Kindergarten Health Curriculum

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Kindergarten Health Curriculum

Kindergarten Health Curriculum

Month Concepts Standards Activities Assessment Interdisciplinary Connections September/ Personal Health 2.1.K.A.2 Describe and  Demonstrating hand  Teacher Language Arts October demonstrate self-care practices washing observation  RL.K.1-6 that support wellness, such as  Showing where the  Oral discussion  RL.K.10 brushing and flossing teeth, classroom sink is  Projects  RI.K.1-2 washing hands, and wearing  Tour of bathroom;  Group writing  RI.K.4-5 appropriate attire for weather demonstration of  RI.K.10 or sports. facility use  W.K.1-3  W.K.7-8 Nutrition 2.1. K.C.1 Explain why some  Explain good foods  SL.K.1.a-b foods are healthier to eat than for your body others.  SL.K.2-3  Discuss healthy  SL.K.5-6 snacks versus  L.K.1.a-d unhealthy snack  L.K.5.c  L.K.6 Diseases and 2.1.K.D.4 Explain ways to  Demonstrate ways Health prevent the spread of diseases to cover a cough Science Conditions such as hand washing, and proper hand  5.5.2.A.1 immunizations, covering washing coughs, and not sharing cups,  Promote not sharing hats, or combs. Social Studies cups, food and  6.5.2.A.1-2 combs Visual and Performing Arts  Fire safety month Safety 2.1. K.E.2 Getting help and  1.2.2.A.4 activities calling 911.  1.2.2.B.1-2  Use fake phone to call 911  1.3.2.B.1  Role playing calling Technology 911  8.1.4.B.5-7  Discussion of class rules World Language  7.1.A  Role play Social and 2.1. K F.1 Explain that all  7.2.A Emotional Health human beings have basic appropriate needs including food, water, behavior and Kindergarten Health Curriculum sleep, shelter, clothing, and response Career Ready Practices love.  Talking out  CRP 3 problems  CRP 4 2.1. K F.2 Recognize various  Using words to  CRP 5 emotions and demonstrate solve problems sympathy and empathy.  Learning to state request, apologize, 2.1 .K F.3 Describe and and problems in demonstrate appropriate ways complete sentences to express wants, needs, and  Teacher emotions. demonstration of appropriate 2.1. K.F.4 Identify the possible response causes of conflict and discuss  Discussion of appropriate ways to prevent emotions in and resolve conflicts. literature and teacher read-aloud  Connection of character emotions to our own emotions

 Teacher modeling Communication 2.2. K.A.4 Demonstrate for listening skills effective communication and  Role playing and listening skills. verbal praise for effective communication

Relationships 2.4. K.A.4 Define friendships  Role play making and explain that friends are friends important throughout life  Discuss friendly remarks  Rainbow fish activity to demonstrate giving and sharing  Star of the week Kindergarten Health Curriculum  Name games to get to know each other November/ Nutrition 2.1. K.C.1 Explain why some  Explain good foods  Teacher Language Arts December foods are healthier to eat than for your body observation  RL.K.1-6 others.  Discuss healthy  Oral discussion  RL.K.10 snacks versus  Projects  RI.K.1-2 unhealthy snacks  Group writing  RI.K.4-5  RI.K.10 Diseases and 2.1. K.D.4 Explain ways to  Demonstrate ways  W.K.1-3 Health prevent the spread of diseases to cover a cough  W.K.7-8 Conditions such as hand washing, and proper hand  SL.K.1.a-b immunizations, covering washing coughs, and not sharing cups,  SL.K.2-3  Promote not sharing  SL.K.5-6 hats, or combs. cups, food and  L.K.1.a-d combs  L.K.5.c  L.K.6 Social and 2.1. K.F.1 Explain that all  Role playing Emotional Health human beings have basic appropriate Social Studies needs including food, water, behavior and sleep, shelter, clothing, and response  6.5.2.A.1-2 love.  Using words to Visual and Performing Arts solve problems 2.1. K F.2 Recognize various  1.2.2.A.4  Learning to state emotions and demonstrate request, apologize,  1.2.2.B.1-2 sympathy and empathy. and problems in  1.3.2.B.1 complete sentences 2.1. K.F.3 Describe and  Teacher Technology demonstrate appropriate ways demonstration of  8.1.4.B.5-7 to express wants, needs, and appropriate emotions. response World Language  Discussion of  7.1.A 2.1. K.F.4 Identify the possible  7.2.A causes of conflict and discuss emotions in literature and Career Ready Practices appropriate ways to prevent  CRP 3 and resolve conflicts. teacher read-aloud  Connection of  CRP 4 character emotions  CRP 5 to our own emotions Kindergarten Health Curriculum Communication 2.2. K.A.4 Demonstrate  Teacher modeling effective communication and for listening skills listening skills.

Relationships 2.4.K.A.4 Define friendships  Role play making and explain that friends are friends important throughout life  Discuss friendly remarks  Rainbow fish activity to demonstrate giving and sharing  Star of the week  Name games to get to know each other January/ Personal Health 2.1.K.A.2 Describe and  Demonstrating hand  Teacher Language Arts February demonstrate self-care practices washing observation  RL.K.1-6 that support wellness, such as  Showing where the  Oral discussion  RL.K.10 brushing and flossing teeth, classroom sink is  Projects  RI.K.1-2 washing hands, and wearing  Tour of bathroom;  Group writing  RI.K.4-5 appropriate attire for weather demonstration of  RI.K.10 or sports. facility use  W.K.1-3  W.K.7-8 Nutrition 2.1. K.C.1 Explain why some  Explain good foods  SL.K.1.a-b foods are healthier to eat than for your body others.  SL.K.2-3  Discuss healthy  SL.K.5-6 snacks versus  L.K.1.a-d unhealthy snack  L.K.5.c  L.K.6 Diseases and 2.1.K.D.4 Explain ways to  Demonstrate ways Health prevent the spread of diseases to cover a cough Science Conditions such as hand washing, and proper hand  5.5.2.A.1 immunizations, covering washing coughs, and not sharing cups,  Promote not sharing hats, or combs. Social Studies cups, food and  6.5.2.A.1-2 combs Visual and Performing Arts Kindergarten Health Curriculum Safety 2.1. K.E.2 Getting help and  Fire safety month  1.2.2.A.4 calling 911. activities  1.2.2.B.1-2  Use fake phone to  1.3.2.B.1 call 911  Role playing calling Technology 911  8.1.4.B.5-7  Discussion of class rules World Language  7.1.A Social and 2.1. K F.1 Explain that all  Role play  7.2.A Emotional Health human beings have basic appropriate needs including food, water, behavior and Career Ready Practices sleep, shelter, clothing, and response  CRP 3 love.  Talking out  CRP 4 problems 2.1. K F.2 Recognize various  CRP 5  Using words to emotions and demonstrate solve problems sympathy and empathy.  Learning to state request, apologize, 2.1 .K F.3 Describe and and problems in demonstrate appropriate ways complete sentences to express wants, needs, and emotions.  Teacher demonstration of 2.1. K.F.4 Identify the possible appropriate causes of conflict and discuss response appropriate ways to prevent  Discussion of and resolve conflicts. emotions in literature and teacher read-aloud  Connection of character emotions to our own emotions

Communication 2.2. K.A.4 Demonstrate  Teacher modeling effective communication and for listening skills listening skills.  Role playing and verbal praise for Kindergarten Health Curriculum effective communication

Relationships 2.4. K.A.4 Define friendships  Role play making and explain that friends are friends important throughout life  Discuss friendly remarks  Rainbow fish activity to demonstrate giving and sharing  Star of the week  Name games to get to know each other March/April Personal Health 2.1.K.A.2 Describe and  Demonstrating hand  Teacher Language Arts demonstrate self-care practices washing observation  RL.K.1-6 that support wellness, such as  Showing where the  Oral discussion  RL.K.10 brushing and flossing teeth, classroom sink is  Projects  RI.K.1-2 washing hands, and wearing  Tour of bathroom;  Group writing  RI.K.4-5 appropriate attire for weather demonstration of  RI.K.10 or sports. facility use  W.K.1-3

 W.K.7-8 Nutrition 2.1. K.C.1 Explain why some  Explain good foods  SL.K.1.a-b foods are healthier to eat than for your body others.  SL.K.2-3  Discuss healthy  SL.K.5-6 snacks versus  L.K.1.a-d unhealthy snack  L.K.5.c  L.K.6 Diseases and 2.1.K.D.4 Explain ways to  Demonstrate ways Health prevent the spread of diseases to cover a cough Science Conditions such as hand washing, and proper hand  5.5.2.A.1 immunizations, covering washing coughs, and not sharing cups,  Promote not sharing hats, or combs. Social Studies cups, food and  6.5.2.A.1-2 combs Safety 2.1. K.E.2 Getting help and Visual and Performing Arts  Fire safety month calling 911.  1.2.2.A.4 Kindergarten Health Curriculum activities  1.2.2.B.1-2  Use fake phone to  1.3.2.B.1 call 911  Role playing calling Technology 911  8.1.4.B.5-7  Discussion of class rules World Language  7.1.A Social and 2.1. K F.1 Explain that all  Role play  7.2.A Emotional Health human beings have basic appropriate Career Ready Practices needs including food, water, behavior and  CRP 3 sleep, shelter, clothing, and response  CRP 4 love.  Talking out  CRP 5 problems 2.1. K F.2 Recognize various  Using words to emotions and demonstrate solve problems sympathy and empathy.  Learning to state request, apologize, 2.1 .K F.3 Describe and and problems in demonstrate appropriate ways complete sentences to express wants, needs, and  Teacher emotions. demonstration of appropriate 2.1. K.F.4 Identify the possible response causes of conflict and discuss appropriate ways to prevent  Discussion of and resolve conflicts. emotions in literature and teacher read-aloud  Connection of character emotions to our own emotions

Communication 2.2. K.A.4 Demonstrate  Teacher modeling effective communication and for listening skills listening skills.  Role playing and verbal praise for Kindergarten Health Curriculum effective communication

Relationships 2.4. K.A.4 Define friendships  Role play making and explain that friends are friends important throughout life  Discuss friendly remarks  Rainbow fish activity to demonstrate giving and sharing  Star of the week  Name games to get to know each other May/June Nutrition 2.1. K.C.1 Explain why some  Explain good foods  Teacher Language Arts foods are healthier to eat than for your body observation  RL.K.1-6 others.  Discuss healthy  Oral discussion  RL.K.10 snacks versus  Projects  RI.K.1-2 unhealthy snacks  Group writing  RI.K.4-5  RI.K.10 Diseases and 2.1. K.D.4 Explain ways to  Demonstrate ways  W.K.1-3 Health prevent the spread of diseases to cover a cough  W.K.7-8 Conditions such as hand washing, and proper hand  SL.K.1.a-b immunizations, covering washing coughs, and not sharing cups,  SL.K.2-3  Promote not sharing  SL.K.5-6 hats, or combs. cups, food and  L.K.1.a-d combs  L.K.5.c  L.K.6  Discussion of class Social and 2.1. K.F.1 Explain that all rules Social Studies Emotional Health human beings have basic  Role playing  6.5.2.A.1-2 needs including food, water, appropriate sleep, shelter, clothing, and behavior and Visual and Performing Arts love. response  1.2.2.A.4  Talking out 2.1. K.F.2 Recognize various problems  1.2.2.B.1-2 emotions and demonstrate  Using words to  1.3.2.B.1 sympathy and empathy. Kindergarten Health Curriculum 2.1. K.F.3 Describe and solve problems Technology demonstrate appropriate ways  Learning to state  8.1.4.B.5-7 to express wants, needs, and request, apologize, emotions. and problems in World Language complete sentences  7.1.A 2.1 .K.F.4 Identify the possible  Teacher  7.2.A causes of conflict and discuss demonstration of appropriate ways to prevent appropriate Career Ready Practices and resolve conflicts response  CRP 3  Discussion of  CRP 4 emotions in  CRP 5 literature and teacher read-aloud  Connection of character emotions to our own emotions

2.2. K.A.4 Demonstrate  Teacher modeling Communication effective communication and for listening skills listening skills.  Role playing and verbal praise for effective communication

2.4. K.A.4 Define friendships  Role play making Relationships and explain that friends are friends important throughout life  Discuss friendly remarks  Rainbow fish activity to demonstrate giving and sharing  Star of the week  Name games to get to know each other Kindergarten Health Curriculum

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