1. Call Meeting to Order
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COLLIN COUNTY PLANNING BOARD Minutes, September 4, 2014
1. Call Meeting to Order
Chairman Shep Stahel called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Commissioners Court conference room of the Collin County Jack Hatchell Administration Building. The following members were present: Shep Stahel (Chair), Don Thoes, Roger Bolin, Bill Mills, Buddy Dean, Bill Moore, Z Marshall, Todd Wintters, Bill Cox, Gerald Vokelek, Stan Sewell, and Mardy Brown. The following members were not present: Loretta Ellerbe, Bracy Wilson, and Joe Helmberger. Collin County staff present: Clarence Daugherty, Tracy Homfeld and Teresa Nelson. Guests: Denise Hickey, Public Relations and Water Conservation Manager with North Texas Municipal Water District.
The following is the order business was conducted:
3. Public Comments
4. Presentation by North Texas Municipal Water District
Shep introduced our guest, Denise Hickey, Public Relations and Water Conservation Manager for North Texas Municipal Water District. Denise is a resident of the City of Parker, a life-long county resident growing up in the City Plano. She distributed a handout titled “Critical Water Supply Trifecta” and provided a PowerPoint presentation allowing for questions/answers throughout her talk. She noted that NTMWD was created in late 1940’s to utilize flood storage water from Lake Lavon, when the population was 32,000 and now exceeds 1,000,000. The presentation highlights the following: water supply update, NTMWD background information, vision and history, plans for growth, Texas Water Development Board, Region C Water Planning Group, planning for drought, importance of conservation and the efficient use of water, raw water supply sources, Texoma Pipeline Extension, Lake Jim Chapman Project, Dallas Water Supply, Lower Bois D’Arc Creek Reservoir, and Riverby Ranch. A copy of the presentation is available by contacting the county engineering staff or Ms. Hickey.
5. Approval of May 1, 2014, Minutes
Don made a motion to approve, second by Buddy. Motion passed unanimously.
2. Introduction of new Director of Engineering
Clarence introduced himself by giving a brief overview of his previous employment with the County along with his most recent consulting position that oversaw the Mobility Plan Update. He commented that he’d like to see the plan updated more regularly.
6. Update and distribution of the approved Mobility Plan
Clarence gave the update to the board noting that once the board had seen the plan, it was presented to commissioners’ court whereby they provided over ninety comments requiring further changes to the plan. Clarence provided a brief overview of these final revisions. Each board member present was provided a copy of the plan. 7. Review, discussion and any action regarding the board’s bylaws (1998)
Shep stated the bylaws were dated 1998. He began the discussion to review the officer terms and posed the question whether two officers were enough. Z recommended that perhaps the chair should serve a two-year term. After a brief discussion the consensus determined that no changes were deemed necessary at this time.
8. Distribution of progress reports for the projects funded via the Housing Project Finance Assistance Program
Staff distributed progress reports from North Collin County Habitat for Humanity and The Samaritan Inn. Emily’s Place and City House did not submit. Staff was directed to obtain an update by the next meeting.
9. Future agenda items
. For Clarence to provide vision for Planning Board . Staff to provide update of current events (i.e. water, tolling lanes, current projects) . Staff to provide update of discretionary bond funds . Staff to provide information regarding RTR funds . Add county zoning to list of educational component, and also visit Fusion Center for a future meeting
10. Announcements
Shep asked members with expiring term limit (December 2014) to inform staff or commissioner of their aspiration to continue and/or resign as a board member.
11. Adjourn
The meeting adjourned at 8:54 p.m.