love, like all our obedience, hypocrisy and envy and all slander, like newborn babies, flows from our spiritual rebirth. He reminds his readers long for the pure milk of the Word, so that by it you may again that the life and gift of salvation is of an eternal, grow in respect to salvation, if you have tasted the kindness imperishable nature (vv. 5, 18) in contrast to the perishable of the Lord” (vv. 1-3). things of this world. Our spiritual life springs from the Malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander cover a eternal, unshakable seed of God’s Word, not from wide range of sins of the heart. Peter lists them here in something temporal and tenuous like the “tradition of men” contrast to his command to love the brethren—each of these (cf. Col. 2:8). sins is acted out to harm and destroy others. Following God Peter then quotes from Isaiah 40:6-8, backing up in holiness leaves no place for acting in these ways toward his point with the very Word which he tells us our spiritual our fellow men (especially within the Church), so we as Page 9 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 2, # 6, 3/22/2010—Printer-Friendly Version believers are to be done with such sins, putting them aside It is absolutely vital to our health and growth as Christians, for the hindrance they are. admonishing us to flee from sin and enabling us to pursue The next phrase is arguably the crux of this whole the holiness God desires. The Word is more than a tool for passage, as Peter exhorts his readers to desire the Word as “successful” Christian life, it is more even than a “guide”— the means of growth in righteousness. The image is a the Word is the life and power of Christ. Peter did not powerful one. As anyone who has ever had a child knows, casually recommend reading and studying Scripture to his they clamor for milk with an incredible urgency, and rightly first readers as a means to live in righteousness in the midst so—it is their sole source of nourishment, and to be of persecution; he passionately implored them to crave and separated from it is deadly. Peter uses this metaphor to devour it because their very survival depended upon it. show us how crucial the Word is to our spiritual lives (this The answer to our initial question is the same. is not analogous to the contrast of “milk” and “meat” in Though Christ has ultimately conquered sin, there is no way terms of depth of understanding as in 1 Cor. 3:2 and Heb. in our own power that we can live rightly by trying to 5:12-14). Without it, we are utterly incapable of growth and “beat” sin in our lives. Sin is defeated, not so much when will wither and die. we focus our energy on its removal, but when we marinate If we have “tasted the kindness of the Lord” our souls in the truth of what God has already accomplished through His Word and the joy of our salvation, it is only and pour our lives into obediently fulfilling His purposes. natural that we should desire more and more knowledge of Read the Word; memorize it; bind it to your every thought and fellowship with Him. It is all the more unconscionable and action; let it expose the sin in your heart and lead you for us to continue living for ourselves and pursuing sin after to repentance. Only in the strength and power of God’s we have experienced the fullness of God’s grace. Word are we truly able to obey. Peter’s message in this passage is abundantly clear. The Word of God is at the core of every aspect of our faith. Justin Lonas is the editor of Disciple Magazine. ______Church Builders—by Bernard R. DeRemer
The “Other Spurgeon”
Thomas Spurgeon (1856-1917) grew up in the His mother’s illness brought Thomas home to shadow of his famous father, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, England, but by the time he arrived, she had mostly pastor of the London Metropolitan Tabernacle and one of recovered, and it was his father who was ailing. On Nov. the best known and most highly regarded ministers in the 10, 1878, Thomas first preached in the Tabernacle, standing history of the Church. in for his father during his illness. Thomas attended local schools and also had a Thomas then enrolled in the Pastor’s College begun private tutor. Early in life, his gift for drawing was by his father, but he missed many classes because of his discovered. His father sometimes hinted that he would own poor health and decided to return to Australia. He rejoice if one of his sons (Thomas had a twin brother, eventually settled in New Zealand, where he filled the Charles) succeeded him at the Tabernacle. Both boys pulpit of the Hanover Street Church in Dunedin. While preached when opportunities came and helped found the there, he met and married Lila Rutherford. After Dunedin, Northcote Road Baptist Church, but Charles entered a he became the pastor of the Auckland Baptist Tabernacle, mercantile career and Thomas was apprenticed to a wood which prospered greatly under his leadership. engraver, and neither immediately devoted himself to full- In 1884, he returned to Britain to raise funds for his time Christian ministry. However, both “served the Lord work in New Zealand. When he left again after a few zealously” in their lives and business dealings. months, his father said that he felt he “could not bear the Because of Tom’s poor health, he went on a voyage pain of another parting.” to Australia, during which he preached often to passengers In 1892, the elder Spurgeon was called home, and and the crew. His father had given him a cautious letter of American pastor Arthur T. Pierson (who had often preached introduction: “He can preach a bit.” Thomas intended to in his stead during his extended illness) agreed to stay on as begin an engraving business in Melbourne, but the name interim minister at the Tabernacle. The officers of the Spurgeon opened doors of ministry that he could not ignore. church called Thomas to come for a year’s ministry serving Wherever he preached, he drew large crowds, though some under and assisting Pierson, and he accepted, beginning his only came to criticize and compare. Nevertheless, many work there in the summer of 1893. Shortly thereafter, were convicted; Thomas was not his father, but he was Pierson returned to America, and Thomas was called to becoming “God’s servant and a capable preacher.” become pastor, a position in which he served until 1908. Page 10 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 2, # 6, 3/22/2010—Printer-Friendly Version
In 1899 the great Tabernacle building maintaining his health. He went to be with the Lord in 1917 burned to the ground, leaving Thomas with a large and was buried next to his father in Norwood Cemetery. congregation with no facility to call home. During his time Thomas never tried to become his father, but in New Zealand, he had overseen the building of a large certainly learned much from his example. Many people facility for the Auckland Tabernacle, and he would now see probably came to hear him preach once simply because of to the reconstruction of one in London. People responded his name, but they came back because of his faithful greatly to the need, and the new Tabernacle (which was ministry of the Word. “In uniting a great congregation, itself destroyed by German bombardment during World maintaining a wide and varied ministry, and rebuilding a War II) hosted its first services on Sept. 19, 1900. The great great and historic structure,” Thomas Spurgeon, under God, church musician Ira D. Sankey sang at the dedication carried out a fruitful and faithful ministry. service and F.B. Meyer and John Henry Jowett assisted in the preaching. Bernard R. DeRemer chronicled the lives of dozens Thomas reluctantly resigned from the pastorate in of heroes of the faith in more than a decade of writing for 1908. For the remaining years of his life, he preached often Pulpit Helps Magazine. He continues to serve in this in various churches, assisted in raising funds for the capacity as a volunteer contributor to Disciple. He lives in orphanage his father had founded, and worked hard at West Liberty, Ohio. ______Counselor’s Corner—by James Rudy Gray
Do People Tell Us the Truth in Counseling?
Do people tell us the truth in counseling? concern and honesty with their counselees. It may take us A) Never longer to help more reluctant people (than, say, people who B) Sometimes are in the midst of a crisis), however, the help they seek can C) Eventually be provided if we do not lose heart in the process. D) Always There is a specific verse that is especially E) All of the above encouraging for those engaged in Christian counseling. The Usually people come to us with symptoms, what context may not be directly related to counseling, but it is some prefer to call a “presenting problem”. This presenting definitely a transferable truth that is applicable to the problem is usually not the root of the issue. When a counselor. Paul says in Galatians 6:10, “So then, while we counselor anticipates this may happen, he or she can be have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and better prepared to deal with the reality of what is happening especially to those who are of the household of the faith.” in the counseling sessions. People may not reveal enough information soon During counseling, it is not abnormal to discover enough to us. They may even distort the truth about their something about the person you are counseling after you lives. However, if trust is earned and a safe environment have been counseling them for several sessions. To exists in the counseling context, they will (with God’s help someone who hasn’t been involved very long as a counselor and our faithfulness) eventually touch the root of the or a pastor for whom counseling is only a small part of problem. ministry, this may come as a surprise. Be encouraged that they sought counseling—it is a Counseling is often like peeling back the layers of process wherein time is our friend and not our enemy. We an onion—people may seek help, but they are not usually do need patience, and God can teach us to have patience by willing to open up with the real issues of their heart until giving us the grace to keep on keeping on in the work of trust has been established and they feel they are in a safe counseling until, in His time, he brings healing. environment with their counselor. Sometimes people will test a counselor by James Rudy Gray is certified as a professional counselor by presenting a problem they don’t have so they can evaluate the National Board for Certified Counselors, and is a the counselor. It seems that quite often in counseling, a member of the American Association of Christian number of games may be played. Counselors. He pastors Utica Baptist Church in Seneca, I believe it is essential that Christian counselors S.C. follow the standard of Scripture and practice genuine ______Book Reviews Page 11 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 2, # 6, 3/22/2010—Printer-Friendly Version
By Grace Alone: How the Grace of God Amazes Me, Your Church is Too Small: Why Unity in Christ’s Sinclair Ferguson, 2010, Reformation Trust Mission Is Vital to the Future of the Church, John H. Publishing, Lake Mary, Fla., ISBN 9781567692020, Armstrong, 2010, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Mich., 118 pages, $18.00, hardcover. ISBN 978-0310321149, 224 pages, $19.99, hardcover.
As we’ve said before in reviewing books in this Taking his title from J.B Phillips’ book, Your God space, a book doesn’t need to be new and different to merit is too Small, John Armstrong’s Your Church is Too Small writing and distribution. Sometimes the best books are discusses how unity in Christ’s mission is crucial in the life those that retread the tried and true ground, leading the of the Church. Armstrong makes it clear that his title is not reader back to the green pastures and still waters that a numerical reference, but rather a narrow-mindedness he refresh and renew the soul. sees in himself and other believers that detract from Sinclair Ferguson’s By Grace Alone is such a book. fulfilling Christ’s plan for the nations to glorify God Over seven chapters, each paralleling a stanza from through the Church. Burundian pastor Emmanuel T. Sibomana’s hymn, “O How Armstrong, who is president of Act 3 ministries, a the Grace of God Amazes Me”, Ferguson gently unpacks pastor, and an adjunct professor at Wheaton College, has the mystery of God’s mercy of salvation and bids the reader had numerous encounters with people of every stripe of follow him into the richness and rest of unmerited grace. Christianity through his work over the years. He says that Beginning with a discourse on the bondage of sin, these experiences are what caused him to see the work of Ferguson traces the miracle of grace through God’s love, the Church from many perspectives (including how in Christ’s sacrificial atonement, the defeat of sin and death, hindsight his upbringing led him to believe many and our redemption into God’s purpose and plan. His unfounded, uninvestigated misconceptions about other exposition of the parables of Luke 15, particularly that of denominations and traditions outside his own). the prodigal son, powerfully illustrates the depth of how our His work also prodded him to research Church sin grieves God and the sheer wonder of the Father’s desire history in order to see the strengths and weaknesses of the to forgive and restore us. past in order to provide some answers on how to create Ferguson doesn’t get complex in this book, but unity among believers. Armstrong uses the phrase neither does he leave the reader on the surface of the faith. “missional ecumenism” to encourage readers not to be so The book is simple and understandable enough to be an focused on the disagreements that it becomes impossible to ideal tool for new Christians seeking to grasp the interplay concentrate on the places where believers have between their obedience and God’s forgiveness or for commonality, those elements that will bring Christians helping an unbeliever see that “doing the right thing” is a together in unified work for God’s glory. futile way to salvation. At the same time, his subject matter Unlike some ecumenical movements of the past is the stuff on which the household of faith is built and that have veered heavily into false teaching, Armstrong should be kept always before us lest we forget its power. does not advocate any tolerance of heresy or syncretism, God’s grace is indeed amazing, and we dare not grow but rather attempts to pull together the strengths from accustomed to it as though it is in any way ordinary or various Christian traditions. He claims that he is seeing deserved. believers do this today unlike any time in history. In a time when the faith is under constant assault from the world, he Justin Lonas has an important message to share with those who desire to see the bride of Christ pursuing our biblical calling. Target: All Type: Doctrine/Christian Living Rachel Lonas Take: Recommended Target: All/Pastors/Leaders Type: Mission/Ecclesiology Take: Recommended ______News Update
Health Care Bill Passes Congress, Federal Abortion The bill edged through the House after Rep. Bart Funding in Question Stupak (D-Mich.) announced earlier this afternoon that he On Sunday evening, March 21, the U.S. House of and his fellow group of Democrats who had been holding Representatives voted to approve what appears to be a pro- out for the addition of language banning abortion funding abortion health care bill in a 219-212 vote. into the bill, had struck a deal with the White House Page 12 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 2, # 6, 3/22/2010—Printer-Friendly Version involving the promise of an executive order from President young children. Four further victims were hospitalized, two Obama that Stupak said would uphold the Hyde amendment with gunshot wounds allegedly from AK 47s, and the others in health care reform, and prevent abortion funding. with machete wounds. Twelve houses were also burnt in The group of Democrats led by Stupak then last night's attack, which took place 4 kilometers away from promised to throw their weight behind the bill, pushing it Riyom Local Government Council. Victims say some past the 216 vote threshold that it needed to become law. attackers were dressed in military uniforms. The executive order deal, however, has been unanimously Religion Today Summaries condemned by pro-life advocates, including the National Right to Life Committee and the United States Conference Christians Launch Appeal over Expulsion from of Catholic Bishops, as woefully inadequate. Morocco NRLC released a statement on the afternoon of The Christian Post reports that Christian foster March 21, following Stupak’s announcement that he would parents expelled from the country last week have publicly vote for the bill, in which they said, “The executive order launched an appeal to the Moroccan government, hoping to promised by President Obama was issued for political be reunited with their foster children. effect. It changes nothing. It does not correct any of the Morocco accused Village of Hope workers last serious pro-abortion provisions in the bill. The president Monday of proselytizing and demanded they leave the cannot amend a bill by issuing an order, and the federal country immediately. The foster parents, who cannot courts will enforce what the law says.” legally adopt their foster children in Morocco, left behind The USCCB agreed with the assessment of NRLC, 33 orphaned and abandoned children. pointing out that “only a change in the law enacted by “In doing this we are not trying to shame Morocco Congress, not an executive order, can begin to address this or the people,” said Herman Boonstra, director of Village of very serious problem [abortion funding] in the legislation.” Hope, according to the Gibraltar Chronicle. “We simply LifeSiteNews want to be reunited with our children and we are worried about their welfare.” Many of the children didn’t remember Southern California City Says Home Bible Study any other parents. “The eviction process was the most Must Get Permit painful situation imaginable and was one of the hardest The Associated Press reports that Rancho experiences of my life,” Boonstra said. Cucamonga is trying to demand that a Bible study of 15 Religion Today Summaries people be required to obtain a conditional use permit by Good Friday in order to continue meeting. This is the Survey: Less than Half Link Easter to the second time the city has targeted the group. Resurrection The city says the group advertises on the Internet as Religion News Service reports that less than half of a church, and neighbors have complained about 40 to 60 U.S. adults link Easter directly to the Resurrection of Jesus, people meeting there weekly. The group’s defense, Pacific even though most describe Easter as a religious holiday. Justice Institute, says the gatherings usually draw about 15 According to a Barna Group survey, seven in 10 people and is only a Bible study, not a church. respondents mentioned religion or spirituality in their Other residents of southern California have met response to an open-ended question about how they similar demands, but have usually been allowed to continue describe what Easter means to them personally, but just 42 without a permit. Last year, San Diego County withdrew a percent tied Easter to the Resurrection. At 73 percent, baby similar demand, saying it should not have been made in the boomers (ages 45 to 63) were the most likely to describe first place. Easter as a religious holiday, compared to two-thirds of Religion Today Summaries those ages 26 to 44 and Americans 64 and older. The youngest group of adults (ages 18 to 25) were least likely, Nigeria: Fulani Muslims Murder 12 Villagers at 58 percent, to use that kind of description. Christian Solidarity Worldwide reports that “The Easter holiday in particular still has a religiously-tinged violence continued in Nigeria on distinctly religious connection for people but…the specifics Wednesday, when 12 people were killed. of it are really fading in a lot of people's minds,” said David Six women, four children and two men in Byei Kinnaman, president of the Barna Group. village near the city of Jos were attacked by Fulani Religion Today Summaries Muslims, just over a week after around 500 Christians were massacred with machetes by a similar group of attackers. Muslim Activists Protest Indonesian Church Most of the victims were attacked in their beds. Demonstrators from 16 Islamic organizations, One women and her son had their tongues cut out, while including one hard-line group, descended on a another was burnt alive in her home along with her two neighborhood in West Java, Indonesia, on Feb. 15 in an Page 13 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 2, # 6, 3/22/2010—Printer-Friendly Version effort to close a church that has been legally operating since agency that posters and banners in the area prove the church 1992. is not accepted by the community. He also accused the Indonesia requires the permission of more than 60 congregation of offering people incentives like food to neighbors and a permit from local authorities to establish a profess faith in Christ. “At night praises to their God in the place of worship, the Compass Direct news service form of songs disturbs the people's sleep,” Baeda told the reported. M. Tetelepta, pastor of the Galilea Protestant news agency. Church in the Galaxy area of Bekasi City, told Compass The pastor denied the church bribed people to Direct that the church had the required consent before accept Jesus and pledged worship services would continue purchasing the property in 2006, which was done in as usual, in spite of the demonstrations. cooperation with the government. Baptist Press Murhali Baeda, head of the local branch of the hard-line Islamic Defenders Front, told the Antara news
______Sermon Helps—Fresh from Sermonhall.com
Sermon Outline B. As a mere man He would not have died while No Cross, No Power He had the power to live. Mark 8:35 C. As people indwelt by God and participants in I. Jesus Could Have Avoided the Cross but He Did Not the divine nature (2 Pet. 1:4), we choose duty A. He had the power to avoid it. before life, the cross before pleasure and 1. Stated in John 10:18. enjoyment of this world. If we are not 2. If you had this kind of power would characterized by this divine nature, we are not you ever voluntarily die? His. B. If He had avoided it, He would not have D. Those who believe that they can bypass the fulfilled the very purpose of His incarnation. cross are not truly Christ’s (cf. Matt.16:22-23). 1. “The Word was made flesh” (John IV. There Were No Short-Cuts to Success 1:14). A. The first one to suggest success and 2. Blood is in the flesh, and without the achievement without the cross was Satan. shedding of blood there can be no payment for B. Jesus objected to the miracles Satan wanted sin (Heb. 9:22). Him to perform (Matt. 4:3). 3. People do not come into the world C. Satan quoted Scripture, suggesting God merely to live; we also have a “spirit.” would perform miracles for Christ. To fail to accomplish the purpose for D. Success from Christ's point of view is living which God destined us is to miss the in voluntary obscurity and self-effacement like real joy of life. Him, when you could live otherwise. 4. Can you imagine Christianity without V. He Who Had the Will to Die on the Cross Had the the cross and the resurrection? It would Power to Rise from the Dead be only one of many religions. It would A. No other person on earth has ever said what not be the transforming “power of God Jesus said and accomplished it (Mark 8:31). unto salvation” (Rom. 1:16). B. He knew that by God’s appointment He was II. Jesus Spoke about the Necessity of the Cross to die, but He was absolutely sure that He would be A. “Must” (in Matt.16:21, Mark 8:31, and Luke raised. 9:22), is in Greek the impersonal dei, meaning “it is C. As in His case, so in everyone He indwells: necessary.” “to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Phil. 1:21). B. He did not die because the situation was Spiros Zodhiates unavoidable. C. He had die because this was how He would Illustrations redeem us and bring us into fellowship with The Main Character God. Who is the dominant personage in your spiritual III. He Made His Announcement Only after Peter’s conversations? Great Confession about His Being the Christ We’ve come to expect our rulers to fail to grasp A. He was recognized as the divinely anointed the focal point of Easter. As preachers look for national of God. recognition, they realize that the mere mention of Page 14 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 2, # 6, 3/22/2010—Printer-Friendly Version
“Jesus” will alienate the audience they so dearly covet. Clarence W. Hall Some give members of Christ’s human family first place. Others have an all-inclusive “God” which allows The joyful news that He is risen does not change the hearers to make their own interpretation. contemporary world. Still before us lie work, discipline, Jesus once took Peter, James, and John on a sacrifice. But the fact of Easter gives us the spiritual field trip to the mountains. There, Jesus was joined by power to do the work, accept the discipline, and make Moses and Elijah from heaven. The gloating disciples the sacrifice. were at first distracted. It took God the Father’s Henry Knox Sherrill thunderous commendation of Jesus to bring them to their knees and refocus their minds. As they looked up again, Could life so end, half told; its school so fail? Soul, soul, the Bible reports: “They saw no man, save Jesus only” there is a sequel to thy tale! (Matt. 17:8). What will it take to get you back on track Robert Mowry Bell with Jesus? J. Kenneth Bassett Easter is the demonstration of God that life is essentially spiritual and timeless. Eternal Life in Christ Charles M. Crowe On opening an Etruscan tomb, it was found to be occupied by the skeleton of a king. After thousands of We live and die; Christ died and lived! years, he still wore, amid the gloom and ghastliness of John R.W. Stott the grave, a remainder of his former state of majesty. A rough fillet of gold had been placed around the skull—a Once more to new creation awake, and death gainsay, mocking satire on his present condition, was a memorial for death is swallowed up of life, and Christ is risen of his previous greatness. today! Such a crown man wears in his hopes of George Newell Lovejoy immortality. Like indestructible gold, they have survived the fall and its spiritual death, though they are only There is not room for Death, nor atom that his might vestiges of his departed glory. Of himself, and until could render void: Thou—Thou art being and breath, quickened by Him who is the Resurrection and the Life, and what Thou art may never be destroyed. he cannot wear them as his crown; but when the Son of Emily Bronte God raises the soul from its death; then He brings life and immortality to light, and life, kingly and eternal, And He departed from our sight that we might return to becomes his blessed and abiding possession. our heart, and there find Him. For He departed, and Anonymous behold, He is here. Augustine of Hippo Bulletin Inserts On Easter Our Lord has written the promise of the resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in spring-time. Martin Luther Easter says you can put truth in a grave, but it won't stay there. These nine via www.quotegarden.com
______Puzzles and ‘Toons
Church ‘Toons By Joe McKeever Page 15 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 2, # 6, 3/22/2010—Printer-Friendly Version
Answers to Last Issue’s Puzzles:
Hidden Wisdom and Father Abraham By Mark Oshman Originally published in Pulpit Helps, May 1995
Next page Page 16 Disciple Magazine, Vol. 2, # 6, 3/22/2010—Printer-Friendly Version