H. Michael Harrington

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H. Michael Harrington

H. M. Harrington Rev 1/9/2018

PUBLICATIONS H. Michael Harrington

1. Harrington HM, Smith IK (1977) Cysteine transport into cultured tobacco cells. Plant Physiol. 60:807-811. 2. Harrington HM, Smith IK (1980) Cysteine metabolism in cultured tobacco cells. Plant Physiol. 65:151-155. 3. Harrington HM, Henke RR, Berry SL (1980) Dynamic solute uptake in cultured tobacco cells. IN: RM Spanswick, Lucas WJ, Dainty J, Eds., Plant Membrane Transport: Current Conceptual Issues, pp. 563-564, Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press, Amsterdam. 4. Harrington HM, Henke RR, Constantin MJ (1980) Amino acid transport into cultured tobacco cells. IN: RM Spanswick, Lucas, WJ, Dainty J, Eds., Plant Membrane Transport: Current Conceptual Issues, pp. 561-562, Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press, Amsterdam. 5. Harrington HM, Henke RR (1981) Amino acid transport into cultured tobacco cells. I. Lysine uptake. Plant Physiol. 67:373-378. 6. Berry SL, Harrington HM, Bernstein RL, Henke RR (1981) Amino acid transport into cultured tobacco cells. III. Arginine transport. Planta 153:511-518. 7. Harrington HM, Berry SL, Henke RR (1981) Amino acid transport into cultured tobacco cells. II. Effects of calcium. Plant Physiol. 67:379-384. 8. Takemoto BK, Noble RD, Harrington HM (1986) Differential sensitivity of duckweeds (Lemnaceae) to sulfite. II. Thiol production and hydrogen sulfide emission as factors influencing sulfite phytotoxicity under low and high irradiance. New Phytol. 103:541-548 9. Harrington HM, Alm DM (1988) Interaction of heat and salt shock in cultured tobacco cells. Plant Physiol. 88:618-625. 10. Moisyadi S, Harrington HM (1989) Characterization of the heat shock response in cultured sugarcane cells. Plant Physiol. 90:1156-1162. 11. Chang S-H, Harrington HM (1994) Salt stress-induced changes in protein kinase activities in sugarcane cells. IN: Eds Davenport TL, Harrington HM. Proceedings of Plant Stress in the Tropical Environment Symposium. Univ. of Florida. pp 88-91. 12. Dharmasiri S, Harrington HM (1994) Purification of an 18 kD autophosphorylating protein kinase from heat-shocked sugarcane cells. IN: Eds Davenport TL, Harrington HM. Proceedings of Plant Stress in the Tropical Environment Symposium. Univ. of Florida. pp 131-133. 13. Dash S, Harrington HM (1994) Purification of a calmodulin binding fusion protein from a heat shock tobacco cDNA clone, pTCB60. IN: Eds Davenport TL, Harrington HM. Proceedings of Plant Stress in the Tropical Environment Symposium. Univ. of Florida. pp 133-135. 14. Lu Y-T, Harrington HM (1994) Isolation of calmodulin binding protein cDNA clones and identification of a calmodulin binding domain. Plant Physiol and Biochem. 32:413-422. 15. Moisyadi S, Dharmasiri S, Harrington HM, Lukas TL (1994) Characterization of a low molecular weight phosphoprotein in cultured sugarcane cells and its identification as nucleoside diphosphate kinase. Plant Physiol. 104:1401-1409 16. Hu JS, Sether, DM, Harrington HM, Ullman, DE (1995) Two-step heat treatment of pineapple crowns increases thermotolerance, Hort Technol. 5:63-65. 17. Lu, YT, Dharmasiri, MAN, Harrington HM (1995) Characterization of a cDNA encoding a novel heat shock protein that binds to calmodulin. Plant Physiol. 108:1197-1202. 18. Dash S, Niemaczura W, Harrington HM (1997) Characterization of the basic amphiphilic - helix calmodulin binding domain in a 61.5 kd tobacco calmodulin-binding protein. Biochem.

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36:2025-2029. 19. Markrich M, Harrington HM (1998) The potential for commercial biotechnology and advanced technology agriculture in Hawaii. University of Hawaii 20. Harrington. HM (2000) Toward a Shared Vision for the Western Region. WAAESD 21. A Science Roadmap for Agriculture (co-author with 23 others) (2001) National Association of Land Grant Universities and State Colleges, 75 pp. 22. MacKenzie DR, Donald S, Harrington HM, Heil R, Helms TJ, Lund D (2002) Methods in Science Roadmapping: How to Plan Research Priorities 23. X Li, T Borsics, HM Harrington, DA Christopher (2005) Arabidopsis AtCNGC10 rescues potassium channel mutants of E. coli and yeast and is regulated by calcium/calmodulin and cyclic GMP in E. coli. Vol. 32 No. 7: 643 - 653, Functional Plant Biology 24. Sunethra Dharmasiri, H. Michael Harrington and Nihal Dharmasiri (2010 Heat shock modulates phosphorylation status and activity of nucleoside diphosphate kinase in cultured sugarcane cells, Plant Cell Rep 29:1305–1314 25. A Science Roadmap for Agriculture (co-author with 55 others) (2010) Association of Public and Land Grant Universities 104 pp.

Invited Articles and Book Chapters 1. Vernon R, Harrington HM (1984) The Wheeler Orchid Collection and Species Bank. The Florida Orchidist 27:172-175. 2. Roberts DM, Lukas TJ, Harrington HM, Watterson DM (1986) Molecular mechanisms of calmodulin action. IN: Molecular and Cellular Aspects of Calcium in Plant Development. Ed. A. J. Trewavas. Plenum Publishing Corp., New York. pp 11-18. 3. Harrington, HM, Moisyadi S, Lu Y-T (1990) Structural and functional analysis of heat shock proteins. IN: RT Leonard, PK Hepler eds. Calcium in plant growth and development. The American Society of Plant Physiologists Symposium Series Vol 4. pp 161-167. 4. Harrington HM, Moisyadi S, Dharmasiri S (1993) Characterization of a low molecular weight phosphoprotein in sugarcane cells IN: Ed. D Randall. 12th Annual Missouri Plant Biochemistry Molecular Biology and Physiology Symposium. Plant Protein Phosphorylation, Plant Protein Kinases and Phosphatases, Plant G proteins. pp 47-48. 5. Harrington HM, Dash, S, Dharmasiri S, Dharmasiri MAN (1994) Heat Shock Proteins: A search for functions. Aust. J of Plant Physiol. 21:843-855. 6. Harrington HM (1994) Functional analysis of heat shock proteins. IN: Eds Davenport TL, Harrington HM. Proceedings of Plant Stress in the Tropical Environment Symposium. Univ. of Florida 7. Harrington HM (2000) Agriculture in Hawaii: A Vision for the Future. Hawaii Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism Annual Report.

Publications and Videos Edited and Produced 1. Samoan Medicinal Plants and Their Usage (1993) (ADAP 93-1, 111pp 2. Pacific Islands Farm Manual 1993 240 pp 3. Instructional Materials Needs Assessment of Pacific Land Grant Institution 1994 (ADAP 94-1) 4. Proceedings of the Symposia for the Improvement of Resident Instruction 1994 (ADAP 94-3) 33pp 5. Pacific Islands Cookbook 1994 (ADAP 94-4) 160 pp 6. Pacific Island Foods Resource Manual 1994 (ADAP 94-5) 7. Pacific Islands SPACES: 1994 Youth Development Activities (ADAP 94-6) 46 pp 8. Crop Production for Pacific Islands: Instructor Manual 1994 (ADAP 94-7) 125 pp, 35 transparency masters 9. Crop Production for Pacific Islands: Student Workbook, 1994 (ADAP 94-8) 86 pp

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10. Crop Protection for Pacific Islands: Instructor Manual, 1994 (ADAP 94-9) 140 pp, 40 transparency masters. 11. Crop Protection for Pacific Islands: Student Workbook 1994 (ADAP 94-10) 180 pp 12. American Pacific Pesticide Applicator Training Manual 1995 (ADAP 95-1) 194 pp 13. Grafting Tropical Fruit Trees-video (1995) (ADAP 95-3V) 1:20 min 14. Exotic Tropical Fruit Trees-video (1995) (ADAP 95-4V) 1:14 min 15. Tropical Fruit Production Extension Manual (1996) (ADAP 96-3) 34pp 16. Animal Health Swine Production Manual (1996) (ADAP 96-4) 121pp 17. Other ADAP Publications produced by AIMS: 18. Chuuk Food Choices for Healthy Living 1995 (ADAP 95-2) 36pp 19. Samoa Food Choices for Healthy Living 1994 (ADAP 94-1) 26 pp 20. Hawai'i Food Choices for Healthy Living 1994 (ADAP 94-2) 34 pp 21. Guam Food Choices for Healthy Living 1994 (ADAP 94-3) 42 pp 22. Marshall Islands Food Choices for Healthy Living 1995 (ADAP 95-1) 38pp

Grantsmanship Manuals 1. Writing Winning Grants 2005,Vol. 1 2. Writing Winning Grants 2006, Vol. 2 3. Writing Winning Grants 2007, Vol. 3 4. Writing Winning Grants 2008, Vol. 4 5. Writing Winning Grants 2009, Vol. 5 6. Writing Winning Grants 2010, Vol. 6 7. Writing Winning Grants 2010, Vol. 7 8. Writing Winning Grants 2011, Vol. 8


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