Social Studies/Religion/Math Project

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Social Studies/Religion/Math Project


Social Studies/Religion/Math Project Grade 6

Purpose: to illustrate an understanding of religious and secular historical events, to illustrate an understanding of integers, their values, and their relationships

Method: Each student will create a timeline which includes negative and positive integers and religious and secular historical events.

Requirements: Each student will be given a sentence strip and will create a number line on it. The following must be included –  The number line should be numbered in 100 year increments beginning at 1200 BCE and ending at 1200 CE  The birth of Christ will be “0.” The years before His birth will be represented by negative numbers and the events after His birth by positive numbers.  Each 100 years must be labeled; for example, …, -300, -200, -100, 0, 100, 200, 300, …  The student must include at least 8 events which occurred before the birth of Christ and at least 8 events which occurred after the birth of Christ.  If an event occurs at a time not marked on the timeline (for example, in 612 BCE and not 600 BCE), the student must label that point with the correct integer; -612 in this example  Each religious/secular event must be represented on the number line by an appropriate symbol.  A legend must accompany the project. In the legend, the student must state what each symbol represents, the year the event occurred, and what the significance of the event is. The explanation should be two or three sentences long. The legend must be on a sheet of computer paper and may be either neatly typed or neatly hand-written.  The student must also complete the attached math sheet. The answers must be accurate, neat, and well thought out.  Before being given a sentence strip, each student must show a rough draft of the timeline to Mrs. Weeks who will check for math accuracy.

Timeline: The project will be assigned on ______during math class. You will have one class period to work on the project in math class. You will have ???? class period to work on it in religion and ???class periods to work on it in social studies. The project is due on ______during math class. Events for the Old Testament Timeline – A Brief History of Israel (All BCE)

Genesis – Left of Timeline (Special) Babylonian Conquest– 586 Exodus Event -1200 Persian Conquest – 539 The United Monarchy 1000 Temple is Rebuilt – 515 The Monarchy Splits 900 Greek Conquest – 333 Assyrian Conquest– 722 Maccabean Revolt – 167 King Josiah of Judah – 640 Roman Conquest – 64

Mr. Tobin will provide each student with sources they should consult to complete their timeline. Students must include the Exodus Event and the Roman Conquest to act as “bookends” for their Old Testament Timeline; the other 6 events will be chosen by the student.

Events for the Life under Roman Rule Timeline- A Brief History of Christianity Jesus in born (6 BCE) Three events that occurred during Jesus’ life Nero sets fire to Rome (64 CE) Valerian persecutes Christians and even Pope Sixtus II (258 CE) Diocletian and Maximian order a general persecution of the Christians (303 CE) Battle of Milvian Bridge (312 CE) Edict of Milano (313 CE) Byzantium (324 CE) Theodosius I (380 CE) The third Hagia Sophia is completed (537 CE) The Great Schism 1054 NAME______DATE______CLASS______

Math Worksheet Social Studies-Religion-Math Project

1. Which event on your time line occurred farthest from the birth of Christ?

a. Name the event______(1)

b. In what year did this event occur? ______(1)

c. With what integer did you represent this event on your timeline? ______(2)

d. Explain how you know this event is farthest from the birth of Christ.



______(2 points)

2. Which event on your time line occurred closest to the birth of Christ?

a. Name the event______(1)

b. In what year did this event occur? ______(1)

c. With what integer did you represent this event on your timeline? ______(2)

d. Explain how you know this event is closest to the birth of Christ.



______(2 points) 3. Events on the ends of your timeline.

a. Which event is the furthest to the left on your timeline? (1 point)



b. What integer represents this event? ______(2)

c. Which event is the furthest to the left on your timeline? (1 point)



d. What integer represents this event? ______(2)

e. How far apart, in years, are these two events? ______(3)

f. Explain how you determined how far apart these events are.



______(4 points) NAME______DATE______CLASS______

Math Grading Rubric Social Studies-Religion-Math Project

Rough draft approved by Mrs. Weeks ______(3)

Time line is properly labeled in units of 100 ______(2)

Time line is correctly labeled: integers are ______(3) in the proper order

The birth of Christ is labeled as “0” ______(1)

There are at least 8 events labeled before ______(2) the birth of Christ

There are at least 8 events labeled after ______(2) the birth of Christ

Math worksheet ______(25)

Project is neat ______(5)

Rubric is turned in with project ______(2)

TOTAL ______(40) Old Testament Timeline – A Brief History of Israel Purpose: Students will learn a basic history of Ancient Israel while also learning about integers – their values, and their relationships. Requirements: Aside from the requirements listed on the Project Overview (given in Math Class), the Old Testament Timeline will require each student to research and gain a basic understanding of eight events in the history of Israel from both a religious and historical perspective. Using their research, students will write summary paragraphs to explain the importance of each event on their timeline. Each paragraph should contain the following information: - Historical Factors: the significant facts surrounding the event?

- Religious Significance: Why is this an important moment in Israel’s Covenant relationship to God or the broader context of Salvation History?

Events for the Timeline: Students must include the Exodus Event and the Roman Conquest to act as “bookends” for their Old Testament Timeline; the other 6 events will be chosen at the student’s discretion. Genesis – Left of Timeline (Special) Babylonian Conquest– 586 BCE Exodus Event -1200 BCE Persian Conquest – 539 BCE The United Monarchy 1000 BCE Temple is Rebuilt – 515 BCE The Monarchy Splits 900 BCE Maccabean Revolt – 167 BCE Assyrian Conquest– 722 BCE Roman Conquest – 64 BCE King Josiah of Judah – 640 BCE

Sources: Using the Textbook, students will be able to research their various events.

Genesis – Left of Timeline (Special) - Class Notes King Josiah of Judah – 640 - Textbook pgs. 32-39 - Textbook 188 - See Mr. Tobin Babylonian Conquest– 586 Exodus Event -1200 BCE - Textbook pgs. 188- 189 - Class Notes Persian Conquest /Return from Exile– - Textbook pgs. 106-103 539 The United Monarchy 1000 - Textbook Pg. 202 - Textbook pgs. 134-139 Temple is Rebuilt – 515 The Monarchy Splits 900 - Textbook Pgs. 202-203 - Textbook 172-173 Maccabean Revolt – 167 Assyrian Conquest– 722 - Textbook Pgs. 212-214 - Textbook 176-177 Roman Conquest – 64 - Textbook Pgs. 214-215 NAME______DATE______CLASS______

Religion Grading Rubric Social Studies-Religion-Math Project Rough draft approved by Mr. Tobin ______(3) (Old Testament History and Events)

Timeline is properly labeled in units of ______(2) 100

Timeline events are labeled with ______(3) symbols and accompanied by a legend

The events placed on the timeline are ______(2) in proper chronological order.

Event Paragraph describes the ______(25) historical and religious significance.

Project is neat, accurate, and well ______(5) thought out.

TOTAL ______(40)

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