Writing Rubric for Commentaries
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Writing Rubric for Commentaries Category Exemplary Advanced Proficient Beginning Proficient Novice Pre-Novice 8-9 (90-100%) 6-7 (81-89%) 5 (80%) 3-4 (60-79%) 0-2 (0-59%) Thesis Thesis responds fully to the prompt. Thesis Thesis responds fully to the prompt. Thesis Thesis responds directly to the prompt. Thesis does not respond directly Thesis suffers from one or more is original, concise, and complex. is original and concise. and/or completely to the prompt. of the following: Thesis is concise yet reveals simplistic or - vaguely attempt to respond ____/18 Thesis is narrow in focus and frames the Thesis frames to be addressed in the limited understanding of the text; may Thesis is vague and simple and/or to the prompt but is unclear evidence to be addressed in the argument: it argument: it explains WHAT is argued and include WHAT is being argued and HOW it incomprehensive. Some or most of or extremely simple, explains WHAT is argued and HOW it is HOW it is argued. is argued, but in a general way. the ideas are not connected back to - includes some or all *Same as argued; argument is consistent throughout the thesis statement or thesis “idea”. misinterpretations, Process Paper piece. Argument is consistent throughout piece. All ideas connect back to the thesis. - or is absent altogether. Rubric Topic All evidence is varied, pointed, blended All evidence is pointed, blended well, and All evidence supports argument. Evidence is lacking, somewhat Does not offer textual evidence. Development: well, and effectively supports argument supports argument. repetitive and/or may not refer to through explanation (implicit or explicit) Employs textual evidence sparingly or argument. Evidence that shows how the evidence illustrates and Addresses evidence that demonstrates offers evidence without attaching it to the reinforces the thesis. particular literary techniques. thesis. ____/9 Addresses evidence that demonstrates Addresses the use of particular literary particular literary techniques. technique. Topic Analysis is thorough and specific: Analysis is thorough and/or specific in Analysis is more general and obvious, There is more plot summary than Refers to text in a way that most places: explanations are mostly though there is an attempted analysis (not analysis of ideas; analysis is vague: suggests a failure to understand Development: explanations are grounded in the evidence at hand & offer interesting & logical grounded in evidence mostly offer plot summary): explanations may stretch explanations are illogical or thin the text. Analysis interesting and logical interpretations of the connections to evidence and give connections to the evidence at hand, interpretations of the evidence. and/or evidence. interpretations of the evidence, but don’t and fail to interpret the evidence. Analysis is more of an seem compelling, logical, or useful to the Ideas lack development or mostly explanation of the text. Commentary Explores how literary techniques affect Explores how literary techniques affect larger argument. tend toward plot summary. meaning (embedded into analysis). meaning (mostly embedded into analysis). In some places, balance of context May be missing specific evidence or ____/9 There is a consistent balance of evidence There is a balance of evidence and analysis (evidence) and analysis, but overall more of lacks any balance between context and analysis; analysis pushes understanding in most areas of essay. one than the other. (evidence) and analysis. of argument beyond basic and obvious commentary. *Commentary asks a question *Commentary asks a question at the end of *Commentary most likely does *Commentary may or may not ask a at the end of the argument. *Commentary asks a question at the end of the argument. not ask a question at the end of the argument. question at the end of the argument. the argument. Connection to Connects the passage to a whole (entire Connects the passage to a whole (entire Connects the passage to a whole (entire Does not connect the passage to a Does not connect the passage to a “Whole” - novel, article, etc.) and makes an original, novel, article, etc.) and makes an original novel, article, etc.) and makes an whole (entire novel, article, etc.) whole (entire novel, article, etc.) Thematic thought-provoking argument about the argument about the meaning of the whole argument about the meaning of the whole and/or does not make an argument and/or does not make an argument Statements & meaning of the whole text. text. text. about the meaning of the whole text. about the meaning of the whole Questioning text. Concluding statement effectively unifies Concluding statement effectively ties Concluding statement or unifies piece and Concluding statement is nonexistent ___/4.5 piece and leaves readers with sense of piece together and attempts to articulate attempts to reveal significance meaning. or restates thesis statement and/or Concluding statement is overall significance (extends beyond the significance (possibly beyond the text). ideas previously mentioned. nonexistent. text). Language/ Effectively uses complex and varied Correctly uses complex and varied diction Sentences are fluent, and word choices are Does not correctly write in complete Writing is unclear or unacceptably diction and varied syntax with fluidity. and/or varied syntax with fluidity. appropriate. sentences or only simple sentences. brief. Style Diction is simple and/or repetitive. Written in active voice and present tense, Written in mostly active voice and present Simple and/or repetitive diction, weak ___/4.5 and uses pronouns accurately. tense, and uses pronouns accurately. sentence structure. Likely written in mostly passive voice and inconsistent verb tenses; Likely written in both active and passive uses pronouns inaccurately. voice and inconsistent verb tenses, and uses pronouns accurately inconsistently. Language may impede the reader from understanding the argument or points. Mechanics & Few to no errors. Few errors. Mostly grammatical accuracy. Minor problems with grammar, spelling, Many and/or severe/distracting Marked by egregious errors that and punctuation, but does not interfere with spelling and grammatical errors. distract and interfere with Formatting Sources cited perfectly using in-text Sources cited using in-text citations and understanding. understanding of writing. citations and embedding quotes seamlessly. embedding quotes seamlessly. Major mistakes are made using in- ___/4.5 Minor mistakes using in-text citations and text citations and quotes are mostly *Likely lacks in-text citations and embedding quotes (all quotes may not be not embedded. does not embed quotes. embedded). Total: _____ / 50