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Proceedings of the Multi-Disciplinary Senior Design Conference
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Project Number: 11452
John Blamer (ME) – Team Leader Promit Bagchi (ME) – Lead Engineer
Elliot Kendall (ME) – Hydronics Engineer Matthias Purvis (ME) – Operations Engineer
ABSTRACT and distance pieces, and compute the gas and inertia loads and torsion stresses which will be encountered in The objectives of this project revolve around the your service. installation of a donated industrial process compressor. After delivery and installation, we will purchase and Compressor Features: implement a data acquisition system, characterize the All running gear components are pressure-lubricated compressor’s beginning of life performance, and with filtered oil, distributed through internal rifle-drilled complete Vibrations and Thermal-Fluids lab exercises. passages. The complete system is protected by an oil These labs will be used by RIT undergraduate classes. pressure shutdown switch. Units have a pressure gauge Research on the compressor will be done for Dresser- and a crankcase window-type oil level indicator. Oil Rand. Our faculty guide and customer Dr. Jason filter is automotive cartridge-type for easy replacement. Kolodziej of the Mechanical Engineering department at Main, crankpin and crosshead pin bearings are full- RIT specified needs which we translated into floating - free to rotate on the bearing journal and within engineering specifications. To ensure timely completion the bearing housing. Due to the unique design having of all the project goals we delegated the primary pressurized oil on both sides of the floating bearings, responsibilities of mounting, cooling, data acquisition, friction is reduced and wear is distributed evenly on safety, and other installation tasks to individual group both sides of the bearing. Pistons are provided with members. By the end of the project we successfully latest technology, non-metallic piston ring and rider designed and implemented mounting, and cooling band materials to ensure maximum reliability. systems, installed the compressor, acquired and installed some components of the data acquisition system, and The previous senior design team (P09452) to work on revised and tested a vibrations lab. Each of these this compressor project did a lot of work in preparation systems and procedures is outlined in detail throughout for the installation. The team worked with Jason Vigil, a the paper. Structural PE, to design a solution to this structural problem. To verify the PE’s result, a model in ANSYS BACKGROUND Finite Element Analysis software was created and Dresser-Rand is a multinational corporation simulated. The delivery path for the installation of the headquartered in Houston, Texas. It provides a wide compressor was evaluated to make sure that there is range of technology, products, and services used for enough clearance, and the structure of the floor would developing energy and natural resources including not be compromised. reciprocating compressors. A gas compressor is a mechanical device that increases the pressure of For our senior design our focus was to review and verify a gas by reducing its volume. all the previous team’s work and continue through the final steps to a successful installation and recording the compressor’s beginning of life characteristics. The horizontal single-throw reciprocating compressor is one of the simplest and most basic of all compressor NEEDS AND SPECIFICATIONS designs. These compressors have unmatched versatility and dependability. Basic components are pre- Our main goal for this project is to get the compressor engineered, pre-assembled and pre-tested. The final installed and fully functional. This includes building a selection is verified by special computer programs that safe and professional testing area by cleaning and will calculate the performance, select cylinders, frames organizing the compressor room. Our project also Copyright © 2011 Rochester Institute of Technology Proceedings of the Multi-Disciplinary Senior Design Conference Page 2 includes drafting a simple but thorough easy-to-use requirements with a reasonable pump efficiency guide that faculty and students can reference for the estimation were used to determine that a 1/3 hp motor entire operating procedures. operating at 3450 rpm would satisfy head and flow requirements. Installing and testing the motor revealed Another major aspect of this project is to connect a that it could indeed produce the desired pressure and DAQ system and collect beginning of life characteristics flow rate, however, running the pump for longer than 30 of compressor performance and compare baseline data minutes caused the motor to overheat and shut itself to provided specifications. This data is critical for Dr. down to prevent damage. It was concluded that the Kolodziej’s future diagnostic research. actual impeller efficiency was drastically lower than The third leg of this project is preparing the compressor expected because the pump was being used at the low for educational use. This includes revising and updating extreme of its operating range and driven at twice the the existing Vibrations and Thermal-Fluids labs. designed operating speed. At this point the best option was to abandon the original pump and purchase a new In order to meet our customer needs our team divided pump that was designed to suit our operating and focused on three major parts: Mounting the requirements. A 1/3 hp, 8 stage, Dayton pump was compressor to the floor in the chosen area, designing purchased and installed, and it produces the desired and building a water cooling system, connecting and specifications without any problems. calibrating a DAQ system and all necessary sensors. Once the pressure and flow conditions were satisfied the next step was to produce the correct temperature cooling COOLING SYSTEM water. The previous team decided that the best course of There were a series of engineering specifications action would be to use a flow diverting valve with a regarding the cooling system which included providing temperature sensor in the reservoir that would divert hot four gallons of 80°F water, per minute, to the water to the heat exchanger when the temperature in the compressor. The previous team assigned to this project tank became too high, as shown in Figure 1. They also (P09452) outlined a basic system design consisting of a proposed an immersion heater to heat the water in the circulation pump, heat exchanger, water storage tank, tank to 80°F when the compressor is started cold. diverting valve, and immersion probe heater. The team elected to use a closed loop heat exchanger utilizing RIT's chilled water supply instead of running city water directly through the compressor to "conserve water, and keep with the sustainability track of the project." When we took over the project the heat exchanger had already been installed in the test cell. Their system design did not include any specifications or supporting calculations for the other components of the cooling system so we decided to undertake a full analysis. Determining the Figure 1 necessary head the circulation pump needed to overcome revealed extremely high head losses in both Preliminary calculations for the required size of the the compressor and the heat exchanger, and made us immersion heater revealed that a large and expensive aware that we would require a larger pump than heater would be needed. After speaking with Scott previously expected. Research revealed that a multi- Delmotte, our contact at Dresser-Rand, we concluded stage pump would be ideal for this kind of application, that the heating element would be unnecessary and where the pump must be able to supply only a small cooling the compressor with room temperature water at flow rate at a very high pressure. During the process of start up would not damage it. After researching investigating different pump options, we came across a diverting valves we decided that a less expensive and demonstration pump assembly constructed by John more accurate alternative would be to utilize a Wellin, one of the professors in the Mechanical thermostatic mixing valve. This valve produces the Engineering department. The pump rig consisted of a same result as the diverting valve, but it is simpler and 1/3 hp pump, 50 gallon storage tank, flow meters, and a less expensive. The final system design is shown in flow regulating valve. The system was not in use at the Figure 2. time and Professor Wellin said we could use some of the components, or the entire system, for our project. This system suited our needs very well and adopting it saved us a lot of work, but it was lacking several critical components. The most immediate issue was that the pump was not powerful enough to produce the required amount of head. Preliminary calculations revealed that the existing impellor could be salvaged, and would be capable of producing the required pressure if it were run at twice the original speed. Hydraulic power Project P11452 Proceedings of the Multi-Disciplinary Senior Design Conference
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These mounts are capable of supporting 1000 lbs each, and should absorb the vibration of the reciprocating compressor. The vibration mounts had bolt holes along their longitudinal axis. When bolting them to the I-beam frame of the compressor, the bolt holes would interfere with the central I-beam web. Several concepts were considered for attaching the adapter plate and mount to the compressor. These concepts ranged from welding the adapter plate to the compressor frame, to drilling new holes in the frame to accept bolts. Welding was Figure 2 eliminated due to the risk of melting the rubber mount material, and the potential difficulty if the compressor After acquiring and assembling the components the needed to be moved in the future. The compressor frame system was tested without the compressor, and the was pre-drilled for 10 mounting bolts along the pump was capable of generating an adequate flow rate. perimeter. These holes were only on the outside of the I- The mixing valve can be adjusted to produce beam web. If only these outer holes were used to attach temperatures of 70° to 120° F. The output temperature the frame to the mounts, we would not have an even, was calibrated by running the compressor at steady state positive attachment. This could hinder the effectiveness for over 2 hours and monitoring the temperature of the of the mounts. In order to bolt the frame to the mounts water being supplied to the compressor and adjusting on both sides of the I-beam web, we had to drill holes the valve as needed to produce the desired temperature. on the inner flange. This drilling was only possible from the bottom, and required the unit to be suspended in the MOUNTING air. Boulter Rigging had the equipment necessary for this type of task, and completed the drilling for us. The The D-R compressor requires a very robust and well- new holes mirrored the original 10 mounting holes, and engineered mounting system to secure it to the building gave us a positive attachment point for each vibration structure. mount. The initial concern was the structural integrity of the Ultimately, we designed and fabricated adapter plates floor on which the compressor would be placed. out of ¾” steel plate. These plates bolted to the Compressors of this size are usually mounted on ground vibration mounts through counter-bored holes, and to level, on top of dedicated concrete slabs over a foot the compressor frame through two threaded holes which thick. Unlike typical installations, we were placing the straddled the I-beam web. compressor in a second story Machine Shop. The floor here is a 5” thick concrete slab. In previous years, the original floor was deemed inadequate to support the over 7,000 lb compressor with the help of Structural Engineer Jason Vigil. SD team P09452 oversaw the installation of two I-beams under the floor to add Figure 3 support in preparation for the compressor arrival. Due to its horizontal orientation, mass, and low The next point of concern was the attachment of the operating speed of 360 rpm, the compressor can vibration mount to the cement floor. This attachment introduce a significant resonating frequency to the point was crucial, and needed to be robust for safety and building. In typical installations the concrete foundation to minimize vibration. The original layout recommended would be capable of absorbing such frequencies. The by the Structural Engineer was to drill and bolt through previous Senior Design team did not utilize any type of the floor in 10 locations around the frame. Since we vibration isolators, and proposed the unit be bolted modified the attachment method to include the vibration directly to the floor. After consulting with several mounts, we knew this would change. In addition to Subject Matter Experts, we determined this would not bolting through the floor, we considered using concrete be adequate. If bolted directly to the floor, the vibrations anchors which did not penetrate all the way through the produced from operation would most probably be felt floor, and an epoxy grout to adhere the mounts to the elsewhere in the building. We were forced to look at floor. other solutions to prevent transmitting vibrations to the Each mount would require at least two bolts securing it surrounding Machine Shop. Lord Corporation did a to the floor. Each vibration mount had four mounting vibration analysis for our application and recommended holes on the bottom plate. If we utilized each of those the use of their rubber isolation mounts. They were kind holes we would have 40 holes through the floor. We enough to donate 10 of these mounts for our project. deemed that many holes and bolts to be unnecessary. Copyright © 2011 Rochester Institute of Technology Proceedings of the Multi-Disciplinary Senior Design Conference Page 4 The structural integrity of the floor after 40 holes were The control panel was cut off, and relocated about 3.5 drilled was a primary concern. After consulting with the inches and re-welded to the frame. Boulter Rigging did Structural Engineer, we decided to install two bolts per a superb job in handling such a major task, last minute. mount (opposing corners) which made for 20 holes drilled through the floor. The modification was successful and the compressor was delivered on schedule, but another setback was encountered upon installation. Drilling bolt holes in the test cell floor to secure the compressor caused approximately 3 inch diameter cones of concrete to break free from the underside of the floor. Rather than continuing to damage the floor, the use of concrete anchors was substituted for bolts through the floor. This eliminated the need to drill through the floor and create Figure 4 more damage. Seven of the 20 mounting points were attached with bolts, and the remaining 13 were secured A CAD model of the compressor frame, concrete floor, with anchors. The ½” anchors only required a hole mounting system and potentially interfering structures about 2 inches into the floor. They expanded and was constructed. A large concrete beam was then found provided over 2500 lbs of anchoring force. directly under the bolting locations for one side of the The resulting damage threatened the integrity of the compressor. If the compressor was installed in this floor structure, and inhibited the effectiveness of the original location we would not have been able to drill 3”x3” steel washers. The possible solutions that were through the large concrete beams. To resolve this issue devised for this issue were to fabricate larger washers, the compressor location was moved 12 inches over use ten foot steel plates that would run the length of the towards the center of the room. This deviation actually compressor on each side and secure all of the bolts, and became an improvement. With the original location, fill the holes with cement and use larger, 6”x6”, washer access to the control panel would have been limited. In plates. The chosen solution was to fill the holes with the new location, there is sufficient room around the cement and use the larger steel plates. This solution was perimeter of the unit. quick, simple and provided adequate support. The repair was approved by Structural Engineer, Jason Vigil of Jensen Engineering.
INSTALLATION Once the compressor was bolted down, the compressor sheave was installed and belts aligned. This was a guess The installation plan we formulated included securing and check process which took quite a long time however the compressor to the floor, connecting the cooling all of the tasks were completed. Another task that was system, and working with Dresser-Rand to install accomplished in the installation phase was attaching the several items which included belts, cylinder packing, oil cylinder packing and oil scrapping rings. The manual scraping rings, and other miscellaneous parts. These specified which type of cylinder packing or oil tasks were completed, but not without several hurdles. scrapping ring, how many of each and the location in The first problem, which arose the day before the which they should be placed on the connecting rod. The compressor was scheduled to arrive, was the doorway cylinder packing and oil scrapping rings seal the being about 3 inches too narrow for the compressor to crankcase from oil leaks. fit through. This width was unaccounted for and When these tasks were completed the compressor was required immediate attention. Once the problem was turned on and it had no mechanical issues. When the identified, problem solving techniques were utilized. compressor was initially turned on, it oscillated more The compressor diagrams and pictures taken of the than expected. It moved enough to make the vibration compressor at Boulter Rigging, the company delivering mounts expand by about 5/8 of an inch, but the isolators the unit, were reviewed. After speaking with Boulter successfully prevented any noticeable vibration from and analyzing the situation, several solutions were being transmitted to the floor. Therefore, the mounts suggested. The most practical solutions included donated by LORD Corp. successfully dampened most, if moving the compressor into the room at an angle to gain not all of the input force from the compressor to the clearance, widening the door frame to accommodate the ground. extra width, or removing the control panel and placing it in a location that would not interfere with the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION installation. After analyzing the possible solutions it was decided that the best course of action would be to cut off The compressor has been successfully installed and the control panel and move it several inches in-board. prepared for normal operation. The cooling system Boulter Rigging was capable of such modifications. On meets all required specifications. The adaptor plates the morning of scheduled delivery the Senior Design which were fabricated for the LORD Corporation team traveled to the Boulter facility to finalize the plan. lattice mounts work as intended. The isolation Project P11452 Proceedings of the Multi-Disciplinary Senior Design Conference
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dampers prevent vibration transmission to the building. The DAQ system was set-up, tested and The control panel must be reconfigured to accept the validated. The compressor’s vibration was correct switch-type for the power on. Currently a characterized by using LabVIEW to gather data and momentary switch is in place while the relay is generate an acceleration vs. time plot along with a meant for a latch-style. This switch should be frequency response to show the compressors motion already ordered and in-house and just needs to be in each axis as well as its operating frequency. installed. An electrician will be needed to rewire the cooling system motor outlet back to standard 110V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The motor will also need to be reconfigured for this voltage. Unfortunately, the full scope of this project was not completely seen through. Due to unforeseen The orifice tank, where the compressed air is circumstances, some setbacks were encountered such discharged can potentially be placed in the basement as the modifications required to fit the unit through if approved by RIT and Dave Hathaway. This will the test cell door. Such errors should have been reduce the noise in the test cell. There is plenty of caught in advance, but it would have been air-line to run the tank in the basement. The impossible to account for every possible setback. Rosemount pressure transducer can also be mounted Although these problems did introduce schedule in the basement, with the signal wires run up to the deviations, they were dealt with in a timely and DAQ system. professional matter. For example, the control panel modification was completed on the day of delivery, but the compressor was still delivered on time.
Some setbacks were encountered due to errors in the work of previous groups. Although the work was done very well, it should have been double checked ACKNOWLEDGMENTS and verified prior to the compressor installation. Senior Design team P11452 would like to sincerely Work on the educational labs was not completed as thank the following groups and organizations for hoped. This section of the project will have to be their generous contributions to our project. completed by either future Senior Design groups or students. Further work should be done on the DAQ - Dr. Jason Kolodziej – RIT system to expand its capabilities and collect broader - Bill Nowak – RIT data. - Scott Delmotte – Dresser Rand - Dresser Rand Corporation The cooling system should be rebuilt with a steel - LORD Corporation frame construction. A smaller, more suitable water - John Wellin – RIT reservoir should be utilized. This would decrease the - Dave Hathaway & ME Machine Shop Staff thermal mass of the cooling system, allowing for faster warm-up times. The steel frame design can be made to better accommodate the cooling system components in a more compact configuration. It would also be more durable than the current wood construction.
When possible, the adjacent room to the test cell should be utilized as a control room. This room is currently occupied by the RIT Formula SAE Team. By moving the DAQ hardware into this room, it will create a more suitable environment for operators to collect data and analyze it on computers. Under load, the compressor can become relatively loud with the discharge air exiting within the room. If operators are within the room while the compressor is at full load, ear protection is recommended.
Copyright © 2011 Rochester Institute of Technology