1. the First Step of Emergency Care in the Patient with Inadequate Breathing Is

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1. the First Step of Emergency Care in the Patient with Inadequate Breathing Is

EMT-B Quiz 6

1. The first step of emergency care in the patient with inadequate breathing is:

Your answer:

looking for and controlling severe bleeding

checking for the patient's pulse

opening and maintaining the patient's airway

manually stabilizing the cervical spine

2. The reduction of breathing to the point where oxygen intake is not sufficient to support life is called:

Your answer:

respiratory failure

respiratory compromise

respiratory constriction

respiratory arrest

3. Signs of inadequate breathing include:

Your answer:

wheezing, crowing, or gurgling noises

cyanosis of the lips, ear lobes, or nail beds

the patient being unable to speak in full sentences

all of the above

4. During your assessment of a 54-year-old male patient, you find that he is not breathing; your next step should be to:

Your answer:

begin providing artificial ventilations to the patient

check for a pulse, and look for severe bleeding

begin chest compressions

suction the airway to clear it, as needed 5. Your 24-year-old female patient has fallen from the roof of her house and is unconscious; the best method of opening her airway is the:

Your answer:

head-tilt, chin-lift maneuver

head-tilt, neck-lift maneuver

tongue-jaw lift maneuver

jaw-thrust maneuver

6. Methods of artificial ventilation, in order of preference, are:

Your answer:

2, 4, 3, and 1

1, 4, 3, and 2

2, 4, 1, and 3

4, 3, 1, and 2

7. Signs of inadequate ventilation of an adult patient include:

Your answer:

failure of the patient's skin color to improve

a ventilation rate of approximately 12 per minute

a heart rate that returns to normal

the patient's chest rising and falling with each ventilation

8. When high-concentration oxygen is attached to a pocket face mask, the concentration of oxygen delivered to the patient is approximately:

Your answer:




16% 9. All of the following are important features of bag-valve-mask systems (EXCEPT):

Your answer:

a pop-ff valve

a 15/22mm respiratory fitting

a non-rebreathing valve

a non-jam valve

10. The most difficult part of delivering BVM artificial ventilations is:

Your answer:

preventing the patient from vomiting

obtaining an adequate mask seal

squeezing the bag completely

maintaining an open airway

11. Oropharyngeal airways can be used on unconscious patients, except those who:

Your answer:

are under 8 years old

have a contagious respiratory disease

are in cardiac arrest

have a gag reflex

12. If you do not have the proper size oropharyngeal airway to fit your patient:

Your answer:

use the next larger size

use the next smaller size

do not use one

use either a smaller or larger one 13. The nasopharyngeal airway is popular because it:

Your answer:

often does not stimulate a gag reflex

is made of rigid clear plastic which is less likely to cause bleeding

can be used even if clear (CSF) fluid is seen in the nose or ears

comes in more sizes than the oropharyngeal airway

14. Which of the following is true regarding suctioning a patient's airway?

Your answer:

Never suction for longer than 30 seconds

BSI precautions are not important if there is not visible blood

You may hyperventilate a patient before and after suctioning

Suction only as you insert the catheter into the mouth

15. The most popular type of suction tip in the prehospital setting is the Yankauer type because:

Your answer:

is has a larger bore than catheters

it comes in various sizes identified by a number "French"

it can be passed through an endotracheal tube

it is flexible and can be inserted deeper

16. Patient conditions that may require supplemental oxygen include:

Your answer:


head injury

broken bones

all of the above 17. A nasal cannula should be used to deliver oxygen to a patient who:

Your answer:

is under 1 year old

will not tolerate a nonrebreather mask

has a chronic lung disease

uses a cannula with a home oxygen system

18. Which of the following is true regarding the hazard of oxygen therapy?

Your answer:

Premature infants may develop eye damage if given too much oxygen

High-flow oxygen can stimulate hyperactivity in your children

Patients with COPD may go into respiratory arrest after only a short time on high- concentration oxygen

Oxygen can react with some lubricants used with airway adjuncts and stimulate vomiting

19. Oxygen cylinder sizes vary, but all are considered "full" when pressure equal to:

Your answer:

1,500 psi

2,000 psi

2,500 psi

1,000 psi

20. An insufficiency in the supply of oxygen to the body's tissues is called:

Your answer:

respiratory compromise



bronchoconstriction 21. The artificial ventilation techniques whose use in children is contraindicated unless the provider has had special training is:

Your answer:

two-person BVM

flow-restricted, oxygen-powered ventilation device


one-person BVM

22. Nasopharyngeal airways must be lubricated to ease insertion; you should use:

Your answer:

any silicone-based lubricant

any water-based lubricant

any petroleum-based lubricant, such as WD-40

petroleum jelly

23. One method of determining which size nasopharyngeal airway to use is by:

Your answer:

comparing it to the diameter of the patient's little finger

measuring from the patient's nostril to the ear lobe

using the largest airway that will fit in the patient's nostril without force

all of the above

24. A suction device, whether portable or mounted, must generate a vacuum of:

Your answer:

200 mm Hg

300 mm Hg

100 mm Hg

400 mm Hg 25. When a nasal cannula is used, the flow rate should be no more than:

Your answer:

8 to 10 lpm

1 to 2 lpm

14 to 14 lpm

4 to 6 lpm

Answers: EMT-B 6

1. The first step of emergency care in the patient with inadequate breathing is: Your answer: opening and maintaining the patient's airway CORRECT! 2. The reduction of breathing to the point where oxygen intake is not sufficient to support life is called: Your answer: respiratory failure CORRECT! 3. Signs of inadequate breathing include: Your answer: all of the above CORRECT! 4. During your assessment of a 54-year-old male patient, you find that he is not breathing; your next step should be to: Your answer: begin providing artificial ventilations to the patient CORRECT! 5. Your 24-year-old female patient has fallen from the roof of her house and is unconscious; the best method of opening her airway is the: Your answer: jaw-thrust maneuver CORRECT! 6. Methods of artificial ventilation, in order of preference, are: Your answer: 2, 4, 3, and 1 CORRECT! 7. Signs of inadequate ventilation of an adult patient include: Your answer: failure of the patient's skin color to improve CORRECT! 8. When high-concentration oxygen is attached to a pocket face mask, the concentration of oxygen delivered to the patient is approximately: Your answer: 50% CORRECT! 9. All of the following are important features of bag-valve-mask systems (EXCEPT): Your answer: a pop-ff valve CORRECT! 10. The most difficult part of delivering BVM artificial ventilations is: Your answer: obtaining an adequate mask seal CORRECT! 11. Oropharyngeal airways can be used on unconscious patients, except those who: Your answer: have a gag reflex CORRECT! 12. If you do not have the proper size oropharyngeal airway to fit your patient: Your answer: do not use one CORRECT! 13. The nasopharyngeal airway is popular because it: Your answer: often does not stimulate a gag reflex CORRECT! 14. Which of the following is true regarding suctioning a patient's airway? Your answer: You may hyperventiliate a patient before and after suctioning CORRECT! 15. The most popular type of suction tip in the prehospital setting is the Yankauer type because: Your answer: is has a larger bore than catheters CORRECT! 16. Patient conditions that may require supplemental oxygen include: Your answer: all of the above CORRECT! 17. A nasal cannula should be used to deliver oxygen to a patient who: Your answer: will not tolerate a nonrebreather mask CORRECT! 18. Which of the following is true regarding the hazard of oxygen therapy? Your answer: Premature infants may develop eye damage if given too much oxygen CORRECT! 19. Oxygen cylinder sizes vary, but all are considered "full" when pressure equal to: Your answer: 2,000 psi CORRECT! 20. An insufficiency in the supply of oxygen to the body's tissues is called: Your answer: hypoxia CORRECT! 21. The artificial ventilation techniques whose use in children is contraindicated unless the provider has had special training is: Your answer: flow-restricted, oxygen-powered ventilation device CORRECT! 22. Nasopharyngeal airways must be lubricated to ease insertion; you should use: Your answer: any water-based lubricant CORRECT! 23. One method of determining which size nasopharyngeal airway to use is by: Your answer: all of the above CORRECT! 24. A suction device, whether portable or mounted, must generate a vacuum of: Your answer: 300 mm Hg CORRECT! 25. When a nasal cannula is used, the flow rate should be no more than: Your answer: 4 to 6 lpm CORRECT!

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