A) External Evaluations (You Will Need a Minimum of 4 + Your Own)
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Who am I? Poster
The following activity is a self examination and exploration that will end with each person developing a POSTER of himself / herself on Adobe Photoshop OR Comic Life showing "My Many Faces". We all portray ourselves differently in different situations, and with different people; this poster attempts to open our eyes to who you really are.
There are two accompanying surveys that you must complete before you begin your poster. You might find that the person you think you portray might be very different to different people. The handouts are: a) External evaluations (you will need a minimum of 4 + your own) b) Self - Reflection
Be open minded about the data you collect AND be honest with the people you are evaluating. You might not agree with what people think about you, but their view must be considered and analyzed.
Based on Step 1, you will need to begin collecting pictures, images, symbols, words, and quotes that you think answer the question: Who am I? We need images that will express who you are as a whole person, not just as "John the student", or "Julie the athlete", but a mix of everything. Step 3: CREATING THE POSTER / PANEL
Your poster or panel will reflect who you are... pay attention to organization of images, use of colour (or shades of light and dark) and words / phrases.
Posters will be sent to the printer, and cost $3.00 each. They will then be displayed in the Display Case at school.
External Evaluation: Who am I? Please fill in the following information based on what you know about me OR what you think about me from observations.
Ethnicity / Culture
Interests / Hobbies
Other Self Reflection: Who am I?
Vital Statistics: Using the characteristics you have already defined on the external evaluation handout (clothing, hair, music, gender, ethnicity, interests etc), and anything else you see as relevant information, explain how this effects the impressions others might have on you and what you are communicating to them?
Parents / Family
Teachers Who Am I? Rubric
Teacher Name: Miss Chong Student Name: ______
CATEGORY Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 APP Graphics are all in Most graphics are in Most graphics are in Many graphics focus and the content focus and the content focus and the are not clear or Graphics easily viewed and easily viewed and content is easily are too small. -Clarity identified identified viewed and Graphics are identified blurry or pixilated. T/I All graphics are related All graphics are All graphics relate Graphics do not to the topic and make related to the topic to the topic. relate to the Graphics - it easier to understand. and most make it topic Relevance easier to understand.
APP All items of importance Almost all items of Several items of Labels are too on the poster are importance on the importance on the small to view OR Words / clearly labeled with poster are clearly poster are clearly no important Captions labels, quotes, labeled with labels, labeled with labels items were /Labels descriptors that can be quotes and descriptors that can be read labeled. easily read that can be read
K/U Poster exceptionally Poster portrays an Poster portrays a Poster lacks a portrays an accurate accurate and somewhat analytical analytical Knowledge and critical analytical representation of representation of Gained representation of the representation of the the student. Poster the student. student. Poster clearly student. Poster attempts to Poster needs to articulates the true articulates the essence articulate the more clearly essence and and personality of that essence and articulate the personality of that relate to the theme personality of that essence and relate to the theme “My Many Faces” and relate to the theme personality of “My Many Faces” and draws upon the “My Many Faces” that relate to the draws upon the external evaluations and draws upon the theme “My Many external evaluations and self reflections. external evaluations Faces” and self reflections. and self reflections. COMM The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is exceptionally attractive attractive in terms of acceptably distractingly Attractiveness in terms of design, design, layout and attractive though it messy or very layout, and neatness. neatness. may be a bit messy poorly designed. The finished product or could have been It is not shows exact care with improved with a few attractive. each element. more hours of work.