Shrewsbury Town Council

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Shrewsbury Town Council

Agenda No

SHREWSBURY TOWN COUNCIL 9 Planning Committee Meeting held at the Guildhall, Frankwell Quay, Shrewsbury At 6.00pm on Tuesday 08 March 2011

PRESENT – Councillors A Wagner (Chairman), Mrs J Brennand (Vice-Chair), Mrs A Chebsey, T Durnell (substituting for M Price), I Jones, K Roberts and A Townsend.

IN ATTENDANCE – Helen Ball and Rebecca Oliver

APOLOGIES – Councillors M Price, Mrs J Jones


Councillor  Personal interest in the first item agenda about proposals to reduce the Durnell bus services as he is a member of the portfolio group where this has been discussed.


The meeting was joined by Jonathan Hayes from Shropshire Council who provided an overview of the proposed changes to the bus services. The full bus strategy can be found on the Shropshire Council website, a difficult document to write this year due to the need to make substantial cuts. Shropshire Council has focussed on meeting the demand of essential services with a long term plan of improving the service when the financial situation improves and potentially reinstating some services term time only.

A summary of the bus strategy was explained highlighting changes already in place i.e. the 20p fare increase totalling £1.60 and changes due to come in on 1st April 2011 such as removal of the concessions which would save Shropshire Council £130,000. It is too early to tell if passenger numbers have been affected due to the fare increase. Money has been saved back for peak travelling times i.e. during the Flower Show and Christmas time to enable an increased service to be provided.

A possible development is to charge for parking at the Park and Ride rather than for the bus ticket, intended to prevent drivers taking advantage of free car parking without using the bus facilities.

There were concerns raised about Arriva withdrawing non-profit making services but Jonathan reassured members that they are having very good discussions with Arriva and other bus companies.

Issues surrounding people getting to the hospital and to work if they are contracted outside 9am-5pm hours were considered. Councillors would benefit from actual passenger figures on each of the bus routes to make informed and fair comments about which routes should be cut.

ACTION – Jonathan will circulate the passenger figures.

The changes are still in the consultation period until April and councillors were encouraged to submit their comments online using the website\transportconsultation. In May 2011 all comments will be considered by the cabinet with final decisions made in July 2011. ACTION – Shrewsbury Town Council will provide comments as a whole. Helen will circulate comments to all members and then formally agree them through the F&GP meeting (Full Council meeting will be too late).

Jonathan added that bus route 26 will still operate despite recent media comments saying otherwise.


The minutes of the previous meeting held on 15 February 2011 were approved as a true record. The outstanding set of minutes from 25 January 2011 was approved at the Full Council meeting on Monday 7th March.

RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 15 February 2011 be approved and signed as a correct record.


HB and RO attended a meeting today with Shropshire Council’s System Administrators to review the Public Access system (dealing with planning applications electronically). By no longer receiving the paper copies of planning applications Shrewsbury Town Council is saving Shropshire Council on average £12.50 per application. For the 850 applications processed in 2010, this means a saving of £10,625.

Shropshire Council and Shrewsbury Town Council are working closely to continually improve the system and encourage all other Parish Councils to follow suit.


The Town Clerk submitted schedules of valid planning applications for planning consent for development within the Town Council’s area, which had been registered between 11 February 2011 – 04 March 2011.

RESOLVED: That the following comments be made to Shropshire Council 1 11/ 104 FUL Application under Section 73a of the Town and Country 44 Moreton Crescent, No Planning Act 1990 for replacement windows and door to Shrewsbury, Objection front elevations (Article 4 Direction). Shropshire, SY3 7BZ 2 11/ 188 FUL Application under Section 73a of the Town and Country Land Adjacent To 27 No Planning Act 1990 for the erection of a wooden stable Roman Road, Objection block on existing concrete pad (Retrospective). Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY3 9AR 4 11/ 386 FUL Erection of a single storey extension to rear to provide 17 Sundorne Road, No two ground floor bedrooms and shower room. Shrewsbury, SY1 4RX Objection 5 11/ 452 FUL Erection of a single storey extension with veranda to 97 Woodfield Road, No rear; open sided carport to side. Shrewsbury, SY3 8HU Objection 6 11/ 506 ADV Externally illuminated fascia signs to St Mary's Street and 27 Pride Hill, No Pride Hill elevations. Projected signs to both elevations. Shrewsbury, Objection Internally applied vinyls to glazing. Shropshire, SY1 1DP 7 11/ 502 FUL Erection of first floor extension to side elevation to 11a Sutton Road, No include roof lights to front elevation Shrewsbury, SY2 6DE Objection 8 11/ 546 FUL Erection of a two storey rear extension to rear to provide 54 Port Hill Road, No enlarged kitchen at ground floor and two enlarged Shrewsbury, SY3 8RN Objection bedrooms at first floor. 9 11/ 567 COU Change of use to B2 (repair, MOT and servicing of cars) Unit F2, Greenwood No Court Industrial Estate, Objection Cartmel Drive, Shrewsbury 10 11/ 600 TCA Crown reduce on Horse Chestnut Tree by 30% within 36 Bishop Street, No Shrewsbury Conservation Area Shrewsbury, SY2 5HB Objection 11 11/ 618 FUL Change of use of woodland to educational use, revision Mount Pleasant No to approved car parking layout, fencing strategy, external Primary School, Objection lighting layout to building, hard standing and pathways. Whitemere Road, Shrewsbury, SY1 3BY 12 11/ 625 FUL Erection of a first floor extension above existing garage 7 Lymehurst Court, No Shrewsbury, SY1 2PH Objection 13 11/ 654 TCA To fell one Sycamore tree and remove sucker growth of 29A Trinity Street, No one Ash tree within Belle Vue Conservation Area. Shrewsbury, SY3 7PF Objection 14 11/ 375 FUL Proposed rendering of all external walls of property. 37B Belle Vue No Gardens, Shrewsbury, Objection SY3 7JH 15 11/ 438 FUL Erection of a replacement front porch and garage door. 37 Oakley Street, No Shrewsbury, Objection Shropshire, SY3 7JX 16 11/ 482 FUL Erection of a single storey extension to existing garage to 1 Red Barn Lane, Support provide one bedroom annex. Shrewsbury SY3 7HR with comment Shrewsbury Town Council supports this application but asks that as this is an area of great sensitivity and beauty, that the site does not become overdeveloped. 17 11/ 616 FUL Erection of a two storey extension to side, conversion of Oak House, 2 Russell No existing garage into a ground floor bedroom to include Field, Shrewsbury, SY3 Objection erection of bay window to front and alterations to carport 9AY to side to create a garage. 18 11/ 642 LBC Internal and external alterations affecting a Grade ll star Kings Head Hotel, 48 No Listed Building Mardol, Shrewsbury, Objection SY1 1PP 19 11/ 696 FUL Renovation and conversion of an existing church hall and St David’s Presbyterian No 2 ancillary residential units to create three residential Church Hall, Belmont Objection dwellings and ground floor retail unit with formation of Bank, Shrewsbury, SY1 new access. 1UB 20 11/ 703 FUL Erection of a single storey extension to side. 183 Copthorne Road, No Shrewsbury, SY3 8NA Objection 21 11/ 700 FUL Alterations and additions to roof in connection with 33 Belvidere Walk, No conversion of loft into living accommodation. Shrewsbury, SY2 5LT Objection 22 11/ 705 TCA To remove on Lawson Cypress, to cut back overhanging 127 Harlescott Lane, No branches to boundary of three Hawthorns and crown Shrewsbury, SY1 3AR Objection reduce by 1m one Hawthorn within Harlescott Conservation Area. 23 11/ 714 FUL Erection of a conservatory and single storey extension to 8 Kendal Road, No rear Shrewsbury, SY1 4ER Objection 24 11/ 717 FUL Erection of a single storey rear extension following 16 Grange Road, No removal of existing conservatory Shrewsbury, SY3 9DF Objection 25 11/ 789 TPO To remove 3 Yew trees protected by Shrewsbury and 31 Highfields, No Atcham Borough Council (Highfield Dairy) tree Shrewsbury, SY2 5PQ Objection preservation order 1984 26 11/ 808 TCA To fell 1 x multi-stemmed Chamacc Ynoris; 1 x Lawsons 47 The Mount, No Cypress; 1 x Leylandii Shrewsbury, SY3 8PP Objection 27 11/ 575 ADV Erect and display 2 No. externally illuminated stand Police Headquarters, No alone signs. Monkmoor Road, Objection Shrewsbury, SY2 5PX 28 11/ 692 FUL Erection of an attached dwelling. 94 London Road, No Shrewsbury, SY2 6PN Objection The Town Clerk submitted schedules of decisions made between 11 February 2011 – 04 March 2011 in relation to applications for development within the Town Council’s area.

RESOLVED: That the schedule of decisions for the period 11 February 2011 – 04 March 2011 be noted.


114.1 Raised Table Plateaux – Moston Road & Meadow Farm Drive Shrewsbury Town Council made no further comments to this proposal.

114.2 Proposed Raised Crossing Point & Cycling Improvements – Rousehill/Ravens Meadow There was a brief discussion about introducing speed limits that cannot be enforced by the Police and how responsible drivers become speed enforcers as following drivers have to slow down. Shrewsbury Town Council agreed to this proposal providing signage was kept to a minimum.

114.3 Proposed 20mph Speed Limit – York Road Shrewsbury Town Council accepts this proposal providing signage is kept to a minimum. Members thought raised plateauxs are more effective than signage which can contribute to street clutter.

114.4 Proposed Temporary Road Closure – Judith Butts Gardens, Monkmoor Shrewsbury Town Council made no further comments to this proposal.

114.5 Proposed changes to Parking Restrictions on Brassey Road Shrewsbury Town Council support this proposal as it would prevent people parking here and walking into town.

114.6 Proposed One way order & prohibition of motor vehicles on Meadow Place Shrewsbury Town Council made no further comments to this proposal.


115.1 Notification of Appeal Against Refusal of Planning Permission

Development Proposed: Development of an energy from waste facility for the combustion of residual municipal and similar wastes and the erection of ancillary buildings and plant and extension to the existing household recycling centre.

Shrewsbury Town Council was informed of an appeal received to the above planning permission which was refused by Shrewsbury Town Council and Shropshire Council. Members were asked if they would like to add any comments.

RESOLVED – Members agreed to reiterate the same objecting comments.

ACTION – HB will make these comments on behalf of the planning committee before 07 April 2011.

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