Stewardship Report for Sunday, November 6, 2016

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Stewardship Report for Sunday, November 6, 2016

Stewardship report for Sunday, Church Staff: November 6, 2016 Rev. Marvin Tyson, Pastor – Our Time and Talents: Sunday School: 81 [email protected] (75 members, 6 visitors); Worship: 119 Rev. Rodney Hughes, Minister of Music – Our Financial Resources: Budget [email protected] Offering: $5,470.00 (required weekly Lisa Hinson, Administrative/Ministry $4,876.65) Assistant – [email protected] Flag Project: Joan Hughes and Tammy Lambert, $150.00 Accompanists This month’s ushers are Owen Parker, Todd Jones, Andrew Jones, and Braden United Love Baptist Jones. This month’s counting team is Church Tim Cook, Ed Estridge, and Todd Jones. 11487 Flowe’s Store Road Today’s security walk is David Ross. Security walk for next Sunday is Glenn Midland, NC 28107 Benton. Extended session workers for 704-455-9611 today are Peggy Seamone and Dot [email protected] Williams (birth - 1) and Ann Russell and Rev. R. Marvin Tyson, pastor Beth Hilton (2’s and 3’s). Worker for next Sunday is Nancy Gemmell (2’s – 3’s). This week’s Wednesday evening nursery The Worship of God worker is Janet Furr. November 13, 2016 OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE Sunday, November 13 Prelude 8:00 a.m. Praise Team Tammy Lambert 9:00 a.m. Adult Choir Call to Worship I 9:30 a.m. Sunday school Will Rejoice 10:30 a.m. Worship Service Adult Choir Monday, November 14 7:00 p.m. Deacons Welcome Tuesday, November 15 Rev. Tyson 7:15 p.m. Praise Team Invocation Wednesday, November 16 Ed Estridge 10:30 a.m. Women’s Bible The Lord’s Prayer (to be prayed by all) Study 6:00 p.m. Fellowship Meal Special Music (reservations required) We Are Children’s 6:30 p.m. Children’s Choir Ensemble 7:00 p.m. Adult Bible Study; Children’s Time Youth; Mission Organizations Tommy and Ernie 7:45 p.m. Adult Choir Thursday, November 17 Song of Praise You’re Worthy of 6:00 a.m. Thursday Morning My Praise Praise Team / Prayer Group (conference room) Congregation 8:30 a.m. United Breakfast Offertory Prayer Group (Sunrise Restaurant, Locust) Rev. Tyson 10:30 a.m. Sunshine Women on Mission

Worship Through the Giving of His and contents are to be returned at the Tithes and Our Offerings end of the service. Offertory Music Please remember in your prayers the Strong God following military personnel within our Praise Team church families: Matthew Earley (John Special Music All the and Mary Earley’s son), Zach Graves (Tammy Ward’s nephew), John Simmons People Said Amen (Doris Carpenter’s grandson) John Praise Team Brubaker (John Brubaker’s son), James Scripture Reading Williams (Jeff and Sheila Williams’ son), Habakkuk 3:17-18 NKJV Daniel Anselmo, Caitlyn Lawrence Prayer Sermon Concerns: our nation and leadership, our military personnel and families, Doug Thanksgiving Is a Choice Flowe (Royal Park of Matthews), Ann Rev. Tyson Stikeleather (Carrington Place), Brad Little Hymn of Response No. 3 (Kevin Little’s brother), Barbara Robbins, Worthy of Worship Jerry Huneycutt, Tommy Furr, Mabel The Ingathering and Dedication of Our Owens (Kay Eudy’s sister), Nicole Wagner (Kay Eudy’s granddaughter), Brandon Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes Ferguson, Clare Ferguson, Jack Embree Information Session – Minister of Youth (Morgan/York family), Tammy Mullis Position (Morgan family), William Ritchie – CMC Closing Comments/Opportunities for Main (friend of Rev. Tyson), Bobby Ministry Williams (Larry Williams’ brother), Carroll and Bonnie Downs (Larry Robbins’ Benediction cousin), Simpson family Rev. Tyson Postlude To God Christian sympathy is extended to Janice Be the Glory Joan Brewer and Carolyn Jones and families at the death of their aunt, Maggie Simpson. Hughes An information session concerning the CCLI #770803 Minister of Youth position will be held at the end of today’s service. A copy of the job description and a fact sheet about our proposed youth minster, Tammy Melton, Welcome as we worship, learn, and are included in today’s bulletin. Tammy serve together. An especially warm will be with us Wednesday evening to greeting to our guests. If you are visiting conduct the youth meeting. She will also with us today, would like more be with us on Sunday, November 20 to information about our church, and/or share a little about herself and her vision have a special prayer request, please take for the youth ministry at ULBC. Called a few moments to complete one of the church conference will be held during the welcome cards located in the pew racks worship service on Sunday, November 20 and place it in the offering plate. for a ballot vote to call Tammy as our If you would like to use a hearing assisted Minister of Youth. device, please see the sound system operator. Activity bags are available for If you would like to financially support children up to first grade. Activity bags Chris Estridge’s Eagle Scout project to install a flag pole area in the frong of the church, please make sure that your beef sandwiches, creamy cheddar soup, envelope is clearly marked “Flag Project.” pickles, chips, assorted desserts, tea, lemonade, and coffee. Reservations may The children’s ministry advisory board is be made by using the cards located on sponsoring a church cookbook. Deadline the tables throughout our buildings or by for all recipe submissions is Sunday, calling/emailing the church office. December 18. Information/recipe Monday at noon is the weekly deadline submission forms are available on the for all reservation additions and/or sanctuary side tables and hallway tables. cancellations. Cost is $5.00 for adults, $2.00 for children ages 6-12, and no Prayer guides and designated offering charge for children ages 5 and under. envelops for this year’s NC Missions Offering will be included in the Sunshine Women on Mission will meet November 20 th bulletin. Thursday at 10:30 a.m. at the church. They will enjoy a Thanksgiving meal Our annual Thanksgiving Dinner and together following their meeting. Turkey Service will be held Sunday, November 20 will be provided. Please bring side dishes at and desserts. Mission project was 5:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall. Turkey, providing green beans for the CBA’s dressing, tea and coffee will be provided Military Banquet. by the church. Please bring covered dishes and desserts. In order to know Sunday, November 20 is the deadline for how many to prepare for, please RSVP for all information for the December the meal by Sunday, November 13. newsletter. Reservation forms are included in today’s bulletin or you may contact the church Please note that there will be no office to make your reservations. A love activities on Wednesday, November 23. offering for community missions will be The church office will be closed Thursday, received during the service. November 24 through Monday, November 28 for the Thanksgiving Youth sponsored BBQ – See the insert in holiday. today’s bullet for information and to order. Sunday, November 27 is this month’s Baptist Sharing House collection date. Today is the ingathering and dedication of our Operation Christmas Child boxes. Music of the Season ULBC Adult Choir presents ‘I’ll Be Home Deacons will meet Monday at 7:00 p.m. for Christmas” – Sunday, December 11 in the conference room. ULBC Praise Team presents “ When Love Crossed Over” – Sunday, December 18 Reservations are required for our Both presentations during our 10:30 a.m. Wednesday evening fellowship meal. worship service. The menu for this week’s meal is roast

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