List of Sustainability Courses Offered in Each Department from Fall 2010 to Spring 2011

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List of Sustainability Courses Offered in Each Department from Fall 2010 to Spring 2011

List of Sustainability Courses Offered in Each Department from Fall 2010 to Spring 2011

Total Number of Departments Offer Sustainability Courses: 21

The one highlighted in red color indicates that the course is cross-listed in other department.

American Studies (46%)

 Total courses offered: 21 + 18 = 39

 Sustainability-focused courses: 2

 Sustainability-related courses: 16

Semester Course Course name Sustainability- Sustainability- number focused related 103 The Problem of Race in U.S. Social thought and X Policy 194-02 American Voices (ENG 105-01) X 194-03 Introduction to African American Literature X Fall 2010 (ENG110-01) 194-04 Great Lakes American Indian History (HIST 194-01) X 222 Imagining the American West (HIST 222) X 280 Re-envisioning Education and democracy (POLI X 211) 294-03 The U.S. Since 1945: The U.S. in the Vietnam War X Era, 1950-1975 (HIST 244) 294-05 Indigenous Peoples and Museums (HIST 294-03) X 308 Introductions to U.S. Latino Studies (HISP/LATI X 308) 345 Race, Culture and Ethnicity in Education (EDUC X 340) 494 Frontera: US/Mexico Border (HISP/LATI 494-01) X 101 Explorations of Race and Racism X 248 Jim Crow (HIST 248-01) X Spring 250 Race, Place and Space (GEOG 250) X 2011 254 Peoples and Cultures of Native America (ANTH X 254-01) 294-02 US Racial Formations and the Global Economy X 305 Race, Sex and Work in the Global Economy (WGSS X 305) 341 Urban Social Geography: City Life and Landscapes X (GEOG 341) 0, 3

Anthropology (44%)

 Total courses offered: 13 + 12 = 25

1  Sustainability-focused courses: 0

 Sustainability-related courses: 11

Semester Course Course Name Sustainability- Sustainability- Number focused related 111 Cultural Anthropology X 239 Medical Anthropology X Fall 2010 256 Peoples and Cultures of South Asia (ASIA 256-01) X 294 Indigenous Peoples of the Arctic (ENVI 294-01) X 360 The Anthropology of Tourism X 394 Darfur: Conflict and Human Rights in Africa X 101 General Anthropology X Spring 248 Magic, Witchcraft and Religions X 2011 254 Peoples and Cultures of Native America X 363 Anthropology of development X 380 Advanced Medical Anthropology X 0, 11

Biology (26%)

 Total courses offered: 19 + 19 = 38

 Sustainability-focused courses: 1

 Sustainability-related courses: 9

Semester Course Course Name Sustainability- Sustainability- Number focused related 144 Lakes, Streams and Rivers X Fall 2010 270 Biodiversity and Evolution X 285 Ecology X 345 Field Botany X 112 Origins X 116 Community and Global Health: Biological X Paradigms Spring 270 Biodiversity and Evolution X 2011 285 Ecology X 342 Animal Behavior/Ecology X 394-02 Seminar in Environmental Toxicology X 1, 10

Economics (26%)

2  Total courses offered: 23 + 23 = 46

 Sustainability-focused courses: 2

 Sustainability-related courses: 10

Semester Course Course Name Sustainability- Sustainability- Number focused related 108 Quantitative Thinking: Epidemiology (MATH 108) X 110 Investment X 113 Financial Accounting X 231 Environmental Economics and Policy X Fall 2010 (ENVI 231) 294-02 Health Economics X 342 Economics of Poverty in US X 426 International Economic Development X 108 Quantitative Thinking for Policy Analysis (MATH X Spring 108) 2011 113 Financial Accounting X 221 Introduction to International Economics X 242 Economics of Gender (WGSS 242) X 333 Economics of Global Food Problems (ENVI 333) X 2,10

Education (31%)

 Total courses offered: 6 + 10 = 16

 Sustainability-focused courses: 1

 Sustainability-related courses: 4

Semester Course Course Name Sustainability- Sustainability- Number focused related 280 Re-envisioning Education and democracy X 340 Race, Culture and Ethnicity in Education X 394 Jr Civic Engagement Seminar: Schools and Prisons X 460 Education and Social Change X 260 Philosophy of Education X 1, 4

English (11%)

 Total courses offered: 33 + 32 = 65

3  Sustainability-focused courses: 0

 Sustainability-related courses: 7

Semester Course Course Name Sustainability- Sustainability- Number focused related 105 American Voices X 110 Introduction to African American Literature X 267 Literature and Environment: Poetry of Dwelling X (ENVI 267) 269 Environmental Classics (ENVI 280) X 276 African American Literature 1900 to Present X 394-01 Global Fictions of WWII X 265 Justice (ENVI 265) X 0, 7

Environmental Studies (85)

 Total courses offered: 19 + 20 = 39

 Sustainability-focused courses: 10

 Sustainability-related courses: 23

 Promotes Sustainability Learning Outcomes in graduates

Semester Course Course Name Sustainability- Sustainability- Number focused related 140 The Earth’s Climate System X 144 Lakes, Streams and Rivers (BIOL 144) X 194-01 Climate and Society X 194-02 The End of the World (RELI 194-01) X 225 100 Words for Snow: Language and Nature (LING X 225-01) 231 Environmental Economics and Policy (ECON 231) X 232 People, Agriculture and Environment (GEOG 232) X Fall 2010 234 American Environmental History (HIST 234) X 252 Water and Power (GEOG/POLI 252) X 267 Literature and Environment: Poetry of Dwelling X (ENG 267) 270 Psychology of Sustainable Behavior (PSYC 270) X 280 Environmental Classics (ENG 269) X 285 Ecology (BIOL 285) X 294 Indigenous Peoples of the Arctic (ANTH 294) X

4 340 US Urban Environmental History (HIST 340) X 368 Sustainable Development and Global Future (INTL X 368) 477 Comparative Environment and Development X Studies (GEOG 488/INTL 477) 490-01 Environmental Studies Leadership Seminar X 130 Science of Renewable Energy (PHYS 130) X 133 Environmental Science X 194-01 Three Rivers Environmental History (HIST 194-01) X 215 Environmental Politics/ Policy (POLI 215-01) X 229 Environmental Ethics (PHIL 229-01) X 236 Consumer Nation: American Consumer Culture in X Spring the 20th Century (HIST 236-01) 2011 258 Geography of Environmental Hazard (GEOG 258- X 01) 265 Justice (ENGL 265-01) X 260 Environmental Classics (ENGL 269-01) X 294-02 Urban Ecology: Communities, Politics and X Sustainability (GEOG 294-02) 294-03 Gender/Race/Nations in the Sciences (WGSS 294- X 02) 333 Economics of Global Food Problems (ECON 333- X 01/ INTL 333-01) 343 Imperial Nature: The United States and the Global X Environment (HIST 343-01) 370 Education and the Challenge of Globalization X (EDUC 370-01) 488-01 Senior Seminar in Environmental Studies X 9, 18

Geography (73%)

 Total courses offered: 16 + 14 = 30

 Sustainability-focused courses: 5

 Sustainability-related courses : 17

Semester Course Course Name Sustainability- Sustainability- Number focused related 111 Human Geography of Global Issues X 112 Introduction to Urban Studies X 194-02 Cultural Geography of People, Animals and the X Environment 225 Intro to Geography Information Systems X

5 232 People, Agriculture and Environment (ENVI 232-01) X 241 Urban Geography X Fall 2010 242 Regional Geography of US and Canada X 249 Regional Geography of Latin America (LATI 249-01) X 252 Water and Power (ENVI 252-01 /POLI 252-01) X 262 Metro Analysis X 364 Geographic Information Systems: Concepts and X Applications 365 Urban GIS X 488 Comparative Environment and Development X Studies (ENVI 477-01/INTL 477-01) 111 Human Geography of Global Issues X 225 Intro to Geog Info Systems X 243 Geography of Africa: Local Resources and Livelihood X in a Global Context 250 Race, Place and Space (AMST 250-01) X 256 Medical geography: The Geography of Health and X Spring Health Care 2011 258 Geog of Environmental Hazards (ENVI 258-01) X 263 Geography of Development and Underdevelopment X 294 Urban Ecology: Communities, Politics and X Sustainability (ENVI 294-02) 341 Urban Social Geography: City Life and Landscapes X (AMST 341-01) 2, 15

Geology (31%)

 Total courses offered: 8 + 8 = 16

 Sustainability-focused courses: 0

 Sustainability-related courses: 5

Semester Course Course Name Sustainability- Sustainability- Number focused related Fall 2010 150 Dynamic Earth/Global Change X 100 Oceanography X Spring 155 History/Evolution of Earth X 2011 294-01 Soils and Landscapes X 294-02 Paleoclimate X 0, 5

6 Hispanic Studies (6%)

 Total courses offered: 29 + 25 = 54

 Sustainability-focused courses: 0

 Sustainability-related courses: 3

Semester Course Course Name Sustainability- Sustainability- Number focused related 194-02 Susurros del Pasado: Whispers towards the 21st X Century 308 Introductions to U.S. Latino Studies (AMST 308- X 01/LATI 308-01) 494 Frontera: US/Mexico Border (AMST 494-01/LATI X 494-01) 0, 3

History (37%)

 Total courses offered: 21 + 25 = 46

 Sustainability-focused courses: 2

 Sustainability-related courses: 15

Semester Course Course Name Sustainability- Sustainability- Number focused related 194-01 Great Lakes American Indian History (AMST 194-04) X 211 History of Africa to 1800 X 222 Imagining the American West (AMST 222-01) X 234 American Environmental History (ENVI 234-01) X Fall 2010 244 The U.S. Since 1945: The U.S. in the Vietnam War X Era, 1950-1975 (AMST 294-03) 294-03 Indigenous Peoples and Museums (AMST 294-05) X 340 US Urban Environmental History (ENVI 340-01) X 394-02 Transnational Latin Americas (LATI 394-01) X 100 Discovering World History X 115 Africa Since 1800 X 194-01 Three Rivers Environmental History (ENVI 194-01) X 228 Gender and Sexuality in Colonial America (WGSS X 228-01) Spring 236 Consumer Nation: American Consumer Culture in X 2011 the 20th Century (ENVI 236-01) 248 Jim Crow (AMST 248-01) X 294-04 Monks, Lords, War and Pestilence: Europe 950- X

7 1350 294-08 Ethics of Service X 343 Imperial Nature: The US and the Global X Environment (ENVI 343-01) 2, 12

Humanities, Media, Cultural Studies (10%)

 Total courses offered: 14 + 17 = 31

 Sustainability-focused courses: 0

 Sustainability-related courses: 3

Semester Course Course Name Sustainability- Sustainability- Number focused related 126 Local Media Institutions X 322 Culture and Global Capitalism (INTL 322-01 and X LATI 322-01) 394-01 Spaces of Hope X 0, 3

International Studies (26%)

 Total courses offered: 15 + 16 = 31

 Sustainability-focused courses: 2

 Sustainability-related courses: 6

Semester Course Course Name Sustainability- Sustainability- Number focused related 194-01 Contested Land and Global Commons: Land Rights X in International Perspectives 245 Intro to International Human Rights X 294-01 Capital, Politics, and Nature X 368 Sustainable Development and Global Future X 477 Comparative Environment and Development X Studies 245 Intro to Intl Human Rights X 333 Economics of Global Food Problems X 345 Adv Themes in Human Rights X 0, 5

8 Linguistics (10%)

 Total courses offered: 10 + 11 = 21

 Sustainability-focused courses: 0

 Sustainability-related courses: 2

Semester Course Course Name Sustainability- Sustainability- Number focused related Fall 2010 225 100 Words for Snow: Language and Nature X Spring 175 Sociolinguistics X 2011 0, 1

Mathematics (2%)

 Total courses offered: 24 + 23 = 47

 Sustainability-focused courses: 0

 Sustainability-related courses: 1

Semester Course Course Name Sustainability- Sustainability- Number focused related Fall 2010 136 Applied Calculus X 0, 1

Philosophy (10%)

 Total courses offered: 13 + 9 = 21

 Sustainability-focused courses: 0

 Sustainability-related courses: 2

Semester Course Course Name Sustainability- Sustainability- Number focused related Fall 2010 125-03 Ethics X Spring 229 Environmental Ethics X 2011 0, 1

9 Political Science (4%)

 Total courses offered: 26 + 23 = 49

 Sustainability-focused courses: 1

 Sustainability-related courses: 1

Semester Course Course Name Sustainability- Sustainability- Number focused related Fall 2010 211 Re-envisioning Education and democracy X 252 Water and Power X 0, 0

Psychology (2%)

 Total courses offered: 22 + 19 = 41

 Sustainability-focused courses: 1

 Sustainability-related courses: 0

Semester Course Course Name Sustainability- Sustainability- Number focused related Fall 2010 270 Psychology of Sustainable Behavior X

0, 0

Religious Studies (4%)

 Total courses offered: 14 + 14 = 28

 Sustainability-focused courses: 0

 Sustainability-related courses: 1

Semester Course Course Name Sustainability- Sustainability- Number focused related Fall 2010 194-01 The End of the World X 0, 0

10 Sociology (35%)

 Total courses offered: 10 + 10 = 20

 Sustainability-focused courses: 0

 Sustainability-related courses: 7

Semester Course Course Name Sustainability- Sustainability- Number focused related Fall 2010 170 Sociology of Work X 220 Sociology of Race/Ethnicity X 290 Islam and the West X Spring 175 Sociolinguistics X 2011 180 Sociology of Culture X 210 Sociology of Sexuality X 230 Affirmative Action Policy X 0, 6

Women’s Gender Sexuality Studies (14%)

 Total courses offered: 7 + 15 = 22

 Sustainability-focused courses: 0

 Sustainability-related courses: 3

Semester Course Course Name Sustainability- Sustainability- Number focused related Spring 228 Gender and Sexuality in Colonial America X 2011 294-02 Gender/Race/Nations in the Sciences X 305 Race, Sex and Work in the Global Economy X 0, 0


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