Compagnons Batisseurs

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Compagnons Batisseurs




Dear friends,

We are happy to present you our workcamps in France for this new season. We hope your volunteers will enjoy our programme.

At the moment we are able to present you 21 camps but there are still some potential hosts, so we should normally have around 30 camps for next summer. Only one teenager camp, but we are waiting for 1 or 2 more. 3 trilateral camps and no action 1 . The sociall camps are French speaking camps and we really hope to find motivated volunteers to participate in these very interesting projects. When it's the case it's clearly written in the project description.

At the end of this document you will find also our EVS/MTV projects, with places available in the next months as well as a general information concerning the LTV projects in our association

We are waiting for all your volunteers , we will try to send you as much as possible and we wish a great season to all of you !!!!

CBF’s team.


"Compagnons Bâtisseurs" was born fifty years ago ( 1957 ); it aimed at helping a population who had been hard hit by the damage of World War II. From the very beginning right up to the present, "Compagnons Bâtisseurs" has been putting solidarity into practice by means of workcamps - as well as promoting peace and better understanding between people from all over the word.

For this, young people from different countries, join us to help realise our projects: workcamps to improve better conditions of life for families in social difficulties, construction camps to create social centres (these can anything from cabins for walkers in the mountains to full scale buildings which host courses and provide accommodation) workcamps for environmental protection or rehabilitation of sites of national heritage.

Others activities are carried out during the year by the different branches of COMPAGNONS BATISSEURS include medium and long-term voluntary service; initiatives aimed at integrating people with social difficulties, training, short term workcamps held over week ends…) If you want to know more about our actions, ask one of your animators.


CBF workcamps are organised with local communities, carried out through the completion of a concrete work project useful to the community requiring approximately 32 hours per week. Groups have between 8 and 16 participants, the average is 18 in adult camps . We try to have 1/3 of French participants in each project and we reserve 1 place for volunteers " with less opportunities".

We will not ask volunteers to give more than they can physically do. But we rely on their good will, in order to achieve the project which is the genuine reason of the workcamp. All camps have at least one but generally 2 group leaders, they act as a co-ordinator between the responsible of the project and the team of volunteers. They also help the volunteers to carry out the work. A workcamp also means an intensive group life experience with intercultural exchanges bringing together young people from different social backgrounds and different countries. Teams are mixed and international.

 Keep in mind that we expect the participation of the volunteers for all the duration of the workcamp

ACCOMODATION - is not the same in all our workcamps, but it is often in tents. LESIURE TIME - Groups have a small budget for leisure activities. Leisure time is not planned before : it will be organise by the all group and it will be based on the discovery of the region. Most of our camps are located in small isolated places and there is not always a car available. LANGUAGES - Generally during the workcamps we use French and English. In some camps another language could be used depending on the participants knowledge. ARRIVAL - It's important that the volunteers arrive on time at the meeting point. In some camps it could be a real problem and we can't guaranty to be able to pick them up again the same day. In these case we announce it clearly in the project description and again in the infosheet. INSURANCE - Each participant is insured by our organisation (Civil Liability and Corporal Accidents). It comes in addition to the usual social insurance. Be aware that this insurance doesn't cover travel to/ from the camp. NB : Such an insurance doesn't cover the theft or the loss of the personal belongings. The use of a private motor vehicle is out of our insurance guarantee.

2 map

3 By code Special EVS Page Code Intitulé Date début Date fin TYPE Vol ST CBF01 BRETEIL 03/07/06 22/07/06 RENO 11 6 CBF02 FAMILLES BZH 10/07/06 30/07/06 SOCI 09 French Yes 6 speaking Camp CBF03 LE MONT DES ALOUETTES 03/07/06 23/07/06 RENO 12 7 CBF04 POUANCE 1 10/07/06 29/07/06 RENO 11 TEEN 5 CBF05 POUANCE 2 07/08/06 20/08/06 RENO 11 Yes 7 CBF06 LA CHAPELLE LAUNAY 07/08/06 27/08/06 RENO 11 Yes 8 CBF07 PLOUGUENAST 24/07/06 13/08/06 RENO 11 NEW !!! 8 CBF08 GUITALENS 07/08/06 28/08/06 RENO 12 Yes 9 CBF09 SERVIES 07/08/06 28/08/06 ENVI 12 Yes 9 CBF10 MONCLAR DE QUERCY 1 10/07/06 30/07/06 RENO 12 Yes 9 CBF11 MONCLAR DE QUERCY 2 07/08/06 26/08/06 RENO 12 TRILATERAL Yes 10 CBF12 PUYLAURENS 10/07/06 31/07/06 ENVI 12 Yes 10 CBF13 LONGAGES 07/08/06 28/08/06 ENVI 12 NEW !!! Yes 11 CBF14 PRATLONG 10/07/06 29/07/06 RENO 12 NEW !!! Yes 11 CBF15 LA COMPAGNIE DU HASARD 09/07/06 30/07/06 CONS 10 NEW !!! Yes 12 TRILATERAL CBF16 RILLE 16/07/06 06/08/06 CONS 8 Yes 12 CBF17 ATELIERS DE QUARTIER 09/07/06 30/07/06 SOCI 8 NEW !!! French Yes 13 speaking Camp CBF18 PROJET 224 27/08/06 17/09/06 CONS 10 13 CBF19 BASSIN DE WALBACOL 08/07/06 30/07/06 RENO 12 Yes 13 CBF21 RESTANQUES 05/08/06 27/08/06 RENO 12 Yes 14 EVS Long term projects 15 to 19 EVS Short term projects 20 LTV 21 By date Code Intitulé Région organisatrice Date début Date fin CODE TYPE Effectif CBF03 LE MONT DES ALOUETTES BZH 03/07/06 23/07/06 RENO 12 CBF01 BRETEIL BZH 03/07/06 22/07/06 RENO 11 CBF19 BASSIN DE WALBACOL PACA 08/07/06 30/07/06 RENO 12 CBF17 ATELIERS DE QUARTIER CENTRE 09/07/06 30/07/06 SOCI 8 CBF15 LA COMPAGNIE DU HASARD CENTRE 09/07/06 30/07/06 CONS 10 CBF12 PUYLAURENS MP 10/07/06 31/07/06 ENVI 12 CBF02 FAMILLES BZH BZH 10/07/06 30/07/06 SOCI 09 CBF04 POUANCE 1 BZH 10/07/06 29/07/06 RENO 11 CBF10 MONCLAR DE QUERCY 1 MP 10/07/06 30/07/06 RENO 12 CBF14 PRATLONG MP 10/07/06 29/07/06 RENO 12 CBF16 RILLE CENTRE 16/07/06 06/08/06 CONS 8 CBF07 PLOUGUENAST BZH 24/07/06 13/08/06 RENO 11 CBF21 RESTANQUES PACA 05/08/06 27/08/06 RENO 12 CBF13 LONGAGES MP 07/08/06 28/08/06 ENVI 12 CBF09 SERVIES MP 07/08/06 28/08/06 ENVI 12 CBF08 GUITALENS MP 07/08/06 28/08/06 RENO 12

4 Code Intitulé Région organisatrice Date début Date fin CODE TYPE Effectif CBF06 LA CHAPELLE LAUNAY BZH 07/08/06 27/08/06 RENO 11 CBF05 POUANCE 2 BZH 07/08/06 20/08/06 RENO 11 CBF11 MONCLAR DE QUERCY 2 MP 07/08/06 26/08/06 RENO 12 CBF18 PROJET 224 CENTRE 27/08/06 17/09/06 CONS 10


CBF04 - POUANCE 1 - 10/07/06-29/07/06 11 Vol. TEEN / RENO The small town of Pouancé is situated on the border of Anjou and Haut Maine, historically a strategic region when Bretagne was still independent of France. The 13th and 14th century fortress of Marches of Bretagne and the Doors of Anjou dominate the walled town. Today, only some towers and walls remain to give testimony of this important monument. International volunteers have already come in recent years to restore certain parts of the castle and carried out different types of work: maintenance of paving stones, restoration of walls, sizing of stones for the reconstruction of underground stairs and so on… Step by step the castle is rebuilt and to valorise it even more, the municipality wishes to create a visit walking path to develop its frequentation during the summer. Last year, it was installed a metal footbridge "modern drawbridge!" to give access to the visit. This year you will arrange a circuit of visit within the castle giving access to a new part of the castle recently restored: "the southern gate" . This restoration work allows to have knowledge of the technique of stone masonry with lime mortar, repointing , pavement renovation... Location : Pouance is located at around 60km from Rennes, Angers, Laval and Nantes. Terminal : Chateaubriand - Nearest airport : Paris Meeting point : on 10/07/06 at 15h00 in Chateaubriand train station Accommodation : Camping just below the château, by the edge of a pond. Language : French/ English



In France, activities for minors are protected by the law which gives rules supposed to facilitate the organisation of workcamps and the security of the volunteers.

During the teenager seminar organised in December 2003, we spoke a lot about regulation in the different countries. We invite you to have a look at the final report where you will find a table about regulation in the different countries on : accommodation - food health and safety- leader training and diploma- travelling alone -leisure activities- work aspect- drugs sex and alcohol This table should be available in the Alliance database and we invite you to complete it, if you have not made it yet!!! Through this sharing we can improve our co-operation and have a better understanding of each other we will be also able to give a better information to the parents and the volunteers themselves. Practical info As on adult camps the volunteers achieve a concrete project, working around 20 hours per week. The leader team is composed of qualified leaders ( French diploma); they are staff paid and they are responsible of the volunteers.

5 Teenagers are taken in charge on their arrival at the train station ; they can’t leave the camp without a written authorisation signed by their parents and sent to our organisation before the camp start. Each volunteer must bring the “health record form” and give it to the camp leader on arrival.


CBF01 - BRETEIL - 03/07/06-22/07/06 11 Vol. RENO For 8 years, the small town of Breteil has hosted international volunteers to restore its local heritage. This year the inhabitants are again waiting for you impatiently! Lovers of old stones, you will continue a work started in 2001 : restoration of the walls surrounding the church, in the town centre using ancient and traditional methods of working with stone. You will discover the strong motivation of the local population to preserve its heritage - they'll give you a hand for sure. This could be a good opportunity to build links with this friendly village. The local youth should also help you to discover the area, the chance to try some sports and cultural activities, local traditional village fêtes…As for the older ones among them, they will come to share with you their memories of the past…. Work : The work will be based around traditional masonry (re-pointing stone walls with lime).Traditional masonry works, rejoining stone with lime. Location : Breteil is located at around 20km away from Rennes. This workcamp is situated in the middle of " Pays de Broceliade", an enchanted and mystical country of many legends and stories of your childhood -Merlin the Magician…The lake of Tremelin is in close proximity so you can swim in fresh water and practise various sports. 80km from the Brittany coast you will discover all its charms, right to the south in direction of Vannes, right to the north, in direction of St.Malo, the Cité Corsaire. Terminal : Breteil Nearest airport : Paris Meeting point : on 03/07/06 at 14h00 in Breteil train station Accommodation : in tents. Language : French/ English Special remarks : City’s Web site:

CBF02 - FAMILLES BZH - 10/07/06-30/07/06 09 Vol. SOCI You will have the opportunity to use different techniques in the secondary building works in bond with the family which takes part in the realization of work and a team of long-term Volunteers who take part in this type of workcamp throughout the year within the Association. Your participation in this workcamp will be an act of solidarity and will help this person to live in better conditions … All this demands a real engagement from you in the work, contact, listening and exchange that's why you should speak French. Work : secondary building works that can sometimes be physical. Location : not yet known Nearest airport : Paris Meeting point : Not yet known Accommodation : in tents. Language : French Special remarks : FRENCH SPEAKING CAMP

7 CBF03 - LE MONT DES ALOUETTES - 03/07/06-23/07/06 12 Vol. RENO Le Mont des Alouettes is 231 meters high, strong western winds (ocean side) blow across a 80km plateau before being rebounded onto this hill; so it’s no wonder to find windmills there! Constructed since 1564, 8 mills were still working until the beginning of the 20th century. 3 of them still exist and 1 is still working so this allows us to understand more clearly how the millers worked and gives us the chance to explain it to visitors. The Mont of Alouettes and its windmills make an extraordinary sight, it is the ‘Service Animation Jeunesse’ of the town of Herbiers which is in charge of putting life into this area The youth of the village have already started to restore this heritage by organising workcamps to clean up or by hosting tourists to explain to them the history of these mills. Since 2002 workcamps take place: volunteers have discovered two ancient windmills which had disappeared . Their foundations were hidden under vegetation and some weeding has allowed their foundations to be seen and repared. This year you will continue with the work of clearing in order to fully restore the other foundations. The bases already uncovered will be further protected through construction works which will be carefully carried out. This work will be a good opportunity to meet the young people of Herbiers, organise social evenings and have a good time together with them, but also together with visitors who come to the site. Each Thursday evening, for example, there will be an event where you can present the work being carried out. Location : "Les Herbiers" is 22km away from Cholet and 42 from La Roche sur Yon. It will be possible to discover the “Marais Poitevin” area (a protected natural site made up of canals) and of course the Atlantic ocean which is 80km away. Terminal : Cholet Nearest airport : Paris Meeting point : on 03/07/06 at 15h00 in Cholet train station Accommodation : In tents Language : French/ English

CBF05 - POUANCE 2 - 07/08/06-20/08/06 11 Vol. RENO The small town of Pouancé is situated on the border of Anjou and Haut Maine, historically a strategic region when Bretagne was still independent of France. The 13th and 14th century fortress of Marches of Bretagne and the Doors of Anjou dominate the walled town. Today, only some towers and walls remain to give testimony of this important monument. International volunteers have already come in recent years to restore certain parts of the castle and carried out different types of work: maintenance of paving stones, restoration of walls, sizing of stones for the reconstruction of underground stairs and so on… Step by step the castle is rebuilt and to valorise it even more, the municipality wishes to create a visit walking path to develop its frequentation during the summer. Last year, it was installed a metal footbridge "modern drawbridge!" to give access to the visit. This year you will arrange a circuit of visit within the castle giving access to a new part of the castle recently restored: "the southern gate" . This restoration work allows to have knowledge of the technique of stone masonry with lime mortar, repointing , pavement renovation... Location : Pouance is located at around 60km from Rennes, Angers, Laval and Nantes. Terminal : Chateaubriand Nearest airport : Paris Meeting point : on 07/08/06 at 15h00 in Chateaubriand train station Accommodation : Camping just below the château, by the edge of a pond. Language : French/ English

8 CBF06 - LA CHAPELLE LAUNAY - 07/08/06-27/08/06 11 Vol. RENO The village is drawn among the foot paths which permit to discover valleys which follow one after another, rich in botany varieties and local heritage. Nowadays, the municipality council wishes to pay special attention to these foot paths to valorise them by restoring the heritage beside them. The safeguard program will start with works on the baker's oven located in the old presbytery, a beautiful residence of the 18th century recently restored. The vault cover and the part of the bakehouse have been restored. This year, we must continue to emphasize the work in the valley by creating an access to the building and by restoring part of the low wall which surrounds the presbytery. This is a great opportunity to have many contacts with locals in this convivial village: the young people will take you along to discover the area and the older people will come to share with you their memories of the past... Once this place will be renovated, the locals will have the opportunity to spend with you moments of conviviality making a good bread before taking the road for an excursion along the foot path! Location : La Chapelle de Launay is located at 60 Km from Nantes and from St Nazaire. Settled over the Sillon de Bretagne hill, this village is a guarding watch over the Loire and offers splendid views over the estuary. The history of this territory is rich, from the existence of Gallo Roman village to the battles during the Vendée wars in the 18th.century. Terminal : Savenay Nearest airport : Paris Meeting point : on 07/08/06 at 14h00 in Savenay train station Accommodation : in tents. Language : French/ English Special remarks : works in the roofing are in highness.

CBF07 - PLOUGUENAST - 24/07/06-13/08/06 11 Vol. RENO In 2002 and 2003, two international workcamps were organised near Plouguenast on a work of restoration of heritage. Beyond the workcamp, the team of volunteers was completely integrated into the life of the community through animations, meals, young and less young people together. Wishing to renew this experience, Plouguenast organises an international workcamp to enjoy again this adventure... This small rural community is crossed by a river "Le Lié". Around it, many activities are organised: excursions on bicycle, pedestrian, equestrian, excursions in canoe, fishing. In order to make these activities even more pleasant, it is planned to arrange the path which borders the river by developing the heritage nearby. Summer 2006, 1st stage, volunteers, we are waiting for you! At the edge of the river, hidden in a small corner of greenery, a deviation of the river feeds... a fish pond. This stone work was used to raise fish before! Actually an investigation is in progress to understand what were the reason for this fish raise, Work: Restoration of a fish pond. Work of cleaning and clearing of undergrowth before discovering and using the technique of traditional stone masonry. A team of local animation will be with you during the 3 weeks to incite you to discover the area, and the inhabitants. Location : Plouguenast is a small rural community located in the centre of Brittany, within a green framework, in the department of the Côtes d'Armor, 15 km from Loudéac and 30 km from the Saint- Brieuc Bay Terminal : Saint Brieuc Nearest airport : Paris Meeting point : on 24/07/06 at 15h00 in Saint Brieuc train station Accommodation : in tents Language : French/ English

9 CBF08 - GUITALENS - 07/08/06-28/08/06 12 Vol. RENO Guitalens is a small village situated in the "land of plenty" ( Pays de Cocagne) in the South of the Tarn. This municipality is used to host international workcamps which bring an important local dynamics. Since some years, Guitalens has began some works to fit out stone walls along the main road crossing the village and to show the value of the local heritage. Many projects have taken part in this restoration and that's why the municipality wishes to repeat the experience. Last year, the group has began the restoration of stone walls near the wash-house. This year the objective will be to finish that work. Work : Restoration of stone walls near a wash-house (small diggins, de-plastering and rejoining stone with lime, making sloping tops over the walls). Location : Guitalens is a small village 20km away from Castres and 60 from Toulouse. Possibility to discover many cultural and natural sites (excursions to local beauty spots like the Sidobre, Albi, lakes… discovery of small local heritage - pigeon houses, wash houses..). Many contacts with the local population ( fêtes, exhibitions…) Terminal : Vielmur sur Agout Nearest airport : Toulouse Meeting point : on 07/08/06 at 15h30 in Vielmur sur Agout train station Accommodation : In tents ( for two or three persons) Language : French/ English

CBF09 - SERVIES - 07/08/06-28/08/06 12 Vol. ENVI Servies is a small village located in Tarn Department at the edge of a river on a hill. Different works were realised to valorize this small village. There is still some work to do and the municipality not only wants to host an international group of volunteers to help them to continue the works but also to bring an international dynamic to the local population and a valorisation of its small heritage. Work : Restoration of stone walls (de-plastering and rejoining stone with lime). Location : this workcamp is located 20km from Castres and 60km from Toulouse. Different possibilities of hiking or riding shall give you the opportunity to discover the nature and the countryside around. Discovery of cultural sites: Lautrec, Albi, Sidobre …is also possible. Many local fêtes in the villages around will be the occasion to know and share the French culture. Exchanges with other workcamps present at the same time will allow you to meet many volunteers from all over the world. Terminal : Vielmur sur Agout - Nearest airport : Toulouse Meeting point : on 07/08/06 at 15h30 in Vielmur sur Agout train station Accommodation : In premises, showers are in the locker rooms very near the accommodation place. You will use a kitchen installed in a room. Language : French/ English Special remarks : A lot of contact with the locals.

CBF10 - MONCLAR DE QUERCY 1 - 10/07/06-30/07/06 12 Vol. RENO Small rural town, perched on the last hills of "bas - Quercy", Monclar gives the impression to catch not to slide. In the past fortified, with an agitated/eventful history, Monclar had a big feudal Castle which was partially destroyed in the past. Today the castle does not exist any more. This municipality has been hosting groups of volunteers for several years. After doing the wooden fences to remind the fortifications of the castle, last year, the volunteers have restored a little stone staircase and a fountain. This year, the village wishes to restore a chapel, near the school, in order to have a room to host the local cultural activities (theatre, expositions...). This project is also carried out in partnership with the association of the parents of pupils. Work: Removing the plaster from the walls inside the chapel. Cleaning and painting of plasters. Location : this workcamp is located 50km from Toulouse and 20 km from Montauban. If you like the nature, you will have the opportunity to go for walks around the lake. There are a lot of sites around not to be missed: Gorges de l'Aveyron, Cordes Sur Ciel , St Antonin Noble Val, Forest of Grésigne…. Leisure centre and various spot animations. Terminal : Montauban Nearest airport : Toulouse Meeting point : on 10/07/06 at 15h00 in Montauban train station Accommodation : In premises (In a classroom beside the workcamp) Language : French/ English Special remarks : Work in highness.

10 CBF11 - MONCLAR DE QUERCY 2 - 07/08/06-26/08/06 12 Vol. RENO TRILATERAL CAMP ONLY OPEN FOR FRANCE (4 vol.) + GERMANY (4 vol.) + 1 other country (4 vol.) Small rural town, perched on the last hills of "bas - Quercy", Monclar gives the impression to catch not to slide. In the past fortified, with an agitated/eventful history, Monclar had a big feudal Castle which was partially destroyed in the past. Today the castle does not exist any more. This municipality has been hosting groups of volunteers for several years. After doing the wooden fences to remind the fortifications of the castle, last year, the volunteers have restored a little stone staircase and a fountain. This year, the village wishes to restore a chapel, near the school, in order to have a room to host the local cultural activities (theatre, expositions...). This project is also carried out in partnership with the association of the parents of pupils, and you will continue the work of the workcamp held in July. Work : Placing skirting on the low part of the chapel walls, painting. Possibility of modification or additional work according to the work done by the workcamp held in July: arrangement of the chapel, painting of the woodworks, the shutters of the school, various works of masonry. Location : this workcamp is located 50km from Toulouse and 20 km from Montauban. If you like the nature, you will have the opportunity to go for walks around the lake. There are a lot of sites around not to be missed: Gorges de l'Aveyron, Cordes Sur Ciel , St Antonin Noble Val, Forest of Grésigne…. Leisure centre and various spot animations. Terminal : Montauban Nearest airport : Toulouse Meeting point : on 07/08/06 at 15h00 in Montauban train station Accommodation : in wagons equipped with couchettes Language : French/ German / English Special remarks : TRILATERAL CAMP ONLY OPEN FOR FRANCE (4 vol.) + GERMANY (4 vol.) + 1 other country (4 vol.)

CBF12 - PUYLAURENS - 10/07/06-31/07/06 12 Vol. ENVI Perched on the top of a green hill (350m high), Puylaurens has an unimpeded view over the Lauragais area, Black mountains, and Pyrénées. Fortified with ancient ramparts, on this workcamp you will restore and breath new life into these classic ruins, mobilise the local population on this extraordinary heritage but also help and bring an international dynamics to the team of of local unemployed people which works on the ramparts throughout the year. Work: Clearing the ground, re-pointing of stone walls, (the work may be modified a little according to the progress of the workcamp, perhaps stone masonry). Work in heightness also. Location : in premises, in an apartment. Terminal : Vielmur sur Agout Nearest airport : Toulouse Meeting point : on 10/07/06 at 15h30 in Vielmur sur Agout train station Accommodation : This workcamp is 50 km away from Toulouse, 22 km from Castres and 14km from Revel where you can swim in the famous St Ferréol lake. Many local fêtes take place in the surrounding villages and there are many typical small markets… Language : French/ English

11 CBF13 - LONGAGES - 07/08/06-28/08/06 12 Vol. ENVI Longages is a small town of approximately 2300 inhabitant near the town of Toulouse, in Midi Pyrénées region. It has the advantages of the city and the quietness of the countryside. This community has a rich heritage which you will have the occasion to discover. In the heart of an area of a rich historical past, where the gastronomy is recognised, its situation helps to have an easy access to the sea, the ocean, the Pyrenees chain and the places of interest of the surroundings. This commune wishes to host this year an international summer workcamp in order to bring dynamism, to create cultural exchanges with the local population and in particular with the young people of the village. This project is carried out in partnership with the municipality but also with the House of the young people of Carbonne which organises already animations with the local young people. Work: Clearing of a wood in order to create a green area, for free time and picnic area. There’s a small path to be done. Location : This workcamp is located at 35 km from Toulouse. You will have the occasion to discover the natural and cultural richnesses of the surroundings, to visit Toulouse and its monuments and to practise leisure activities. Participation also in the organisation of the local festival of Longages, moments of meetings and exchanges with the inhabitants. Terminal : Longages Nearest airport : Toulouse Meeting point : on 07/08/06 at 15h00 in Longages train station Accommodation : in tents, for two or three persons in the stadium. Language : French/ English

CBF14 - PRATLONG - 10/07/06-29/07/06 12 Vol. RENO Lacaze is a small village located on middle-sized mountain in the department of Tarn in the south of France. Under the slopes of the mounts of Lacaune this small village is surrounded and watered by the Gijou river. This community, with its rich and cultural past is very open to host groups of voluntary young people. This village has already organised several workcamps of international volunteers. This year, this project will be focused on the restoration of the chapel of Pratlong perched in the middle of woods alongside a clearing. This project is carried out in partnership with the town hall of Lacaze and the association of the older inhabitants of Pratlong. Work: Deplastering of the external walls of the chapel and the interior of the tower. Repair of joints of the stones with lime. Location : This workcamp is located at 40km from Castres and at 20 km from Lacaune. Lacaze is surrounded by natural sites (Sidobre, valley of Agoût) richnesses which you will have the occasion to discover during the different excursions proposed. Music festival in Lacaze during the project. Terminal : Castres Nearest airport : Toulouse Meeting point : on 10/07/06 at 15h30 in Castres train station Accommodation : in tents near the chapel. Language : French/ English Special remarks : The chapel of Pratlong is rather isolated. The accommodation conditions will be simple. The tents will be near the chapel, we will install solar showers and dry toilets. Electricity will be produced by a power generating unit. We will also try to plan a trip to the village every two or three days in order to be able to take a real shower. You also will live with a team of European volunteers who are in our association throughout the year.

12 CBF15 - LA COMPAGNIE DU HASARD - 09/07/06-30/07/06 10 Vol. CONS TRILATERAL CAMP ONLY OPEN FOR FRANCE (4 vol.) + GERMANY (4 vol.) + 1 other country (4 vol.) The workcamp is located outside a small village named Feings in the department of Loir et Cher, with a company of theatre - La Compagnie du Hasard (The Company of Chance). This association settled recently in an old farm with the objective to create a cultural complex including a theatre in open air, a room with 50 places, rooms for seminars and administration, rooms for workshop manufacturing and teaching. The objective this year is to create a reception place at the entry of the barn at the bottom and, the offices of the association at the 1st floor. The company will be on tour at this time and proposes to take along the volunteers that wish to go with them on one of their performances. Theatre workshops could also be set up if the volunteers wish to do so. There will be exchanges with volunteers from other workcamps located in the department nearby. Work : interior arrangements of the entry of the theatre in the bottom and an administrative room on the first floor. Realisation of a carrying structure of the floor, recovery of existing and new timber elements; various work of masonry (opening for a future door; various fixings); different electric work. Maintenance of the site could be done with the persons in charge for La Compagnie du Hasard. Location : Feings is located at 20 Kms in the south of Blois in the Loir et Cher department. Paris is approximately at 200 Kms of the workcamp (2h00 by train). Terminal : Blois Nearest airport : Paris Meeting point : on 09/07/06 at 14h00 in Blois train station Accommodation : in tents in the theatre’s site, bathrooms will be available, Language : French/ German / English Special remarks : TRILATERAL CAMP ONLY OPEN FOR FRANCE (4 vol.) + GERMANY (4 vol.) + 1 other country (4 vol.)

CBF16 - RILLE - 16/07/06-06/08/06 8 Vol. CONS This workcamp is located in the outskirts of a little village named Rillé, with an association called "le petit train historique de Rillé" (the little historical train of Rillé). The objective of this association is, by means of the railway activity and the renovation of old trains, to gather all the persons who want to share, exchange, meet young and not-so-young people around activities about the train renovation. A group of teenagers will join the international volunteers team and will participate in all workcamp activities, also in leisure and everyday life activities. This workcamp follows upon that which was held last year, this year the works will be: Construction of brick pillars 5 m heigh and beginning of the second gable in bricks of concrete of a roundhouse (13 m long). Works of masonry mainly and some work of maintenance in the site (painting, cleaning, small manual work in the trains) will be done. There will be exchanges with volunteers from other workcamps located in the department. Location : Rillé is located 50 Km west from Tours and about 250 Km from Paris. Terminal : Tours Nearest airport : Paris Meeting point : on 16/07/06 at 12h00 in Compagnons bâtisseurs TOURS offices Accommodation : in tents in the camping located at a 5 minute-walk. Language : French/ English Special remarks : presence of another group on the workcamp, they are teenagers who already took part in a workcamp of voluntary young people during the last two years. Physical work in a scaffolding.

13 CBF17 - ATELIERS DE QUARTIER - 09/07/06-30/07/06 8 Vol. SOCI The work to be done is about improving the housing conditions realized within the framework of auto-rehabilitation workcamps and mutual aid among people in difficulties. This social action about housing exceeds the individual scale to reach a collective dimension. Indeed, the people in difficulties take part in collective leisure activities within the district. These actions help to re-socialize this people by the mutual aid. Work: You will do papering, painting, floor covering, faience, plumbing and electricity. The workcamp will be held on two districts, the group will thus separate into two for the workcamp activities. Location : Tours is located at 250 Kms from Paris Terminal : Tours Nearest airport : Paris Meeting point : on 09/07/06 at 12h00 in Compagnons bâtisseurs TOURS offices Accommodation : in an appartment offered by the HLM office in the two districts. Language : French Special remarks : Work within the families in difficulties. There will be 4 young people coming from districts. FRENCH SPEAKING CAMP

CBF18 - PROJET 224 - 27/08/06-17/09/06 10 Vol. CONS Project 244 is a collective of street arts companies. These associations are working together in a place which was donated by the municipality around common cultural objectives. Last two year we have restored with them a room into a cafeteria and the creation of room for the boiler ( central heating) of the big top. This year, the idea is to create an accommodation place for the companies who are making a short stay in Projet 244, but also for the members when they are in long periods of search, creation and repetition in the hangar. The construction of a wooden kiosk is also foreseen. The workcamp is very near downtown, so a lot of leisure activities are possible. Work: Creation of wooden storage (made-to-measure), bunk beds ... Location and assembly of the wooden pieces of forming the kiosk. Mainly woodwork. Location : This workcamp is located in Tours, at about 250 Km from Paris. Terminal : Tours Nearest airport : Paris Meeting point : on 27/08/06 at 12h00 in Compagnons bâtisseurs TOURS offices Accommodation : in tents in the site of the association projet 244, some caravans will be there for common spaces. Language : French/ English

CBF19 - BASSIN DE WALBACOL - 08/07/06-30/07/06 12 Vol. RENO In July 2004, there has been an important fire in the plateau of Vitrolles. The inhabitants, the residents and the persons who go frequently to that place are mobilised to recover it. We like to take part in that project by renovating the basin of Walbacol. This basin is located at the entrance of the domain and it is an element of the local heritage, filled with water. It will attract the aquatic fauna and it will serve also as a water reservoir in case of fire (very frequent in this region). Work: finishing works of masonry and reparation of leaks on the walls of the basin, installation of a security fence and a hand-railing (balustrade), restoration of the water supply system. You will also have the opportunity to discover a typical natural place of Southern Europe (site Natura 2000). Meetings with professionals in the field (foresters, scientists, environmental leaders) will be organised by the volunteers and leaders. Practice of sport and leisure activities on the site: cycling, horse-riding, excursions … You could also visit the natural sites (Ste Victoire), gardens and places like Walbacol (Jardin d'Albertas in Bouc Bel Air, Pavillon du Roi René ) Location : Vitrolles is a city of 40 000 inhabitants located at 25 km from Marseille and 25 km from Aix en Provence. The workcamp is in the Vitrolles plateau, quite far from downtown, in an isolated place, near a leisure centre. Terminal : Marseille St Charles Nearest airport : Marseille Meeting point : on 08/07/06 at 16h00 in Marseille St Charles train station Accommodation : in small tents, near the workcamp. Toilets and showers in the leisure centre. Language : French/ English Special remarks : Volunteers will be very involved in the animation programme. In our workcamps we practise self- management of the group!

14 CBF21 - RESTANQUES - 05/08/06-27/08/06 12 Vol. RENO TRILATERAL CAMP ONLY OPEN FOR FRANCE (4 vol.) + GERMANY (4 vol.) + 1 other country (4 vol.) This action is organised in partnership with the association ‘Renaissance du Bois Sacré des enfants de l’Etoile’, created in 1997 after the terrible fires of the massive hill l’Etoile. With the help from children of the town and volunteers they hope to re-create the ancient and symbolic ‘Bois Sacré’ of Massaliotes, and through this concrete activity enliven, maintain and develop respect for the nature in an active way.Marseille, a large cosmopolitan city situated next to the sea, is one of the biggest ports of the Mediterranean. It is a city which offers cultural, sport and touristic activities. The discovery of dry stones constructions will offer the group the opportunity to visit other spots of Provence. Work: This workcamp will continue the work of restoring ancient dry stone walls called "Restanques". The ground is arranged in terraces in order to stabilise it so that it can be planted in the autumn. Location : Château Gombert is a district of Marseille. Terminal : Marseille St Charles Nearest airport : Marseille Meeting point : on 05/08/06 at 16h00 in Marseille St Charles train station Accommodation : in small tents. Toilets and a kitchen will be available in premises. Language : French/ German / English Special remarks : TRILATERAL CAMP ONLY OPEN FOR FRANCE (4 vol.) + GERMANY (4 vol.) + 1 other country (4 vol.)

15 SECRETARIAT INTERNATIONAL Coordination SVE / EVS 39, chemin de Verdun 81100 CASTRES Tel : Fax : E mail : [email protected]

EVS/MTV Projects with Compagnons Bâtisseurs Grand Sud (France) PROGRAMME 2006/2007

A bit of history: "Compagnons Bâtisseurs (CB)" was born in Belgium fifty years ago; it aimed at helping populations who had been hard hit by the damage of World War II. From the very beginning and still nowadays, "Compagnons Bâtisseurs" has been putting solidarity into practice - by means of workcamps, manual or social projects- as well as promoting peace and better understanding between people from different countries.

Compagnons Bâtisseurs Grand Sud has been working in Castres since 1984. Our organisation is active in five main sectors: a) social insertion training projects with 35 people in difficulties b) hosting of international workcamps with about 150 volunteers in our region and the sending out of around 200 volunteers in up to 30 different countries each year; c) EVS short term and long term hosting and sending organisation; d) social work with the local gypsy community in our town, especially animation with the kids e) Social and manual work with families in difficulties specially on housing problems in a deprived area in the City of Castres

Castres is a city of 48000 habitants in the south-west of France, 1hour from Toulouse. The economic activities of the city are focused on textile, small-industries and tourism The region offers a lot of possibilities for excursions (Carcassonne, Albi etc.) and outdoor activities (natural park of the region, 2 hours from Mediterranean Sea and the Pyrénées mountains)

Accommodation : We have two apartments for the volunteers. In one 5-4 volunteers will live together in the new apartment of our association, There are 5 small but individual rooms kitchen, bathroom, a big living room and a garden. The apartment has a telephone which can by used by card (participation of 5 €/month/vol for the telephone) In the second apartment 4-3 people share the space with the same conditions; single rooms, kitchen, living room, and telephone) This apartment is the 4th. and last floor in a block of social hosing in a popular area near the city; 10minutes by feet from the office. Our wish is to have a real international volunteers community but people should be willing and able to share a collective life-style, which can be an incredible experience, but needs a understanding and mutual respect and common rules and duties (of cleaning/cooking etc). The volunteers receive 6€/day as budget for their food. Local transport : The volunteers can use from time to time a car of the association for excursions or other collective activities , but they have to pay a small contribution to the general costs! We have also bicycles for local transport.

French course : All volunteers have 2h/week French course, done by a professional teacher.

16 PROGRAMME 2006/7

Name of Sub-project Project Place Dates of the project Deadline the project N° application Active Project 3: EVS- 2005- 3 places 1 Place: Start: 1.07 .2006 01/04/06 Team project : solidarity FR-140 for 1 Places: Start: through social manual work on renovation and EVS- LT 1.08.2006 and manual construction projects 1 Places: Start: 1.10.2006 Project 2: 2005- 1 place Next Start: 1. 01/04/06 "Project Tzigane" : work FR-140 September 2006 for 12 with gypsy-kids months in Castres Project 1: 2005- 1 place Full till: 15.5.2007 ------“Ateliers de FR-140 for Quartier”: Manual and EVS- LT social work in deprived areas of Castres Project 4: 2005- 4- ONLY FOR YOUTH IN 01/04/06 EVS-Short FR-140 8Open DIFFICULTIES Term: "Come and Try" places Period : July or august EVS-ST (EVS-ST in international workcamps)

Assistance in 2005- 1 place Next Start: 1. July 01/04/06 a rest centre FR-138 for 2006 for 12 months with a EVS- LT pedagogical project : MUSIC AND ANIMATION 2005- 1 place Start: 1.November 2006 01/04/06 Animation and FR- for to 31.October 2007 or intercultural activities in a 139 EVS- LT 12 month 01/06/06 residence for young people ( Foyer des Jeunes Travailleurs- FJT)


17 Active solidarity through social and manual projects Project 3: EVS-Team project : manual work on renovation and construction 2005-FR-140 (Period: 6-12 months, but we prefer 9-12months)

A team of minimum 3 EVS volunteers will help in different renovation and construction projects. The projects are for non profit organizations in the area , municipalities of little villages where we work on the renovation of local patrimony or in the framework of renovation works for people in difficulties. The group of volunteers will also continue the work on our own regional centre of the association of Compagnons Bâtisseurs in Castres. All projects are based on manual work – mainly masonry and carpentry work. According to the technical knowledge and the time in project, the volunteer will learn to develop from simple to more complicated tasks increasing autonomy and self-confidence. But please consider , the work in the construction and renovation is mainly team-work, where the result is the good co- operation of everybody, and please be aware that this is also physical work! We are not looking for skilled persons, but the volunteers should be ready for this kind of manual work and prepared for outdoor works also in the winter period. This project offers also very good supports to integrate EVS-Short term volunteers! Volunteers should also be able to work on scaffoldings and in high because we often do also renovation of the roof of houses! The volunteers will work about 32 hours a week together with a technical animator. (Monday morning is free for language course. The work will be from Monday afternoon to Friday) We know that several months in a construction project can sometimes be felt as too hard or too long, so we will give also the opportunity to the volunteers to join other activities of our association. These extra-activities will not replace the main projects of the construction, but we try to offer a bigger field of experience for the volunteers during their stay with us. e.g. – cooperation in the international summer workcamps in July or August - involvement in other projects run by the organisation (work with families in difficulties, animation with kids from the gypsy community, manual and social work in deprived areas of Castres, gardening around the centre etc.) The idea is to give to chance to join from time to time for a day or 2 also another project in our association, depending on the needs and possibilities of each project to host the volunteer for this short period.

It is important that the volunteers are flexible, with a lot of initiative and willing to adapt to the local reality of our association.

EVS -Project: Animation and intercultural activities in a residence for young people ( Foyer des Jeunes Travailleurs- FJT) 2005-FR-139 18 1 PLACE 12 months

The “Foyer de Jeunes Travailleur” (FJT) is a home in the city of Castres that can host up to 54 young people between 17 to 30 years. Some of the youngster are only for some months in the city for doing a job or a trainee , other come from difficult social backgrounds and the FJT offers them a place to live. The volunteer is part of the team of 2-3 animators, who try to offer different free time activities to the youngster. The volunteer can propose own activities or help to organize the different events (games, excursions, etc); It’s important to have a dynamic and creative person, who is willing to bring new ideas and also “an European dimension” in the house; the person should be easy in contact with the youngsters and able to develop activities by his/her own. The volunteer should have a driving licence and a certain level of French is necessary, because the youngsters often don’t speak English. Since this year the FJT has also some computers for the youngsters and the EVS can give some introduction training about (internet, e-mail, word, etc.) The main work of the volunteer is in the afternoons or evenings, because during the day the people are mostly working outside. The volunteer is living together with the other EVS volunteers in an apartment of Compagnons Bâtisseurs.

EVS-PROJECT " Assistance in a rest centre with a pedagogical project : MUSIC AND ANIMATION 2005-FR-138 Next Start: 1. July 2006 9-12 month

"Moulin de Sitelles" is a very nice rest centre situated in a small village near Castres in the south of France. It welcomes groups of kids and youngsters for stages or seminars. All activities with the people turn around music, environment and other arts. Animation with music, playing music or constructing music instruments, playing theatre with the kids etc; They can host up to 80 people for different activities.

But is very important to know that the main tasks of the volunteers are NOT linked directly with animation with the kids!!! She/he is much more involved in the general works to keep the centre running and the maintain it as a nice and lovely place for the children. This means very practical works of help to keep the order in the house, small reparations (for example: changing the lights in the rooms, painting doors or windows in case of small damages, decoration works, to take care of the flowers and plants etc) Other tasks are also: -to maintain or putting in order the pedagogical materials (instruments, costumes, documents etc.) -to help to organise workshops for the construction of instruments -help for the organisation of concerts (mailings, putting chairs or other practical aid during the events) The centre is also developing different activites to transform the centre in a place of respect of the nature and environment; So different activities are done and need to be supported by the volunteer (selection of trash, measures to save water and energy, creating awareness of the kids for ecology, environment and sustainable development by little 19 actions) Also a garden project might started this spring, so that volunteer could continue this works. Beside this there is also some general help needed for administration or secretary works.

This tasks take the main time of your service, but you are also involved in some activities with the kids for example: -help for the activities with the kids (excursions) -to doing little activities or workshops for the kids (for.ex. presentation of one instrument, if you play one, the music of your country or a typical dance etc) -travel to Paris or other places in France to pick up a group of kids and to travel with them by train to the centre in Burlats

The work is about 6 h a day and mainly in the afternoon (Monday to Friday) Normally the weekend are free, except of some special events (concerts etc); but the project really likes to stimulate the independence and autonomy of each volunteer. So the philosophy is not to impose the exactly daily working hours, but to reach that the volunteer feel the responsibility for his tasks and organize his working hours in order fulfil the different missions given. In this way the project is very flexible and open for your ideas, but they need on the other hand independent people who know to organize themselves and able to take initiatives. The village is not linked to Castres by local transport, therefore the volunteer needs a valid driving licence to be independent, and also for different activities during the project (participation in the language course in Castres, go shopping or pick up of people for the centre in the City etc.)

ATTENTION: this project is only coordinated by us. The volunteer lives in the project and not with the other volunteers in the apartment in Castres.


Active solidarity through social and manual projects Project 4: EVS-Short Term: "Come and Try 2005-FR-140

Objectives : 1. 1.To offer a first experience of mobility 2. To give a framework for personnel development and intercultural learning-by working and living in an alternative way within a team of different EVS volunteers, giving them a chance of initiative, creativity, and taking responsibilities in a multinational team 3. Experimentation of a large scale of « concrete » activities in the field of our manual and social projects to stimulate self-confidence, autonomy and give a chance for new positive experiences.

Specially in July and August we can propose EVS-ST for 3 weeks up 1 month in our international workcamps around Castres and in other regions. In this case the volunteer is part of an international group of 10-15 volunteers from all over the world. The conditions are basic (normally they sleep in tents, self-catering etc.) but this is could be an enormous experience and possibility for intercultural learning for the volunteer. Before starting the workcamp we are doing a small introduction training of 3 days to guarantee a good preparation also for some language lessons, because during the workcamp it’s not possible to have French course.

For this decentralized EVS-ST project we have to respect the 1 of April deadline but in France with some flexibility to do the applications up to 3-4 weeks after the 1. of April (the famous flexibility for EVS-ST is different in each country and depending on your national agency!!)

SEE LIST OF POSSIBLE CAMPS FOR EVS SHORT TERM PAGE 4 ------General Conditions for application on EVS-Projects (long or short term) with Compagnons Bâtisseurs Grand Sud:

Please, use our application-forms (plus motivation letter) for your volunteers. If you have your own application forms no problem to send them also. For volunteers willing to join our EVS-ST-project please send all the information’s which could be helpful to identify your volunteer clearly as “Youth with less opportunities”, which is the access condition for joining this project.

Our application form for EVS you will find attached to this mail. Please indicate clearly the project (name or number) for which you are applying, or the order of preference. Some organisations have already sent applications in the last few weeks and also for the last selection round, please confirm which of your volunteers is still interested and specially in which of our projects. We also want to remind you that we have created more specific mail-boxes for the different activities of our association. PLEASE, all info concerning EVS send to my address : [email protected]

21 Don’t use the mail [email protected] for EVS matters and please correct this on your mailing- list! Best wishes and good co-operation Gerhard Wolf (EVS Co-ordinator)


As you probably know CBF has a long practice with LTV, by hosting people from different cultures and nationalities for nearly 50 years now ! The teams from 3 to 7 people are working and living together in 1 of the 4 places in France where Compagnons Bâtisseurs are (Marseille, Tours and Rennes). Each LTV team shares a flat and manage with every day life together. The teams are made of young people, boys and girls, French and stranger conscientious objectors, EVS volunteers committed for a period of 12 to 24 months.

They work in building renovation or construction to bring concrete help to families in need, marginalized or excluded from society. The work also includes the participation of the families in the choice of the project, in the administrative procedures and in the carrying of the work. They also share the meals with families, an important moment for meeting and getting to know each other. Although the main purpose is the carrying of the work, the activity has also an important social and human aspect that makes our intervention with the families different from a professional one.

The commitment also offers important experience and awareness of responsibility. Volunteers are involved in the life of local and national organisations through their participation to the administrative councils.

All applicants must be prepared to commit themselves for at least one year in the fulfilment of the organisation’s objectives and to develop their awareness of : . working closely with families in need and with organisations involved in community projects . local and community life . genuine work as a part of a team outside traditional structures . a different experience of life We don‘t ask for preliminary knowledge but offer the volunteers training in different building techniques and specific training related to other activities that they have in charge as social training and summer camp leader training.

The LTV receive a monthly allowance covering accommodation, food expenses and pocket money. The Compagnons Bâtisseurs pays all the costs related to the training, the local or national associative activities … in which volunteers are involved.

The application process has been held to allow applicants to meet each other before a real commitment and to make integration in the group easier. The first step is to send a CV and an application letter explaining the reasons for becoming volunteer and the motivations about Compagnons Bâtisseurs project. The commitment begins in September or in February by a meeting with the national LTV co-ordinator and a one-month trying period in one of the teams during which the applicant will work with the other volunteers in place. Then, at the beginning of October or March, the applicants take part in the initial training together with new and “old” volunteers where the new teams are made for the year. The volunteers decide in the end of the meeting the place they will spend their time as volunteer.

We offer each year 1 or 2 places in each team (i. e. 8 places maximum) for European volunteers from September or February for at least one year. We ask volunteers to be motivated about the association projects and to speak basis French to allow them to communicate rapidly with the families they are going to work with.

Contact : ONLY FOR LTV PROJECTS LTV co-ordinator Virginie BOIREAU 2 Rue Molière 37000 TOURS – France tel : + 33 247 61 32 10 fax : +33 247 66 04 27 e – mail : [email protected]

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