Governing Board Agenda Meeting Date

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Governing Board Agenda Meeting Date


Governing Board Agenda Meeting Date:

Item Number Item Title Responsible Agents Continuing Grant Name of funding source--Title of Grant



Funding Approvals/Certifications

Source: Chancellor ______Academic & Student Affairs______Account Identification: Business Services______Human Resources______ITS______Res Dev & Cmty Relations______College President______Project Budget Summary Salaries $ XX,XXX

Position Title $XX,XXX FTE or percentage to grant

Position Title $XX,XXX FTE or percentage to grant

Benefits $ X,XXX

Position Title $X,XXX Position Title $X,XXX

Equipment $XX,XXX Summary description of equipment Travel $ XX,XXX Summary description of travel. Who is going where for what purpose. Materials and Supplies $ XX,XXX Participant Support $ XX,XXX

Student scholarships, student or faculty stipends Consultants and Contracts $ XX,XXX Summary description of contracts. Better not to mention contractor names, just functions. Indirect Costs $ XX,XXX Total $XXX,XXX GRANT PROJECT PROGRESS SUMMARY

Project Title: Enter project title. College/Location: Choose a location or other. If other: Enter other location. Project Period: From Enter start date. to Enter end date. Funding Source: Choose a funding source or other. If other: Enter other funding source.

Governing Board Priorities (check all that apply): University Transfer and General Education ☐ Workforce and Economic Development ☐ Developmental Education ☐ Community Development and Civic and Global Engagement ☐


Enter summary of the purpose of the program including target population and numbers to be served.


Outcome/Indicator Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

SUMMARY OF PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS (If there are measures or goals that are not meeting expected progress, please describe steps being taken to address any issues or barriers.)

Enter highlights, accomplishments, and achievements. If there are measures or goals that are not meeting expected progress, please describe steps being taken to address any issues or barriers. Instructions for Action Item and Budget Summary

Externally-funded grant projects are presented for governing board acceptance via the board’s consent agenda. Use the Consent Agenda Action Item form downloadable from the board or grants department web sites. Please submit completed Action Items to the Grants Development & Management Department. We will review and forward them to the Governing Board Office and the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost’s office.

Action Item Form

The Item Number will be assigned when it is presented for agenda review and Approvals/Certifications will be completed in the course of the process. Unless a college president requires signing beforehand, the item may be submitted without the president’s signature which may be secured at agenda review.

Enter the Meeting Date for the Governing Board meeting at which this will be presented.

Enter the Responsible Agents. These will typically be the Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost and the college president for which the college for which the grant is funded. When seeking acceptance for a grant award coming from the Maricopa Community Colleges Foundation, use the specific Action Item form developed for grants from the foundation.

Enter the Title of the project. The first line of the title identifies whether the grant is a New Grant or a Continuing Grant. On the second line under title enter the name of the funding source and the title of the grant project. Please refrain from using acronyms for the name of the funding source and the project title in this project title line.

Recommendation This section states the request for acceptance. Please include the following:

 Name of the funding source;  The amount of the award;  The period of performance.

Typically, this section begins with, “It is recommended that the Governing Board accept …” followed by the required information in a narrative format.

If you use an acronym or abbreviation in this and/or the following sections, please be sure the term or name is spelled out the first time it is referenced.

Justification This section briefly describes the purpose of the funding being received. It is typically comprised of a simple overview of the project, a statement of the target population, and the intent or expected impact of the project. It is important to be succinct and clear without going into great detail. It is not advisable to list goals and objectives. It is not advisable to include outcome measures, details about percentage or number improvement, or specific information about expected performance. Funding In the lower left corner are two entries. Enter the name of the funding source for Source and enter restricted for Account Identification.

Attached Budget Summary

An action item must include a Budget Summary that you create and attach. A template is included with these instructions. Budgets and line item designations do vary, so the template is intended as a guide, but you may use it as it is with your own information. At the same time, the majority of federal grant budget summaries can be presented using this template and the budgets of other funding sources can be calculated to fit the template. The budget template here is the one with which board members are most familiar. That goes a long way in their reviewing and receiving your request positively.

Personnel: List personnel individually by job title and the associated salary dollars requested from the grant for each position. Include FTE or, if only a portion of an existing employee’s time is being paid for by the grant, the percentage of time for which the salary is requested.

Benefits: Enter the benefits being requested for each position.

Equipment: A grant may or may not have equipment in the budget.

Remember, equipment is defined as anything $5,000 or over for a single item. If individual items to be purchased are less than $5,000 but comprise a “system” that require such things as accessories, software, or professional installation to function as intended, then the total cost the purchase is considered. If that total cost is $5,000 or more than the purchase is listed as equipment.

Travel: Enter the travel budget. List who is travelling and the purpose of their travel.

Materials and Supplies: List the amount requested by the grant. If the dollar amount is large or a significant portion of the grant, provide a brief description of what is being purchased.

Remember, computer and electronic purchases are typically included in this line item since individual items usually do not cost $5,000 or more. If a grant is funding a large number of computers or electronic devices (e.g ipads, devices for ADA accommodation), the amount can become a large number or percentage of the grant.

Participant Support: Enter amount for funds being paid for scholarships and stipends. Include who the funds are paid to (students, faculty).

Consultants and Contracts: Enter the amount requested by the grant to pay consultants or to contract for goods or services. If the amount is significant, provide a brief description about what items or services are being purchased. It is not advised to mention contractor names, just functions.

Indirect Costs: Enter the amount for indirect costs.

Total: Enter the grand total of the grant request. Other Line Items: It may be necessary to enter other line items when you are presenting a customized budget. If the line items in this template are part of such a budget, be sure to include them and ADD additional line items. Keep in mind, large amounts in a single line item should include brief but not overly detailed descriptions.

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