Wiltshire SEN Banding Thresholds September 2016

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Wiltshire SEN Banding Thresholds September 2016

Wiltshire SEN Banding Thresholds – September 2016

Cognition and Learning

In Wiltshire Children with SEN may have their needs met in one of three educational settings:  Mainstream schools  Resource bases or Enhanced learning Provision (ELP) which are part of mainstream school  Special school There is one banding system for all children/young people with SEN using 7 banding points. 1. Band zero 2. Lower band one 3. Upper band one 4. Lower band two 5. Upper band two 6. Band three 7. Band four The table below shows how bandings relate to School/Academy settings.

School Banding 0 1 2 3 4 Mainstream School Resource Bases ELP

Special School Independent Special School

Draft 3 Cognition and Learning 28/01/16 1 This document is particularly focused on children whose needs are met in mainstream schools. There are three possible bandings:  Band 0 for children with SEN whose needs can be met within the delegated funding to schools, also known by the Department of Education as element’s 1 & 2. All children placed in a mainstream school attract Element 1 funding. In January 2016 this sum is £4,000. Element 2 is based on a formula of deprivation & numbers of vulnerable children in the previous school year. In January 2016 this sum is £6,000, roughly attributed to 1 in 75 pupils. This is part of the funding that comes to schools and academies at the start of the financial year and is a national approach. This is sometimes also referred to as the first 15hours. This figure is intended to meet the needs of all children/young people on SEN Support (formerly School action & school action plus) & those with a Statement/ My EHCP who do not require additional funding. In addition this covers all those pupils who schools may decide needs a short term intervention, differentiation or support, but do not necessarily meet the threshold for SEN Support. As part of this new banding this will be referred to as the delegated funding. Funding from Pupil Premium or Alternative Provision (Secondary) may also be appropriately used alongside this delegated funding and the banded funding where children and young people meet the eligibility criteria.

 Lower and Upper Band 1 for children/young people with a statement/My EHC Plan who might formerly been identified with up to 12.5 additional hours of support under the named pupils allowance. Actions/adjustments to support children/young people at band 1 may include direct interventions with the child/ young person and wider activity with groups, classes or whole school actions which achieve the objectives set out in a child/young person’s statement/My EHC Plan.

 Lower and Upper Band 2 for children/young people with a statement/My EHC Plan who might formerly been identified with up to 25 additional hours of support under the named pupils allowance. Actions/adjustments to support children/young people at band 2 may include direct interventions with the child/young person and wider activity with groups, classes or whole school actions which achieve the objectives set out in a child/young person’s statement/My EHC Plan.

How to use this document

Column one on each table describes characteristics, abilities and disabilities, needs and concerns that relate to a child/young person’s SEN. The following columns describe the responses, activities and resources which can be put in place to meet the child/young person’s needs.

This document becomes relevant when a school, parent/carers and the young person are thinking about the support, adaptions and teaching approaches a child/young person needs to enable them to progress in their learning. There are five of these documents looking at different aspects of SEN, linked to chapter six of the SEN Code of Practice 2015 which are underpinned by a baseline of policies, practices, teaching and management approaches;  SEN Provision baseline  Communication & interaction banding  Cognition & learning banding  Social, emotional & mental health difficulties banding

Draft 3 Cognition and Learning 28/01/16 2  Sensory needs banding  Physical and medical needs banding These banding documents should be used when you have taken forward or are in the process of assessing and observing a child/young person’s needs. This may involve the Graduated Response (GRSS), other specialist assessments which are part of creating a plan at school level for a child or are part of a CAF, SEN Support Plan or My EHC Plan.

When considering whether a child needs additional funding this document can guide you; enabling you to appreciate what activities/adjustments can be taken forward before looking at additional funding and helping a school and the SEN panel agree the kind of activities and funding which may be appropriate to meet a child/young person’s needs.

SEND Lead workers, SENCOs and The SEN Panel can use these banding descriptors to guide agreements on funding. When taking a child/young person’s needs forward to panel these documents can be annotated to show the needs that you think a child/young person’s has, the kind of activities/adjustments that are already in place and what might be the appropriate next action. These can be linked to objectives set on the EHCP or SEN Support documents.

The Role of banding The aim of banding is take away discussion of Hours. When a child/Young Person’s EHCP is agreed there will not be a commitment to hours but a commitment to a banding and an appropriate school setting. By having banding descriptors all partners engaged with a child/young person can agree on their Special Educational Needs. This approach should be more transparent as all partners can agree on the needs and appropriate responses. It is also intended to give School/Academy Settings more freedom to meet the child/young person’s need in a range of ways, rather than only providing hours of TA support. Thus the funding may enable a range of interventions, training, specialist support, group activities and/or some one to one support. The effectiveness of the EHCP or SEN Support plan would therefore not be judged by the provision of a number of hours, but by the achievement of objectives.

The use of these bandings as a tool or resource ensures that the potential of band 0 is thoroughly explored before looking at bands 1 and 2. It also enables the SEN panel to develop equitable, consistent and transparent decision making.

These descriptors are drawn from a number of sources, including the former banding systems Wiltshire had for Resource bases, ELP and Special Schools, from descriptors used in York Council and from significant consultation and written text from SENCo’s, SEND Lead workers, Specialist Advisory teachers and Education Officers from Wiltshire’s Schools/Academies. The approach has also been discussed with parent/carers through consultation on the Wiltshire SEN strategy supporting Schools 2015/18.

Lower and Upper bands Lower band one or two will be given when a child/young person meets some, but not all of the descriptors within a banding. Upper bands will be given where most or all of the criterion are met or where a child/young person presents with needs from more than one banding area, e.g. Communication and interaction and Social emotional and mental health. When looking at higher bands all the elements in the lower band should already have been considered. Draft 3 Cognition and Learning 28/01/16 3 All pupils with a My EHC Plan who are educated in a mainstream school (not in a resource base/ELP) will be identified with band 1 or 2 except in very rare circumstances (about 1%) where additional funding linked to objectives may be agreed.

Draft 3 Cognition and Learning 28/01/16 4 Funding Descripto Assessment & Wellbeing, Health & Transition Teaching & Curriculum/interventions Resources & training rs planning learning strategies Band 0 CYP has  Use of the GRSS  The CYP is consulted about the  The class teacher  Access to small group  Strategic Support & Element 1 & 2 is making  Observations by class help/support they would like is accountable for support planned & advice from SENCO. insufficient staff & SENCO are  A one page profile is completed the CYP progress tailored to meet identified  Additional adults progress & SEN Support used with GRSS  Information about need; including good role regularly used to is going  Parents, carers & other family documentation the CYP’s models. E.g. problem support flexible through members are actively difficulties and solving skills, spelling groupings. assessme  Clear interventions, encouraged to contribute strengths are groups, social speaking nt approaches &  The CYP is enabled to express  Access to targeted shared with and reading clubs teaching strategies their views & feelings using small group or relevant staff, in  Learning tasks The CYP are identified & methods other than words intervention work with partnership with differentiated by task & can monitoring schedules class  Plans are made with a view to parents. outcome to meet progress set. TA/mentor/teacher the next point of transition individual needs. in  The My Support Plan  Advice & methods  All staff have  Friendship groups, out of school mainstrea paper work is used to for successful  Preparation for changes completed a activities, progression towards m with guide & document the strategies & to activities, routines & minimum on-line independent travel & wider timely and process targets e.g. use of staffing. training around SEN interests are actively included in visual supports, appropriat  Pupil involved in  Peer mentoring support. (see Disability planning & interventions developing e setting & monitoring  Checking pupils Matters website). interventio  Professionals from previous & organisational their own targets. understanding of task &  All staff able to direct future settings are involved in skills, TA support, ns. (This recording of work. parents to support & may  Parents are actively planning rewards is widely involved & are  Supporting specific areas help through WPCC. involve  There is an assessment of health shared. engaged in supporting of difficulty e.g. MFL,  Time for meetings some including hearing, vision & diet.  The child targets at home. with parents on a small G.P views are included as develops and  Personal reward charts regular basis. group  Advice is taken on appropriate. takes ownership and approaches work) successful strategies  Targeted and  There are positive messages of strategies to  Opportunities to excel e.g. seating inclusive lunch time & shared with children & staff about support learning and acuities which In the arrangements, after school clubs & how to support the child. which they can support the CYPs sense GRSS coloured pens, IT and of achievement opportunities.  Information is given to families own & take into document preferred learning different settings  Relevant IT and about support & advice available, ation your style. in the school. E.g. support resources particularly through WPCC assessme  School trips & events IT, praise records including assessment nt used are planned well in Whole school or knowledge the  advance & take into  School may consult “occasiona class strategies consideration the the SSENs teams & l” & some are modelled and needs of the CYP. Behaviour team for “frequent” utilised when  There is a review of advice. descriptor appropriate, e.g. whether a full My s. learning about  Whole school CPD EHCP is required symbols, work e.g. Wi5 has included The CYP  Routine school and organisation, use of the Inclusion experienc class formative and approaches to Development summative tackling spelling. programmes for Draft 3 Cognition and Learning 28/01/16 5 es low assessments are used  Adapting work Dyslexia and/or level/low to tailor lesson schedules to SLCN. frequency objectives and allow for difficulties teaching differentiated with:  Data Analysis; Pupil approaches  one Progress meetings:  Using a variety of aspect Lesson observations annotated of and work scrutiny recording learnin identify difficulties and strategies e.g. IT, g e.g. inform provision video, particularly written planning. when working comm  Differentiated lesson towards assessed unicati plans are monitored work on, as part of the school  Ensure that you verbal improvement process give the CYP a comm “way through” unicati when instructions on, or tasks may be numb difficult for them, ers particularly in  appre social situations ciating instruc tion  tacklin g new conce pts  dyslex ia or dyscal culia, dysgra phia

 The CYP may be falling behind the avera

Draft 3 Cognition and Learning 28/01/16 6 ge range for attain ment and progre ss for age relate d expect ations

Funding Descripto Assessment & Wellbeing, Health & Transition Teaching & Curriculum/interventions Resources & training rs planning learning strategies Band 1 CYP has Bands 0 plus: Bands 0 plus: Bands 0 plus: Bands 0 plus: Bands 0 plus: Element 1 & 2 identified  My EHCP is in place &  Consideration of EHCAF if  The class/subject  Regular/daily small  Time for formal learning has a review timetable appropriate teacher is group teaching of meetings with disabilities EHCP  Use of the GRSS to  Team around a child approaches accountable for cognitive skills. parents on a regular and has support on-going are used to engage parents & the progress of  Peer awareness training basis. an EHCP the CYP within changes & needs family  Targeted TA support  Allocate appropriate the mainstream space for visiting With  Environmental audit  Careful reviewing of needs  A detailed, time limited, class professionals to work appropriat including risks, threats before transition at key stages personalised,  Manage access with individual pupils, e and facilitation.  There is a commitment to intervention timetable arrangements for taking into account interventio  Risk assessments of developing independence with &/or resource. This may internal & external safeguarding issues. ns the tricky situations to agreed planned steps (Inc. include withdrawal from examinations & CYP can inform adaptations travel, self-led assignments, some activities  Access to SWAP assessments and progress incl. educational visits. friendship groups) parent groups. other tasks that  Short term small group in classes  Adult intervention  Specialist  Where interventions & strategies inform setting. &/or individual but may targeted at specific assessments e.g. are resulting in progress  Awareness of interventions, to develop need Specialist Teacher Ed consideration of future funding specific areas of curriculum areas or social & regular Psych., SALT, OT, requirements curriculum access as specific social times. emotional aspects differentiat CAMHS. identified by the subject  Consult with the  Additional support to transition, of disability and ed teacher, educational specialist teacher for  TAs are routinely e.g. assessment, visits, try out SEN activities specialist teacher or when recruiting staff classes included in planning classes, friendship groups  Established and review & are other professional. to work with a named and  Where required support & is communication provided with lesson  Teaching style adapted pupil. activities. given to the family e.g. SWAPP strategies to plans & learning to suit pupil’s learning  Access to low courses, Triple P & facilitate objectives in advance style e.g. stimulus area for In the  Where required information is communication & of the lesson to level/pace/amount of focused tasks e.g. GRSS given to the family about to assess ensure their input is teacher talk reduced, individual document supporting organisation in learning. effective access to practical workstation. Draft 3 Cognition and Learning 28/01/16 7 ation your  There is a clear Wiltshire (WPCC), short breaks &  Modified & activities.  Flexible approaches assessme assessment & advocacy. adapted PE  Access to structured to the timetable, nt used commitment to the  The family & CYP are made lessons as teaching as required. break times & the social care & health aware of personal budgets & required.  Individualised support to lunchtimes. “occasiona needs of the CYP encouraged to use where  Use of key- implement  Advice from the l” & but  Close scrutiny of appropriate. working recommendations from Specialist Teacher on often the tracking  As part of the annual review approaches to support services sensory resources, “frequent” there is consideration of whether ensure the pupil activities, use of ICT. descriptor  Use of social stories. the CYP could now be supported has a trusted s.  Individual support for pre  Loan of sensory at band 0 adult to offer & post teaching. materials on trial  For CYP approaching 16yrs there support during basis. The CYP  Access to a key worker is an appreciation of what adult vulnerable times.  has or mentor for meeting &  Access to a quiet services may have to offer.  Personalised moderat greeting, checking in area for ‘chill-out’ at reward systems e throughout the day to times of stress known to all staff learning provide reassurance &  Close supervision in school who difficultie support throughout the during breaks & have contact with s day lunch. the pupil,  is implemented  Time for meetings working consistently with the Specialist outside across the Teacher for Autism. of the curriculum. Inc. advice on use of program  Identified daily ICT, Equipment & me of software loans support or study for activities to  Increased training for their key undertake the all staff, including a stage in following minimum of the level all core  prepare & 2 City & Guilds subjects course for the class make (English, teacher. maths, relevant science) visual  Can supports & structure commun icates  write Social using Stories, spoken where languag needed e, adapt sometim materials for es using lesson e.g. a range chunking of signs, work into gesture manageable Draft 3 Cognition and Learning 28/01/16 8 as well amounts for as the individual words pupil  Looks  facilitate for alternative social recording interacti strategies on with including peers as access to well as ICT adults. equipment Can  Provide access to maintain visual simple approaches- e.g. relations TEACCH, hips with Numicon, See & guidanc Learn e  Support  May emotional have development e.g. ESMH supporting pupil difficultie to recognise & s communicate associat their feelings ed with about the school the day primary  Time-limited need intervention that programmes with would staff who have be knowledge & expecte skills to address d to specific needs, abate as may include the withdrawal for learning social interaction needs & communication are met. groups.  May  Access to an require annotated essential differentiated and curriculum. ongoing support Draft 3 Cognition and Learning 28/01/16 9 and monitori ng for healthca re procedur es identifie d in a HC plan, e.g. respirato ry care, occasion al seizures  Is able to benefit from an inclusive approac h to the mainstre am curriculu m with support  There are clear difficultie s with concept develop ment and logical thought.  Below the average range for attainme Draft 3 Cognition and Learning 28/01/16 10 nt for age related expectat ions  Has difficultie s with the pace of delivery and needs help to apprecia te instructi ons and how to prioritise /organis e work

There may be Co- occurring difficulties representi ng a secondary need?

Funding Descripto Assessment & Wellbeing, Health & Transition Teaching & Curriculum/interventions Resources & training rs planning learning strategies Band 2 CYP can Band 0 & 1 Band 0 & 1 Band 0 & 1 Band 0 & 1 Band 0 & 1 Element 1 & 2 progress  Regular multi-agency  Independent travel training is  The class/subject  Individualised support to  SENCOs provide within a assessment &/or provided to develop teacher is implement support to teacher & EHCP smaller review of strategies & independence skills for the accountable for recommendations from TAs & take group with progress. future. the progress of support services e.g. responsibility for good  Review the EHCP  There is full support for CYP the CYP SALT, OT etc. arranging appropriate interventio annually when all turning 16 to manage their own  Identified  Structured individual specialist CPD & ns, but agencies are involved EHCP individual support programmes. quality assuring the needs learning experience in reflection & joint  Families & CYP are made aware across the  Programmes to develop additional of the CYP Draft 3 Cognition and Learning 28/01/16 11 help in planning in of all the options available to curriculum in an literacy and numeracy,  All Staff in contact larger partnership with pupils them at transition.(including inclusive as identified by the with the child have classes or & their parents/carers. personal budgets) mainstream assessment & planning. training in the activities.  Introduction of a  A SEND worker is involved at setting to provide  Advice & assessment of awareness of Positive Handling Plan points of transition where a personalised the use of specialist or sensory needs, In the learning  Individual risk possible. adapted ICT to access specialist resources, GRSS experience, assessments for  A regular review is made of the curriculum. equipment, specific document taking into practical subjects. elements of the CYPs need for  Teaching focusing on disability & their ation your account the health of social care support in both learning curriculum impact on learning & assessme advice within the addition to what is available & throughout the school social & emotional nt used statement/EHCP, through schools funding day. Targets informed by well-being mostly annual review & statutory  Time to coordinate “frequent”  The role of CAMHS & other advice from assessment/EHC plan or multi-agency & and mental health support groups has agencies. Annual Review. involvement & TAC, some been considered in meeting the  Facilitate child’s social & emotional well-  Regular/daily small fulfilling the key “specialist” production of being group teaching of skills. worker role. descriptor differentiated  Time to work with the s  As part of the annual review materials in  A range of interactive Specialist Teacher for there is consideration of whether accordance with programmes & joint planning with the The CYP; the CYP could now be supported the advice from approaches are in use pupil, family & other  has at band 1 the specialist for the individual children professionals. . moderat  There is clear evidence that teacher.. & groups/classes to Staff to work with e adaptions have been made  The evaluation support My EHCP goals  small group &/or learning commensurate with the CYPs and use of individual intervention difficultie SEN to enable the child’s voice to specialist or to develop specific s be heard. adapted areas of the  commun  For CYP over 15yrs there is a equipment / curriculum following a icates clear understanding of the software where programme designed using transition’ to adulthood and adult appropriate to or recommended by limited services access the an external agency. range of curriculum & for E.g. Dyslexia-SpLD signs communication. Trust and gestures  Liaison with pupils, and parents & other some professionals when key determining words outcomes for  has little individual children. or no understa nding of social reciproc Draft 3 Cognition and Learning 28/01/16 12 ation. A recogniti on of the need for social interacti on may be yet to develop.  continui ng emotion al, social and behavio ural difficultie s associat ed with the primary need that would be expecte d to lessen over time as the learning needs are met.  requires a high level of support to scaffold thinking.  may require Draft 3 Cognition and Learning 28/01/16 13 essential and ongoing support and monitori ng for healthca re procedur es identifie d in a Health Care Plan, e.g. respirato ry care, frequent seizures .  able to benefit from time limited inclusion in mainstre am with support  requires small group with individua l support  The CYP is operatin g at a level significa Draft 3 Cognition and Learning 28/01/16 14 ntly below expecte d outcome s and there is evidenc e of an increasi ng gap between them and their peers  Progres s is at a very slow rate Addition al support is required to ensure progress and/or access the curriculu m  Moderat e difficultie s with concept develop ment and logical thought which Draft 3 Cognition and Learning 28/01/16 15 limits access to the curriculu m.  Notably below the average range for attainme nt for age related expectat ions

There may be coexistenc e of secondary needs.

Draft 3 Cognition and Learning 28/01/16 16

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