SI Small Group Notes from Betsy Mccalla-Wriggins

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SI Small Group Notes from Betsy Mccalla-Wriggins

Marsha’s SI small group notes based upon Betsy McCalla-Wriggins’ work


Take aways: Post two flip chart pages on the wall and ask each participant to post one thing they learned in the foundations session.

Icebreaker. On flip chart’s second page list:  Name, Institution, job  One thing you want to learn from the institute  One thing about you that has nothing to do with advising

10 minutes - Break the group into pairs (including me or if odd number introduce self as a model) and have them interview each other (5 minutes each). Then have them introduce the other one to the group.

When they say why they are here take notes on the poster paper and post in back of the room. That evening compile and ID the issues within the group. This becomes the “parking lot.”

Discuss Institute vs. conference. Pass around sheet for their cell phone numbers. Put my cell at the top and have them call me if there is an issue or they will miss a small group session.

Introduce self as a facilitator. The facilitator is here to insure that all voices are heard. If you tend to talk more than you listen, try to listen a little more. If you tend to listen more than you talk, try to talk a little more.

Ground Rules:  Everything in small group is confidential  Expand your comfort zone (see above).

Take aways: A flip chart page on the wall for each foundations session. When come into the room put new thing you discovered/most interesting thing from the foundations session. Go through what they posted and have them comment.

Explain Action Plan. (see page in manual).

Homework: Pass out 8 ½ x 11 sheet is for Action Plan ideas or use page within the manual. They should write one sentence describing what they are considering for their action plan goal.

Reflection sheet: ½ sheet of paper (usually at the back of the manual).

Monday Review announcements. Take aways: Go through what they learned in the foundation session on chart papers.

Have each participant share Action Plan goal. Parking Lot: look at which issues they identified last night have already been addressed. We will work through each of these before the end of the Institute. Some with the foundations’ session topic; some in topicals/workshops, some they will learn from other participants.

Discuss what to expect in topicals, workshops and special session at the end of the day. Explain consultations and presidential letters.

Small group 15 – 30 minutes on their action plan. Triads change each day.

Reflection paper: Every day at end of session: on ½ sheet of paper, no names 1. What has been the most significant topic covered in the Institute so far? 2. What question about the topics discussed so far is still unanswered? 3. What has the facilitator done that has worked well for you? 4. What could the facilitator do differently to help you learn better?

The next day address any issues they had.

Each day 1. One minute/reflection paper. Everyone puts a key concept on that day’s Take Away flip chart page for the a key concept they learned in the last 24 hours. 2. Everyone update their action plan topic on the wall. 3. Announcements 4. Consultation reminder 5. Feedback from yesterday. 6. Talk about the issues from the last 24 hours 7. Revisit the original issues and check off what we have discussed. What else needs to be addressed? Do at least one each day. 8. Small group. ~ 30 minutes. They should work on the Action Plan outside of small group. Use this time to get new ideas.

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