Hexham Town Council s1

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Hexham Town Council s1


I HEREBY GIVE YOU NOTICE THAT a meeting of the Council will be held in the Council Chamber, Prospect House, Hexham on Monday 12 July 2010 at 6.45 pm, when the following items will be discussed:-


1. Declarations of interest – for planning applications only. [See memorandum]. 2. To consider Planning Applications received [See list enclosed]. 3. [at 7.00 pm approximately] Apologies for absence. 4. Council will hear residents on any matters they may wish to raise in regard to Hexham. 5. To agree the minutes of the Town Council meeting held on the 7 June 2010 enclosed. 6. Matters arising, if any. 7. Declarations of interest. [See memorandum]. 8. Accounts for Payment [list enclosed]. 9. To receive Planning Decisions [list enclosed]. 10. Committee reports [if any]. a. To receive minutes of the Christmas Lights Working Group meeting held on the 7 June 2010, enclosed. b. To receive minutes of the Remembrance Day Working Group meeting held on the 14 June 2010, enclosed. 11. Correspondence. 12. Cllr A R Travis will propose: “That Council object to proposals for closure of the Tynedale Court and secondly the Council request it is consulted on any proposals for the future of the Tynedale Court”. 13. To consider future for ‘civic assets’ in Prospect House Chamber. Minute 4926b refers. 14. To receive and approve 2009/10 internal audit report, copy attached. 15. Any urgent matters at the Chairman of the meetings discretion. [Matters to be raised under this item should be written out [if possible] and handed to the Chairman of the meeting or the Clerk of the Council before the meeting begins].

Derick Tiffin, Clerk of the Council. 2 July 2010

Hexham Town Council Council Office, St Andrews Cemetery West Road, Hexham NE46 3RR Tel: 01434609575 Email: [email protected] www.hexhamtowncouncil.gov.uk Hagenda0710 HEXHAM TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 7 JUNE 2010

4905. PRESENT. Councillor J V R Hare the Deputy Town Mayor in the Chair together with Cllrs: G C Ferguson, A Snowball, A R Travis, J B Jonas, M F C Donnelly, D Kennedy, Mrs. J E Lloyd, Mrs. B E Smith, Mrs. I C Whale, N J Holder and P Dixon. 4906. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST [PLANNING APPLICATIONS]. Cllrs. J B Jonas declared a personal interest in application NCC00105 as he was a Governor of the applicant school. Cllr N J Holder declared a personal and prejudicial interest in application 20100213. Neither declarent took part in the discussions and voting on these applications. 4907. PLANNING APPLICATIONS. It was AGREED there were no objections to the planning applications received in accordance with the list[s] circulated and attached hereto apart from the following: a. 21000388. Change of use of retail to financial services at 32/34 Market Place. This is the former shop premises of the Wine Market and the application was for change of use to a betting shop. It was AGREED to object to the loss of retail use in an area meant for retail business and which would be to the detriment of other retail businesses in the area. 4908. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs. Mrs. C J Robinson and T Robson. 4909. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. No matters were raised under this heading. 4910. SCHOOLS PARTICIPATION. Schools had been asked to make brief presentations to the Council of any matters they had concerns about. Each school party spoke to the Council and then answered questions of them raised by Councillors. The main items raised by the schools were:- a. Queen Elizabeth High School. i. The Sele. More lights are needed and the benefits will out way any light pollution. ii. The Sele skateboard area also needs more lighting. iii. Allendale Road is still giving concerns for the safety of pupils. iv. The Council please, continue to support financially the Youth Initiative. v. Street cleaning needs more attention. vi. Tyne Green. School notes the works being carried out and trusts the toilets are to be improved. There should be more picnic facilities and refreshments selling. vii. Finally the various festivals that had been held are very good and there should be more! b. Hexham Middle School. i. There should be more publicity, signage etc to show off the town’s attractions and assets. ii. More litter bins are needed. iii. Cycling to school is good but safety is a problem. iv. A ten pin bowling alley should be an attractive asset. v. More public toilets are needed. vi. There are enough betting shops already. vii. Highways need repairs to fill cracks and potholes. c. St Josephs RC Middle School. i. There should be more attractions for 9-13 years olds. ii. Wide pavements could have cycle lanes painted on them. iii. The Forum Cinema should show more films for younger persons and in the PG category and in 3D. [Cllr Mrs. I C Whale agreed to take this suggestion up with the Hexham Community Partnership.] iv. Tyne Green. The new play area will be welcome and school noted there will be a new zip wire feature. v. More litter bins are needed. vi. An ice rink, even a non ice type would be an attraction. vii. 10% of car park income should be donated to local charities. Cllr J V R Hare thanked the schools and their representatives for making their presentations to the Council. The QE High School is asked to send a plan showing its suggestions for additional lights on the Sele. The Council will then consider this idea further. Council will also consider all the ideas put forward and will continue dialogue with the schools on these and any other suggestions put forward in the future. 4911. MINUTES. It was AGREED the minutes of the Annual Town Council meeting held on the 10 May 2010 having been circulated, be signed as a true record. 4912. MATTERS ARISING. a. PEDESTRIAN CROSSING PRIESTPOPPLE. Minute 4883f refers. The Council was pleased to note repairs to the crossing lights had now been completed. b. ROBB’S OF HEXHAM. Minute 4902 refers. It was reported the business may have been sold to a firm called Beales which already owned twelve similar format department stores across the country. Council AGREED this was excellent news and hoped the sale would proceed to a satisfactory completion very shortly. 4913. ANNUAL TOWN MEETING. It was AGREED to receive for information the Minutes of the Annual Town Meeting held on 10 May 2010. 4914. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. No declarations of interest were made. 4915. ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT. It was AGREED to authorise payments in accordance with the lists circulated and attached hereto. 4916. PLANNING DECISIONS. It was AGREED to receive the decisions of Northumberland County Council on planning applications in accordance with the list circulated and attached hereto. 4917. COMMITTEE REPORTS. a. ASSET TRANSFER WORKING GROUP. Cllr J V R Hare on behalf of Cllr T Robson, Chairman of the Working Group, presented the Minutes of the Working Group meeting held on the 25 May 2010. The recommendations made were AGREED. b. BURIAL BOARD MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE. Cllr J V R Hare, Chairman of the Burial Board Management Committee presented his notes and recommendations, as circulated, following the abortive Burial Board Management Committee meeting of 1 June 2010. The recommendations made therein were AGREED and the Council also AGREED to receive the information given on the other matters referred to in the Chairman’s notes. 4918. FAST FOOD VAN. The Council was asked to comment on a consultation by Northumberland County Council that a fast food van be permitted to occupy a site near the Moot Hall in the evenings. After consideration it was AGREED to object strongly to the proposal. The Moot Hall is a Grade 1 listed building and the proposal, like any other similar traders sited there, will adversely affect the appearance of this historic building. In addition such businesses trade without payment of business rates or rents. It is also probable litter will be left lying even if additional bins are provided, causing further problems. 4919. GRANT AID 2010/11. A letter of thanks for the grant made had been received from the Hexham Town Twinning Association. 4920. TOWN TWINNING. The Hexham Town Twinning Association advised it hoped to have twinning visits from Metzingen in October 2010 and from Noyon in April 2011. 4921. TYNEDALE SPORTS COUNCIL. The AGM of the Council would be held on 21 June 2010 however no Councillor present was able to attend. 4922. NO WAITING RESTRICTION. Council was asked to comment on a NCC proposal to extend the ‘No waiting at any time’ parking restrictions at Gibson Fields, Hexham. After perusing the plans of the proposal it was AGREED the Council had no objections. 4923. YOUNG OFFENDERS – COMMUNITY WORK. The Council is asked by the Youth Offending Service to consider proposing community work and tasks that might be carried out by young offenders. After consideration it was AGREED the Clerk should investigate the cost implications to the Council, if any and to report back in due course. 4924. GRAVESTONE FOUNDATIONS. Cllr J V R Hare as Chairman of the Burial Board Committee asked Council to consider tenders that had been obtained for the provision of gravestone foundation rafts at the Cemetery. The works needed to be completed before the autumn so that the ground can recover. Tenders had been received from three firms as follows and it was AGREED to accept the lowest tender. It was noted the cost is ultimately recouped through the cemetery fee permitting erection of a gravestone. a. Newman Developments Ltd £8497.00 b. Mainwaring Brothers Ltd £8765.00 c. G D Weldon Ltd £11129.00 4925. COUNCIL MEETING ROOM FACILITY. The memorandum circulated on a future meeting room for the Council was considered. After noting the suggestion the Council use a meeting room in the Northumberland National Park offices at Eastburn House, Eastgate it was AGREED before making a final decision the Clerk investigate other possible venues at the Community Centre and the Queens Hall Foyer. It was noted the use of Prospect House would probably continue until and including the September meeting. 4926. CIVIC ITEMS. Noting the various items in the Council Chamber such as portraits, certificates etc it was AGREED a. All the items, such as the Town Coat of Arms, that belong to Hexham Town Council should be removed forthwith and displayed, if possible or stored, in the Cemetery Offices until further notice. b. At the July meeting Councillors will consider and make recommendations to Northumberland County Council on the future use for all the remaining items of a civic nature within the Council Chamber. 4927. HEXHAM HOUSE/PROSPECT HOUSE COUNCIL CHAMBERS. The memorandum circulated regarding an ‘agreement’ thought to exist between Tynedale Council and Hexham Town Council was noted. No legal or documentary evidence was available for such an agreement and it was AGREED no further action was necessary. 4928. PAVEMENT DAMAGE, PRIESTPOPPLE. The damage to paving at Herons Store had again caused an accident to a pedestrian by tripping. This subject had been raised with the NCC Highway Authority many times before but no action had yet been taken that would stop heavy goods vehicles driving over the area causing the damage. It was AGREED Northumberland County Councillors should press the County Council to install additional bollards on the boundary as these would prevent access and damage, by goods delivery vehicles. 4929. NEXT MEETING. The next meeting of the Council will be held on 12 July 2010 commencing at 6.45pm.



Payee Detail Cheque VAT Net of Cheque Ref. amount VAT number NCC Local Govt. July 2312.88 2312.88 105911 5050 Pension Scheme Staff wages July 9215.68 9215.68 105913/9 5049 Viking Staff catering 82.95 82.95 105921 5028 J W Carpets Floor coverings to lodge kitchen 400.00 59.57 340.43 105922 5031 Arco Ltd Parking bollards 190.35 28.35 162.00 105923 5048 Hutchinson Annual service toilet system 224.20 33.39 190.81 105924 5031 Environmental number two Solutions Ltd J T Dove Ltd Paving flags 112.45 16.75 95.70 105925 5038 J P Westall Ltd Electric works at Lodge kitchen 113.28 16.87 96.41 105926 5031 Matthew Charlton Tarmac 8.46 1.26 7.20 105927 5031 O2 UK Ltd Accounts 142.30 Ddb 5032 David Dixon Propane 46.98 2.24 44.74 105928 5024 David Dixon Miscellaneous 82.49 7.60 74.89 105929 5028 Costco Ltd Birdfood 39.55 39.55 105930 5028 David Dixon Propane 48.25 2.43 45.82 105931 5024 Matthew Charlton Decorating materials [Lodge] 32.32 4.81 27.51 105932 5031 Derek’s shoe bar Keys cut 18.00 2.68 15.32 105933 5028 W & M Thompson Whinstone dust 234.06 34.86 199.20 105934 5028 Ltd Tynedale Gallery Framing freedom certificates 90.00 90.00 105910 5048 Matthew Charlton Bricks and sand 92.71 13.81 78.90 105935 5031 David Dixon Hand cleanser 19.98 2.98 17.00 105936 5028 Hexham Courant Advert for AF Day 168.03 25.03 143.00 105937 5015 British Red Cross Refreshments for Red X team 29.60 29.60 105920 5048 during AFDay HEXHAM TOWN COUNCIL


Payee Detail Cheque VAT Net of VAT Cheque Ref. amount number D Tiffin Postages refund 33.48 33.48 105912 5045 HM Revenue & PAYE 4 2952.06 2952.06 105938 5049 Customs Safe and Secure Alarm systems 15.28 2.28 13.00 Ddb 5028 charge Viking Direct Office items, 238.57 35.53 203.04 105939 5047 stationery Philip Sewell, Staff amenity 30.16 30.16 105940 5028 Dairyman Top Signs Traffic signs for 170.38 25.38 145.00 105941 5048 AFD J T Dove Ltd Concrete, sand 93.71 13.96 79.75 105942 5038 HSBC Bank charges 27.50 27.50 Ddb 5018 Matthew Charlton Pipe avoider 37.60 5.60 32.00 105943 5031 hire Stokoe Rodger Internal audit 1175.00 175.00 1000.00 105944 5017 fee Robson Print Ltd Copyshop 73.20 10.90 62.30 105945 5047 charges Easyhire NE Ltd Excavator, 384.21 57.23 326.98 105946 5031 breaker hire Matthew Charlton Grout fix, Paint 19.90 2.96 16.94 105947 5031 Best Western AF Day 767.50 114.31 653.19 105948 5048 Beaumont Hotel reception Violettes Chapel flower 85.00 12.66 72.34 105949 5028 arrangements Ecoffins 10 caskets 1586.25 236.25 1350.00 105950 5029


Payee Detail Cheque VAT Net of Cheque Ref. amount VAT number Balance in hand 2148.45 5043


RECEIVED DETAIL CREDITED INVOICE DATE REF Various Cemetery fee 625.00 Hd10/50 070610 4003 Various Cemetery fee 500.00 Hd10/51 070610 4003 Business Sponsorship AF Day 160.00 070610 5048 Forum Various Cemetery fee 1150.00 Hd10/52 160610 4003 Various Cemetery fee 850.00 Hd10/53 170610 4003 Various Cemetery fee 150.00 Hd10/54 170610 4003 E Robson Phone refund 12.37 150610 5032 HEXHAM TOWN COUNCIL


Reference Description Decision 20100263 Rear extension roof windows at 2 Shaftoe Leazes GRANTED Hexham 20090307 Conservatory at Bramley House Elvaston Road GRANTED Hexham 20090861 Two detached houses and garages on land at The GRANTED Reins Leazes Lane Hexham 20100225 Enclosure obver log conveyor at Egger Ltd Anick GRANTED Road Hexham 20100249 Conservatory at 3 The Orchard Corbridge Road GRANTED Hexham 20100070 8 banners and 3 pole signs at Wentworth Car Park SPLIT Hexham DECISION 20100176 Single storey extension at 5 Shaftoe Crescent GRANTED Hexham 20100187 Single storey extensions and new conservatory at 30 GRANTED Bondgate Close Hexham 20090275 Alterations to create 2 apartments from 2 maisonettes GRANTED and alterations at 7 Market Street Hexham 20090961 Two storey extension and porch at Intake Farm, GRANTED Causey Hill Hexham 20100342 Two storey rear extension at Glenside Allendale GRANTED Road Hexham 20100205 Refurbishment, change to retail [estate agents] new GRANTED shop fronts etc at 9.9a, 9b Priestpopple Hexham 20100270 Extension to rear at The Old Smithy West Boat REFUSED Warden Hexham 20091011 Two storey side extension and extension at rear at REFUSED High Woodley Allendale Road Hexham NCC00105 Remove modular classroom and construct new one at GRANTED QEHS Whetstone Bridge Road Hexham 200900276LB Create two apartments, detached dwelling to rear and GRANTED demolish outbuildings at 7 Market Street Hexham HEXHAM TOWN COUNCIL


Reference Description Applicants 20100419 Extension to rear and to first floor at 12 Ms S Knight 12 Southlands Hexham Southlands Hexham 20100359 Change of use from office space to Mrs. S Waterman 12 Broomhaugh hairdresser/beauty salon at 7 Hallstile Close Hexham Bank Hexham 20100439 Construct 7.7m high chimney flue to east P Chapman 1 The Oaks Hexham gable and single storey extension to kitchen at 1 The Oaks Hexham 20100354 Install two site cabins at Wydon Burn Environment Agency Skinnerburn Reservoir Wydon Burn Hexham Road Newcastle 20100421 Change of use from workshop to dwelling D Bryron 1 Burnland Terrace at Ryeclose Hexham Hexham 20100189 Outline – two dwellings on land opp. 13 T Graham 5 Crossgate Cottages Garden Terrace Hexham Fourstones 20100441 Two storey side extension at 2 St M Winter 2 St Cuthbert’s Lane Cuthbert’s Lane Hexham Hexham 20100472 Change of use from B and B to dwelling R Place 23 Leazes Crescent Hexham at 23 Leazes Crescent Hexham NCC00130 Erection of six signs at Dukeshouse Northumberland County Council Wood Centre Hexham NOTE: Any observations made on applications must be ‘material planning reasons.’ There is no definitive list but examples are:- National planning policy. Policies in adopted and emerging regional and local development plans. Suitability of the site for the proposal. Visual appearance of the proposal and relationship with the surrounding environment. Landscaping issues:- lack of light; over shadowing; over development. Building materials and height:- scale; design; layout in comparison with neighboring developments. Impact on listed buildings; conservation areas or their settings. Effect on residential amenity of neighbours. Local needs of area such as employment, commercial or social facilities. The Council should state ‘No objection’ on all applications unless a proposed comment falls within one of the above ‘examples’. The Council cannot state ‘Support’ or ‘Object’ unless it also states the ‘material planning reason’ for supporting or objecting to the application. HEXHAM TOWN COUNCIL


Reference Description Applicants 20100496 12m2 photovoltaics on south facing roof I Fell Highcroft Elvaston Road pitch at Highcroft Elvaston Road Hexham Hexham 20100530 Riase roof to provide extra A Lees c/o Wallnook Mt Pleasant accommodation with dormers and roof Allendale lights and solar panels at 7 West Hextol Hexham 20100373LB Form entrance feature, fanlight and steps, C Waddell 1 Selegate House repaint exterior at 1 Hencotes Hexham Hexham 20100372 Form entrance feature, fanlight and steps, C Waddell 1 Selegate House repaint exterior at 1 Hencotes Hexham Hexham 20100512 Renewal of 20050611- Construct P Bell 35 Dukes Road Hexham extension above garage at 35 Dukes Road Hexham 20100511 Construct outbuilding to provide M James Summerods Allendale Road playroom, office and garage at Hexham Summerods Allendale Road Hexham 20100402 Demolish 2 garages and construct J McGonnell Stone Gables St dwelling and access at Stone Gables St Andrews Road Hexham Andrews Road Hexham NCC00149LB New entrance ramp, access gate, door, Northumberland County Council refurbish courtyard and interior, create DDA toilet and reception area at Abbeygate House Market Street Hexham HEXHAM TOWN COUNCIL


60. PRESENT. Councilor J V R Hare Deputy Mayor together with Cllr Mrs. B E Smith, A R Travis, Mrs. J E Lloyd and P Dixon. 61. CHAIRMAN. It was AGREED Cllr A R Travis be Chairman of the Working Group. 62. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE were received from Cllr T Robson. 63. REMIT. The Council had agreed to set up the Working Group to be responsible for the organisation of Christmas Lights display 2010. The Group will report to Council following meetings with its recommendations. The Group may invite lay persons to assist and to serve as group members if the Group so wishes. 64. LAY MEMBERSHIP. It was AGREED the following organisations will be asked to nominate a representative[s] to serve on the Working Group. a. Hexham Business Forum b. Hexham Queen Elizabeth High School - School Council. c. Market Street Traders. d. If the takeover of Robb’s Store proceeds to ask for a nomination from the store management. 65. NEXT MEETING. The next meeting of the Working Group will be arranged on a date to be announced and will be held at 6.00pm.


100. CHAIRMAN. It was AGREED Cllr T Robson be Chairman of the Working Group and it was noted the Council members are Cllrs T Robson, J V R Hare, Mrs I C Whale and A Snowball. 101. APOLOGIES. Apologies for absence were given on behalf of Cllrs A Snowball and Mrs. I C Whale. 102. REMIT. The Council had agreed to set up the Working Group to be responsible for the organisation of Remembrance Day 2010. The Group will report to Council following meetings with its recommendations. The Group may invite lay persons to assist and to serve as group members if the Group so wishes. 103. MINUTES. It was AGREED to receive the minutes of the Working Group meeting held on 28 September 2009 and which had been circulated to Council and any recommendations agreed on 5 October 2009. It was noted numbering of the Minutes of this Working Group will start anew. 104. MATTERS ARISING. a. WAR MEMORIAL. It had been suggested the Memorial wording could be repainted. Members are asked to view the Memorial and this subject will be considered by the Group at its next meeting. 105. REMEMBRANCE DAY. The date of Remembrance Day is 14 November 2010. 106. LAY MEMBERS. It was AGREED to invite the following persons to serve on the Working Group. a. Peter Robson b. Michael Way c. Philip Clark d. Tom Gillanders e. Ken Dodd 107. BAND. A Band is once more a problem and while the Brampton Band will be available it does not march. If 39 Regiment RA are to attend efforts to obtain a marching band must continue. It was AGREED the Prudhoe Community Band is a possibility. 108. DIARY DATES. a. Parade Marshalls briefing – 10.30 am at the War Memorial on 9 November 2010. b. War Graves Remembrance ceremony – 10.30 am at the Cemetery on 13 November 2010. c. Laying of Poppy Wreath at the War Memorial plaques at Hexham Hospital Chapel – approximately 11.45 am on 13 November 2010. d. Remembrance Day 14 November 2010. 109. MEETING. It was AGREED the next meeting will be held on 19 July 2010 at 2.15pm.


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