Wangford with Henham Parish Council Minutes
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WANGFORD WITH HENHAM PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES Date of Meeting: 11th November 2014 Present: Chairman Cllr Hayes, Cllrs Miller, Farrands, Carter, Jackson, Ryland, A Smith and S Smith In attendance: Clerk J Brown, C Cllr Goldson, PC Sadler & PCSO Watson
1 OPENING The meeting was declared open at 8.00pm 2 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Cllrs Hayes, S Smith and Miller all declared an interest in Item 7f 3 RECEIPT AND ACCEPTANCE OF APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllr Monaghan, other commitment, acceptance proposed by Cllr S Smith, seconded Cllr Miller aif.
PUBLIC FORUM To include reports from Police & County/District Councillors Police Report – Between the 9th July & 11th November 2014 there were 3 crimes compared to 6 for the same period last year. Crimes committed regarding Latitude Festival were removed from the statistics 1. Late July, a complaint of threatening behaviour. One resident made a complaint that another resident was threatening towards them, but there was insufficient evidence to prove the case either way. 2. Assault at Henham Steam Rally on Saturday evening 20th September. Two youths went for a ‘joy ride’ on a golf buggy type vehicle which was being used for First Aid. When they returned it there was a confrontation between them, one of their fathers, the man responsible for the vehicle and some security guards. The identity of the youths and the father are unknown. 3. Late September following a motor accident on the A12 the driver of the car was arrested for drink driving. In answer to some questions from Councillors PC Sadler said that the security guards at Latitude appeared to good, and that overall crime at Latitude was lower than last year and mostly drug related. There were statements taken after the incident at the Steam Rally.
County Councillor Goldson had circulated a written report covering activities etc in the wider County. He expressed his sadness at the death of The Mayor of Lowestoft who was held in great respect by many, he does not know the funeral arrangements as yet. He will be taking over some of The Mayor’s roles temporarily. SCC is currently £20 million pounds short of the savings they are required to make. WDC will not be passing on any money from the Government grant money for The Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme this again year. He has been informed that following the works on the A12 at Blyburgh the road should now be able to withstand a tidal surge. One Councillor remarked that the road there was rather bumpy, and another asked if the large amount of water lying on the marshes was a result of the works. C Cllr replied that he thought the road would be resurfaced soon and that the extra water was nothing to do with the works. He thank Cllr Hayes for his valuable input.
4 MINUTES –The minutes of the Council meeting held 14thOctober 2014 had been circulated and were approved, proposed by Cllr A Smith, seconded by Cllr Farrands aif, the minutes were signed by the Chairman.
5 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES- The rubbish in the layby on the A12 has been cleared.
a) MUGA – Cllr A Smith reported that the repair work is completed, there is just some weeding to be done, and that the area is still being used though not so much at this time of year. b) Allotments /Garages – The Clerk is to ask Rodent Service to tell her when their operative is to visit so that a Councillor can go with him. c) Neighbourhood Plan – d) Highways Issues – e) Future Projects- Cobbled area. Clerk asked Mark Kerridge for an estimate for post and rail fence, but this has not yet been received.
f) Christopher Rous Memorial Cottages – Councillors Hayes, Miller & A Smith left the room while the remaining Councillors discussed nominations for trustees to the board. It was proposed by Cllr Jackson, seconded Carter that Graham Scriven be appointed. Aif The Clerk is to relay this descision to the Clerk of the Trustees.
g) Fencing at the edge of the playing field near the Village sign – Cllrs S Smith has received a quote from Keith Hall of £946.40 excl VAT this price t include clearing the area and refencing. Cllr A Smith proposed acceptance of this quote, seconded by CllrCarter. Aif. 421
h) ANY OTHER COUCILLOR REPORTS - The Chair has received an approximate quote of £200 for a hardwood bench to replace the broken one in the play area. Cllr A Smith proposed that Cllr Hayes gets a firm written quotation seconded by Cllr S Smith aif
8 FINANCE – a Accounts awaiting payment – Nett VAT Total Cleaner 50.00 J Brown, Clerk’s Pay & expenses 195.40 R Tassinari, Website 33.00
Total cheques 3 £278.40
On the proposal of Cllr Jackson seconded by Cllr A Smith these accounts were approved for payment aif.
b Accounts already paid - None c. Receipts – Allotments & garages £1272.95 MUGA £45.00
d. Bank Statement Figures 25th October 2014: CA – £ 2201.91 BSA - £22985.77 e. Budget figures (circulated) The Chairman will try to find out how many people living in the Parish are on benefits and what the tax base is before the next meeting, he asked the Councillors to study the figures in the meantime, so that the amount of Precept can be discussed then.
9 CORRESPONDENCE – a Suffolk Police & Crime Commissioner – Re: Results of public speeding survey and new speed enforcement procedure. Wangford is not involved in any Speedwatch project at the moment as there does not seem to be a huge speeding problem presently. Cllr Carter is to report speeding issues on the A145 to SNT. b Email from East Suffolk – Rough sleeper survey. No one has been reported as sleeping rough in the Parish. c
10 PLANNING – Recommendation a) APPLICATIONS REC’D – DC/14/3454/TPO 1 High Street, TPO No.135, Lime – Crown reduce approx 40% to match neighbouring lime. Our tree warden recommended a 25% reduction. Cllr Farrands proposed that be the Council’s recommendation Cllr Carter aif. The Clerk is to write to F McKeown WDC to ask that she does not recommend as severe a cut back as the Lime in The Vicarage had. b DECISIONS REC’D - DC/14/2749/AND Henham Quarry 2 signs advertising the presence of the nearby quarry. GRANTED with 3 conditions. Cllr Carter asked why this application had not gone before the full Council. Cllr Hayes thought it had but offered his apologies if that did turn out to be the case. c) Email received from Iain Robertson – re Walled Garden, Henham, saying he or Ruth will visit Henham to look at the wall and get back to me.
12 CLOSE OF MEETING – There being no further business, the meeting was declared closed at 21.00 pm.
Signed………………………………………….Chairman Date 9th December 2014