Of the Meeting of COOMET Technical Committee
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MINUTES of the meeting of COOMET Technical Committee TC 1.10 “Thermometry and Thermal Physics”
National Scientific Centre “Institute of Metrology” 14 October 2009, Kharkov, Ukraine
1. Opening of the meeting, welcome, introduction of the participants, adoption of the agenda The meeting was opened by COOMET President, General Director of NSC “Institute of Metrology”, Candidate of Technical Science Goryslav Sydorenko. He made a welcoming speech for the participants of the meeting and briefly informed TC members about the activity of NSC “Institute of Metrology”. The word was then given to the Chairperson of COOMET Technical Committee “Thermometry and Thermal Physics” (TC 1.10), Deputy Director of FGUP “VNIIM named after D. I. Mendeleev”, Prof Anatoliy Pokhodun, Russia. A. Pokhodun welcomed the TC members present at the meeting. Representatives of 6countriesparticipated in the meeting: Belarus (BelGIM), Russia (VNIIM and VNIIFTRI), Kazakhstan (KazInMetr), Moldova (INSM), Kyrgyzstan (NISM) and Ukraine (SE “Ukrmetrteststandart” and NSC “Institute of Metrology”).
BELARUS Mr Petr Krivonos, Head of Production Research Department of Temperature and Thermophysical Measurements of BelGIM Mr Vyacheslav Gergalov, Engineer of the 1st Category of Production Research Department of Physicochemical and Optical Measurements of BelGIM
KAZAKHSTAN Mrs Kuralay Duysebayeva, Principal Expert of Southern Kazakhstan Subsidiary of RSE “KazInMetr” Mr Baurzhan Mukhamejanov, Leading Expert of RSE “KazInMetr”
KYRGYZSTAN Mrs Marina Denisova, Head of Department of Thermotechnical Measurements of National Institute of Standards and Metrology
MOLDOVA Mr Konstantin Bordianu, Head of Laboratory of Temperature Measurements of National Institute for Standardization and Metrology.
RUSSIA Mr Anatoliy Pokhodun, Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, Deputy Director, Head of Thermodynamics Department of VNIIM named after D. I. Mendeleev Mrs Olga Podmurnaya, Senior Research Assistant of Eastern Siberian Subsidiary of FGUP “VNIIFTRI” 2 UKRAINE Mr Goryslav Sydorenko, COOMET President, General Director of NSC “Institute of Metrology”, Candidate of Technical Science, Associate Professor Mr Nikolay Kravchenko, Deputy General Director of NSC “Institute of Metrology” for Scientific Activity, Director of Department for Temperature and Opticophysical Measurements of NSC “Institute of Metrology”, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Science, Senior Research Assistant Mr Alexander Melnikov, Senior Research Assistant of SE “Ukrainian State Scientific Production Centre for Standardization, Metrology, Certification and Consumer Protection” (SE “Ukrmetrteststandart”) Mr Leonid Nazarenko, Principal Research Assistant of Scientific Centre for Temperature and Opticophysical Measurements of NSC “Institute of Metrology”, Doctor of Technical Science, Professor Mr Vasiliy Slipushenko, Head of Laboratory for Thermometry and Thermophysical Measurements of NSC “Institute of Metrology” Mrs Ekaterina Ivanova, Leading Research Assistant of Laboratory for Thermometry and Thermophysical Measurements of NSC “Institute of Metrology”, Candidate of Technical Science Mrs Rymma Sergiyenko, Senior Research Assistant of Laboratory for Thermometry and Thermophysical Measurements of NSC “Institute of Metrology”, Candidate of Technical Science Mrs Galina Gorne, Leading Engineer of Laboratory for Thermometry and Thermo- physical Measurements of NSC “Institute of Metrology”, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Science Mr Maxim Voloshyn, Research Assistant of Laboratory for Thermometry and Thermophysical Measurements of NSC “Institute of Metrology” Miss Tatyana Lukasheva, Member of COOMET Secretariat, Engineer for Patent and Inventive Work of NSC “Institute of Metrology”
2. Information on the main results of the meeting of WG-8 of Consultative Committee for Thermometry The Chairperson of TC 1.10 “Thermometry and Thermal Physics”, Member of the Consultative Committee for Thermometry (CCT) A. Pokhodun gave information on the results of the latest meeting of CCT WG-8. He covered the following points:
Arrangement of the next key comparisons According to the regulations the demonstration of equivalence of measurement standards must take place every 10 years. 10 years elapsed since the first key comparisons for thermometry CCT-KC1, CCT-KC2 and CCT-KC3 (CCT-KC3 comparisons cover the temperature range from the nitrogen point to the aluminium point). Among the NMIs of COOMET member countries VNIIM and VNIIFTRI took part in the comparisons mentioned above. When forming the plan of further comparisons to be carried out in the next two years and the groups of participants the representation of different regional organizations was discussed. The following quota was fixed: five institutes for EURAMET, 3 participants for SIM, 4 institutes for АРМР, 1 participant for AFRIMEТS, 2 institutes for CООМЕТ (VNIIM and BelGIM). 3 Classification of service categories in the area of thermal quantities measurement During the meeting of CCT WG-8 changes were introduced into the service categories of the classifier in thermal quantities measurement. The wording of item 2.5.4 was changed in the section of pyrometry; the classifier for humidity was supplemented with items for humidity generators.
Development and improvement of review procedures for CMCs submitted for the BIPM data base Updated versions of review procedures (Review Protocols) for thermometry and humidity have been developed; they are the documents for evaluating the possibility of publishing the submitted CMCs at the BIPM web site, i.e. entering them to the BIPM data base. CMC data submitted by regional organizations for humidity with respect to humidity generator and triple water point generator have not been approved because such Review Protocols have not been developed yet for this field. Review Protocols can be considered as guidelines for National Metrology Institutes when preparing CMC tables. If actual measurement capabilities of NMIs are not sufficiently represented in CMC tables it can result in the rejection of these data by CCT WG-8. Such a situation was the case with some CMC entries from VNIIM and Belarus.
Results of the consideration of CMCs submitted to WG-8 for approval According to Review Protocols the decision on the possibility to submit CMCs to the BIPM data base can sometimes be taken by a regional organization, however the final conclusion is made at a meeting of CCT WG-8 where the results of the measurement capabilities review are considered. Measurement capabilities of Russia in thermometer calibration in sub-ranges and in the triple point of water were submitted to CCT WG-8 for consideration. CCT WG-8 took a positive decision in this regard. Up to now measurement capabilities of any NMI for thermometer calibration in sub-ranges deviated because there were no published data for the triple point of water. It should be noted that the CMC approval procedure itself can take a year to two from the moment of their submission in view of the existing schedule of activities. Two CMC entries submitted by VNIIFTRI (Russia) were rejected. This is because two Russian institutes are in charge of thermometry and the responsibility for temperature ranges is divided in the following way between them: VNIIFTRI is responsible for the below-zero range, VNIIM is responsible for the above-zero range. Therefore, formal factors to a certain extent don’t allow Russia to fully participate in comparisons where these ranges normally overlap, e.g. from mercury point (below zero) to gallium point (above zero), and consequently to submit measurement capabilities. This precedent can be an example and experience for other countries when issues of location of primary measurement standards in interrelated measurement areas or ranges are solved. In the opinion of TC 1.10 Chairperson it is appropriate to focus the whole measurement type in one place because not so much a specific NMI as the whole country can suffer from these formal factors in future. At the meeting of CCT WG-8 7 CMC entries from Belarus were approved; four of them concern comparisons in the range of zero to the zinc point (Project # 285/RU-a/03). Belarus submitted the remaining three entries with reference to measurement traceability from the primary measurement standard of Russia because VNIIM calibrates reference 4 measurement standards of Belarus in the area of non-contact thermometry. A. Pokhodun brought the attention of the participants to this way of submitting CMCs with reference to primary measurement standards of other countries the equivalence of which has already been established and the CMCs have already been submitted to the BIPM data base.
Interactions between MRA and ILAC During the meeting of CCT WG-8 issues relating to the assurance of measurement uniformity on a global scale were considered. In 1978 when the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) was established the terms of “measurement traceability”, “measurement uncertainty” and thus the relevant procedures were not developed yet. ILAC prompted interlaboratory comparisons, organized proficiency tests for calibration laboratories. Therefore, the problem of mutual recognition of test and calibration results was actually solved at the level of calibration laboratories, i.e. ILAC assured the uniformity of measurements, however at the level of calibration laboratories rather than primary measurement standards. MRA stipulates that all measurements must be closed to primary measurement standards which in turn must demonstrate equivalence. In view of the fact that there are now two organizations duplicating to a certain extent the activities of each other a number of documents about interactions between ILAC and MRA was prepared. The relations between MRA and ILAC can now be characterized as a search of compromises to avoid metrology-related misunderstandings in the results of activities of these organizations. For example ILAC certified a number of industrial calibration laboratories, in particular those of ISOTECH, for thermometry and flow rate measurements in such a way that the errors of the measuring instruments in these calibration laboratories appeared to be better than those of primary measurement standards of National Metrology Institutes of Germany and Great Britain. The cooperation of MRA and ILAC was considered not only within CCT WG-8 but also in other working groups of all Consultative Committees. It is generally agreed that MRA, i.e. confirmation of the equivalence of primary standards is of the top priority. Decision To take note of the information on the results of the latest meeting of CCT WG-8.
3. Discussion of the state of work with COOMET projects in the area of thermometry and thermal physics Project 387/UA-a/07 “Regional Comparison of National Measurement Standards of Temperature Unit in Fixed Points of Silver, Gold and Copper Freezing” The technical protocol of comparisons was developed, discussed and approved within Project 387/UA/07 “Regional Comparison of National Measurement Standards of Temperature Unit in Fixed Points of Silver, Gold and Copper Freezing”. Since the primary measurement standard of NSC “Institute of Metrology” that is the coordinating organization is based on the copper fixed point the work is in fact only performed with this point. According to the technical protocol a transfer standard was selected at NSC “Institute of Metrology”; from the beginning CI 10-300 gas-tube temperature tungsten tape lamp # 113 had been used as a transfer standard. When examining the transfer standard a decision was made to replace it with LT-1 vacuum lamp # 564 with better stability and better indices of temperature coefficients. Joint measurements (with VNIIM 5 experts) for graduation of the transfer standard at the temperature of copper solidification phase transition are planned in November 2009 at NSC “Institute of Metrology”. In view of the enquiry of the National Scientific Institute of Romania about the participation in these comparisons the technical protocol was revised taking into account the new participant. Decision To recommend to the Project Coordinator to correct the working plan and determine new deadlines in view of the new participant.
Project 417/UA-а/08 “Supplementary Regional Comparisons of National Measurement Standards for Temperature Unit in Fixed Points of Gallium Melting, Indium, Tin and Zinc Freezing” Project 417/UA-a/08 was opened in order to support the measurement capabilities declared by NSC “Institute of Metrology”. NSC “Institute of Metrology” has finished measurements with the use of a standard thermometer previously graduated in VNIIM named after D.I. Mendeleev and processed the obtained data forming the measurement uncertainty budget which has been forwarded to the Project Coordinator at VNIIM. Thus, the experimental part of the work has been performed by both the participants and Draft A Report can be prepared. At the final stage of comparisons an application from the NMI of Georgia that has a triple point of water and a point of tin was received, during the meeting Moldova expressed a wish to participate in the project. The participants of the meeting discussed the situation when additional participants join comparisons almost at the final stage of activities and took a decision on the appropriateness of opening a new COOMET project for similar supplementary comparisons for those NMIs wishing to participate in them rather than enlarging the list of the participants of Project 417/UA-a/08. Decisions 1. To complete Project 417/UA-a/08 with initial participants of comparisons – VNIIM and NSC “Institute of Metrology” . 2. To carry out similar supplementary comparisons for NMIs wishing to participate in them.
Project 395/BY-a/07 “Regional Comparisons of National Measurement Standards for Temperature Unit in Triple Point of Water” At the same time with the modernization of the standard equipment for the triple point of water BelGIM (the coordinator of the comparisons) has performed experimental research of the ampoules of other participants of the comparisons. Nowadays BelGIM has received an ampoule with the triple point of water from Georgian NMI that applied for participation in the project later than the initial participants. As a result of this the deadlines were shifted, which will finally influence the deadlines for publishing the CMCs of the project participants. Decisions 1. The Project Coordinator should correct the deadlines for the work in view of the existing situation. 2. Not to enlarge the list of participants after the protocol of specific comparisons has been approved. 6 Project 228/UA-а/01 “Comparison of National Measurement Standards for Combustion Energy Unit” The Project Coordinator is VNIIM. The initial participants of the comparisons were VNIIM and NSC “Institute of Metrology”. When performing measurements the NMIs China and Romania applied for participation in the project. The technical protocol is being revised taking into account the new participants of the comparisons. Measurements have been carried out in VNIIM, NSC “Institute of Metrology” and the work has been postponed for the NMI of China at its request. VNIIM has submitted its results; the results f NSC “Institute of Metrology” are being processed. Decision The Project Coordinator should revise the technical protocol and determine new deadline for performing the work taking into account the new participants in the comparisons.
4. Proposals for new projects within further cooperation in the area of measurement of temperature and thermo-physical quantities 4.1. VNIIM experts proposed new COOMET project for regional comparisons for combustion energy based on high purity graphite samples. The preliminary starting time is 2010; the Project Coordinator is VNIIM. NSC “Institute of Metrology” plans to participate. Decision To recommend that the Project Coordinator sends the Proposed COOMET Project Form for “Regional Comparisons of National Measurement Standards for Combustion Energy Using High Purity Graphite” to COOMET Secretariat prior to 1 January 2010.
4.2. VNIIM experts initiated Project “Regional Comparisons of National Measurement Standards for Combustion Energy Using Gas Mixture Samples” (the Project Coordinator is VNIIM). NMIs of Russia, Ukraine and France are expected to participate. According to TC 1.10 Chairperson A. Pokhodun the matter concerns establishing equivalence of primary measurement standards maintained at National Metrology Institutes. Despite the fact that a few laboratories from a country may participate in comparisons, only one result may be submitted to the BIPM data base, because there cannot be two national measurement standards in a country. Decision To recommend that the NMIs of COOMET member countries from TC 1.10 consider the appropriateness and possibility of their participation in “Regional Comparisons in the Area of Gas Colorimetry with Gas Mixture Samples” and send their proposals to the planned Project Coordinator prior to 1 January 2010.
4.3. A. Pokhodun proposed opening the projects “Regional Comparison of Copper Ampoules for Contact Thermometry” and “Regional Comparison of S-Type Thermocouples in the Temperature Range of 300 оС to 1100 оС”. These projects are also of interest because calibration of thermocouples is performed using gold and copper points (temperatures higher than 1000 оС). Although these points are the basic points of the scale in pyrometry they are widely used in contact thermometry and, thus, many NMIs may become interested in confirming their measurement capabilities in this field. 7 It was mentioned that there was a similar project organized in EURAMET for comparison of ampoules with the copper point for contact thermometry. The experts of NSC “Institute of Metrology” actively supported the project for copper ampoules comparison within COOMET and emphasized the long-term character and importance of the activity on developing and creating the equipment for fixed points of palladium and platinum in the field of contact thermometry. TC 1.10 Chairperson informed the participants about the activities performed in the countries of Regional Metrology Organizations in the area of advanced research of eutectic points and the relevant comparisons. Decisions 1. To support the initiative of VNIIM, KazInMetr and NSC “Institute of Metrology” and to include “Regional Comparison of Copper Ampoules for Contact Thermometry” into the COOMET plan for 2010. All the rest NMIs of COOMET member countries, except for VNIIM, KazInMetr and NSC “Institute of Metrology”, should consider their possibility to participate in the comparisons. 2. The NMIs of COOMET member countries should consider their possibility to participate in “Regional Comparison of S-Type Thermocouples in the Temperature Range of 300 оС to 1100 оС” and submit their proposals to TC 1.10 Chairperson prior to 1 January 2010.
4.4. A. Pokhodun proposed that one of COOMET member countries should develop a draft protocol of measurement capabilities estimation when calibrating thermocouples from noble metal alloys using the method of wire charges and send it, once discussed, to CCT WG-8. A. Pokhodun put the opening of a project for comparisons of B-type thermocouples graduated with wire charges method for discussion. In the opinion of TC 1.10 Chairperson this activity will allow to estimate reproducing the results obtained with the method of wire charges and, thus, comparing, estimating the equivalence of the two method, the method of charges and the method of thermocouples calibration in crucibles with metals. The experts of NSC “Institute of Metrology” actively participated in the discussion of these projects; they think these projects are of high importance because nowadays almost all NMIs have no equipment for implementing high temperature fixed points in the field of contact thermometry. Decisions 1. NSC “Institute of Metrology” should develop a draft protocol of measurement capabilities estimation in the field of thermocouples calibration using the method of wire charges. 2. To recommend that the NMIs of COOMET member countries consider their possibility to participate in “Comparison of National Calibrations of B-Type Thermocouples in Palladium and Platinum Points with the Method of Charges” with the preliminary date of commencement in 2011.
4.5. RSE “KazInMetr” B. Mukhamejanov proposed the Project “Pilot Comparisons in Heat Conductivity in the Range of 0.03 to 0.05 W/(m·K) in the Temperature Range of 10 to 40 оС”. VNIIM and KazInMetr are expected to participate. 8 Decision To recommend that the planned participants of the Project “Pilot Comparisons in Heat Conductivity in the Range of 0.03 to 0.05 W/(m·K) in the Temperature Range of 10 to 40 оС” VNIIM and KazInMetr determine the Project Coordinator who will send the relevant Proposed COOMET Project Form to COOMET Secretariat prior to 1 January 2010.
4.6. NSC “Institute of Metrology” expert G. Gorne proposed carrying out a comparison in the mercury point. NSC “Institute of Metrology”, VNIIFTRI, VNIIM, BelGIM are expected to participate. The preliminary starting date is 2010. Decision To recommend that the planned participants of the Project “Regional Comparisons of Temperature Unit Measurement Standard in the Mercury Point” determine the Project Coordinator who will send the relevant Proposed COOMET Project Form to COOMET Secretariat prior to 1 January 2010.
4.7. Representative of INSM of Moldova K. Bordianu proposed a project for supplementary regional comparisons of national measurement standards of the unit of temperature in the fixed points of gallium melting and indium, tin and zinc freezing (similar to acting Project 417/UA-a/08) with Moldova, Russia and Georgia as planned participants. Decision To recommend that the planned participants determine the commencement of the project after completing Project 417/UA-a/08.
5. Increase of responsibilities for complying with the provisions of an agreed comparison protocol The participants of the meeting took a joint decision to follow as far as possible the deadline stipulated in technical comparison protocols for performing activities. The recommended period for performing experimental activities at an NMI to which a specific transfer standard has been sent is 3-4 weeks. In case of force majeur the NMI informs the Project Coordinator who takes an optimal decision, for example changes the route of circulation of the transfer standard among the participants of the comparison. Decision To fix a 3 (norm) or 4 (limit) weeks’ period for carrying out experimental activities at an NMI to which a specific transfer standard has been sent.
6. Organization of COOMET TC 1.10 activities in the area of humidity measurement Representative of Eastern Siberian branch of VNIIFTRI, scientific custodian of the state measurement standard of Russia in the area of humidity measurements O. Podmurnaya gave information on the activity of the BIPM working group for humidity measurements WG-6, on K6 and K8 comparisons being carried out and on further activities in this area. O. Podmurnaya proposed establishing a working group for (gas) humidity measurements within TC 1.10 and formulated the purposes, tasks and work program of this working group in her presentation, in particular: 9 - preparing information on the national gas humidity measurement standards in COOMET member countries; - solving the issue with regard to (the interest in) carrying out comparisons within COOMET; - developing the protocols for planned comparisons; - carrying out comparisons of national humidity measurement standards; - preparing a data base for normative documents of COOMET NMIs for humidity measurements; - developing proposals with regard to standardization in the field of hygrometry; - solving the issue about the prospects in improving the measurement standard base and creating new humidity measurement standards. The reporter expressed the wish to involve experts in humidity measurements from COOMET NMIs to joint development of an inter-state standard for the verification chain for humidity measuring instruments. O. Podmurnaya also gave information about the state of the measurement standard base in the area of humidity measurements in the Eastern Siberian branch of VNIIFTRI. Representative of SE “Ukrmetrteststandart” A. Melnikov informed about the activity on creating the state primary measurement standard for gas humidity in Ukraine. The participants of the meeting seconded the proposal of O. Podmurnaya with regard to the establishment of a working group for humidity measurements within TC 1.10. VNIIFTRI is ready to perform the functions of the working group for humidity measurements within TC 1.10. Функции координатора рабочей группы по измерениям влажности в рамках ТК 1.10 готов взять на себя ВСФ ФГУП «ВНИИФТРИ». Decision 1. To establish a working group for humidity measurements within TC 1.10. 2. The participants of the meeting, members of TC 1.10 should send, prior to 15 November 2009, proposals to COOMET Secretariat with regard to the members of TC 1.10 working group (subcommittee) for humidity measurements (one representative from each COOMET member country having a humidity measurement standard).
7. Organization, within COOMET, of a review of documents relating to the measurement capabilities of National Metrology Institutes for temperature and other thermo-physical quantities Review Protocols are the basic documents for preparing expert summaries for submitted CMCs; the pack of the Review Protocols is available in the working documents. It is proposed that an expert group should be established within TC 1.10 for the purpose of carrying out an intra-regional review of the documents relating to the measurement capabilities of an NMI for temperature and other thermo-physical quantities and controlling the quality of such a review. It was decided during the discussion that the development of the form of expert summary (Review Protocol) which would be an accompanying document for CMCs submitted for an inter-regional review would be assumed by the expert group to be established. The period of 2 weeks is recommended for carrying out a CMC review. 10 Decisions 1. To establish a group of experts in CMCs for measurements of temperature and other thermo-physical quantities within TC 1.10. 2. The participants of the meeting, members of TC 1.10 should send, prior to 30 November 2009, proposals to the Executive Secretary of TC 1.10 with regard to the candidates (in humidity and temperature measurements) for the group of experts in order to elect the chairperson of the expert group before 1 January 2010. 3. To charge the expert group to be established to develop the form of expert summary. 4. To fix the2 weeks’ period of review.
8. Development of draft procedures for inter-regional CMC review A. Pokhodun informed the participants of the meeting that РТВ experts are developing a procedure for inter-regional CMC review (protocol of measurement capabilities estimation) in the area of calibrating thermocouples in a crucible with the fixed point of copper; the participation of all interested experts of other NMIs in this activity is encouraged. It was mentioned again (item 4 of these minutes) that it is necessary to develop a draft protocol of measurement capabilities estimation when calibrating thermocouples using the method of charges since there is no such a document now. The functions of the coordinator of this activity were proposed to the expert from NSC “Institute of Metrology” E. Ivanova (decision under item 4 of these minutes). A. Pokhodun also informed that the new developed version of the protocol of measurement capabilities estimation in the area of pyrometry would appear at the discussion forum of WG-8 in the near future where specialists would be able to see it and give their remarks and proposals. Decision To take note of the information on the development of procedures for inter- regional CMC review.
9. Current state of the measurement capabilities of the National Metrology Institutes from COOMET in the data base of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures TC 1.10 Chairperson gave information on the state of the measurement capabilities of COOMET NMIs in the data base of BIPM. Nowadays there are about 140 entries with the measurement capabilities of COOMET NMIs in the BIPM data base, 130 of which are from Russia (VNIIM and VNIIFTRI). As it was already mentioned at the meeting (item 2 of these Minutes) data on the measurement capabilities of Belarus (BelGIM CMCs submitted to the BIPM data base were reflected in the presentation) will soon appear in the BIPM data base.
10. Miscellaneous TC 1.10 Chairperson presented information on the experimental results of hysteresis estimation of technical platinum resistance thermometers considered by WG-8. Materials about the interpretation of “scale non-uniqueness” terminology, about the “scale non-uniqueness” classification and the application of this classification when calibrating thermometers in sub-ranges. 11 At the request of the representative of Moldova A. Pokhodun gave information on the progress in developing the interstate normative documents for general specifications and for verification methods for technical resistance thermometers. Within the discussion of the interstate normative document for the verification chain for temperature measuring instruments the experts of NSC “Institute of Metrology” initiated the issue on the correlation of errors between different levels (ranks) of the verification chain both in contact and non-contact thermometry. It is generally agreed that this correlation must be less than 1:2. The representatives of NSC “Institute of Metrology” put the issue of surface thermometer verification for discussion. From the point of view of VNIIM experts it is appropriate to check the error of such a thermometer with immersion method and to allow for complementary errors in accordance with the measurement procedure developed for actual operating conditions of a specific thermometer.
11. Date and venue of the next meeting of TC 1.10 Representative of Moldova K. Bordianu proposed holding the next meeting in October 2010 in Chisinau at the National Institute of Standardization and Metrology of Moldova. Decision To hold the next meeting in October 2010 in Chisinau at the National Institute of Standardization and Metrology of Moldova.
12. Prospects in the development of the temperature scale On concluding the agenda and at the desire of the participants of the meeting A. Pokhodun gave a report about the New Definition of the Temperature Unit and Possible Ways of Further Improvement of the International Temperature Scale.
TC 1.10 Chairperson A. Pokhodun
TC 1.10 Secretary R. Sergiyenko