St. Mary of the Miraculous Medal Catholic Community

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St. Mary of the Miraculous Medal Catholic Community

St. Mary of the Miraculous Medal Catholic Community Parish Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes September 20, 2011 6:30 p.m. in Hospitality Room

St. Mary of the Miraculous Medal Catholic Community Parish Pastoral Council is a faith-based representative body committed to prayerful discernment of the movement of the Holy Spirit in understanding the needs of the parish in collaboration with the pastor. The Pastoral Council identifies, articulates and communicates a vision to meet the needs of the greater community. The Pastoral Council promotes full, conscious and active participation in the Catholic faith.

Members: (Present – P, Absent – A)

Annette Arnhart – P Cam Guthier – P Sally Davila - P Susie Ayala – P Fr. Tom Ponzini – P Buster Cantrell - P Cindy Del Bosque – A Nina Sanchez – P Angela Cooper – P Bernice Hibbitts - P

A. Opening Prayer and Faith Sharing led by Sally Davila; petitions followed.

B. Guest Sheryl Calton, new Principal of Our Lady of Fatima School- Ms. Calton introduced herself to the parish council. She announced that the school website will be up in November (linked with the office website) and shared information about the Fall Festival.

C. Prayer Partners revealed and chosen.

D. Approval of Minutes for July 2011.

E. Welcome of New Members and Discernment of Chair and Vice – Chair – Badges were given to new members. Father Tom explained the discernment process of chair and vice chair. Scripture reading was handed out and read by Cam which was followed by a floor discussion. A ballot was cast for the executive board, voted on and approved. Sally Davila, Chair, and Bernice Hibbitts, Vice Chair.

F. Liaison relationship 1. Twenty-fourth featured ministry – Faith Formation – July 23-24, 2011 – Mira Martinez (Ruth Martinez) – Deacon Joe Hensley & Marion Ektefaei did a good presentation. 2. Twenty-fifth featured ministry – Parish Family Dinners – August 27-28, 2011 – Cindy Del Bosque (also coordinator). Cindy did a good job. 3. Twenty-sixth featured ministry – Prayer Blanket – September 24-25, 2011 – Mary Pitts – (Bernice Hibbitts). Mary Pitts will not be able to do presentation but some members of pastoral council will cover; also Deacon Joe, Father Tom, and Lucy Amato. 4. Twenty-seventh featured ministry – Mission Outreach – October 22-23, 2011 (World Mission Sunday) – Deacon Steve Mistretta – (Sally Davila). Will speak after Communion. 5. Twenty-eight featured ministry – Catholic Daughters – October 22-23, 2011 (World Mission Sunday) Shirlyn Baulch – (Annette Arnhart). Annette contacted Shirlyn to remind her of the date and presentation. 6. Nov. and Dec. – N/A – Holidays. G. Old Business 1. Debt reduction Update – Still working on debt reduction. Thermometer moving down slowly. The parish garage sale on August 6 was a success and proceeds will go for debt reduction to our church. 2. Storm Insurance Update – A work in progress. A letter was written to the diocese for reimbursement for the school and church. 3. Ponzini Family Life Center – The dedication was held August 3, 2011. Spearheaded by the pastoral council members was a success. The hall is being used by many ministries to hold special events. Prior to scheduling an event, instructions are given on how to clean, use kitchen equipment and audio/visual aids. 4. Community As One: a. Youth Fundraiser - September 10, 2011 – Flamenco Artist Timo Lozano (Marion Ektefaei’s brother) did a great dance presentation at Kukral Center. b. A Mexican dance will be held September 24, 2011 at Kukral Center. 5. Data Collection on Father Bill Roach: Still collecting data. 6. 100th Year Celebration for STMMM –The city centennial parade was a success. Many parishioners attended the parade wearing their centennial logo T-shirts. 7. Committee on communication of changes to the Roman Missal – Father Tom and Deacons Joe Hensley, Steve Mistretta, and Sid Cammeresi have introduced some of the new changes at Mass . The missal changes will be effective November 27 at the start of Advent. 8. PPC Representative on ACTS Core – The representative was absent and did not attend the last Core meeting. No information available. 9. Family Celebration, July 31, 2011 – There was not a big attendance this year due to short notice and many events going on this year. We need to start now on how to organize for next year. Annette suggested possibly changing the date to the Divine Mercy Sunday. 10.Guatemalan Mission Trip – The Chairman commented this year was a great trip. Contact Sally Davila for next recruitment date January 2012. You do not have to speak Spanish in order to communicate. 11. Sale of t-shirts benefiting Altar Servers; 100 Year Celebration – You can still order t-shirts polo style, denim shirts, and the centennial logo at the parish office.

G. New Business 1. City Centennial Parade 9/15/11 - Good job and Our Lady of Fatima school had great representation. 2. Trip to Lufkin, TX, for data collection on Father Bill Roach – Pending, We may be able to take a day trip and speak with former Mother Superior Sister Mary Annunciata at the Monastery of the Infant Jesus to obtain more information. 3. Christmas Party (date & place), Tenative 12/9/11 or 1/5/12 – Need to agree on location for Christmas party at Ponzini Family Life Center, Chamber of Commerce, or other location. Tentative date 1/5/12. 4. Spanish Healing Mission – February 11, 2012 – Fundraiser Hispanic community. Miguel Aquino talks on healing, praise/worship, healing songs. There will be an admission fee to help cover the cost of airfare for Miguel Aquino. Food will also be served. 5. Campanas de America Mariachi Concert – April 28, 2012 – Fantastic concert and all should attend. 6. Commissioning of all Church Boards at all Masses, 9/24-25/11 – Pastoral council members encouraged to attend all Masses. This will take place after communion.

G. Bright Ideas 1. Cam suggested that it would be nice if the missalette were in English and Spanish. Father Tom will review since parishioners like the larger print. 2. Annette suggested a prayer list for the unemployed and the prayer list for the sick needs to be updated more frequently. Also the stripes in front of the school still need to be painted. This has been addressed and will be taken care of. 3. Annette was concerned about access to side driveway which is being blocked by standing parishioners which is causing a problem for people crossing and making dropping off/ picking up impossible. It was suggested that a greeter could assist with this situation.

H. Visioning (planning for the future, research, study, discernment)

I. Future/Ongoing Items

J. Important Dates

1. Applications for ACTS are available through the parish office

St. Mary of the Miraculous Medal Men Sept. 29-Oct. 2, 2011 CRC Women Nov. 17-20, 2011 CRC Women June 21-24, 2011 CRC Men Sept. 27-30, 2012 CRC Women Oct. 25-28, 2012 CRC Women (Spanish) November 15-18, 2012 CRC

2. Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 11, at 6:30 p.m. in the Hospitality Room.

K. The meeting was adjourned with a closing prayer.

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