Four Major Views of End-Times

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Four Major Views of End-Times


1 T H E F O U R M A J O R V I E W S ON THE END-TIMES Study Guide


1. What About The Four Unconditional Covenants Yet To Be Fulfilled?

2. The Battle of Armageddon .....When Is It, Who Is In It?

3. When Is the Rapture?



Matthew 24:36

36 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.

Matthew 25:13

13 “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour[b] in which the Son of Man is coming.



A. The Curiosity of the Times Q: Will Jesus return for one thousand years and reign on the earth? Q: Will Christians go through a sever year tribulation? Q: Who will be or who is the Antichrist? Q: Will the second coming of Christ occur at the same time that believers meet Christ in the air? Q: Will Christians be raptured and everyone else be left behind?

B. The Citations of Terminology 1. Millennium: an incremental block of 1000 years 2. Tribulation: a 7 period of time in which great calamity, destruction and God's judgement will come upon creation and mankind 3. Rapture: To be caught up, or snatched away. 4. Antichrist: An individual who stands against christ, and falsely emulates the characteristics of christ through deception and the powers of Satan. 5. Dispensational Premillennialism: The word dispensational means how God managed things with His relationship with mankind over a period time. 6. Historic Premillennialism: All prophecy has been fulfilled already 7. Amillennialism: No 1000 year reign of Christ 8. Postmillennialism: Christ returns after 1000 years ushered in by the church

THE KEY POINTS: All groups agree

a. Jesus will come again for those who love him. b Jesus calls His followers be ready at anytime for His return. c. No one knows the day or the hour.

3 T H E F O U R M A J O R V I E W S ON THE END-TIMES Study Guide

C. The Common Teaching

1. The Birth Pains a. Matthew 24-25; Mark 13; Luke 21 note- Matthew 24-25 Has to do with Israel because Matthew was writing to the Jews b. Jesus promised His disciples that He would come again c. Before His return, there would be "birth pains"--events before "the sign" of the end. d. There will wars, earthquakes, and famines. e. Wickedness will increase. f. There will be fearful events & signs from heaven. g. People will be deceived by false messiah's, false Christ's h. Believers in Christ will be persecuted and killed. i. Believers will be witness of Jesus before rulers and kings. j. Many will turn away from the faith. k. There will be betrayals by family and friends.

2. The Signs of the End a. What Jesus taught i. Jerusalem will be surrounded by armies. ii. Abomination that causes desolation will stand in the holy place. iii. Jerusalem will be trampled on by Gentiles iv. The sun will be darkened, the moon will not shine, & the stars will fall. (example: some believe the earth rotation will speed up causing a 16 hour day.) v. False prophets performs signs and miracle vi. Severe ocean activity. vii. People will faint from terror. viii. Jesus will appear in the sky. ix. The trumpet will sound x. Angels will gather God's elect. b. What Paul Taught About The End - 1 Thess 4:16-18 i. The Lord will descend. ii. The dead in Christ will rise first. iii. The living will be caught up w/ them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and be with Him forever. 1 Cor 15:51 iv. We shall all be changed. 2 Thess 2:3-4 v. A Falling Away of the Church-Apostasy vi. The man of sin shall be revealed, son of perdition (this is similar to Judas Iscariot.) vii. This one opposeth and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped. viii. He sits himself in the temple of God, showing that he himself is God.

4 T H E F O U R M A J O R V I E W S ON THE END-TIMES Study Guide ix. Don't believe those who say the Day of the Lord has already come. x. The Day of the Lord will be proceeded by rebellion by & revelation of the son of perdition. xi. The son of perdition will be revealed with the one holding him back is taken out of the way. xii The son of perdition will be accompanied by satanic, counterfeit miracles. xiii. Deceive those that love the truth. xiv. Will be overthrown when Jesus returns. D. THE CLARIFICATION OF TERMS

1. Eschatology: The study of the Bible's teachings about the events leading up to the seconds coming of Jesus. Study of last days of final days.

2. First coming of Christ: earthly life and ministry of Jesus Christ, about 4 BC - AD 30.

3. Second coming of Christ: The bodily return of Jesus to earth to reign as king.

4. Church Age/Age of Grace: Time period from the beginning of the church (about AD 30) until Jesus Christ returns from everyone who has trusted Him.

5. Millennium: The 1000 yr. reign of Jesus on earth, described in Revelation 20:4-6.

6. Premillennial: Belief that the millennium is a future event and Jesus will return before the millennium.

7. Amillennial: Belief that the millennium is a symbol of Christ's present reign among His people.

8. Postmillennial: Belief that Jesus will return after the millennium. The millennium is the time in which most of the world submits to Jesus, and peace and justice reign. (reconstruction theology: that the Church reform the world through our system of laws and governance.) Everything needs to get better then Jesus will return. 9. Preterism: All prophecy of the end times have already come to pass in the 1st century. a. Emperor Nero was the antichrist spoken of by John in Revelation. b. Tribulation was the time of the Jewish way (66-70 AD) the destruction of the temple. 10 Rapture: To snatch our or caught up. Event is described in 1 Thess 4:16-17 when Jesus Christ returns for His people. a. Historical Premillennial, Amillennial, Postmillennial. equate this to the second coming. b. Dispensational Premillennialism: believes this is seperate from the second coming, placing the rapture before the TRIBULATION and second coming after.

5 T H E F O U R M A J O R V I E W S ON THE END-TIMES Study Guide 11. [Great] Tribulation: Time when disasters happen on the earth and people who are faithful to Jesus suffer intense persecution, possibly 7 yrs, long. a. Premillennialist place this near the end. b. Dispensational Premmillialists typically belive this will last exactly 7 years. c. Historical Premillennialists view th reference to 7 years as a symbol of the completeness of God's dealings with the world as the end of time approaches. d. Amillennnialists, postmillennialists treat the tribulation as a symbol of the calamities and persecutions that have occurred throughout church history. e. Some Amill and Postmill people are preterists--they believe the great tribulation occurred AD 63-70 AD, during the Jewish-Roman War.

6 T H E F O U R M A J O R V I E W S ON THE END-TIMES Study Guide



R & R: The Rapture then 7 years of Christ Revelation to the World

A. DISPENSATIONAL PREMILLENNIALISM DEFINED: The Belief that Jesus will come back to earth after a 7 year tribulation and will rule during a 1000 year millennium of peace on earth.

B. DISPENSATIONAL PREMILLENNIALISM DETAILED 1. In the Palestinian Covenant: God will give the nation of Israel the land described in Genesis 15:18-- from the river Egypt to the river Euphrates--the full extent of King Solomon's kingdom. 2. The details timing: the rapture comes before the tribulation, and the second coming after the tribulation. 3. Pre-Tribulation Position: most dispensational premillennialists are "Pre-Tribulationalists." They understand Rev 4:1-2 to refer to "the rapture" 4. The rapture before the Great Tribulation: the rapture is understood as the event when Christ removes Christians from the earth before the Great Tribulation begins. 5. Mid-Tribulation Position: some dispensational premillennialists, known as mid-tribulationalists, believe the rapture will occur during the Great Tribulation. 6. The Emphasis of Suffering and Natural Disasters: a. During 7yrs, people who are faithful to Jesus suffer intense persecution. b. Natural disasters and wars will occur. c. Emphasizes literal interpretations of Revelation. 7. The Emphasis on Israel and the Abrahamic Covenant: a. During the tribulation, many Jews will turn to Christ.

7 T H E F O U R M A J O R V I E W S ON THE END-TIMES Study Guide b. God's promises to Abraham and his offspring were unconditional. Jews will still receive the land described in Gen 15:18 8. The Emphasis on Israel and 1948: a. The establishment of the modern state of Israel in 1948 fulfilled a key end-time prophecy. b. References to Israel in Revelation refer to the nation of Israel.

9. The Scriptural Support: a. God will remove Christians before the outpouring of His wrath during the Tribulation Rev 3:10 b. God's promises the Abraham were unconditional. c. The church is not mentioned in Rev 4 through Rev 19 10. The influence of J.N. Darby (1800-1882) a. Emerged in the 1800's among the Plymouth Brethren. b. Increased in popularity in the late 1800's & remails widespread today. 11. Prominent proponents of Dispensational Premillennialism J. Nelson Darby Hal Lindsey C.I. Scofield Chuck Smith Harry A. Ironside John MacArthur Gleason Archer Tim LaHaye Donald G. Barnhouse Charles Stanley Charlie Ryrie Norman L. Geisler

Scripture To Note: Matt 25:13; 1 Corinthians 16:13

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A. HISTORIC PREMILLENNIALISM DEFINED: 1. The belief that Christians will remain on the earth during the great tribulation. (do NOT believe in the Rapture) 2. The tribulation will purify the churches by rooting out false believers. (society grows increasingly evil). 3. The second coming of Christ will precede the millennium. 4. The church has replaced the nation of Israel as God's covenant people. 5. The thousand-year millennium is a literal future event. 6. The earliest church fathers envisioned an earthly millennium, a physical reign of Jesus following a time of testing. 7. All creation will be restored to is original goodness in the millennium period. 8. Historic premillennialism began to fade as later church fathers downplayed the idea of an earthly millennium because of: a. Greek philosophy began to view and teach that the all matter or the physical world as evil. b. The aftermath of some Christian's false expectations of a physical millennium. ( around 4th century) c. The rise of Roman Catholicism (around the 5th century)

B. HISTORIC PREMILLENNIALISM DETAILED: 1. Historic premillennialists try to balance symbolic and literal interpretations of Revelation. 2. They emphasize both what the book meant to first century readers and how it might apply to people's lives today.

9 T H E F O U R M A J O R V I E W S ON THE END-TIMES Study Guide 3. God's promises of land and blessings to Abraham and his offspring were conditional promises, based on their obedience. 4. Israel's persistent disobedience violated God's covenant with them. (This is true as it pertains to the MOSIAC LAW, not Abrahamic Covenant) 5. God has maintained a covenant of grace throughout the Old Testament and New Testaments with all who trusted in him. 6. These believers--embodied today in the church--are the true Israel. (In this view it is in reference to the invisible universal church) 7. Most references to "Israel" in Revelation refer symbolically to the church. 8. What scripture seem to support this view? a. The revealing of the Antichrist precedes Christ's return (2 Thess. 2:3-4) b. The tribulation will root out false members from the church (Rev. 2:22-23) c. The saints are on earth during the tribulation (Rev. 13:7) d. God's promises to Abraham and his offspring were conditional (Gen 22:17-18). e. The New Testament frequently uses "Israel" and "The twelve tribes" to refer to Christians (Rom 9:6-8) f. Hist. Premil. seems to have been the earliest view of the end times among those who lived just after the apostles. 9. When has this view been popular? The earliest view of the end times among Christians who lived just after the apostles. 10. Prominent historical premillennialists: Papias David Dockery Justin Martyr John Warwick Montgomery Irenaeus George R Beasley-Murray Lactantius Robert Gundry George E Ladd

10 T H E F O U R M A J O R V I E W S ON THE END-TIMES Study Guide



A. Amillennialism Defined 1. No literal thousand-year rule. 2. The millennium is the spiritual reign of Jesus in the hearts of his followers. 3. The "first resurrection" in Revelation 20:5 is not a physical restoration from the dead, but the spiritual resurrection known as regeneration. 4. Christ's triumph over Satan through His death and resurrection in AD 30 restrained the power of Satan on the earth. 5. Persecution of Christians (tribulation) will occur until Jesus comes again, as will the expansion of God's kingdom (the millennium) 6. When Christ returns, he will immediately defeat the powers of evil, resurrect the saved and the unsaved, judge them, and deliver them to their eternal destinies.

B. Amillennialism Detailed 1. Many amillennialist beleive that the book of Revelation consists of seven sections 2. These seven sections are not interpreted as successive time periods. 3. Rather, the seven sections described the time from Jesus first coming until his second coming in seven different ways. 4. Amillennialists tend to emphasize the historical context of Revelation and what the book meant to first-century readers. 5. The great tribulation represents disaster, wars, and persecution that have occurred throughout church history.

11 T H E F O U R M A J O R V I E W S ON THE END-TIMES Study Guide 6. Most references to "Isreal" in Revelation are symbolic references to the people of God on earth (Galatians 6:16). 7. In apocalyptic literature, numbers represent concepts, not literal statistics. For example: a. 6 symbolizes incompleteness b. 7 represents completeness c. 10 indicates something extreme but limited d. 12 represents the perfection of God's people 8. What Scripture seems to support this view? a. The Bible frequently uses 1000 figuratively b. The first resurrection could refer to the spiritual resurrection of persons who trust Christ. Rom 11:13-15; c. The saints are on the earth during the tribulation. d. The 2nd coming of Christ & the resurrection of the saved & unsaved will occur simultaneously. John 5:28-29; 9. When has this view been popular? a. Amillennialism became popular in the fifth century. b. Amillennialism has remained widespread throughout church history. 10. Prominent amillennialists: Romans Catholic Church Oswald T. Allis Augustine Louis Berkof Martin Luther G.C. Berkouwer John Calvin Herschel Hobbs E.Y. Mullins Stanley Grenz Abraham Kuyper J.I. Packer

Scripture That Does Not Support The Amillennial View

1 Thess 4:13-15 1 Thess 4:16-18

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A. Postmillennialism Defined 1. Postmillenialism is the belief that the second coming of Christ will occur after the millennium. 2. A period of great tribulation may preced the millennium 3. The millennial reign described in Rev. 20:1-6 represents a long time period when, through the preaching of the gospel, most of the world will submit to Christ. 4. During this time, Satan will have no power over the earth, and evil regimes will collapse. 5. Some charismatic Christians embrace dominion postmillennialism-that is, through the contemporary charismatic movement, God has been binding Satan. 6. When the church recognizes the fullness of its power through the Holy Spirit, the church will establish God's kingdom and usher in the millennium, a golden age. 7. Some view the tribulation as a brief time of persecution that occurs immediately before the millennium. 8. Others beleive that "great tribulation" describes the seven years of the First Jewish-Roman War which culminated in AD 70 with the destruction of the Jewish Temple.

B. Postmillennialism Detailed 1. Postmillennialist place great confidence in the preaching of the gospel. 2. They contend that the gospel will eventually spread in such a way that nearly everyone in the world will turn to Jesus Christ.

13 T H E F O U R M A J O R V I E W S ON THE END-TIMES Study Guide 3. One Scripture cited in favor of this view is Mark 3:23-27 4. Augustine understood these verses to mean that before Jesus can claim His kingdom, those that are lost (the "possession" of Satan, "the strong man") must come under the control of Jesus. 5. Postmillennialists believe that this golden age is described in the Bible passages such as Micah 4:3 6. Postmillennialists tend to emphasize the power of the gospel to transform societies and individual lives. 7. During the millennium, Christ will rule the earth through His Spirit and through His Church. 8. He will not, however, be physically present on the earth. 9. The resurrection depicted in Revelation 20:4 represents the spiritual regeneration of people who turn Jesus Christ. 10 These events will occur together immediately after the millennium. a. The second coming of Christ b. The final conflict between good and evil c. The defeat of Satan d. The physical resurrection of all people e. The final judgment 11. Which scripture seem to support this view? a. Every ethnic group will recieve the gospel before the second coming. b. The first resurrection could refer to the spiritual resurrection of those who trust Christ. (Romans 11:13-15) c. The 2nd coming of Christ & the resurrection of all people, saved and unsaved, will occur at the same time (John 5:28-29) 12. When has this view been popular? a. The earliest writer who was clearly postmillennialist was Joachim of Fiore (1135-1202) b. Many historians believe that earlier church leaders such as Eusebius of Caesarea, Athanasius of Alexandria, and Augustine of Hippo were also postmillennialists. c. During the 1800's postmillennialists increased in popularity. d. Some Christians believe that the increase work of missionaries throughout the world represented the beginning of the millennium. e. During the early 1900's a world war and an economic depression raised questions about whether the world was actually becoming a better place. 13. Prominent postmillennialists: Jonathan Edwards R.L. Dabney B.B. Warfield Loraine Boettner Augustus H. Strong R.C. Sproul Charles Hodge

The Imminent Return of our Lord Jesus Christ

Titus 2:11-14 2 Timothy 4:8

14 T H E F O U R M A J O R V I E W S ON THE END-TIMES Study Guide 1 John 2:28


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