What Laws Made Segregation Legal

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What Laws Made Segregation Legal

What laws made segregation legal? • Jim Crow Laws • Segregation

What is the opposite of segregation? • Integration • Desegregation

What kind did Booker T. Washington advocate? • Vocational Education • Teaching job skills

What African American leader advocated vocational education? • Booker T Washington

What did Washington believe? • Achieve equality through vocational education • Accept social segregation for now • Will earn respect and equality through hard work

What African American leader disagreed with Washington? W.E.B. DuBois • “The problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line.”

What was DuBois’ idea on race? • Full political and social rights should be demanded immediately • End segregation now

What organization was created to advance African American rights? • National • Association for the • Advancement of • Colored • People

What Supreme Court ruling allowed segregation? • Plessy v Ferguson(1896)

What was the Court’s ruling in Plessy? • Separate but equal • However the South ignored this ruling. • Things were always SEPARATE BUT NOT EQUAL!!!!!! What Supreme Court case ordered desegregation of schools? • Brown v Board of Education(1954) • Schools were note equal • Blacks felt inferior

What war did African Americans fight in to save democracy and rights around the world? • World War II

How did President Truman change the US Armed Forces? • Desegregated the US Armed Forces • Ended segregation in the US Armed Forces

Why was Rosa Parks arrested? • Would not give her seat up on a segregated bus • Montgomery, AL

What are the African American citizens of Montgomery, AL doing ? • Bus boycott

Who emerged as the civil rights leader from the Montgomery Bus Boycott? Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

What was King’s philosophy to end segregation? • Civil disobedience • Passive (non-violent) resistance

What are some examples of passive resistance? • Sit-ins • marches

Which of King’s philosophies did sit-ins follow? • Civil disobedience • Passive resistance

Who were Freedom Riders? • College students who challenged the Jim Crow –segregation laws in the South

What 2 laws (legislation) under President Lyndon Johnson were passed to end the Jim Crow Era? • Civil Rights Act 1964(ended segregation) • Voting Rights Act 1965(guaranteed voting rights)

What is the name given to Dr. King’s most famous speech?  “I Have a Dream” For what is Susan B Anthony remembered in the fight for women’s rights? • Women’s suffrage • Right to vote

What amendment gave women the right to vote? • 19th

What modern day concerns do women have? • Equal pay with men in the same job • Equal hiring practices for jobs • Equal opportunity in athletics in high school and college (Title 9)

What proposed amendment that failed was aimed at guaranteeing rights of women? • Equal • Rights • Amendment

What is the purpose of the organization called NOW? • National Organization of Women • Advance the cause of women’s rights and to insure women are treated fairly and equally

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