SEN Planning Tool for Young People with Autism March 2015

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SEN Planning Tool for Young People with Autism March 2015

Further Education (Post 16) SEN Planning Tool Young People with Autism

Communicati on and Interaction

SEN Planning Tool for Young People with Autism March 2015

Funding Descriptor Physical Medical Assessment and Planning Teaching and Learning Strategies Curriculum/Interventions Resources (including staffing)

Best Mainstream  The YP experiences needs  Early support  The teacher is held to account for the  The College can demonstrate an  A regularly updated SEN policy details the Endeavour Element which are managed well in development journal or learning and progress of the YP in the inclusive ethos that supports the learning Best Endeavour a mainstream class with other mainstream class and wellbeing of all YP 1 appropriate differentiation  A regularly updated SEN policy details the of task and teaching style.  Monitoring of YP  Best Endeavours meets the needs of all  The wider curriculum promotes positive effectiveness of the arrangements for SEN in response to positive students and includes: examples of diversity the College  This YP will not have a feedback. diagnosis of autism - Flexible grouping arrangements.  A broad and balanced curriculum is  A regularly monitored, reviewed and updated however he/she may  Assessment for planned for all YP inclusion policy underpins practice. - Some differentiation of activities and exhibit some of the Learning. materials following characteristics:  SEAL materials and interventions.  The College employs additional adults to  Observations by support the needs of all students e.g. LSAs, - Differentiated questioning - finds social situations Teacher.  Anti-bullying is routinely addressed and PLCs students are confident in reporting confusing; can be - Use of visual, auditory and  Advice and support from incidents  All staff including have up to date job unclear about kinaesthetic approaches. appropriate responses the parents. descriptions and are included in whole College  Opportunities for social interaction and how to form - Awareness that a YP may need more appraisal systems.  Information from the YP between peers and the wider community relationships with other time to complete re their opinions and of the College may need to be  All staff have received awareness training on YP preferred strategies  Tasks and that equality of access may engineered to bolster self-esteem and SEN and understand how to support with - likes to follow own using person centred mean that they need to do some things confidence. learning difficulties. interests rather than approaches. differently. accept direction  Provision of planned opportunities to  Whole College CPD at awareness level of  The College is proactive  Resources and displays that support learn and practice social skills during training has included use of medical care - displays a strong interest in identifying individual independence. structured activities. plans in a particular subject needs and monitors that action is taken.  Routine feedback to students  College trips which are planned well in  College staff access LA training to keep - has a tendency to seek advance and take into consideration the informed on meeting the needs of YPs. repetitive actions or  Risk assessment where  Environmental considerations are made needs of the YP. routines appropriate. to meet the needs of all YP e.g. seating  Staff make use of a wide range of resources, position, personal space and classroom  Other College pastoral interventions including those produced within the Local - low level sensory likes  Health care plan where layouts, displays and signage. could include: Authority to inform their inclusive practice. and dislikes appropriate.  Consideration to YP’s learning - Meeting and Greeting - Autism friendly Colleges style/characteristics of learning. - Personal Learning Coaches - using Symbols to Support Learning & Communication –  An understanding that the disability may - Peer mentoring have a wider impact on a YP’s social - Other relevant materials. and emotional wellbeing despite the - Buddy systems apparent lack of obvious impairment.  Whole College inclusion policies and practice The YP may also be vulnerable to - Lunch clubs. implemented consistently. bullying or have low self-esteem.  General advice to College from the specialist  A range of alternative equipment may teaching team. be useful  General training for staff.  Use of symbols.  Use of playground buddies, peer mediators,  The pace of work may need to be peer mentors. slower.

 Clear and positively stated rules and expectations for behaviour are apparent through visual means.

 Visual and practical supports e.g. visual timetables and lists.

 Awareness that a YP may need more time to process language and complete tasks.

 Use of teaching strategies that develop the independent learning of the YP SEN Planning Tool for Young People with Autism March 2015

Funding Descriptor Physical Medical Assessment and Planning Teaching and Learning Strategies Curriculum/Interventions Resources (including staffing)

SEN Support Element 1  YP has identified needs which As above plus As above plus: As above plus: As above plus: Plan from are highlighted to all staff with School  Observations by ALS Co-  Information about the YP’s  Access to small group support.  Support/advice from ALS Co-Ordinator. Low level advice on support strategies Ordinator. difficulties is shared with relevant Group work to be planned and ALS/Possible provided and monitored by staff, in partnership with parents. tailored to meet identified need and  Additional adults routinely used to support flexible HNF depending the ALS Co-Ordinator.  Use of a structured includes good role models. groupings. on level of  This can learn through whole observation profile to target  Individual targets agreed and support needs  Access to targeted small group work with class LSA.. class teaching, generally differentiation monitored, following discussion  Teaching problem solving skills copes well within the College with YP and parents.  Including S E N  Learning tasks differentiated by  Access to intervention group work with LSA, environment, but can find it  Sharing of advice on successful Learning Mentor . difficult or stressful at times. S u p p o r t P l a n with task and outcome to meet outcomes and SMART strategies and set targets e.g. individual needs.  College staff access LA training regarding meeting For example a YP who: Targets that are reviewed use of visual supports, and updated regularly. developing organisational skills.  Group work to be planned and the needs of students. - needs support during tailored to meet identified need and  Access to autism specific termly training and support lunch times  Student involved in setting  In-class support (LSA) is targeted includes good role models. and monitoring their own towards support for access for groups for professionals. - needs oversight targets. specific tasks/settings and is not  Preparation for changes to  Home-College communication book. social/emotional/organisati necessarily needed for learning. activities/routines/ staffing onal skills  Parents involved regularly  Aspects of structured teaching may  Time for scheduled meetings with parents on a and know how to support regular basis. - can become unsettled by targets at home. be helpful. changes in routines and  Additional adult (e.g. LSA) for focused support during settings  Advice is taken and  Peer mentoring support. unstructured times e.g. lunchtime supervision/ implemented on successful targeted extra-curriculum activities, - needs support to develop strategies eg seating  Supporting student with daily communication and planning, PLC support arrangements, position in  College staff access LA training at enhanced level language skills classroom, preferred learning  Checking student’s understanding regarding meeting the needs of students with autism style. - May find busy or noisy of task and recording of work. approaches. environments difficult to College trips are planned well   Supporting student to recognise  Access to autism specific termly training and autism cope with. in advance and take into and communicate their feelings support group for professionals. - Social and communication consideration the needs of about the College day (emotion the YP. difficulties may have a rating scale.  College may consult the Specialist Teaching wider impact on a YP’s  Team or EPS regarding issues relating to Autism. emotional wellbeing. The  Oversight when moving between YP may be socially classrooms. isolated and vulnerable to bullying or low self-  Short term small group intervention esteem. to develop social skills. SEN Planning Tool for Young People with Autism March 2015

Funding Descriptor Physical Assessment and Planning Teaching and Learning Strategies Curriculum/Interventions Resources (including staffing) Medical SEN Element 1  The YP has identified plus: plus: plus: plus: Support needs which require Plan + Likely High Needs additional specific  Environmental audit using IDP  Manage access arrangements for  Regular/daily small group teaching  Time for formal meetings with parents on a Funding depending provision or specialist materials or College internal and external examinations and of social skills. regular basis. on level of support advice Access/Equality Strategy. assessments. needs  Peer awareness.  Time for mentor meetings with the young  E.g. a detailed time  Consideration to Family Plan if  Awareness of social and emotional person with Autism  In class support is targeted towards limited programme, appropriate. aspects of disability.  Allocate appropriate accommodation for intervention the supply of teaching and learning  Risk assessments of tricky  Established communication strategies resources. visiting professionals to work with individual personalised timetable and/or situations to inform adaptations to facilitate communication and to students, taking into account safeguarding incl. educational visits. assess learning.  Short term small group and/or issues. resource. individual intervention, to develop  Specialist assessments e.g.  Use of key-working approaches to specific areas of curriculum access  Adult intervention targeted at specific  Student has a diagnosis of Autism Specialist Teacher , ensure the student has a trusted adult as identified by the subject teacher curriculum areas or specific social times. Educational Psychologist,. to offer support during vulnerable or educational specialist teacher, or complex social  College will ensure that key information is communication times. following a programme designed or  Individual targets are agreed and recommended by that professional. passed on at times of transition and, where needs , requiring monitored following discussion  Personalised reward systems known appropriate, will consult with the specialist some support to with YP and parents. to all staff in College who have contact  Regular/daily small group teaching teaching team access the with the student of social skills. curriculum. For  There is a commitment to  Consult with the specialist teacher for when example, a YP who developing independence with  Implemented consistently across the  Teaching style adapted to suit recruiting staff to work with a named needs support for steps planned and agreed curriculum. student’s learning style e.g. student. learning in core level/pace/amount of teacher talk curriculum areas  Careful reviewing of needs  Identified daily support to undertake reduced, access to practical  Access to low stimulus area for focused before transition at key stages and support the following; activities. tasks e.g. individual workstation.  Is able to take part in e.g. post 16, HE, adult life. small groups - prepare and make relevant  Personalised timetable introduced in  Flexible approaches to the timetable, break  Individual Management Plan visual supports and structure negotiation with student, parents times and lunchtimes.  Has difficulties with including: and staff. This may include - Write Social Stories, where the social use of temporary withdrawal from some  Advice from the Specialist Teacher for the - Moving and Handling needed language activities individual YP on sensory resources/activities/use of ICT. Loan of  Has poor - Individual Health Care Plan - Adapt materials for lesson e.g. sensory materials on trial basis chunking work into manageable  Access to structured teaching as understanding of required. social interactions - College visit risk assessment amounts for the individual  Access to a quiet area for ‘chill-out’ at times student and friendships - Emergency evacuation  Individualised support to implement of stress.  Facilitate alternative recording recommendations from support  Can participate in - LSAs are routinely included in  Close supervision during breaks and lunch. strategies Including access to ICT services most aspects of the planning and or/are provided equipment where necessary  Time for meetings with the Specialist day but has with lesson plans and learning  Use of social stories. Advisory Inclusion Teacher for Autism difficulties in following objectives in advance of the instructions,  Provide access to visual approaches-  Personalised curriculum. lesson to ensure their input is emotional development  Social stories packs classroom routines effective and maintaining e.g. supporting student to recognise  Individual support for pre and post  Advice on use of ICT to access the attention to task - Behaviour records updated daily and communicate their feelings about teaching. the College day curriculum from the Inclusion and and analysed to consider Achievement SEND Team.  Displays strong pre- frequency, duration as well as occupations needs  Time-limited intervention programmes triggers/patterns with staff who have knowledge and  Use of multiagency meetings to co-ordinate support or preparing involvement of different agencies. for changes in - Close scrutiny of tracking skills to address specific needs, may routines. include withdrawal for Social Interaction/Communication groups.  Staff will be trained at specialist level in AS  The YPs autism could co- exist with other  Access to a differentiated curriculum. secondary needs.  Use of equipment to access the curriculum. SEN Planning Tool for Young People with Autism March 2015

Funding Descriptor Physical Medical Assessment and Planning Teaching and Learning Strategies Curriculum/Interventions Resources (including staffing)

Education The YP has significant primary plus: plus: plus: plus: Health and Element 1 needs which impact on Care Plan Plus High Needs progress requiring long term  Specialist assessments  The class/subject teacher is  Individualised support to implement  ALS Co-Ordinator provide support to teacher and Funding involvement of educational EHCP e.g. by Specialist accountable for the progress of the YP recommendations from support LSAs and take responsibility for arranging and non-educational Teacher for Autism , within the mainstream class services e.g. AS Support and appropriate specialist CPD and quality assuring the professionals as part of Educational development Team OT etc. learning experience of the YP statutory assessment / EHC Psychologist, SALT, OT,  Identified individual support across the plan CAMHS etc. as part of curriculum in an inclusive mainstream  Structured individual programmes.  Staff training in the use of specialist resources and statutory assessment / setting to provide a personalised equipment. learning experience, taking into  Programmes to develop social Possibly some complexity of EHC plan. account the advice within the interaction and emotional wellbeing,  High level of multi-agency involvement: ‘team other needs  Risk assessment to statement, annual review and advice as identified by the IEP/management around YP, co-ordinate the involvement of a range identify dangers and from agencies. plan. of agencies, one of whom may fulfil the key worker This student has a diagnosis need for additional role. of Autism resulting in support.  Facilitate production of differentiated  Advice and assessment of the use of behavioural and/or sensory materials in accordance with the specialist or adapted ICT to access  Time to work with the Specialist Teacher for joint needs, making their learning  Regular multi-agency advice from the specialist teacher for the curriculum. planning with the student, family and other in a mainstream College assessment and/or autism. professionals. environment challenging. review of strategies and  Independent travel training to develop progress.  The use of specialist or adapted independence skills for the future.  Opportunities for support staff to access specialist training regarding specific disability and their For example a student who: equipment / software where  Review the Plan annually appropriate to access the curriculum  Teaching focusing on both learning impact on learning and social and emotional Is described in the previous when all agencies are and for communication. curriculum and social skills throughout wellbeing. levels plus involved in reflection and the College day. Targets informed by joint planning in  Specialised modification of all statutory assessment/EHC plan or  Staff to work with small group and/or individual partnership with students teaching and learning styles and Annual Review. intervention to develop specific areas of the  has difficulties following and their parents/carers. resources. curriculum following a programme designed or instructions, classroom  Regular/daily small group teaching of recommended by an external agency. routines and in  Individual risk  Opportunities for individual ‘checking social skills. maintaining attention on assessments for practical in’ and’ checking out’ at beginning and  Liaison with students, parents and other  Personalised timetable introduced in task without a high level of subjects. end of session/day to encourage self professionals when determining priorities for -monitoring. negotiation with student, parents and individual YP.  adult support and  Specialist assessments staff. This may include temporary structure e.g. Specialist Teacher  Student may require Augmented and withdrawal from some activities.  Work together with the YP, parents and staff to for AS Educational Alternative Communication (e.g. identify priorities for the YP’s individual programme  experiences significant  Access to structured teaching Psychologist, SALT, OT. PECS (Picture Exchange of work and to develop and review individualised difficulty responding to Communication System) to support (TEACCH) as required. reward systems and sanctions. adult direction and in  Involvement of functional communication. social situations  Personalised literacy and numeracy  Sign post families and Colleges to a range of educational and non- programmes may be required to educational professionals  Teaching style and tasks are adapted voluntary and statutory services regarding benefits,  may show inappropriate address gaps in learning associated as part of Annual Review. to suit student’s learning style e.g. access to additional funding for non- educational interactions with level/pace/amount of teacher talk with Autism difficulties. activities. peers/adults Assessment and advice  reduced, access to practical activities.  Individual support during breaks and from CYC specialist  Opportunities for the student to meet a peer group  has significant difficulties lunch. teaching team that is  Manage access arrangements for with autism and adult role models where with social use of updated regularly. internal and external examinations appropriate. language and assessments.  Specialist ICT  Encourage participation in activities organised by  is very rigid and finds it assessments voluntary organizations. difficult to change routines  Risk assessment to  Access to mentor systems.  experiences a high level identify dangers and of anxiety in some College  Provision of specialist equipment, provide storage need for additional and facilitate maintenance situations support. Has a high level of  Adult support for supervision in the playground, to   Transition planning is sensory intolerances. facilitate social interaction, to develop/maintain prioritised. attention skills, support to set up equipment, support student’s management of it, and establish working routines.

 Facilitate production of differentiated materials in accordance with the advice from the specialist teacher for autism support.

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