Cell Metaphor or Model Assignment Sheet

You may choose to create either a model or a metaphor representing the cell. You may choose plant, or an animal cell, but make sure you tell me which you chose! You may work with another student in any of my classes with prior approval.

Metaphor: A metaphor is a comparison of one thing to another. A good metaphor helps us understand the two things more clearly. (For example, the atom is sometimes compared to a miniature solar system; the solar system is a metaphor for the atom. Each part of the atom matches up with a part of the solar system.) Your job is to think of a good metaphor that helps us understand the organelles in a cell and their functions, and then use that metaphor to explain what a cell is and how it works. You may present your metaphor on a poster. It should include:  Descriptive Title, Heading  Brief overview or introduction to your metaphor. Don't forget to say whether you are representing a plant cell, animal cell.  More detailed explanation of each part of the cell and how it fits into the metaphor. Include as many parts of the cell as possible!  Include a diagram or picture.  A brief explanation of ways that your metaphor does NOT perfectly describe the cell. (For example, the solar system metaphor for the atom is not perfect, because the electrons do not move around the nucleus in predictable orbits.) Model: A model is a way of representing something too big or too small to be seen. A model helps us understand what we cannot otherwise see. You will design a three-dimensional model out of materials of your choice to help you understand the cell. Include:  All parts of the cell. Choose materials that help you understand the function of each organelle.  Labels or a written explanation that can be displayed with your model. Explain whether your model is of a plant or animal cell and explain which part of your model represents each organelle in the cell. You should also include your heading information!  A brief written explanation of ways that your model is NOT a perfect model of a cell. Tell which parts of the cell were difficult to include in your model, and why.  Please bring in your model in a way that it can be displayed easily and protected from damage! This counts as a project grade, so please put plenty of work into it! If you Your cell metaphor or model should be like this: want this grade: o You included everything listed on the assignment sheet. o Your work is very neat and attractive, and all writing is typed or in 4 pen. o You included all organelles and explained how they fit into your metaphor or model. o You reflected on ways that your metaphor or model is not a perfect representation of the cell. o Your metaphor or model is creative! o You have only 1-2 tiny spelling or grammar mistakes - or none! o You included everything listed on the assignment sheet. o Your work is neat and attractive, and all writing is typed or in pen. 3 o You included all organelles and explained how they fit into your metaphor or model, but your explanation is not always clear. Or you forgot one organelle. o You reflected on ways that your metaphor or model is not a perfect representation of the cell. o Your metaphor or model is creative! o You have only a few spelling or grammar mistakes. o You leave out one thing listed on the assignment sheet. o Your work is a little messy, or is written in pencil. 2 o You included most of the organelles and tried to describe how they fit into your metaphor or model. o You tried to include ways that your metaphor or model is not a perfect representation of the cell, but your explanation is not clear. o You have only a few spelling or grammar mistakes. o You leave out more than one thing listed on the assignment sheet. o Your work is very messy! 1 o You forgot many organelles, or you did not label or explain how the organelles fit into your model or metaphor. o You did not reflect on ways that your metaphor or model is not a perfect representation of the cell. o You make many spelling & grammar mistakes. You do not turn in a metaphor or model, or it is completely unacceptable. 0