St. Cyril of Jerusalem
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St. Cyril of Jerusalem Catechist Handbook
2013 – 2014 A Catechist’s Prayer
Loving Father, Giver of all that is, Help me to remember that every gift I have comes from you. Expand my vision so that I can appreciate your goodness in the world around me.
Jesus, our Redeemer, You are the path to the treasures of my heart and soul. Strengthen my commitment to be a Catechist and deepen my capacity to share your truth with those in my care.
Holy Spirit, Love Divine, All life and energy flows from you. Illuminate my thoughts and intensify my desire to grow ever deeper in my faith.
I lift up my prayer to you, God—Father, Son, and Spirit—in humility and hope. Amen.
2 St. Cyril of Jerusalem Catechist Handbook
Contact Information……………………………………………………………………………page 4 Program Philosophy……………………………………………….. ……………………...... 5 Parish Religious Education Program- PREP……………………………………………………....5 Called to be a Catechist…………….………………………………………………………………..6 Who is a Cathechist? ….………………………………………………………………...…...... 6 Qualifications………………………………………………………………………………..….6 Responsibilities…………………………………………………………………………………7 Catechist Formation…………………………………………………………………………….7 Curriculum Guidelines……………………………………………………………………………….7 Essential Topics & Prayers for Each Grade Level……………………………………………....7 Assignments, Assessments and Progress Reports…………………...... ……8 Resources for Catechists…………………………………………………………………………...8-9 Miscellaneous PREP Policies and Procedures...... 9 Students arrival & departure……………………………………………………………………...9 Termination of “Valet System”…………………………………………………………………..9 Parking procedure……………………………………………………………………………….10 St. Cyril PREP Traffic Flow Map……………………………………………………………….....11 Dismissal…………………………………………………………………………………………..….12 Early dismissal……………………………………………………………………………..…….12 Prep Closing Procedure……………………………………………………………………..……….13 Attendance…………………………………………………………………………………..…...... 13 Absence Policy……………………………………………………………………….………13-14 Child Abuse Prevention Policy……………………………………………………….……………..14 Sexual Harassment Avoidance Policy………………………………………………………………14 Communication Policy………………………………………………………..………………….14-15 Confidentiality Policy………………………………………………………………………………...15 Disciplinary/Corrective Action Policy…………………………………………………………...15-16 Prohibitive Behavior Policy………………………………………...…………………………….16-17 Contraband Search and Seizure Policy……………………………………………………………..17 Fire Drill Procedure...... 17 Shelter in Place Procedure………………………………...…………………………………………18
APPENDIX A…………………………………………………………………………………….19 APPENDIX B…………………………………………………………………………………….24 APPENDIX C…………………………………………………………………………………….25 APPENDIX D…………………………………………………………………………………….27
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Robert Powell 215-343-1288
Parochial Vicar: Rev. Michael Filippello 215-343-1288
Director Religious Education: Deacon Joseph T. Owen 215-343-3139 [email protected]
Director Youth Ministry: Mr. Daniel Rackers 215 - 896-6649 [email protected]
PREP Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Carol Anghelone 215-343-1288 [email protected]
Elementary Program Administrator: Mrs. Linda Kingsbury 215-343-1288 [email protected]
Coordinators for Initial Sacrament of Reconciliation (Penance)/Holy Eucharist:
Ms. Cathy Milnik [email protected]
Mrs. Debbie Heaney [email protected]
Coordinator for Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW):
Mrs. Suzanne Curran [email protected]
Parish Address:
St. Cyril of Jerusalem PREP Office 1410 Almshouse Rd. Jamison PA 18929
Office hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. PREP Phone: 215-343-3139 Parish Website:
The mission at St. Cyril of Jerusalem Roman Catholic Church is to provide religious education that will help all people develop a personal relationship with and live as disciples of Jesus Christ. This ministry speaks to the heart of each individual to comfort, inspire and develop enthusiasm for the Word of God through the Holy Eucharist and the Holy Spirit.
St. Cyril of Jerusalem Religious Education Program (PREP) recognizes and embraces parents in their role as the primary catechists (teacher) of their children as they strive to fulfill this special role. Our focus is to assist parents in providing effective catechesis on the teachings and traditions of the Catholic Church to insure their children are solidly formed in the beliefs of the Church. In addition, through a team of extremely competent faith filled catechists and assistants who are dedicated to teaching all aspects of our faith, the children our prepared for their life long journey as followers of Jesus Christ.
Developed for student in grades 1 through 6 six who attend a Non-Catholic School. Each program level has a specific core curriculum developed in conjunction with the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Office of Catechetical Formation. Sessions are held on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday afternoon, 4:45-6:00 p.m. and Monday evening 6:30-7:45 p.m. All sessions are held at St. Cyril’s parish.
Sacrament preparation for the initial reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation (Penance) and Holy Eucharist is conducted in Level Two. Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation is conducted in Level Six.
Alternative Programs for Sacrament Preparation:
Alternative programs are designed for children who have been baptized but have not participated in a religious education program or sacrament preparation for Reconciliation, Eucharist or Confirmation.
Level 3 and higher – For children in level 3and above who have not received the Sacraments of Reconciliation (Penance) and/or Holy Eucharist
Level 7 and higher – For children in level 7 and above who have not received one of the following Sacraments: Reconciliation (Penance) Holy Eucharist, and/or Confirmation
Children are accepted into these programs on an as needed basis depending on individual and family circumstances. Please contact the PREP office at 215-343-3139 to discuss your child’s situation and the development of a specific individual program.
THE CHURCH’S MISSION OF EVANGELIZATION AND CATECHESIS All baptized Catholics share in the Church’s mission of evangelization. Through personal witness to Christ’s saving message of faith, hope and love, they faithfully proclaim the Word of God and the presence and actions of the Holy Spirit in the world and in the Church.
WHAT IS A CATECHIST? Catechesis is sharing the teachings of Jesus Christ in such a way that a person comes to know about and believes in God, enters a relationship with God and is transformed by him. The definitive aim of catechesis, then, is to put people not only in touch but also in communion and intimacy with Jesus Christ through word and sacrament. Thus, catechesis:
Centers on the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ, Son of God Presents the doctrines of the Catholic faith in an attractive and systematic manner Strives to make disciples of Jesus Christ through the reception of the sacraments of initiation Invites believers to ongoing faith formation Includes liturgical, communal and personal prayer experiences Recognizes the influences of family, culture and society
CALLED TO BE A CATECHIST The ministry of catechist is a vocation, an interior call of the Holy Spirit. It springs from the Sacrament of Baptism and is strengthened by the Sacrament of Confirmation. Commissioned by the Church, catechists participate in a divine calling to teach as Jesus did. Catechists need to be practicing Catholics who participate fully in the communal worship and life of the Church. They are to be prepared by the Church for their apostolate through appropriate catechetical training.
WHO IS A CATECHIST? The Church has identified specific catechetical roles. Bishops are primary teachers of the faith and are responsible for catechetical activity of his diocese. Priests share in the teaching role of the bishop and are his immediate collaborators. Catechists assist bishops and priests in the catechetical mission.
Catechists include: deacons, catechetical leaders, catechists in PREP and Catholic Schools, youth ministers and campus ministers. Parents/guardians are the first teachers of the faith. Catechists assist children who reach catechetical age to learn about the Catholic faith.
WHAT ARE THE QUALIFICATIONS FOR A CATECHIST? A fully initiated, practicing Catholic Be at least eighteen (18) years of age Devoted follower of Christ with high personal integrity and moral character 6 Committed to presenting the authentic teachings of the Church An enthusiasm for increasing their knowledge and understanding of Catholicism A devout Christian with an active prayer life An effective communicator with adults and children
RESPONSIBILITIES OF A CATECHIST: Be a Christian role model for students Properly prepare lessons for assigned curriculum and textbook Arrive before students and begin each class with prayer Adhere to all diocesan, parish and PREP policies and procedures Appropriately address misbehavior and initiate effective measures to remedy the behavior Insure the safety and well being of all children
In order to present the Catholic faith in a full and effective way, those who catechize require ongoing faith formation. Through intellectual, spiritual, pastoral and individual formation, the catechist develops a personal knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith. The Archdiocese of Philadelphia Catechetical Certification Policy dictates the requirements for certification of parish catechists. Through core and elective courses, catechists become knowledgeable in the basic teachings of the Catholic faith. For information, please go to
This year we are implementing a new program for all levels. We have selected Loyola Press’s program “Finding God: Our Response to God’s Gifts as our religious education program. Finding God is rooted in the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola and encourages catechists and students to recognize the presence of God in all things and to develop a life long relationship with God. It is based on a spiral curriculum that integrates the fundamental themes of the Catechism of the Catholic Church as well as Scripture and Catholic Social Teachings. As children are introduced to and revisit concepts and vocabulary from one year to the next, their knowledge and experience broaden and deepen.
Level 1 God Found Everything Good – God & Creator Memorize: Sign of the Cross, the Our Father, Glory Be and Grace before meals
Level 2 I am the True Vine - Reconciliation & Eucharist Memorize: Previous year plus the following: The Hail Mary, Act of Contrition and the Form for Confession, and the first three Commandments.
Level 3 Fishers of Men – Church and the Holy Spirit Memorize: Previous years plus the following: Come Holy Spirit, the Ten Commandments and the Seven Sacraments.
Level 4 Blessed Are the Poor – Beatitudes and The Ten Commandments Memorize: The Ten Commandments, and Eight Beatitudes Apostles Creed, Practice praying the Joyful and Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary.
7 Level 5 The Bread of Life – Sacraments & Worship Memorize: Hail Holy Queen, Seven Sacraments, the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. Practice Praying the Rosary using the Glorious and Luminous Mysteries.
Level 6 Confirmed in the Spirit – Sacrament of Confirmation Preparation Memorize: Previous years plus the following: 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit, 12 Fruits of the Holy Spirit, Theological and Cardinal Virtues, the parts of the Mass - Liturgy of the Word/Liturgy of the Eucharist
Catechists are encouraged to assign home work on a weekly basis. Home work may be assigned in the form of written work, activities, study or any other appropriate means that will enhance the learning process by reinforcing what was presented in the classroom. In the Catechist Guide for Finding God and on Loyola’s website there are numerous black line masters and activities.
Catechists are strongly encouraged to develop a positive relationship with parents and frequently communicate with them and provide information about their child’s performance or lack of performance and/or any issue that may require parental action.
To accurately ascertain the progress of students, assessments will be given on a periodic basis throughout the year. Copies of assessments for each chapter are available in the Catechist Guide.
A copy of the completed assessments must be sent to the PREP office for inclusion in each students PREP file.
Student Progress Reports are issued in January and May. These reports are based on assessment scores, class participation and completion of homework. January reports should be signed by the parent/guardian and returned to the PREP office to be kept on file. May reports are not signed and returned.
Each catechist is requested to have a policy regarding make-up work. Catechists are asked to communicate with parents in the event of an absence in order to convey any missed work or assignments. Lesson plans are available on the parish website and it is the responsibility of the family to make up the lessons and assignments for missed sessions.
At, you will find everything you need at the touch of your fingertips. Such as:
Activity Finder: a searchable way to find hundreds of activities for every grade level, topic, grouping and learner
Prayer Services: printable prayer service PDF’s for every unit and season
Black Line Masters: available as PDF’s
Lesson Planner: (in addition to the lesson plan provided by the PREP Staff) provides you with fast, easy-to-use, customizable lesson planning
Session Extenders: helpful Loyola Press Web links to articles, prayers, activities, and more
8 Assessments: session and unit assessments available as printable PDF’s
Children Materials: include Study Guides for lesson overviews for students to learn and for parents to stay informed; Interactive Session Reviews for ongoing reviews to help children retain knowledge; Fishers of Faith Game for fun and is interactive for reviewing session content
Miscellaneous Supplies Available in ALL classrooms:
Prayer Table and Supplies: crucifix, Candle, Bible, seasonal decorations, etc. First Aid Kit, TV/ DVD/VCR, CD Player, white board supplies, antiseptic wipes, hand sanitizer, Tissues, paper towels Pencil Sharpener
Note: All items are to be returned to marked containers/drawers at the end of class. Every effort to keep closets/ drawers of supplies neat and organized will be appreciated by everyone. There are marker boards in all classrooms. Cleaning supplies for the marker boards are available for each room and each board should be erased at the end of class.
Level 1 thru 5 Classroom supplies Craft/School supplies: pencils, crayons, washable markers, glue/glue sticks, scissors and a New Testament
Audio Visual Resources – VHS tapes, DVD’s, other hard copy resources (puzzle/coloring sheets on a variety of topics), and construction paper in various colors are now located in the hallway of the rectory basement. Please come and take advantage of this new resource area at your convenience. The complete listing of DVD’s can be found with your teaching materials.
Oversight of PREP Catechetical Staff:
1. The DRE may occasionally observe a classroom session to evaluate a catechist’s performance. The purpose of such evaluations is to provide the catechists with constructive feedback in written and verbal form that will better assist them in fulfilling their role. 2. Catechists who are in their first year can expect additional evaluations and mentoring as part of their first year’s training.
If your child is transported to PREP by a Catechist or Assistant, a permission form “Permission and Release Form for Transportation by a Catechist” must be completed and submitted to the program director. The form is available on the parish website.
TERMINATION OF “VALET SYSTEM”... over the past several years the effectiveness of the valet parking system significantly diminished due to the inadequate number of parent volunteers. During this past year the program was terminated for the Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon sessions and a mandatory parental “drop-off /pick-up “system was implemented. This system was successful and increased the security and safety of the children due to direct parental involvement. 9 As such, the Valet Parking Systems is terminated and it is the responsibility of the parent or designated driver to park their vehicle and escort the children to their class and retrieve them from the classroom at closing.
The following the parking procedure is being implemented:
ARRIVAL - Enter from Almshouse Road –
Turn right and proceed to the lane that will allow parking as close as possible to the building where your child (ren) class is located. NOTE: Parents/Guardians authorized to transport several children to PREP are responsible to insure the safety of these children and to escort each child to the building where there class is located.
Exit your vehicle and escort your child (ren) to the entrance to the building.
Please exercise extreme caution as you would in any public parking area e.g. shopping centers, malls, and stadiums
Return to your vehicle and exit the parking lot proceeding to the Almshouse Road exit.
There is no entrance or exit from Meetinghouse Road
Refer to the map on the next page -- “ST. CYRIL’S PREP – TRAFFIC FLOW”
Parents are asked to park their vehicle and enter the appropriate building to pick up their children and escort them through the parking lot to their vehicle. We realize this is not convenient for everyone but is mandated to ensure the safety of the children.
Children must never walk to the parking lot without an adult…regardless of PREP level.
It will be permitted for a family with several children attending PREP to pick up all their children at a single location. In this situation, parents must provide a note to each child’s Catechist authorizing the release of their child to a specified location. In this situation the older children must meet at the youngest child’s location. The form to be completed for this purpose is available on our website. Note: This procedure is not applicable to carpooling.
CRY ROOM - Pick up in the cry room must occur in the cry room, not in the narthex.
RECTORY - Pick up in the rectory basement must be inside in the common area, but only when both classes have been dismissed. The door to the common area of the basement will be kept closed until both sessions are dismissed. Parents are asked not to enter the common area until the door is opened.
PARISH HALL - Pick up in the hall will be from each classroom/main hall. Parents are asked to wait in the entrance lobby area until classroom doors are opened for dismissal. Parents are asked NOT to wait in front of the classroom doors as this creates a distraction and one class is being held in the main hall. When dismissal occurs, classroom doors will be opened and parents should proceed to the classrooms/hall to pick up their child.
PORTABLE - Pick up in the portable will be at the portable front door.
For the safety of all children….It is not permitted to drive up to the building in which the classroom of your child is located and have them come out to your vehicle. This is an extremely dangerous practice and will not be permitted.
All Catechists are solely responsible to assure their students are picked-up only by a parent or an authorized guardian. If a child is to be picked up by someone other than parent/guardian, a note to that effect must be provided to the Catechist.
If for some unexpected reason it is necessary for a child to be leave class early, the procedure below must be followed:
The parent must report to the PREP office to request a release form, complete it, sign it and have it approved by the representative of the PREP Office. The parent must take the form to the classroom and given to the Catechist who forwards the form to the PREP office to be filed in the child’s program file.
If any person other than the parent or legal guardian is to pick up your child, this information must be noted on a separate note to be given to the person on duty. It must be signed by the parent or legal guardian. Please provide a phone number where you (parent or guardian) may be contacted.
12 Archdiocesan policy strictly prohibits any child leaving the building unescorted. A parent must come to the office to sign out and pick up the child. This is for your child’s protection. Catechists may not excuse a child solely on the child’s word.
Extracurricular Activities – The Parish Religious Education Program is more than an academic exercise and should be seriously considered a priority activity in your child’s development in becoming a faithful Catholic. Therefore, other activities such as sports practices, games, dance, karate or similar activities do not constitute a valid reason for early dismissal and will not be granted. Parish sponsored CYO activities must not conflict with Religious Education classes.
Our yearly PREP schedule is created in consideration of the Central Bucks School District regular class schedule but does not follow all of the holidays observed by Central Bucks Schools.
Should the Central Bucks School District be closed due to inclement weather…DOES NOT necessarily mean PREP will also be closed. For those rare incidences of inclement weather that may jeopardize the safety of our children and other family members, the Director of Religious Education will render a decision to cancel the PREP classes.
A closing announcement will be made on KYW radio – 1060AM and will be posted on the KYW website at - St. Cyril’s PREP closing number is 762. Parents may also call the KYW News Radio School Closing Line at 215-925-1060 to find out instantly if PREP is closed. You may also go to the KYW website to subscribe for telephone and text alerts.
A school closing announcement will also be posted on our parish website’ home page at .
The faith formation provided in our programs involves incremental learning, which means that each year’s subject matter content is built upon the subject matter content learned in the previous year. Therefore, it is imperative that children remain enrolled in the program consistently from year-to-year. The Archdiocese of Philadelphia has established a thirty (30) hour minimum standard for in-the-seat learning time for each year of PREP. The PREP year begins in September and ends in May. Consistent and prompt attendance is required for our children to fully benefit from the religious education they receive. Unauthorized early dismissal will be counted as an absence. All children are expected to be fully prepared for each weekly class including completed homework assignments and materials required by the teacher, e.g. books, folders, etc. Every catechist is provided with an official attendance record. Attendance should be taken at the beginning of session and no later than 10 minutes after class begins.
A thirty (30) hour program of religious instruction is mandated by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Office of Catechetical Formation. To ensure the compliance of the St. Cyril’s PREP this policy has been developed and will be strictly enforced. Provisions of the policy are as follows:
1) Children are expected to attend all classes including the times when the class goes to the church for special services such as Forty Hour Devotion, Holy Mass, Reconciliation (Penance), etc.
13 2) Parents are not required to submit a note or call if your child is to be absent unless it is known that the absence with be for two weeks or longer.
3) Should a long-term absence (3 weeks or longer) be necessary due to an illness or a family situation, the parent must contact the Director of Religious Education to discuss the situation and to arrange for a suitable plan to complete the grade level requirements.
4) When a child incurs two (2) absences the parents will be notified of the situation by the Director of Religious Education and to discuss the reason for the absence and to arrange for a suitable plan to complete missed assignments.
5) Should a child incur four (4) absences the parents will be requested to meet with the Director of Religious Education and will be informed that it is recommended that the child repeat the level in the next PREP year.
6) When a child is late for class three (3) or more times (being late is consider reporting for class five (5) minutes or more after the start of class), the parents will be notified of the situation by the Director of Religious Education to discuss the issue and develop a corrective action plan.
1. In accord with Pennsylvania State Law, every catechist is considered a mandated reporter of child abuse because of there responsibility for the welfare of the children in their classroom. Any cause for suspicion of child abuse or suspected child abuse must be reported immediately to the DRE.
2. Catechist or Assistants should never use corporal punishment. Any form of abuse – physical, emotional, or sexual will not be tolerated. Suspected child abuse is never reported to the parents but is to be reported to the appropriate agency.
3. To prevent any allegations of inappropriate behavior Catechist must be familiar with the Archdiocesan Ministerial Behavior and Boundaries (refer to the Appendix A on page 21-25 for more information on the Standards)
1. Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (EEOC) definition:
Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when: . Submission to such conduct by an individual is made explicitly or implicitly a term of employment; . Submission to, or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for an employment decision; . Such conduct has the purpose or effect to interfere with an individual’s work performance, or creates a hostile or intimidating environment.
2. Allegations of sexual harassment can be avoided by discussing with the children the fair treatment and respect of others as part of the classroom rules. Catechists should promptly correct demeaning and intimidating behavior inflicted by one child upon another. Persistent cases of such behavior should be directed to the attention of the DRE.
All parents are welcome and encouraged to discuss any concerns, issues, situations and requests with the Director of Religious Education, the administrative staff, the Catechist or the Sacraments Coordinators.
Parents are provided with a calendar at the beginning of the PREP program year. This calendar is subject to change during the course of the year. Parents will be notified of changes.
St. Cyril of Jerusalem PREP attempts to communicate effectively and frequently with parents using the following means; email, the Parish Weekly Bulletin, U.S. mail and memos sent in your child’s folder. Information packets for the Sacraments of Reconciliation (Penance), Holy Eucharist and Confirmation are available on the parish website at
The following list contains methods of communication that MAY NOT be used to by a Catechist, Assistant or PREP staff to contact a student. The list is by no means exhaustive and it should be an assumed that other methods of communication similar to those listed below would also be deemed inappropriate. Cell phone Text messaging Instant messaging Twitter Face book E-mailing using a personal e-mail account Any social networking website
Use of such methods not only violates the program policies but can also place Catechists, Assistants or PREP staff at a considerable risk for accusations of inappropriate behavior by students or their families.
1. Confidential information may be shared with a Catechist or Assistant, only when the information is needed for the proper administration of the program.
2. Catechists are legally obligated to reveal information obtained in confidence if such information will prevent the direct or indirect harm of the participant or others. Such information should be revealed to the DRE, parents, and proper authorities.
3. Divulging information revealed in confidence that leads to the direct or indirect harm of an individual can make the catechist liable and subject to possible lawsuit.
4. Catechists or Assistants opinion about a student, parent, co-worker or staff member should not be discussed at home or anywhere.
St. Cyril’s PREP is designed to assist parents with the faith formation of their children, as well as foster values and behavior that are in accord with the teachings of the Catholic Church. The program has ZERO TOLERANCE for
15 any behaviors that are contrary to Catholic Doctrine, Dogma, and Tradition. A few examples of such behavior include but are not limited to acts of obstinacy, improper language, fighting, physical, emotional or psychological intimidation, vandalism, demeaning behavior such as name-calling, obscene language or gestures, and harassment. These categories do not cover every possible situation and as such the Director of Religious Education will review all allegations to determine if the behavior is appropriate or inappropriate, both in and out of the classroom.
Conduct by a student, parent, guardian or an individual acting on their behalf, which is deemed incompatible with the educational and religious mission of the Parish is grounds for disciplinary action up to and including immediate dismissal of the student.
In the event a student engages in any one of the above listed behaviors or any other inappropriate conduct, the following procedure will be followed:
1 st Incident – will be documented and documentation should be sent to the DRE who will notify the parents or legal guardian of the prohibited behavior.
2 nd Incident – will be documented and the documentation should be sent to the DRE who will request the parents or legal guardian to attend a meeting with the DRE, the catechist, student, and any witnesses to the inappropriate behavior. A corrective action plan will be created based on the facts ascertained in the meeting as well a warning of the potential dismissal from the program.
3 rd Incident – will be documented and documentation should be sent to the DRE who will notify the parents or legal guardian of the prohibited behavior and that the child is immediately suspended from the program. A meeting including the catechist, any witnesses to the inappropriate behavior, the DRE and the Parish Pastor will be called to determine if dismissal from the program is warranted. The parents or legal guardian will be invited to attend this meeting.
Items Prohibited in the Classroom No food or beverages are permitted in the classroom without prior approval of the Catechist. Electronic devices are not permitted to be used in the classroom including; laptops, cell phones, I Pads, I Pods, I Touch, MP3 Players or similar devices, etc
NOTE: The employment of physical punishment and/or verbal abuse as disciplinary measure is strictly forbidden for all PREP staff .
SCOPE: This policy applies to all programs administered by the St. Cyril’s PREP to include;
1. Children’s Liturgy of the Word 2. Elementary Program ( 1-6 ) 3. GENESIS ( 7,8,9, ) 4. High School ( 10, 11, 12, )
PURPOSE: To insure a safe, secure and respectful educational environment, which is necessary for students to learn and achieve high academic standards and build appropriate relationships with others.
POLICY: St. Cyril’s PREP refuses to accept any inappropriate behaviors. Therefore, acts of harassment, hazing, intimidation and bullying (including cyber bullying and the like) are unacceptable behaviors and are prohibited in our religious education program.
The PREP staff cannot monitor the activities of students at all times and eliminate all incidents of bullying between students, particularly when students are not under their direct supervision. However, to the extent such conduct affects the educational environment of the religious education program and the rights and welfare of the students and is within the
16 control of the religious education program in its normal operations, it is the St. Cyril’s PREP intent to prevent bullying and thus, must take action to investigate, respond, discipline and remediate those acts of bullying.
The administration and the catechetical staffs are to demonstrate appropriate behavior by treating others with civility and respect, and being aware of and not tolerating harassment, intimidation, hazing and bullying, etc. If incidents do occur, students should be able to report and know that the inappropriate behavior will be dealt with promptly and effectively. There will be no retaliation against a victim, reporter or witness.
Bullying – involves actions or words against another for the purpose of inflicting physical or emotional harm or discomfort or damage to a person’s reputation that is intimidating or threatening and affects the learning and school environments. The following describes types of bullying but is not an exhaustive list.
o Hitting, kicking, shoving, spitting, hair pulling, or throwing something o Getting another person to hit or harm student o Teasing, name-calling, making critical remarks or threatening in person or by other means o Demeaning and making another the victim of jokes o Making rude and/or threatening gestures o Excluding or rejecting the student o Intimidating (bullying), extorting or exploiting o Spreading harmful rumors or gossip
If the bully is threatening harm, a student and/or legal guardian should tell a catechist, adult volunteers and/or the Director of Religious Education immediately.
The St. Cyril of Jerusalem PREP program will: Implement a reporting policy as described above. Conduct an investigation to include oral/written statements, witnesses to those statements with signatures. Have a plan for removal of students involved for safety/investigation, if necessary In writing, state facts of findings (the nature of the bullying and its causes) Notify the Pastor Notify law enforcement immediately if there are terrorist threats/acts involving weapons Document all steps taken (Incident Report) Notify parents/guardians of the alleged offender and victim’s parents/guardians. Maintain the highest level of confidentiality of all involved parties.
St. Cyril’s PREP intention is to respect the rights and privacy of staff and students. However, in the event that a student or staff member is suspected of having weapons or drugs in his/her possession, the DRE must be notified immediately. The DRE will conduct a search in conjunction with an adult witness. Lack of cooperation or a refusal to permit a search will result in the parents/guardians being contacted for assistance in conducting a search. Parental refusal to cooperate will result in the participant’s immediate dismissal from the program.
In the event weather or fire emergencies, Catechist and Assistants will follow predetermined procedures as posted in the classroom. 17 Children will be led to safety in accordance with class room evacuation plan. The Catechist should be the last person to exit the room. If an Assistant is present, they will lead the children to safety. Catechist will bring a record of attendance to account for all their students and re-take the attendance when reaching the designated meeting place. A record of all PREP students is maintained in the PREP office to take a post emergency attendance in the event the classroom attendance in not retrievable All Catechists and Assistants must know the evacuation route for their classroom; know the location of fire alarms and the procedure for notifying the fire department
1. Shelter in Place is an emergency response plan to the release of hazardous materials into the air. This response can only be called by the police or fire department. If our program were instructed to shelter in place, we would initiate our plan to protect the children. If a shelter in place is called, no one is permitted to leave or enter the building. It becomes our responsibility to care for the basic needs of the children until we are given permission to safely dismiss the program participants to their parents. 2. Some emergencies call for all to take shelter immediately. Examples are (but not limited to) a hurricane, tornado or hazardous waste release in the general area. The Religious Education Program will stock water, snacks, flashlights, and a portable radio. The shelter in place plan for Tamanend will be coordinated with CBSD staff
STANDARDS OF MINISTERIAL BEHAVIOR AND BOUNDARIES For Priests, Deacons, Religious, Pastoral Ministers, Administrators, Staff and Volunteers
I. Introduction
The Standards of Ministerial Behavior and Boundaries (the “Standards of Ministerial Behavior” or “the Standards”) are applicable to all priests, deacons, religious, pastoral ministers, administrators, staff and volunteers in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. They are intended to provide clear standards of behavior and, in particular, a blueprint for the boundaries of appropriate behavior in all interactions with children and young people. The Standards are not intended to create any rights in any person, to obligate the Archdiocese to act at any time or in any manner, or to establish any responsibility of liability of the Archdiocese.
I. Definitions
For purposes of the Standards of Ministerial Behavior and Boundaries only, the following are definitions for terms used herein.
Child Abuse means any form of negligent, reckless, intentional or malicious infliction of injury to a child’s physical, moral or mental wellbeing.
Sexual Abuse means contacts or interactions between a child and an adult where the child is being exploited or used as an object of sexual gratification for the adult.
Sexual Harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other communication (oral or written, including electronic mail) or physical behavior of a sexual nature. There are three categories. One type occurs when submitting to this type of behavior or conduct is implicitly or explicitly made a term of employment. Another type is when submitting or refusing to submit to this conduct is used as a basis for any decision affecting an individual’s employment. The third type is behavior or conduct that creates a hostile environment.
Archdiocese means the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia, including parishes, schools, agencies and institutions which are directly accountable to the Ordinary of Philadelphia.
Church Personnel means any priest, religious, deacon, pastoral minister, administrator, employee or volunteer working on behalf of the Archdiocese, as defined above.
Child or Children means all persons under the age of eighteen or special education adults. 19 II. Responsibility
The public and private conduct of Church Personnel can inspire and motivate people, but it can also scandalize and undermine the people’s faith. Church personnel must, at all times, be aware of the responsibilities that can accompany their work. They must also know that God’s goodness and grace support them in their ministry.
Responsibility for adherence to the Standards of Ministerial Behavior rests with the individual. Church Personnel who disregard the Standards will be subject to remedial action by the Archdiocese. Corrective action may take various forms, including but not limited to a verbal reproach, termination of employment, or removal from the ministry, depending on the specific nature and circumstances of the offense and the extent of the harm.
III. Pastoral Standards
1. Conduct for Pastoral Counselors and Spiritual Directors
As used in this section, Pastoral Counselors and Spiritual Directors refers to clergy, religious, staff, and volunteers who provide formal and regular pastoral, spiritual, and/or therapeutic counseling services to individuals, families, or other groups.
Pastoral Counselors and Spiritual Directors must respect the rights and advance the welfare of each person.
Pastoral Counselors and Spiritual Directors:
a. shall not step beyond their competence in counseling situations and shall refer persons they counsel to other professionals when appropriate. b. Are to carefully consider the possible consequences of counseling before entering into a counseling relationship with someone with whom they have a pre-existing relationship (i.e., employee, professional colleague, friend, etc.). c. Are not to audiotape or videotape sessions d. Are not to engage in any form of sexual conduct with the persons they counsel. This includes consensual sexual contact. e. Are not to engage in sexual conduct with any individual who is close to the persons they counsel such as a relative or friend of the person they counsel. Pastoral Counselors and Spiritual Directors should presume that the potential for exploitation or harm exists in such intimate relationships. f. Are responsible for establishing and maintaining clear, appropriate boundaries in all counseling and counseling-related relationships. g. Are to avoid physical contact of any kind (i.e., touching, hugging, holding hands) between themselves and the persons they counsel. Such actions can be misconstrued and should be avoided. Church Personnel should be mindful that not all members of the congregation are comfortable with physical touching and that hand-shake conduct should ordinarily suffice. h. Are to conduct counseling sessions in appropriate settings at appropriate times. 1. Counseling sessions must take place in only the professional portion of the rectory or other Church facility. Sessions are never to be conducted in the private living quarters. 2. Counseling sessions are not to be held in places or at times that would tend to cause confusion about the nature of the relationship for the person being counseled. Counseling sessions should be held in an appropriate professional setting and should be scheduled for normal business hours.
i. are to maintain a written log solely of the times and places of each counseling session with each person being counseled.
20 j. Counseling Children. Counseling children presents additional considerations for Pastoral Counselors and Spiritual Directors. 1. Counseling of a minor must take place in the public/professional areas of Church property. Counseling sessions are never to take place in private living areas or other non-public areas. 2. The door to the room where the counseling session takes place should have a window or the door should be left open. 3. If possible, another adult should be in close proximity during the counseling session. 4. Unless the subject matter precludes it, the child’s parent(s) or legal guardian should be present or aware of the session. 5. The relationship must always remain professional during the counseling sessions. 6. If counseling entails more than two sessions, an evaluation of the matter is to be made with the child’s parent(s) or guardian. 7. The Pastoral Counselor and Spiritual Director need to assess regularly the relationship to determine whether the child is developing a personal/physical attraction to him or her. Such attractions need to be recognized and the child immediately referred to another Pastoral Counselor or Spiritual Director. k. shall avoid scandal
2. Confidentiality
Information disclosed to a Pastoral Counselor or Spiritual Director during the course of counseling, advising, or spiritual direction is to be held in the strictest confidence possible.
These obligations are independent of the confidentiality of the confessional. Under no circumstances whatsoever can there be any disclosure-even indirect disclosure-of information received through the confessional.
a. At the initial meeting, Pastoral Counselors and Spiritual Directors are to discuss the nature of confidentiality and its limitations with each person in counseling. b. Information obtained in the course of sessions is to be confidential, except for compelling professional reasons or as required by law.
i. If there is clear and imminent danger to the persons they counsel or to others, the Pastoral Counselor or Spiritual Director should inform the person being counseled about the disclosure and the potential consequences. ii. Before disclosure is made, if feasible, the Pastoral Counselor or Spiritual Director should inform the person being counseled about the disclosure and the potential consequences. c. Pastoral Counselors should keep minimal records of the content of sessions. d. Knowledge that arises from professional contact may be used in teaching, writing, homilies, or other public presentations only when effective measures are taken to absolutely safeguard both the individual’s identity and the confidentiality of the disclosures. e. While counseling a minor, if a Pastoral Counselor of Spiritual Director discovers that there is a serious threat to the welfare of the minor and that communication of confidential information to a parent or legal guardian is essential to the child’s health and well-being, the Pastoral Counselor or Spiritual Director is to:
Attempt to secure written consent from the minor for the specific disclosure If content is not given, disclose only the information necessary to protect the health and well-being of the minor.
Consultation with the appropriate Church supervisory personnel is required before disclosure.
21 3. Conduct with Children
Church Personnel working with children shall maintain an open and trustworthy relationship between the child and adult supervisors.
Church Personnel can and should develop a good rapport with minors. They must also be vigilant to avoid the type of contact with children that could raise questions about the appropriateness of the contact, or which may lead to negative comments about the contact by reasonable people. Church Personnel must not only refrain from inappropriate/improper contact with children, but also refrain from engaging in any action that could give the appearance of inappropriate/improper contact.
a. Church Personnel must always exercise the highest degree of care in all of their interactions with children. 1. Children are not independent. When Church Personnel are with children, their parent(s) or guardian must always be explicitly informed of the child’s location and the purpose of the interaction. 2. Federal, state or local laws may limit or prohibit children from engaging in certain work activities. Church personnel must always ensure that any activities in which they engage with children are not prohibited by labor laws. All children are required to obtain working papers as a condition of employment. 3. Parishes may direct any inquiries regarding the employment of children to the Archdiocese’s Office for Human Resources. b. Professional attitudes must always be observed in all interactions with minors. c. Church Personnel are to avoid any unnatural or emotional attachment that a minor may have for them. Such attachments need to be recognized, acknowledged and properly addressed. In some instances, it may be necessary to terminate further contact with the child. d. Church Personnel must always be aware of the “power” of their role/position. e. When meeting with a minor, Church personnel should, whenever possible, have another adult present or nearby. f. Discussions of a sexual nature should only occur, if necessary, to respond to a specific question. Any such discussion should use appropriate, professional language. Slang or street words or phrases should not be used. g. Topics that could not be comfortably discussed with parents or another adult should not be discussed with children. Church Personnel should not use foul, offensive, or rough language in talking to children. h. Meetings with children should occur on Church property if at all possible. Children should only be allowed in professional or public sections of Church property. Children should not be invited or taken into living quarters or private areas on Church property or private homes. Church Personnel should never have children in their rooms or spend their days off with children who are not related to them. i. Church Personnel should avoid being alone with children. j. Games or sporting activities should be engaged in only in the presence of at least two adults. k. Alcohol, tobacco, or controlled substances are never to be supplied to children by Church Personnel. l. Church Personnel are not to engage in physical discipline of children. Discipline problems should be handled in coordination with the parent(s) or legal guardian. m. Church personnel are not to be alone with a minor in a residence, sleeping facility, locker room, restroom, dressing facility, or other closed room or isolated area that is inappropriate or inconsistent with a ministry relationship. n. Youth groups are to have at least two adult chaperones for any activity. While on youth group trips, Church Personnel are to maintain a professional stature and socialize along with other adult chaperones. During such youth group trips, individual Church Personnel are not to sleep alone in the same room with a child. o. Ordinarily, unsupervised children should not be given keys to Church facilities. p. Church Personnel are never to take photographs of children while they are unclothed or dressing (e.g., in locker rooms or bathing facilities). q. Church Personnel must be aware of their own and others’ vulnerability when working alone with youth. Use a team approach to managing youth activities. r. Physical contact with youth can be misconstrued and should occur (a) only when completely nonsexual and other wise appropriate, and (b) never in private.
1. Sexual Conduct 22 Church Personnel must not, for sexual gain or intimacy exploit the trust placed in them by the faith community.
The Archdiocese strictly prohibits sexual misconduct by any Church Personnel. The Archdiocese strictly prohibits anyone from interacting with children on behalf of the Archdiocese who has a civil or criminal record of child sexual abuse, has admitted prior sexual abuse, or is known to have a diagnosis of pedophilia or ephebophilia as defined by the American Psychiatric Association. For the purpose of these Standards, sexual misconduct involving minors is defined as both sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of individuals both male and female under age 18 as defined by law.
a. Church Personnel who are committed to celibate lifestyle are called to be an example of celibate chastity in all relationships at all times. b. Church Personnel who provide pastoral counseling or spiritual direction must avoid developing intimate relationships with persons that they counsel, other staff, or parishioners. Staff and volunteers must behave in a professional manner at all times. c. Church Personnel may not exploit another person for sexual purposes. d. All allegations of sexual misconduct against a minor by Church Personnel must be taken seriously, and reported to appropriate civil authorities. e. Church Personnel shall review and know the contents of the child abuse regulations and reporting requirements for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and are to follow those mandates.
2. Harassment
Church Personnel must not engage in physical, psychological, written, or verbal harassment of staff, volunteers, or parishioners and must not tolerate such harassment by other Church Personnel.
a. Church Personnel are to provide a professional work environment that is free from physical, psychological, written, or verbal intimidation or harassment. b. Some examples of behavior or environment that could be considered harassment:
1. any derogatory jokes, comments or slurs delivered in a manner that could be considered belligerent or threatening to another; 2. any unwanted touching, assault, deliberate blocking or any intimidating action that interferes with free movement. 3. any unwelcome touching and/or demands for sexual favors, and also any unwelcome sexually oriented behavior, comments or visually derogatory or demeaning posters, written words, drawings, novelties or gestures which create a hostile or offensive environment.
The Archdiocese prohibits all such conduct, whether committed by supervisory or non-supervisory personnel as well as by a third party (i.e., non-employee of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia) engaged in business with the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.
c. Harassment can be a single severe incident or a persistent pattern of behavior where the purpose or the effect is to create a hostile, offensive, or intimidating work environment. d. Possession of any pornographic pictures, or other sexually oriented material, on church Property is strictly prohibited. e. Allegations of harassment are to be taken seriously and reported immediately to the individual’s immediate supervisor, or other appropriate Church authorities.
3. Reporting Misconduct
Church Personnel have a duty to report their own ethical or professional misconduct and the misconduct of others.
23 a. Church Personnel must hold each other accountable for maintaining the highest ethical and professional standards. When there is an indication of misconduct by Church Personnel, the person who obtains knowledge of the misconduct should notify his/her supervisor or other appropriate Church authorities. b. The obligation of Pastoral Counselors and Spiritual Directors to report misconduct of the persons they counsel is subject to the duty of confidentiality. However, any agreement or duty to maintain confidentiality must yield to the need to report misconduct that threatens the safety, health, or well-being of any of the persons involved.
These obligations are independent of the confidentiality of the confessional. Under no circumstances whatsoever can there be any disclosure-of information received through the confessional. APPENDIX B
Universal Precautions Because of the concern on the part of personnel that some very serious and life threatening illnesses can be spread through contact with blood and other bodily fluids when anent occurs, it is necessary to publish some precautions that must be inaugurated in our program. AIDS is one disease that can be spread in this manner but there are a wide variety of diseases that can be spread through contact with blood, drainage from scrapes and cuts, feces, urine, vomit, respiratory secretions (nasal discharge), and saliva. If you have contact with any of these bodily fluids, you are at risk of infection from these various diseases. The risk is very low and dependent upon the type of contact made and the type of fluid involved. It is simply good policy to treat all spills of bodily fluid as infectious in order to protect yourself and others from becoming infected.
A. Disposable, waterproof gloves should be worn when you come into direct contact with body fluids (bloody nose, vomit, soiled clothing, cuts and scrapes, etc.). Gloves used for this purpose should be placed in a plastic bag or lined trashcan, secured and disposed of daily.
B. If no gloves are available and your hands come in contact with these fluids, you should wash your hands and other affected skin for ten seconds with soap and water after the direct contact has ended.
All materials used to clean the spill (tissues, paper towels, etc.) should be disposed of in the same manner as the plastic gloves.
II. HANDWASHING A. Proper hand washing is important. This requires the use of soap and warm water and vigorous washing under running water for approximately ten seconds. Rinse hands thoroughly and dry them with paper towels or hand dryer. Do not use a cloth towel.
III. DISINFECTANTS A. A solution of ten parts water to one part household bleach will destroy HIV and should be used to clean all spills. B. This solution should be used to wash all equipment involved in cleaning up a bodily fluid spill, including mops, buckets, dustpans, etc. Any surface involved must be cleaned with the above solution. This solution should then be disposed of by emptying it down a drainpipe.
24 C. Contaminated clothing must be laundered with soap and water to eliminate potentially infectious agents. The addition of bleach will reduce the risk of potential infection. Clothing soaked with body fluids should be washed separately from other clothing.
IV. STUDENTS A. Many times students volunteer to clean up accidents or assist a friend who has fallen and is bleeding. Please explain to them the necessity of not touching blood or any other bodily fluid with bare hands. Please do NOT ask a student to clean up any vomit, etc.
Shelter in Place
Shelter in Place is an emergency response plan to the release of hazardous materials into the air. This response can only be called by the police or fire department. If our program were instructed to shelter in place, we would initiate our plan to protect the children. If a Shelter in Place is called, no one is permitted to leave or enter the building. It becomes our responsibility to care for the basic needs of the children until we are given permission to safely dismiss the students to their parents.
Should our program be instructed to shelter in place, we would notify each classroom and building by cell phone. The announcement will be made twice and each catechist is asked to notify others in the building. The first priority in this plan is to move the students into a location that can be sealed off properly. Please move children away from windows. Roll will be taken to ensure that each student is accounted for.
Classroom doors and remaining exterior doors and windows will be sealed shut. These sealed entrances will not be opened until permission is given by the police or fire department. Supplies of plastic sheeting and duct tape have been purchased.
We have purchased a supply of bottled water. This water is stored in each classroom allowing for a quick delivery. Non-perishable food items have also been purchased.
Shelter in Place kits have been assembled. These kits include battery-operated radios, flashlights, walkie- talkies and first aid supplies. A sufficient supply of sanitary supplies is available. Our place allows for the use of toilets and urinals, where available. A supply of hand sanitizer has been purchased.
A staff person will remain with the students.
In time of crisis, it will be the first instinct of every parent to want to run to PREP to get their children and take them home. During most emergency situations, this instinct is correct. During a time when Shelter in Place has been called, this instinct is counterproductive. Our buildings will be sealed off and no one is permitted to leave or enter the building. Anyone who arrives at PREP is putting him or herself in danger and could add to the tension that would be a part of this situation. Please remember to obey the police and fire department and stay indoors until the “all clear” signal is given.
During a crisis, it may be difficult for communications to go out or be received over the phone. The Shelter in Place requires the use of cell phones if possible. If phones are operational, it would be important for our phone lines to remain open to allow for communication between the police and fire department and our school. Phone calls from parents would only tie up those lines and interfere with this communication process. Our plan does allow for a call for parents to be notified that we have been instructed to shelter in place. This can be accomplished by our parish staff or Catechists or assistants present utilizing the information provided to each Catechist. It will also be posted on our website if possible.
Our plan requires that once a Shelter in Place is instituted, NO ONE may leave or enter the building. This is the most critical aspect of the plan. Once we receive the “all clear” signal from the police or fire department, we will invite parents to enter the building for dismissal. No student will be dismissed to anyone but a parent unless arrangements have been made with the program director.
It would be unwise to think that the plan in place will cover every possible eventuality. The need to make decisions within our buildings will follow the same protocol as any other emergency situation. The program director will make those decisions. In the event that the director is unable to make those decisions, the decision will rest with other members on staff.
1. Children become quiet immediately and listen to the directions of their Catechist or person in charge at that time 2. Children should not take their belongings with them. 3. Children must be told to walk, orderly, out the nearest door if available. 4. If one exit is not available, than, all should proceed out of the exit that is open. 5. If possible, adults should shut all windows. 6. Adults should take the class folder if available. 7. Children are to remain quiet outside and attendance should be taken. Once the signal is given that it is ok to go back inside, the children should walk quietly back inside.
1. Children become quiet immediately and listen to the directions of their Catechist or person in charge at that time 2. Children should not take their belongings with them. 3. Children must be told to walk, orderly, out the nearest door that is available. 4. Adults should take the class folder if available. 5. Children are to remain quiet outside and attendance should be taken. Once the signal is given that it is ok to go back inside, the children should walk quietly back inside.
1. Children become quiet immediately and listen to the directions of their Catechist or person in charge at that time 2. Children should not take their belongings with them. 3. Children must be told to walk, orderly, out of the main staircase door, up to stairs, out the door, and up the outside stairs and onto the parking lot away from the building. 4. Adults should take the class folder if available and shut all windows and all doors.
1. Children become quiet immediately and listen to the directions of their Catechist or person in charge at that time 2. Children should not take their belongings with them. 3. Children must be told to walk, orderly, out of the main door and out the main door of the church to the parking lot 4. Adults should take the class folder if available and shut all windows and all doors.
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