International Contemporary Engraving Biennale, Second Edition, N-E, Iasi, 2017

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International Contemporary Engraving Biennale, Second Edition, N-E, Iasi, 2017

International Contemporary Engraving Biennale, second edition, N-E, Iasi, 2017


Duration: 28 June - 15 November 2017 Online registration: 6 July - 27 August 2017 Deadline for receiving of works: 15 September 2017 Opening of the exhibition: 26 September 2017, at 6.00 PM Organizers: “Moldova” National Museum Complex of Iasi - The Art Museum; “George Enescu” National University of Arts of Iasi; The National Art Museum of Moldova of Chisinau, (Republic of Moldavia) Location: Palace of Culture of Iasi 1, Stefan cel Mare si Sfânt Square, Iaşi, 700028 Romania, Opening hours: 10:00-17:00 (Monday - closed) T: +40 232 275 979 / +40 232 218.383 F: +40 332 408 166 [email protected]

Rules Eligibility: • The contest is open to acknowledged artists, size being of minimum 30/40cm and graduate and postgraduate students of maximum 70/100cm. Works done in higher education institutions, from Romania monotype technique as well as techniques and abroad. (The BA dissertations shall not involving digital processing shall not be be accepted in the contest). accepted. • There is no participation fee. Participants are • The following data will appear on the back of encouraged to donate their works for the the paper: author, title, size, technique, year cause of enrichment of the patrimony of the of execution. Art Museum of Iasi. • The works shall be well packed and sent via • Applicants may send maximum two works a courier, without frames, passe-partout or created during the period 2015-2017. glass. • All traditional printing techniques are allowed, • Works which have been previously exhibited woodcut, linocut, lithography, collagraph, and in other biennales or which have been the techniques of metal engraving - etching, awarded prizes in other exhibitions shall not aquatint, mezzotint and dry point, the paper be accepted. • Procedure: • Failure to comply with the present Rules 1) The online participation form determines the artist’s rejection from the ( will be filed in until 27 competition. August 2017 (deadline) in Romanian, English or French. Jury: (* Please pay attention to the correct indication of • The jury shall be composed of art critics, the sender's address, necessary for sending the artists and representatives of the organizers. biennale catalogues and works that have not • The jury shall select the works and shall been donated. The data in the form shall be used designate the laureates of the Biennale. The in the elaboration of the catalogue.) selection of the works and the decision of the 2) Each candidate will send to the e-mail address prizes shall take place on 18 September : [email protected] two color 2017. photographs with a minimum resolution of 300 • The results of the contest shall be announced dpi in JPEG format of the author’s work and of on the web page the artist himself/herself. The title of the photos will contain both the author's name and the title of the work / work. Prizes: 3) For those who wish to donate one of the 1st prize – 4000 RON works (or both) to the Art Museum in Iasi, the 2nd prize – 3000 RON donation act will be downloaded 3rd prize –2000 RON (, signed and sent together Special prize of the jury - 1500 RON with the work/works. 4) The works shall be delivered personally or by • An exhibition catalogue shall be elaborated courier at the central address of “Moldova” with the occasion. All participants shall National Museum Complex – the Art Museum, receive a catalogue of the Biennale free of deadline – 15 September 2017: charge. “Moldova” National Museum Complex- Art Museum - International Engraving General data Contemporary Biennale All rights reserved to the organizers of the 1, Stefan cel Mare si Sfânt Square, Iasi Biennale: Iaşi, 700028 • for taking photographs and presenting the Romania works in TV shows, printed media, on the Internet, in brochures, catalogues, video IMPORTANT ! materials, films, CD’s; • By signing the form, each artist accepts the • for using the artist’s personal data. Rules of the biennale and takes the responsibility for the correctness of the • Prizes shall be handed over on 26 personal data communicated, including the September 2017, within the exhibition fact that they have the right of exclusivity on opening ceremony. the works. • After the date of 23 October 2017 the • The deadline for the online registration is 27 exhibition shall be itinerated to the National August 2017. Art Museum of Moldova in Chisinau, the • The deadline for receiving the works at the Republic of Moldova. The opening of the Art Museum is 15 September 2017. exhibition shall take place on 25 October (The works that arrive at the institution after this 2017. date will be refused). • After the end of the exhibitions, the works • Participants will bear the fees and costs of shall be sent by the organizers to the sending the works for the biennale. participants, the related costs being covered • Organizers undertake no responsibility for by the organizers. any damage or loss of the works, that might • The participants may also choose to collect take place during the shipping hereof. the works directly from the organizers within • The awarded works shall become the 5 months from the exhibition closing property of the organizers. date.

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