Transcript from 31St Knowledge Seekers Workshop Held October 9, 2014

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Transcript from 31St Knowledge Seekers Workshop Held October 9, 2014

Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) Transcript courtesy of Keshe Foundation New Zealand (KfNZ)

Video link:


Everyone Signs the World Peace Treaty

A big Thank You to Jorge

New Knowledge Seekers

The Creation of Motion in the Universe

In the Name of the Glory of God

Plasma represented by Magnets

Rattle magnets closer to plasma

Creation of Light, Motion, and Heat

How Light is Created on Stars

An Air Pollution Cleaning System

No Matter ever crosses the Wall

Creation of Light is Interaction of Fields

The Keshe foundation Center Teaching Room

Lucien’s Question Time

Your Energy is not Free Energy

John’s Experimental Array

Creation of Materials – Water will Rain Gold

The Gold Mines Hanging Over Us

Look at the Magnetosphere

Target – a Bright Light in the Sky

Lucien’s Intervention – just one second

1 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) The Colours of the Aura

Dan finds Some Fish Pumps

John’s Presentation

Each One of Us carries a Corner of the Carpet


Rick: OK. OK. Welcome everyone to the 31st Keshe Knowledge Seekers Workshop, my name is Rick Crammond and I’ll be your host today as we talk with people from the Spaceship institute and particularly Mr. Keshe and others that are also there, and I understand we’ll be having a discussion with John today.

We’ll be having a discussion with John today, and also Mr. Keshe at the Spaceship institute. So, let’s just go over to Mr. Keshe and allow him to introduce what he would like to today and Segway into John’s presentation. Mr. Keshe, are you there?

MK: OK, again. It works on my end and it looks like somebody’s got a problem. Hm, good morning, good day to all of you wherever you are. We are at more or less a huge change in the foundation. Good morning, good morning. How are you? Good morning John.

We are at a turning point of the change of the position; it says the sun is not back; it’s not black, OK.

2 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

OK, so we have a lot of things to discuss and do. I’ve just seen somebody claiming that they’ve made the kit. The kit was made 5 years ago and we were shown Gans ten years ago so it’s not made by anybody that we’re promoting; somebody else’s SSI. This shows a lot of things that are going around. People come to the foundation to benefit by themselves personally, what they stand for.

Marko has just shown me an email or a post in one of the chats. The design and the production of aahh… what do you call it, Gans, was released in 2009. We used the same thing and they were shown to do the same thing so nobody designed it. This is, they’ve seen everything and now it’s become design of somebody and John, so please stick to what you are and where you are and what you do for the foundation.

There are a lot of developments. Let me explain to you. Some of you who’s active on the website, and, as you know, we have a lot of traffic, this morning, while the webmasters were posting and putting up the links for the CO2 kit, which will be designed when we release the final one because I had a meeting with the Italians yesterday.

It’s amazing. I think the rest of the world will follow. These... A lot of people immediately start putting orders through; really we see a huge number of orders within a matter of couple of hours while they were testing the line. So, for that reason I have put a note immediately about 2 or 3 o’clock in the morning that, what you call it, anybody who made an order for a ten-year-old kit will be refunded.

The kit is 25 euro, people went through the website in different channels so we started seeing a huge number of purchases, so we took the icon off now, it`ll go back on later on this morning, maybe before the end of the session. So, the plates and the boxes we can order hopefully before lunchtime today, central European time. The kits will be delivered automatically once we’ve seen the new design from the Italians, because it will be very, very easy, they’ve done a fantastic job.

So, we leave the design to hopefully Mr. Chu in China, can get it done in China for the Chinese to clear up the area, especially because once you’ve cleaned up the CO2, especially around Beijing and Shanghai, you will see the change in the air quality. And I know the Chinese Keshe foundation will have a huge success with this and it will be copied. But, there are two things for the Keshe foundations around the world or people who go to make a copy of these units for themselves and their families. You have learned and you will see the videos, we have made a

3 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) 20 minute video and a 2 and a half minutes video for CO2 to explain everything in detail. It goes on to release today by lunchtime.

Everyone signs the World Peace Treaty

The paper Rick showed last week, that paper goes on the side. You’ve got to understand the way it works and their work with Keshe foundation. We do not put restriction, we do not put patents in, we teach you and we guide you to do it and we learn from you. Our condition with every unit you put out, even if you make a unit for your mother or your brother is, as is the ethos of the Keshe foundation, everyone who receives a unit signs the world peace treaty.

Then, even the products from the system will not be used for anything but peaceful usage and the application in the society. So, if, for example, Bulgarian Keshe foundation or, as we have just got to know, the Nigerian Keshe foundation or the Keshe foundation in China or Australia, wherever, you produce these units, you replicate these units, make sure you attach to it the world peace treaty, the one you signed yourself that you will not take any part in war, thinking and acting. I think it will be nice, Rick, if you can find it and post it up that people can see it on the live stream.

This is the only condition we have put on the release of this technology. You sign yourself to peaceful application and thinking and living. And then, if you understand the reason, you see the doctors and the lawyers are the only two groups of educated people, who are educated, that they have to sign into becoming and accepting the ethos of the work. We go the same because that’s why a lot of doctors don’t change their habits and they stick to what they’re told or what they’ve been taught in the school. And in medical school and law school because they sign themselves into the law society they sign themselves into the society of the doctors, and to do

4 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) that they have to obey by the rules. When a man puts a signature to a paper, he remembers, so, we do the same thing.

If you produce any, from today on, any unit, be it the energy, be it the, what do you call it, the CO2 capture, be it the other units we are developing, you sign yourself every time into the world peace treaty act of the Keshe foundation. We have done this with the medical side; the medical side structure is complete, hopefully. I haven’t had the time to send things back to, what you call it, to the people; hopefully it will be done this week.

Even from now on, we accept anyone on our medical section, be it even for muscle tension, you have to sign that we don’t give you health back for you to run and start making in your factories a lot of weapons or whatever. So, you sign yourself into the peaceful peace treaty Act of the Keshe foundation. Then, slowly we bring our ethos in because if you lie to yourself you know the terms of the conditions how you will pay back. So, everything from now on we do, we release, we will act to it, even the books and the papers, all, I’ve asked our webmasters to add this to every paper you download. You receive knowledge freely from us is the condition. If you don’t sign it into it, don’t read it because that’s considered by us as breaking the oath.

Thus, we come to our work in so many different ways. Today, there are a few number of things and questions we try to clarify in the process, as I said yesterday to the knowledge seekers, today it’ll be the clearing points, what do you call it, session. A lot of things we didn’t understand and a lot of things we’re trying to understand. One of the things is, in my last talk, last week, on the 30th Knowledge seekers; I explained the situation about the knowledge seekers who are here, and immediately, within a couple of days, we received responses from the ex-knowledge seekers, some of them in a way they thought it is appropriate to justify whatever.

A big Thank You to Jorge

First of all, I want to thank Jorge. Couple of hours, couple of days after receiving the… after mentioning what happened here and he understood why he left, he sent to the foundation the full translation of the first book in Spanish and leaving it to the foundation to do what it likes with it, and in turn, I thanked him for it and I made it clear that the translators or anybody who does book translation receives the standard mandatory 0.30 cents euro per book sold.

So, now, this is how we work. We just don’t take and run. It’s to him to respond back, so, for what he’s done while he was here and translated the book, even though he’s donated or given

5 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) the book freely to the foundation, he has to clarify where he stands if he sells 100,000 books whether he would like to share the profit, that’s 30 cents per book. This is what all the translators of the books receive from the foundation. So, I would like to thank Jorge for what he’s done, because it is a very complete job.

On the other hand, I received indication and emails on our senior circulating ground from Marek, also some innuendoes. We do not respond. The only response we say in what we said we did not release or permit the Keshe foundation Czech Republic to be established because the dossier we received, Dirk Loressens and me twice went through it, we corrected everything and sent the same thing back, was that they were asking, in a very strange way, that all the intellectual, and intellectual right of the Keshe foundation Holland, which belongs to the world population, to be given to the Czech Republic. They have rights over all our intellectual rights, and this is illegal.

I cannot give something that I have given to the world population back for you. If you wanted to do anything, go to get the permission from Czech Republic to do it, so Marek becomes the boss of the Keshe foundation. So, for this reason we did not permit and allow the establishment of the Keshe foundation in the Czech Republic.

This is the pattern of the work which I explained, this is taking and thinking it’s your right to take, and playing the preist being holy, and then we’ve seen the same thing as you see in the system. We were told continuously here that we have to give everything to them, except what is of confidential and private and secret tests by governments. The same pattern. So, please, close your ears because here we see it no more in the foundation, we do not go into personal innuendoes and battles but this is what you have seen, another noise as you have seen here, and we end with this case.

The other position is, there is a question what happens to the Keshe foundation center at the university institute we are opening. We are still waiting for a written confirmation from Italian authorities that we can change the use of the premises. We were promised we will receive it in August or September. Now we are in October, we haven’t received it. Till we don’t receive the document in writing, not just by words, we cannot go ahead with the development and purchase of the property because, then, if we do so, and they move when they cannot change the aplication of, what do you call it, the usage, the foundation becomes the owner of a 4-star hotel, and we are not in the hotel business. So we have to wait.

6 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) The minute the Italian authorities release, we have met all the authorities, we’ve been told this last Saturday they came here they said they saw how we do our work, they sent their representative of the community, of seven communities around the lake to see what we do because this will attract all the communities with the students living around. So, we have not received this permission yet, so till we don’t receive it, we cannot make a move. So, that stays and stands on the hold.

New Knowledge Seekers

There is a development, as we now, more or less, don’t have Yvan with us as such because he comes once every two months or once a month for a week or whatever. The foundation is going in different, what do you call it, in totality move, that is, we have made an offer, we have accepted doctor Eliya as a full time Knowledge Seeker at the center. She will join us in next few weeks. She has to arrange her things.

At the same time, through introduction and people we know, we have spoken before to a gentleman called Stanley from Slovenia. He’s a computer specialist, that was his job, and we had a meeting for around 4 or 5 hours or more last Saturday with Marko, with him and his partner, and the partner is highly educated in thermo-reactors. I have told, and I think it’s been conveyed to them by Marko, that we have accepted the two of them to join the foundation as knowledge seekers. And then it becomes the job of the present knowledge seekers to bring them up to date.

Now we are bringing a specialist to make and develop in the control system in the medical side and the rest. And, as you’ve seen, doctor Eliya has put a note on the form of the foundation, asking for other doctors who want to work, and she’s collecting, what do you call it, the world medical scientific group, including the people who have been in touch with us before to start the medical teaching.

The Creation of Motion in the Universe

So, these are so, this is position now because a lot of things are happening. Today, by lunchtime, hopefully, the Keshe foundation will release the first public open paper. I’ve put a note on the forum about something in the third pillar, which has never been understood in the world of physics. We have written the paper and the part of this paper is from the Book no. 4,

7 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) which now I adapted to be released today and it’s done exactly the same as I told you a few weeks ago. I have written the paper.

Read the paper, the paper should be up in a very short time. It’s called “The Creation of Motion in Universe”, which is never understood, why stars and planets and the rest move and how electron happens to be in rotation and moving and everything else. This I explained to the knowledge seekers in the past 48 hours or 24 hours, and now I will release the paper with it immediately.

Look at the structure of the paper. If you think you can translate the information into a picture or a different way of understanding, draw your picture, send it back to the Keshe webmaster of the Keshe foundation and then we look at it, and if it fits to go, it will go into the paper, we’ll add to it. Even as I said it takes to understand a different way and somebody else understands the different way, we add to the pictures we have no hesitation. So I think it’s about four or five pages. If you want and you want to translate or add your understanding to it, we can add to the paper with your name added to it, credited to you.

So, we are going as a collective knowledge seekers developing, so that everybody can understand. This paper is on the site and if you want to read it and then tell us that you want to change or that you want to add, or I’ve done a spelling mistake, which is normal with me, I don’t know if boxes are bosses or bosses are boxes or buses because I write so fast, I just press the, what do you call it, correction dictionary and I pick up the wrong one, and then it happens to be there.

So now we’re going to what we said. You become a part of the editors, auditors of the papers which the foundation is releasing, and put your knowledge to it, what you understand from it, and in this session this morning I will explain this because this is fundamental, this is one of the corner stones of physics which was never understood, how motion is created in, what do you call it, the universe.

This, I had to bring forward, because, as you know, more or less, not physically, but mentally, in the Keshe foundation center we have closed the lab. Now we go back to understanding what we don’t understand. That’s why we are not going any further. So, Armen is, more or less, the only one who plays with the reactors at the moment with the help of the others what needs to be fixed, or whatever.

8 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) So, it’s a lot of talking going on, a lot of, what do you call it, searching, soul searching, even understanding why we don’t understand; and we’ve tried to bring this into our teaching. I tried to do part of this with the kids’ teaching which we did last Saturday, the first one. The next one is this Saturday and with the agreement of Rick and Keyvan, we have moved it to Wednesdays at 7 o’clock because a lot of children Saturday is the only time they have with their families, or whatever. And so, it will be brought from next week to the Wednesday session at 7pm for up to one hour because I think thirty minutes, forty minutes, is not enough, and we couldn’t manage it last time.

In the Name of the Glory of God

There is some talk, I received an email, can you explain why you have stopped writing, and there aren’t enough of writings, the INOTGOG, which was named “In the Name Of The Glory of God”. This was stopped from the time when I wrote and I released, initially, the paper called “In My Name”, so I do not need to go under the title “In the Name Of the Glory of God”. So, that’s why it has been deleted and it will not be in the future papers or books. So now you understand the people who wanted to understand what this INOTGOG, which is named “Of the Glory of God”, which goes directly to one person, one soul, this has been withdrawn because of the release of the paper, as it’s In My Name.

The other thing, which I have to explain is, there is a problem, I received some emails that we’ve gone too fast through the medical side with the bones and the muscles. For such a complicated structure we should have spent more time on it. Tomorrow, the time has been allocated by doctor Eliya regarding the heart, because we were discussing it last time and how it works but we’ll try to cover in more detail, the connection between the heart and the bone and the bone independently, because there is much more to pass the knowledge on and we’ll see where we’re going to get.

Plasma represented by Magnets

This brings us to what we tried to explain with open camera here, we tried to explain this as easy as possible, and in a fundamental way that we all understand, because there is a huge misunderstanding or non-understanding about the plasma. What I tried to explain in a simple way is that in the matter state you see and all the time we speak, if you look at this, these are magnets, which we can see, and if you look at these magnets, this is how you are used to see magnets.

9 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) If you notice, as I put the magnets down, they suddenly find their own position; they don’t sit in the place I leave them even though I try to keep them in line. So, in the world of your understanding of magnetic field, you always look and understand, as I taught in the children classes, magnet or magnetic field, as a magnet which is like this, you see, it just jumps, so in reality, you, the comprehension of our teaching is that we see a magnet as this. (Indicates rectangular magnet)

Now that we start teaching plasma, I come to understand, in talking to the knowledge seekers, even they’ve been here for a long time, they think, OK, now because we know plasma is a sphere, so the plasma is like this. In fact, this is what you have on your nano-layers; you have a matter, the space which is dictated, if I move one, it has to find its space, so this is the distance between the two, this is the gap. And, then it goes back the same way. If I push this, there is a certain position they take. And now in the process of teaching nano or Gans materials, everybody has started thinking again in the wrong way about the magnets.

We made the problem bigger than actually solving the problem because you all used to think the magnetic field to be like this, straight or whatever. We start talking about the spherical magnets, the spherical balls of plasma and everybody starts thinking about this in this pattern. But, in fact, this is again a nano-material connected to a matter. So, if you look at the real structure, or the near real structure of the magnets as a plasma, I’ll try to move this so that they don’t jump, then it’s easy to teach, magnets are near enough in this form.

They are not flat, because when they are flat, I can show you what’s the difference and then you’ll understand. If you have flat plasma as you’ve been thinking, if I move the magnet, the magnets in a flat plate will show reaction. I’ll move it further into the camera. If I move the magnet in a flat plate as a nano-layer, you see reaction to it, but you see how far the reaction is. But, if I change the magnet and bring it a bit further in so that you can see it in your videos much

10 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) clearer than this, if I rotate the magnet on the top, you don’t see any reaction from the magnets, because they are flat they are connected to the matter direction.

So, this is not the real understanding of the plasma, because, if I move these magnets away, again, that I have a room without jumping, and place the magnet near enough to a spherical, to be free, as you can see, you see first of all, the distance of the interaction changes because if I move this, the other one moves, so, the space becomes wider, and then, if I introduce the magnet from the top, you see, the other two rotate with it. They interact, so, now we are getting near to three-dimensional plasma, or magnetic field.

Then, you see from here, you see the two magnets interact with each other; if I turn this from here, I don’t know if you can see it, we can’t use bigger magnets because they’re lethal, they jump on you and break your blood, cut your fingers, whatever. So, we try to do it with these, we try to take the light off so you can see it in a different way, but with more shadow. So, now, if I turn, you go away from two-dimensional into real three-dimensional, you see, another field on top from a long distance interacts, and you see what happens, but this is not even a three- dimensional plasma; the nearest thing that we can find to be a three-dimensional reactor, a plasma, is, more or less, what I call, what is known as a rattle magnet.

Rattle magnets closer to plasma

00:26:42 Rattle magnets you can buy in, what do you call it, in children game shops, because when you release them, they behave like a magnet, like a sphere. So, these rattle magnets are

11 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) the nearest you can find to a plasma, where, by moving one in a certain distance, you can see, you can interact the whole field.

So, now you have to start thinking and working in this kind of environment, in this kind of understanding, a three-dimensional field position, where, by rotating one field, you understand, you have control, and then you can add more of these rattle magnets to get an idea of the full interaction of a number of plasmas. So, let’s put these away because then we can cause...

So, this brings home a lot of things if you understand. As I said, we hold thousands of magnets here because of the teaching, because of the experiments can be done only in the real conditions, so I make near enough real sphere of two solid magnets. So, if you look, one interacts with the other three at the same time, if you can see, the three magnets interact. The top magnet in my hand is virtually your top reactor, principle reactor in your star formation, and then you understand how the other three reactors in the base behave. You just need to change the strength or the position, and then you see which one you influence.

This is exactly how on the top is the oxygen in amino acid, and the fields of the carbon and nitrogen play different way. Now, what is interesting, which has been missed by the world of science, is that how the movement of a magnetic field leads to the motion of the matter. If I move, I don’t move the matter, I move the field in one, and the matter in the other three moves. This is what has never been understood. And that’s what we are saying: where does the motion come from in the universe and dictates the motion and how the stars rotate and how electron rotates?

And the paper we release today later on called “The Creation of Motion” explains this. You have all the knowledge to understand it. What puzzles me when I was explaining it to the knowledge seekers has been how-come man has never understood this? The reality that we don’t understand how motion is created is because we never understood originally how and what is the source and essence of gravity. So, what happens here is that when I move one magnet on top, I move both the magnetical and gravitational, at the same time. This is a field, like a plasma, which hits any of the other magnets at the bottom. But, a field on its own can go indefinitely. But, when it comes to a matter, it makes it to move physically, so the matter state follows the field.

How does this happen? The answer is very simple. Matter is made of inertia and inertia is attribute of, or is the gravitational magnetical, what we call magrav, of what we call matter state, because when you become matter you are not dynamic, you are like the magnets which I

12 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) showed you, flat. When a dynamic magnetic field of a plasma interacts with the inertia which is again a magrav of magnetic field of the matter state then you see... the interaction of the plasmatic and the interaction of the magnetic field of the top magnet with the magnetic fields of the bottom magnets, magnetic fields, which themselves as an atom are made of gravitational magnetic field.

Every electron is a plasma, has both, but because they stuck together we don’t call them the gravity. Gravity or magrav is attribute of a dynamic plasma condition, like the center, like the sun, like the center of the Earth. Inertia is an attribute of gravitational magnetic fields, which collectively, once they have no room to move, they behave as a gravity, but totality of what they are holding in atomic structure with each other. So, that’s why a body has inertia. Inertia is no different than a magrav of a dynamic plasma, but for a static condition. So, your dynamic gravitational magnetic field of your magnet interacts with the inertia of the matter in the lower magnet, and then one has to follow the other one. And this is how motions of matters in the universe is created.

Universe has dynamic, is full of dynamic plasmatic magnetic fields which come from the center of, the central, principal, the star in the central line of the universe and this field continues its motion, and where this field interacts with a matter state where the strength of the field has reduced to become matter state. In this universe, in the interaction of the two, it gives some of its energy, magnetic energy to the matter, what you call inertia, and this surplus or in force matter makes the matter to move, because it moves according to the rotation, the rotation of the central magnetic gravitation fields of the universe. The same ratio proposition stands for proton and electron. The same ratio proposition stands for the Sun and Earth. And then, the distance of the inertia from the dynamic, plasmatic, magnetic field dictates in so many ways the positioning, but at the same time the speed of the rotation around the stronger field, not of the inertia matter itself, plasma on its own.

And that’s why we see Earth have a rotation of its own, which we call it daily, day and night, and then, this is created because of the plasmatic gravitational magnetic field which is created in the center of the Earth itself, interacting with the matter components of the planet. This creates the daily rotation. And then, Earth as a totality has its own inertia which... its interaction with the plasmatic gravitational magnetic field of the Sun dictates the rotation of the Earth around the solar system and has been called the annual cycle. And this applies the same with every entity; our solar system is within a galaxy, and rotates at the highest speed, in the wings of the galaxy.

When you have such a condition, it clears one point: the gravitational magnetic field of an entity like Earth is limited according to the number and quantity of the mass of the structure, and in time, even though we receive more material on the top layer, the field strength inside changes

13 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) because of the cycles of the material which are in. Through this process, as the gravitational magnetic field of the Sun by order of magnitude is much stronger than the Earth, in time, we get pulled in the rotating into the center of the Sun. So, this is how, because Earth and Sun and atom, everything, every plasma, has a gravitational field and a magnetic field, where the gravitational field is always stronger, because it masses more mass nearby.

So, the pull of electron to the proton, the pull of the Earth towards the Sun, the pull of the stars to the galaxies, and the galaxies to the center of the Universe, is all due to the gravitational magnetic field of the center point, and as, if you’ve read the book number 2… 1, 2 or 3 and you understand it, the difference between the gravitational magnetic field, which is always the stronger, and the magnetical field which is weaker, because it spreads out, it goes further out and doesn’t come back in, becomes the mass of the entity.

So, in a space technology, when you want to calculate what the gravitational magnetic field of the destination is, you just need to understand the mass, the difference between the two fields. So, this makes it easy for space travel in the future, but you have to understand the principle behind it, how it works, what it is, and for the first time in the world of science maybe man now understands how units move. There are no motors, there are no rocket engines, and there is nothing in the universe that makes things work. But, due to the magnetical pull, being stronger, gravitational pull being much stronger as it pulls you in line because it’s locked to you, this creates the variation in the field strength, and then this is what the consequence is, you will literally put a mixer in the field, so everything becomes dynamic.

Read the last two paragraphs of the paper that is released today. Then you will understand the interaction between the creation and the creator, and how everyone is reached through their soul by the creator. But you have to understand the scale of the size. This is why we discussed this yesterday, because what has happened, I have literally banished the knowledge seekers away from the, what do you call it, from the lab in making things, because every time we discuss something they just jump in the lab to see what it is. And now, they have to understand what it is and how it is, so they are going through the process and I try to explain more and more in theoretical way what has been happening which they were not aware of.

As you know, if you remember and go back to the workshops before, a few months ago, we switched off the motors of the reactors, and I said to, and I explained to the knowledge seekers and you lot, that now we made the plasma, we don’t need anything and the whole thing runs on its own. And everybody thought ‘what an idiot!’ and that it cannot be done. But now, you understand this position, what I just explained, you understand exactly how we keep motion in our reactors. With mechanically enforcing and creating extreme ultraviolet, we created the plasma; we put a nano magnetic field center, what we call the nano-coated material, into the

14 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) center of every core, which will lock the plasma, which is plasmatic, created by the ionization of the hydrogen which we put in the reactor, in the center; now, we have a center, which has got a dynamic gravitational magnetic field, which is stuck, but a plasma is always in rotation.

So, we needed to keep it in the dynamic that we could control the rotation, and at the same time we could control the field, which this material, this reactor leaves out. What we did, we added helium and nitrogen and argon sometimes into the system. The reason for releasing nitrogen and helium into the cores was partially to produce the ionization we needed to create the plasma for energies we lost through the field spreading in the lab, but, secondly, in fact, through the same principle as the plasma radiates fields out, helium and nitrogen are matter, and they have inertia.

So, as the fields of our system interact with the gasses atomic structure, that is exactly what happens to the Sun and to the Earth, creates motion of rotation around the plasma in the core. So, now, we have a dynamic motor, this is what has been unknown in the world of science, and this rotation of the helium and nitrogen in the core, due to the interaction of the plasmatic magnetic gravitational field of the plasma in the center and the inertia leads to a fanning system, invisible, so now we didn’t need any more motors to rotate and that’s why we switched off the motors and we said we see the plasma, we see the interactional plasma, we put a little hydrogen and we see how the sound disappears in the lab.

So, now you understand the totality in part, what you’ve been doing and what we’ve been explaining. But, in the star formation, which the system sets, and the star formation, especially which we had, we had eight different kinds of reactors, made of different materials, having different properties. We tried to create in them the same plasma condition, but the matters of the reactors dictate partially what happens to the friction between the outer layer of the nitrogen and the whole plasma. That’s why we had to adjust different reactors different way. And then, this has a beauty, a principle of use, which we could have, which we have used, is now each reactor in the star formation system has a different gravitational magnetic field in respect to the others in the other cores.

So, we have created a gradient of, it was very hard, Marko was trying to come up with it but he couldn’t understand what it does, that gradient between the fields creates a second field motion outside. The field motion inside of the plasma is due to the interaction of the plasmatic magnetic field with the inertia of the atomic hydrogen and the nitrogen or helium, but the second field interaction is between the reactors themselves. So, not only we created a dynamic reactor condition plasma in each core, now we created a dynamic position reactor environment outside the core because these fields are connected to each other, and they link up and there is always… because in the structure one is weaker than the other one, and so in trying to catch

15 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) up, it creates a flow of the, what we call the gradients, in the magrav of the system. So, this clarifies a lot of things which we’ve done and it brings a lot of things in order.

Creation of Light, Motion, and Heat

So, as I said, we try to clarify a lot of things which we’ve been doing and making without thinking, actually I thought a lot of people understood everything but seeing the knowledge seekers sitting with me for 8 months haven’t understood it, so it brought changes to change till we understand why and how we are doing things.

For this reason, we tried to spend more time in theoretical understanding that we can convert it into practical physicality. As I have asked and I’ve told knowledge seekers, it’s about 2 weeks now, they are sitting and trying to think how to create light with a piece of about 2 centimeter of Gans material. In fact, I keep on telling you that it should take you 5 minutes to do it, and they still haven’t found out how that 5 minutes is. Any day any Gans or nano Gans, both of them, because nano-material is still Gans but stuck together. So, yeah, it’s still the same amount of Gans.

If you understand what I explained about the motion, if you understood the condition of interaction of the creation of light, then you’ve found two pillars of the working of the universe. The third pillar comes, which is the heat. The heat comes from the speed of the reaction and faster grade in between the two and how you interact them.

So, in understanding, you know how the light is made. This is in the first book, in the second book, in the third book. And we have discussed it all the time. When a plasmatic magnetic field interacts with other plasmatic magnetic fields, in the fields rubbing against each other you get the residue of plasmatic gravitational magnetic fields which is the size of the light and because, and because of the central gravitational field of the Earth, this plasma gets thrown very quickly towards the center, so that’s why we see there is a light. That’s why it moves as a plasmatic ray, as an entity, as a plasma. If the friction was made and we didn’t have the central gravitational magnetic field of the Earth, the field would have stayed around the Earth, never coming, it becomes another small plasma. But because we have the central gravitational magnetic field, in the center of the Earth and it’s stronger, this again pulls this residual to itself and we see it as a light.

16 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) Now we understand why we have, and we have the daylight and now how we create light towards the position we are in, which is on Earth. In space we do not have this condition because we are not centered to a position; we are travelling, so space is dark. But, on Earth, because we are close to, we are sitting on top of a strong gravitational magnetic field which is on Earth, this pulls the rays to itself, and because it pulls itself with the same structure as I explained, creation of motion is so rapid that in passing through it allows us to observe light. So, the central core of the Earth is not just creating gravitational field, it creates a condition that the residual interaction of the fields on the upper layer are pulled towards it and we see it as light. The same is if you are outside, because your outside point has a field pull, if you are on the Moon, you attract the same parts of what is there, so you see it as the Earth to be lit.

So this answers two or three things, but it raises two questions. We always said that gravitational magnetic fields of two entities, lead to the creation of light, and now we have explained that you need gravitational magnetic field of a plasma in interaction with inertia to create motion. If you send the gravitational magnetic field of the Earth and the Sun and there is no motion, there is no friction, so you have no light, you have to cause the friction so that they can reach residual, and this indicates that we need not only the four field forces, we need four dynamic motion condition too, that of the Earth, around itself, that of the rotation of the Earth around the Sun, that’s two directional motion. Then you have the motion of the Sun itself in gravity and its rotation in respect to the central galaxy.

So, we have four forces to be able to have daily light on this planet. And now you understand why we have daylight and night time, because even though the gravitational field forces are spherical, but we don’t have two factors, which is, one is the gravitational magnetic field of the Sun and the rotation of them against each other.

So, this completes the mystery about how light, how motion is created on Earth. But, there is another point. In the book no. 4, which we hope we’ll try to issue, I have explained and I explained this to the knowledge seekers this week and I have explained this before. The light that we see on the surface of the Sun is not your fusion. The light we see on the surface of any star is created by gravitational magnetic field of the center, which radiates out and then when at a point, it becomes matter, these matters create, have their own gravitational magnetic field inertia, and the interaction of these matters, gravitational magnetic fields or magravs of the inertia, with the original gravitational magnetic field which is created in the center, releases the light on the surface and releases a high friction that allows the heat or the fields of the Sun to radiate outwards.

Now you understand for the first time again how the light is created on the surface of the Sun. Not necessarily, as it is assumed, the central temperature of the Sun is billions and billions of

17 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) degrees, because the heat is created when the fields interact. In the center you have gradient layers of plasmatic gravitational magnetic field strength that their interaction leads to creation of huge magnetic and gravitational field of the sun which dictates the plasma of the solar system, but the light on the surface of any planet is dictated by the strength of the gravitational magnetic field... (phone rings)

MK: I have to answer this, please, one moment, just one second,

Marko: the telephone is ringing at the wrong moment, OK, false alarm…

MK: I explained before the program...

Vince: It does happen sometimes…

MK: No, no, it’s not a false alarm, but it’s not the thing that we thought it is. It’s another telephone call, we are expecting an important call, if need be to be a part of the work which we are doing internationally, and I have to be available whole day today and tomorrow because of the conference which is taking place somewhere else, for explaining a lot of things, in respect of the technology of the foundation.

How Light is Created on Stars

So… now you understand how the light is created on the stars. And that’s the reason why some stars have different colors when we look at them, because the gravitational magnetic field of the central plasma, as it radiates out, it radiates so far from the surface that not necessarily ends up to be hydrogen. It could be hydrogen mixed with nitrogen, because of what the environment of the galaxy allows that sun to expand into.

So, now you have a strong gravitational magnetic field in the center interacting with, let’s say, helium, or, let’s say, carbon, so now you get a different light of the star, because it creates a different condition. This goes back again to what I was explaining to the knowledge seekers and we went over it last time. A lot of you made these plates; a lot of you made these, what do you call it, copper nano-coated materials and then you placed them in the containers. None of you

18 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) understood, you were in such a hurry to make something, to prove that you’re not dealing with a fairy tale, that you haven’t understood the reality of one point.

Look what you’ve done. You nano-coated the copper plate, you put the copper plate with the nickel plate, you absorb or you produce the white stuff. You put the copper plate coated with the copper plate and then you produce the blue stuff. It’s the same sort. Why? Have you asked a single question why? It’s the same copper plate I just changed. If you change it with aluminum, you get a different milkish color, a bit thicker. If you put zirconium, you will get a different color, different material. This is the same work as what I explained to you of the surface of the Sun.

Your nano-layer now has become the Sun, because it’s a plasma. So, it radiates fields and in the contest, in the interaction with this water and salt doesn’t change, but when the amount of the energy as a gravitational magnetic field of the opposite plate comes into play, the field in the water changes. And that’s why when you see the videotape which we released today, about CO2, there is about 18 minutes of it, launches around the world, people will understand the truth about how things are, watch the whole lot of it, you understand the same proposition.

So, you release a continuous… none of your nano material ever changes on the copper when you put it with the nickel because it’s the fields, which are radiated from the plasmas of the nano material, exactly like the Sun. When it hits and comes to the nickel, it creates an environment over the top of, or around the water, which is equal to the gravitational magnetic field of CO2.

Now, this is what I said from the beginning. Now the knowledge of man has come to the point that he can make magnet for anything. So, what you’ve done in this process, you have made magnets for CO2. In a magnet, as you see, if I, this is a magnet, here, if I put a plastic to it, it doesn’t work. If I put a tissue paper it doesn’t work. It doesn’t attract because it’s not in the gravitational magnet field strength. If I put a pen it doesn’t work. The only time it works is when I put equal gravitational magnetic field too.

This is what you are doing on the surface of your containers. This is how we produce the first Gans of materials and we showed it in the pictures of the containers in the book no. 2, I think, three or four years ago. This is what was given to you as first pictures in, what you call it, we showed in a five liter water bottle in Holland, tested by electron. This doesn’t come from brainchild of somebody who thinks has done it and somebody has copied it. This shows how devious the people are.

19 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) So, now you understand. The gravitational magnetic field, which is released by the nano-copper coat in the environment of the water, in conjunction with more or less a reflector but creator of the field in the matter state, creates an environment on top of the water of CO2, and all you do is literally absorb it. It pulls it in because there are more of them and the field strength in the container is stronger so it attracts everything down.

You’ll find the absorption release changes and reduces for two factors: one is when you collect enough CO2 at the bottom that it connects the two plates. It touches the two plates, so you create a short circuit. Now, if you have been creating and notice that the production of CO2 has reduced in your container, its nothing to do with the plates; and then, you start a chemical reaction that you start losing your nano-copper oxide from the plate.

So, you have to keep, when you are producing, when we send you the kit to absorb CO2, you’ll see that the new kit design is totally different than what we’ve shown because it’s just been completed by the Italians, is in a way that the plates will never sit, more or less, into the Gans material. It is in a V shape and it goes to the gutter and then you can collect it.

Secondly, even if you pull this, you’ll find out that your production’s reduced or that you don’t absorb so much. The reason is very simple: as you have created gravitational magnetic field of CO2, you’ve got to remember one thing: the air above the container contains nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, and then you change and you disturb and you bring the fields in a different direction together, so you bring these four elements which are in the air together, and you produce protein layer on top, the fat layer, you see. That fat layer creates a new condition and then it slows down the process.

So, in so many ways you have to be able to always skim the fat off the top that you keep a constant field equal to CO2 to be able to absorb CO2 constantly. And then you find that you have different materials, like copper or aluminum; the thickness of the fat on top, of the protein on the top changes, because you’ve absorbed different materials from the air, added to the protein, so, now with the CO2 layer you have the vegetable fat (somebody’s microphone is open), so, now, because of the change of the condition, now, for example, you bring down the floating, let’s say copper with you, into the structure, or you bring the floating… another gas which is in the air; so, in this process, you produce a different fat because now you created a new, what do you call it, interaction, so now, for example, you produce the protein of the muscle or a meat.

An air pollution cleaning system

20 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

This has a huge advantage for our Chinese friends in China, in Beijing, if you understand this process when you set up these systems to be sold in China for absorbing the CO2; if you do a little bit of research, because I’ve been in Beijing and I know that on some days you can’t even see a hundred meters away, and out of nowhere suddenly new buildings disappear and you don’t see where they have gone to, and there’s no cloud, it’s just smog, just a contamination of the air. You can make a process that, in absorbing and creating these fats, you can decontaminate the air. So, this is an air pollution cleaning system.

This can be done on a larger scale or it can be done on a smaller scale, but again there is a problem with this process, a huge problem with this process, that, as somebody who can see in advance, it has to be understood, we cannot deplete so fast. We can deplete… I think, if a tenth of the world population make these containers, it will take us about ten years to deplete or bring the balance to where it should be. But at the same time, to bring the balance in the whole organization, we have to allow the mutation of our own body to what it’s got used to; we cannot go back and just explain it, and expect it to be.

There is a structure that we have to understand: just trying to do something doesn’t mean that we have to create more damage somewhere else. And, in a way, our cells will pay for this because our body needs the time to be able to change and adapt to the new, cleaner energy like fifty years ago, a hundred years ago. We cannot receive too much clear oxygen, we will not be breathing properly because our lungs are used to the present contamination; so, there is a process to be understood in the cities, now you have a solution, this is what we offer to the Chinese. And this is what we said about cleaning up after Fukushima.

I see a guy trying to put, as I said last time, a paper that it doesn’t do, because the guy doesn’t even understand that radiation and gamma ray don’t need mass and that’s why we just put the beckerel. It’s irrelevant because it’s produced and converted and this is what the Japanese government did not like about what we did originally, because in that process we showed that the reactor number one contains plutonium which is against international laws, because in conversion of the fat, when you saw Yukoko showing the container, and I repeated, I said this before, there is a fat, and that fat has absorbed the plutonium which converted from 1.36 to 1.34, we saw increasing 1.34 in the second test, and that test clearly indicated that the Cesium in the different direction has come in, which is only under the condition that Plutonium creates, and this raises the question why is the hurry for the Japanese government to become weapon technology, or they have developed a new technology that they can use plutonium for production of the energy.

21 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) And this is what we said before: even our condition with the Japanese is, as I explained to you, that every unit they sell in Japan of the solar system, the client has to sign the peace treaty for the purchase, not by just deed, not just by signing it, but by the deed that they carry it to. Why we’ve done this, because China and Japan should ban the experience of Hiroshima and have learnt peace is the prime position in the universe. And they live by it. So, now, in one session here, it brings a lot of bits that was loose and hanging that we’ve done in the labs and in your home and you don’t see it.

No matter ever crosses the wall

There is a very interesting position that has risen by the Chinese researchers; I received a picture from the Chinese researchers where they showed a Coca-cola where there is blue material outside and white material inside and it wasn’t like this when they put the salt and filled in, what do you call it, copper oxide, they put the container, which is salt, in the water, natural processed water and they started seeing blue material outside the box, in the water, in the natural water. And they wanted me to explain.

I wrote to them and asked: does your container have a hole? They said yes, it had a hole but this has nothing to do with the hole. If you can create and repeat the same condition with a non- hole, but in the right condition, the copper oxide in magnetic gravitational field crosses the wall of the Coca-Cola bottle, and, I guess deposited blue, as we saw the same color as the blood of the shoe crab. Very blue; I showed, I’d done this myself, and I showed the material to the knowledge seekers yesterday, or the day before.

So, this again goes back to the concept of what we said: no matter ever crosses the wall of the lung into the blood and no matter ever crosses the intestine into the lymph. Due to gravitational magnetic field specifically set in the body, energy transfers and becomes what you consider it to be at the point of the need. You don’t eat fiber in your food that becomes a fiber in your heart. The same, as I explained with the two plates; you put one plate in front of the same plate you get CO2, you just change the second plate with another plate and you get copper oxide.

This is the process that no matter ever crosses the wall of intestines or in the lung. So, you can see how if it was a mystery and it was a lot of hot air. Now you can see the reality of it, of what it is. Try to create the right condition, enough of the metals and the conditions in a container and put it across the wall, in a different environment container liquid and then you see what you make, what field you make to cross the wall because now the plate is your wall. And then the water in the new container becomes it. Some of you might get CO2, some of you might get

22 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) nothing because you haven’t created the right conditions. It doesn’t mean we are wrong or the technology is wrong, or the science is wrong, it’s just that you haven’t created the right condition till you get it.

And our friends in China have achieved it. They posted the picture on one of the Facebook I’ve seen which I have received from doctor Eliya. But, they couldn’t understand what they have done. This is not what we say now, about the science. I told you, I start teaching when you develop. I don’t teach you when you haven’t developed, because, to you it’s just a fairy tale. We’ve done this. I have produced this condition and I have extracted CO2 in a very much more advanced, what do you call it, copper, in a very much more advanced area, nano-plasmatic structure years ago, and the picture came from our Chinese friends, and now the students have seen this bottle when they came 2 or 3, 4 months ago, I showed it to them. Now that the knowledge is there, we can explain it.

So, with one step, now you understand the biology side, and how matters are created at the point of need according to the condition of the salt or the environment and what is in that environment. And this goes back to the medical session when doctor Eliya was showing the different types of muscles last week. Now you understand why. And now you understand why different muscles are created, to lead to absorption, interaction and attraction of certain types of, what do you call it, lymph, that can pass through the bone, its no use bringing all the lymphs and then trying to sort it out. The structure of the muscles dictates what strength lymph is needed to pass in that part of the bone, for a specific use in certain part of the body. So, everything is connected together in that sense. Now, if you can repeat it, you come to it.

This is another loose point, which now brings together at, as I said, at this 31st teaching knowledge seekers workshop, is very fundamental because, first of all, we clarified how motion is created which was unknown. Now we understand how matters are created in the body or in the place. Now, on the other hand, you understand how light is always in the direction of us, outside and on because of our gravity.

At the same time, whatever we teach has to be used for a peaceful application. That’s our wish, and our wish shall be our command. If you turn this upside down trying to make use of it to harm another soul it will not happen. You can’t even harm yourself. So, this brings another loose bit, but brings the whole knowledge we’ve been developing over the past few months that we can understand. This brings us to a point where the knowledge seekers are sitting and playing with their thumbs, trying to find a way to create light. Marko is looking at me with a smile. (chuckle)

23 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) Creation of Light is Interaction of Fields

01:12:54 The whole principle of the creation of light is interaction of the fields. If you look, I showed this for the first time with the children program last week, if you haven’t watched it.

This is literally, if you look, this is a bunch of nano materials we’ve made and if you look at it in reality and bring it, centralize it, this gives you very much the behavior of the plasma from the center but you look at it two-dimensionally.

For more Info on this spiral click here

You have the center, and as the field opens up, and there is less field forces, you open up different fields. And then you can put another one to it. And, then out to the whole circle. And then you understand the behavior of plasma in respect to each other. If I put it in this way, and consider two plasma, so…

24 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

Or you can go opposite to it, and see how fields play, you can see the direction of motion and the interaction. And, then you understand how you can absorb one plasma into other. All you do, you increase the field’s center and more field’s reduction or spreading off. And that’s how you add to the weight of the center and you go from hydrogen to helium and up.

The Replica of the Ira Tangata spiral

In so many ways, in our work in past day or so, I tried to explain physically for the knowledge seekers to understand the difference between the, what do you call it, the Gans and an atom. An atom is made of a plasma of electron, and, (oh, did you bring everything up, yeah), and the plasma of a proton.

25 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

But, in fact, in totality, each one has its own plasma, has its own coulomb barrier, has its own atmosphere, but when they come together, two of them, they make a plasma, like this, so, the white one, the big white one, is the plasma of the two proton and electron together.

But, each one has its own plasma. In a matter state, we see the two, but when you make another plasma, the same as this, which is next to it, I’ll try to pull in so that you can see the picture, tell me if you can see everything please, Rick?

Vince: If you could pull the camera out just a little bit, we would be able to see everything or pull those down a little bit?

MK: OK, is it better now?

Vince: Yeah, I can see the whole thing. How is that for your positioning, Rick?

MK: Is it OK now? You can see…?

Vince: Y… yes…up, yup, that’s good.

26 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

MK: OK. So, the plasma, the big plasma in the back, is the plasma of… or the coulomb barrier, as you see it, as we talk at the present, in the matter state. The plasma on this side, which has nothing in front of it, is the Gans, of the same. Outside, behavior-wise it’s the same, but inside we don’t see the electrons and the protons, because, as I explained what has been the dream of the nuclear physicists, the fusion, because you create that condition, the two electron and proton, their fields come together, and then, as a totality, they create a Gans.

Behavior looks like hydrogen, but you cannot see anything because this time you have managed to bring the two fields of two electron and proton together and then their behavior is as one. And this is the difference between a Gans and a Matter. So, because it has no field interaction to lose, it can reach further.

In the atomic structure, the proton and the electron keep the coulomb barriers of the atomic structure, they have always to interact, always continuously in motion, they are always continuously loosing, and depends where the electron is, you get a different performance. But, in the Gans state, you get a continuous, same interaction.

So, this changes the whole structure, this goes back, in a way, to understanding the production of a neutron, dividing into proton and electron too, because a Gans has more plasmatic magnetic field because it loses less internally. So if you can create a condition that it becomes matter to become electron and a proton, or it becomes Gans of another matter, or translated from Gans to mass. When it goes this way, it has to release some of its energy and this is what you collect in your systems when you make series of cups and things and you connect it together and you collect gas.

27 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) So, these are the loose bits in the science of the technology which, I think, it clarifies a lot of things, it brings a lot of things whole, in understanding how the things are and why they are, what we say on what ground and what reason. You don’t blindly follow us and we don’t follow the blind, because we can all fall off the cliff. So, this way, we keep order in the whole thing and then you understand the behavior of it.

We tried to make this more understanding in the children’s program. If you have a problem to understand, try to go back to the children’s program, because we try, in the children’s program, as most probably some of you have seen it, we do not speak about magnetic field. In a way, we don’t create a problem to try to change it and solve it.

We started the session speaking directly about plasma; this is the reality of the universe. In the Saturday session we’ll explain it to them how plasmas interact with the toys which they can immediately understand and if you’d like to understand more, go back to the children’s channel. We had some problems with the camera last time because we couldn’t position it but now we found more how to do it, a way to do it. Is there a question?

The Keshe foundation Center Teaching Room

I think it would be nice to show who is sitting around here. Now that we have the camera, you can see the faces of our people around here. This is John. Hello, John.

This is Armen. Hello. He’s awake, even sitting there, American time.

28 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

And you can see, ah Marko, I have to turn. If I turn I’ll lose my position. Hello. Marko is here.

So, now we bring you home. And I presume you want to see my ugly face. I am not bad there.

29 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

Hello and good morning to you. We try to bring, to make the foundation as a family and not just sound on, what do you call it, Skype tube. We are sitting here, we have 2 or 3 laptops, we monitor everything, and we try to teach you as much as we can the way we can. You are literally in the Keshe foundation center teaching room. And this is how it’s going to be. We open the doors, but at the same time we try to bring the knowledge in a free way that can be understood by everyone in a very practical way, I think. I moved this one, that’s why you lost your centrality. Yeah? Is there any question?

Can I say something? Because I think it’s important to explain. We know, as we said, this technology has taken attention of a number of major governments around the world and I know you are listening or you’ll listen to the recording later on in the week. We have received your emails; we have received your requests. Please, allow us time to be able to share knowledge with our knowledge seekers and then at the same time we share with the governments… people from the governments in South America and peoples from Africa and especially from central-east Asia. I respect your requests and our knowledge is yours, but at the same time, if we move, we have to be able to keep our teachings open worldwide.

In the quest of understanding and developing different aspects of the technology, as you understood with your scientists and your governments is understood fully by us. Our doors are open. You can come in any time you like. We teach as we have done. The new document is being presented at the national security brief, which will be released to them to understand the application and implication, and through the appropriate channels, which you have asked us, will be released to them in time. In governments regarding us and as for the development of energy directly in conjunction with the ministries, we respond within the coming weeks.

In respect to the space technology in working with some national space organizations, we have no problem in accepting you, and for you to accept our technology on equal basis. I thank you for being patient but at the same time, I understand the position as your stance and as I said, even today, we are standing by because of the Presidential meeting in respect to a situation in which the institute is involved directly. Good morning. Now, is there any question?

Lucien’s question time

Lucien: Yes, hi, Mr. Keshe, good morning, this is Lucien, if you can set the screen…

30 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) MK: Oh, my God, what happened to you last week, we missed you? (lol)

L: Working hard. (chuckle) Because I was preparing some materials, so until Rick will share the screen, I will start to do the introduction. We have some breaking news like CNN; Yeah I give you a micro lecture haha! So, Rick, can you open the PDF?

MK: We close our cameras if you want.

Vince: Thank you, Mr. Keshe.

MK: OK, go ahead.

Vince: Go ahead, Rick.

MK: Where does Luciano come from? Where does Luciano come from? Where?

L: So, until Rick shares the screen, I want to make like the CNN stuff. We have some breaking news here.

MK: Fantastic. OK, have you called the CNN to be ready?

L: Hahahaha

MK: You know, to be blunt, you know the CNN has been told they can’t show anything about the Keshe foundation, you know that? So, I don’t think they are going to show this. FOX have been told they cannot show anything about the Keshe foundation, so I hope they show this one, at least maybe they do because you are an American. OK.

L: OK. Before going into the, micro lecture, I want to go with you on some very basics. That is, my understanding is that people don’t understand. So, you said that ring magnets possess magrav properties and…

MK: Yeah, they don’t possess, they behave near enough because they are not fully spherical.

31 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

L: Right. So, in the first picture, I was representing...

MK: I haven’t seen it, we are still seeing the rotating circle, we haven’t seen the picture yet.

L: No, no, that first figure 2.1

Rick: Can anyone else see the picture there?

MK: Oh I see it on John’s; we received it on John’s, OK, the red one.

L: OK. Yes it’s 2.1. It’s a ring magnet, which is having magnetization actually, on axis, and figure 2.2 is showing the same issues but the field lines… OK, the other figure, let’s see what we have here…

MK: Can I ask you to share with us, Luciano, can you tell me who is doing all these beautiful pictures? You must have a lot of assistants.

L: No, no, they are software; this is the scan draw, this kind of solid modeling. Solid modeling I do myself.

MK: Yes, I know. I want to know the others who do the other sums. Hahahaha.

L: Hahahaha

MK: You have a very good team. We know who you are, don’t worry, don’t worry, I am just pulling your leg. We know who you are. We know fully who you are and what you are doing. It’s

32 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) just, people to do these kinds of things, to do these kinds of things, and the way you do these tests, it cannot be done by one individual and it’s nice to know people work in the background as a team. Doesn’t matter.

L: Yeah, it’s just time-consuming job ha-ha.

MK: Yeah, I know who you are, don’t worry carry on.

L: OK, so, in figure 2.3 we are showing a gradial magnetized ring magnet, so the field lines are differently.

So now, basically, you were saying, if we will have like a plasma field, we will need to show in figure 2.4. I am sorry for the very primitive inversion, but that two ring magnets that are having, let’s say, the North poles face to face, so, based on your definition of the plasma which is, a plasma is created when we have two magnetic fields that are travelling in the same direction and they have a difference in their field strength, of the field of one electron.

So, if we put these two magnets shown in this picture that means between them we are going to have some sort of plasma. We don’t know in what strength, because we don’t know at what distance these two magnets will start to repel each other, but, now is coming the question. A lot of people are asking this question. Opposite to a regular bar magnet, why this ring magnet will have a gravitational magnetic field? So...

MK: The thing is… first of all, let’s go step by step, Aaahhmm… In the ring magnets, we use the ring magnets for demonstration. The nearest is to the rattle magnets, which I shown. In the ring

33 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) magnets, you show you can rotate only in one axis. So, if you can rotate at the same time in two axes but one x and one y, which becomes a spherical, then you find out the fields become aligned. Now, what I said, what you are showing to us, all you’ve done you’ve changed the flat magnet to a ring magnet, but you are still showing the property of the flat magnet.

So, when you consider the ring magnet, that’s why I put the ring magnets on their side and did not put the rattle magnets, even the rattle magnets, if you cut them along the length, one half is north, one half is south. And, the only near plasmatic condition you get is when you rotate 4 of them, or actually, 5 of them, with one in the center, that the middle starts, I’m trying to set that up in the lab to show you near enough plasma of, the rotation of a plasma. So, in so many ways, when you have a ring magnet like this, you still have in and out, across the flat of the matter of the ring. So, that’s what I said, this is, this is, this, you are trying to explain something which is shown three dimensional, it sits on one end and rotates, but in fact, it does not rotate totally as a plasma. So...

Rick: Aahhmm… Mr. Keshe

MK: Yeah?

Rick: If that rotated at high speeds, would that show more of the plasma-type response or …OK. No, there is not a speed limit that you can, there is not a speed limit that you can suggest like a million RPM or something that turns into plasma or…

MK: No, no. You have it, all of you have it, you already made the Gans. There is a condition you can do with the Gans that, you can create near enough plasma condition, near enough plasma condition. We’ve done this before and now Armen is partially in the process of doing it and then you can see it, because this is, this, I am very careful about when I see, because what Luciano shows is very correct, this is how I built my knowledge up. I always thought that way… till by building the health reactors, I found out the plasma doesn’t behave that way. And, it’s even though I made this spherical magnet, when I opened, when I cut this spherical magnet that you can buy in the market, it’s literally like two magnets put inside, even if they make it with resins then it doesn’t make it a magnet, it just doesn’t do. It doesn’t work, it realigns itself.

So, it’s the nearest you are going to do if you understood how we created the motion in a space that I explained today. In the coming weeks I’ll show you how to make real, visible plasma. I told you, you go to the level, I’ll show it to you. Now, you are going to the step Luciano brought, subject of the wire around the coil, last time when you came online, and showed the voltage; we opened the door in a different way. Doctor Eliya was here, she opened the door in different way, and we changed the direction of the teaching.

34 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

Some people say I’m a schizophrenic, I do say something and I don’t do it and then... No, because I say something to be done but when I see the capacity of understanding is not there, I have to slow down or change direction till you understand. What you have shown here is beautiful, I understand exactly, I’ve been through this diagram, I tried to answer it in different ways, but you cannot even replicate this with coil magnets, induce currents in them, because then you are limited to the matter which the coil is made of. A plasma has got no limitation.

So, this is what we are pushing the knowledge seekers here to achieve. They should be able, hopefully, to push hard enough this week, or next week, to extend the knowledge that they should be able to show you the first light system without the torch, without any power supply, going exactly in the direction which you are going. Because...

Lucien: Yes, I will continue.

MK: OK, carry on.

L: Carry on.

MK: Go ahead. Carry on. I’ll listen, At least I hope I explained something.

L: So, in the figure 2.5 we have the structure graphine, excuse me, it’s graphite. The reason I’m bringing it here is because I don’t know what will be the structure of the copper nano layers. I am assuming that could be squares because copper’s crystalline structure is cubical, so as I didn’t know what is the real one I was putting these square boxes.

MK: It’s spherical. It’s spherical.

L: Spherical, OK. So, basically, when we are doing our nano layers, we will have these kinds of, well, spheres, let’s say, with a specific distance, between them, we’ll calculate and see the real distance. This is 0.67 nano meters. And, all this introduction was because in the figure 2.6. based on your definition of what plasma is, so we have fields, magnetic fields, then arbitrary one unit, whatever that will be, and the second field that is travelling in the same direction, that will be 1 unit minus 1 electron, as by your definition. So, coming back to the theory...

MK: Minus 1 electron? Where does the electron come in?

35 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) L: You said that in order to have plasma, the two magnetic fields have to; their strengths have to be different with at least the strength of magnetic field of one electron.

MK: Yes.

L: So, now it’s coming the question. In the hydrogen atom, right, we know how to calculate the magnetic field strength of one electron. Now, if you pull out the electron from the atomic hydrogen we don’t have, how to say, cyclo-rotation or something like this, around the proton, it’s probably just travelling linearly, or hardly even travelling, so we are going to need…

MK: Wait a sec. No, no, no, wait, wait, wait. It travels, it rotates in respect to the other plasmas in the vicinity. And when you’re in the ganseous state, you do not extract the electron, you add the plasma of the electron into the plasma of the proton. So, it’s not a reduction…

L: Great.

MK: OK, so, we are clear in that?

L: Yes, I understand that, but this example I was giving is that if we have two magnetic fields, in order to have a plasma we need to have, how to say, a gradient difference between them, in the amount of one electron. So, coming back to the previous figure, 2.5.

Let’s say, if we know that we have two layers of graphite or whatever, carbon, or, let’s say we have a distance of zero point, whatever it is, 67, let me see, yes 0.67 nano meters, that means, suppose we have two electric current in each layer, we need...

36 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

MK: You don’t have electric current, you have a gravitational magnetic plasmatic current, and there is a big difference. It’s a huge difference. We have seen this with doctor Yvan last week. He connected the nano layer into the meter and he said “As I push them, my current goes higher”. And then he gets to a point that I cannot get there. And I explained to him that as you push the layers, you release the energy in the plasmatic magnetic field in the layers, and it comes you cannot crush it anymore. So, the field is gravitational plasmatic, not electron or protonic. It’s a big difference.

L: I got the picture. So, this entire introduction was for the lecture, right? Now is coming the micro lecture.

MK Yes, I’m working for the CNN bottom line.

L: Yes, hahaha, Ok, then all the people who did the experiments with the Gans cells, so I want to clarify that people who are doing that with the salt water cells, they have some iron, so they will have some current in the classical way, but people who are doing experiments with the cells with Gans have almost no current, its five micrograms and stuff like that. So, the question was how we can build a conversion device to, as you explained, to have some frictions between the Ganses so that we can get the real current, that means, electric or magnetic field in the strength of one electron so that you can push electrons on the copper wire.

MK: You have made a power supply?

L: Yes, I will explain immediately.

MK: I know what you’ve done; you are correct, let’s see.

L: I’m trying first to explain the background, so, making the investigation I found out that digital meters have precision resistors that are built by metal oxide, so, this is why with the digital meters people were able to detect voltage and sometimes current, and with the analog meter they were not able to detect anything because that is copper winding, that is moving the needle. So, now I will describe the experiment: I have two cells which are consisted in regular copper,

37 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) one in regular copper electron, no nano-coated, and one regular zinc electrode, no nano- coated; liquid water, the Gans CO2, connected in series.

MK: Excuse me can you clarify? You put the Gans of CO2 in, OK, yeah, carry on.

L: In the water, right? So, the cells are connected in series; in my cells, because I did them quite wrong, I have only about three hundred milli-volts on each cell. The other people in the group are much better on that; they have about one volt, 1.2 volts. But I am speaking about only my case. It’s solved; it’s having about three hundred millivolts each; now, if we are trying to connect something, like a balgore, anything, on this cell, obviously there’s no current, zero.

So, now is coming the experiment: I connected an analog milli ampere meter in series with a regular battery, making a little advertisement for Panasonic because they are very good batteries, try the batteries. That means carbon-zinc, and in the moment in which the battery is connected, the voltage is raising from 0.3 volts to 1.5, which is the battery voltage. Battery current is about 50 milliamps, this way to take some, to one second. After the cell is loaded, to speak so, which is equivalent to some sort of capacitor, if one puts the milliamp meter in parallel with the cell, it can throw out 50 milliamps. And the cell is going to zero for about five seconds. In this time, the voltage is coming back from zero to 300 millivolts.

So, it’s for the first time when we can see a magrav plasma capacitor working to the storage of energy. So, in this way we can, I will not go into that word that people enjoy, Overunity, ah- ha! But, people who will do the cell properly so the cell will have something like 1.2 volts; technically, you, in order to charge the cell, you are not going to have the energy needed to bring it from 0 to 1.5 volts, you are going to get energy just to bring it from 1.2 to 1.5 volts; and after that when you discharge it, you will have the whole energy. So, that is creating the friction you were talking about, into the layers.

MK: Yes, but I have to explain to you, Luciano, let me explain to you; we have already done this here in the lab, you have already seen this, and it’s something we saw years ago. In the torch that we show, we have 3-volt resistance barrier, and then it charges up, and then, we have seen this process, we understand this; the energy that you are seeing, free energy or whatever, look at the video we released today about CO2 absorption.

The energy that you would call free energy, in the video I referred to that too, comes from the Gans of CO2 which you put in the liquid; the energy is not free; the plasma you have given, the

38 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) plasma, in the container where you put the two electrodes, and energy is released by the plasma of the Gans, yes; this is what John did. John originally put this electrode up in the water and not in the Gans, and then we added into the Gans and there are nine electrodes in the background, some coated and some not coated. So the energy which you are referring as CNN breakthrough, it is a CNN breakthrough, but because it’s the Keshe foundation they’re not showing it...

Aah, is it released?! The video!

Rick: Yes, it’s on YouTube now.

MK: You will see a 20-minute version later on today. This is for the promotion of the kit; so, here you see that we know already what you are showing; we’ve seen it and know it, because the Knowledge seekers took the Gans from the water, and about charging the battery, so, what you say is 100% correct, but the energy which is to use, free energy, is coming from the interaction of the Gans plasmas with each other which, as you said, as I said to the knowledge yesterday or day before, if we had a, what do you call it, ore detector, we should be able to see this; and this is what it is. Let me explain to you something very interesting: this video you are watching... (long silence)

Vince: Lost the audio? or is it just me?

Rick: We seem to have lost the audio at the point of Mr. Keshe saying something interesting … yes, we can hear you now. We lost audio there at the point of Mr. Keshe saying, “if you look at something interesting”.

MK: Hello, can you hear me?

R: Yes, we can hear you.

MK: Are we back?

R: Yes.

MK: It seems that my microphone is not connected to this jack; can you hear us?

39 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) R: It’s a little weak but yes

V: It’s very muffled, yah…

MK: We should be able to hear your system;

V: can you guys hear us?

MK: Can you hear us?

V: We can hear you can you hear us?

R: Yeah, hello,

MK: mhm, where are we? Did we get hacked?

J: I don’t know why the computers are going down, probably restart; yeah, we’ll probably restart.

V: Can somebody type in the chat please.

MK: Can you hear me?

V: Yes, yes we can hear you; hello, can they hear us, right now, can they hear us?

Dan: I hear Rick, Vince, and the doctor.

R: Yes, I’ll add them to you,

MK: just let me see if we can get live so they can hear us.

V: Yeah, we can hear you;

MK: Now you understand what I said, we have to get that second unit working.

R: Should we have them restart, Vince?

V: No, it’s probably just the settings for the computer; he’s probably not going through the speakers or hasn’t muted because he’s listening on the other side;

MK: Ok, can you hear me now?

V: There he is, there he is.

Your Energy is not Free Energy

40 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) 01:49:10 MK: Ok, I’ll sit down; now, what you’ve shown Luciano is something we already have done; your energy is not a free energy, it’s the energy of the interaction of the Ganses which you put in the other bucket, and this will be continuous, and the current which you see is a conversion of the energy from Gans state or plasmatic state into the matter electron level due to the, what do you call it, due to the use of the metals in your other container, because now you’re using matter and matter is electron based, so you only absorb what is in electron length of the energy.

It’s beautiful; what you’ve done, we have already achieved, I achieved it nearly five years, six years ago, because I used to call Dirk Loressens every day and say I’m enlightened that we try to see how long we can be enlightened, and we were enlightened for months and months and then we gave up sending an email every morning to say we’re enlightened. So, because we had light in my office in Belgium, so it was every day I would send an email to Dirk regularly, I’m enlightened, the light is on.

So, you are not… in a way, yes it is breaking news, CNN breaking news, but not because it’s Keshe foundation. You would have received the Nobel Prize immediately.

L: Yes, but I would want only to clarify something: if one connects, let’s say, a resistor to a Gans cell, the voltage goes down if he’s not using this method.

MK: Pardon?

L: In other words, let’s say, we have a regular capacitor, it will, how to say, it will decrease the voltage of the cell very dramatically.

MK: We’ve done this; actually, John did five in series capacitors, and, you do not change; the recharging is very rapid because by accident I happened to touch the two ends and it just went like a big spark because I was doing a demonstration with our Japanese colleagues in Tokyo in a meeting, and then I explained to them what happened and within few seconds it was charged back up again, and this again goes because of the capacitor, it has an electron based material in it.

The new systems to be built have to be… even the new batteries, which is a storage system we have to develop, have to be in Gans because it’s very, very rapid, it will be instantaneous, they

41 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) link up, they don’t even need the wire connection; this is the structure of the new materials; what do you do is fantastic.

John’s experimental array

But if you look up these containers which is one of the ones John has made, here we use copper oxide, and there are two non coated elements, electrodes, in there under. In each container, yeah, there is one zinc, one of them, and the other is lead and zinc, lead and tin.

So, in each bottle you see three electrodes, two of them in a way you’ve done in two containers, we’ve done in one container; and we see the same process, and if you look at the end of that, what do you call it, commercial, we show it. In here, you convert the plasmatic gravitational magnetic field into the electron as it is.

L: Yes, but I have one more question;

MK: yes, what you did is fantastic, yeah!

L: is your ratio…?

MK: Sorry, you see the end of these two electrons where the black and red is, I happened to touch these two and the capacitor’s discharged because of the full capacitors, they’re big capacitors, and then the spark went and the charge came, and the charge comes from the

42 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) plasmatic magnetic field of the Gans which is getting released and in the advertising I said you have, what do you call it, energy source, free energy source you’ve been looking for. So if you are listening to the 18-minute commercial, you see, we showed this already as a commercial unit to be commercialized in the next two weeks. I just received a copy of the unit from the Italian manufacturers yesterday. Carry on.

L: Yes, and regarding the units, I have a question. Is any, or does, or is important the ratio between the column of liquid and the air into the container, because I’ve seen that probably you have aahh… half-half, I mean, half air…

MK: No, that’s just by accident. No, it’s just, just, just, how John’s done it. Because if you tried to keep your plates submerged all the time you will find out that you don’t allow any chemical reaction to come in. And that’s why when we give it the kids, we always say you have to keep your plates submerged because what is above is dried, unless there is moisture in it, and it doesn’t affect the production, the energy production and conversion. But this is very old fashioned.

Vince: We already did this.

MK: Pardon?

Vince: Yeah, me and Brett also did this. We did this about a month ago, where we took the sandwiches that we were discussing before. We find them in different ways, and we found out that it adds to the voltage of any battery, and continues to charge and discharge through the Gans, through the Gans cell, and so, and it keeps the static voltage…

MK: Yes, I think, I think something interesting. Rick, can you go back slightly on this video, where we show this, at the beginning, where I pick the unit up? Go back slightly, very, very slightly, pictures, yeah, go forward, OK. Is there a closer view of this? Yeah, go back, go back, back, OK.

43 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

Let us explain to you what it is in this connection. We have connected one material in a Gans connection, and one material in a matter connection. One electrode is connected to the nano- layer of the next unit, and one electrode is twisted around the wire and soldered. So, we are taking both plasmatic and electron current at the same time. That’s why, you see, a very big voltage.

This is the way John set the unit. So, as it comes up, and the two electrodes were after two metals, they connect in two different ways, which means we enhance both AC and DC current flow. And then when AC goes into the next one, has to boost DC, because it’s a surface energy, so we use, we use the Gans material, more or less, as a converter.

But, even this process of producing material in what the knowledge seekers are developing, and hopefully, they come to the understanding of it, is obsolete. As your understanding is going rapidly, as you extend the knowledge, we open the doors. In the coming days, hopefully, if I can get Marko and Armen and John to think in a cosmological way, you will find out you do not even need these. There are no electric motors, there are no electric currents, and there are no wires in the universe. And you see the light. And one thing I’ve been telling all of them in past two or three days, it puzzles me how you lot are still playing this game. I must have been a very bad teacher!

L: Before going, I want to discuss one more issue with you. After, let’s say, two days, on the copper wire that is going to the liquid, two spheres appeared, speaking about the twinity, a very small sphere of CO2 Gans, on the tip of the copper wire. That means, below the liquid. And, a sphere of CO2 Gans around the copper wire, at the level of the liquid, the interface liquid-air. So, could you comment on this? How this, this sphere appeared…?

44 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) MK: Weeee… we see a lot of these on the plates we have in the lab. You see, the only way I can explain it is that most of the material we use are not, purely, 100 %, what do you call it, the same atom and the mixture of alloys which are in these, even if it’s a copper plate or copper wire, creates a slightly environment, different environments in the… on the plate, which allows these units accidentally to be the same or twin on the big plate which we have, which is more or less full of it. The lead plate, the zinc plate, is it the one where the big plate of copper is? it’s the zinc plate. We see this, more or less, white, its covered with it.

L: Zinc?

1:59:42 MK: Yeah, zinc. This unit, as you see, even if you look on the right hand side on the zinc, you see it. You see the white, even in the copper plates, sometimes we get them deposited. These are because of the impurities of the material. And this is one of the reasons I put all the reactors of John out of the lab, because as I explained in the last workshop, or the workshop before, in the ceramic used to build these reactors, something like 14-15 different kind of materials used, and in heating them and merging them together and then you having cavity you create, as I said, a seven combination in a 49 material lottery, that gives you 14 million combinations of fields.

So, this is what you’re getting. This, these are because, as I can explain, due to the impurities which creates a different condition on the point. But, because you still have the copper it forces it to be white and CO2, because it’s the origin of the Gans in the bottle. Don’t forget, you are sending continuously fields around your container, not just through your container. The game of electron and electronic is going through wires from one to another. Now, you are playing with plasma. These containers have no limitation or barrier for them. This is what I explained in the medical side, yes? last time. The gravity, the 80 percent of the communication in the body of the man is through the plasmatic fields and not through the neuro-system. Now you see it. Now you can understand more.

L: So…

MK: That’s why you get these conditions… Carry on.

L: So, from the point of view of, how to say, efficiency, should it be a good idea to clean it up, to keep the copper wire clean, so to destroy these spheres with something?

45 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

MK: In a way, as long as it doesn’t come in touch with the other plate, it doesn’t make any difference. It should actually increase the efficiency of production of CO2. To realize a point, and that is, your plasmas after certain strength are not at the strength of the system you need. So, you have to develop the system, like as you have, and you think, by accident, you come across it, that you can replenish the magnetic gravitational field at the strength that you need continuously. Because, some of your material will convert and it will not create or release fields at the strength that you need, or you want to detect.

On the other hand, when you understand the property of the composite mixtures and you can do it in the dynamic reactors, then in the space these become the fingerprint of the materials that you need. Then, if you want copper, you use that composition. You want uranium, you use that composition. This is what I was explaining yesterday to the KSs and they laughed. If you understood, if you understood, what you have in your hand. If you understood what is being given to you as a knowledge, you created the gravitational magnetic field of CO2, between the copper and… Keep that picture there, please. I want to tell you something about that picture. Go back. Yeah, go back to the beginning. Go back to the beginning if you can, please…

L: OK, here I want to interrupt you, because…

MK: No, please, let me explain to you, let me explain to you.

L: OK.

46 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) MK: So, now you managed with one plate to create CO2. Yes? And, now you changed the same plate, kept one plate and changed the other plate and you managed to absorb copper oxide from the system.

Creation of Materials – Water will Rain Gold

Now, it comes a point. You have been taught, if you haven’t understood up to now, the process to be able to create any material you need at any time anywhere in the universe, if you’ve understood what you’ve done, and it’s just something to see, some energy or some Gans. If you look at the bigger picture, you can change the material on the other side, or salinity of the water. Would you like plutonium from air? Or would you like gold? People will start testing and do things and they will see. People who have gold, try to nano-coat your gold and put a gold plate in, and oh boy, you have a half a kilo tonight. If you are a gold merchant, please do it and show the picture. We’ve done it.

If you manage to put copper, nano-coat it and a copper and you manage to make copper oxide, gold cannot be oxidized, you receive a pure gold from air. Water will rain gold. But, you have to do it in a specific way to be able to nano-coat the gold. It has a specific way to be done. This is what I showed to the knowledge seekers the other day. In the reactor in Tehran, I asked the authorities, I want, I just want a screw, and they told me I’m crazy. I said, I make gold in the reactor. And, we did make gold in the reactor, because I created the condition.

This is what puzzles me; you lot are so becoming narrow-minded. Open your eyes, open them to understanding, the total understanding. This is what I keep on telling to the governments. How many tons of gold do you want and which bank we put it? Rothschilds can have as much as they like today, because they can extract everything, every single atom of hydrogen, and this product can become gold. But they can’t believe, so they need to leave it.

L: Yes, but before you go in the other direction, I…

MK: I am not going in the other direction. I am going in the direction…Yeah, go on.

L: We want to finish this, so we can understand. You said that, if you have a copper nano- coated plate and another nickel, you get CO2. But, now, there is a question. Probably it’s my question and other people are asking the same question. If I am having, let’s say, five thousand

47 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) layers on the copper nano-coated plate it will be, a specific gravitational magnetic field; have 30 thousand layers, that field magrav will be higher, obviously; have a hundred thousand layers, it will be even more bigger, two hundred thousand layers…

MK: No, no.

L: So we, that will increase based on number of layering, isn’t it? So…

MK: Not really. It just allows for you to capture further out from the top of the container… CO2s.

L: It will increase the distance of the radius of attraction?

MK: Yeah, yeah, expands as, as Marko said, expands your magnetosphere, because your limitation is in the copper. You’ve got to, if you put copper and copper together, you’ll find out, your copper which is coated, soon will lose its coating, because you release partially in a copper-copper, you’re releasing partially the layers in. In CO2 with copper lead you create the environment. And, then you find out if you look very precisely across your copper-copper plate, you don’t have only copper, you have some CO2 in it as well. And, then, if you want a pure amount of copper, do what our Chinese colleagues have done, but do it the right way. Then, you achieve pure nano-copper, and then you can do the same thing with any material.

It is, it is, what I keep on saying, understand the interaction of the plasmas, not half-plasmas half-matter, because as you increase… you cannot increase. The limitation of the nano-layers on each plate is equal to the gravitational magnetic field, which can create a balance field that it can separate atomically the matter from the outer surface of the wire. So, if you go two hundred thousand, most probably you’ll never achieve it, because your layers are not built from the top in, they are pulled from the surface of the atom up of the matter. So, the limitation comes by the materials and the gravitational strength field of the matter magrav itself.

V: Well, I think we can see that directly in the rust bubble on a car, can we not? It only goes a certain distance and then it breaks off…

48 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) MK: Yeah, but in the oxidization, that’s a chemical reaction. It’s a big difference. This is what I showed you. The electron and the proton and, what do you call it, the coulomb barrier of matter, and I showed you the plasma of the matter. If you allow anything by any way or shape, some sort of electric current appears between the two plates, you go half-plasma, half-electric. That’s what I said. You have to try to release or extract the CO2 before it reaches and touches the two plates.

So, you, in that case, you create a plasmatic current flow, not a matter current flow. And that’s why with the nano-materials we can twist them. You can put 20 plates in the same container. It will not change. It will still absorb CO2. It goes according to the gravitational magnetic field balance in the environment. So, it should be easy for you to be able to extract whatever you need. As I said, if you can create the conditions like our Chinese friends in China, they can extract all the poisons from the atmosphere of the, what do you call it, Beijing. And then God knows what rare materials land on their plate.

The Gold Mines Hanging Over Us

As I said, the contact, the polluted atmospheres over the cities are the gold mines hanging on top of us, instead of underneath us. We haven’t found out how to use them. Because, most of these Ganses, most of these materials which you see as a pollution over the cities does not come from the exhaust. It comes from the environment that the CO2 and other materials have created, that a lot of them get converted from the environment and atmosphere directly into what it is. And, then it adds to it. Environmental contamination in the cities is partially due to burning of the CO2 or what is in the exhaust coming out of the cars, but partially it’s exactly what you are doing in your CO2 containers.

The new materials create the condition, which converts the matters in the atmosphere back into materials that are poisonous to us. It becomes like a cloud because they stick to the CO2 and the moisture that is in the air. So, I’m sure, if you go to a city like Beijing and extract all the materials in the air, we find out some of it doesn’t even exist in the exhaust. But, because we have created the condition in the environment, it’s plasmatic, it has a size, then we convert and we extract whatever is in the environment, and then it becomes suspended because that’s what it is.

And that is… That partially goes back to the story of the sheeps (see Sheep Anecdote in Book 4 – lol!) that I told you. You can get gold out of it, or whatever, the rare earth material, because when it, when it grazes, this is the same process. But, the mines are on top of us, instead of

49 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) being underneath of us. It’s for us to figure out how to extract these mines, and they are very rich in material. And, now we know the process how to do it.

This is the same process as we are using Fukushima for the decontamination of the tritium. We create the condition that is equal to tritium and the material gets absorbed. This is the same condition as now which is on investigation by the health authorities in Africa regarding Ebola. We are all trying to develop a material, which is a matching to the Ebola, so that Ebola through magnetic field as a virus can attach itself to it and it can virtually be urinated out. The trials, the process has started. We have to see how correct we are. This is one of the most direct approach, than the chemical approach, for the… not micro-infections but for, what do you call it, viruses.

L: Yes, Mr. Keshe, but here I have a very quick question, so we can understand further the process.

MK: Your questions are always good!

L: So, we have a very limited supply… Thank you. Haha… So, we have a very limited supply of metals that we can nano-coat. Let’s say titanium, …

MK: No, no, you can coat any material. You can even coat, as I talked with Marko, you can even coat the Coca Cola plastic bottles. You have gone, I think, what you said is, it shows, sorry to say, you haven’t understood the difference between nano-materials this way and how they produce nano-materials in industry. In industry…

L: Yes, but let me finish first the question so you can give the answer.

MK: Look, I know, I got to tell you this because it’s important. In industry you paint the nano- material on the nano-material. In this technology, you separate the atomic structure of the matter from itself to its plasma condition, so you can plasmasize any material. You have to find the right condition environment, not to melt the metal, but create the condition just below melting and evaporation, that you can capture it in the layer. Then we can coat it. We can even coat hydrogen. Carry on.

50 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) L: Yes… So… basically, I will continue with what I was saying so you can understand what will be the question. So, supposing I have a supply of metals, I don’t know, like nickel, titanium, whatever, and this will, as you mentioned a few moments ago, will have a specific gravitational magnetic field probably dictated by the mass of the metal. So now, if we are speaking about molecules, as you said about poisons and compounds and so and so, probably the equivalent gravitational magnetic field of a molecule will be, or not be matching that one of the metals that we, we have nano-coated. So, now, probably from here is raising the confusions. So, once we have a limited supply of, let’s say metals we can nano-coat, and a variety of molecules and whatever poisons we would like to attract, and usually these, how to say, organic compounds, probably they don’t have a bigger atomic mass. How are we going to proceed with this? Because probably these…

MK: If it is a virus, any Gans of the material should do, because the Gans of the material radiates a spectrum of fields. If it is microbe, then you have a problem. Because microbes by their nature interlock their fields to each other. You have to go into it; you have to be able to break the chain. Viruses is a supply which you can add to, to release the plasma of the microbe, or extract it or link to it that you take from it, that it cannot link up with anything else. In the universe, we don’t have microbes. Microbes is attribute of this planet, because it has this gravitational condition, and water, and the condition the material contains.

Microbes are very… are not that difficult to make a Gans of and then try to replicate it, but then you are going to the chemical reaction. But, with viruses, that’s why if you go back to the Fukushima test, we could affect the gamma radiation immediately, because we could close the loop from the field where it was coming with the Gans of the material. We cannot touch beta and alpha ray, which is matter-based, really. I know exactly what you are talking we are looking into this, because this is important for other things but I know the answer. If you show me something you have gone further than that at this stage, I explain it to you and we can add to the knowledge. But, at the moment, nobody has touched it.

So microbes are literally like alpha and beta. There is a matter connection. The viruses are like gamma rays. That’s why our technology very rapidly, can, in fact, interfere with gamma sources to reduce it, and that’s why we saw the reduction in the field strength in the water and in the material.

In the test by, when we saw, I saw somebody saying the material blah blahblah that is a lot of nonsense, they don’t even understand what they are talking about, and writing in Japanese too, and the Japanese are laughing at the whole thing because they understand it, is that, with the matter condition you have interlocking, even at the radiation level, and the beta and gamma, alpha radiation. In the field you have field connection interlocking, so it doesn’t matter how far

51 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) the field is. The minute we put the liquid in the radioactive material it reconnects with the energy levels of the radiation and it takes it out. That’s why we didn’t show it, but beckerels per kilogram, because that is the field that the mass is in change.

The mass ratio stays the same, the only thing is you lock the fields, not the matter interactions. And it’s the same thing, that’s what I’ve… Yes… To look into the cesium, what do you call it, tritium, in the containers in the, what do you call it, Fukushima. If you can make a material that can behave and connect microbes with viruses, then you have opened a totally new direction in the world of, what do you call it, medicine. We have the solution, we can do it, but if I do it, I won’t be here long.

L: Yes, I was referring, for example, to bigger molecules, like, how to say, nitrates, that are poisoning the water, or nitrates, which are bigger molecules, material, matter, so, as an example.

Look at the Magnetosphere They Make

MK: Yes. But, the thing is, you have to size of the… when you got a molecule in the plasma technology, don’t look at, as I showed you, to how many electrons and protons. Look at the magnetosphere they make, its what we call the coulomb barrier, and then you have to replicate that as a Gans, and then you can attract it.

You see, the way, it’s beautiful what you said, as a poison, whatever. The way I was poisoned with arsenic, the only way which doctor Eliya could litterally stop the process is creating a balance field in opposite to it, in what do you call it, in homeopathy, which is, as I said in my paper about homeopathy, why it is, it’s a magnetic field dependent on the oxygen, so use a common known oxygen to link into.

There are ways you can do what you’re saying, to find a matching way, but look at the plasma of the total molecule, doesn’t matter how big, how many different elements are in there. And, then, try to replicate it in the Gans state, which is very easy. I’ll show you this because Armen is getting there. One of the systems Armen is setting up is getting there; we can demonstrate physically, you can see it. There is a huge breakthrough coming through the foundation for pharmaceuticals. And, Armen is just matter of weeks, days away from it if he understands what he is doing, and we can show this. We can replicate and create the gravitational magnetic field

52 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) of any element, molecule, whatever, in the universe, because now, the system which Armen is setting up, we can measure its field strength.

This is technology development, and it’s done by the knowledge seekers. So, if you, if it’s very hard for you because you have a single core in the star formation system, we can create the behavior of let’s say a hundred hydrogen, in the other one we can create a hundred nitrogen and then let them interact with each other until we create the plasmatic condition of, what do you call it, protein, in a nano-state as a plasmatic Gans state. And then we can extract protein from anywhere the way we like, what kind of protein we like.

I think in the next six months man’s knowledge will change, in totally different way, as you lot are changing and understanding more of it. But, don’t look at how you make a nano-material of a bacteria. Look at what that bacteria contains, then you know the size of its magnetosphere according to the size and the spacing of the proton and electrons. You see, it has to have a field and only interacts through that field according to the field it creates.

Then it links it short of one electron. If you look at the double one and the single one in chemistry, and translate it into Gans and nano-technology, you should be able to understand now how it’s done, because they need a field that the two plasmas can maintain a shared part between each other. So, if you can replicate that as a matter state, you immediately find a solution to any disease. We are on the verge of a huge breakthrough, in different direction of the science.

Target – a Bright Light in the Sky

But, first of all, yesterday, or two days ago I was trying to explain things to Marko and he cannot understand. I went to the kitchen and brought a spoon and put it on the table. I said, Marko, I can’t spoon feed you. You have to feed yourself. You start understanding more, I open more notes. But, it’s no use me saying, because then you don’t understand it.

Our target at the moment in the foundation for the next two weeks is to create, what you call, bright light in the sky, in the lab, that we can show it to you. It takes me 5 minutes to do it, but now it’s in the hand of the knowledge seekers to do it. They are looking at every aspect and reading the books. It’s the first time I’ve seen them reading my books to see what they can find out, what they missed. You have every…

53 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

Rick: Mr. Keshe, did you see the question from Ad? He says, would it be possible with the reactors of Armen, if you put them all on a transparent box that was filled with the single gas, like argon, and when the reactors are in action with a dynamic magrav component, it can, it creates a five- dynamic plasma that reacts with the argon and releases light?

MK: Aahh, why do you need to do that? If you want the light in the certain colors you can do it. This is what I explained yesterday to the knowledge seekers. It depends on how you create the friction between… you don’t need to put five together to create argon. You can do it with one reactor. Actually, you should be able to do it with a Gans material, so this is what I don’t understand why you lot haven’t done it up till now, and that’s what I am now pushing the knowledge seekers to do.

R: In a direct…? You are saying in the direct argon environment? Or some other gases?

MK: Why do you need gases? Why do you play with matter? Now you got a plasma. You can go from argon to helium, go to whatever you like. You have the whole spectrum of the energies in one single Gans of copper oxide or CO2. It’s you who’s limiting the knowledge, understanding of the knowledge, not the knowledge and the technology. You should, all of you, by tonight, if you understood what I explained this morning, at least this session today, you should be able to put Ganses in a condition, in a position that in interaction is the same as the Gans of the, let’s say, the Sun interacts with, what do you call it, magrav of the Sun interacts with the magrav of the Earth leads to light, and you have the Ganses in your hand, which is two plasmas.

You should be able to create enough light and I’d become God. But, at the moment you don’t understand, I haven’t become God, because I haven’t managed to show you the magic. But, you have the knowledge; you have everything in front of you past six months. There is enough. If you look at these tubes, there is enough in those tubes to light up the whole Earth for centuries. It’s you that don’t understand what you’re doing. You are still looking…

Lucien’s Intervention – just one second

L: Mr. Keshe, here I would like to intervene, just…

54 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) MK: Yes, go on.

L: Can I intervene just one second? Because I think you are missing a point here. In the university, right…

MK: I don’t miss a point…

L: No, so please let me make a point because it is going to save us a lot of aggravation. You go to the course, the professor, and after that, you go...

MK: Pardon? You go to where?

L: You go to the course, to the lecture, however you want to name it, it usually takes three hours. After that, the second day, is another three hours, what is called the seminar, that means the system professor is answering to students’ questions, and after that, the third day, you are going to the lab in which they tell you what to do so you can see by yourself and get hands-on expertise to comprehend what you have been taught at the course. So, after that, you are given homework.

So, if you are maybe right that you understand what you are talking, and I’m sure that you understand, but if other people, sure, first stage is reception of the message, and after that, if they are not proficient in, how to say, like, when they give you homework to do some differential equation, if you don’t have hands on to resolve the equation you cannot go into the lab and do measurements because, obviously, you are not going to know what you are doing there. So, what I’m trying to say is: first…

MK: Yes, let me answer you, Luciano, very direct: I always say that the people will understand and take it from this technology and knowledge according to their own intelligence: the knowledge is there to be a professor; the knowledge is there to be in the nursery; you decide according to your intelligence, you have everything, it’s just that how you interpret the knowledge.

55 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) The thing is, put it this way, I’ll put it to you very directly: you have the Ganses, in two different Ganses or the same Ganses, you have two plasmas and they are sitting on top of each other, they don’t create anything. What about if you make these Ganses dynamic against each other? I refer to my talk today; you need four dynamic conditions, you need four plasmas, and this is what, you know, Marko answers perfectly, you need dynamism; what was the other thing you said? You need gradient to help. And he understands, but he cannot translate it into a condition that can create light. And he lives in the light environment.

You, if we teach you, everything is very much, you know, we all go to the lecture, we are all taught by one teacher and then we go to the, you can ask your questions, as you said, but when we go to the lab, we don’t know what the teacher said in the classroom; what’s the use of the lab? And then we start causing problems and breaking things in the lab because we don’t understand. We have to keep ourselves busy, it’s the same thing; there are governments who understood the application and they’re enforcing it; but, as we said, we want to teach this knowledge to common man.

What is puzzling me, and I said yesterday to the knowledge seekers and the day before, you should be able to create light, you speak it but you don’t understand what you are speaking, so it’s not the fault of the teacher; it’s the fault of you being still conveying everything back into the matter state.

Very simple, Luciano, you and your team, you know what you’re doing; today, go and buy yourself a, what do you call it, a fish pump, two fish pumps; you have enough Gans materials in your fish pumps, in your tanks, and feed them to a nano-layer. My God, you lighted the whole of New York; or Washington. But you don’t understand it.

You want me to come and spoon feed you. You have a plasmatic dynamic plasma of a CO2, across a wall, crossing another plasma that is going in the opposite direction of the copper oxide. Ch’ching! Earth-Sun gravitational magnetic field of the Earth, gravitational magnet field of the Sun. And then you got dynamism. Do you want me to spoon-feed you? So, all of you should have a torchlight and CNN would not report it because it comes from Keshe foundation.

So, you have been looking to find, now I took it to the lab, I showed you what to do. And if you ask my knowledge seekers, I can ask them, they can go in my lab; can you go to my lab and bring me two fish pumps on the table? One is in the pack, it’s not opened up, and one is on the other table. So, I know what I have to teach. But, when they don’t understand it, why should I teach it? I asked my wife to go and buy two fish pumps, and now I ask Marko too and I’ll show it

56 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) to you; you want to understand how you do it? Now tonight all of you can open; if you understand what you are doing, if the energy delivered from the Gans your pump does not block your pump through high voltage current AC/DC, now you have your system.

You had a fish tank, you’ll have a fish pump, fill it up with Gans or put another fish pump; when the Gans sits at the bottom of the tube, the way you see it, it has no motion, even the plasma of the Gans is in motion; now, instead of waiting to put another electrode into it, like the nano- coated material, that you create the motion between the layers according to the gravitational magnetic difference within plasmas, you collect peanuts.

In each one of those tubes there is enough plasmatic material, if you know what to do with it, to light up New York for 200 years or maybe more. The energy of the plasma never finishes. It’s you who has to make that dynamic condition. You don’t need no motors, you don’t need no generators, you don’t need to bear nothing. But, as I said, I teach as much as you can understand. When all of you, these hundred thousands of scientists round the world watch this, as governments approach this, they watch this; they cannot see what’s right in front of you. I’ll put the screen, if the screen comes on, you see, can we connect the camera to this screen please, there it is, Marko comes in; Marko, you tell them what you’ve got in your hand?

Vince: Rick, do you want to just stop the screen share so that we can see the camera? Thank you.

MK: We have to bring that over here; connect this camera; yeah, because our line was disconnected, we go on another computer so we have to change it; so, in fact, there is no, no shortage in the knowledge, it’s just that you don’t know how to use it. This very small fish tank, you go to any shop or to fish farm, or fish, what do you call it, let’s say aquariums, so fish aquariums where you buy fishes, if you can find the right material, the right thing, then you’re done. It’s here, it’s already loaded. John, can be also, this is the same, you don’t need to separate it - so, now, you get yourself a 6 mm tube, nano-coat it, put the 6 mm tube into another tube of 5, or of 2 centimeter, or, what do you call it, 20 millimeter diameter. You create a current flow between the two and you decide, if you can get it right, now you have yourself a light. You don’t blame the teacher just because you were playing in the classroom when the teacher was teaching. It is very simple.

L: Yes, Mr. Keshe, a little observation, I’m not saying…

57 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) MK: I’ll show you this… I’ll show you this…

L: I’m saying that we did achieve the knowledge, we understood that Gans is a dynamic plasma, we did understand that it’s, how to say, dismantling the coulomb barrier, we, how to say, evolved, but still we don’t have the, how to say, the perspective that you have.

MK: Yes, I have no problem, but I have to teach at the level that you understand. I can share knowledge, yeah, as I said to Marko yesterday because I tease him a lot with this, because he knows everything but he can’t put it up.

I said there is a very beautiful woman walking by the lake in Desanzano. And you’re here, a kilometer away, more or less; it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t exist, just because you don’t see it. Everything is there for you to see, - there it is, oh, you disconnected the camera again?

Yeah, this is the pump, if I can show it, that’s the pump, vacuum pump, I have even made it ready for them to show them but they have to develop the knowledge so I can share the knowledge. This is a small fish tank, find yourself non-magnetic pumps, and then you can do it much more efficiently. Increase the speed, reduce the pipe flow, then you inject it in and then you create the friction. Tonight you’ll have a light bulb. This was the surprise for the knowledge seekers for this week, now you’ve got it. That simple.

In the universal condition, in the reactors of Armen we will see when the plasmas interact. We’ll see the light. I have a lot of hopes if other things go wrong with the argon reactor, we’ll achieve both what we are looking from the emotional, what do you call it, part, not from the energy part. But, if you are looking for the light, you put, what do you call it, you put two floating, high floating close; if you mix them, you will not get it because it will be very difficult, because one will absorb what the other one releases, you have to keep the wall of suppression in nano-layer.

If you can achieve it, tonight you’ll be on CNN. And, energy produced is in giga-watts and you only use a fish tank pump. So, you achieve that, what do you call it, Overunity, by million times, because the plasma energy of the Ganses is in millions of them, it’s not in one of them. And then I was teaching the knowledge seekers this week about the reflectors of the universe, you only need to create one atom to release its energy and then you can use other plasmas to reflect it, because I left the lamp in the garden, in front of the lab, it’s been there from the first day they came here, but none of them have seen it. And I kept on asking my wife, is there some talk, I said they haven’t seen it yet, she says no. The lamp has very few LED lights. If you light it,

58 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) you don’t see anything in the garden; but on top of it, there is a conic hole reflector that reflects the light out, it covers meters.

In plasma technology, you can do the same. Don’t use all your plasmas; use all the Ganses in the right way as a reflector. Then, one electron will be one million electron light. So, I hope they change their mind and that they will give us the Nobel Prize for physics instead of giving it to the guys for LED. The three Japanese won the Nobel Prize for producing LED lights twenty years ago, thirty years ago, now, we have given free light, now they will give you the Nobel prize.

Marko; this is how easy it is. Always look in the teaching, in your understanding; if I had a motor, have you seen a motor in the universe? No? Then try to analyze why and how the universe does it and then you’ll find your answer. It took me over thirty years to understand the behavior of gravitational magnetic field, and as I said to the knowledge seekers, how you haven’t understood the creation of the motion is not the problem because man, millions of scientists from past thousands of years have understood it, and now, in one go, in ten minutes, you all understand how the motion is done?

The knowledge is free but it’s got to be at the level you understand. Then I can disperse with it, and you, Luciano, usually come up with the point to push that point; and I appreciate it, as well as I joke with you about it, I appreciate your input because you are the only group, I know how you are working, you managing your work very closely, you are the only ones who sit and try to do it scientifically, but then you run into, again, into a schizophrenic state between the matter and plasma. Try to put the matters away. You should be able to make by now, if you understood the way you measure voltage and the current, you cannot measure voltage current with the volt meters, you should have meter measurement by now, I explained to the knowledge seekers this week how to do, if they understood.

So, find yourself a high pressure pump, and make yourself enough gans, that you can put in five-centimeter interface between two different Ganses, the friction between one Gans of the higher order, with a lower order of Gans should create enough friction to release enough energy to light up the whole of New York. Or Beijing. You don’t need huge size because once you touch the atomic structure in the Gans state; you see the light according to your vision, not in physicality… in what you want to see.

This is what I explained to the knowledge seekers: if you understand this position, in the future you don’t need to carry the light because you can create that gravitational magnetic field in the Gans of your brain and the liquid in your brain that creates light in the direction you want to look

59 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) in the dark. Start carrying your torch in front of you. Man in the past had this knowledge, and somehow we have lost it. So, we are gaining back the knowledge that was there.

If you know how to change environment as you wanted Dr Yvan, you could press the layers of nano-layers in the copper oxide wire and you get higher voltage or whatever. Try to do that with your emotions, try to do that with your fields and your thoughts. Then, as I said to Marko this week, it’s put your two hands together, facing each other, create the core, and look into it. You will see light, you will create light because your hands release plasmatic gravitational magnetic fields, it becomes, hold your hands together, and you see the heat, you feel the heat. And that heat needs slight indication, a slight increase, to become light. And you have it.

The Colours of the Aura

Rick: Mr. Keshe, Brett had a question that’s somewhat related to that, regarding the chakras of the body and the aura and so on. Maybe it would be appropriate for him to ask his question. I’ve brought the image up there, that Brett had sent me; maybe you can just briefly get into that? Now we are two hours and forty seven minutes in, so probably we would have to end the broadcast pretty soon here, I’m sure you’re getting tired, but perhaps Brett can be addressed; is that possible?

MK: No, we are here because John still has to do his teaching;

R: OK,

MK: OK, no problem; carry on...

Brett: Yeah, I wanted to know the different colors of the aura, we know how the colors are produced in field strength, but what do the colors have a relationship to the emotional mind state of being? You received the picture, I don’t know if you can use that as an example to explain.

60 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

MK: Explain yourself.

B: When people have different colors of the auras, their emotional mind puts out fields and changes the colors and I wanted to know what the different colors, how they are related to different emotional states and how it affects the energy system.

02:47:13 MK: This I explained in brief, I think, last time, or in one of the talks. 80% of the information transfer in the body is not done through the neuro-system, it’s done through the Gans, what do you call it, the gravitational magnetic field of the body. And this is how when you feel and how you feel affects the colors. The colors are irrelevant because one shows one color in one place, and it shows a different color somewhere else. We’ve done this with our aura detectors working next to each other, one you see as slightly blue and the other you see as slightly greenish blue. So, that’s irrelevant, it depends what the body; each brain knows what color or what kind of field that part of the body receives because it’s got a different composition.

So, the colors are meaningless to me, it doesn’t make any sense what color does to what. Maybe pink is happiness to you and pink to somebody else, because they have a different combination of blood setting, it will be blue. Not to everybody, but not necessarily the same. I’ve seen a lot of these aura games, to me it’s totally, what do you call it, it’s good for some things but not necessarily for what you are trying to do.

We spent nearly four, five months in Belgium, running a program like this, in the aura systems, and the ones which you think and you change, it’s done by the Russians with the help of the Germans, they’ve done it in the Russian space agency, and I came to one conclusion: it all depends on the state of mind, and what is within the body, and there is God knows how much

61 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) data on it, on every single department in the system you can see the behavior of every single cell in the body of a man. This is Russian system. This doctor…

B: Is that doctor Korotkov?

MK: I don’t, oh, I don’t even know my name, I never remember names but I spent nearly four or five months and we took a lady a lot of people know, she was our guinea pig because she was working with the company which were selling the system, and I made specially to see if our psychological cups affect the position; and every time, every day we did a test; I wrote only what was the setting, emotionally or physically, or which part of the body, and we sealed it, I kept it in envelopes, they kept it in envelopes and the girl kept it in envelopes.

She knows who she is, I think she listens to this program; and after four or five months, when we finished the trial, I think it took us four months or something, and we opened the envelopes to see if the reading of the system and the aura was according to what the compass said it would.

And, strange enough, I deliberately put a lot of empty cups in it, so there was nothing input emotionally what was supposed to be there, but because she wanted to achieve certain thing, the aura and the system was according to her, because she wrote what she wished and what she was feeling, so, these things are totally irrelevant the way they set up, because you see the matter plasma, you don’t see the magrav plasma; when you can make an aura system which is a magrav, then you are closer than we can discuss.

Brett: I just wanted to share something also about the magnetic field measurements, maybe it can help some people, since the Gans is magnetic, also you can clear the Gans liquid easily by putting magnets underneath the container, it will clear a lot faster, but you can take a pressure plate with a magnet underneath it and put the Gans on top and have the pressure from the Gans push down on to the pressure plate and you can create the reference point for the Gans, and then go from there for the other ones.

MK: Yeah, he is using magnetical or gravitational, so you have to use a specifically one side; if you turn it on the north pole, as we say, then you’ll see magnetical, if you turn it to the south pole, according to it, but the problem with the Gans is dynamic north and south.

62 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) B: Right, but you can solidify it, and it won’t do that.

MK; Hmm! That’s something for tests; we’ll try.

Vince: We’ve tried… We’ve done some tests with Brett, and I actually had some static discharge, I don’t know if it was static, but it dried CO2 Gans.

MK: It’s good, if you are doing such a thing, keep the data; because then, that’s how the technology finds its backbone. It’s a beautiful thing you are doing, but keep the data…

V: So, I was able to manipulate the Gans with a piece of balsa wood…

MK: Maybe yes, but don’t forget you only effect on the Gans according to the matter that the magnet is made of. So, if you use a different magnet with the same Gans, you will find different measurements, most probably…

V: It wasn’t really measurement, it was the action in which the Gans was producing compared to the magnet, so I tried with a magnetically charged screwdriver tip, which was different than a neo magnet, which was different than a piece of balsa wood.

MK: Was it the same discharge?

Rick: And then you used a tip, Vince used the tip of his finger as well, right Vince?

V: I got my fingers wrong.

R: It was ok, he got as much of a response as a magnet.

MK: Was it exactly the same measurement?

63 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

Dan: That’s exactly what I get. My assistant and I, she touched this reactor and she felt the thing going and so she was playing with it, and I came over and put two points of interaction on it and then she was literally chasing me through this material. We were getting incredible reactions, like in this…

MK: Yes, we know we get the reactions, but what I am asking, is the reaction with different magnets and the fingerprint the same?

Dan: No – no magnets.

Vince: Not on your’s Dan, but on mine there was, yes…

MK: Then, it is different, then we can, OK, if this is a magnet you used if you get this energy then this is the Gans of this material. If you used the other one… I think it would be best to try maybe two different Gans solids, in the side of the plate, because I’ve done this. Yes. And then you measure. And then you start standardising, this is something that…

Brett: Yeah, so that was what I was doing.

Vince: So, we dried three Gans with the individual pieces on the plastic lid that I was using. With the different magnets it was reacting differently, to each gans. Some wouldn’t even react at all. CO2 was the most reactive to any magnetic field, as well as the balsa wood, as well as my finger.

MK: And then you get a charge…?

V: Well… I wasn’t measuring any voltage; I was just trying to experiment with the dried or a semi-dry state of Gans.

MK: Yeah, but, but what did you measure? What did you observe exactly?

64 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

V: The amount of Gans that were being moved due to the fields, not the actual magnet or the balsa itself, the distance that it moved, the location that it moved, the direction that it changed.

MK: OK, now, OK, this is fantastic. Let’s go step further. Let, let, let’s be in the question time. I ask and, you see, we extend the knowledge because then you learn it. Ask yourself one question. You say the distance the Gans moved. That’s energy. That’s plasmatic gravitational energy. How can you convert this energy and how can you bring this energy into being heat, or light, or motion? You have the motion. Now, how are you going to change it? Or, what if you changed the magnet into a Gans? Try this Gans motion and which we, I explained to you the fish pump, and tell me if you see the light. If you have an aura material, detector, like you show the human body, keep the aural detector and see what the spectrum is creating near the visible light. And what you need to change. This is what I said to the knowledge seekers.

V: We should be able to detect with our eyes, though. If we, if we train ourselves to be able to see the auras, we should be able to see with our eyes…

MK: Yes, but then… No, what I am trying to explain is then you know what speed of the push of the material you need to achieve light. Because you have to create certain friction at a certain speed to be able to create that light. So, if you keep your, what do you call it, camera on it that should show you very much like the figure you have, on the screen now. The white is on the top, or you want the red light on the bottom.

So, the speed of the flow and the material used, the salinity of the material, of the liquid in the interaction, it’s to put the two flows opposite to each other. And if you can nano-coat it and then

65 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) keep the camera on and see which light is created and which direction you are going. If you increase the speed of the flow, if you increase the salinity, we don’t have these cameras, you have it, test it, and teach us!

Rick: There is a picture that Eliya sent, actually a video that she suggested that we could have a look at to see if, it’s an animation, maybe it shows something that would be similar to what you are talking about, Mr. Keshe. Let me see if I can get it lined up on the screen share here, so… Do you have the livestream, or…

MK: Yeah, we have it on the livestream. Let me, before you play this video. Now Eliya is on the line, and you can listen and we go back to what we always said. The 20 percent of the food you eat and you take, 80 percent comes from the environment. Scientifically, you should take by the ratio of the volume to the surface, the food you need. In the bats that fly we see a huge ratio of 70 percent. In the humans we don’t see it, because we don’t eat as much as we, what do you call it, as the energy and the height and the weight, we have the mass ratio.

Go into the scientific literature, you’ll find what I am talking about, because, well, I can go and find it and show it to you. Then, the scientific world are asking themselves why the mass or the volume to the surface ratio as the animal becomes bigger reduces, because a bat of 16 gram, for example, eats 9 gram or flies at night to keep its heat and its body going. And if you go by the same ratio, if you are 100-kilo weight, you should eat about, I don’t know, 70 kilo every night, every 24 hours to do, but we are happy with a sandwich, or with a small amount of food. And the scientific world, doctors don’t understand why, why is this ratio, because the doctors haven’t understood that the body is plasmatic magnetic gravitational, we absorb it from the environment.

The auras which you showed us is the field coming into the body, or the fields going out of the body. The body has an exhaust system exactly like (kidneys and) bladder and, what do you call it, large intestine that filters specific length gravitational magnetic field. If you can, what did you say, the system you can measure it too, then we can measure exactly how we see the flow fields, which part of the body is rejecting, which part of the body accepting and when they do.

In the commercial we put out for the kit our system is totally different than the tree. We are forever absorbing CO2, and we never give anything out, or we give very little out. So, it’s for you lot to add to our knowledge, but do it the correct way. These are in the market, that you can measure the aura which is going out and the aura which is coming in. (long silence) We have silence.

66 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

V: Are they usually infra-red cameras? I’m not sure of which spectrum… that the aura cameras usually do.

MK: I have no clue about these cameras. I’ve seen a lot of them, I’ve been shown a lot of them.

R: Kirlian photography, I think it’s called. Sometimes they charge the body before taking a picture, and sometimes it’s the camera itself, it’s got certain sensitivity to it.

MK: Vince, we should see, I should see you on CNN tonight, if you can use the fish pump… (silence) He’s not there?

Armen: He’s already making it!

MK: Haha (lol) He’s got a very good sense of...

V: Unintelligible comment.

MK: Pardon?

V: I was asking if Lucien already has something for us.

Lucien: No, I mean, you was supposing to measure the things. (haha)

V: Oh, I get it.

MK: Hohoho – (big lol) Can I ask any of you? Do you sleep you lot? Ahhahahahaha!

67 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

V: Sleep? Sorry, I don’t know what that is!

L: I’m not using!

Dan finds some Fish Pumps

Dan: I’ve got… I’ve got in front of me, two pumps, exactly just like you described it… teeny tiny fish pumps.

MK From what I’ve seen of your lab, you have everything. You should be the first one to enlighten us. (Hahahahaha)

R: So, what are you, what are you using them for Dan?

Dan: Well, no, no, no, because of the example from the doctor I was just scurrying around and pulled some parts out of inventory, I just have a few of those fish pumps, just like he is describing, right here, and I was wondering, I wondered which liquids I’m going to use.

V: Yeah, Dan, I think you have an organic Gans. Personally, I think your Gans is very dynamic and very complex in terms of its mass or its…

Dan: Well… well, you guys have only seen just the tip of the iceberg. But…

MK: Lol – are you sure you can test it on your own? Hahahahaha!

Dan: I’m producing! I’m producing 27 different liquids here. I’m in full production.

R: And there are definitely different types of bacteria and so on, and they give off light, right? There are light emitting beings that are in the ocean and salt water and so on.

68 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) V: So, organic Gans has a good interaction with itself because it will all be dynamic, so you’ll be able to use probably any of the Gans that you have there to be able to create friction. We already…

MK: I think, one of the ways…

Dan: That’s absolutely I have a choice. I have a plethora of a choice.

MK: Let me, can I, can I give you a suggestion? It will be very good for those who have worked a lot of hard work. Armen has a very miniature motor, so we’ve been looking for it yesterday. If you stick a piece of nano-coated copper oxide, copper, copper-coated, in the CO2 Gans material… I think that should do it. Should give you a lot of light. Hint. Hint.

Dan: I have a teenee tiny motor also, but it doesn’t say…

MK: I could show you my camera, it’s sitting right here.

R: You got to be careful what you wish for in this workshop, because you might get it immediately.

(Big lol from Lucien, Vince, Rick, MK)

Dan: I’ve already got it in a number of other ways. I’ve, I’ve reproduced a phosphorescent, the phosphorescence in the algae, only mine’s orange, like orange lime green.

MK: I’m wondering how you are still alive at this moment, you are like-mind, and they haven’t got you yet.

Dan: I have a 36-hour schedule; I sleep 6 hours, 2 hours sometimes by two by two, and sometimes 6 hours. I don’t know, I…

69 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

MK: It depends on what you wish; it depends on what you wish to have…

V: As well as the dynamic fields you are around there, Dan, I’m sure that they are also…

Dan: All of my reactor series are in harmony, absolutely producing, all of them, I don’t, I don’t use any electricity here in any of my laboratories, I produce electricity inside of all of this recycled plasma. I use the chemical reactions just for conditioning purposes, and the, and the… And I only pay 10 dollars for the service because that’s the minimum thing in order to hold the contract with the electric company…

MK: You know, there is a scientist in Belgium who didn’t even pay that 10 euro, because he said, they can come and take the meter away.

Dan: Yeah, but I wanted the connection, because I surf on top of the super highway peer to peer, I want that third commonality of connection. That’s why I have it. Plus, I can sell them back energy if I wanted to.

MK: Can we see this video from Eliya? Yes. OK, the kit unit now has been put up for sale on the website of the foundation, so anybody who wants to purchase it, the kit or the unit, the kit will be different from what you see, but it will do the same work, even better, so that has been… What happened?

Oh, we are there. So, it’s being released, now the kit is ready, you can order. The people who pay 10 euro for a kit are going to get a refund back because we were inventing while you were ordering and the price is not 10 euro, it’s 25 euro in euro plus delivery, and then there will additional for the plate only, and…

Can you go to the papers? Latest papers, please, see if the paper has been downloaded there. So, if you go to the latest papers, you see if the motion and anything has been loaded yet for the webmaster. No, it’s not loaded yet. So, the paper for the motion will be loaded today, so from now the CO2 kit is for sale. You have to allow up to 30 days for delivery. What are we looking at?

70 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

V: This is the video that you were saying that you want to look at, Mr. Keshe.

MK: Yes. So what is that? Can somebody explain to me?

V: This is somebody’s representation of the field strength inside of a reactor.

MK: This must have come from China. It’s from inside, it can be right, there is nobody that is wrong. Hm… We lost it. No, we don’t see the video. It’s like the first reactor that they built as animation, it was rotating with those things around it, and how the helium was coming in. It was done by the Chinese a couple of years ago.

V: Right, yeah.

MK: Yeah, I see it. You receive it. Yes, it’s quite possible. It depends on what you put in there. Yes. You see the beauty of this system, the way you have developed it, with the space reactors, is that by pinning the center, the nano-material, you have a very, very stable reactor… very stable, extremely stable.

The beauty with matter reactors is, sometimes you can use a property, in a very nice way. So, this is possible because we don’t see the fields inside the reactor, so it could be as good as 100 percent right, and as good as 100 percent wrong.

But, from our reactors we know that the fields in different sides of the reactor are slightly different. With the measurement of a few months ago, we put the reactors on, as we said, we had a, what do you call it, a fashion show, for the reactors, and we measured the field strength on four, actually six positions up, four sides, top and bottom. And we saw changes for each one different for each reactor. So, in an ideal place it must be correct. I see James there. Hi, James. No? He is online somewhere.

Rick: We still need to… we still need to move into John’s presentation soon.

71 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) MK: Yes, so I hand over my headphone to John. Is there any other question? Or, we say goodbye from here… from my part. No more questions?

But, Vince, try, what do you call it, not Vince, Lucien, try the dynamic flow of the Ganses, and don’t get disappointed, change the density and the speed of the flow and if you can nano-coat your material, you don’t necessarily need transparency, you can use nano-coat as a separating pipe. If you use a micro-pipe, your light, if it’s inwardly, don’t forget what I explained to you, that the light is towards you, if the gravitational magnetic field gradient is in your direction. If the…

L: Mr. Keshe, just…

MK: Yes?

L: Just a very punctual question. I have some plastic tubes, that are used, you know, for the people that have respiratory issues, you know, they give them oxygen. They are very thin, like maybe 0.5 millimeters, you know, the inner diameter, and transparent. So, what do you mean by coating that plastic, because it’s supposed…

MK: In a way… if you… each one is much weaker than using plastic. So, you have to find a way to coat your plastic, but strong enough to separate the hydrogen. Actually, it’s mainly your carbon, because you have nano-coated them. And, if you don’t see light, change the direction of the flow or the Gans. OK.

V: Rick, Rick, can you mute your microphone?

MK: OK, OK, I’ve got the hint Rick, I’ll give the headphone to John. Hold on…

John: OK, hello.

V: Yeah, I just wanted to make sure everybody understood.

72 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) R: Yeah, there is another question in livestream here, so… I think we have to stop taking questions and continue on with John’s presentation. So, we are up to 3 hours and 15 minutes…

V: Yes, we have 40 minutes left.

R: Right.

John’s Presentation

3:14:53 John: OK and hello to everyone. What… I had the intent to go to basic stuff, so after what has been said today, I might not be at the height of what is expected from everyone. But, I’ll try to do my best in the way that, in fact, I wanted to show, we said, that the atoms and the… because we have different atoms, each of them has a different magnetic and gravitational field and this magnetic and gravitational field depends on the number of the proton, neutron and electrons in it.

And, I wanted to share because that was the question that rose to me about the atoms, because we are talking about the different atoms, and because we are sharing that, I had some kind of, ask some questions with the, we are asked by people about those elements. So, I would like to go first to the sharing, so if you look at the presentation, yeah, I have, I took the Mendeleev’s table and you see that in fact, those elements have been shared, and, you know, in a way that you have all those elements, that are classified in the weight, in the size of what is in the matter state, but which is for each of them also a plasmatic and gravitational aspect, and each of them can be in the matter state or in the Gans state. But, what I wanted to show is in fact, go to the atomic structure, to see that in fact we are in the same condition. I hope you all see the sharing of our screen.

73 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

We are in the same condition, what is, in fact, a galaxy or a solar system. We have principle, matter, which is, in fact, core of each atom, and we have the turning around that core, we have the… well… it could be the Earth, the Mars or Venus or whatever planet that comes around.

So, we have really a good parallel between what is, in fact, the… what’s happening at the low level with the atoms, and at the high level. So, if I take this picture, for example, we have the hydrogen, hydrogen is in fact one proton and one electron, but, in fact, we have a whole sphere, which is in fact the magnetic sphere of all these elements, and in fact they should be a bit bigger then what we see here in this picture.

I cannot have a circle, but I should make a circle around these. So, in fact, we always have the influence of each atom that has a certain distance, and the bigger the kernel is, the bigger the atom, but when we add more in the kernel, in the core of the atom, we have more electrons also. So, if we have more protons and more neutrons, neutrons are what is in fact allowing

74 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) stabilization of the core of the atom. And the proton has its position, in its supposition, by the position of the electron that goes around.

So, you have some magnetic and gravitational aspects that are occurring and the electrons are, in fact, pushing on the protons and on the core, to keep it also together. So, each time that we have some electrons around the core, that’s to keep the integrity of what is inside at the same time. So, here we have hydrogen, that’s helium and then lithium, neon, that I have shown you, that is, in fact, you can go on with all the elements that are on the table of Mendeleev. If I go to this picture here we can see that, in fact, we have here the carbon, with six electrons, and the same of protons, and you can have different quantities of neutrons.

Usually the main carbon is the same quantity of neutrons, but anyway in the core of all the electrons, of all the atoms, we have the same, with the neutron, which are, in fact, stabilizing the core. If we have not the correct ratio of proton and neutron then we go to atoms that are not stable, because the equilibrium of the magnetic and gravitational field that are in the core, induce a certain stability, and if the friction of the elements is not done correctly, where it’s not, there is some release, there is some friction, so the stability can disappear, then we have a rearrangement in the core in those elements.

I wanted to show also this picture, I find it very nice because it’s a galaxy, two galaxies, and it reminds me of exactly the hydrogen with proton in the center and the electrons on the side and we have that variation, those rotation fields.

75 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

John: So, all that… is in fact, what is… what I wanted to show for those atoms. Now, if you go further, I wanted to show the interaction of the fields, and show that, in fact, the coulomb barrier is, in fact, what decides the size of a molecule. And, if we have molecule which is, in fact, what I wanted to show also, the… OK, these pictures, all are, I’ll stop sharing the screen, and I wanted, what’s that?, oh, it’s putting there…

Rick: You want me to show something in particular, John?

J: I wanted to go with the camera eventually.

R: OK, then I, then I’ll have to stop the screen sharing, I think.

V: Yeah, just stop sharing screen, please, thank you… perfect.

J: OK, this is an arrangement I made with the central magnet and I have 6 magnets all around and I wanted to show that, in fact, if I take a small magnet like the one I have here between my fingers, I can have this magnet, which is repelled, it’s repelled by the central magnet, but if I go close enough, then I am attracted by the small magnet which is there. This could be seen as a molecule of water, for example, where I have two hydrogens and a big oxygen in the center. This is the shape that could be seen as what represents water.

76 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

But, because we have magnetic and gravitational fields, this molecule can also link to other molecules that would be around. So, just put on one of the next pictures…

V: But, you have to share the screen.

J: Now. Errr… yes, so sorry.

V: Now we got it. So, Rick…

J: OK, then. Eventually. Let me continue with this, and I’ll go back to the picture later. This is in fact what could be seen as water molecule, which is two hydrogen and one oxygen. But, let’s also see that this system can show us what could be the coulomb barrier of a molecule in respect to another molecule.

So, I keep here under my finger one of the magnets, the small magnets, and you see, I am attracted, but if I go away, you see the distance is, in fact, the distance where we are kept, you see the distance which is kept between the two entities, is what could be seen as the limit of attraction and repulsion. And that is, more or less, the coulomb barrier. I cannot go further than touching, but when I try to go away, I am linked to this magnet.

And this is, in fact, what happens everywhere, in any molecules, in any chemical links. But, it’s also what happens when we have different plasma. We have interaction, and that interaction, well, then it becomes an interaction, like it has been shown earlier, just by turning and rotating

77 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) the magnet, you can see, in fact, that we have a big interaction between each. So, this was the aspect that I wanted to show and to share with each of you.

And so, I hope this will help also everyone in this kind of understanding because, well, it’s a schizophrenic aspect because I’m not yet completely in the plasma, but in fact it’s linked to that condition, and when we are with plasma the interaction is much higher.

So, let me maybe share this screen from my side or; so, I wanted to go back to the water and you see that in this aspect which is representing crystal of ice, the links between the atoms and molecules are, in fact, making and building a structure which is in fact of a hexagonal shape and we have, at one moment, we cannot see what’s the difference from another molecule to another molecule of water, they are all linked and they happen to be in hexagonal shape.

So, you see this… One aspect, which is interesting, we have some fields and these fields have a directional aspect. And that’s what we, when we have a space formation, we have some directional, and that directional side of what is created will be induced, will mostly have something which is fertile, but in some part it can be directional, and the directionality is in fact induced by increasing the fields in one reactor or in another reactor, and all those differences will allow, in fact, to move in a direction or in another direction because then we have the field interacting with the whole environment, and what has been shown also is, in fact, when we have big environment, strong environment, like Earth, or like the Sun, interaction with the reactors will happen, and mainly reaction is stronger with the entity near which you are.

But in a way, what was said, if you want to leave the Earth and go to the Moon, we have to be aware that the Sun is there and that we have to control the direction of the fields, taking into account the presence of the strong field, which is the Sun.

78 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

So, this is the short aspect of the things I wanted to show and to share, the fields and the fact that the matter, the atom, will always be linked the same to each other, to the plasma field and the understanding. The stronger you have, is, in fact, the most of the matter, the most of the entity, the biggest of the entity you have, so if you are with hydrogen you have one proton and one electron, if you’ve got uranium, you have so many more protons and neutrons. But what has to be seen is the size of the core in respect to the size of the atom itself; it’s a huge difference.

There’s a huge distance between the core and the electron and in between we have the vacuum, a full vacuum, and it’s the same if you go into core of the bigger atom, you have proton and neutrons in the core, but in between them there is a vacuum and the links or the fields, the magnetic and gravitational fields, that holds all those elements together and, well, that’s what I wanted to go into and I hope you could enjoy at this level. I wanted to get into some other aspects, but I don’t think it would be the good place now for doing it. Ok… does anyone have any questions?

Vince: What we have there, you said that the structure of an ice molecule, but wouldn’t that be the structure of the molecule itself, just in a different dimension, as in the water molecule which spreads due to the, what… the increase in the coulomb barrier? Is that what you were…?

John: This could very well be the structure of the water that we have in the body, because the structure of the water is, in fact, just about the structure of one molecule, one huge molecule, which is in fact what happens with the linking, which is made, that’s what I said, we don’t see exactly what could be, one molecule or another, it would only be a slight difference in the distances between one oxygen and one hydrogen, but the link is there and completely…

V: Right, so, in terms of ice, right, we know that ice… isn’t it the only molecule that would expand when the heat energy is being taken out or when it’s getting colder. So, why ice? Can you explain that?

J: Well, that’s when we go to a solid state, the links, and the distances of each atom and molecules, because we are taking out some heat, those distances are in fact, more or less, they are… I have a small explanation to say: when we go from liquid to ice, the volume, the specific volume of the water increases slightly. That’s because the way, the behavior is in fact, that structure allows this magnetic and gravitational field to push more and that’s why we have that ice taking more space.

79 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

V: Right, so the oxygen, in the picture that we have on the screen, with the ice, the oxygen would be allowed to increase its fields with little, or less - sorry, less interaction with the hydrogen and the other oxygen, on the other side; so, it could increase distance where, in terms of, let’s say, the iron, the iron molecule will shrink in terms of its dimensions when it gets cold, because it has the same atoms that it’s dealing with so they will contract with their, fields, let’s say, or put up less fields.

I’m not saying contracted fields, but put up less fields, due to the magrav environment of the cold condition; so, with the oxygen and the hydrogen, the hydrogen being the molecule that is the base of the proton and electron, would it get more room, to be able to expand, is that, could we also see it that way?

John: Well, I can see it in the fact that because of the solidification, the hydrogen that is linked to one oxygen will just go a bit further off its own oxygen and become closer to the oxygen of the neighboring water molecule. So, we could have those links to change from a certain position when it’s liquid, to a position which is between the two atoms of oxygen for one hydrogen and the positioning of the hydrogen is in fact attraction by two neighboring oxygen; so we have, like when I showed the magnets, the two oxygen cannot come closer because they are repelling, and hydrogen just stays at the stable position between the two.

V: Would it not be allowed to increase its field strength because of the less fields that the oxygen has so does it have to make up the difference so increasing the distance between the oxygen?

J: Well, that’s… eerrr…. I cannot…. eerrr…

V: For a later time, I guess; (lol) OK, I think we are getting pretty close here, Rick? Are there any other questions for John before we call it a night?

R: Is there any other…?

MK: Can I just say something, if it’s possible, before we finish? Please, wait until later on that the 18 minute video is loaded as well, and then please post it up on every CO2 organization you

80 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) know or global warming system you know because this is the first chance we have that we can go global; any organization that is fighting global warming or anything in the United Nation, this is a practical unit and I would like to ask if people who want to make these units in your country contact the foundation, that we give you very, very simple system which is designed by the Italians to copy and you can market it, very rapidly, and at the same time this would allow us, as a foundation, to be able to push forward with spreading the knowledge because many people don’t know about the foundation but they are very active in the global warming and the CO2 absorption. This allows to help humanity as a whole in one go.

There is one more thing that I have to tell you, and I think it comes very, very interesting to understand; a lot of you have dried, a lot of you have powdered. Has anybody frozen the gans? Has anybody put the Ganses in the deep freezer?

V: We’ll find it out this winter when it freezes in my garage.

MK: If you have a deep freezer, place it in the deep freezer, or try to freeze it; it will freeze partially; should… may not do, but you will see very interesting result, and if you can picture it, if you can photograph it, the all of it, if you have the machine, well, let us know.

So, I think we can call it a day; we’ve been here long enough today, thanks very much for everybody’s help. Tomorrow we’ll be back at 2 o’clock with doctor Eliya Kostova and she will be most surely after two weeks of permanent residence at the foundation center, and on Saturday at 7 o’clock, central European time, we will have the children’s program. And we’ll see where we go. And then after next week, still Saturday, and then the following week it will be Wednesday, I think, who do you call it, Rick, will post it up.

Is there any other question, or shall we call it a day?

V: I think we should call it a day, thank you for all that information, it was very fantastic and I’m sure that we can all add to the knowledge from what we’ve learned here, and we should all be able to bring our own experiences on the next workshop, to be able to add the knowledge to the totality.

81 Transcript from 31 st Knowledge Seekers Workshop held October 9, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) MK: I hope so because now, in a way, if you can produce light, now we’ve seen that we produce CO2. Today is a very, very important day for the foundation, extremely important. Maybe by next week we explain to you exactly how and why.

Each One of us carries a Corner of the Carpet

The whole structure is moving mainly because of the sessions like this; if world leaders and lead politicians understood, there is no need for patents, and the knowledge can be shared easily, and so, in a common language that everybody can understand and work with it. And I should thank all the people around the foundation who have made this, what do you call it, possible to be done; and each one of us carries one corner of a very big carpet, and all together, we can lift it, but for one of us it’s too heavy.

I’ve carried that heavy load long enough, and few other people, but now there are millions of people who are doing it. I work on the Nigerian Keshe foundation into the family of the foundations, the same as New Zealand’s, and others; so, hopefully next week, if we are correct, we’ll see the light, and if we are very correct, it will be very good news in respect to international acceptance of the technology into national applications. Thank you very much for being here.

Rick: And I would like to remind people that they can help lift the carpet by making donations to the Keshe foundation to make sure that all these wonderful things that are trying to be done continue to be done. Thank you everybody, that’s a great workshop.

MK: Thank you, Rick. Thank you very much, thanks, bye, bye-bye.

Rick: And, so ends, as I often say, so ends the 31st Keshe Knowledge Seekers Workshop… 03:47:42


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