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American Council on Education

American Council on Education Office of Women in Higher Education ACE Network Executive Board Minutes of the June 18, 2003 Conference Call

Participating from the ACE Network Executive Board: Josefina Baltodano, Bernice Bass de Martinez, Edith Booker, Kristin Davidson, Judith Fountain, Teresa Gonzalez, Madlyn Hanes, Carol Hollenshead, Delores Honey, Mary Kitterman, Deborah Loers, Elaine Maimon, Judith Prince, Cynthia Smith Forrest, Debbie Sydow, Josephine Reed-Taylor. Participating from OWHE: Claire Van Ummersen, Donna Phillips.

Report from ACE/OWHE

Sloan Grant Dr. Claire Van Ummersen, Vice President for OWHE, announced that OWHE has received a Sloan Grant. The board congratulated Dr. Van Ummersen for this accomplishment. She indicated that the grant would provide assistance for staffing at OWHE, making it possible for the office to continue to develop the networks and other proposed projects.

International and National Conference Participation Dr. Claire Van Ummersen shared information on her recent presentation at an international conference on "Women's Advancement and Leadership" in Mexico. At least 30 countries sent delegates to the conference that was sponsored by the International Association of University Presidents and the International Association of Universities, which is a part of UNESCO. The President of the International Association of Universities expressed interest in the state networks, and she talked with Dr. Van Ummersen about the possibility of a "train the trainer" program following the model of the state networks to assist other countries in the development and advancement of women leaders.

Dr. Van Ummersen is continuing to increase the visibility of ACE and OWHE through participation in a number of national conferences. Dr. Van Ummersen participated in a women’s athletic conference in Ohio that was attended by 150 women. On June 9, 2003, Dr. Van Ummersen participated in a special session of HERS for athletic administrators interested in becoming athletic directors. She will speak at the regular HERS Institute as well. She will participate in the National Association of Coaches and Women Athletics Administrators (NACWAA) conference in July.

Program Review for OWHE A team of professionals has been named for the Program Review of the Office of Women in Higher Education. The review team will be composed of Dr. Carol Hollenshead, Director of the Center for the Education of Women at the University of Michigan; Dr. Gordon A, Haalland, President of Gettysburg College and member of the ACE Commission on Women; and Dr. Ann Die, former president of Hendrix College in

1 Arkansas and current head of a national executive search firm. The board expressed their delight at the participation of an ACE Network Executive member, Dr. Carol Hollenshead, in the review process. The program review of OWHE will begin in Fall 2003

June 2003 Forum Dr. Judith S. Prince stated that she had received a note from a participant in the June 2003 Leadership Forum in which the participant described the forum as the best professional development experience she ever had. Madlyn Hanes and Carol Hollenshead received similar feedback from participants they knew. Dr. Van Ummersen was congratulated on such a successful leadership development experience for women in higher education from throughout the country.

End-of-the-Year Reports from State Networks Dr. Donna Phillips, Associate Director of OWHE, will provide board members with an up-to-date list of states that have submitted End-of-the-Year Reports. Board members are requested to continue to contact state coordinators until all reports have been received by OWHE. Dr. Van Ummersen emphasized again the importance of the reports to the program review that is in process for the Office of Women in Higher Education and to the preparation of the final report for the Kellogg Grant that provided travel funds to the 2003 State Coordinators Conference. Dr. Phillips will use the reports to write the self- study for OWHE in July 2003.

ACTION ITEM: ACE Network Executive Board members should review the list of End-of-the-Year Reports received by OWHE to assure that states for which they serve as liaison have submitted a report.

Report from the Chair Prior to the conference call, Judith Prince distributed a map of the states to the board marking the geographical location of ACE Network Board members. She asked the board, to analyze the map to determine regions of the country that were not represented by a board member. Clearly, the Western states and the Southern states need more representation on the national board. Dr. Elaine Maimon commented that part of the success of the Leadership Forum for Arizona Women in Higher Education was the participation of all three presidents from the major Arizona State universities. She felt that her membership on the board and her role in higher education in Arizona enabled her to engage these leaders in the forum. The addition of a board member to the ACE Network Executive Board from the Western states could augment the work of the state coordinators in those states.

It was agreed that the first priority for a board member to replace Dr. Syblil Todd would be a board member from a Western State. Dr. Madlyn Hanes recommended Dr. Dene Thomas, President, Lewis-Clark College, in Idaho, as a potential board member. Dr. Thomas accepted the ACE Network Award at the February 2003 State Coordinators Conference. Dr. Peggy Gordon Miller, President of South Dakota State University, was recommended as a potential board member as well. Dr. JoAnne McFarland in Wyoming

2 was mentioned as a potential board member. Dr. Hanes will contact Dr. Thomas to determine if she is interested in service on the ACE Network Executive Board.

ACTION ITEM: Dr. Madlyn Hanes will contact Dr. Dene Thomas, President, Lewis-Clark State College, to determine if she would be interested in serving on the ACE Network Executive Board.

Report from the NetworkNews Editorial Board Ms. Kristin Davidson and Dr. Judith Fountain are co-editing the July 2003 issue of NetworkNews. The July issue will feature a President's Perspective from Jeanie Watson, President of Nebraska Wesleyan University; a message from the new chair of the ACE Network Executive Board, Dr. Josephine Reed-Taylor; an article on Dr. Emily Taylor, former director of OWHE by Judith Prince; an article on the new immigration laws and the impact on international students attending college in the United States by Dr. Joyce Randolph; an article on the successful Arizona Leadership Conference by Margaret Hatcher, State Coordinator of Arizona; information on the new women college presidents recently named, and much more.

The board thanked Kristin Davidson for the outstanding leadership she had provided as editor in the first year of NetworkNews. Judith Fountain will assume the role as editor of NetworkNews after the July issue.

ACTION IEM: The ACE Network Executive Board expressed its deepest appreciation of the leadership provided by Kristin Davidson as first editor of the ACE NetworkNews.

ACE Network Executive Board Summer Retreat Dr. Josephine Reed-Taylor discussed a draft of the agenda she prepared for the 2003 ACE Network Executive Board Summer Retreat to be held in Chicago. She asked board members to volunteer to lead discussion sessions for the retreat. Judith Fountain asked that a future draft of the agenda identify the specific outcomes for each session. What do we want to accomplish as a board during each session of the retreat? By having what we hope to accomplish clearly indicated on the agenda, our work together as a board would be more productive.

ACTION ITEM: In preparing a final draft of the 2003 Retreat Agenda, the Chair of the ACE Network Executive Board should provide proposed outcomes for each session.

The session during which the board would participate in a modified presentation of the Diversity Leadership Module was discussed. Judy Prince reminded the board that the purpose of this session is for the board to experience the module before proposing it as a resource to state coordinators. She reiterated that the purpose of the modules is that the states network may provide more leadership development experiences through the state networks if they have specific leadership modules to follow. Dr. Van Ummersen indicated that the overall purpose of the modules was to enable OWHE to quantify the

3 difference the ACE Network is making throughout the country. If states adopt similar specific programs nationwide, that will permit evaluation of the outcomes of those programs on a national scale. The overarching goal is to determine if what we are doing as a network is making a difference. Such information would be of great value in seeking financial support for the ACE Networks.

Cynthia Forrest volunteered to show a PowerPoint presentation on the ACE Network that she developed for the Rhode Island Women in Higher Education Conference to the board for their critique and possible dissemination to other state networks. She will present this resource during the session on Board Organization.

ACTION ITEM: Dr. Cynthia Forrest will present the PowerPoint she developed on the ACE Network to the board during the retreat for their critique and consideration for dissemination to all state coordinators.

Deborah Loers, Edith Booker, and Teresa Gonzalez volunteered to serve on the planning committee for the 2004 State Coordinators Leadership Conference.

ACTION ITEM: Dr. Deborah Loers, Dr. Edith Booker, and Dr. Teresa Gonzalez will serve on the planning committee for the 2004 State Coordinators Conference, and they will lead the discussion of the conference during the 2003 Summer Retreat.

After a discussion with Dr. Van Ummersen, Josie Baltodano will update the board at the retreat on plans for the next Women of Color conference. Dr. Van Ummersen indicated that a sponsor for the next conference that will be on the East Coast has not been located. Dr. Baltodano and Dr. Van Ummersen will inform the board of the next steps for the Conference on Women of Color.

ACTION ITEM: Dr. Josie Baltodano will talk with Dr. Van Ummersen about the next Women of Color Conference and the way in which the ACE Network Executive Board can support the conference.

The Professional Development Session for the board was discussed in detail. The agenda reflected that a session on the Higher Education Reauthorization Act was planned. If there is a ruling by the Supreme Court on the University of Michigan Affirmative Action case by the time of the retreat, Judith Prince asked that the ruling be discussed as well. Dr. Van Ummersen indicated that ACE would issue a bulletin on the ruling of the court as soon as the decision is announced. Another issue that should be discussed is the implications of severe budget cuts throughout the country. What are the real issues behind the budget cuts? All these issues are of interest to board members, and they have implications for the future work of the board. As a result, these issues should be considered in planning the professional development session for the 2003 Summer Retreat.

4 ACTION ITEM: Bernice Bass de Martinez, Carol Hollenshead, and Josie Baltodano agreed to participate in a discussion on the ruling of the Supreme Court on the University of Michigan Affirmative Action Case during the retreat.

ACTION ITEM: Dr. Claire Van Ummersen is to continue to locate a discussion leader for the retreat on reauthorization issues and other issues suggested by the board.

ACTION ITEM: The ACE Bulletin on the University of Michigan Affirmative Action Case should be sent to all ACE Network State Coordinators as soon as the court decision is announced.

ACTION ITEM: ACE Network Executive Board members are to e-mail Dr. Josephine Reed- Taylor with other additions or changes to the Summer Retreat agenda.

The Leadership Development Modules Dr. Donna Phillips, Associate Director of the OWHE, informed the board that progress is being made on the leadership development module for budget management. She indicated that a final draft should be available for the board to review at the summer retreat.

The States Dr. Carol Hollenshead reported that Michigan held its annual state conference for Michigan Women in Higher Education recently. Dr. Mary Sue Coleman and Dr. Lou Anna K. Simon, Interim President and Provost at Michigan State University, were keynote speakers at the conference. Over 200 women participated in the conference. Preceding the conference was a meeting of Institutional Representatives in Michigan that was followed by time to play golf, get a massage, or engage in other fun activities. During the conference, Michigan Women in Higher Education reviewed the Strategic Plan for Michigan Women in Higher Education that was prepared by Dr. Martha Tack, State Coordinator for Michigan.

Dr. Cynthia Forrest announced that Massachusetts held their annual women presidents' dinner that was attended by over 80 presidents in the state. The program focused on the pipeline of the presidency from the perspective of a first-year president to a president preparing for retirement.

Dr. Delores Honey reported on the Leadership Development Seminar for Institutional Representatives of Missouri. Dr. Mary Kitterman participated in the leadership development seminar representing the ACE Network Executive Board as the liaison to Missouri. The purpose of the session was to clarify the role of Institutional Representatives, and Dr. Judith Prince was a speaker on the program. Other speakers included college presidents in the state and former higher education leaders, such as Dr. Kala Stroup, President, American Humanics, who shared a story of her first meeting with Dr. Emily Taylor when she was traveling about the country establishing state networks.

5 Dr. Stroup credited her success in obtaining a presidency to the ACE national network. Among the sessions planned for the Institutional Representatives was a session in which they met in groups according to their geographical location in the state in order to "brainstorm" future programs that might be offered on a regional basis.

On the evening before the leadership seminar, members of the Missouri Presidential Advisory Committee were recognized with beautiful awards and a magnificent dinner. Members of the Missouri Planning Committee joined in the celebration and recognized each member of the advisory board for her support of the Missouri ACE Network. Dr. Delores Honey recognized each member of the Missouri Planning Board with special gifts as well. The session was not only a celebration but also an opportunity for the advisory board members to discuss what they would like to see as future programs of the Missouri Network and for the advisory board members to network with each other and the planning board.

Dr. Elaine Maimon briefly reported on the remarkable success of the Arizona Leadership Seminar. She felt that the leadership conference as a transformational experience for women in Arizona. All three major state university presidents participated on a panel at the conference. Dr. Judith Prince was a keynote speaker, and top women leaders in the three state universities served on leadership panels. Mentoring sessions followed each panel. At the conclusion of the event, campus coordinators were chosen for state universities for the Arizona Network of Women in Higher. A Celebration of Intention- Sharing Session in which each woman shared her intentions for action for both personal and professional leadership concluded the conference. Outcomes of the conference in Arizona were extraordinary. Dr. Prince and Dr. Maimon congratulated Dr. Margaret Hatcher, State Coordinator for Arizona, for her work with the Arizona Planning Committee in planning this successful event during which the Arizona Network of Women in Higher Education was born. Look for more information on this leadership forum in an article by Dr. Hatcher in the July 2003 issue of the ACE NetworkNews.

State coordinators for Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, and North Dakota were discussed. Dr. Van Ummersen stated that she would review the participants in the previous OWHE Leadership Forums to determine if there is a possible candidate for state coordinator in Oklahoma in that group. She stated that she would contact the president of the University of Tulsa, Dr. Bob Lawless, as well to determine if he could recommend a possible coordinator. Dr. Manuel Fernos, President of the University of Puerto Rico, should be contacted again as he was to have nominated a woman from among women chancellors in the system.

ACTION ITEM: Dr. Claire Van Ummersen will review the list of participants from the previous leadership forums to determine if there is a possible candidate for state coordinator of Oklahoma.

ACTION ITEM: Dr. Claire Van Ummersen will contact the president of the University of Tulsa, Dr. Bob Lawless, to seek a recommendation for a state coordinator for Oklahoma.

6 Addendum to the June 18, 2003 Minutes of the ACE Network Executive Board: This is the last set of minutes I will prepare as Chair of the ACE Network Executive Board. As I said in an earlier message, the preparation of the minutes of The ACE Network meetings and conference calls has, indeed, been a labor of love. I use the minutes to gauge the progress we are making as a network. By studying these minutes, you see that we are stronger than ever. Note that almost every member of the ACE Network Executive Board participated in this conference call. Those who could not do so, such as Carol Moore and Karen Haynes, were attending presidential retreats or were engaged in meetings from which they, as CEO's of their campuses, could not be absent. Note that OWHE had a most successful month, with a leadership forum described by many participants as the most positive professional development experience they have had, with the awarding of a Sloan grant, with exciting presentations on women's leadership by Dr. Claire Van Ummersen throughout the country, and with work continuing on the leadership development modules. Note that a successful transition of the editorship of NetworkNews from Kristin Davidson to Judith Fountain is in process as Kristin steps down from the board after a most year productive year as editor of the NetworkNews in its first year. Note as well the exciting programs that are taking place in state networks across the country. I cannot capture in these minutes the excitement that I felt as we discussed the work of OWHE and the ACE Network during this conference call.

Would Vice President Van Ummersen and all the staff of OWHE, members of the ACE Network Executive Board, the State Coordinators, State Planning Committee members, Institutional Representatives, all support staff for the NetworkNews, all presidential sponsors, and all who have contributed to the extraordinary success of the ACE Network, PLEASE STAND AND TAKE A BOW!!!!

THE NEXT MEETING OF THE ACE NETWORK EXECUTIVE BOARD will be at the 2003 Summer Retreat in Chicago on July 31-August 1.

Prepared by Judith S. Prince Chair, ACE Network Executive Board Phone: (864) 503-5328 [email protected]


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