Personal Finance Curriculum Map
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Personal Finance Curriculum Map
Week I, Quarter I Common Core State Standards
The Students Will: 10.N.4 Use estimation to judge the reasonableness of results of computations and of solutions to problems involving real numbers
1. Salaries 2. Employment Opportunities
Objectives: Essential Question: The student will be able to: What is the major difference the way 1. To compute the earnings from a part- earnings are computed for salaried time job. employees and for hourly employees? 2. To compare an hourly wage with a weekly or monthly salary. 3. To understand what benefits an employer may offer in addition to a paycheck. Teacher Resources: Media and Technology Resources:
Assessments: Suggested Instructional Practices:
Homework/Classwork: To be given daily on Note Taking Skills each introduced topic. Exit Tickets Class Discussion: Students will be expected Pre and Post Tests to be prepared for class, participate in Salary Graph and Writing class activities and actively engage in class Assignment discussion. Baseline Assessment: The Baseline Assessment will be given the 1st week of classes. Week II, Quarter I Common Core State Standards
The Students Will:
10.P.8 Solve everyday problems that can be modeled using systems of linear equations or inequalities. Apply algebraic and graphical methods to the solution. Use technology when appropriate. Include mixture, rate, and work problems. 10.N.4 Use estimation to judge the reasonableness of results of computations and of solutions to problems involving real numbers.
1. Commissions 2. Deductions Objectives: Essential Question: The student will be able to: What is difference between gross pay 1. To compute the earnings from a part- and net pay? time job. 2. To compare an hourly wage with a weekly or monthly salary. 3. To understand what benefits an employer may offer in addition to a paycheck. Teacher Resources: Media and Technology Resources: LPid=13768 money.asp
Assessments: Suggested Instructional Practices:
Homework/Classwork: To be given daily on Note Taking Skills (Guided each introduced topic. Notes) Class Discussion: Students will be expected Exit Tickets to be prepared for class, participate in class Pre and Post Tests activities and actively engage in class Salary Graph and Writing discussion. Assignment Test: On topics discussed dealing with determining salaries and commissions and advantages/disadvantages of employee packages and Personal Earning Power. Week III, Quarter I Common Core State Standards
The Students Will:
10.P.7 Solve everyday problems that can be modeled using linear, reciprocal, quadratic, or exponential functions. Apply appropriate tabular, graphical, or symbolic methods to the solution. Include compound interest, and direct and inverse variation problems. Use technology when appropriate. Unit Two: Checking Accounts
1. Choosing a Bank 2. Using Checks 3. Writing Checks
Objectives: Essential Question: The student will be able to: Why do people use checks for money 1. To learn what different types of transactions? checking accounts are available. 2. To write checks and deposits slips 3. To endorse a check properly 4. To calculate the interest and bank charges for a checking account Teacher Resources: Media and Technology Resources: kingUnitLessonPlans.pdf plan-checking-accounts.html
Assessments: Suggested Instructional Practices:
Homework/Classwork: To be given daily on each introduced topic. Note Taking Skills (Guided Class Discussion: Students will be expected Notes) to be prepared for class, participate in class Exit Tickets activities and actively engage in class Pre and Post Tests discussion. Quiz: On topics discussed dealing with using a bank account, determining interest and Checking Accounts. Week IV, Quarter I Common Core State Standards
The Students Will:
10.N.4 Use estimation to judge the reasonableness of results of computations and of solutions to problems involving real numbers.
Unit Two: Checking Accounts
1. Maintaining a Checkbook Register 2. Reconciliation of the Checkbook Register 3. Beginning of Checking Account Project
Objectives: Essential Question: The student will be able to: In order to reconcile, what should you 1. To record and keep a checkbook do to your register with any register. outstanding checks and deposits? 2. To reconcile a bank statement with the corresponding check register balance.
Teacher Resources: Media and Technology Resources: eckingUnitLessonPlans.pdf plan-checking-accounts.html
Assessments: Suggested Instructional Practices:
Homework/Classwork: To be given daily on Note Taking Skills (Guided Notes) each introduced topic. Exit Tickets Class Discussion: Students will be expected Pre and Post Tests to be prepared for class, participate in class activities and actively engage in class discussion. Quiz: On topics discussed dealing with Checking Accounts. Week V, Quarter I Common Core State Standards
The Students Will:
10.N.4 Use estimation to judge the reasonableness of results of computations and of solutions to problems involving real numbers. Unit Two: Checking Accounts
1. Completion of Checking Account Project 2. Presentation of Checking Account Project
Objectives: Essential Question: The student will be able to: Why is it necessary to reconcile with 1. To complete checking account each monthly bank statement? project from SFCU reconcile a bank statement with the corresponding check register balance.
Teacher Resources: Media and Technology Resources: eckingUnitLessonPlans.pdf plan-checking-accounts.html
Assessments: Suggested Instructional Practices:
Homework/Classwork: To be given daily on Note Taking Skills (Guided Notes) each introduced topic. Exit Tickets Class Discussion: Students will be expected Pre and Post Tests to be prepared for class, participate in class activities and actively engage in class discussion. Test: On topics discussed dealing with Checking Accounts. Week VI, Quarter I Common Core State Standards
The Students Will:
10.P.7. Solve everyday problems that can be modeled using linear, reciprocal, quadratic, or exponential functions. Apply appropriate tabular, graphical, or symbolic methods to the solution. Include compound interest, and direct and inverse variation problems. Use technology when appropriate.
1. Savings 2. Different Types of Bank Accounts 3. Compound Interest Objectives: Essential Question: The student will be able to: Why would a less liquid account earn 1. To explain factors such as interest higher interest than a more liquid rates and liquidity that influence the account? return that your money can earn at financial institutions. 2. To explain the difference between regular savings accounts, money market accounts, and certificates of deposit. 3. To compute interest in a savings account using the compound interest formula.
Teacher Resources: Media and Technology Resources:
Assessments: Suggested Instructional Practices:
Homework/Classwork: To be given daily on Note Taking Skills (Guided Notes) each introduced topic. Exit Tickets Class Discussion: Students will be expected Pre and Post Tests to be prepared for class, participate in class activities and actively engage in class discussion. Test: On topics discussed dealing with Saving Money.
Week VII, Quarter I Common Core State Standards
The Students Will:
10.P.7 Solve everyday problems that can be modeled using linear, reciprocal, quadratic, or exponential functions. Apply appropriate tabular, graphical, or symbolic methods to the solution. Include compound interest, and direct and inverse variation problems. Use technology when appropriate.
1. Nature of Credit 2. Functions of Credit 3. Monthly Payments 4. Borrowing Money
Objectives: Essential Question: The student will be able to: How does the use of credit raise the 1. To identify the major functions of standard of living? credit. 2. To calculate monthly payments on a loan and the total payment on a loan. 3. To determine how much can he afford to borrow.
Teacher Resources: Media and Technology Resources:
Assessments: Suggested Instructional Practices:
Homework/Classwork: To be given daily on Note Taking Skills (Guided Notes) each introduced topic. Exit Tickets Class Discussion: Students will be expected Pre and Post Tests to be prepared for class, participate in class activities and actively engage in class discussion. Quiz: On topics discussed dealing with Consumer Credit.
Week VIII, Quarter I Common Core State Standards
The Students Will:
10.P.7 Solve everyday problems that can be modeled using linear, reciprocal, quadratic, or exponential functions. Apply appropriate tabular, graphical, or symbolic methods to the solution. Include compound interest, and direct and inverse variation problems. Use technology when appropriate
1. Managing Credit 2. Problems with Credit
Objectives: Essential Question: The student will be able to: What are indicators that someone is 1. To cite problems with using credit experiencing credit overload? 2. To calculate monthly payments on a loan and the total payment on a loan. 3. To compare the effects of the payback period of a loan on the total payments and interest charges. Teacher Resources: Media and Technology Resources:
Assessments: Suggested Instructional Practices:
Homework/Classwork: To be given daily on Note Taking Skills (Guided Notes) each introduced topic. Exit Tickets Class Discussion: Students will be expected Pre and Post Tests to be prepared for class, participate in class activities and actively engage in class discussion. Test: On topics discussed dealing with Consumer Credit. Week I, Quarter II Common Core State Standards
The Students Will:
10.P.7 Solve everyday problems that can be modeled using linear, reciprocal, quadratic, or exponential functions. Apply appropriate tabular, graphical, or symbolic methods to the solution. Include compound interest, and direct and inverse variation problems. Use technology when appropriate.
1. Guidelines for Using Credit 2. Credit Management 3. Reducing Cost of Installment Loans
Objectives: Essential Question: The student will be able to: What are ways to reduce the cost of an 1. To determine how much can be saved installment loan? by understanding the various terms that an installment loan may carry. 2. To compute the interest due, note reduction, and unpaid balance on a loan on a monthly basis.
Teacher Resources: Media and Technology Resources: ds/CheckingUnitLessonPlans.pdf asp son-plan-checking-accounts.html
Assessments: Suggested Instructional Practices:
Homework/Classwork: To be given daily on Note Taking Skills (Guided Notes) each introduced topic. Exit Tickets Class Discussion: Students will be expected Pre and Post Tests to be prepared for class, participate in class activities and actively engage in class discussion. Quiz: On topics discussed dealing with Consumer Credit. Week II, Quarter II Common Core State Standards
The Students Will:
10.P.7 Solve everyday problems that can be modeled using linear, reciprocal, quadratic, or exponential functions. Apply appropriate tabular, graphical, or symbolic methods to the solution. Include compound interest, and direct and inverse variation problems. Use technology when appropriate.
1. Amortization Schedules\ 2. Prepayment 3. Rule 78
Objectives: Essential Question: The student will be able to: Why do most loan agreements require the 1. To create an amortization schedule borrower pay more in the early months of for a loan. the loan period? 2. To calculate the total financed price with a lower-than-market-rate interest and rebate plans.
Teacher Resources: Media and Technology Resources: oads/CheckingUnitLessonPlans.pdf s.asp sson-plan-checking-accounts.html
Assessments: Suggested Instructional Practices:
Homework/Classwork: To be given daily Note Taking Skills (Guided Notes) on each introduced topic. Exit Tickets Class Discussion: Students will be Pre and Post Tests expected to be prepared for class, participate in class activities and actively engage in class discussion. Test: On topics discussed dealing with Consumer Credit. Week II, Quarter III Common Core State Standards
The Students Will:
10.P.7 Solve everyday problems that can be modeled using linear, reciprocal, quadratic, or exponential functions. Apply appropriate tabular, graphical, or symbolic methods to the solution. Include compound interest, and direct and inverse variation problems. Use technology when appropriate. UNIT FIVE: CREDIT CARDS
1. Uses of Credit Cards 2. Balances on Credit Cards 3. Advantages vs. Disadvantages of Credit Cards 4. Payment of Credit Cards Based on Fixed Payments
Objectives: Essential Question: The student will be able to: What are some similarities and 1. To describe how credit cards are used. differences between an installment 2. To determine the new balance that loan and credit card balance? will be shown on a credit card statement after a purchase is made. 3. To identify the advantages and disadvantages of credit cards. 4. To determine how long it takes to pay off a credit card balance if a fixed payment is made each month.
Teacher Resources: Media and Technology Resources:
Assessments: Suggested Instructional Practices:
Homework/Classwork: To be given daily on Note Taking Skills (Guided Notes) each introduced topic. Exit Tickets Class Discussion: Students will be expected Pre and Post Tests to be prepared for class, participate in class activities and actively engage in class discussion. Quiz: On topics discussed dealing with Credit Cards. Week IV, Quarter II Common Core State Standards
The Students Will:
10.P.7 Solve everyday problems that can be modeled using linear, reciprocal, quadratic, or exponential functions. Apply appropriate tabular, graphical, or symbolic methods to the solution. Include compound interest, and direct and inverse variation problems. Use technology when appropriate.
1. Interest Charges on Credit Cards 2. Protection of Credit Cards
Objectives: Essential Question: The student will be able to: How can you be a responsible 1. To understand the relationship between consumer when using credit cards? APR and interest charges. 2. To calculate credit account interest, payments, and balances.
Teacher Resources: Media and Technology Resources:
Assessments: Suggested Instructional Practices:
Homework/Classwork: To be given daily on Note Taking Skills (Guided Notes) each introduced topic. Exit Tickets Class Discussion: Students will be expected Pre and Post Tests to be prepared for class, participate in class activities and actively engage in class discussion. Quiz: On topics discussed dealing with Credit Cards. Week V, Quarter II Common Core State Standards
The Students Will:
10.P.7 Solve everyday problems that can be modeled using linear, reciprocal, quadratic, or exponential functions. Apply appropriate tabular, graphical, or symbolic methods to the solution. Include compound interest, and direct and inverse variation problems. Use technology when appropriate.
1. What is a Credit Score 2. Determination of Credit Scores 3. Your Credit Score
Objectives: Essential Question: The student will be able to: In which situations will it be an 1.) To determine an individual’s credit advantage to have a high credit score? rating, using a credit-scoring table.
Teacher Resources: Media and Technology Resources:
Assessments: Suggested Instructional Practices:
Homework/Classwork: To be given daily on Note Taking Skills (Guided Notes) each introduced topic. Exit Tickets Class Discussion: Students will be expected Pre and Post Tests to be prepared for class, participate in class activities and actively engage in class discussion. Test: On topics discussed dealing with Credit Cards and Credit Scores. Week VI, Quarter II Common Core State Standards
The Students Will:
1. Protection Against Identity Theft 2. Types of Identity Theft 3. Contacting Agencies About Identity Theft
Objectives: Essential Question: The student will be able to: Why is it important not to share your 1. Discover how consumers should social security number with others? protect themselves. 2. Learn places to contact if your identity is comprised.
Teacher Resources: Media and Technology Resources:
Assessments: Suggested Instructional Practices:
Homework/Classwork: To be given daily on Note Taking Skills (Guided Notes) each introduced topic. Exit Tickets Class Discussion: Students will be expected Pre and Post Tests to be prepared for class, participate in class activities and actively engage in class discussion. Quiz: On topics discussed dealing with Credit Theft. Week VII, Quarter II Common Core State Standards
The Students Will:
10.N.4 Use estimation to judge the reasonableness of results of computations and of solutions to problems involving real numbers.
UNIT EIGHT: Ownership
1. Car Ownership 2. Financing a Car 3. Operating Costs of a Car 4. Car Insurance
Objectives: Essential Question: The student will be able to: What are some differences between 1.) Compare terms for financing a owning and leasing a car? car. 2.) Compute operating costs of a car and total costs per mile. 3.) Examine several types of insurance available for car owners.
Teacher Resources: Media and Technology Resources:
Assessments: Suggested Instructional Practices:
Homework/Classwork: To be given daily on Note Taking Skills (Guided Notes) each introduced topic. Exit Tickets Class Discussion: Students will be expected Pre and Post Tests to be prepared for class, participate in class activities and actively engage in class discussion. Quiz: On topics discussed dealing with Ownership. Week VIII, Quarter II Common Core State Standards
The Students Will: : 10.N.4 Use estimation to judge the reasonableness of results of computations and of solutions to problems involving real numbers. 10.P.7 Solve everyday problems that can be modeled using linear, reciprocal, quadratic, or exponential functions. Apply appropriate tabular, graphical, or symbolic methods to the solution. Include compound interest, and direct and inverse variation problems. Use technology when appropriate. UNIT EIGHT: OWNERSHIP
1. Home Ownership 2. Mortgages, Down Payment, Points, and Closing Costs 3. Home Loans
Objectives: Essential Question: The student will be able to: What is the correct procedure you 1. To consider some of the advantages should take when beginning to look for and disadvantages of owning a home. a new house? 2. Recognize the major costs to consider when purchasing a house, including the price, the mortgage loan, points, down payment, closing costs, and the cost of new furnishings. 3. Compute the price of a home loan for which a family can qualify, on the basis of their monthly income.
Teacher Resources: Media and Technology Resources:
Assessments: Suggested Instructional Practices:
Homework/Classwork: To be given daily on Note Taking Skills (Guided Notes) each introduced topic. Exit Tickets Class Discussion: Students will be expected Pre and Post Tests to be prepared for class, participate in class activities and actively engage in class discussion. Test: On topics discussed dealing with Ownership. Week I, Quarter I Common Core State Standards
The Students Will:
10.P.7 Solve everyday problems that can be modeled using linear, reciprocal, quadratic, or exponential functions. Apply appropriate tabular, graphical, or symbolic methods to the solution. Include compound interest, and direct and inverse variation problems. Use technology when appropriate.
1. Federal and State Income Tax 2. Forms 1040A and 1040EZ 3. Completing Your Income Taxes
Objectives: Essential Question: The student will be able to: Do I have to pay or will I get a refund? 1.) Compare the tax owed with the amount withheld by the employer. 2.) Fill out forms 1040EZ.
Teacher Resources: Media and Technology Resources:
Assessments: Suggested Instructional Practices:
Homework/Classwork: To be given daily on Note Taking Skills (Guided Notes) each introduced topic. Exit Tickets Class Discussion: Students will be expected Pre and Post Tests to be prepared for class, participate in class activities and actively engage in class discussion. Quiz: On topics discussed dealing with Ownership.