PSUK National 10 Mile Road Race 2016 Gorleston-on-Sea Norfolk Wednesday 14 th September 2016

EVENT DETAILS Norfolk Constabulary is pleased to announce that it will be hosting the PSUK National 10 Mile Road Race in the seaside town of Gorleston-on-Sea, Norfolk, on Wednesday 14th September 2016 at 13.00hrs.

The race will start and finish on the Lower Esplanade with this course taking runners out into the rural countryside of Browston and Hobland before returning back to the promenade finish. The course is relatively flat and fast but has a number of declines so should prove a potential for PB’s. RACE ENTRIES / PAYMENTS

One team entry form has been emailed with this information sheet, to each of the respective force contacts. We will not require individual entry forms from each runner.

Team Entry Summary Sheet this form is to be completed in full by each force team manager. Once managers have confirmed all their participants on their summary, it needs to be emailed back to our race entries co-ordinator as soon as possible. (This will then assist us in our pre-planning for transport collections, race numbers, and meal plans and seating numbers at the function.)

Once your team summary has been emailed back, managers are then asked to also print the summary off, sign the declaration, and return it by post to our race admin with the appropriate cheque amounts enclosed, payable to “Norfolk Constabulary Running Section” and by the closing date of Monday 8 th August 2016

**Please note that we will not be able to make any further amendments after the strict closing date so managers are to ensure that their team summaries are correct and fully completed to avoid a delay in processing.

PSUK Committee guests

Non competing PSUK committee guests attending the function are also asked to kindly forward an email confirmation of their attendance at the event, and to forward on their function cheques before the closing date.

Competing PSUK committee guest entries will be expected to be included within their force team entry returns, but please can we kindly ask you to mark your entry form with **PSUK committee runner** so we can identify you.

This will help us with arranging final committee numbers for the function seating plan at the PSUK committee table.


Race Entry Fee - £10 per person

Presentation function - £23.50 per person (Please see function details) **NOTE – this function cost may be reduced in price if the event is well supported by all forces, in which case we may be in a position to provide team managers with a cheque refund once we have a final number of guests confirmed. In essence, the more who attend, the cheaper it will be.


Pre - race registration will take place at The Ocean Room on Tuesday 13th September 2012 between 17.00hrs – 20.30hrs. Race information packs and numbers can be collected for those wishing to register the night before.

Race registration will also take place (for those arriving on the day) between 10.00hrs and 12.00hrs at Race HQ near to the start line. ARRIVAL AT RACE HQ

The location of the race headquarters will be well sign posted on the day as you enter Gorleston. Please adhere to race marshals who will direct you to the designated street parking areas. The postcodes are NR31 6DU which will direct you to the Upper Promenade area (Marine Parade) for ample ‘free’ roadside parking. Alternatively there is bay parking in the area of the lower esplanade (Pier Gardens) at NR31 6BU and parking outside the Ocean Room and beach front cafes by the start line *which may incur a parking charge*. See Appendix A.


For those arriving at Norwich airport or by local rail on the Tuesday, please can you indicate any transport requirements you require on your race forms. We have a dedicated officer allocated who will make contact with team managers soon, to discuss any force travel issues to and from the local connections.

NOTE - We will not be able to provide any ongoing transport to and from the function venue on the night, so suggest that teams book accommodation near the function where possible. Local taxi companies will also be on hand should you require them. Taxi lists will also be supplied if requested as well as lists being available at the function.


There will be an allocated area for changing and baggage, a pre - race registration area, refreshments and trade stands.

Please note** there will be no shower facilities on site.

There are 2 public toilet blocks - situated on the upper promenade, and lower promenade (behind the Ocean Room). There will also be limited toilet facilities within the Ocean Room. Please respect the function facilities, especially as the function venue staff will be preparing the venue for us during the day and we all need to use these facilities in the evening!


It goes without saying that the local area must be kept tidy and free of litter at all times, so please use the public bins provided and dispose of your drinks cups /race gel wrappers sensibly near to the water stations to assist the final clear up. Great Yarmouth Borough Council has been kind enough to grant us use of the promenade so please help us by being responsible.


The race will be ‘chip-timed’ and will commence at 13.00hrs, and will be officially started by one of the Norfolk Police Executive, following a brief speech and some final race instructions by the race director. Please note that we have brought the race forward an hour to allow runners time to relax and enjoy the beach and local cafes after the race, and perhaps have a ‘paddle in the sea’. **NOTE** for safety reasons, the use of I-pods/I-phones/ MP3 players and earphones will not be permitted during the race and any runner seen wearing such items during the race will be disqualified.


Each runner who completes the race will receive a goody bag at the finish line. Once you have been handed your goody bag please move along so that other runners can also obtain theirs as they finish.

NOTE – Goody bags will only be issued to runners in possession of their race number at the finish. Your race number will be marked by an official on receipt of your goody bag. We will not be able to give out goody bags to runners who request collection on behalf of their colleagues who have left. No number – No Goody bag.


The results will be electronically recorded on the day by chip timing as well as being manually documented and checked. Therefore please refrain from distracting the results team immediately after the race to enquire about your individual times. All finalised times and results will be given out at the presentation.

**We will confirm the prize categories from August once the major minor forces list has been updated**


Norfolk Constabulary has secured the ‘Ocean Room’ function venue situated on Gorleston Promenade for the presentation evening (including a 3 course meal).

Ocean Room, Pier Gardens, Gorleston- on Sea, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR31 6PP

The venue can be viewed at This is a spacious ‘circular’ function venue, situated on the lower Esplanade near to race HQ. There will be two well stocked bars open for use on the night, but we have kindly requested that these be shut temporarily during the main presentation. There is ample group seating within the entire venue. The presentation will take place around 18.30hrs with the 3 course meal to follow on from around 19.00hrs. Please note that this venue is experienced at hosting gala dinners/sport/corporate events so the service of the meal will be very organised and prompt. They can cater for 600 diners!

The meal will consist of a soup starter, chicken breast roast dinner with seasonal vegetables/potatoes, and a dessert choice, coffee and mints. There will be a vegetarian option available and ability to cater for other dietary needs where provided (as per your entry form). We will contact those with such requirements in due course to offer the dietary options available on the night.

Musical entertainment will follow the meal late into the evening. (A local live band and the resident disco have been confirmed).

NOTE – The dress code is ‘smart casual’ for the evening function.

We hope that you will all support the evening event and I can assure you all that the venue has been made fully aware that they will be receiving a lot of hungry and thirsty runners on the night.

We have set the initial function cost per person at £23.50 which covers venue hire, 3 course meal, band and DJ entertainment. **We do anticipate that with your support and attendance we can bring the function cost down further, so the more people that attend means we may be able to refund some of the function cost to team managers**.

As we hosted this event back in 2012 at Sandringham, we look forward to welcoming you back this September and in the meantime, if you have any questions with regards to the entries please contact the below race contacts directly.

For all Race / Event / Function enquiries

[email protected]

For all PSUK committee email confirmations / team summary sheets email returns [email protected]

Completed/signed entry forms with cheques covering race entry fees/function payments – Team Managers to please forward by post direct to –

Pam Flower -17 Haileys Court, London Road South, Lowestoft, Suffolk, NR33 0LW

On behalf of the Norfolk Constabulary Running Section, have a great race and we hope you enjoy your visit and time with us in Norfolk.

DC Mike Flower

(On behalf of the Norfolk Running Committee) Appendix A**





Parking areas **some may incur costs** Marine Parade is free for on-street parking. 2 mins walk down to Lower Promenade race start.

T Public Toilets **Additional toilets in the Ocean Room Function Venue (the VIP area of the venue will hopefully be allocated as a baggage store/changing on the day).