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* Italicized Text Indicates Related Objectives That Deal with These Targets

ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Social Studies

Top 10 ISS Student Friendly Priority Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Product Targets EC Learning Target E, M, I, Targets (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets.

1.01 I can assess the impact of E Flora Identify and label geography on early exploration Anthropologist the 3 regions of and settlement of NC/US Climate NC. Vicinity Drought Identify and label Barrier islands the 50 US states. Backcountry Cash crop Identify and label the 100 counties in NC. \ Explain the impact of topography on NC/US.

Discuss factors that influence NC/US climate.

Describe NC/US soil, rocks and minerals, plants and wildlife, and water resources.

E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/09 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Social Studies

Top 10 ISS Student Friendly Priority Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Product Targets EC Learning Target E, M, I, Targets (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. 1.02 I can analyze the impact of E Agrarian Society Identify the 5 Native American on NC/US Nomad People largest Native colonization Matrilineal family American groups Artifact living in NC in Culture 1492. Slash-and-burn Oral history Evaluate the Clan relationships Anthropologist between Native Corduroy road Americans and Bering Strait explorers.

Identify how Native Americans lived in the Pacific Northwest, desert Southwest, Great Plains, and Eastern Woodlands.

E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/09 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Social Studies

Top 10 ISS Student Friendly Priority Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Product Targets EC Learning Target E, M, I, Targets (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. 1.03 I can compile the political and E Puritanism Discuss early religious motives for European Protestant Reformation Spanish exploration Ethical System colonization of the Charter Document Americas. Conquistadors Treaty of Tordesillas Analyze the search Giovanni da Verrazanno for a northwest Lucan Vasquez de passage by Ayllon France and Amerigo Vespucci England. Catholicism Loot Examine early Hernando Cortes exploration of and Francisco Pizarro attempts to settle in Juan Ponce de Leon southeastern US, including NC. 1.04 I can verify the impact of the E Patriarchal Society Evaluate the Columbian Exchange Foreign Market positive and Domestic Crop negative effects of Cultural Exchange the Columbian Smallpox Exchange. Measles immunity 1.05 E Natural Resources Describe Spanish I can connect the factors that colonization of the led to founding and settlement New World. of the American colonies

E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/09 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Social Studies

Top 10 ISS Student Friendly Priority Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Product Targets EC Learning Target E, M, I, Targets (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. 1.06 I can summarize geographic E Economic Power Discuss the first and political reasons for the Colonization English exploration creation of NC/US as a colony. Geographic region of present-day NC. Outer banks Coastal plain Trace the Tidewater beginnings of the Piedmont John White colony Sun Belt and examine Sandbank possible reasons for Richard Grenville its disappearance. Sir Walter Raleigh John White Identify the Croatoan difficulties early Ralph Lane Jamestown Lost Colony colonists faced and Francis Drake how they were Colony overcome Charter Manteo Examine the Wanchese founding and Speculation development of Desolate Plymouth and Joint-stock company Massachusetts Bay. Naval stores Quitrent Illustrate the Prerogative party diverse populations Popular party and healthy Culpeper’s Rebellion economies of the Dissenter Middle Colonies. Cary’s Rebellion

E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/09 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Social Studies

Top 10 ISS Student Friendly Priority Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Product Targets EC Learning Target E, M, I, Targets (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. Approbation Describe the Faction economies of the Wrangle Southern Colonies. Sectionalism Granville District Discuss the wide Quorum variety of goods Extortion North Carolina Poll tax produced for trade. Battle of Alamance Jamestown

1.07 I can organize roles and E Emigration Examine the early contributions of the diverse Indentured servant settlement and groups in colonial NC/US Separatist government of Pilgrim Carolina under the Mayflower Compact Lords Proprietor. Plantation Intolerant Examine why Quaker Maryland was William Penn founded and why Highland Scots Carolina was split Gabriel Johnston into North Carolina Pennsylvania Dutch and South Carolina. Gentry Planter Describe the early Militia history of Georgia Arthur Dobbs and the plantations William Tryon of Maryland and Regulator Virginia. Pirates

E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/09 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Social Studies

Top 10 ISS Student Friendly Priority Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Product Targets EC Learning Target E, M, I, Targets (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. Edward Teach Identify the diverse groups in North Carolina in the 1700s, including European immigrants, enslaved Africans, and Native Americans.

Examine differences between social classes in NC/US.

Describe the cultural differences and trace how those differences erupted into armed conflict.


E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/09 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Social Studies

Top 10 ISS Student Friendly Priority Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Product Targets EC Learning Target E, M, I, Targets (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. 2.01 I can elaborate on the events E Protective Tariff Describe the leading up to the Revolutionary Dissent conflict in North War. British Rule between the Veto governors and the French and Indian War Assembly. Albany Plan of Union Proclamation for 1763 Trace the progress Quartering Act of the French and Stamp Act Indian War and its Treason results. Townshend Acts boycott 2.02 I can judge the contributions of E Magna Carta Trace events key personalities and their Minuteman leading to General influence on the Revolutionary Loyalist Braddock’s defeat War Patriot in 1755. Continental Congress Hessian Describe the Nathaniel Greene contributions of George Washington key personalities Benjamin Franklin and assess their influence on the outcome of the war.

E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/09 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Social Studies

Top 10 ISS Student Friendly Priority Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Product Targets EC Learning Target E, M, I, Targets (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. 2.03 I can rate the role of NC/US in E Antagonism Describe how the the Revolutionary War Extortion war was fought at Poll tax sea. Regulators Battle of Alamance Summarize the spread of the war to the North, the West, and the South. 2.04 I can determine the victories, E Tyranny Describe the failures, and issues of the Yorktown Battles of colonists and British Yorktown and analyze how Americans were able to win the war. 2.05 I can editorialize the impact of E Framers Describe how documents on the formation of Democracy England’s new NC/US state and national Capitalist Economy colonial policy governments Capitalism pushes toward Articles of revolution. Confederation Great Compromise Trace the reasons Federalist why colonists Bill of Rights declared Mecklenburg Resolves independence Halifax Resolves from Britain. Declaration of Independence Analyze how the Bill of Rights Constitution

E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/09 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Social Studies

Top 10 ISS Student Friendly Priority Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Product Targets EC Learning Target E, M, I, Targets (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. Electoral College addressed the Unalienable Rights weaknesses of Separation of Power the Articles of Confederation by creating a strong national government with three branches.

Describe debates over the Constitution’s ratification and how the new government functioned.

E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/09 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Social Studies

Top 10 ISS Student Friendly Priority Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Product Targets EC Learning Target E, M, I, Targets (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. 3.01 I can analyze the significance of I individualism Describe the causes the causes of secession of the War of 1812.

Analyze the impact of the War of 1812 on NC and the nation. 3.02 I can investigate the decline and I Legislature Describe the implications of future Mormons attitudes, economic developments during the Joseph Smith system, and early1800s Homestead Act inequalities that kept NC/US from making progress.

3.03 I can measure the impact and I racism Examine why effectiveness of individual Archibald Murphy reformers failed in his fight for educational, economic, and political reforms.


E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/09 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Social Studies

Top 10 ISS Student Friendly Priority Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Product Targets EC Learning Target E, M, I, Targets (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. 3.04 I can explain the development I Industrialization Describe the of the institutions of slavery and Manhood suffrage development of the its impact Abolition institution of Fugitive slave law slavery in NC/US and assess its impact on the economic, social, and political conditions. 3.05 I can compare and contrast I Andrew Jackson Trace the different perspectives on the Westward Expansion movement of national policy of Removal and Native Americans Resettlement of American through out NC/US Indian Populations as a result of the Native American Removal Act. 3.06 I can evaluate the implications I Lodes Examine the of the NC/US Gold Rush Boomtowns geographic, Sutter’s Mill economic and Forty-niner social implications of the North Carolina Gold Rush

E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/09 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Social Studies

Top 10 ISS Student Friendly Priority Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Product Targets EC Learning Target E, M, I, Targets (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. 3.07 I can explain the reasons for the I constitution Analyze the creation of a new state constitutional convention political reforms of constitution in 1835 Amendments the Constitutional Citizenship Convention of Elector 1835. House of Representative Senate Describe the impact Congress of the new State Preamble Constitution in Separation of Powers 1835 on religious Popular Sovereignty groups, African Limited government Americans, and American Indians. Federalism Electoral College Ratification Civil Rights 3.08 I can appraise the impact of I Checks and Balances Trace the events National events Louisiana Purchase leading to the republic purchase of the Louisiana Territory and its subsequent exploration.

Examine the causes and the effects of the War of 1812.

Analyze the results of the decline of the

E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/09 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Social Studies

Top 10 ISS Student Friendly Priority Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Product Targets EC Learning Target E, M, I, Targets (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. Whigs and the rise of the Democrats, including manhood suffrage and public school improvements.

Trace the development of railroads, the emergence of public schools, and the building of institutions for the poor, mentally ill, and physically- challenged people in the state.

E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/09 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Social Studies

Top 10 ISS Student Friendly Priority Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Product Targets EC Learning Target E, M, I, Targets (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. 4.01 I can analyze the significance of E Secession How issues of the causes of secession. Sectionalism sectionalism lead to Missouri Compromise the Civil War. Underground railroad To what extent did Dred Scott v. Sanford differing opinions Confederate States of on slavery and its America expansion became Fort Sumter a factor in the Civil Cotton Farming War. 13th Amendment 14th Amendment Use supporting 15th Amendment details to show that Abolition states’ rights were a Temperance fundamental reason for the outbreak of the Civil War.

E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/09 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Social Studies

Top 10 ISS Student Friendly Priority Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Product Targets EC Learning Target E, M, I, Targets (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. 4.02 I can appraise the military I Robert E. Lee Compare and developments of the Civil War. Clara Barton contrast southern Anaconda Plan military strategies 1st Battle of Manassas from the beginning Battle of Antietam of the Civil War to Emancipation the end. Proclamation Battle of Gettysburg Defend the idea that Northern manufacturing supremacy played a vital role in their victory in the Civil War.

Name at least 2 advantages each side had when the Civil War started.

4.03 I can assess North E succession Determine 3 ways Carolina’s/US role in the Civil the Anaconda Plan War. affected NC/US.

Support why the people of North Carolina delayed leaving the Union.

E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/09 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Social Studies

Top 10 ISS Student Friendly Priority Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Product Targets EC Learning Target E, M, I, Targets (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. 4.04 I can evaluate the roles of E James K. Polk Evaluate the individuals during David Walker political positions Reconstruction. Henry Clay of the Radical John C. Calhoun Republicans during David Webster the Reconstruction 13th Amendment Era.

Determine 2 examples as to why Andrew Johnson was impeached. 4.05 I can analyze and identify the E Reconstruction Give 3 examples of reasons why Reconstruction Black codes factors that came to an end. Freedman’s Bureau contributed to the 15th amendment end of Carpetbagger Reconstruction. Civil Rights Act of 1871 Kirk-Holden War Give examples of Rutherford B. Hayes Lincoln’s plans for Military Occupation of Reconstruction. the C.S.A. Republicans

E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/09 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Social Studies

Top 10 ISS Student Friendly Priority Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Product Targets EC Learning Target E, M, I, Targets (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. 5.01 I can interpret the importance of E George A. Gray Use supporting agriculture, textiles, tobacco, Trust details to show the and furniture industries in Tenant Farming importance of the North Carolina/US. Leonides Polk tobacco industry on Henry Ford NC/US economy. Assembly Line Describe the building of the first transcontinental railroad.

5.02 I can explain the impact of E Charles B Aycock Distinguish education and religion in the Segregation between why city state from 1870-1930. schools made more progress than rural schools. 5.03 I can defend the impact of I Westward expansion Hypothesize 2 migration on North Wilmington Race Riot primary reasons Carolina/US. Jim Crowe Laws for the outward Literacy Tests migration of Poll Tax African Americans from North Carolina to the North.

E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/09 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Social Studies

Top 10 ISS Student Friendly Priority Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Product Targets EC Learning Target E, M, I, Targets (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. 5.04 I can evaluate the influence of I Industrial Revolution Give examples of technology on life in North Homestead Act technological Carolina/US. Monopoly innovations that Urbanization influenced the Populism lives of citizens in Progressivism North Carolina/US Capitalist Economy post- Sherman Antitrust Act Reconstruction. Tenant Farming Prohibition Charles Lindbergh 5.05 I can assess the influence of the I Political polarization Compare and political, legal and social Populist Party contrast the movements. Fusion Alliance Republican and Democratic parties’ platforms post- Reconstruction.

5.06 I can describe NC reaction and N Spanish American involvement in WWI / NC role Economic in the world WWI Textiles

E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/09 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Social Studies

Top 10 ISS Student Friendly Priority Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Product Targets EC Learning Target E, M, I, Targets (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. 6.01 I can point out the effects of the E Depression Discuss FDR’s Great Depression and the New International election, New Deal. Imperialism Deal Programs, Central Powers and American’s Allied Powers responses to the Zimmerman Telegram New Deal. Communism Civil Rights Trace events Credit leading to the Herbert Hoover Great Buying on Margin Depression. Great Depression Hooverville Franklin Delano Roosevelt New Deal Social Security Act Fireside Chats 6.02 I can appreciate the significance I Political Alliance Compare and of WWII. Axis Powers Contrast the Axis Allied Powers vs. Allied Powers D-Day Holocaust Discuss the war in Battle of Midway Europe and the Hiroshima Pacific, the US Interment Camp entry into the War, Holocaust Germany and Pearl Harbor Japan’s defeat, and the horrors for the Holocaust.

E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/09 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Social Studies

Top 10 ISS Student Friendly Priority Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Product Targets EC Learning Target E, M, I, Targets (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. I can correlate key ideas and E Isolationism Examine the 6.03 individuals with WWII. Fascism aggressive actions Adolf Hitler of totalitarian Nisei states. United Nations Trace events in 1938 and 1939 that lead to the outbreak of WWII.

I can debate the impact of N Nisei Identify how 6.04 WWII on different groups. Internment Camps different social McCarthyism groups were Containment effected by World War II in the US/NC 7.01 I can document economic N Cooperative Identify new changes. North Carolina Fund industries, changing workforce patterns, consumerism, and population changes in NC/US after WWII.

Examine economic and population growth in NC/US after WWII.

E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/09 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Social Studies

Top 10 ISS Student Friendly Priority Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Product Targets EC Learning Target E, M, I, Targets (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. 7.02 I can evaluate the importance of N Examine the social changes. Suburb importance of Refugee social changes to Segregation different groups in Rosa Parks NC/US. Martin Luther King Jr. Civil Rights Act of 1964 Trace the early Hippies civil rights Brown vs. Board of movement. Education Identify key legislative victories for the civil rights movement.

7.03 I can assess the influence of N Acid Rain Identify new technology on daily life. Tenant Farmer industries, Sharecropping changing workforce patterns, consumerism, and population changes in NC/US after WWII.

E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/09 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Social Studies

Top 10 ISS Student Friendly Priority Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Product Targets EC Learning Target E, M, I, Targets (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. 7.04 I can compare political issues of E Brown vs. Board of Discuss how the the post WWII era. Education lives of African Pearsall Plan Americans, Busing women, and Native Cold War Americans in North Containment Carolina changed Domino Theory as a result of civil Tet offensive rights struggles. Vietnamization War Powers Act Discuss the policy Mikhail Gorbachev of containment that Ronald Reagan lead to US Glasnost involvement in the Communist Korean War.

Trace escalating US involvement in Vietnam and conditions of the war.

Describe changes in NC/US government after WWII.

E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/09 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Social Studies

Top 10 ISS Student Friendly Priority Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Product Targets EC Learning Target E, M, I, Targets (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. 7.05 I can select major events and N 9/11 Discuss the changes that have affected War on Terror breakup of the government. Iraq War Soviet Union and Title IX continuing Communist rule in China.

Examine the social and political effects of the Vietnam War in the US and the devastation of Vietnam. 8.01 I can describe and analyze the I Demographer Examine the social changing demographics in Natural Increase an political effects North Carolina/US. Revival of the Vietnam Nativism War in the US/NC

E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/09 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Social Studies

Top 10 ISS Student Friendly Priority Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Product Targets EC Learning Target E, M, I, Targets (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. 8.02 I can illustrate economic and I Biotechnology Discuss the technological advances. assessment of NC needs undertaken by the Commission on the Future of NC.

Examine economic challenges for NC/US agriculture and manufacturing.

Describe new high- tech industries in North Carolina.

8.03 I can point out the impact of I Incumbent Describe political issues. Delegation contemporary Camp David Accords political, Terrorism economic, and Employee social issues at the Wage Salary state and local NAACP levels and evaluate Hazelwood School their impact on the District vs. Kuhlmeier community.

E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/09 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Social Studies

Top 10 ISS Student Friendly Priority Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Product Targets EC Learning Target E, M, I, Targets (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. 8.04 I can summarize the importance I Demographers Describe of regional diversity. Natural Increase consequences of rapid population growth as well as the state’s rich traditions. 9.01 I can prioritize issues and their I Gross State Product Trace economic impact on the community. Legislator and environmental Private Sector challenges in September 11, 2001 NC/US.

Examine conflicts in the Middle East, the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and the nation’s response.

9.02 I can identify leaders and their I Globalization US Presidents influence. NAFTA NC Governors National Guard Bill Clinton

E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/09 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Social Studies

Top 10 ISS Student Friendly Priority Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Product Targets EC Learning Target E, M, I, Targets (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets. 9.03 I can appreciate opportunities I Civic Responsibility Identify for and benefits of civic Recall community service participation. Vote opportunities. Census Civil Liberties Describe roles of a Tolerance US/NC citizen. National Guard Volunteerism Patriotism

E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/09 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Social Studies

Top 10 ISS Student Friendly Priority Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Product Targets EC Learning Target E, M, I, Targets (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets.

E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/09 ISS Curriculum Guide Grade 8 – Social Studies

Top 10 ISS Student Friendly Priority Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Performance/ Skill Product Targets EC Learning Target E, M, I, Targets (NCSCOS) N * Italicized text indicates related objectives that deal with these targets.

E- Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 06/09

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