Lesson Plan Title: The Fall of Rome/Charlemagne Content Area/s: World History I Grade level: 9 Time Frame: 90 minutes Date: March 23, 2010

SOL:  Sequencing events related to the invasions, settlements, and influence of migratory groups, including Angles, Saxons, Magyars, and Vikings

Lesson Objectives: Materials/Resources (Text & Technology):

 Explaining the relationship between climate, Blank map of Europe geography Textbook  Explain how invasions by the Magyars, Power Point Vikings, Angles, and Saxons influenced the Art supplies development of Europe (castles, feudalism, settlements in Russia, England, etc.)  Look at why the Roman Empire collapsed

Instructional Procedures:

 KWL: I will ask students what they already know about medieval Europe and make a shorthand list on the whiteboard and in my own notes. We will revisit this after the unit test. (10)  Writing activity – The time period after the collapse of Rome is often called “The Dark Ages”. From that phrase, what do you imagine life was like at this time? Students will write their own responses and then share them with the class. I will keep a record of responses and explain that students will be writing an essay on this topic as part of their unit assessment. (5)  Review students will demonstrate their knowledge of the differences between the eastern and western Roman Empire (Latin/Greek, Pope/Patriarch, etc.) and how these factors split left Rome at a disadvantage. (5)  Lecture – geography and climate of Europe, the reasons for the fall of the Western Roman Empire barbarian invasions (Angles, Saxons, Magyars, and Vikings) and the motivations behind their migration, and the development of castles and manors in response to invasions (20)  Map activity (p. 217) – students will be given a map of Europe and be asked to label specific geographical features and the migration routes of the invading tribes of Europe (Magyars, Vikings, Angles and Saxons) (15)  Youtube Video - A short video on Anglo-Saxon life and laws.  60 second doodle – Students will be given 60 seconds to draw a picture of something they learned about during that lesson. After one minute, students will write a caption of what they drew and submit their drawing along with their 3-2-1 activity.  3-2-1 Activity: Students will write down 3 things they learned, 2 facts they found to be interesting, and one question they have related to the material. (5)

Independent Practice: Map activity, 60 second doodles Homework: map

Assessment/s: Differentiation Print notes for students with writing/reading Map activity disabilities 60 second doodles and 3-2-1 activity