Corbridge Parish Council

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Corbridge Parish Council




6215. PRESENT Councillor J M Hodgson, Chairman of the Council together with Councillors: D Walton, M J Stone, P H Kenny, C G Curry, D Burnett and Mrs J B Fearon. 6216. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllrs Mrs P Proud, Mrs G Dickinson, A Jenkins and K Windebank. 6217. RESIDENTS present raised a number of matters and where relevant they are listed together with the actions that will be taken, if required. In due course if necessary, reports will be made back to Council. a) Youth Centre. It was noted that the stair lift in the Youth Centre was in need of repair. This will be looked into. 6218. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. Cllr Mrs J B Fearon declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Item 9 as a member of Northumberland County Council’s West Area Planning Committee and Central Planning Committee. 6219. MINUTES. It was proposed by Cllr D Walton, seconded by Cllr P H Kenny and AGREED the Minutes of the Council meeting held on the 24 September 2014, having been circulated, be signed as a true record with the addition of the following points: a) Voltage Check. Due to the increasing number of power cuts experienced in Corbridge, Northern Powergrid will be contacted to carry out a voltage check. b) Fencing – Synclen Avenue. Fencing had been removed at the end of the cul de sac beside No 36. Northern Powergrid will be contacted to repair. 6220. MATTERS ARISING. a) STANNERS WOOD. Minute 6200a refers. Work to refurbish the defences at the Stanners has is due to be completed in November. Once this has been carried out then improvements will be made to the river level gauge at Wellbank. [Update: Work on the flood defence wall is likely to be completed in December] b) COIGNS CORNER. Minute 6200b refers. Work had commenced to improve the Coigns Corner area. c) ROYAL BRITISH LEGION. Minute 6200e refers. It was noted that the Remembrance Day Service will be held on 9th November 2014. The parade will leave the Corstopitum Club at 10.20am and the service will commence at 10.50am in the Church. Poppy boxes are to be distributed around the village week commencing 27 October 2014. d) HAWKING. Minute 6200f refers. This article is to be published in the November edition of Corbridge Matters. e) CORBRIDGE BRIDGE. Minute 6209 refers. It was noted that work had commenced and was progressing. f) ALLOTMENTS. Minute 6211a(v) refers. A meeting is to be held on 23 October at 5.00pm. g) CHURCH CLOCK. Minute 6211a(vi) refers. It was noted that repairs to the church clock were not the responsibility of the Parish Council. h) STEPS. Minute 6212 refers. It was noted that the steps had been repaired and the Parish Council would continue to pursue NCC re the installation of a handrail. i) SIGNS. Minute 6213 refers, Deferred until a meeting can be arrange with various parties including NCC. 6221. ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT. It was proposed by Cllr J M Hodgson, seconded by Cllr P H Kenny and AGREED accounts on the list as circulated be paid. 6222. ACCOUNTS UP TO 30 SEPTEMBER 2014. It was proposed by Cllr J M Hodgson, seconded by Cllr P H Kenny and AGREED to accept the accounts and budget report for the period ended 30 September 2014. 6223. PLANNING DECISIONS. It was proposed by Cllr D Walton, seconded by Cllr P H Kenny and AGREED that the Council receive the details of Planning Decisions made by Northumberland County Council, in accordance with the list circulated. It was noted that planning application no 14/00587/FUL which was refused by the planning committee was going to appeal. It was agreed to send the Parish Council’s objections to the Planning Inspectorate. 6224. PLANNING APPLICATIONS. It was proposed by Cllr J M Hodgson, seconded by Cllr P H Kenny and AGREED to accept the decisions of the Planning Advisory Group in accordance with the list circulated. It was noted that no objection had been sent to the planning applications on the list circulated. 6225. CORRESPONDENCE. Correspondence and information items received since the September meeting had been listed on the agenda and were noted.

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6226. TYNE VALLEY RAIL USERS GROUP. It was noted that the AGM will be held in the Hexham Community Centre on Thursday 23rd October 2014 at 7.30pm. 6227. NORTHUMBERLAND LOCAL HEROES. Northumberland County Council had launched a new recognition scheme for people for contribute exceptionally to their community. Information to be circulated to all Parish Councillors. 6228. TELEPHONE BOX. Northumberland County Council is seeking views on the proposed removal of the BT phone box on Aydon Road. Clarification will be sought from Northumberland County Council on how they are consulting with the community. Initial consultation process will end on 11 November 2014. It is the Parish Council’s view that the phone box should be retained. 6229. CORBRIDGE BRIDGE. NCC has planned works at Corbridge Bridge commencing 22nd September 2014. These works are to repair damaged/washed out stonework and pointing to the pier aprons. A section of the car park to the south of the bridge is to be used as a site compound. During the works pedestrian rights of way are to remain open. Works can only take place during low water levels, and will be stopped/postponed if these levels become unsuitable for the repairs to take place. It is anticipated that the scheme will take up to seven weeks although this is dependent on river levels and weather. 6230. INFORMATION ITEMS. a) Northumberland Association of Local Councils eNews – October 2014 b) Tynedale Hospice at Home – Light up a Life – Remembering at Christmas c) Northumberland County Council – Temporary Road Closure U8187 Appletree Lane 6231. WORKING/LIAISON GROUPS. a) FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSES. A meeting is to be arranged in early December to set a draft budget for the year 2015-2016. b) PARISH HALL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE. The Parish Hall Management Committee met on 21st October 2014 and the minutes will be circulated in due course. c) PLAY AREA IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE. The repairs to the boundary wall had commenced and will take approximately 3-4 weeks to complete. Cllr D Walton requested that the quotes be circulated to all Parish Councillors. It was noted that the new equipment had been installed at the Riggs Play Area and the installation of the new fencing had commenced. The fencing for the Parish Hall play area had been delivered and would be installed in due course. d) COMMUNICATIONS GROUP. The new edition of Corbridge Matters had been delivered and was in the process of being distributed. It was noted that if any resident was not receiving their copy then please advise Cllr K Windebank. The village website is progressing. e) NCC HIGHWAYS AND NEIGHBOURHOOD SERVICES LIAISON GROUP. This NCC department is in the process of being restructured and the new officers are Ray Weallans, Neighbourhood Services and Kris Westerby, Highways. Cllr J M Hodgson had spoken to the new officers and requested they continue the successful partnership the Parish Council had built up with the previous officers. The next meeting of the Liaison Group is to be held on 13th January 2015. Cllr J M Hodgson is to arrange a meeting late November/early December with the new officers to discuss how to move forward.. f) CORBRIDGE IN BLOOM. It was noted that Corbridge in Bloom had held their AGM and a new Treasurer and Secretary had been appointed. The Presentation evening held on 3 October was a very successful event and had been very well attended. Cllr D Walton expressed his thanks to Karen Blackburn for her commitment to Corbridge in Bloom over the last 4 years and it was agreed to send a letter of thanks from the Parish Council. g) VILLAGE GREEN. It was noted that the 3 vistas along the riverbank had been cut back. h) VILLAGE SHOW. It was noted that the AGM had been postponed. i) THE CHAINS POS. Progress is being made. Persimmon Homes had agreed to carry out work in the area although this was still to be agreed with Northumberland Estates. Cllr M Stone is to keep the Parish Council updated. j) TRADERS ASSOCIATION. Cllr J M Hodgson is to attend the meeting on 23 October and will circulate the minutes in due course. The Christmas Lights Group had agreed to light 4 trees in the churchyard and the Pele Tower is to be included. John Harding is to hang the lights. . k) CORBRIDGE YOUTH INITIATIVE. Gillian Wood had been appointed as the new Youth Development Worker which is a 3 year post funded by Children in Need. It was noted that the AGM is to take place on 20 November 2014 at 6.00pm in the Youth Centre. l) PARKING PLAN. A meeting had been held with officers from NCC on 21st October to discuss the possibility of comprehensive proposal including the extension of the village car

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park. A further meeting is to be held on 23rd October with Charles Beaumont. This was progressing although there are a number of issues to consider. As it has now been 6 months since the Corbridge Parking Plan was implemented it was agreed to arrange a review with NCC who will provide statistics. Other issues had arisen in the village, with cars parking on the pavement and causing an obstruction. These areas include Glebelands, Windsor Terrace and Manor Cottages. Under the restructure of NCC, this comes under Margaret Robinson. Cllr J M Hodgson is to contact Margaret Robinson and arrange for officers to look into this. m) RIVER WATCH GROUP. The work had now been carried out on the willows and was complete. Cllr J M Hodgson thanked Cllr C G Curry for his efforts in keeping the River Watch Group going and now further volunteers had been recruited. n) DEMENTIA FRIENDLY TOWN UPDATE. Cllr M J Stone gave an update on Corbridge’s Dementia Friendly status. Corbridge’s Memory Café had commenced on 16th October and was hugely successful and well supported. This will continue on the 3rd Thursday of each month. Sessions are to commence at Corbridge Middle School on 24th October and further sessions will follow. o) GLADMAN DEVELOPMENTS. A meeting had been held with Gladman’s and NCC Planning Officers. Reports had been published in Corbridge Matters and the Hexham Courant. Gladman’s were doubtful about the suggestion of access from the A69 however Graeme Robbie had sent the information to the Highways Agency for their comments. Corbridge Parish Council is doing all they can to ensure that this proposed development is handled in the correct way. Corbridge Middle School is to seek the views of the parents and the Vice Chair of Governors is involved in our meetings with Northumberland County Council’s Health and Safety Officer involved in all discussions. p) EAST TYNEDALE PARISH AND TOWN COUNCILS FORUM A meeting had been held on 14th October with a presentation on the proposed relocation of Hexham Bus Station. It was noted that Loosing Hill was the preferred option. It was noted that the current bus station was still being neglected. It was noted that the work, including reinforcement work and slightly widening, on Ovingham Bridge was behind schedule. Minutes of the meeting will be circulated in due course. r) VILLAGE LITTER PICK. A meeting is to be held on Tuesday 4th November at 1.30pm in the Parish Hall to arrange the autumn litter pick. 6232. AGENDA. After discussion, it was agreed that although the Parish Council meeting agenda was lengthy the format would remain. 6234. NEXT MEETING. The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 26 November 2014 at 7.00pm in Room One of the Parish Hall.

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