Facilitator Cheat Sheet for Exercise 2.2.4

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Facilitator Cheat Sheet for Exercise 2.2.4

Cheatsheet 2.2

Facilitator Cheat Sheet for Exercise 2.2.4

The below are suggested answers for each scenario. However, other responses may be appropriate, depending on how the information was interpreted. In some cases, there is not sufficient information provided to choose confidently between the different modalities.

Suggested Scenario Explanation/Comments Response A very poor harvest earlier in the year 1 Unconditional Cash – food available in markets; households prioritize severely reduced household food stocks cash food purchases. In-kind food could replace purchases from and income. Food is available in the local traders/producers. market but households can’t afford it. To buy food, households are forced to Unconditional – HH labor is needed on their fields; CFW abandon work on their own fields to could compete with these activities – potentially reducing earn wages in the city or on others’ the next harvest and food security. farms.

2 Following the harvest, households are Conditional Cash – HH have cash needs to pay back debt faced with high levels of debt incurred cash (CFW) during the lean season (to buy food and agricultural inputs). To pay back the debt, they are forced to quickly sell their limited harvest at low prices as Conditional – There are few labor opportunities at this there are few other options to earn time of year, so hh labor is available to work on CFW income at this time of year. projects.

3 Floods have damaged local food stocks Conditional In-kind – there is low availability of food due to damaged and isolated the targeted area. The in-kind (FFW) stocks; the market is not functioning well because the area markets are not expected to function is isolated from the floods. Giving cash at this time could until the area has been drained and increase prices since the supply cannot respond to the roads are rehabilitated. increased demand.

Conditional – there is a need for labor to dig drainage ditches and repair roads (however, other labor requirements for households – fixing homes, etc – will need to be considered; also need to consider whether the floods/roads can be repaired with manual labor or if technical skills/machinery is required).

4 Drought and high food prices have led Unconditional Vouchers – the appropriate food is available, but hh will to emergency levels of child vouchers not likely buy it with cash. Vouchers can be restricted to malnutrition. Nutritious foods are the purchase of certain items. available in the market, but households are not accustomed to consuming these Unconditional – VFW are often not appropriate in an types of foods. emergency situation where lives can be at risk.

5 Deteriorating natural resources and Conditional Vouchers – Food is available in the markets, so a cash- poor agricultural practices have vouchers based response is appropriate. However, direct cash reduced yields in recent years. This year (VFW) transfers will be difficult to distribute because there are no households require food assistance delivery mechanisms, such as banks. The security situation Cheatsheet 2.2

several months before the planting may preclude direct distribution by the organization. season to reduce negative coping strategies. Food is available in the Conditional – labor opportunities and on-farm work are markets, but there are no banks in the often limited in the months before the lean season. VFW area and concerns with security issues. activities can be used to improve natural resources and ag practices (e.g. half-moons, water conservation structures).

6 Hurricanes have destroyed homes in a Unconditional Cash – construction materials are available in the market; coastal village. An assessment reveals cash households prioritize home repairs so it is likely that they that households prioritize home repairs would use the cash for this purpose. They will also be able as their biggest need, but they also to meet other emergency needs. have other emergency needs in the immediate aftermath of the disaster. Unconditional – households need to allocate their labor to Both local and imported construction fixing their homes. Conditional transfers are often not materials are available in the markets. appropriate in emergencies (depending on the context).

7 Cassava production has been decimated In-kind – the cassava cuttings are held by the NARS and by a highly virulent cassava disease. The are not available in the local market. The project can national agricultural research institute procure directly from the NARS and distribute. If the NARS has developed and multiplied disease- Unconditional releases the cuttings into the market or through resistant planting material that could in-kind community-level multipliers, then vouchers could also be greatly improve household yields. appropriate. Cassava cuttings are not typically sold in the market; households use their own Unconditional – The project may want to get clean cassava cuttings or access them freely planting material quickly to as many households as from their neighbors. possible so that the disease will not be spread further. More households can be reached quicker doing an unconditional transfer. Also, “for work” approaches are not typically used for one-time transfers, although the transfer could be conditional on something else, e.g. training.

8 2,000 refugees have crossed the border Unconditional In-kind – there are not sufficient markets in the area. into a sparsely populated area in a in-kind Giving cash would increase demand without an increase in neighboring country. They are in need supply, causing prices to rise (the project could work with of both food and non-food items, such the traders to increase their stocks, but this may take a as blankets and cooking pots. There are little time). Since the project is serving a newly arrived a few traders that serve the local population, the in-kind transfers will not displace sales for population, but they do not have the the local traders/producers. capacity to meet the needs of the large numbers of refugees who are setting up Unconditional – the populations are very vulnerable and in camp. need of immediate assistance. Conditional transfers are often not appropriate in this context.

9 Pastoral and agro-pastoral households Conditional Vouchers – There is surplus livestock in the area; vouchers lost high numbers of livestock in the vouchers allow for livestock to be transferred between owners recent drought, in part due to poor instead of increasing the total number of livestock on the resource management and animal land (putting more pressure on natural resources). health practices. An assessment identifies the need for restocking for Conditional – The target population practices poor natural resource management and animal care. Giving them more Cheatsheet 2.2

vulnerable hh, surplus livestock livestock without addressing these problems could lead to numbers by wealthier households and further livestock losses. The project could make the local traders, as well as training on receipt of livestock conditional on participation in trainings improved livestock practices. on improved livestock practices.

10 Cholera has infected local water Unconditional Vouchers – water is available on the local market, but it is supplies. Safe, potable water is sold at vouchers not likely that the targeted beneficiaries would purchase it “water kiosks” by commercial traders, if given cash. Vouchers can be restricted to the purchase although it is only wealthier residents Alternative of safe drinking water. who typically buy their drinking water. responses: Poor households targeted by the Since the vulnerable do not participate in the market, project do not normally purchase water Unconditional providing treated water directly will not displace market on the market. in-kind; sales and could be cheaper than using the water kiosks. The most appropriate response may be household-level Other (water water treatment (training, access to aqua tabs, filtration, treatment etc.). methods) Unconditional – Conditional transfers are often not appropriate in this context.

11 Food is available at the household level, Other Malnutrition is not caused by lack of food, but by disease. but poor sanitation practices result in Health and/or sanitation interventions might be more high levels of diarrhea and malnutrition appropriate. for children under five years.

12 Persons displaced by conflict in the Unconditional Cash – Markets are functioning and delivery mechanisms north have arrived in the capital, and cash are in place. The targeted beneficiaries have multiple require assistance to meet immediate needs that can be addressed by cash. needs such as food, water, clothes and rent. The capital is not directly affected by the conflict and has highly functional Unconditional – Initial support might be unconditional markets, banks and mobile money because displaced persons are highly vulnerable and in transfer systems. need of immediate help. Depending on the context, this might change to conditional over time, to provide work opportunities for the IDPs.

13 A recent conflict between ethnic groups Other Setting up psycho-social support/counseling for has traumatized adolescent girls who traumatized persons may be recommended. The project remain afraid to leave their households could also engage in peace-building activities in the to go to school or carry out their communities. livelihoods activities.

14 Malaria is a main killer of children Conditional In-kind – treated mosquito nets are not available in the during the rainy season. The WHO in-kind market, so will need to be purchased elsewhere by the recommends the use of treated project. mosquito nets which are not readily available in the local markets. Households do not typically use Conditional – Distributing the mosquito nets without mosquito nets or seek formal medical sensitization/training will not necessarily lead to their use. care for treatment of malaria. Receipt of the nets can be conditional on participating in training on the prevention and treatment of malaria. Cheatsheet 2.2

15 Country XX is highly dependent on Conditional Cash – households have lost their source of income and tourism for revenue and jobs. Fighting cash (CFW) require cash to meet basic needs. in the country has caused a sharp decrease in tourism, causing many businesses to close. Many households have lost their source of income, while prices for both food and non-food items are on the rise. The government does Conditional – households have excess labor due to high not expect tourism to resume for at unemployment. CFW activities can be designed to repair least six months. The fighting damaged public infrastructure, such as roads, schools, etc. public infrastructure, such as roads, irrigation canals and schools.

In-kind Cash Vouchers Other

Unconditional Scenarios 7 and 8 Scenarios 1, 6 and 12 Scenarios 4 and 10

Scenarios 11 and 13

Conditional Scenarios 3 and 14 Scenarios 2 and 15 Scenarios 5 and 9

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