Irlam and Cadishead Community Committee

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Irlam and Cadishead Community Committee


18th November, 2004

St. Mary’s Church Hall Penry Avenue Cadishead

Meeting commenced: 7.00 p.m. “ ended: 9.55 p.m.

PRESENT: John Shelley – in the Chair

Councillors Hudson, Kean, Lightup and Mann

Don Baxter – Irlam Probus Richard Abernethy – Irlam Accord Frank Oakes – Boathouse Association/Accord Ron Parker – Irlam MSFC Nancy Heap - ICHI Sybil Norcott – WI and Moss Mary Cherry – Local History and Over 50’s B Pearson – 1st Cadishead Scouts F Morley – Irlam Rotary Club Tom Broad – Princes Park Garden Centre Tom O’Reilly } Resident W Brock } E Black } B Coulshaw } Alan Cavanagh } Ann Cavanagh } Serena Rice } Alan Rice } Alan Madigan } A Levesley – ‘Imagine’ G O’Neill – ICY Sgt. John Rowson } Greater Manchester Police PC Dave Lovatt } D Kemp - Salford PCT John Foreman } Irlam and Cadishead Community High School Glynis Brown }


Judy Edmonds – Area Co-ordinator Ursula Sossalla-Iredale – Neighbourhood Manager Diana Martin } Community, Health and Social Care Chris Trueblood } Claire Edwards – Corporate Services Directorate

D:\Docs\2018-04-13\0a761b436dc5ae663b62464b0b5a0a2a.doc 52. PETER FOXCROFT

The Committee stood in silent tribute to Peter Foxcroft, a former Member of the Committee, who had recently died.


Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Hunt and Jones, Gordon Ashton, Jean Dodd, Terry Handsley, Jane McNulty and Beryl Woodcroft.


The minutes of the meeting of the Community Committee, held on 16th September, 2004, were approved as a correct record.


The Community Committee considered an action sheet arising from the meeting held on 16th September, 2004, with specific reference to the following:-

(a) Minute 29(h) – Ferryhill Road – drainage problems

RESOLVED: THAT an update regarding this matter, which appeared to relate to a faulty connecting drain, be provided at the next meeting of the Community Committee.

(b) Minute 32 – Irlam Pool

The Area Co-ordinator (i) referred to the last meeting of the Community Committee, at which the Committee had requested that a separate meeting be held in order for further discussion to take place regarding the proposals, (ii) informed the Committee that the offer of a separate meeting had been declined, (iii) reported that the proposals had been discussed at a ‘Meet the Manager’ session, which had taken place on 27th October, 2004 at Irlam Pool, following which some small changes had been made to the plans, and (iv) indicated that the application was to be considered by the Big Lottery panel in December, 2004.

RESOLVED: THAT the information be noted.

(c) Minute 35 – Community Action Plan – Annual Review

The Neighbourhood Manager reported that a Workshop regarding the above matter had taken place on 30th September, 2004, during which the priorities for the area had been identified.

RESOLVED: THAT this item be included on the agenda for the next meeting.

D:\Docs\2018-04-13\0a761b436dc5ae663b62464b0b5a0a2a.doc 2 (d) Minute 37 – Metrolink

Claire Edwards confirmed that (i) a letter had been sent to the Secretary of State for Transport condemning the decision not to approve the Phase 3 extension of the Metrolink, and calling for the government to urgently review alternative means of funding the project, and (ii) copies of the letter had been circulated to Committee Members for them to sign and forward to the Secretary of State for Transport, should they have wished to do so.

RESOLVED: THAT the information be noted.

(e) Minute 44 – Mossland Health Walks – pathway behind Tesco (hedges overgrown)

Chris Trueblood reported that (i) the above land was owned by Peel Holdings, (ii) discussions with Stephanie Thomasson, Public Rights of Way Officer, had indicated that the pathway was a concessionary route, and (iii) discussions were on-going with Peel Holdings and the Highways Department regarding the future maintenance of the pathway.

RESOLVED: THAT an update regarding this matter be provided at the next meeting of the Community Committee.

(f) Minute 45 – Street lighting near to Makro

It was noted that most of the street lights that had not been working at the time of the last meeting had now been repaired.

RESOLVED: THAT any problems in relation to street lighting be reported to David Lewis on telephone number (0161) 603 4000.

(g) Minute 46 – Tree Preservation Orders

It was reported that Richard Abernethy had agreed to look into identifying (i) precisely which trees in the area were currently subject to Tree Preservation Orders, and (ii) any trees in the area that it was felt should be the subject of Tree Preservation Orders.

RESOLVED: THAT anybody interested in becoming involved with the above matter inform the Chairman or the Neighbourhood Manager.

(h) Minute 47 – Vodafone mast – proposed site

It was noted that (i) the application for a mast to be located at the Liverpool Road/Ferryhill Road junction had been refused at a special meeting of the Planning and Regulatory Panel, held on 11th November, 2004, and (ii) it was planned that an alternative site would be identified.

D:\Docs\2018-04-13\0a761b436dc5ae663b62464b0b5a0a2a.doc 3 RESOLVED: THAT the information be noted.

(i) Minute 48 – Prospect Road

RESOLVED: THAT information regarding whether there were any plans for traffic calming measures to be implemented in the above area be provided at the next meeting of the Community Committee.


It was reported that Orange were planning to submit a planning application regarding a proposal for a mast to be located at 55, Liverpool Road, Irlam (outside the Nags Head public house).

Councillor Lightup informed the Committee that (a) further masts were necessary due to the advanced technology required for the video mobile telephones which were becoming increasingly popular, and (b) it was likely that a number of similar applications would be submitted to the City Council in the future.

Committee members expressed their strong objection to the proposed location of the above mast due to its close proximity to a school. The Committee felt that alternative sites should be considered and that the possibility of mast sharing should be investigated.

RESOLVED: (1) THAT the Planning Department be informed of the Committee’s strong objection to the proposed site for the mast, which Members felt was too close to a school.

(2) THAT the Planning Department be informed of the Committee’s requests for consideration to be given to (i) alternative sites, and (ii) the possibility of mast sharing.


Alison Levesley (a) provided information regarding ‘Imagine,’ a project which had been running for approximately 12 months, and which provided a counselling service for people over the age of 16 in the Irlam and Cadishead area, (b) reported that clients included a number of parents whose children had been involved with the Youth Offending Team, (c) informed Members that the project was working with other agencies, such as the Drugs Service and theYouth Offending Team, and (d) indicated that funding for the project was being sought from a number of organisations.

RESOLVED: THAT the sum of £2,500 be granted towards the ‘Imagine’ project.


The Neighbourhood Manager submitted (a) the recommendations of the Community Initiatives Budget Panel, arising from the meeting held on 2nd November, 2004, and (b) Financial Position Statements in relation to the Devolved Budget, as at 22nd October, 2004, and the Community Use of Schools Budget, as at 26th October, 2004.

The Neighbourhood Manager referred to the Community Action Plan Workshop that had taken place on 30th September, 2004, and requested that authorisation be given for the sum of £75.00 to be granted to the Busy Lizzy Café, to pay for the refreshments that had been provided at that meeting.

RESOLVED: (1) THAT the recommendations of the Community Initiatives Budget Panel with regard to the applications from (a) Community Services (£206.25), and (b) the Older People’s Development Board (£2000), be approved.

(2) THAT the sum of £75.00 be granted to the Busy Lizzie Café to pay for the refreshments that were provided at the Community Action Plan Workshop, held on 30th September, 2004.

(3) THAT the Financial Position Statements detailed above be noted.


Diana Martin (a) referred to the article that had appeared in the Salford Advertiser (edition dated Thursday 17th June, 2004), which had indicated that a government inspectors’ report had heavily criticised Salford’s Community Committees, (b) reported that the City Council and its partners had actually been congratulated on the way that they worked with local people, although it had been indicated that improvements could be made.

Diana Martin gave a presentation with regard to the new Neighbourhood Management arrangements, during which specific reference was made to the following:-

 building on Community Strategy,  how Neighbourhood Management works in Salford,  role of the Community Committee,  role of the Neighbourhood Team,  role of the Political Executive,  role of the Executive Group,  what difference will it make?

RESOLVED: (1) THAT the information be noted.

D:\Docs\2018-04-13\0a761b436dc5ae663b62464b0b5a0a2a.doc 5 (2) THAT Diana Martin be thanked for an interesting and informative presentation.


Sergeant Rowson (a) provided information regarding crime in the Eccles/ Irlam/ Cadishead area which indicated that, when figures were compared to this time last year, incidents of robbery had fallen by 44%, burglaries had fallen by 13%, burglaries in other premises had fallen by 26%, theft from motor vehicles had fallen by 8%, theft of motor vehicles had risen by 14% and incidents of wounding had fallen by 8%, and (b) informed Committee Members that Cadishead had the lowest crime rate in Salford, whilst Irlam had the third lowest.

Sergeant Rowson reported that (i) officers had been requested to patrol near to Irlam and Cadishead Community High School to address the problem of pupils riding their bicycles on the pavement, (ii) a request was to be made for the special police unit which used off-road machines to carry out an operation in the area in order to tackle the problems that were being caused by motorbikes.

Concern was expressed regarding (a) acts of vandalism that had been carried out in the area, (b) problems relating to young people drinking alcohol on the streets, and (c) a recent incident which had involved the windows of a number of elderly people’s bungalows being smashed.

Sergeant Rowson (i) outlined the work that was being undertaken to address problems regarding anti social behaviour in the area, and (ii) reported that the attack on the elderly people’s bungalows was currently being investigated.

Concern was expressed regarding the access that was available to the railway bridge on Liverpool Road, Cadishead, and incidents were reported involving young people having climbed up the embankment and thrown stones from the bridge onto the road below.

RESOLVED: (1) THAT the information be noted.

(2) THAT a letter be sent to Network Rail requesting that fencing be erected in order to reduce the access that was available to the above railway bridge.


Mary Murphy provided information regarding plans to hold a central event to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Victory Day. In addition, each Community Committee was requested to allocate £2,000 to hold at least one celebration in their area which would involve elderly people sharing their memories of war with others, and particularly with younger generations.

D:\Docs\2018-04-13\0a761b436dc5ae663b62464b0b5a0a2a.doc 6 Tom Broad reported that Prince’s Park Garden Centre would be celebrating its twenty-first birthday during 2005 and, as part of the celebrations, it was planned that a war time allotment would be created, which children from the local schools would be invited to visit.

RESOLVED: THAT this item be included on the agenda for the next meeting, at which ideas in relation to local celebrations be discussed.


John Foreman gave a presentation regarding the proposal to develop ICCHS from an 11-16 school into a school catering for 11-18 year olds, during which specific reference was made to the following:-

 Education Reform: - 2002 Act: proposals to add a 6th Form to successful and popular schools, - specialist school status, - nationally unique combination.

 Rationale: - participation: to raise the numbers entering further education from Irlam and Cadishead, - demography: to help overcome geographical barriers by offering a school-based learning environment for those wishing to follow post-16 courses in their local community, - diversity: to expand and complement current Salford pre and post-16 provision, - continuity: to provide accelerated access to higher level courses by building on curriculum innovation already initiated, - pupil recruitment: to improve recruitment and retention of Salford pupils from Irlam and Cadishead at Key Stages 1 to 3, - profile: to raise further the profile of ICCHS as a successful education provider, - local need: Irlam and Cadishead is a changing community with rising aspirations.

 Consultation.

 Conditions for growth.

RESOLVED: (1) THAT the Community Committee’s support with regard to the above proposal be noted.

(2) THAT it be noted that the Community Committee wished to congratulate the pupils and teachers at ICCHS on this year’s excellent GCSE results.


D:\Docs\2018-04-13\0a761b436dc5ae663b62464b0b5a0a2a.doc 7 It was reported that (a) the future of Irlam Council Offices was being considered within the City Council’s review of accommodation that was being undertaken as part of the Corporate Investment Strategy and Asset Management Plan, and (b) concerns existed in relation to the physical condition of the building, which had not been intended to provide long-term accommodation.

Discussion took place regarding (i) the importance of local services being retained, (ii) the delay that had taken place regarding the identification of a site for the Centre that was planned for the area under Phase 2 of Salford LIFT, and (iii) the need for the potential opportunities that would be provided by Phase 2 of Salford LIFT to be taken into account.

RESOLVED: (1) THAT the Chief Executive be informed of the Community Committee’s views regarding (a) the need for local services to be retained in order to prevent Irlam and Cadishead from becoming further isolated, (b) the importance of local services being located at a single, central site in the area, the most appropriate location for which was felt to be the current site of Irlam Council Offices, and (c) the need for the potential opportunities that would be provided by Phase 2 of Salford LIFT to be taken into account.

(2) THAT information be sought from Salford LIFT regarding the reason for the delay that had taken place with regard to the identification of a site for the Centre that was planned for the area under Phase 2 of the project.


Councillor Kean reported that Richard Abernethy had received the Mayor’s Citizens Award this month in recognition of his longstanding involvement and work with the community over many years.

RESOLVED: THAT Richard Abernethy be congratulated on receiving the above award.


 It was reported that planning permission had been granted with regard to the BMX Track at Princes Park, and that work was due to commence in January, 2005.  It was reported that the official opening of Boundary Road Playground had taken place and that the event had been well attended.

RESOLVED: THAT the information be noted.


A discussion took place regarding recycling and Committee Members requested that the following information be obtained:-

 How many households in Irlam and Cadishead were using the kerbside collection recycling service?

D:\Docs\2018-04-13\0a761b436dc5ae663b62464b0b5a0a2a.doc 8  How many households in Irlam and Cadishead were taking part in the garden waste recycling scheme?  How could residents obtain a bin for the garden waste recycling scheme?

RESOLVED: THAT this item be included on the agenda for the next meeting, at which the above information be provided.


Frank Oakes referred to the improvements that were required to fishing facilities along the old river and indicated that a meeting was required in order to progress this matter.

RESOLVED: THAT a meeting be held with regard to this matter and a progress report be provided at the next meeting.


RESOLVED: THAT it be noted that a Special Meeting was to be held on 9th December, 2004 at Irlam Community Centre, commencing at 7.00 p.m., in order for Committee Members to give their views on the Council’s spending plans for next year.


RESOLVED: THAT it be noted that the next meeting of the Community Committee would be held on Thursday, 20th January, 2005.

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