TURNING IN HOMEWORK: Homework is due at the beginning of the period. You are to place it into the tray labeled “Homework” as soon as you walk into the classroom.

BEGINNING CLASS/BELL RINGERS: After turning in your homework you are to sit down immediately and take out your spiral and a sharpened pencil. If you are not in your seat, ready to work, when the bell rings you will be considered tardy.

COMPLETING YOUR BELL RINGER: Once you are seated, you are to begin your bell ringer silently on the projector. The answers to the warm-up are to be written in your spirals

JOURNALS: You will have a journal prompt everyday at the end of class to complete in your spirals over current events or material learned in the class that day.

BELL RINGERS/JOURNALS CHECK: Both bell ringers and journals will be taken up every three weeks for a large portion of your grade so it is imperative you keep up with them.

GETTING OUT OF YOUR SEAT: You are to be in your assigned seat at all times unless you have received permission to move about the classroom.

SHARPENING YOUR PENCIL Buy a mini pencil sharpener or do it before the bell rings.

GETTING THE TEACHER’S ATTENTION: Raise your hand, and wait patiently to be recognized.

LEAVING THE CLASSROOM (Locker/etc.): Seek permission first.

WORKING ALONE VS. WORKING IN PAIRS/GROUPS I will inform the class when we will be working individually or working in pairs or groups. I will not tolerate complaints or disrespect when pairing up.

COMING TO ATTENTION: When Coach Stutts rings the bell you are to stop what you are doing and turn your attention to him. The ringing of the bell means that you are to be quiet and attentive. Coach Stutts will count down from five to allow you time to come to attention. After counting to five he will begin to count back up from one. Every number he counts up represents the number of seconds the class will be required to stay after the bell.

DISMISAL FROM THE CLASSROOM: You must be in your assigned seat and quiet when the bell rings at the end of class. The bell does not release you; Coach Stutts does! If you are not in your seat when the bell rings you will be the last one to leave the classroom.

MAKE UP WORK: If you are absent from class, it will be your responsibility to get any makeup work from the Make-Up Work Binder. The appropriate assignment will be behind a divider marked with the date of your absence.

CELL PHONE POLICY: Used for instructional purposes only! Teacher discretion on when to use and for what activities.

Technology Expectations and Procedures 1. Cell phones are put up. They should not be used except for instructional purposes. Unapproved use will cause your phone to be taken up. Repeated offenses will result in a discipline referral. If you have a connected watch, it cannot be used for anything other than checking the time or I will take your watch up too. If you need to use your cell phone to access your planner or take notes, simply ask and we will discuss parameters. 2. Unless you have been given explicit permission, do not play games, watch youTube, stream movies, etc. on the Chromebooks. I have LanSchool where I can see your screens, and I frequently move around the room. You are to be on task and focused on U.S. History, unless you have made previous arrangements with me. (I will occasionally allow you to work on other assignments during class as a reward for consistent performance and behavior.) 3. Do not damage, drop, or spill onto the Chromebooks. Behavior Expectations 1. Let me do my job: instructing. Distractions are not okay. This means talking to others or pestering others. 2. Clean up after yourself. I am not your maid. The janitorial staff has enough to do without picking up bits of paper or empty water bottles. 3. No filming or picture taking in class without permission. 4. Do not behave rudely. We all have bad days or have individuals who frustrate us. Please watch your actions and attitudes. If there is a serious issue, bring it to my attention. If you act out, then I will have to respond to your behavior first. 5. If you have a question, ask it. Don’t fret or ask everyone else but me. Take ownership of your experience in the classroom. 6. Do unto others as you would have done unto you (the Golden Rule). This applies in class and out of it. Don’t gossip if you don’t want to be gossiped about. Don’t insult if you don’t want to be insulted. Don’t ridicule if you don’t want to be ridiculed. Don’t copy and cheat if you don’t want others to do so as well. Don’t take other’s possessions if you don’t want to be taken from. It is pretty simple. Check my webpage and whiteboard for information on class work.