Strategic Plan for Kotara High School 2014

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Strategic Plan for Kotara High School 2014

Strategic Plan for Kotara High School 2014 As of 1 April 2014

As a comprehensive, co-educational high school, our overall purpose is to increase expectations, capacity and achievement for students, staff and the community through the following strategic priorities:

1 School Context: Kotara High School is a comprehensive co-educational high school located in the city of Newcastle. We have approximately 1000 students and 100 staff including teachers and support staff. There is a significant enrolment of Aboriginal students and the school is committed to promoting its cultural and linguistic diversity. The school Index of School Socio-Educational Advantage (ICSEA) for 2013 is 1030 and was 1026 in 2012 and 1028 in 2011. This places us in the above average range for high schools. The school has more to do in increasing the academic achievement of the students in bands 4 and 5 and establishing clear pathways for all students into appropriate post school destinations. There is a broad academic curriculum, a strong vocational program and the opportunity for students to participate in a wide range of extra-curricular programs. Kotara High School has excellent programs in all Key Learning Areas. Student leadership in sports, the arts, school service and academic programs is actively developed. The school has above average attendance, full school uniform, declining suspension rates and a commitment to building positive relationships through personal responsibility.

The school prides itself on teamwork between staff, students, parents and members of the community. School values are embedded in all programs, practices & relationships. Kotara High has a strong Student Representative Council and a very active Parents and Citizens Association. Our school consistently achieves above average results in many subjects and competitions while providing a number of support programs for students with special needs. One such program is our Hearing Support Unit in which specialist teachers teach students from years 7 to 12 in specialist classrooms while also supporting students in mainstream classes. The school operates an effective and supportive program for our Gifted and Talented students. Our excellent results in public examinations over the years have won the school great respect in the region. Our reputation for delivering excellence is unchallenged.

The implementation of the school plan will be presented to the school’s P&C and monitored by the School Executive in its role as the school’s overall self- evaluation committee.

The executive will have direct responsibility and accountability for the implementation of the of annual whole school, faculty and team plans as well as annual whole school, faculty and team evaluation reports.

This plan has been sighted and endorsed by Director, Ms Jennifer Moody

Principal: ______Director: ______

Date: __28__ / __3__ / ___2014___ Date: ____ / ____ / ______

2 Purpose of Strategic Direction 1: Purpose of Strategic Direction 2: Purpose of Strategic Direction 3:

To develop long term sustainable Develoipment of a planned approach to Development of staff to fully structure to support curriculum, assessment & pedagogy across the whole support the 21 century learner in

assessment & pedgagogy of the school. the classroom and the school as a Australian Currriculum and the new whole. Senior 10-12 Curriculum Structure

The school plans to increase academic The school plans to meet and exceed state plan targets for The school will be recognised as a major performance of all students with a particular students and achieve above state averages in academic developer of intellectual, organisational, social, emphasis on the top 40% of students by using growth & value added in external tests. K-10 Numeracy professional, leadership and educational innovative structures and practices. Academic and Learning continuum will be a major focus over the next 2 capital. To achieve this, individual staff vocational achievement will continue to improve years. From Years 7 to 10 the school will be working to members will work with colleagues to through attention to 21st century learning skills, improve the level of growth in writing with a major implement the new national standards and lesson design and programs. The school is emphasis on engaging boys. The school will develop build the capacity, professional leadership and committed to each senior student doing his or her professional and student learning initiatives to address achievements of the teachers and best and leaving with a credential and a post Literacy & Numeracy in ways that ensure 95% of students administrative staff into the future. school pathway that is appropriate. Personalised achieve stage benchmarks and there is an increase in the student learning will be a major focus with percentage of students in the top band from the 2013 parents, students & teachers working together to levels in Year 9 NAPLAN. ensure personalised learning addresses universal, . targeted and intensive individual needs. The community has high expectations of our school.

3 • School plan 2013-14 Focus area: Curriculum Structure that support the 21st Century Learner

Purpose People Processes Products and Practices The school plans to increase academic Students: Students in Junior (7-9) KHS Learning & teaching INDICATORS – EXPECTATIONS, CAPACITY, performance of all students with a and Senior (10-12) school will be  Restructure of the senior school ACHIEVEMENTS particular emphasis on the top 40% of engaged in learning through a  Learning Support Teams & the Product: Student (perception survey) feedback indicates students by using innovative structures variety of curricular and extra- developing of individual that each faculty has lifted student expectations and and practices. Academic and curricular programs that will learning/behaviour/health care plans performance – cyclical and faculty reviews. increase their expectations, Product: Annual faculty plans contain specific actions to vocational achievement will continue  Plan It Youth to improve through attention to 21st capacity and achievement. build the capacity of teachers in curriculum design and delivery. century learning skills, lesson design KHS (Australian) Curriculum, Assessment and programs. The school is Product: Annual faculty plans contain specific actions to & Pedagogy (CAP) committed to each senior student Staff: 80 teaching staff will increase the capacity of students, particularly targeted doing his or her best and leaving with a oversee the delivery of learning  Programming groups including “middle” students. credential and a post school pathway activities and improved learning  Lesson design Product: Faculty annual reports contain specific that is appropriate. Personalised expectations, capacity &  Assessment & achievement evidence of improved student capacity in learning. achievement. Product: School and external evidence shows student learning will be a major focus standards improvement in student learning and achievement. with parents, students & teachers  Faculty specific capability curriculum Parents: Over 600 families will Product: New curriculum structures are in place to working together to ensure and assessment. engage with their children’s support the Year 10 moving into the senior years personalised learning addresses learning and through new and Practice: Students of Years 10 -12 meeting the universal, targeted and intensive KHS VET innovative programs and requirements of the senior years  ROSA & AQSA Assessment individual needs. The community has structures that will continue to Practice:: New ROSA assessments for students created development & refinement high expectations of our school. build the expectations of parents. & administered & rankings provided for all students  Audit compliance and systems Product: Developing skills aligned with VET improvement. PERFORMANCE MEASURES TO BE Project leaders: requirements in all KLA's with a focus on real skills and ACHIEVED Faculty projects - Head Teacher,  Working with other providers capabilities (vocational pedagogy) required in 21st Teaching &Learning, Faculty Head  Establishing Industry links century industries/workplaces. Increase the number of students Teachers and 2I/Cs  Training of new & retraining of VET Practice: New ROSA assessments for VET created & achieving Band 4+ at HSC from 59% of Early Commencement VET teachers administered & ROSA assessment rankings provided for all students in 2013 to 61% in 2014. Project C Dibben  Redevelopment of VET teaching all VET students Increase the retention rate Yr 10 to 11 ESES & ILPs – H/Ts Welfare& programs to include Early Product New Industry Links established. (Metal & to 81% in 2014 from 77% in 2013. Teaching & Learning & the Commencement in retail, sports Engineering and Retail will be our first target Welfare Team coaching and Metals and Engineering frameworks to be offered as Early Commencement in Year 10). KHS FACULTY PLANS Product: Inclusion of Sports Coaching in Year 10  Backward mapping of HSC skills Curriculum Offerings Product: New teaching programs, in the senior  T/L programs include the explicit curriculum developed for each Industry framework teaching strategies, differentiation of the curriculum & HSC skills.

4 Strategic Direction 1: Implementation Plan and Progress Monitoring

Project Leaders: Senior Executive & Head Teachers

Mid-Term 1 End-Term 1 Mid-Term 2 End-Term Mid-Term 3 End-Term 3 Mid-Term 4 End-Term 4 2 Milestones: Australian Milestones: Milestones: Milestones: Milestones: Milestones: Milestones: Milestones: Curriculum. Ongoing development of Faculty teams in place T/L Ongoing Ongoing development of T/L Ongoing development T/L programs for Yrs8 Staff assess and T/L programs for the AC teaching resources programs for Yrs 8 & 10 development of programs, resources.& assessment of T/L programs, & 10 ready for report against AC in Eng, Maths, Sc and Faculty Plans include around the AC. T/L programs, for 2015. Ongoing sharing & resources.& implementation in outcomes.. Hist for Yrs 9 &10 introduction of the national Ongoing sharing & resources & evaluation of teaching strategies & assessment for 2015. 2015. completed and being curriculum. evaluation of teaching assessment for resources amongst faculty. Ongoing sharing & Evaluation of 2014 implemented. A stage 4 strategies & resources 2015. Staff evaluation of teaching T/L programs and & 5 curriculum amongst faculty. assess and strategies & resources changes made. continuum in existence report against amongst faculty. AC outcomes. Ongoing sharing & evaluation of teaching strategies & resources amongst faculty. Yr 10 Curriculum All senior student have been Faculties share changes to Ongoing sharing Evaluation survey and processes Students and staff Based on the results All students New curriculum provide with access to and the curriculum structure in of strategies and determined. Ongoing evaluation of surveyed to evaluate of the surveys eligible for RoSA. structures are in place & guided through the school their areas and teaching teaching student’s perception of the new the effect of the adjustments made to students enrolled in assessment booklet and strategies and resources approaches in curriculum. curriculum changes. the curriculum and T/L appropriate subjects Yr subject schedules provide to for the senior students. relation to the Students successfully complete Each faculty carries programs. 10 T/L programs students. Evaluation of Ongoing evaluation of senior years. work experience out it own in faculty implemented. student’s perception of the student’s perception of Students make evaluation. new curriculum the new curriculum informed choices of subjects for Year 11/12. Staff assess and report against AC outcomes. VET T/L programs checked and Individual staff & courses All course Ongoing monitoring of student All work placements All relevant staff’s All course Requirements of ROSA & evaluated. Training identified and applications monitored by progress. completed. Training & qualifications are up monitored by Vet ASQA checked,& requirements identified. made. Dates of work Vet co- Ongoing PL by staff. Evaluation of Assessment Strategies to date. Evaluation of co-ordinator. adjustments made. Audit placement identified. ordinator,. Staff Early Commencement developed & program accurately Early Commencement Staff assess & documents submitted. assess & report Students gain completed. report via SBSR Career link informed via SBSR and qualifications and EBOS entry EBOS entry ESES/ ILP Meetings and profiles Use student profiles; Convey through TPL in Welfare SLST meeting. LaST visits to primary 2015 profile sheets Transition process established through reported needs and survey Exec and staff Welfare staff to use Student schools. 2015 profile completed & is completed to establish TPL needs. meetings Wellbeing site . Ongoing sheets distributed to Prioritise and develop observations. Review returned. Yr Ad & individualized Learning Ongoing prioritisation and Staff and prioritisation and development of primary school. Plans. Establish SLSO SLSO timetable. Review development of student individualised Learning Plans Ongoing prioritisation LaSTs to visit to see timetable. Meetings and processes and trial individualised Learning feedback. and development of current practices. Plans. individualised profiles established practices. Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing through observations Learning Plans prioritisation and prioritisation prioritisation and development of and development of individualised Learning development of individualised Plans. individualised Learning Plans 5 Learning Plans

Resources: Resources: Resources: Resources: Resources: Resources: Resources: Resources Teaching staff, Welfare Teaching staff, Welfare Team Teaching staff, Welfare Teaching staff, Teaching staff, Welfare Team & Teaching staff, Teaching staff, Teaching staff, Team & SLSOs & SLSOs Team & SLSOs Welfare Team & SLSOs Welfare Team & Welfare Team & SLSOs Welfare Team & Staffing & School Funds Staffing & School Funds Staffing & School Funds SLSOs Staffing & School Funds SLSOs Staffing & School SLSOs ESES funds ESES funds. ESES funds. Staffing & ESES funds. Staffing & School Funds Staffing & School $10000 $15000 $20000 School Funds $25000 Funds ESES funds. Funds ESES funds. ESES funds. $25000 ESES funds. $20000 $25000 $10000

Progress Update: Progress Update: Progress Update: Progress Progress Update: Progress Update: Progress Update: Progress Update: Update: Milestone status: Milestone status: Milestone status: Milestone Milestone status: Milestone status: Milestone status: Milestone status: Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red status: Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Green/ Amber/ Red Red Resource status: Resource status: Resource status: Resource status: Resource status: Resource status: Resource status: Resource status: Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red Red

• School plan 2013-14 Focus area: High performing dynamic learning environment

Purpose People Processes (see project details Products and Practices in milestone chart below) The school plans to meet and exceed state plan • Students: 1026 students will KHS ILNNP – , targets for students and achieve above state actively participate in a range of  Numeracy Continuum K-10 INDICATORS – EXPECTATIONS, CAPACITY, averages in academic growth & value added in broad learning experiences.  Targeted and intensive ACHIEVEMENTS external tests. K-10 Numeracy Learning continuum numeracy & literacy activities Practice: ILNNP Evaluation recommendations will be a major focus over the next 2 years. From • Staff: 80 teaching staff will  Examination of the 2013 implemented. Year 7 to 10 will be working to improve the level of oversee the delivery of targeted NAPLAN numeracy & literacy growth in writing with a major emphasis on and intensive learning activities results to develop explicit Product: New numeracy framework and templates engaging boys. The school will develop professional and improved learning teaching strategies & resources embedded in T/L programs. and student learning initiatives to address Literacy & expectations, capacity & for students at or about Numeracy in ways that ensure 95% of students achievement. minimum standards and in the Product: Increased percentage of students moving achieve stage benchmarks and there is an increase middle bands. from bottom two Bands of NAPLAN to higher bands • Parents: Our families will between Year 7 and 9. in the percentage of students in the top band from  To work closely with our engage with their children’s the 2013 levels in Year 9 NAPLAN. partner primary school in the learning and through new and Product: Increased percentage of students moving examination of the Year 7 innovative programs that will into the top band. NAPLAN results PERFORMANCE MEASURES TO BE continue to build the • Specific examination of the ACHIEVED expectations of parents. Practice: The expectations, capacity and higher achieving students areas achievements of Aboriginal students meet and of weakness in numeracy to Year 9 – Numeracy Project leaders: T Pulsford, L exceed school benchmarks in Numeracy develop explicit teaching Scobie & C Dibben 6 Decrease the number of students at Below Project team –P. Couper, S Jones, strategies & resources Practice: Areas of weakness for students in the top minimum standards in Year 9 Numeracy to 5.5% in K Spicer-Worth • Every student, every school will two bands in both Yrs 7 & 9 2013 identified and 2014 from 6% in 2013. Project Support – L Morton, & target and support any student strategies developed to address these. Faculty Head Teachers with a disability or perceived Increase the number of students at greater than or learning need. Practice: Numeracy identified in each T/L programs equal to expected grow the in Year 9 Numeracy from 67.5% in 2013 to 70% in 2014. and explicit teaching resources developed

Year 9 – Writing Practice: Strategies developed to engage boys more in the writing process Increase the average growth rate of Year 9 boys in writing. In 2013 the average growth rate of writing Practice: Explicit teaching of spelling is taught in the for girls was 2.5 times higher than boys. In 2014 the Years 7 to 9 classrooms. multplier between the boys and girls growth rate to be reduced to 2. Product: Explicit teaching resources developed for Increase the percentage of Year 9 students literacy & numeracy achieving expected growth rate in NAPLAN writing from less than 50% in 2013 to at least 50% in 2014. Product: Student comments on evaluations reflect increased expectations, greater learning capacity and higher achievement in Numeracy.

Strategic Direction 2: Implementation Plan and Progress Monitoring Project Leaders: Tim Pulsford & Lisa Scobie

Mid-Term 1 End-Term 1 Mid-Term 2 End-Term 2 Mid-Term 3 End-Term 3 Mid-Term 4 End-Term 4

Milestones: Numeracy Milestones: Milestones: Milestones: Milestones: Milestones: Milestones: Milestones: Numeracy Team Yrs 7 & 9 have access to Ongoing completion of Both Yrs 7 & 8 Ongoing completion of Development of subject Naplan results for 2014 Evaluation of Naplan operating. All students NAPLAN practice numeracy booklets. numeracy days numeracy booklets. specific numeracy received an analysis of results presented to Yr 7 to 9 completing questions on-line. Resources developed & successfully Faculties identify specific teaching resources. numeracy results by the staff. 2015 “Numeracy numeracy booklets each ”Numeracy Plus” top classes in 9/10 completed. Ongoing numeracy skills in Ongoing completion of numeracy team Plus” students day. Yr 7 Tested on program ready for targeted to extend completion of syllabuses. Allocation of numeracy booklets commenced. identified. Teaching numeracy. targeted Year 8 students their results. numeracy booklets. time to develop Students accessing Year 7 re-tested on resources developed for ready. Selected Yr 8 Students accessing Students accessing numeracy specific Maths –on-line numeracy and result the explicit teaching of students involved in Maths –on-line Maths –on-line resources within the collaborated with numeracy for 2015 & problem solving day. faculty T/L programs. NAPLAN results. beyond. Numeracy resources on Students accessing Maths Evaluation & Succession plan for the IPads upgraded. –on-line completion of ILNNP numeracy development All students have access project. Students beyond ILNNP to Maths-on-Line. accessing Maths –on- developed line Literacy Yrs 7 & 9 have access to Whole staff inserviced Further inservicing at Faculties present their Faculty literacy Naplan results for 2014 Evaluation of Naplan Yr 7 Tested for reading NAPLAN practice re writing. Week 6 staff meeting. literacy plans & identify resources developed. received an analysis of results presented to levels questions on-line. Faculty start Ongoing development areas for resource Literacy results by the staff Develop literacy plan Engage presenter re developing their of literacy plans development literacy team School & faculty plan writing for Term 2 SDD literacy plans commenced. Ongoing ready for development of faculty implementation in literacy resources. 2015.

7 Resources: Resources: Resources: Resources: Resources: Resources: Resources: Resources: Numeracy Team Numeracy Team Numeracy Team Numeracy Team External Presenter Numeracy Team. Maths Numeracy Team.. Numeracy Team. Numeracy Booklets Numeracy Booklets Numeracy & Extension Numeracy Booklets. Numeracy Team. Faculty On Line. Maths On Line ILNNP NAPLAN RESULTS & Literacy Team. Torch Maths On Booklets Maths On Line Maths On Line. staff. Maths On Line. Literacy Team Funds SMARTDATA Tests Literacy Team Literacy Team. External Literacy Team Literacy Team ILNNP & School Funds. NAPLAN RESULTS & Literacy Team ILNNP & School Funds. ILNNP & School Funds. Presenter ILNNP & School Funds ILNNP & School Funds. $25000 SMARTDATA. ILNNP & School Funds $5000 $17000 ILNNP & School Funds. $20000. $25000 Literacy Team $5000 $20000 ILNNP & School Funds. $18000

Progress Update: Progress Update: Progress Update: Progress Update: Progress Update: Progress Update: Progress Update: Progress Update: Milestone status: Milestone status: Milestone status: Milestone status: Milestone status: Milestone status: Milestone status: Milestone status: Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red

Resource status: Resource status: Resource status: Resource status: Resource status: Resource status: Resource status: Resource status: Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red

8 • School plan 2013-14 Focus area: Development of staff to fully support the 21 century learner in the classroom and the school as a whole.

Purpose People Processes Products and Practices The school will be recognised as a major • Students: All students will KHS Professional standards & INDICATORS – EXPECTATIONS, CAPACITY, developer of intellectual, organisational, be supported & engaged in accreditation ACHIEVEMENTS social, professional, leadership and learning by delivery of quality • KHS staff meet and maintain their  Practice:- TARS & EARS processes educational capital. To achieve this, lessons and resources that Institute of Teachers accreditation implemented individual staff members will work with address the curriculum and • Building bodies of evidence &  Product: Every teacher has an individual colleagues to implement the new national st standards and build the capacity, learning needs of the 21 portfolios PL plan with goals in relation to standards professional leadership and achievements of Century learner. • Achieving higher standards (teaching & learning), team contribution, the teachers and administrative staff into the • Staff: Teaching and SASS • Professional observation professional learning project & school future. staff will undertake sustained contribution. professional learning and Development of KHS Professional Product:- Each Faculty is operating as a PERFORMANCE MEASURES TO BE demonstrate professional learning teams and practices professional learning team and all staff have a ACHIEVED practice aimed at improved • Individual professional growth and professional learning plan by 2015 learning expectations, development (TARs, EARs and In 2014 have at least 2 staff members  Practice:- All new scheme teachers are capacity & achievement. professional learning plans) supported to meet and maintain the Institute of accredited to teacher each VET subject • Parents: Will engage with • KHS assessment & portfolios offered at KHS compared to 2013 when not Teachers accreditation. their children’s learning and all VET subjects have 2 accredited teachers.  Practice:- All staff are educated about the provide feedback to teachers VET accreditation. National Teaching Standards and the processes on the quality of their child’s In 2014 have at least 2 SASS able to  Increase and maintain teachers with VET involved. learning experiences. complete all office and administrative tasks accreditation Product: - National teaching standards are fully compared to 2013 when front office tasks • Better classrooms, instruction and implemented by 2016. were very individualized. Project Leaders relationships. Professional standards – L  Product: Increased number of teachers attempting the higher levels of accreditation within Scobie & M Jackson SASS learning the National Standards. Professional learning teams –  SASS develop an understanding of and  Practice:- All staff are trained in the Chris Dibben & Head able to efficiently use SAP, EBS4 and relevant areas of LMBR. Teachers Student Well Being • VET Accreditation– C Product:- All aspects of LMBR are functioning  Development of leadership density smoothly in 2014 and beyond. Dibben within SASS  Practice:- Training of VET teachers. • SASS Learning – P Prior & L KHS Professional leadership & Crispin supervision  Product:- All VET subjects offered can be Professional Leadership – S • Examination & development of taught by at least 2 fully trained teachers in the Barnett, C Dibben & L Morton improved professional learning relevant VET area. strategies & practices  Practice:- An examination of present PL  Executive leadership development practices at KHS involving all staff in the light of the • Aspiring leaders most up to date educational research. • Teacher leadership and teacher quality  Product: A whole school PL plan that – improved quality of classroom targets the learning needs of our students both in observation and professional feedback. the classroom and administration and is appropriately funded.

Strategic Direction 3: Implementation Plan and Progress Monitoring 9 Project Leaders: Senior Executive, Head Teacher Teaching & Learning & SAM

Mid-Term 1 End-Term 1 Mid-Term 2 End-Term 2 Mid-Term 3 End-Term 3 Mid-Term 4 End-Term 4

Milestones: Milestones: Milestones: Milestones: Milestones: Milestones: Milestones: Milestones: Data base Meet with all relevant staff School based PL Meet with relevant Inservice whole staff re Identify staff All T1/T2 reports Meet with all staff reflect where relevant to discuss & confirm 2014 activities recognised as staff to see where the National Teaching interested in the completed. interested in the Prof staff are in accreditation individual requirements. approved they are at with on Standards Professional Accomplishment level of process for the IOT line approval Accomplishment level accreditation.. of accreditation. Finances, Cashdesk, Roll Rolls marking procedures Extraction of reports in Staff understand and Staff using all sections of Evaluation of our Adjustment made to KHS administratively marking, student & well operating electronically all areas of LMBR. operating efficiently LMBR in an efficient and processes around practices around LMBR ready for 2015 being operating effectively. SBSR ready to Staff learning the new the HR processes. effective way LMBR efficiently. All classes go and staff using Student HR system entered& Excursion to management. All parents entered in Student invoiced management. Procedures re 2014 PL Discussion at exec level Evaluation of present PL Executive look at the All staff inserviced Further discussion A PL plan presented to 2015 school PL plan operational and about present PL practices practices and resourcing most up to date regarding PL and best about how PL should staff. fully funded ready for resourced. and resourcing research around PL & practice. look at KHS from 2015 implementation in 2015 best practice & into the future & beyond.

Teachers informed of Identify staff so all VET Individual staff & Ongoing training of Ongoing training of staff Training & Assessment Ongoing training of staff All 2015 VET courses any training up grades courses have at least 2 courses identified and staff & monitoring by & monitoring by the VET strategies accuratley & monitoring by the VET staffed by qualified required. trained staff applications made. the VET co-ordinator. co-ordinator. followed by all staff. co-ordinator. Staff plan teacher, T/L program s Staff implementing Staff implementing Ongoing training of for next co-hort completed and strategies & resources strategies & resources staff & monitoring by appropriately from PL. from PL. the VET co-ordinator. resourced.

Resources: Resources: Resources: Resources: Resources: Resources: Resources: Resources: Teaching & SAS staff Teaching & SAS staff Teaching & SAS staff Teaching & SAS staff Teaching & SAS staff Teaching & SAS staff Teaching & SAS staff Teaching & SAS staff BOSTIES BOSTIES BOSTIES BOSTIES BOSTIES BOSTIES BOSTIES BOSTIES National Teaching National Teaching National Teaching National Teaching National Teaching National Teaching National Teaching National Teaching Standards. Standards. Standards. Standards. Standards. Standards. Standards. Standards. LMBR Team LMBR Team LMBR Team LMBR Team LMBR Team LMBR Team LMBR Team LMBR Team Staffing and School Staffing and School funds Staffing and School External Providers External Providers External Providers Staffing and School Staffing and School funds $5000 $8000. funds $10000. Staffing and School Staffing and School Staffing and School funds $16000. funds $1000. funds $15000. funds $18000. funds $20000.

Progress Update: Progress Update: Progress Update: Progress Update: Progress Update: Progress Update: Progress Update: Progress Update:

Milestone status: Milestone status: Milestone status: Milestone status: Milestone status: Milestone status: Milestone status: Milestone status: Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red

Resource status: Resource status: Resource status: Resource status: Resource status: Resource status: Resource status: Resource status: Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red Green/ Amber/ Red


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