Mickleover Medical Centre
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MICKLEOVER MEDICAL CENTRE Minutes of Meeting of Mickleover PPG 17 October 2013
PRESENT Phil Coultas (Joint Chairperson), John Spray (Joint Chairperson), Wendy Potts, Sue Hartley, Yvonne Howard, Keith Pratt, Julia Vincent, Judith Williams, Sarah Brundish (Practice Manager), Mary Innes (Assistant Practice Manager)
The meeting started at 6.30pm.
1. Apologies/ Welcome / Introductions
Apologies received from Ken Diggins, George and Linda Wallbanks. Phil Coultas took the chair for this meeting with Sue Hartley taking notes which were subsequently typed up by Phil Coultas. On an on-going basis the Medical Centre was making available its upstairs staff room for use when there were late night surgeries. This is currently Tuesday and Thursday up until 8pm.The night for the next meeting will be chosen to suit the needs of the members.
2. PPG Secretarial Support
The current secretary, Ken Diggins, is not sure whether he will be remaining in the area. This should be clarified soon. Sue Hartley kindly volunteered to take notes at this meeting. . 3. Minutes of Meeting held on 12 June 2013
The minutes were agreed and would be signed by the chairperson at the next meeting when the secretary is available.
4. PPG Officer Discussions with CCG and Medical Centre - Phil Coultas
The attachment provided with the agenda for this meeting summarised the outcome of these very constructive and useful discussions.
5. Matters Arising not dealt with below
Phil Coultas advised that he was still working on an Induction Pack/Guidance Pack for the group.
CCG and Medical Centre feedback from South Derbyshire Clinical Commissioning Group meeting held a.m. 27 February 2013 - This workshop was the first such session organised by the recently formed CCG. It was recognised afterwards that its scope had proven to be too broad and this had reduced the ability to drill down and explore options sufficiently to address the issues raised both by the patient representatives in the morning and the clinicians / managers in the afternoon. The lessons learnt will be taken account of at future events. A detailed collation of the workshop proceedings has been circulated to PPG members.
Medical Centre feedback from PPG content of recorded Medical Practice Improvement Plans arising out of recent surveys and 2012/13 annual report - The practice was contractually obliged to get their annual report completed by end March. However, it was noted by all that last year (2012/13) was a year of great change which had affected practices planning processes. This year (2013/14) would be much better managed and the practice would be speaking with the PPG in good time. Refurbishment status – coathooks in place in toilets, highback chairs pending, car park floodlghting upgraded
Medical Centre representation at PPG meetings - Sarah Brundish (Practice Manager) has committed to attending the next few meetings and perhaps in the future it would be possible to get clinician input for part of the meeting as required.
'Electronic' cancelled appointment confirmation feedback - Sarah reported that this was not easily achieved. Sarah did give re-assurance that in such circumstances that the cancelled appointment was not classed as DNA.
6. Suggestion Box – Phil Coultas for George Wallbanks
. A request had been made for an additional handrail in the disabled toilet.
ACTION: Sarah to add to her 'to do list' and investigate
. Another request had been made for assistance for wheelchair users to have uncluttered access to the pavement and then entrance to the Medical Centre. The slope of the access to the entrance also caused problems. Problems had been encountered with access to the dropped curve being blocked by either taxis or cars. Sarah reported that the Medical Centre had asked the City Council for double yellow lines to be painted but this had been declined. Similarly a request for and additional dropped curve to be installed by the disabled parking bay had been declined.
ACTION: Yvonne Howard had offered to contact the patient and give them contact details of the local Neighbourhood Forum who may be able to assist. Phil also volunteered to add weight to this request on behalf of the PPG once the contact details were known.
7. Flu clinic support - Sarah Bruundish
The two major sessions went well with around 1900 people attending. The support of PPG members had helped things go smoothly and complements had been received.
8. Triage research survey - Sarah Brundish
The Medical Centre asked the PPG to devise a patient quesionnaire to provide feedback on the operation of the Triage Process since it was instigated around two years ago.
ACTION: Sarah to summarise the Triage process and advise on timescales
ACTION: PPG members to draft potential questions to be asked and pass them to Judith Williams who kindly offered to collate them for review and refinement at the next meeting on 12 November.
9. PPG Membership recruitment - John Spray
The history of such actions was reviewed and it was agreed that further action was necesaary on an on-going basis to maintain numbers. It was recognised that to recruit younger members would make the group more representative.
ACTION: John Spray to consider opportunities including advertising in local magazines 10. Future meeting topics - PPG webpages review, Understanding Practice Pressures, PPG contribution to Medical Centre 2013/14 annual report, Status report from 2012/13 patient survey improvement actions (telephone access), Availability of blood test appointments
11. Any Other Business
ACTION: Phil to pass notification of a forthcoming NHS Health Panel Meeting (21 November) to PPG members
Phil reported that he had applied for, been interviewed for and accepted as a lay representative on the Derby Commissioning Network Board
12. Date of Next Meeting
12 November 2013 6:30pm in the upstairs staff room at the medical centre
The meeting closed at 8pm