School: Workman Middle School

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School: Workman Middle School

The School District of Escambia County SCHOOL-WIDE BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT PLAN

School: Workman Middle School School Year: 2011-2012 Date of Plan: 08/31/2011

Note: Please refer to the Guidelines for Developing a School-wide Behavior Management Plan for instructions and recommendations.


Name of Team Member in Attendance: Role (Principal, Teacher, Parent, etc.): 1. Juanita Edwards 1. Principal 2. Traci Ursrey 2. Assisant Principal 3. Santelia Houston 3. Dean Thomas Horne 4. Behavior Coach 4. Raymond Hunt 5. Teacher 5. Nancy Buffington 6. Teacher 6. Pam Carter Teacher 7. Zenda Swearengin 7. Teacher Jonathan Tinney 8. Teacher Robert Myrick Teacher Helene Carrington Alternative Placement Michael Lee ISS 8. Christopher Norris Teacher Hayden Riggs Teacher Bridgette Egly Teacher


Behavioral Mission Statement:

J. H. Workman Middle School students will become inquiring, compassionate, and lifelong learners. Through a challenging, engaging academic and behavior program that encourgages international-mindedness, students will develop a positive relationship with students, parents, faculty and community while attaining cultural understanding and respect for diversity.

School-wide Behavior Management Plan – Revised: Aug 2010 The School District of Escambia County SCHOOL-WIDE BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT PLAN



Office Discipline Referrals (ODR) In-School Suspensions (ISS) Number of Office Discipline 1383 Number of Incidents of 115 Referrals (ODR) In-School Suspension (ISS) Average ODR per Student 1.49 Average ISS per Student .12 (# ODR ÷ # of students enrolled) (# ISS ÷ # of students enrolled) 423 95 Number of Students with ODR Number of Students with ISS Out-of-School Suspensions (OSS) Attendance 93.3 Number of Incidents of 461 Average Daily Attendance Out-of-School Suspension (OSS) Bullying Prevention Average OSS per Student .5 100 (# OSS ÷ # of students enrolled) Percent of Students Trained 214 Number of Students with OSS Percent of 100 Staff Trained


What other data or outcomes will your school use for continuous monitoring of your school-wide behavior management plan (e.g., academic data, faculty attendance, school surveys, training, ESE referrals, etc.)? The outcomes may also include various ways of analyzing school-wide behavioral data as outlined in the School-wide Behavioral Data Guide (e.g., referrals/suspensions by grade level, location, problem behavior, time of day, student, class, etc.). Workman will be using the data generated in SWIS to monitor our behavior plan. We would like the PBS team to look at data in a variety of ways. The team will analyze date by grade level, location, and time. Our new attendance clerk will be monitoring student absences and working with a child study attendance team to increase our average daily attendance.

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1. Out-of-school suspension Workman's PBS team would like to decrease our out of school suspensions by at least 5%. We will use the data in SWIS to analyze what months typically generate a lot of out-of-school suspensions. Our behavior plan incorporates a more progressive-step approach to consequences. Students will have a variety of consequences befor e they are suspended out of school.

2. Attendance PBS will be working with our guidance department and attendance clerks to increase our average daily attendance rate. Students will be referred to a child study attendance according to what is outlined in the student R&R book.

3. Bullying Workman will continue it's "Bully Busters" club. Our guidance department will continue to incorporate anti- bullying messages on CCTV, working with our multi-media class and our broadcast production class. Teachers will be trained on their role in preventing bullying through faculty meetings.

4. Office Discipline Referrals Workman's PBS team would like to decrease the number of ODR by at least 1% this year. We will emphasize classroom management with all faculty and staff members. We plan to use some of the many resources now available through the staff development office, such as PD 360. Each teacher will be responsible for contacting parents and following a step by step guide before writing referrals for "minor" infractions.

5. Other ISS Workman should have an increase in the number of students assigned to ISS. This year we have a teaching unit dedicated to ISS only and we plan on making ISS an integral part of the consequences offered in our behavior management plan.

6. Other

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Your school-wide behavior team should meet to review data and discuss concerns or revisions to your school-wide behavior management plan once a month and complete progress monitoring forms quarterly. Describe when you plan to meet (days, location, and time) throughout the school year. The PBS team will meet the third Wednesday of each month at 8:00 a.m. in our media center.

Describe the procedures that your school will use to collect, summarize, and analyze the behavioral data prior to team meetings. Procedures are required for entering the information into the database, summarizing the data, and developing graphs using the School-wide Behavioral Data Guide. Our PBS data team will pull the data prior to our monthly meetings for analysis. This team consists of Mrs. Ursrey, Mr. Tinney, Mrs. Buffington, Mr. Hieb, and Mr. Riggs. At our September meeting we will decide which data team member is responsible for pulling the data and how we will disseminate the information before each monthly meeting.

How will your school document the school-wide behavior team meetings? We will provide a monthly sign in sheet and agenda. Also, we will have one team member record notes each month.

Describe how your school-wide behavior team will share the data and outcomes with your faculty, staff, and other stakeholders? The PBS team will share our information, data, outcomes,etc. with our faculty and staff during monthy faculty meetings, during our daily collaboration meetings, and possibly during our monthly department meetings.

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List 3 – 5 school-wide expectations 1. Students will model the 10 IB learner profiles while attending Workman Middle School.

Setting: Setting: Setting: Setting: Rules/ All School Setting Expectations: Follow directions To be: Knowledgeable Thinkers Reflective Inquirers

Be respectful of other's differences and To be: opinions. Risk Takers Open-Minded

Raise your hand, until called on to speak.

To be: Communicators

Be respectful to students and adults. To be: Caring Principled

Refrain from arguing and fighting.

To be: Balanced

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How will your school introduce the school-wide expectations and rules to all of your students and staff? The PBS team did an introduction during pre-school for all teachers. PBS team members will discuss discipline/behavior issues during collaborative planning time. We had grade level assemblies/ rallies the first week of to get our students excited about the positive rewards available to all students who behave well. School hallways, classrooms, cafeteria, etc. will display the IB learner profiles and expectations for all students.

During the school year, what activities will your school implement to encourage on-going direct instruction of the school-wide expectations and rules? How will your school embed the expectations and rules into the daily curriculum? We will continue to review the positive reward system in place at our school on our CCTV morning show. Each teacher incorporates the IB learner profiles and the expecations that go with them into each unit plan that is taught.

How often will you plan to provide refresher training on expectations and rules to staff and students in your school? How will you orient and teach new students who arrive mid-year? Our language arts classes are using the IB MYP guidebook throughout the school year. This book is an indepth look at each learner profile and the behaviors associated with the word. Our new students will be given this book in the language arts class upon entry. The language arts teacher will work with that student to make sure he has knowledge of the learner profiles and our school wide expectations for behavior.

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What type of reward system will you use? Workman has a "Jag Bucks" program to reward all students. Also, we will be rewarding the bus(es) with the fewest number of referrals each nine weeks. Finally, we will have an end of year celebration for each grade level. All students who have shown good behavior through out the school year will be invited to attend.

Describe the behaviors for which you will reward or recognize students. 1. No referrals ( per 9 weeks) 2. No absences ( per 9 weeks) 3. Improvement in attendance 4. Improvement in behavior 5. Students who go out of their way to do a kind deed

How will you implement the reward system? The Jag Bucks store will continue to operate as it did last year. Bus rewards will be given out at lunches.

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Explain the discipline process at your school. Differentiate between minor and major behavior incidents and describe the process for documenting and addressing both types of incidents. Minor behaviors will be address on the student data sheets done by the teacher as needed. Teachers complete the 4 step intervention plan Step 1- verbal warning and call parent Step 2- Buddy room, essay/class work Step 3- Parent/Guardian conference/ Or Phone conference Step 4- Referral to Dean or Behavior Coach

Major behavior incidents will be addressed through discipline referrals to the Dean and Intervention Specialist and delt with on a case by case basis.

What intervention strategies will your school use to prevent behavior that results in discipline referrals and out-of-school suspensions? Teachers will use a student information sheet to track behaviors. They may also use a computer based word document to collect data on student behavior. The staff has access to the word document and it is used to help teachers identify behaviors in multiple areas.

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What are the consequences or disciplinary actions that are used in your school? ISS, Saturday work detail, Parent Conference, Guidance Referral, OSS

For Middle or High Schools: How do the adjudication guidelines complement your disciplinary procedures? It assists with consistency, order, expectations and a practice of fairness.

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Describe any training needs, material needs, and/or environmental arrangements necessary to implement your school-wide behavior management plan. Teachers need to become familiar with the tools offered through our staff development office, such as PD 360.

Describe how your school will train all faculty and staff on your school-wide behavior management plan. How will you orient and teach new faculty and staff who arrive mid-year? The PBS team did a training for all teachers during pre-school this year. They will present information, as needed, in faculty meeting and during collaborative planning times. The Dean, Behavior Coach, and mentor teachers will be responsible to orient and train new faculty members.

What school-wide routines and procedures will be implemented by all faculty and staff to facilitate your school-wide behavior management plan? The PBS team will meet monthly to discuss data and track our progress. We will report out that information monthly during a faculty meeting or during our collaborative planning times.

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How will you achieve and maintain faculty and staff buy-in to your school’s plan? The PBS team developed the plan. The focus group includes classroom teacher representatives from various subject and grade. Teachers will have the ability to ask questions and provide input during the collaborative planning meetings when discipline and behavior are discussed.

Describe how you will monitor the implementation of your school-wide behavior management plan. A decrease in discipline referrals will demonstrate that the behavior plan is being implemented. The number of students attending ISS should increase.

How will your school actively involve parents and community members in the activities and programs that involve teaching and rewarding the school-wide expectations and rules? In order for our Jag buck program to work we will need parent volunteers, and community support in order to give prizes for extradinary behavior. Also, the PBS team will sponsor one parent night throughout the year.

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